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Verb To be Interrogative and negative forms

(Formas negativa e interrogativa)

1. Forma negativa
A forma negativa com o verbo To be se faz
mediante o emprego da palavra not aps o verbo.
I am well. I am not well. (Eu estou bem. Eu no
estou bem)
Forma negativa tempo Presente Forma

I am not (Eu no sou / Eu no estou)

Im not
You are not
You arent
He is not
He isnt
She is not
She isnt
It is not
It isnt
We are not
We arent
They are not
2. Forma interrogativa
Na forma interrogativa, o verbo To be precede o
sujeito (ou seja, vem antes do sujeito).
He is rich. Is he rich? Note que o verbo To be (is)
veio antes do sujeito (he).
Am I?

Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are they?

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