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Ingles Instrumental.
Iva Camargo


Introdução Ao curso
Este material é um conjunto de textos, abordagens gramaticais com exercícios
que possibilitaram ao aluno desenvolver as habilidades de reconhecimento de
diferentes tipos de textos e PREDICTION, SKIMMING, SCANNING.

O curso tem como objetivo capacitar e instrumentalizar os alunos nas habilidades

e competências de leitura e escrita no idioma Inglês, o que nos permite entender
que proporcionará um nível de Leitura e Escrita básicas e intermediárias, a
depender do conhecimento prévio dos alunos, os tornado aptos para manusear
texto de seu próprio interesse.

(By Maria Ivanilda Simões de lima Camargo)


O que é Inglês Instrumental?

ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES é uma das inúmeras abordagens do ensino de língua
inglesa que trata do inglês técnico e cientifico e/ ou de caráter geral. Focalizando o emprego de
estratégias específicas. Seu objeto é desenvolver a habilidade de leitura ativa, isto é, de
compreensão de textos de diversas áreas do conhecimento escritos em língua inglesa, utilizando
para isso estratégias intuitivamente aplicadas em língua materna e propondo outras.

Inglês Instrumental voltado para a compreensão do texto escrito é um curso que tem como
objetivo levar o leitor a extrair de um texto a informação de que necessita da maneira mais
eficiente possível.

Os textos que queremos ler ou que temos de ler podem ser os mais variados, podendo ser
desde uma estória em quadrinhos até um texto científico, uma receita de cozinha ou um artigo
de jornal.

Quando lemos, utilizamos uma série de técnicas de leitura que já estão internalizados. Por
exemplo, quando queremos a cotação do dólar no jornal,é “cotação” ou “dólar” a palavra que
buscamos, sendo que em seguida buscamos as palavras “compra” e “venda”. Se nos
interessamos muito pelo assunto, vamos a outras informações, se o que temos já é suficiente, o
resto nos é irrelevante no momento.

Neste curso vamos apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que irão ajudá-los a perceber
como os textos podem ser compreendidos como mais facilidades.

Lembramos que é extremamente importante que cada leitor compreenda que a atividade de
leitura é dinâmica, e que cada leitor traz seu próprio significado ao que ler, baseado no que ele
espera do texto e em seu conhecimento prévio.

O que é Leitura?
 Ler é um ato passivo
 Leitura é um processo palavra-por-palavra.
 Um texto deve ser lido somente uma vez.
 Voltar no texto para esclarecer uma dúvida não é uma forma apropriada de leitura
 O objetivo de toda leitura é entender tudo em lembrar todas as palavras num texto
 Ler não só é difícil como chato também
 Toda leitura deve começar do canto esquerdo e seguir descendo na ordem em que o
texto foi escrito.
 A função mais importante de um texto é informar.
 Nem todo leitor consegue ler textos autênticos (livros, revistas, jornais, etc.)
 Os textos servem apenas para ilustrar pontos gramaticais.
 Texto = pretexto
 Durante uma leitura, o importante é o que texto traz até você e não o que você leva para
o texto.
 Sem o conhecimento de todas as palavras de um texto não há leitura.

Então, refletiu sobre as afirmações acima?Agora podemos constarmos que

a leitura é um processo dinâmico. Vamos observar os textos a seguir e
retirar as informações que você consegue perceber.

Antes de ler o texto, tente predizer o que ele pode conter. O que você espera encontrar num
texto cujo título seja VOCABULARY?



Many people consider that vocabulary is the most difficult problem when learning a new
language. But is that really true?

For speakers of Portuguese the vocabulary of English can be divided in these major areas:
technical vocabulary – very frequent words – relatively rare words – cognates and non

The technical vocabulary of English consists mostly of cognates. The very frequent words are
mostly non cognates. Which are the most frequent words in English? The words A, AN, HE,
SHE, I, IN, OF, IS, ARE, THAT, THE and WAS. These twelve words represent about 25% of
all reading in English.

The 250 most frequent words represent approximately 60% of reading in English. In academic
texts, cognates represent about 20% of the words. If you are reading an academic text and you
have a vocabulary of the 250 most frequent words, and you know the technical expressions,
and you can recognize the cognates, you will have solved 60% + 20% = 80% of the vocabulary
problem. Of course if you do not know the 250 most frequent words, your problem is greater!
What is the solution to this problem?

Some solutions are:

a. to learn the meaning of the most frequent words;

b. to use your knowledge of the subject and your general comprehension of the text to infer the
meaning of the words you do not know;

c. to use a dictionary.

In conclusion, it seems that vocabulary can be a problem, but it is only one of the problems. It
is probably not the most difficult problem. The essential thing is to learn strategies for reading.
If you have the correct strategies, you will find that your difficulties will be vastly reduced.


01. Qual a opinião de muitas pessoas sobre vocabulário?



02. Que palavras representam 25% da leitura de um texto?



03. Preencha os esquemas abaixo com informações retiradas do texto

A. Vocabulário do inglês: ÁREAS 01.____________________________

02. ____________________________

03. ____________________________

04. ____________________________

B. Vocabulário do inglês:

________________________ = 20%

________________________ = 60%

TOTAL _________________%

04. Que soluções o texto sugere àqueles que desconhecem as 250 palavras mais freqüentes?
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________
05. De acordo com o texto, o que é necessário para reduzir o problema de vocabulário?
Você concorda com esse ponto de vista?



Deduzindo o significado das palavras:

Durante o processo de compreensão de um texto escrito em língua estrangeira, você deve

procurar entender as palavras desconhecidas no contexto em que estão sendo utilizadas.
Sendo assim, devemos considerar:

- O assunto do texto;

- Tudo aquilo que você já sabe sobre o assunto (por outras fontes);

- As partes do texto que você já entendeu;

- As palavras e frases vizinhas.

A. As palavras em negrito não existem na língua inglesa. Tente descobrir seu significado
através do contexto:

1. Carnival is my favorite tricle.

2. Some typical Brazilian lups are: feijoada, vatapá and pato ao tucupi.

3. I´m exausted! I´d like to grum

4. Rose drives too ruskly. She´s always having traffic accidents.

5. The kinds of troops I like most are: pear, banana and apple.

6. Beth botlets much money on clothes and her husband gets angry with that.

7. The stain film was very good, but the second was terrible.

8. He has two pilts: a Voyage and a Fiat.

9. I will vemage next month. I will go to Manaus for ten days.



A, about, above, after, again, against, all, always, and, any, arm, as, ask, at, away, back,
bad, boy, bring (brought, brought), but, by, call, can, cat, chair, child, cold, come, cry, day,
do (did, done), dog door, down, drink (drank, drunk), each, early, eat (ate, eaten), end,
evening, every, everybody, everything, eye, fall (fell, fallen), father, find (found, found),
finger, first, fly (flew, flown), foot (feet), for, friend, from, get (got, got), girl, give (gave,
given), go (went, gone), good, hand, hand, have (had, had), he, head, hear (heard, heard),
heart, help, her, here, high, him, his, home (at home), hot, house, how, I, if, in, into, it, its,
just, keep (kept, kept), Know(knew, known), land, last, late, left, let (let, let), letter, lie (lay ,
lain), life (lives), like, little, live, long, look (look for), make (made, made), man (men),
many, may (maybe), me, Miss. money, more, morning, most, mother, mouth, Mr., Mrs.,
much, must, my, name, near, never, new, night, no, nobody, nose, not, nothing, now, of,
off, often, old(elder, eldest), on, once (at once), one, only, open, or, other, our, out, over,
own, part, people, place, play, please, put (put, put), quick, rain, read (read, read), ready,
red, right, room, round, run (run, run), the same, say (said, said), see (saw, seen), shall, she,
short, sit (sat, sat), sky, sleep (slept, slept), small, so, some, somebody, something, soon,
stand (stood, stood), start, still, stop, street, such, sun, table, take (took, taken), talk, tell
(told, told), than, thank, thank you, that, the, their, them, then, there, there is, there are,
these, they, thing, think (thought, thought), this, three, through, till, time, to, today,
tomorrow, too, top, two, under, until, up, us, use, very, wait (for), walk, wall, want, warm,
water, we, well, what, when, where, which, white, who, whole, why, will, window, wish,
with, woman, women, word, work, world, wrong, year, yes, yesterday, you, your.

Texto 1

Retire do texto abaixo o máximo de informações que você reconhecer.

Fonte: http://www.ccbeunet.br/blogccbeu/blogSetembro2008.html.acesso:04.set.10

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Texto 2

Fonte: http://www.vintagechildrensbooksmykidloves.com/2009/09/once-upon-time. acesso.04.set.10

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Texto 3

Fonte: http://www.courier-journal.com/blogs/acesso>05.set.10

Olhando com mais cuidado o LAYOUT do texto e as DICA TIPOGRÁFICAS; o que

representam as tabelas? O que elas querem dizer?

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Texto 4

Orkshire Pudding


 3 cups sifted flour

 ¼ teaspoon salt
 3 eggs
 1 cup milk


- Sift flour and salt together.

- Beat eggs until light and add sifted ingredients.
- Add milk gradually and beat 2 minutes with rotary egg beater.
- Prepare pudding to pour into pan 30 minutes before beef has finished roasting.
- Place beef to one side of roasting pan and pour off small amount of fat.
- Grease an oblong pan with drippings and pour Yorkshire pudding mixture into pan.
- Return to oven and cook about 30 minutes.
- Cut into squares and serve with roast beef.

We also offer instant Yorkshire Pudding.


Que tipo de texto é esse?

Cite 3 palavras cujos significados você tenha advinhado?

Como foi possível você advinhar o significado dessas palavras?

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Texto 5

Fonte: http://www.sempretops.com/internet/winzip-gratis/acesso: 04. Set.10

Zip are electronic machines. Zip process information. Zip are capable of communication which the
user, of doing different kinds of arithmetic operations and make three kinds of decisions. However, Zip
are incapable of thinking. Zip accepts data and instructions as input and after processing Zip> Zip
output the results.

When talking about computers both hardware and software need to be considered. The former refers
to the actual machinery, whereas the latter refers to the programs Zip control and coordinate the
activities of the hardware while processing the data.

The first Zip was built in 1930 but since then Zip technology has involved a great deal. There are three
different kinds of Zip in use today: the mainframe, the mini Zip and micro Zip. Zip has are thing in
common: Zip operate quickly and accurately in solving problems.

De acordo com o contexto é possível depreender o significado da palavra Zip?

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Você deve ter percebido como CONTEXTO é importante pára ajudá-lo a descobrir o
significado de palavras desconhecidas. Você deve ter usado essa estratégia várias vezes ao ler
textos em português. Procure transferir essa estratégia de leitura _ Uso do contexto- para
situações em inglês. Você perceberá que isso facilitará a construção do significado de um texto
em inglês que necessite ler.

Trabalhar com o LAY-OUT do texto, é uma pista que pode revelar muito sobre o texto a ser
lido. Através do LAY-OUT pode saber se o texto trata de: entrevista, reportagem, receita
culinária, poema, dicionário, índice, etc. Basta, agora que você transfira essa estratégia para
textos a serem lidos em inglês.

A leitura é uma atividade que envolve constantes adivinhações, suposições (guesses), que
são rejeitadas, ou confirmadas, á medida que se processa a leitura. Isso significa que uma
pessoa não lê todas as sentenças de um texto da mesma maneira, mas confia em um número de
palavras ou dicas para obter ou inferir uma idéia do tipo de sentença que, provalvemente, virá
em seguida. Como leitor, você pode usar o seu senso e experiência para ajudar a predizer as
idéias de um determinado texto. Assim, você estará fazendo uso da estratégia PREDICTION.

A estratégia de leitura SKIMMING consiste na leitura rápida de um texto para se adquirir

uma impressão geral sobre seu assunto. Já a estratégia SCANNING, permite ao leitor localizar
informações específicas sem recorrer à leitura linear do texto.

Outra estratégia que nós auxiliamos na compreensão de um texto é a utilização de recursos

visuais, tais como: números, símbolos, letras maiúsculas, títulos, subtítulos, gráficos,
fotografias, tabelas. Esses recursos são chamados DICAS TIPOGRÁFICAS.
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Texto 6

Fonte:http://mostraum.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/383/:acesso 05.Set.10

O que você pode predize sobre esse assunto?


Faça uma lista com, com pelo menos 5 palavras que você acha encontrar no texto, compartilhe
suas predições com seus colegas.


Agora volte ao texto e confirme ou não suas predições.

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Texto 7

De onde você acha que esse texto foi retirado?


De que tipo de texto se trata?

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Podemos classificar o vocabulário da Língua Inglesa de três maneiras:

Termos Cognatos, Falsos Cognatos e termos não cognatos

Os termos cognatos são muito comuns na Língua Inglesa. São termos de procedência grega e
latina, bastante parecidos com o português, tanto na forma como no significado. È

interessante notar que os cognatos podem ser:

a) Idênticos: hospital, câncer, diabetes, tumores, nuclear, chocolate, banana, etc.

b) Bastante parecidas: infection, diet., inflammatory, factor, diuretic, information,

concentrate, etc.
c) Vagamente parecidos: electricity, pressure,sensitivity, possible, effects, success, etc
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Texto 8
Agora que você já conhece a estratégia COGNATA, leia o texto abaixo e marque as palavras

Precious Primate
A new species of primate, the Ka’apar capuchin (cebus Kaapar) has been discovered in
Maranhão state, in the far east of the Brazilian Amazon basin.

The animal is similar to the weeping capuchin, which lives in the same region, says Helder
Queiroz, the biologist Who discovered the monkey. But differences in the cranial bonés
persuaded him that they are separate species. The Ka’apor capuchin, is a silverygrey colour,
while the weeping capuchin is Brown. The Ka’apor is about 50-centimeter tail, and weighs
3 kilograms.

Much of the region where the capuchin lives is protected land, but Queiroz says the
government Indian agency, FUNAI, and the environment agency, IBAMA, do not have
enough cash to protect the reserves properly, and the number of capuchins seems to be

(Source: New Scientist, 13, November1993).

Qual é o assunto do texto?


De onde ele foi retirado e qual o mês e ano em que foi publicado?


Que tipo de texto é esse?

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Texto 9

It restores sex drive.

It boosts muscle mass

And soon you can get it as gel

But it can also be dangerous.

Is the edge worth it?

Source: Time, April 24,2000

Prediga o assunto do texto, indicando alguns cognatos que podem ser encontrados:


Grife os cognatos.

Os falsos cognatos: É a minoria na língua inglesa. São aqueles que pela aparência, levam-nos a
pensar em uma falsa tradução. È importante que se observe a adequação do seu significado no

What Testosterone does...?

Testosterone is most important male sex hormone. It helps the body produce and maintain adult
male features.

Low levels of testosterone affect a man’s sex driver, physical features and mood.

About 5 million American men have low testosterone. Low testosterone can be treated with
hormone replacement therapy.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy gives the body more testosterone to replace what is lost. This
therapy can take care of many symptoms of low testosterone.

Testosterone replacement therapy may:

 Increase interest is sex

 Produce more frequent erections
 Reduce depression, anger and fatigue.
 Maintain male traits, such as a beard.
 Increase muscle mass and bone density
 Strengthen the hand and leg muscles.

Hormone Replacement Therapy can be in the form of

 Pills
 Injections
 Gel and patches
 Gum tablets

Testosterone pills or capsules are not recommended as hormone replacement for men.
In weak concentrations, these pills are not as effective as injections, gels, patches or
gum tablets. In high concentrations, they can cause serious, adverse effects on the liver.
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Deep muscle injections are the least expensive. They are taken every 7 to 22 days.
Testosterone levels are highest 2 to 3 days after an injection and slowly go back down.



Ricardo Schütz
Atualizado em 5 de maio de 2006

Falsos conhecidos, também chamados de falsos amigos ou falsos cognatos, são

palavras normalmente derivadas do latim que aparecem em diferentes idiomas com
ortografia semelhante, e que têm, portanto a mesma origem, mas que ao longo dos
tempos acabaram adquirindo significados diferentes.

No caso de palavras com sentido múltiplo, esta não-equivalência pode ocorrer em

apenas alguns sentidos da palavra, e nem sempre no sentido principal. Aqui neste
trabalho são considerados falsos cognatos apenas aquelas palavras que
predominantemente ocorrem como tal no inglês moderno. Longe de ser exaustiva, esta
lista de falsos cognatos serve apenas para exemplificar o problema com ocorrências
comuns e freqüentes.

É importante também lembrar que é forte a presença de vocábulos de origem latina

no inglês, sendo que a porcentagem de ocorrência dessas palavras como falsos cognatos
em relação ao português é insignificante - menos de 0,1%. Portanto, o iniciante no
aprendizado de inglês não deve preocupar-se com qualquer probabilidade de erro ao
interpretar palavras do inglês parecidas com palavras do português.
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Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que ... Atualmente - nowadays, today
Adept (n) - especialista, profundo conhecedor Adepto - supporter
Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discussões Agenda - appointment book; agenda
Amass (v) - acumular, juntar Amassar - crush
Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa Antecipar - to bring forward, to move forward
Application (n) - inscrição, registro, uso Aplicação (financeira) - investment
Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional Apontamento - note
Appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento Apreciação - judgement
Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca Argumento - reasoning, point
Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte Assistir - to attend, to watch
Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro Assumir - to take over
Attend (v) - assistir, participar de Atender - to help; to answer; to see, to examine
Audience (n) - platéia, público Audiência - court appearance; interview
Balcony (n) - sacada Balcão - counter
Baton (n) - batuta (música), cacetete Batom - lipstick
Beef (n) - carne de gado Bife - steak
Cafeteria (n) - refeitório tipo universitário ou industrial Cafeteria - coffee shop, snack bar
Camera (n) - máquina fotográfica Câmara - tube (de pneu) chamber (grupo de
Carton (n) - caixa de papelão, pacote de cigarros (200) pessoas)
Casualty (n) - baixa (morte fruto de acidente ou guerra), Cartão - card
fatalidade Casualidade - chance, fortuity
Cigar (n) - charuto Cigarro - cigarette
Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira Colar - necklace
College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3º grau Colégio (2º grau) - high school
Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria Comodidade - comfort
Competition (n) - concorrência Competição - contest
Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, extenso Compreensivo - understanding
Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer concessão Compromisso - appointment; date
Contest (n) - competição, concurso Contexto - context
Convenient (adj) - prático Conveniente - appropriate
Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa) Costume - custom, habit
Data (n) - dados (números, informações) Data - date
Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar Decepção - disappointment
Defendant (n) - réu, acusado Advogado de defesa - defense attorney
Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo Designar - to appoint
Editor (n) - redator Editor - publisher
Educated (adj) - instruído, com alto grau de escolaridade Educado - with a good upbringing, well-
Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.) mannered, polite
Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se Emissão - issuing (of a document, etc.)
Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqüentemente Enrolar - to roll; to wind; to curl
Exciting (adj) - empolgante Eventualmente - occasionally
Exit (n, v) - saída, sair Excitante - thrilling
Expert (n) - especialista, perito Êxito - success
Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado Esperto - smart, clever
Fabric (n) - tecido Esquisito - strange, odd
Genial (adj) - afável, aprazível Fábrica - plant, factory
Graduate program (n) - Curso de pós-graduação Genial - brilliant
Gratuity (n) - gratificação, gorjeta Curso de graduação - undergraduate program
Grip (v) - agarrar firme Gratuidade - the quality of being free of charge
Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar Gripe - cold, flu, influenza
Idiom (n) - expressão idiomática, linguajar Azar - bad luck
Income tax return (n) - declaração de imposto de renda Idioma - language
Ingenuity (n) - engenhosidade Devolução de imposto de renda - income tax
Injury (n) - ferimento refund
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Inscription (n) - gravação em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, Ingenuidade - naiveté / naivety
etc.) Injúria - insult
Intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção Inscrição - registration, application
Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas Entender - understand
Jar (n) - pote Intoxicação - poisoning
Journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada Jarra - pitcher
Lamp (n) - luminária Jornal - newspaper
Large (adj) - grande, espaçoso Lâmpada - light bulb
Lecture (n) - palestra, aula Largo - wide
Legend (n) - lenda Leitura - reading
Library (n) - biblioteca Legenda - subtitle
Location (n) - localização Livraria - book shop
Lunch (n) - almoço Locação - rental
Magazine (n) - revista Lanche - snack
Mayor (n) - prefeito Magazine - department store
Medicine (n) - remédio, medicina Maior - bigger
Moisture (n) - umidade Medicina - medicine
Motel (n) - hotel de beira de estrada Mistura - mix, mixture, blend
Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, comunicação Motel - love motel, hot-pillow joint, no-tell motel
Novel (n) - romance Notícia - news
Office (n) - escritório Novela - soap opera
Parents (n) - pais Oficial - official
Particular (adj) - específico, exato Parentes - relatives
Pasta (n) - massa (alimento) Particular - personal, private
Policy (n) - política (diretrizes) Pasta - paste; folder; briefcase
Port (n) - porto Polícia - police
Prejudice (n) - preconceito Porta - door
Prescribe (v) - receitar Prejuízo - damage, loss
Preservative (n) - conservante Prescrever - expire
Pretend (v) - fingir Preservativo - condom
Private (adj) - particular Pretender - to intend, to plan
Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir Privado - private
Propaganda (n) - divulgação de idéias/fatos com intuito de Procurar - to look for
manipular Propaganda - advertisement, commercial
Pull (v) - puxar Pular - to jump
Push (v) - empurrar Puxar - to pull
Range (v) - variar, cobrir Ranger - to creak, to grind
Realize (v) - notar, perceber, dar-se conta, conceber uma Realizar - to carry out, make come true, to
idéia accomplish
Recipient (n) - recebedor, agraciado Recipiente - container
Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação, registro Recordar - to remember, to recall
Refrigerant (n) - substância refrigerante usada em aparelhos Refrigerante - soft drink, soda, pop, coke
Requirement (n) - requisito Requerimento - request, petition
Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar Resumir - summarize
Résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo Resumo - summary
Retired (adj) - aposentado Retirado - removed, secluded
Senior (n) - idoso Senhor - gentleman, sir
Service (n) - atendimento Serviço - job
Stranger (n) - desconhecido Estrangeiro - foreigner
Stupid (adj) - burro Estúpido - impolite, rude (Rio Grande do Sul)
Support (v) - apoiar Suportar (tolerar) - tolerate, can stand
Tax (n) - imposto Taxa - rate; fee
Trainer (n) - preparador físico Treinador - coach
Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar Turno - shift; round
Vegetables (n) - verduras, legumes Vegetais - plants
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Texto 10


In the morning I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The
discussion was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement
age, etc. Both sides were interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary
recorded everything in the notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final
draft of the agreement.

Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked me if I had realized that the proposed
agreement would be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have
already retired. I pretended to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the
cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to discuss the matter at that particular moment because there
were some strangers in the office.

After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and
has a graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare
programs and senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public
library, and establish tougher limits on vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what the
people expect from the government.

Copyright © 1996 - 2008 S&K

25 | P á g i n a

Text 11

Is the public really more accepting of AIDS? A study presented at a meeting of the American
Psychological Association recently suggested that it depends mostly on familiarity with the
disease. Researches from the University of California at San Francisco interviewed 399
Lindoners, New Yorkers and San Franciscans and found out that the longer people were aware
of AIDS, the more tolerant their attitudes were. Ignorance about the illness was linked to
increased prejudice and fear.

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese.

Inglês Português


3-Complete the text with the corresponding English words.

Is the public really more accepting of AIDs? A__________ (estudo) presented at a______(reunião)
of American Psychological recently suggested that it depends mostly on __________
(familiaridade) with the ___________ (doença).__________(pesquisadores) from the University of
California at San Francisco interviewed 399_____________(Londrina), New Yorkers and San
Franciscans and found out that ___________(quanto mais) people were aware of AIDS,
the__________(mais) tolerant their attitudes were. Ignorance___________(sobre)
the__________(doença) was linked to increased_____________(preconceito)
26 | P á g i n a

4- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. to be accepting of _______________________

02. meeting _______________________
03. to dependo n _______________________
04. disease _______________________
05. reseachers ________________________
06. to interview, interviewed, interviewed ________________________
07. to find, found, found _________________________
08. to be aware of _________________________
09. illness _________________________
10. to be linked to _________________________
11. to increase _________________________
12. prejudice _________________________
13. fear _________________________

O que o estudo sobre AIDS, apresentado na reunião da “American Psychological
Associations”, sugira?


According to the text

a) People with have AIDS in the family are more accepting of the disease .
b) People become more tolerant of AIDS IF they have had it for a long time.
c) The more people know about AIDS, the more tolerant they are.
d) Only ignorant people believe AIDS is prejudicial.
e) Ignorance of AIDS can cause great harm to people.
27 | P á g i n a

Text 12

Miami, Nov. 30- A 93-year-old chungle was jailed here for a night on a charge of armed
robbery after she gucked to pay what she considered an exorbitant taxi fare,
then wug the driver with her walking stick and fought the Police Who came to
his orck.

Johama Biscoe gucked to pay the $10 fare on Friday. When the taxi driver vichoded, she
wug him with her walking stick.

When the caretakers of the flats where she lives came to his orck, she attacked them, too.
Two policemen were kicked.Scratched and wug with her stick.

After finally overpowering the chungle, they charged her with armed robbery and
clochesting arrest, “disarmed” her and took her off to prison.

Back at home, she was reported to have recovered with the orck of a large whisky and
orange juice.

(Adaptado de Streamline English – Destinations Workbook B _ Bernard Hartley & Peter Viney OUP, 1984)

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português

28 | P á g i n a

3-Match the two columns. The first exercise has been done for you.

01-to be jailed on a charge of a. (04) motorista

02- armed robbery b. ( ) tarifa
03- fare c. ( ) ser preso sob acusação de
04- driver d. ( ) dar pontapés
05- walking stick e. ( ) assalto à mão armada
06- to fight f. ( ) zeladores
07- caretakers g. ( ) arranhar
08- to kick h. ( ) brigar
09- to scratch i. ( ) dominar
10- to overpower j. ( ) bengala

4-Complete the vocabulary list below writing the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. to be jailed on a charge of __________________________

02. armed robbery __________________________
03. to hit, hit, hit _________________________
04. Walking stick _________________________
05. caretaker _________________________
06. to live, lived, lived _________________________
07. to overpower, overpowered, overpowered _________________________
08. to arrest, arrested, arrested _________________________

Text 13 (FGV/SP)

For more than two years the horror has been creeping across the African continent: a
devastating drought that has left in its wake some 35 million starving men, women and
children. In Ethiopia alone, where at least 6 million people are destitute, this year’s death toll
may soon reach 900,000. Despite warnings from relief agencies like the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) that the globe is facing the greatest human disaster in recent
history, the response has been widespread indifference.
29 | P á g i n a

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


3- Match the two columns. The first exercise has been done for you.

01. To creep a. ( ) miserável

02. Drought b. ( ) esfomeado
03. Wake c. ( ) despertar
04. Starving d. ( ) apesar de
05. Destitute e. ( ) rastejar
06. Despite f. ( ) seca
07. Warning g. ( ) entidades de ajuda humanitária
08. Relief agencies h. ( ) advertência

1. Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. To creep, crept, crept ___________________________

02. Devastating ___________________________
03. Drought ____________________________
04. Wake ____________________________
05. Starving ____________________________
06. At least ____________________________
07. Destitute ____________________________
08. Death toll ____________________________
09. To reach, reached ,reached ___________________________
10. Despite ____________________________
11. Warnings ____________________________
12. Relief agencies ____________________________
30 | P á g i n a

Text 14 (SANTA CASA – SP)

At last there is hope for burn patients with massive injuries thanks to a new method of growing
large patches of skin in laboratory flasks, using postage stamp-sized scraps retrieved from a
burn victim’s body. The “test tube” skin is “shiny and pink and smooth”, but it differs from
normal tissue in several ways. It lacks hair follicles and sweat glands, Which does not appear to
be a problem. The new skin is also thinner than natural tissue, having no dermis. Researchers
caution that it will take years to assess the success of cultured skin but they believe “it appears
permanent and durable.”

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


3- Complete the text with corresponding English words.

________________ (finalmente) there is hope for_____________(queimados) patients with

massive_______ (lesões) thanks to a new method of growing large _________(emplastros) of skin
in laboratory_________(fracos), using__________(do tamanho de selos)
scraps___________(recuperados) from a burn victim’s body.
31 | P á g i n a

Text 15 (MOGI)

Regarding your article “Committed Youth” (Family, Aug.28), it appears that there is a growing
similarity between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Soviet government sends its
people to mental hospitals when their beliefs disagree with communist officials’. In the United
States, parents send their adolescent children to mental hospitals when they behave in a manner
not to their liking.

Jean Suttle

Lempaala, Finland

NEWSWEEK, October 2, 1989

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


1-Now complete the vocabulary list below with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. article __________________

02. “Committed Youth” __________________
03. to appear, appered, appeared ________________
32 | P á g i n a

04. growing _________________

05. regarding __________________
06. Similarity __________________
07. between __________________
08. government __________________
09. to send, sent, sent __________________
10. mental hospitals __________________
11. beliefs __________________
12. to disagree,disagreed,disagreed _______________
13. official ___________________
14. parents ___________________
15. relatives ___________________
16. adolescent children ___________________
17. behave ___________________
18. manner ___________________
19. liking ____________________

Text 16 (PUC_SP)

Malaysia’s International Offshore Financial Centre

The island of Lubuan in Malysia commands a strategic position in one the most dynamic
regions of the world: the Asia Pacific region.

The potential for growth in this region appears to be limitless as a result of its continuing
healthy export trade, rapidly expanding economies and reservoir of professionals.

More and more, corporations seeking growth are turning to the Asia Pacific countries.

Now there is Labuan to offer development of offshore activities with assurance of


Labuan, Malaysia”s International Offshore Financial Centre (IOFC), presents an unprecedented

opportunity for businesses to benefit from a number of incentives- yet need to adhere to only a
minimum of rules and regulations.Minimal taxes will be imposed.
33 | P á g i n a

Confidentiality, unless otherwise required by law, is guaranted on shareholding, ownership and


Common law trusts will be recognized, as Malaysia’s legal system is based on the English legal

Among the activities accorded preferential treatment in Labuan are:

 Offshore insurance
 Trust and fund management
 Offshore investment holdings
Malaysia. The politically stable economic powerhouse with a high growth rate.
Malaysia’s achievements come from political stability, prudent planning, an excellent
administration system, a strong sense of economic direction and a vigorous industrial
development programme.
Since its independence in 1957, successive elections held every 5 years have voted the
same government into power- in a democratic system of government under a
constitutional monarchy.
The result: strong and consistent growth over the years, in 1991, Malaysia achieved a
real GDP growth of 8.6% - one of the highest in Asia. Financially, Malaysia boasts a
stable currency, consistently low inflation rates and relaxed foreign exchange control.
With her extensive road, rail, sea and air networks Malaysia offers a highly developed
infrastructure, while the telecommunications system ranks as one of the most
sophisticated in Southeast Asia.
In addition, Malaysia holds the distinction of being one of the very few Asian countries
where English is widely used.
34 | P á g i n a

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


3- Complete the text with the corresponding English words.

Malaysia’s International Offshore Financial Centre

The _________________ (ilha) of Labuan in Malaysia commands a strategic position in one

of the most dynamic regions of the world: the Asia Pacific region. The potential for
__________________ (crescimento) is this region appears to be __________________
(ilimitado) as a result of its continuing _________________ (salutar)
_____________________ (comércio de exportação) rapidly expanding economies and
________________ (reserva) of professionals.

More and more, corporations _____________ (procurando) growth are turning to the Asia
Pacific _____________ (países). Now there is Labuan to offer development of offshore
activities with _____________ (garantia) of confidentiality.
35 | P á g i n a

4- Rewrite the sentences in English.

01. Entre as atividades acordadas com tratamento preferencial em Labuan estão:

 Operações bancárias com capital estrangeiro

 Gerenciamento de trustes e fundos
 Seguro de capital
 Investimento estrangeiro em valores imobiliários


02. As conquistas da malásia advêm da estabilidade política, planejamento prudente, um

excelente sistema de administração um forte senso de direção econômica e um vigoroso
programa de desenvolvimento industrial.


5- Match the two columns. The first exercise hás been done for you.

01. To hold elections a.( 3 ) conquista

02. To vote into b.( ) moeda
03. Achievement c.( ) gabar-se
04. Currency d.( ) eleger
05. To boast e.( ) realizar eleições
06. Rutes f.( ) taxas
36 | P á g i n a

6-Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. Island __________________________

02. To command,commanded,commanded __________________________
03. Strategic __________________________
04. Dynamic __________________________
05. Region __________________________
06. Growth __________________________
07. To appear,appeared,appeared ___________________________
08. Limitless ___________________________
09. Healthy ___________________________
10. Export trade ___________________________
11. Rapidly ___________________________
12. To expand, expanded,expanded ___________________________
13. Reservoir ___________________________
14. Professionals __________________________
15. To seek,sought,sought __________________________
16. To turn (to), turned, turned __________________________
17. Offshore __________________________
18. Assurance __________________________
19. Confidentiality __________________________
20. Unprecedented __________________________
21. To benefit(from),benefited, benefited ___________________________
22. To adhere, adhered,adhered ___________________________
23. Rules ___________________________
24. Regulation ___________________________
25. Taxes ___________________________
26. To impose, imposed, imposed ___________________________
27. Unless ___________________________
28. To require, required,required ___________________________
29. Shareholding ___________________________
30. Ownership ___________________________
31. Management ___________________________
32. Common law trusts __________________________
37 | P á g i n a

33. To accord,accorded,accorded ___________________________

34. Offshore banking __________________________
35. Trist and fund administration ___________________________
36. Offshore investment holdings ___________________________
37. Achievements ___________________________
38. Strong ___________________________
39. Sense ___________________________
40. To hold (elections), held, held ___________________________
41. To vote into ___________________________
42. To boast, boasted, boasted ___________________________
43. Stable ___________________________
44. Currency ___________________________
45. Low ___________________________
46. Rate ___________________________
47. Foreign ___________________________
48. To rank, ranked, ranked ___________________________
49. Widely ___________________________

Text 17 (MACK)

Why do we make friends? Students of animal behavior have pointed out that social
attraction an obvious adaptive function: It helps a species both to protect and to reproduce

Behaviourists have postulated an affiliate drive, similar to the more familiar drives of hunger,
thirst or sex. But although affiliative behavior shares some of the properties associated with
biological drives, we doubt whether our desire to make friends is really much influenced by
adaptive considerations. And if we want to talk in terms of drives, it’s just as plausible to
suggest that we require a certain amount of stimulation, balanced between the predictable and
the unexpected, which friends can provide. On this analysis, affiliation would be encompassed
by a more general curiosity of exploratory drive.
38 | P á g i n a

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


3- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.
01.behaviour ____________________________
02. to help, helped, helped ____________________________
03.to postulate,postulated, postulated ____________________________
04.affiliation ____________________________
05.drive ____________________________
06.familiar ____________________________
07.hunger _____________________________
08.thirst _____________________________
09.although ______________________________
10.to share, shared, shared _____________________________
11.whether _____________________________
12.to doubt,doubted,doubted _____________________________
13.desire ______________________________
14. to require,required,required ______________________________
15.balanced ______________________________
16.predictable ______________________________
39 | P á g i n a

17.unexpected ______________________________
18. to provide ______________________________
19. to be encompassed ______________________________

Text 18 (UNB)

There are more than 50,000 Eskimos in Alaska, northen Canada, Greenland and on the many
islands of the Arctic Ocean. They are quite different from the other Amerindian people of
North, Central and South America. The American Indians crossed from Asia to Alaska 20,000
years before the Eskimos. There was a land bridge there at that time. When the Eskimos
crossed the bering strait about 2,000 years ago, most of their journey was by sea. They took
with them lamps and other useful things that the American Indians had never seen. Some of the
Eskimos stayed in Alaska and others moved slowly towards the east. The first Eskimos reached
Greenland about a thousand years ago.

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português

40 | P á g i n a

3-Choose the right word to complete the text.

a. They are ____________ (1-quite/hot) different from the other Amerindian

_______________ (2-people/person) of North, Central and South America. The
American Indians_____________ (3-crossed/turned) from Asia to Alaska 20,000
years ______________ ( 4-before/after )the Eskimos.

b. When the Eskimos crossed the Bering Strait about 2,000 years ago, most of their
_______________ . (1-journey/riding) was by sea. They________________ (2-
came/took) with them lamps and other ______________ (3- useful/useless) things that
the American Indians had never seen. Some of the Eskimos __________ (4-
stayed/moved) in Alaska, and others ___________ (5-remained/moved) slowly towards
the east. The first Eskimos ____________ (6-reached/kept) Greenland about a
thousand years _____________.(7-before/ago).

4- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. .islands _____________________

02. Quite _____________________
03. To cross,crossed,crossed _____________________
04. Land _____________________
05. Bridge _____________________
06. Journey _____________________
07. By sea _____________________
08. Useful _____________________
09. To stay,stayed,stayed _____________________
10. Slowly _____________________
11. Towards ____________________
12. To reach,reached,reached ____________________
13. About _____________________
14. Ago ______________________
41 | P á g i n a

Text 19 ( MACKENZIE)

“ In the great equatorial green belt, poverty and lack of effective control have combined to
force a terrible war on tree. Two-thirds of Latin Americas original forest is gone or seriously
depleted. Half of Africa’s woodlands have disappeared. Thailand has lost one-quarter of its
forests in the last ten years, and the Philippines, one-seventh in the last five. We are in
transition from global forest wealth to global forest poverty. The real energy crisis today is not
oil but wood and no one will escape the effects of balding earth!”

(From Newsweek, by Norman Myers)

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


3- Match the two columns. The first one has been done for you.

01.great a.( ) falta

02.green belt b.( ) grande
03.lack c.( ) pobreza
04.poverty d. ( ) arvores
05.war e. ( ) guerra
06.trees f. ( ) cinturão verde
42 | P á g i n a

4- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. Great ___________________

02. Green belt ___________________
03. Poverty ___________________
04. Lack ___________________
05. Trees ___________________
06. To deplete,depleted,depleted ____________________
07. War ____________________
08. Woodlands ____________________
09. To disappear,disappeared,disappeared _________________
10. To lose, lost, lost ____________________
11. Last ____________________
12. Wealth _____________________
13. Crisis _____________________
14. Oil _____________________
15. Wood _____________________
16. Balding _____________________
17. Earth _____________________
43 | P á g i n a

Text 20 ( FUNVEST)

Attendant: Good morning! Can I help you?

Mr. Campbell: Yes, please. Fill up my tank and check

the water and oil. I’m driving out of town

Attendant: Right away. Your oil needs changing

and the water is a bit low.

Mr. Campbell: Add the water and leave the oil for some other time.

I think my front tires need some air, though.

Attendant: Your windshield is terribly dirty.

How can you see through all that dust?

Mr. Campbell: Well, I’m used to it. With the heavy traffic on the

roads and this bad weather, one can’t keep

it clean all the time. Leave it, the rain will wash it

Off. How much do I owe you?

Attendant: The same as usual, Mr. Campbell.

Mr. Campbell: There you are! Keep the change.

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese
44 | P á g i n a

Inglês Português


3- List all the verbs in the infinitive from the text and then write their corresponding words in

01. ___________________________________
02. ___________________________________
03. ___________________________________
04. ___________________________________
05. ___________________________________

04. Match the two columns. The first exercise has been done for you.

01.drive a.( ) the tank

02.the weather b.( ) the windshield

03. fill up c.( ) need air

04.the traffic d. ( ) my car

05. the tires e.( ) is bad

06. clean f.( ) is heavy

45 | P á g i n a

5- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. Can ------------------------------------------------

02. To fill up -------------------------------------
03. To check,checked,checked -------------------------------------
04. To drive,drove,driven ------------------------------------
05. Town ------------------------------------
06. Right away ------------------------------------
07. To need,needed,needed -----------------------------------------
08. To change,changed,changed -----------------------------------
09. A bit -----------------------------------
10. Low ------------------------------------
11. To add,added,added -------------------------------------
12. To leave, left,left -------------------------------------
13. To think,thought,thought ------------------------------------
14. Front ------------------------------------
15. Tire -------------------------------------
16. Though -------------------------------------
17. Windshield -------------------------------------
18. Dirty -------------------------------------
19. To see,saw,seen -------------------------------------
20. Through -------------------------------------
21. Dust -------------------------------------
22. Be used to ------------------------------------
23. Heavy traffic -------------------------------------
24. Road ------------------------------------
25. Bad ------------------------------------
26. Weather -----------------------------------
27. To keep,kept,kept -----------------------------------
28. Clean ----------------------------------
29. To wash off ----------------------------------
30. How much -----------------------------------
31. To owe, owed,owed ------------------------------------
32. Same ------------------------------------
46 | P á g i n a

33. Usual -----------------------------------

34. There you are -----------------------------------
35. Change -----------------------------------

Text 21 (MACK - SP)

Over population is a big problem of large cities. It implies congestion,

pollution, generally unhealthy conditions and a continuous degradation of the
moral scale of urban society> Housing and schooling are dramatically
worsening. Some so called ”democratic societies” might argue that man must
have the right to choose even a state of percentual mediocrity. But what they do
not take into account is the fact that most people do not choose the condition in
which they live. They are driven to it by institutions and attitudes that seem to
have been perfected for the sole purpose of maintaining mediocrity.

(Social Science and Humanities)

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português

47 | P á g i n a

3-Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses.

Over population ____________(be) a big problem of large cities. It _________ (imply)

congestion, pollution, generally unhealthy conditions and a continuous degradation of the
moral scale of urban society. Housing and schooling _______ (be) dramatically worsening.

04. Match the two columns. The first exercise has been done for you.

01.so called a.( ) direito

02.to argue b.( ) escolher

03. right c.( ) argumentar

04.to choose d. ( ) único

05. to take into account e.( ) chamado

06. to be driven f.( ) parecer

07. to seem g.( ) ser levado

08.sole h.( )levar em conta

5- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01. Over population _____________________________

02. Big _____________________________
03. To imply, implied,implied _____________________________
04. Unhealthy _____________________________
05. Scale _____________________________
06. Housing _____________________________
07. Schooling _____________________________
08. To be,was/were,been _____________________________
09. To worsen _____________________________
10. Some _____________________________
11. So called _____________________________
12. May,might _____________________________
13. To argue,argued,argued _____________________________
14. Man _____________________________
15. Must _____________________________
48 | P á g i n a

16. To have ,had ,had _____________________________

17. Right _____________________________
18. To choose,chose,chosen _____________________________
19. Even _____________________________
20. State _____________________________
21. But _____________________________
22. To take into account _____________________________
23. Most _____________________________
24. People _____________________________
25. To live, lived ,lived _____________________________
26. To be driven _____________________________
27. There ______________________________
28. To see ,saw ,seen ______________________________
29. Sole ______________________________
30. To maintain, maintained, maintained _________________________
31. Purpose ______________________________

Text 22 ( FUNVEST)

Shooting birds for sport is not regarded as a suitable hobby for today’s environmentalists. Yet
Norman Moore, perhaps the greatest nature conservationist of our time, spent much of his
youth as a wildflower. The apparent contradiction typifies Moore, a man who refuses to be
pigeonholed as a scientist, naturalist or environmentalist. Yet over the past 40 years his work
has catalyzed revolutions in all three arenas. Moore has links with the earliest stirrings of the
nature conservation movement. His grandfather was a protégé of Charles Waterton, who in
1821 set up the first nature reserve in Britain, and many Victorian naturalists were family
friends. Growing up in the 1930s in the East Sussex countryside, Moore developed an early
affinity to the natural world. When his parents asked him how he would most like to be
granted, the five-year-old Moore replied:”That rare birds should be common and that
everybody should be given L100.” This was an early sign, he reflects, of his conservation and
political sympathies.
49 | P á g i n a

(New Scientist, November 2,1991)

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português


3 – Choose the right words to fill into the blanks in the text.

____________birds for sport is not regarded as a __________hobby for

today’s_____________ Norman Moore, perhaps the greatest nature conservationist of our time,
______________ much of his

_____________________as a wildflower. The apparent contradiction typifies Moore, a man

who _____________ to be ___________________as a scientist, naturalist or environmentalist.
Yet_____________ the past 40 years his work has catalysed_______________ in all

a) environmentalists g) spent
b) youth h) pigeonholed
c) shooting i) revolutions
d) yet j) arenas
e) refuses k) over
f) suitable

4- Now complete the text with the correspondent English words.

Moore has _____________(1- vinculos) with the_____________(2- primeiros) stirrings of the nature
conservation movement. His _________________ (3- avô) was a protégé of Charles Waterton,
50 | P á g i n a

who in 1821 set up the ________________ (4- primeira) nature____________ (5- reserve) in Britain,
and many Victotian naturalists were family_____________ (6- amigos).

5- Find the corresponding English words in the text.

01. crescer ____________________________

02. interior ____________________________

03. desenvolveu _________________________

04. pais ____________________________

05.desejo _____________________________

06. receber _____________________________

07. responder ___________________________

08. pássaros raros ________________________

09. sinal _____________________________

10. afinidades __________________________

6- Now complete the vocabulary list with the corresponding words in Portuguese.

01.to shoot, shot, shot ____________________ 20.pigeonholed _______________________

02.birds ___________________ 21.over _______________________

03.to regard, regarded, regarded____________ 22.year _______________________

04.suitable ____________________ 23.work _______________________

05.hobby ____________________ 24.to catalyze,catalyzed,catalyzed _________

06.for ____________________ 25.three ________________________

07.today’s ____________________ 26.link ________________________

08.environmentalists ___________________ 27.with ________________________

09.yet ____________________ 28.earliest ________________________

10.perhaps ____________________ 29.apparent ________________________

11.the greatest ___________________ 30.stirrings ________________________

12.time ____________________ 31.grandfather ________________________

13.to spend,spent,spent ________________ 32.to set up ________________________

51 | P á g i n a

14.much __________________ 33.many _________________________

15.youth __________________ 34.to be, was/were,been _________________

16.wildflower __________________ 35.friend __________________________

17.to typify,typified,typified____________ 36.to grow up _________________________

18.man ____________________ 37.countryside ________________________

19.to refuse,refused,refused ____________ 38.to develop,developed,developed________

Text 23 ( PUCC)

While attending a conference in New York one spring. I rode by bus to the Metropolitan
Museum with two colleagues. I had lost my old familiarity with the city, and my companions,
Celia and Janet, felt like foreigners in a strange land. Perhaps as a result of our “big-city”
anxiety, we reminded the bus driver _ once too often _ to announce our stop. In a sudden and
unexpected fury, he launched into a vitriolic attack that turned heads throughout the crowded
bus. The three of us stood in stunned silence.

1-Read the text and underline the words you already know.

2-Now write the underline words and give their corresponding meanings in Portuguese

Inglês Português

52 | P á g i n a

3- Complete the sentences with the past continuous or the simple past of the verbs in

01. I ______________ (eat) breakfast at 10:00 a.m. yesterday.

02. Mr. and Mrs. Allen____________ (drink) coffee when I __________(arrive ).

03. Bill___________(listen) to the radio while Mary ___________ (study) her lesson.

04._____________you__________(study) your English lesson when I __________ (call) this


05. Jack ____________( talk-neg) while his mother _________(read).

06.__________you ______________(go shopping) when I ________(see) you?

07. She___________(prepare) her chemistry lesson in the library while I

____________(watch) my class.

08. I ____________(bake) a cake when she __________(call).

09. Everybody___________(look up) a word in the dictionary when Miss Ellen


10. Were all the students _______(read) while the teacher _______(talk)?

11. They_______(sing) when the priest___________(interrupt) them.

12. Betty ____________(stand) in the line when the principal__________(call) her.

13. While I __________(ride) my bike in the park, everybody else______(run).

14. Nobody___________(look) at me.

15. _________you__________(listen) to your instructor when you _______(pass) the red

53 | P á g i n a

Grammar notebook

54 | P á g i n a

Tópico 1.
The Definite Articles The Indefinite Articles

The- (o, a, os, as) A/AN

Definição: o artigo é definido quando utilizado Definição: o artigo é indefinido quando utilizado
antes de substantivos com sentido específico. antes de substantivos que não estão
Neste caso, ambos os interlocutores sabem especificamente identificados. São usados
exatamente do que se está falando. São apenas no singular.
usados no singular e plural.
Ex.: She saw a lion.
Ex.: The book you‟re reading is interesting.
(Ela viu um leão.)
(O livro que você está lendo é
Ex.: She also saw an owl.
(Ela também viu uma coruja. )
Ex.: The house is mine.

(A casa é minha. )

Definido – The d. Antes de adjetives usados como substantivos.

 Antes de plural ou singular. EX.: Both THE intelligent and THE medíocre are
Ex.: THE book/ THE books. going to pass.
(Ambos o inteligente e o medíocre passarão)
a. Antes de nomes de países, navios e acidentes
geográficos, quando precedidos por um e. Antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais:
adjetivo ou palavra que os qualifique:
Ex.: She plays THE piano quite well.
Ex.: THE Amazon River
(Ela toca piano muito bem.
THE Ural moutains
THE Atalantic Ocean f. Antes de profissões:
THE United States
Ex.: Mr. Taylor, THE dentist, has not arrived
b. Antes de superlativos usados como yet.
EX.: My father is the most inteligent person I ( Mr. Taylor, o dentista, ainda não chegou)
g. Antes de substantivos utilizados para indicar
(Meu pai é a pessoa mais inteligente que eu uma certa quantidade ou qualidade.
c. Antes de numerais ordinais: Ex. THE work here is tough.
EX.: THE 20th century has been veryu important
for science.
(O século 20 tem sido muito importante
para ciência.)
55 | P á g i n a

Use os Artigos A/AN

Indefinido - A
 Apenas antes de singular:
Ex.: a banana / a teacher.
 A – 1-Antes de palavras iniciadas com som de consoante:
Ex.: a computer, a printer, a dog, a cat, a boy
2- Antes de expressões de peso, medida e tempo:
Ex.: a pound (uma libra) – peso
a mile ( uma milha) _ medida
a month ( um mês) _ tempo

3_ Antes de palavras iniciadas com vogais, porém pronunciadas com som de

Ex.: a university
a European country

 AN
1- Antes de palavras iniciadas com som de vogais:
Ex.: an apple
an airplane
an Orange
2- Antes de palavras iniciadas com som de “h” mudo:
Ex.: an honest
an hour
an heir
an honor

Não Use o artigo THE:

1- Antes de substantivos com sentido genérico:
Ex.: Gold is a valuable metal. ( O ouro é um metal valioso)

2- Antes de nomes países:

Ex.: Brazil, France, Italy.
Porém, não esqueça as exceções:
THE United States, THE United Kingdom, THE Congo, THE Philipines.
56 | P á g i n a

3- Antes de nomes de pessoas, países, ruas e cidades quando usados como

Ex.: John is here. (John está aqui)
I live in Los Angeles, on Elm Street.( Eu moro em Los Angeles, na Rua Elm.)
I like Brazil. ( Eu gosto do Brasil)

4- Antes de pronomes possessivos:

Ex.: My house is beautiful. (Minha casa é bonita)

Your car is comfortable.(Seu carro é confortável.)


1-Fill in the text with the articles the, a or an,0.

Is ________(1) public really more accepting of AIDS ? __________ ( 2 )study resented at

______meeting of the American Psychological recently suggested that it depends mostly on
familiarity with ___________ (4) disease. Researches from the University of California at San
Francisco interviewed 399_____________(Londrina), New Yorkers and San Franciscans and found
that _____ (5) longer people were aware of AIDS, __________(6 ) more tolerant their attitudes
were. Ignorance about____________ (7) illness was linked to increased prejudice and fear.

2-Fill in the blanks with a/an, the or 0.

01-_______fresh air would be good here.

02- _______bananas which come from Brazil are_______best in____ world.
03- ______cotton is one of ______most important agricultural products.
04- ______copper is ______good conductor of electricity.
05- I have_____ idea. It1s______good idea.
06- Did you have fun at _______picnic last week?
07- Where‟s _______my blue shirt?
08_ All of them are in _______Washington, DC.
09- Have you seen ______my boots?
10-They‟re in ______closet.
57 | P á g i n a

3- Complete the text with a/an, the or o.

My husband and I have recently moved to____________(1) New York City . Since we‟re not
going to stay here very long. We decided to rent_______(2) small apartment where we could
live for six months.

__________(3) apartment is in __________(4) good place, full of ______(5) nicest people I‟ve
ever met. There are losts of Young children in the streets playing______(6) flute when it gets
dark in the evenings______(7)their mothers take_____(8) their chairs to the streets and
appreciate______(9) kids until it1s time for bed.

Before moving I didn‟t realize how wonderful it could be to live right in the middle of city such
as_______(10) New York and appreciate its people so much. I think I‟ll enjoy ________(11) my
stay here. Swill_______(12) my husband.

Tópico 2.
Personal Pronouns

 Subjective Case _ usados como sujeito da oração

1ª I _ eu
2ª You _ você ( tu)
Singular He _ ele
3ª She _ ela
It(neutro) _ ele, ela ( coisa ou animal)

1ª We _ nós
Plural 2ª You _vocês, vós
3ª They _ eles, elas


 I _ escrito sempre em maiúscula: Ex.: Mary and I study together.

(Mary e eu estudamos juntos)
 He, She – Usados também para animais de estimação e coisa personificada. Ex.:
He barket all night ( Ele latiu a noite toda)
She, the moon, is my only friend. ( Ela, a lua. É minha única amiga)
 It – Pronome neutro, usado para coisas e animais e para expressar fenômeno da
natureza e distância. Ex.: It, the cat, ate the dog‟s food.
( Ele, o gato, comeu a comida do cachorro.)
It‟s raining hard. ( Está chovendo muito.)
It‟s far from here. ( É longe daqui.)
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 Objective Case _ Usados como objeto da oração

Me - me, mim
You - te, ti
Him - o, ele, lhe
Her - a. ela, lhe
It (neutro) - o, a, ele, ela (coisa e animal)
Us - nos
You - vos, vós
Them - os as, lhes, eles, elas


 Os pronomes podem ser usados como:

a. Objeto direto:
Ex.: They called her for the meeting. ( Chamaram-na para a reunião)
I always see them on the bus. ( Eu sempre os vejo no ônibus)
b. Objeto Indireto:
Ex.: Sharon smiled at me. (Sharon sorriu para mim)


2. Underline and substitute the subject for the pronoun.

01. Peter always comes to class on time.

02. Mrs. Jones is an excellent dean.
03. The sun is the biggest star we know.
04. Dr. Taylor‟s secretary types very well.
05. The temperature is cold today.

3. Underline and substitute the object for the pronoun.

01. Lend Sonia and Larry some money.

02. We all have to talk to the director.
03. I‟m very thankful to Mrs. Johnson.
04. Maybe my mother can help my father.
59 | P á g i n a

06. I never see Mr. Mrs. Potts together.

Marque a alternative correta.

Jim: Mr. Cameron is a nice man. I like________

Mr. Cameron and John Carter help_________with difficult articles

Jane: And Kim Robertson? Do you like_________?

Jim: Yes, she‟s nice. She‟s new, so help________

I have a good office now and I share_________ with Kim.

Jane: My students are very nice, too. I like __________

Jim: And do they like________? Julia. They like________very much. Our classroom is also nice
.We love________.

a) his/ us/he /she /it /them /you /me /us /them

b) him / me / her / her / he / them / them / us / us / them

c) he / us / him / she / it / they / me / us / us / it

d) him / me / her / her / it / them / you / me / us / it

e) him / him / her / her / _ / they / them / her / them

Tópico 3.


Adjectives Pronouns

Usados antes de substantivos Não são usados antes de substantivos.

My – meu, minha, meus, minhas Mine –o meu (s), a minha(a sua(s)

Your _ seu, sua seus, suas Yours – O seu(s), a sua(s)

His _ seu , sua, seus, suas (dele) His – O seu(s), a sua(s), (dele)

Her _ seu, sua seus, suas (dela) Hers- O seu (s), a sua(s), (dela)

Its _ seu, sua, seus, suas (dele, dela) Its _ O seu(s), a sua(s), (dela)

Our _ nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas Ours – O nosso(s), a nossa(s)

Your _vosso, vossa, vossos, vossas Yours – O vosso(s), a vossa(s)

Their _ seu, sua, seus, suas (deles, delas) Theirs- O seu (s), a sua(s), (deles, delas)
60 | P á g i n a


 O pronome possessivo é sempre usado após OF.

Ex.: A friend of hers is here. (Um amigo dela está aqui.)

 Os Pronomes possessivos e adjetivos são usados no singular e plural.

Ex.: Her two sisters are models. Mine is a singer.

(As duas irmãs dela são modelos. A minha é cantora.)

 Os Pronomes possessivos são usados para repetir o substantivo.

Ex.: She has her problems, I have mine. (Ela tem seus problemas, eu tenho os meus.)


1. Complete with the correct pronoun.

01. This is her bedroom. It‟s_____________.

02. I know his brother. I know______ sister too.
03. Mark and I do_____homework together.
04. The children took_____toys to the park.
05. English people have______tea every afternoon.

2. Choose the correct alternative.

01. Yesterday I saw a good friend of________.

a) mine b)my

02. Tell them not to forget______report.

a)their b)theirs

03. Which team is playing? ______is

a) her b)hers

04. I like_____child, you like______.

a) mine / yours b) my /yours

05.______kind of sickness has no cure.

a) Your b) yours

3. Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses.

61 | P á g i n a

01. This is (my, mine) pencil case. (Your, yours) pencil case is over there.

02. These dolls are (our, ours). Those dolls are (they, theirs).

03. Susan and Bill have (their, theirs) cars. Susan has (her, hers) and Bill has (his, he).

04. Mary and Paul have a lot of pets. (Her, hers) are dogs and (his, he) are cats.

05. Mary says this is (she, her) book. Sarah says it is (her, hers).

06. (My, mine) parents are nice. (Her, hers) are not so nice.

07. (Theirs, their) teachers don‟t like them. (Our, ours) like us very much.

08. Talk to (their, theirs) friends. Don‟t talk to (Our, ours).

09. Each one has (he, his) own problem. I have (mine, my), he has ( his, he).

10. Sally forgot (her, hers) book. I lent her (my, mine).

Tópico 4.
Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronouns

Os Pronomes Reflexivos (Reflexive Pronouns) são usados para indicar que a ação reflexiva
recai sobre o próprio sujeito. Nesse caso, o pronome vem logo após o verbo e concorda com o
Estes pronomes se caracterizam pelas terminações self (no singular) e selves (no plural). Para
cada Pronome Pessoal (Personal Pronoun) existe um Pronome Reflexivo (Reflexive Pronoun).
Singular Plural
Personal Pronouns / Reflexive Pronoun Personal Pronouns/ Reflexive Pronoun

I (eu) / myself (a mim mesmo, - me) we (nós) / ourselves [a nós mesmos(as),


you (tu, você) / yourself [a ti, a você mesmo(a), -te,-se] you (vocês, vós ) / yourselves (a vós, a vocês
mesmos(as), -vos,-se)

he (ele) / himself (a si, a ele mesmo, -se) they (eles, elas) / themselves (a si, a eles
mesmos, a elas mesmas, -se)

she (ela) / herself (a si, a ela mesma, -se)

it [ele, ela (neutro) / itself [a si mesmo(a), -se]

62 | P á g i n a

a: Quando o sujeito e o objeto são a mesma pessoa:

Ex.: The little boy hurt himself. (O garotinho se feriu.)

Ex.: Heather and I enjoyed ourselves. (Heather e eu nos divertimos)

b. Para dar ênfase a alguém ou algo mencionado na frase:

Ex.: She‟s always speaking to herself. ( Ela está sempre falando sozinha.)

.One: Pronome indefinido usado no lugar de você ou se.

Ex.: One shouldn‟t drink before driving. (Não se deve beber antes de dirigir.)


1. Choose the correct alternative.

01.__________ likes to look at ________

a.her/herself b.she/ herself

02. The car started ___________

a. himself b. itself

03. _________amuse _________with the kitten.

a. they/ themselves b. they/them

04. _________will cut _________with that knife.

a.she/hers b. she/ herself

05. The child is not old enough to dress__________

a.him b. herself

06. You shouldn‟t blame __________for that mistake.

a.you b.yourself

07. The dog hurt _________by jumping the fence.

a.him b.itself.

08. The policemen __________committed murder.

a. him b. himself
63 | P á g i n a

09. Peter _______mailed the letter to_________

a. himself / she b. himself/ her

10. _________ __________ don‟t like ____________.

a. I / myself / himself b. I/ myself/ It

11.__________themselves will provide the money

12. He_________ must speak to__________.

a. himself / they b. himself/ them

2. Translate into Portuguese.

01. She does everything by herself.


02. They themselves wash their cars.


03. The little girl cut herself when she fell.


04. She protects herself from the sun.


05. I cleaned the house by myself.


06. I myself took the kids to the airport.


07. Mr. Cooper spoke to the chairman himself.


08. Jonathan‟s sitting by himself.

09. You think too much of yourself.
64 | P á g i n a

10. Jane herself wrote the letter.


Tópico 5.

Count and noncount nouns

Substantivos Contáveis Substantivos Incontáveis

Os Countable Nouns são os nomes de Os Uncountable Nouns representam um
objetos, pessoas, idéias, lugares, animais, etc. grupo menor de substantivos. Eles denotam
que em inglês podem ser contados, uma substância homogênea, isto é, coisas que
enumerados, representando a maioria dos percebemos mais como uma massa do que
substantivos. Esses substantivos são utilizados como um ou vários objetos isolados, ou uma
tanto na forma singular como na plural. idéia abstrata que, em inglês, não permite
 Tópico
Podem 4. por a / an
ser precedidos subdivisões
Ex.: a chair / two chairs  Não são precedidos imediatamente por
(uma cadeira/ duas cadeiras)
a /an:
 Levam -s / -es no plural:
Ex.: a lot of furniture/ some furniture.
(muita mobilia/ alguma mobilia)
Ex.: Some tables/ three cities  Não tem plural.
(algumas mesas/ três cidades)
Ex.: much furniture
(muita mobilia)
 Precedidos por expresses indicando
Ex.: a spoonful of ( uma colherada de )
a quart of ( um quarto de )


A maioria dos substantives incontáveis referem-se ao “todo” que é composto de várias partes.


 Substantivos incontáveis:

Furniture – representa um grupo de objetos composto de itens similares.

Sugar e coffee _ feitos de partículas e elementos individuais.

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Ex.: a spoonful of sugar – (uma colherada de açúcar)

a glass of water – ( um copo de água)

a cup of coffee _ ( uma xícara de café)

a grain of rice _ ( um grão e arroz)

a bag of flour _ ( um saco de farinha)

a piece of furniture _ ( uma peça mobiliada)

a piece of jewelry _ ( uma peça de jóia)

Substância - food (comida), iron (ferro), water (água)

atividades - help (ajuda), travel (viagem), work (trabalho)
qualidades humanas - courage (coragem), cruelty (crueldade), honesty (honestidade)
idéias abstratas - beauty (beleza), freedom (liberdade), life (vida), luck (sorte), time (tempo)

Alguns Substantivos Incontáveis

I. Abstratos:

advice- conselho honesty -honestidade pride - orgulho health- saúde

beauty -beleza hospitality- progess- progresso patience-paciência
confidence-confiança importance- recreation- wealth- fortuna
importância recreação
courage- coragem information- significance- homework – lição de
informação significado casa
education-educação intelligence- sleep - sono peace- paz
energy- energia Justice-justiça slang-giria work- trabalho
enjoyment-prazer knowledge- space-espaço
evidence- prova laughter- riso time- tempo
fun- diversão luck - sorte truth -verdade
grammar- gramática musica- música violence- violência
happiness- news - notícias vocabulary -
felicidade vocabulario
66 | P á g i n a

II. Línguas:
Arabic -
Chinese- chinesa
English – Inglês
Italian- Italiano, etc.

III. Áreas de Estudo:

chemistry - química history- história
engineering - engenharia literatura - literatura
mathematis - matemática psychology - psicologia

IV. Recreações:
baseball - beisebol chess - xadrez
soccer - futebol poker - pôquer
tennis - tênis

V. Atividades em geral:
driving - dirigir swimming - nadar
studying - estudar traveling - viajar
walking - andar
Obs.: Note que as atividades estão no gerúndio.

VI. Fenômeno:
weather - tempo hail - granizo rain- chuva
thunder - trovão Light - luz fire- fogo
dew - orvalho humidity - humidades sleet – neve com chuva
wind - vento sunshin- brilho do sol gravity - gravidade
fog- neblina lightning – relâmpago snow- neve
darkness - escuridão electricity - eletricidade
67 | P á g i n a

VII. Líquidos:
water - água oil - óleo
coffee - café soup - sopa
milk - leite gasoline - gasolina
tea - chá blood - sangue

VIII. Sólidos:
ice- gelo butter – manteiga meat - carne
gold - ouro silver - prata paper - papel
bread - pão cheese - queijo wood - madeira
iron - ferro glass - vidro cotton - algodão
wool - lã

IX. Gasosos:
steam - vapor oxygean - oxigênio
smoke - fumaça pollution - poluição
air - ar nitrogen - nitrogênio
smog - nevoeiro

X. Grãos ou Partículas:
rice- arroz dust - poeira sand - areia
chalk - giz hair - cabelo sugar - açucar
corn - milho pepper - pimenta wheat - trigo
flour - farinha salt - sal
dirt - sujeira powder - pó


1. Change the words to plural if possible.

01. Furniture____________________ 21.dust _______________________
02. desk________________________ 22. Rice_______________________
03. information__________________ 23. Sofa_______________________
04. piece_______________________ 24.oxygen______________________
05. homework___________________ 25.sand________________________
06. equipment___________________ 26.hair_________________________
68 | P á g i n a

07. knowledge__________________ 27.polluntion____________________

08. mail_______________________ 28.steam_______________________
09. luck_______________________ 29.pepper______________________
10. advice______________________ 30.flour_______________________
11. race________________________ 31.ice_________________________
12. office______________________ 32.iron_______________________
13. roof_______________________ 33.soup_______________________
14. branch_____________________ 34-gasoline____________________
15. progress____________________ 35.ring_______________________
16. slang______________________ 36.dirt_______________________
17. machinery__________________ 37.oil________________________
18. marriage____________________ 38.smog______________________
19. human being________________ 39.gold_______________________
20. machine____________________ 40.traveling___________________

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the plural or singular.

a) I like to listen to_____________ (music)

b) The Mississipi, The Amazon and Nile are well known_________(river)
c) Our______________(furniture) needs_______________(repairing). All of our chairs and
tables are broken.
d) I‟ve visited many ______________(city), but I haven‟t visited foreign____________(country)
e) This street has heavy_______________(traffic)
f) The pot is full of_______________(tea).
g) Please, put the __________________(garbage) in the backyard.
h) I don‟t like____________________(pepper).

i) They have some_________________(information) about their parents.

j) The engineers have fixed all the________________(equipment). There are only

two_________________ (machine) broken.
69 | P á g i n a

Tópico 6.

The Gender of nouns (masculine and feminine)

Para transformar os substantivos em feminino:

1. Adicionamos -ess ao masculino:

actor –actress (ator/atriz) host – hostess (anfitrião/anfitriã)

ambassador – ambassadress jew – jewess (judeu/judia)
author _ authoress (autor/ autora) lion – lioness (leão / leoa)
Baron – Baroness (Barão/Baronesa) Prince – Princess (Princepe/ Princesa)
Count – Countess (Conde/ Condesa) Shepherd – Shepherdess (pastor/ Pastora de
giant – giantess ( gigante/giganta) Viscount – Viscountess (Visconde/ viscondessa)
heir – heiress ( herdeiro/ herdeira)


1.Em alguns casos, altera-se a grafia:

Duke – Duchess (Duque/Duquesa) negro – negress ( negro/negra)

Empero – Empress (Imperador/ Imperatriz) tiger – tigress ( tigre/tigresa)
God – Goddess (Deus/ Deusa) waiter – waitress (garçom/garçonete)
Marchis _ Marchioness (Marquês/ Marquesa)

2.Muda-se o prefixo ou sufixo de um substantivo masculino:

boyfriend - girlfriend (namorado/namorada) father-in-law – mother-in-law (sogro/sogra)
grandson – granddaughter (neto/neta) male cousin – female cousin (primo/prima)

3.Alguns substantivos têm como feminino palavras diferentes de masculino:

70 | P á g i n a

bachelor – spinster (solteirão/solteirona) Husband – wife (marido/ esposa)

boy – girl (menino/menina) King – Queen (rei/rainha)
brother – sister (irmão/irmã) lad – lass (rapaz/rapariga)
bull – cow (touro/vaca) lord – lady (senhor/senhora-titulo)

cock – hen (galo/galinha) 1over – mistress (amante)

dog – bitch (cachorro/cachorra) man – woman (homem/ mulher)

drake – duck (pato/pata) monk – nun (monge/monja)

earl – countess (conde/condessa) nephew - niece – (sobrinho/sobrinha)
father – mother (pai/mãe) ram – ewe (ovelha)
fox – vixen (raposa) sir – lady, madam (senhor/senhora)
friar – nun (frei/freira) son – daughter (filho/ filha)

gander – goose (ganso/gansa) tutor – governess (tutor/tutora)

gentelman – lady (cavalheiro/dama) uncle –aunt – (tio/tia)
horse – maré (cavalo/égua) wizard – witch (feiticeiro/feiticeira)

4. Palavras derivadas de outros idiomas conservam seus femininos no original:

Administrator – administratix Hero – heroine ( Heroí/heroína)

Beau- belle (namorado/namorada) Prosecutor – prosecutrix ( promotor/ promotora
Czar (Tzar) – Czarina (Tzar/Tzarina) Sultan sultana
(Czar/Czarina) ( sultão/sultona)
Executor – executrix (executor/executora) Testor testrix (testamenteiro/testamenteira)
Fiancé – fiancée (noivo/noiva)

5. Em alguns substantivos masculinos, exclui-se o sufixo:

bridegroom – brige (noivo/noiva) Widower – widow (viúvo/viúva)

6. Há substantivos que podem se usados tanto como masculino quanto feminino:

student – ( estudante)
friend – (amigo/amiga)
cousin – (primo/prima)
71 | P á g i n a

7. O feminino de algumas aves:

Cook-sparrow – hen-sparrow (pardal/pardoca)

Cock-pigeon _ hen-pigeon (pombo/pomba)
Peacock _ peahen (pavão/pavoa)

1. Relembre o feminino das palavras abaixo completando as lacunas:
actor _______________ boyfriend______________ monk_________________
ambassador__________ grandson______________ nephew_______________
author_______________ bachelor_______________ ram__________________
Baron_______________ boy__________________ sir____________________
Count_______________ brother_______________ son___________________
giant________________ bull__________________ tutor__________________
heir_________________ cock_________________ uncle_________________
host_________________ dog_________________ wizard________________
jew__________________ drake_______________ administrator___________
lion_________________ earl_________________ beau__________________
Prince________________ Fox_________________ Czar (Tzar)_____________
Shepherded_____________ gander______________ executor_______________
Viscount______________ gentleman____________ fiancé________________
Duke_________________ horse________________ hero_________________
Emperor______________ husband_____________ prosecutor____________
God_________________ king________________ Sultan________________
negro________________ lad_________________ testator_______________
tiger_________________ lord________________ peacock_______________
waiter_______________ man_________________
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Tópico 7.

Quatifiers - Many, much, little. few

Many _muitos, muitas Much – muito, muita

 Usado antes de substantivos  Usado antes de

contáveis substantivos incontáveis:
Ex.: She has many dollars. (Ela tem muitos dólares)
Ex.: He doesn‟t have much Money. (Ele não
Ex.: They studied many lessons. (Eles tem muito dinheiro),
estudaram muitas lições)
Ex.: Do they drink much water? (Eles tomam
muita água).
Few – poucos, poucas (not enough)
A few – Uns poucos, umas poucas (enough)
Little – pouco, pouca (not enough)
 Usado antes de substantivos A little – um pouco (enough)
 Usado antes de
Ex.: She has few/ a few books. (Ela tem (uns) substantivos incontáveis:
poucos livros.)

Ex.: He has little Money. ( Ela tem pouco

dinheiro. _ não suficiente)

Ex.: He has a little Money. (Ele tem um pouco

de dinheiro- suficiente)

Intensificadores _Very, Too, So

 O sentido dos quantificadores pode ser intensificado ou diminuído usando-se
Too ou So.

Ex.: She drinks too much coffee. (Ela toma café demais)
Jane has too many assignments. (Jane tem tarefa demais)
He‟s overloaded with so much work. (Ele está sobrecarregado com muito trabalho)
I have very few friends. (Tenho muito poucos amigos.
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Expressões quantificadoras
Expressões Subst. Contáveis Subst. incontáveis
one one pear(uma pêra) _
each each pear(cada pêra) sing. _
every every pear( toda pêra) sing. _
both both pears (ambas peras) _
a couple of a couple of pears(uma ou duas/algumas peras) _

several several pears(varias peras) _

a number of a number of pears (varias peras) _

a great deal of _ a great deal of sugar(muita açúcar)

a lot of a lot of pears (muitas peras) a lot of sugar (muito açúcar)
some some pears (algumas peras) some sugar (algum açúcar)
lots of lots of pears (muitas peras) lots of sugar (muito açúcar)
plenty of Plenty of pears( muitas peras) plenty of sugar (muito açucar)
most most pears (a maoria das peras) most sugar (a maior parte do açúcar)
all all pears(todas as peras) all sugar (todo açúcar)


1. Choose the correct alternative. Justify.

01. We haven‟t _________ time to stay here. a) many b) much


02.Is there__________ soda in the bottle? a) many b) much

03. Are there_________bottles of soda on the table? a) many b) much
04. They have invited________ friends for the party. a) many b) much
05. There aren‟t ________large houses in this city. a) many b) much
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2. Complete using few (a few) or little (a little). Justify your answer.

01. They have _________hope of surviving. _______________________
02. Please give me a ___________soda. I do not want much.____________________________
03. We have _______time to study._______________________
04. There are only_______bottles of wine.____________________
05. They invited______friends to come.______________________
06. Only ________towns are Nice. __________________________
07. I go shopping______times a month._______________________
08. There are_______mistakes in your compositions.____________________
09. There is _______snow outside._______________________
10. Spend only_______money.________________________

3. Select the expressions that can be used to complete the sentences appropriately.

01. Paul has_____________assignments.

a) too many b) too much c) very d)each e)a few f) a great deal of

02.__________________people smoke here.

a) so many b) so much c) several d) a couple of e) plenty f) a little.

03. Mother is wearing___________jewelry

a) no b) lots of c) a little d) several e)too much

Tópico 8.

Singular and plural nouns

As regras para formar o plural de substantivos são:

01. Em geral, acrescenta-se –s ao singular:

Ex.: dog / dogs (cachorros)

ticket / tickets (bilhetes)
door / doors (portas)

02. Aos substantivos terminados em ch com som de “k”, acrescenta-se –s ao singular:

Ex.: stomach / stomachs (estômagos)
conch / conchs (conchas)
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03. Aos substantivos terminados em ch, sh ,s, x, e z , acrescenta-se -es ao singular:

Ex.: church /churches ( igrejas)

watch / watches (relógios)
bus / buses ( ônibus)
box / boxes (caixas)
topaz / topazes (topázios)
04.Com substantivos terminados em Y, precedidos de consoantes, troca-se o –Y do singular por
- ies:

Ex.: lady / ladies (senhoras)

story / stories (estórias)
baby / babies (bebês)

05. Aos substantivos terminados em Y, precedidos de vogal, acrescenta-se -s ao singular:

Ex.: boy / boys (garotos)

toy / toys (brinquedos)

06. Aos substantivos terminados em o, acrescenta-se -es ou -s ao singular:

Ex.: potato / potatoes (batatas) photo / photos (photos)

hero / heroes (herói) piano / pianos (pianos)
negro / negoes (negros) radio / rádios ( rádios)
mosquito / mosquitoes (mosquitos) solo / solos ( solos)
tomato / tomatoes (tomates) sopranos / sopranos (sopranos)
echo / echoes (eco) Studio / studios ( estúdios)
auto / autos (autos) vídeo /vídeos (vídeos)
kilo / kilos (kilos) zoo / zoos (zoológicos)
memo / memos (memorandos)

07. Aos substantivos terminados em -f, -ff e -fe:

a. Geralmente acrescenta-se –s ao singualr:

Ex.: handkerchief / handkerchiefs (lenços)

belief / beliefs (crenças)
roof / roofs (telhados)

b. Alguns substantives trocam o -f ou -fe por ves:

Ex.: calf / calves (bezerros)

Half / halves (metades)
Knife / knives ( facas)
Leaf / leaves (folhas)
Life / lives (vidas)
Loaf / loaves (pedaços de pão)
Self / selves (egos)
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Shelf / shelves (prateleiras)

Thief / thieves (ladrões)
Wolf / wolves (lobos)

c. alguns substantives podem seguir a regra geral ou trocar o -f ou -ff por –ves:

Ex.: staff / staffs – staves ( estacas)

hoof/ hoofs _ hooves (cascos)
wharf / wharfs – wharves (cais)
dwarf / dwarfs _ dwarves (anões)

08. Com substantives compostos, formados por dois substantives, usa-se o último no plural

Ex.: salesman / salesmen (vendedores)

Frenchwoman / Frechwomen (francesas)

OBESERVAÇÕES IMPORTANTES: Palavras compostas de dois substantivos, sendo um deles

derivado das palavras man ou woman, o plural é feito com men/ women :

Ex.: menservants (serventes)

washwomen ( faxineiras)

09. No caso de títulos, somente o último é colocado no plural:

Ex.: Knight templar / Knight templars (templários)

British Labor Leader / British Labor Leaders ( Líderes trabalhistas Ingleses)

10. Aos substantives compostos com -ful, acrescenta-se –s :

Ex.: spoonful / spoonfuls (colheradas)

handful / handfuls (punhados)
cupful / cupfuls (xicaradas)

11. Alguns substantivos apresentam a mesma forma para o singular e o plural:

Ex.: fish / fish (peixes)

sheep / sheep (carneiras)
Trout / trout (trutas)
deer / deer (cervos)

12. Itens compostos de duas partes são sempre usados no plural:

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Ex.: glasses (óculos)

scissors (esouro)
spectacles (óculos)
Observações Importantes : Verbo é sempre usado no plural:

Ex.: Those glasses are beautiful. (Aqueles óculos são bonitos.)

My scissors are not very good. (Minha tesoura não é muito boa.)

13.Algumas doenças são usadas no plural:

Ex.: mumps - (caxumba)

measles - (sarampo)
Observações Importantes : Verbo é sempre usado no singular:

Ex.: Mumps is contagious disease. (caxumba é uma doença contagiosa.)

Measles is not a serious disease. (Sarampo não é uma doença grave.)

14. Alguns substantivos que são usados no plural:

Jogo Vestuário Subst. Incontáveis

dominoes – (dominó) trousers – (calças)

cards – (cartas) knickers – (calcinhas) tea – (cha)
checkers – (damas) drawers – (cuecas) water – (água)
biliards – (bilhar) clothes – (roupas) money – (dinheiro)
shorts – (shorts) knowledge – (conhecimento)
information – (informação)

15. Numerais , quando usados como adjetivos, não usados no plural:

Ex.: a four-door car ( um carro de quatro portas)

A two hundred-page book ( um livro de duzentas páginas)

16. Transformam-se quantidades indefinidos em plural usando-se tanto a unidade de medida

quanto a substantivo no plural:
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Ex.: Thousands of cars ( milhares de carros )

Hundreds of people (centenas de pessoas)

17. Transformam-se quantidades definidos em plural usando-se a unidade de medida no

singular e o substantive no plural. Neste caso, retira-se o of:

Ex.: Tem thousand cars (dez mil carros)

Two hundred people (duzentas pessoas)

18. Substantives derivados de grego ou do latim podem fazer o plural irregularmente:

Analysis / analyses (análises) appendix / appendixes /appendices

aquarium / aquária/ aquariums (aquários) axis / axés (eixos)
bacterium/ bactéria (bactérias) basis / bases (bases)
cactus /cacti/cactuses (cactos) crisis / crises (crises)
criterion /criteria/criteriond (critérios) curriculum / curricula /curriculums (currículos)
datum / data (dados) erratum /errata (errata)
Fórmula/formulae/formulas (formúlas) Fungus/fungifunguses (fungos)

Tópico 9.

Indefinite pronouns some, any, no, none and compounds

Some / Any ( algum, alguma, alguns, algumas)

1. Some é seus compostos, tais como somebody, someone (alguém), something (alguma coisa),
somewhere ( algum lugar) são usados:

01. Em sentenças afirmativas:

Ex.: I have some money in the bank. (Tenho algum dinheiro no banco)

Somebody is waiting for you outside. (Alguem está esperando por você lá fora.)

Let‟s eat something. (Vamos comer alguma coisa)

02.Em sentenças Interrogativas, com sentido de oferecimento ou convite:

Ex.: Would you like some water? (Você gostaria de água? )

Would you like to go somewhere with me this weekend? (Você gostaria de ir á algum lugar comigo
este final de semana?)

03. Antes de substantivos incontáveis no singular:

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Ex.: Please, give me some coffee. ( Por favor, dê-me um pouco de café)

2. Any e seus compostos, tais como anyone (alguém), anything (alguma coisa), anywhere
(algum lugar) são usados:

01. Em sentenças interrogativas significam algum, alguma, alguns e algumas:

Ex.: Did you do anything last night? (Você fez alguma coisa a noite passada?)

Will you see anyone tomorrow? ( Você verá alguém amanhã?)

02. Em sentenças afirmativas com significado de qualquer, quaisquer:

Ex.: If you have any question, please ask.( Se você tiver quaisquer perguntas, por favor faça-as)

Mary hasn‟t seen any of her brothers lately. ( Mary não vê qualquer de seus irmãos há anos. )

03. Em sentenças com sentido negativo e significa nenhum:

Ex.:She hardly ever sees any of her relatives. ( Ela raramente vê qualquer de seus parentes.)

No / None (nenhum, nenhuma)

1. No sempre antecede um substantivo, tais como nobody, no one (ninguém), nothing (nada),
nowhere (nenhum lugar). São sempre usados com os verbos na afirmativa:

Ex.: They have nobody to love. (Eles não tem ninguém para amar.)

Nothing is happening now. (Nada está acontecendo agora)

OBESERVAÇÕES IMPORTANTES: Nobody, no one, anybody, anyone, something e

someone são substantives masculinos e singulars, portanto são sempre substituídos por 3
pessoas do singular: He, him. His, himself....


01.Usado no final de frases afirmativas, referindo-se a um substantivo já citado:

Ex.: He hás a lot of money. I have none. ( Ele tem muito dinheiro. Eu não tenho nenhum)

02.Usado com substantivo:

None + of + substantivo

Ex.: None of the students came. (nenhum dos estudantes vieram)

03.Usado como pronome:

None + of + pronome objeto

Ex.: None of them came. (Nenhum deles veio)

Forma compostas de some, any e no são:

somebody/someone –alguém
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someway / somehow – de alguma forma

somewhere – em algum lugar
something- alguma coisa, algo
anybody/anyone – algém, ninguém e qualquer um / pessoa
anyway / anyhow – de alguma forma, de nenhuma forma e de qualquer forma.
anywhere- em algum lugar, em nenhum lugar e em qualquer lugar
anything- algo, nada e qualquer coisa
nobody/ no one – ninguém
nothing – nada
nowhere- em nenhum lugar

1. Complete the sentences using some, any, someone or anyone.

01.We‟ve made__________mistake is speling

02.He doesn‟t like_______of his friends,

03.You will need_________apples.

04.Please put___________water in the vase. The flowers are dying.

05.Peter says he wants___________ice cream.

06.Would you like_________coffee?

07.He doesn‟t want______coffee?

08.I think there is __________at home.

09.He spoke to_________about me.

10.You left________ things on the table.

Tópico 10.

The Genitive Case

O “Caso Genitivo” indica uma relação de posse ente dois o mais elementos. È representado por
‘s ou’ e usado com pessoas ou animais.
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Ex.: John‟s car is expensive.( O carro de John é caro)

Mary got very happy when she saw the bird‟s nest. ( Mary ficou muito feliz quando viu o ninho de


Ex.: The house of Peter = Peter‟s house
The tail of the dog = The dog‟s tail.
1.usa-se ‘s nos seguintes casos:
01. Nome próprio no singular:
Ex.: Jonathan‟s book was bought yesterday. (O livro de Jonathan foi comprador ontem.)
02. Nome próprio no singular terminado em S:
Ex.: Jame‟s daughter is a pretty child. (A filha de james é uma linda criança)
03. Substantivo no singular:
Ex.: She hasn‟t bought the dog‟s food yet. (Ela ainda não comprou a comida do cachorro)
04. Substantivo no plural que não termina em S:
Ex.: The men‟s hats were bought at macy‟s. (Os chapéus dos homens foram comprados na Macy‟s)
05. Substantivo no singular terminado em S:
Ex.: The princess‟s eyes are blue. (Os olhos da princesa são azuis.)
06. Dois possuidores diferentes de itens iguais – acrescenta-se ‘S aos dois nomes:
Ex.: Peter‟s and paul‟s houses are big. (As casa de Peter e Paul são grandes.)
07. Possuidores comuns de um mesmo item _ acrescenta-se „S apenas ao último:
Ex.: Peter and Mary‟s house is comfortable. (A casa de Peter e Mary é confortável.)
08. Substantivos compostos _ acrescenta-se „S ao ùltimo componente:
Ex.: My mother-in-law‟s dress is Black. (O vestido de minha sogra é preto)
2. Usa-se „ com:
01. Nome clássico singular terminado em S:
Ex.: Hercules‟ strength is know by everybody. (A força de Hercules é conhecida por todos)
02. Substantivo plural terminado em S:
Ex.: The boys‟ Ball is far from here. (A bola dos garotos está longe daqui)
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Não se usa o Caso Genitivo com objetos inanimados:
Ex.: The Page of the book. ( a página do livro)
The roof of the house ( O telhado da casa)
02. Pode-se usar o Caso Genitive quando estão ocultas as palavras shop, office, house,
Ex.: The doctors‟s (Office) ( O consultório do médico)

Mary‟s (house) (a casa de Mary)

St. Paul‟s (cathedral) (a catedral de St. Paul)
03. Coisas personificadas e alguns nomes são exceções, tais como nomes de instituições ou
firmas e com palavras como: soul, heaven, sea, wind, earth, moon, country, nation, institutions e
Ex.: The counry‟s people. (O povo do país)

The nation‟s problems. ( Os problemas da nação)

The seas‟s water. ( a água do mar)

The sun‟s rays. ( a raios do sol)

The moon‟s light. ( A luz da lua)

04. Expressões com „S.

Ex.: For God‟s sake. (Pelo amor de Deus)

05. Pode-se usar o Caso genitive com nomes de empresas e instituições.

Ex.: Catepillar‟s tractors are of very good quality. (Os tratores de Caterpillar são de muito boa

O S pode ser incorporado ao nome da empresa, sem necessidade de utilizar-se ‘S.

Ex.: Woolwarths (or Woolwarth‟s) Will soon open a new branch. (Woolworths logo abrira uma nova filial)

I- Use „S or „ in the following sentences wherever necessary. Justify their use in Portuguese.
01. They don‟t sell children clothes here.
02. The child toys are completely broken.
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03. He goes to the dentist very often.
04. Only birthday is on February 12.
05. Larry and Nick father is in Chicago.
06. Paul and Peter fathers are in Rome.
07. St. Peter is in Rome.
08. I buy all my dresses at Macy.
09. All the postmen children came today.
10. Collins book are the best.

Tópico 11.


Adverbios são palavras que:

 Modificam verbos, ações:
 Podem ser usados para modificar adjetivos:
 Podem ser usados para modificar outors advérbios:
 Podem ser usados para modificar uma sentence inteira.
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Ex.: She sings beautifully. ( Ela canta bonito.)

He‟s a very intelligent man. (Ele é um homem muito inteligente)
She runs terribly quickly. (Ela corre terrivelmente rápido.)
Actually, that‟s my nome.(Na verdade, este é meu nome.)

Manner: (advérbios de modo): derivam de adjetivos e geralmente terminam por ly:

slowly- vagarosamente
quicly/ fast- rapidamente
carefully- cuidadosamente
fluently- fluentemente
patiently- pacientemente
kindly- gentilmente
really- realmente
hardly- mal
well- bem
badly- gentilmente

Time (advérbios de tempo):

now- agora
still- ainda
soon- logo
early- cedo
tomorrow- amanhã
yesterday- ontem
tonight- esta noite
last month- no mês passado
next week- na próxima semana
on Saturday- no sábado

Place (advérbios de lugar):

here- aqui
there- lá
everywhere- em todo lugar
above- acima
around- ao redor de
beside- ao lado de
upstairs- no andar de cima
downstairs – no andar de baixo
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Degree or Intensity (advérbios de intensidade):

very- muito
too- demais
almost- quase
more- mais

Doubt ( advérbios de dúvida):

maybe/perhaps- talvez
probably- provavelmente
possibly- possivelmente

Frequency (advérbios de freqüência): Estes vêm antes dos verbos comuns e são colocados
depois dos verbos auxiliares em uma frase. São eles, entre outros:

always- sempre
never- nunca
sometimes - às vezes
often - freqüentemente
seldom - raramente
once - uma vez
twice - duas vezes

A ordem dos adverbios na sentence:

Modo + lugar + tempo

Ex.: I‟ll do my homework quickly at school today. (Eu farei minha lição de casa rapidamente na escola

Lugar + modo + tempo

(para verbo de movimento)

Ex.: She came home by taxi last night. (Ela veio para cas de taxi ontem á noite)


As Expressões adverbiais de tempo mais específicas são usadas antes das menos específicas:

Ex.: I met my girlfriend at 8:00 p.m, on the first Monday of March , in 1983. ( Eu conheci minha
namorada á 8:00 horas da noite, na primeira segunda-feira de março em 1983.)
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Outros Advérbios e Exemplos:

Almost – quase: Or so – Aproximadamente:

Ex.: She‟s almost a woman (Ela é quase uma mulher) Ex.: The book costs US$50.00 or so. ( O livro
custa US$50.00 aproximadamente_
Any more, any longer – não mais: Shortly – logo:
Ex.: Don‟t come here any more. (Não venha mais Ex.:Please come shortly after 12:00. (Por favor ,
aqui.) venha logo após as 12:00 hs.)
As well – também: So- assim, então, também:
Ex.: Our friends speak German.We speak Ex.:I don‟t think so. (Eu penso assim)
German as well. (Nossos amigos falam alemão. Nós So tell me. What‟s your name? (Então, diga-
também) me, Qual o seu nome?)
They‟re hungry. So are we. (Eles estão com
fome. Nós também)

Else – mais: Still _ ainda:

Ex.: What else would you like to say? O que Ex.:They‟re still on the Road. (Eles ainda estão na
mais gostaria de falar?) estrada.)
Who else do you want to visit? (Quem mais
gostaria de visitar?)
Where else do you want to go? (Onde mais
você quer ir?)

Enough – suficientemente: Whatever – O que quer que:

Ex.: We‟re old enough to take care of Ex.: We shall have whatever we wish.(Nós
ourselves.(Somos crescidos o suficiente para cuidar de nós teremos o que quer que desejamos.)
Even – até mesmo, mesmo: Whenever _ Quando quer que:
Ex.:Even Richard is absent. (Até o Richard está Ex.:Come whenever you want.(Venha quando
ausente) quiser)

Ever – alguma vez, já: Wherever _ Onde quer que:

Ex.: Have you ever been there? (Você já esteve Ex.: Wherever you go, you‟ll be welcome. (Onde
lá?) quer que você vá será bem vindo.)
Whichever _ Qualquer que:
Fairly – razoavelmente, bastante: Ex.:Buy whichever shoes you lika. (Compre
Ex.:She‟s a fairly intelligent girl. (Ela é uma gorato quaisquer sapatos que você queira.)
razoavelmente/bastante inteligente)
Lately – Ultimamente: Whoever-Quem quer que:
Ex.:She hasn‟t come lately. (Ela não tem vindo Ex.:Whoever is your friend is my friend too.
ultimamente.) (Quem quer que seja seu amigo meu amigo também.)
Yet – Ainda:
Only- Só, somente: Ex.:Nobody has come yet. ( Ningém chegou ainda.)
Ex.: Only John understands me.(Somente John me

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Os advérbios de freqüência são normalmente usados com verbos no Simple Present Tense,
antes do verbo principal e depois do verbo to be:

Ex.: I never talk to my father. ( Eu nunca falo com meu pai.)

My friend is never late for class. (Meu amigo nunca está atrasado para a aula)

Susan is rarely tired. (Susan está raramente cansada.)

They sometimes go to Paris. (Eles às vezes vão a Paris)

Monkeys usually eat bananas. ( Macacos geralmente gostam de bananas.)

1.Rewrite the sentences in the correct order.

01.Tomorrow Will go I to at 8:00 school.


02. Yet, Susan hasn‟t arrived.


03. Has she lately come to school?


04. They‟re enough intelligent to do that by themselves.


05. We‟re nervous still.


2. Forme advérbios de modo a partir dos seguintes adjetivos e a seguir, traduza-os:

Adjective Adverb Translation

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Tópico 12.

Degees of Comparison

The degrees of comparison of adjectives:

Os Adjetivos, além de qualificar substantivos, também fazem comparações. Em inglês, os

adjetivos possuem três graus de comparação:

1.Grau normal - No Grau Normal, o adjetivo não sofre comparação

As ... as (tão ... quanto) é usado em frases afirmativas

AS +Adj./Adv.+As

Ex.: Jane is as beautiful as Mary

not so ... as ou not as ... as (não tão ... quanto), em frases negativas.


Ex.: Sue is not as beautiful as Mary.

2. Grau comparativo - No Grau Comparativo, a comparação é feita entre dois substantivos.

-Er... than /more ....than (mais que)
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Para adjetivos e advérbios com até duas sílabas

Ex.: Mom is older than dad.

Para adjetivos e advérbio com mais de duas sílabas

Ex.: Mom is more beautiful than Dad.

Less ... than (menos...que)


Ex.: Jane is less intelligent than Sue.

3.Grau superlativo - Grau Superlativo a comparação é feita entre três substantivos ou mais.

The... -est (in/of) ( o /a mais...)


Para adjetivos ou advérbios com duas sílabas

Ex.: Jane is the oldest of all.

The most... (in/of) (o mais)

Para adjetivos
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Ex.: Sue is the most intelligent of all.

The least…(in/of) (o/a menos…)


Ex.: Mary is the least intelligent of all.

Regras para formação dos comparativos e superlativos

Adjetivos com até duas silabas:

01. Terminados em –y, precedidos de consoantes _ Substituir o y por ier ou –iest

Ex.: lazy - lazier than, laziest

02. Adjetivos com uma sílaba, terminados em consoantes em uma consoante, por sua vez
precedida por vogal_ dobrar a consoante e acrescentar –er ou –est.

Ex.: big -bigger than – the biggest

03. Adjetivos terminados em consoantes duplas precedidas de vogal- acrescenta-se –er ou est.

Ex.: tall -taller than – the tallest

04. Adjetivos terminados em –ed, -ing, -re, ish, -st, -x, -ful e –ous – acrescentar more than e the

Ex.: hamful – more hamful than/ the most hamful

Famous – more famous than / the most famous

91 | P á g i n a


A maioria dos adjetivos com duas sílabas admitem ambos as fromas:

Comparativos: -er than ou more...than

Superlativos: the-est ou the most...

Ex.: 01. Clever - Cleverer or more clever

The cleverest or the most clever.

02. Funny - funnier or more funny

The funniest or the most funny

Formas Comparativas e Superlativas Irregulares - Irregulares Comparative and Superlative


Alguns adjetivos não seguem as regras apresentadas anteriormente para formar os graus
comparativos e superlativos. As formas que estes adjetivos possuem são chamadas de Formas
Comparativas e Superlativas Irregulares e estão entre as mais usadas na Língua Inglesa.
Como não existem regras para este tipo de formação do Grau Comparativo e Superlativo, é
necessário decorá-las. Na tabela abaixo encontram-se as formas comparativas e superlativas
irregulares dos adjetivos:

Grau Normal Advérbio Grau Comparativo Grau Superlativo

bad badly worse (than) (the) worst
well well Better (than) The best
far further / farther (the) furthest/(the)
(than) farthest
good - better (than) (the) best
late later (than) (the) later ou (the) latest
little little less (than) (the) least
many more (than) (the) most
much more (than) (the) most
much some more (than) (the) most
92 | P á g i n a

1- Complete as sentenças com os comparatives de superioridade ou inferioridade das
palavras em parentheses.Justifique suas respostas.

01. She is________________ I am (young)


02. New York is ______________Detroit. (big)


03. This lesson is certainly________________ the last one.(difficult)


04. The weather today is____________ yesterday. (bad)


05. Jane’s wallet is__________her sister’s. (expensive)


Tópico 12.

Relative Pronouns

Pronomes Relativos são usados como sujeitos ou objetos de verbos como qualquer outro
pronome. Através deles podemos unir duas sentenças:

Ex.: 1- What‟s the name of that song? It‟s beautiful!

What‟s the name of that song which is beautiful?

Ex.: 2- The woman came here. She was wearing a red dress.

The woman who came here was wearing a red dress.

93 | P á g i n a

Pronomes Relativos mais comuns


Quem, que (usado Quem, Que,qual, o Cujo,cuja ,
como sujeito e objeto) que(usado como qual, a qual cujos, cujas:
objeto, antes da (Usado para coisas
Ex.: It was he preposição) e animais)
WHOtold me that. Ex.: Mary is the
Ex.: Mr. Smith is Ex.:Those are the
( Foi ele quem me contou girl WHOSE leg
aquili) the man to pets WHICH had was broken
WHOM I gave problems.(Aqueles
the money. ( O Sr. sãso os animais de
Smith é o homem a estimação que
quem dei o tiveram problemas.)
Note: O pronome WHO dinheiro)
não pode ser usado antes
Note: WHOM Ex.: This is the
de preposição, a menos
pode ser substituido book WHICH
que esta esteja no final por THAT, mas a I‟ve read ten
preposição vai
da sentenças e que possa
para o final da times. (Este é o
ser substituida por THAT frase. livro que já li dez
Ex.: Mr. Smith is
Ex.:She is the woman Note: pode ser
the man to THAT substituido por
who I am looking for. I gave the THAT:
money. ( O Sr.
Smith é o homem a Ex.: This is the
quem dei o book THAT I‟ve
read ten times.


01. Usa-se WHOM ao invés de THAT após preposições:

Ex.: Mr. Smith is the man to whom I gave the money. ( O Sr. Smith é o homem a quem dei o

02. Usa-se WHO ao invés de THAT entre vírgulas:

Ex.: The people, who are single, want to marry. (As pessoas que são solteiras querem casar-se.)

03. Os pronomes relatives podem ser omitidos quando não estiverem colocados
imediatamente após preposições:

Ex.: They are the people whom I like. Or They are the people I like.
That‟s the book which I‟ve already read. Or That‟s the book I‟ve already read.
94 | P á g i n a

1 – Complete with who, whom, which, whose:

01. I saw the child ___________opened the window.

02. The book ________ I read last week was interesting.
03. The teacher ________ I like best is Mrs. Brown.
04. It was Sarah ________ called.
05. Was it your sister _________ lost her job?
06. The doctor by _________ I was operated on is a great specialist.
07. The bike _______ the child used belonged on is a grat specialist.
08. Our friend,_______ is an Italian, doesn‟t like pasta.
09. Is that the glass ______ she broke?
10. This is the kind of food______I like best.
11. The furniture_______ I‟ve just received is not mine.
12. The movie _______ we wanted to see has already started.
13. She is the saleswoman______ sold me all those dresses.
14. All the trips _______ we took were nice.
15. Is this the wallet _______ you‟ve lost?
16. The girls ______ are my friends are coming to visit me.
17. The girl to _______ I spoke is my friend.
18. To_____should we talk?
19. Is this the boy to ______ you sent the letter?
20. The taxi driver ______ is available will take me home.

02 _ Combine the sentences using the relative pronouns.

01. I saw the woman. She drove the car.


02. We are studying math. It‟s difficult.


03. They are going to study French. It‟s a beautiful language.


04. They boy is sad. He didn‟t pass.


05. They went to the meeting. It was important.

95 | P á g i n a


Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in use. 2ª edition. Naber, Therese. Angela Blackwell
with Michelle Johnston. English Know how. Oxford, 2004.

ANDREA CABRAL (Brasil). Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Inglês para ESP- ENGLISH
FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. Inglês Para Propósito Especifica São Carlos, n., p.1-200,

VIRGINIA EVANS-JENNY DOOLEY (Uk). Express Publishing. Reading and Writing. Reading
& Writing: Targets 2, Uk, n. , p.1-42, 1998.

VIRGINIA EVANS-JENNY DOOLEY (Uk). Express Publishing. Reading and Writing. Reading
& Writing: Targets 3, Uk, n. , p.1-46, 1998.

SWAN, Michael; WALTER, Catherine. The Good Grammar Book. 2. ed. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2003. 324 p.

FERRARI, Mariza; RUBIN, Sarah G.. Novos Tempos: Inglês. São Paulo: Scipione, 2000.
408 p.

EASTWOOD, John. Oxford Practice Grammar. 2. ed. New York: Oxford University Press,
1999. 432 p.

LONGMAN (Uk) (Ed.). Dictionary of Contempoary English: The Living Dictionary. 6. ed.
Uk: Longman, 2003.

BETTY SCRAMPFER AZAR (Us). English Grammar: Understanding and Using. 3. ed. New
York: Longman, 1999. 437 p.


Fonte:http://mostraum.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/383/:acesso 05.Set.10
Fonte: http://www.sempretops.com/internet/winzip-gratis/acesso: 04. Set.10

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