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God will not force you; he will lead you if youre willing to be led.

You go forward in
faith, or you dont go forward theres no alternative.

If you help a chicken out of the egg, it wont have the strength to live when it comes

The crossing of the river Jordan:

No bridge, no boat; the river was in flood. And thats how the Lord usually arranges
it: when you have to cross your Jordan its usually in flood. But if Gods going to do
it, it doesnt matter.

The priests had to go forward and put their feet on the water. Only then the river
opened. If you wait for the river to open before going forward, it wont work. You
need faith to progress.

Peo-te, Pai, possa ser o teu Cristo crucificado o centro da minha vida.
Que, perdida a minha vida, a cada dia eu carregue minhas cruzes pela via da tua
Vontade, levado no por minha mente, por minhas emoes e vontades, mas pelo
teu Santo Esprito, cheio do teu temor, da tua paz, alegria e esperana.
Pois tua perfeita Vontade me mais valiosa que muitos mundos e muitas vidas,
porque nela se encontra teu Santo e AltssimoTemplo, onde anseio contemplar tua
infinitude, meditar na tua verdade, aprender contigo, e nele tomar refgio todos os
dias de minha vida.
Ali serei inundado com a tua fartura; ali me fars beber do rio dos teus deleites. Pois
a Fonte da Vida est em Ti, e na Tua luz verei a luz.

Uma coisa peo ao Senhor, e a buscarei: que eu possa habitar na Casa do Senhor
todos os dias de minha vida, para contemplar a beleza do Senhor e meditar em seu
Templo; pois me oculta em seus trios no dia da infelicidade. Um dia em tuas cortes
melhor que mil. Minha morada a casa de Iahweh, por dias sem fim.

But O most blessd truth, for truth thou art,

Abide thou with me till my life shall end.
Divinity hath surely touched my heart
I have possessed more joy than earth can lend:
I may attain what time shall never spend.
Only let not my duller days destroy
The memory of thy witness and my joy.

Because in drawing near to its desire,

Our intellect engulphs itself so far,
That after it the memory cannot go.

O Light Eterne, sole in thyself that dwellest,

Sole knowest thyself, and, known unto thyself
And knowing, lovest and smilest on thyself!
One moment is more lethargy to me,
Than five and twenty centuries to the emprise
That startled Neptune with the shade of Argo!
My mind in this wise wholly in suspense,
Steadfast, immovable, attentive gazed,
And evermore with gazing grew enkindled.
In presence of that light one such becomes,
That to withdraw therefrom for other prospect
It is impossible he e'er consent;
Because the good, which object is of will,
Is gathered all in this, and out of it
That is defective which is perfect there.
Shorter henceforward will my language fall
Of what I yet remember, than an infant's
Who still his tongue doth moisten at the breast.
Not because more than one unmingled semblance
Was in the living light on which I looked,
For it is always what it was before;
But through the sight, that fortified itself
In me by looking, one appearance only
To me was ever changing as I changed.

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