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False Cognates
Actually - na verdade, o fato que
Adept - especialista, profundo conhecedor
Agenda - pauta do dia, pauta para discusses
Alias nome falso, pseudnimo
Amass - acumular, juntar
Anthem hino
Anticipate - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa
Application - inscrio, registro, uso
appoint nomear, indicar
Appointment - hora marcada, compromisso profissional
Appreciation - gratido, reconhecimento
Argument - discusso, bate boca
Assist - ajudar, dar suporte
Assume - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro
Attend - assistir, participar de
Audience - platia, pblico
Balcony - sacada
Baton - batuta (msica), cacetete
Beef - carne de gado
Cafeteria - refeitrio tipo universitrio ou industrial
Camera - mquina fotogrfica
Carton - caixa de papelo, pacote de cigarros (200)
Casualty - baixa (morte fruto de acidente ou guerra), fatalidade
Cigar - charuto
Collar - gola, colarinho, coleira
College - faculdade, ensino de 3 grau
Commodity - artigo, mercadoria
Competition - concorrncia
Comprehensive - abrangente, amplo, extenso
Compromise - entrar em acordo, fazer concesso
Contest - competio, concurso
Convenient - prtico
Costume - fantasia (roupa)
Data - dados (nmeros, informaes)
Deception - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar
Defendant - ru, acusado
Design - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo
Devolve transferir, transmitir
Diversion desvio, distrao (pode ser diverso tambm)
Editor - redator
Educated - instrudo, com alto grau de escolaridade
Emission - descarga (de gases, etc.)
Enroll - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se
Eventually - finalmente, conseqentemente
Exciting - empolgante
Exit - sada, sair
Expert - especialista, perito
Exquisite - belo, refinado
Fabric - tecido
Genial - afvel, aprazvel

Graduate program - Curso de ps-graduao
Gratuity- gratificao, gorjeta
Grip - agarrar firme
Hazard - risco, arriscar
Idiom - expresso idiomtica, linguajar
Income tax return - declarao de imposto de renda
Ingenious - engenhoso
Ingenuity - engenhosidade
Injury - ferimento
Inscription - gravao em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.)
Intend - pretender, ter inteno
Intoxication - embriaguez, efeito de drogas
Jar - pote
Journal - peridico, revista especializada
Lamp - luminria
Large - grande, espaoso
Lecture - palestra, aula
Legend - lenda
Library - biblioteca
Location - localizao
Lunch - almoo
Magazine - revista
Mayor - prefeito
Medicine - remdio, medicina
Moisture - umidade
Motel - hotel de beira de estrada
Notice - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, comunicao
Novel - romance
Office - escritrio
Parents - pais
Particular - especfico, exato
Pasta - massa (alimento)
Policy - poltica (diretrizes)
Port - porto
Prejudice - preconceito
Prescribe - receitar
Preservative - conservante
Pretend - fingir
Private - particular
Procure - conseguir, adquirir
Propaganda - divulgao de idias/fatos com intuito de manipular
Pull - puxar
Push - empurrar
Range - variar, cobrir
Realize - notar, perceber, dar-se conta, conceber uma idia
Recipient - recebedor, agraciado
Record - gravar, disco, gravao, registro
Refrigerant - substncia refrigerante usada em aparelhos
Requirement - requisito
Resume - retomar, reiniciar
Rsum - curriculum vitae, currculo

Retired - aposentado
Senior - idoso
Sensible - sensato
Service - atendimento
Scholar erudito, sbio
Stranger - desconhecido
Stupid - burro
Support apoiar, sustentar, apoio, sustento
Tax - imposto
Trainer - preparador fsico
Turn - vez, volta, curva, virar, girar
Vegetables - verduras, legumes


1. (EFOMM) Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.

A ____________ person has 'common sense', and does not make stupid decisions.
a) bored
b) mischievous
c) clumsy
d) jealous
e) sensible

2. (EFOMM) People who never think of other peoples feelings are very
a) insensible
b) impolite
c) inconsiderate
d) brutal
e) sensitive

3. (UFV) The word Particular in the sentence Much to the surprise of everyone, the remark-
able conclusion of the research showed that people of a certain group actually were born
under a PARTICULAR planet, means the same as:
a) private
b) specific
c) ordinary
d) personal
e) general

4. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde traduo mais adequada da frase

nominal, entre aspas, a seguir: Future generations may regard the scientific indictment of
smoking as 'a major contribution' to preventive medicine and the health of the western
a) uma contribuio importante
b) uma contribuio do major
c) a maior contribuio
d) uma contribuio para o major
e) a importante contribuio

5. (MACKENZIE) The meaning of EXQUISITELY in the sentence Their children were ex-
quisitely dressed is:
a) strangely or unexpected.
b) extremely beautiful in appearance.
c) oddly with an unusual appearance.
d) peculiarly with a special or unique quality.
e) very unattractive and unpleasant to look at.

6. (MACKENZIE) The meaning of CONSISTENT in the sentence Mr. Brown's behavior is

not consistent with his ideas is:
a) coherent.
b) contradictory.
c) right.
d) persuasive.
e) strong.

7. (UNIRIO) A opo que contm um falso cognato :

a) enthusiasts
b) processes
c) outdoors
d) spades
e) parts

8. (JFS) Dadas as sentenas:

1. The boys __________ the game yesterday night.
2. He gave a __________ of diamond to his mother.
3. I didnt like the film, it was __________.
4. They __________ finished the test.
Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaos em branco:
a) assisted / collar / terrific / eventually
b) assisted / necklace / terrific / eventually
c) watched / necklace / terrible / finally
d) watched / collar / terrific / finally
e) watched / necklace / terrific / eventually

9. (ITA) Dadas as afirmaes de que:

2. TO RESUME significa RETOMAR.
3. SYLLABUS pode significar SLABA.
Constatamos que est (esto) correta(s):
a) Apenas a afirmao n 1.
b) Apenas a afirmao n 2.
c) Apenas a afirmao n 3.
d) Apenas as afirmaes nmeros 1 e 2.
e) Todas as afirmaes.

10. (ITA) Dadas as afirmaes de que em portugus:

1. SCHOLAR significa LETRADO.
2. SENSIBLE significa SENSATO.
3. FABRIC significa TECIDO.
Constatamos que est (esto) correta(s) :

a) Apenas a afirmao n 1.
b) Apenas a afirmao n 2.
c) Apenas a afirmao n 3.
d) Apenas as afirmaes nmeros 1 e 2.
e) Todas as afirmaes.

11. (ITA) A alternativa que corretamente traduz (mantendo a ordem das palavras) Ele pu-
xou ou empurrou a porta quando chegou l?, :
a) Did he push or pull the door when he got there?
b) Did he pushed or pulled the door when he arrived there?
c) Did he pull or push the door when he got there?
d) Pushed or pulled he the door when he gots there?
e) Pushed or pulled him the door when he arrived there?

12. (Escola Naval) In They pretended to be dead, TO PRETEND means:

a) entender
b) pretender
c) fingir
d) tender
e) fazer

13. (Escola Naval) In They suffered from the injuries sustained in the crash, INJURIES
a) ofensas
b) ferimentos
c) injrias
d) calnias
e) fraturas

14. (JFS) What does the word ESTATE mean?

a) estado
b) estatal
c) propriedade
d) fortuna
e) riqueza


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