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Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(4):231-38


Update on stress and depression: the role of the

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
Uma atualização sobre estresse e depressão: o papel do eixo
Andrea de Abreu Feijó de Mello, Marcelo Feijó de Mello, Linda L Carpenter and Lawrence H Price
Mood Disorders Research Program, Butler Hospital, Dept of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown Medical School. Rhode Island, USA

Abstract Over the past 50 years, relationships between stress and the neurobiological changes seen in psychiatric disorders
have been well-documented. A major focus of investigations in this area has been the role of the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, both as a marker of stress response and as a mediator of additional downstream
pathophysiologic changes. This review examines the emerging literature concerning the relationship between
stress, HPA axis function, and depression, as well as the role of early life stress as an important risk factor for
HPA axis dysregulation. The more recent studies reviewed suggest that the prominence of HPA axis hyperactivity
in adults with depressive and anxiety disorders may constitute a link between the occurrence of adversity in
childhood and the development of adult psychopathology

Keywords Stress. Depression. Hypothalamus. Pituitary-adrenal system. Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH). HPA
axis. Child abuse. Childhood trauma.

Resumo Nos últimos cinqüenta anos, as relações entre estresse e mudanças neurológicas nas doenças psiquiátricas foram
bastante documentadas. Um dos maiores focos de investigação nesta área tem sido o eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário-
adrenal (HHA), tanto como marcador da resposta ao estresse, quanto como um mediador das mudanças
fisiopatológicas em resposta ao estresse. Esta revisão examina a literatura emergente no que concerne às rela-
ções entre estresse, eixo HHA e depressão, assim como o papel do estresse precoce como fator de risco para a
disfunção do eixo HHA. Os estudos mais recentes sugerem um papel de destaque para a hiperatividade deste
eixo em adultos com depressão e transtornos de ansiedade. Esta hiperatividade pode se constituir na ligação
entre ocorrência de adversidades na infância e o desenvolvimento da psicopatologia no adulto.

Descritores Estresse. Depressão. Hipotálamo. Sistema pituitário-adrenal. Hormônio liberador de corticotropina (HLC). Eixo
HHA. Abuso contra crianças. Trauma infantil.

Introduction and the neurobiological changes seen in psychiatric disorders

Stress is defined as ‘a mentally or emotionally disruptive or had been well-documented.
upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external A major focus of investigation in this area has been the role
influences,’ as well as ‘a stimulus or circumstance causing such of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, both as a
a condition’.1 Hans Selye coined the term ‘stressor’ in 1950 to marker of the stress response and as a mediator of additional
differentiate the condition of stress from the stimuli which evoke downstream pathophysiologic changes. The HPA axis func-
it, but the dual connotation of ‘stress’ has persisted. Beginning tions in close concert with the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine
in the ‘30s, Selye initiated a pioneering program of studies on (LC-NE) system, which is involved in extensive reciprocal in-
the adaptive physiology of stress which ultimately came to con- nervation of regions throughout the central nervous system
stitute the foundation for modern biological research in this (CNS). Stressors detected via the primary sensory organs gen-
area.2 By the end of the 20th century, relationships between stress erate signals which pass through mediating systems located in

This work was supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Nível Superior-CAPES (BEX 2139/01-4) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq
– Process n. 200974/87-4).
Received on 25/11/2002. Approved on 10/12/2002.

Update on stress and depression: HPA axis Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(4):231-38
Mello AAF de et al

the amygdala, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex. These re- mesolimbic dopamine system mediates reward and pleasure; and
gions serve to process and evaluate stress-related information the medial prefrontal cortex modulates complex executive be-
and in turn generate responses through regulation of HPA and havior and affective flexibility.5,6
LC-NE activity and other effector systems. During stress, the HPA axis becomes critically engaged through
For clinical psychiatrists, a keen awareness of the complex its role in activating the release of glucocorticoids, with conse-
interplay of stressors, stress, and illness is obviously a sine qua quent increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism.
non of routine practice. However, in order to gain a deeper un- CRH is expressed by parvocellular neurons located in the
derstanding on the pathogenic and compensatory neurobiologi- paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Following secre-
cal mechanisms underlying these clinical phenomena, labora- tion from nerve terminals in the median eminence, CRH traverses
tory studies are essential. Preclinical research using animal mod- the hypophysial portal circulation to bind at specific receptors in
els has historically provided crucial insights into the stress re- the anterior pituitary, resulting in the secretion of adrenocorti-
sponse in humans. In recent years, more sophisticated animal cotrophic hormone (ACTH). There are two types of CRH recep-
models have been developed in order to more closely mimic tors in the brain. CRH type 1 receptors are widely distributed
clinically relevant processes. Because of the prominence of HPA and appear to transduce the effects of CRH during stress. Con-
axis dysfunction in certain psychiatric syndromes, this system sistent with this, CRH type 1 receptor knockout mice, which
has been a major focus of attention. This coincides with a period have been genetically altered to eliminate the expression of this
of dramatic growth in our understanding on the molecular un- receptor, show decreased anxiety. In contrast, CRH type 2 re-
derpinnings and basic neurophysiology of the HPA axis. Efforts ceptor knockout mice show increased arousal and anxiety, sug-
are now underway to ‘back-translate’ findings from these novel gesting that CRH type 2 receptors counterregulate type 1 recep-
animal models to human laboratory and clinical paradigms. tors. Type 2 receptors also mediate diminished food intake. 5,6
Following a brief summary of current conceptualizations Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is also expressed in parvocellular
of the HPA axis as a component of the stress response sys- CRH neurons. Alone, it is a weak ACTH secretagogue, but in
tem, this review will examine the emerging literature con- synergy with CRH, AVP potentiates ACTH release from the pi-
cerning the relationship between stress, HPA axis function,
and depression. Detailed consideration will be given to pre-
clinical and clinical studies on the role of early life stress as a
risk factor for the development of HPA axis dysregulation
and depression in adulthood.


The stress response system and the HPA axis

The core stress response system consists of the corticotropin
releasing hormone (CRH) and LC-NE systems and their re-
spective peripheral components, the HPA axis and the sympa-
thetic nervous system (SNS).3 CRH and NE are the main cen-
tral regulators of the HPA axis and LC-NE systems, respec-
tively, being responsible for the stimulation of brain regions,
peripheral organs, and physiological functions downstream
from their central release. Activation of this core stress response
system stimulates behavioral arousal, increases cardiovascu-
lar and metabolic activity, and interferes with routine neuroveg-
etative functions (Figure). The CRH and LC-NE systems are
themselves closely linked, stimulating each other’s activity.
Activation of the LC-NE system operates as an emergency or
alarm system. It diminishes engagement in restitutive, neuroveg-
etative functions (e.g., grooming, eating, and sleeping), while
promoting an increase in autonomic outflow in the periphery.4
The LC-NE system is not contiguous with the SNS, but the ac-
tivity of the two systems is fairly closely coupled. Activation of
the SNS increases blood pressure, heart rate, and the availability
of glucose (which suppresses insulin secretion). These two sys-
tems also interact multidirectionally with neural substrates such
ACTH = adrenocorticotrophic hormone; AVP = arginine vasopressin; CRH = corticotrophin
as the amygdala, mesolimbic dopaminergic system, and medial releasing hormone; LC-NE = locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system; PVN = paraventricular
prefrontal cortex. In this regard, it is important to note that the nucleus; SNS = sympathetic nervous system;+ indicates stimulation; - indicates inhibition.

amygdala mediates fear, anxiety and emotional memory; the Figure - Schematic diagram of the stress response system.

Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(4):231-38 Update on stress and depression: HPA axis
Mello AAF de et al

tuitary.7 ACTH itself binds to receptors in the adrenal cortex to Numerous studies of basal and provoked measurements of
stimulate the production and release of cortisol. plasma HPA axis hormone concentrations, imaging of pitu-
Cortisol has both central and peripheral effects, mediated via itary and adrenal gland volume, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lev-
at least two specialized glucocorticoid receptor subtypes, the els of CRH, and post-mortem measures of brain CRH receptor
high-affinity type 1 receptor (or MR [‘mineralocorticoid re- binding and CRH messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels,
ceptor’]) and the low-affinity type 2 receptor (or GR [‘gluco- all point to hyperactivity of the HPA axis as a state marker for
corticoid receptor’]).8 The high-affinity MRs putatively respond major depression.23,24 Hyperactive CRH neurons, manifested
to low, basal levels of circulating cortisol, while the lower- as CRH hypersecretion, and impaired efficacy of glucocorti-
affinity GRs come into play during circadian and stress-related coid-mediated feedback, are considered reliable hallmarks of
peaks in cortisol secretion. The binding of cortisol to gluco- disturbed neuroendocrine regulation associated with, and per-
corticoid receptors in the hypothalamus and hippocampus, as haps causally related to, depressive disorders.23
well as in other upstream components of the HPA axis, acts as CRH receptors are widespread throughout the CNS, and CRH
a potent inhibitory regulator of HPA axis activity.9 regulates and modulates multiple neurochemical systems. Not
CRH-mediated glucocorticoid secretion has both adaptive surprisingly, alterations in CRH influence other neurotransmit-
and adverse effects. Acute release of cortisol during stress is ter systems, including NE and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine
responsible for the enhancement of cardiovascular function, [5-HT]), which are strongly implicated in the regulation of
mobilization of fuel, and inhibition of growth and reproduc- mood and emotional behavior. By means of its effects on the
tive functions, as well as some immunological responses. How- limbic system and brainstem autonomic nuclei, CRH may rep-
ever, the adaptive advantages of glucocorticoid secretion dur- resent one of the links between factors capable of causing de-
ing stress are limited to its acute rather than chronic release. pression, such as psychological trauma in genetically predis-
Chronic elevation of cortisol is almost always deleterious, re- posed individuals, and clinical symptomatology, which might
sulting in insulin resistance, visceral fat deposition, osteopenia be more directly mediated through biogenic amines.25
and osteoporosis, inhibition of T helper-1 directed cellular Heim & Nemeroff,26 among others, have suggested an inter-
immunity, and chronic suppression of the mesolimbic dopam- actional model to explain the relationship between stress, HPA
inergic reward system; in animal models, it is associated with axis dysfunction, and the development of depression. Accord-
excessive fear.5 There is evidence from studies in rats and non- ing to this model, early adverse experiences may shape a pre-
human primates that chronic mobilization of the stress response, existing genetic vulnerability to stress and disease, which re-
resulting in exposure to excessive glucocorticoids, has pro- sults in a phenotype vulnerable to the development of depres-
nounced adverse effects on the hippocampus. These include sion later in life, particularly following exposure to subsequent
inducing the regression of dendritic processes, inhibiting stressors. In this kind of model, the ‘dosage’ of subsequent stres-
neurogenesis, impairing the ability of neurons to survive coin- sors required to precipitate an episode of illness may vary widely
cident insults (e.g., increasing the neurotoxicity of seizure, depending upon the degree of vulnerability, reflecting the broad
hypoxia/ischemia, metabolic poisons, hypoglycemia, and oxy- disparities clinically observed in the relationship between acute
gen free-radical generators), and promoting neurotoxicity even stress and depression. CRH responsiveness, as a product of pre-
in the absence of additional insult.10,11 Recent clinical studies disposing genetic and early experiential factors, is posited to be
using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) show evi- the ‘transducer’ of adult stressors into the neurobiological de-
dence of hippocampal atrophy in patients with severe recur- rangements which characterise the depressed state.
rent depression;12 while the mechanisms responsible for this
atrophy are still unclear, some findings suggest that Studies of early life stress in laboratory animals
hypercortisolism is involved in the process. Because of limitations inherent to research on humans, stud-
ies of the effects of stress on the developing brain using animal
Stress, corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), and models have been particularly informative. A growing body of
depression preclinical research demonstrates that stressful experiences dur-
Early clinical observations and several decades of system- ing perinatal and early infant life result in profound and irre-
atic studies overwhelmingly document a prominent role for versible effects on the mature organism’s behavioral and neu-
psychosocial stressors and untoward life events in the patho- roendocrine response to stress. Long-term consequences of the
genesis of psychiatric illnesses. Psychological stress, as deter- experimental disruption of usual mother-infant contact and in-
mined by self-report of negative life events, frequently pre- teraction have been investigated in several important studies
cedes the onset of affective episodes,13-15 predicts depression during the past decade. At the same time, factors which can
severity16 and depression relapse,17 and is related to inferior mitigate the deleterious effects of such disruptions are also re-
antidepressant response. 18 Stress in the form of childhood physi- ceiving increased attention.
cal and sexual abuse is a well established risk factor for the For example, it has long been observed that postnatal human
development of depression in all age groups.19-22 handling of laboratory rat pups produced salutary changes in the
There are marked similarities between the cardinal features animals, which are manifested as permanent modifications in
of major depression in humans and the behavioral and neu- the their neuroendocrine (HPA), neurochemical, and behavioral
roendocrine responses to stress observed in laboratory animals. responses to stressful stimuli when mature.27-29 In a study de-

Update on stress and depression: HPA axis Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(4):231-38
Mello AAF de et al

signed to better elucidate the mechanisms underlying the effects Continued work by Meany and colleagues has teased out criti-
of handling and neonatal environmental factors on HPA axis cal qualities of maternal care during the first 10 days of life which
development, Plotsky and Meany30 exposed rat pups to one of serve to ‘program’ the development of neural systems mediat-
three conditions during the first two weeks of life. The pups ing the expression of fearfulness and anxiety in the adult rat.33
were either left undisturbed, underwent daily handling with very Mother rats were rated and grouped according to the degree to
brief (15 minutes) separation from their mothers, or underwent which they performed characteristic nurturing contact with their
prolonged (180 minutes) daily maternal separation. All animals infants in the postnatal period. The rat pups were unmanipulated
were subsequently weaned, housed with same-sex peers, and and allowed to mature into adulthood under standard laboratory
maintained under standardized conditions until adulthood. Com- conditions. The grown offspring of those mothers who demon-
pared with the undisturbed controls, significantly increased lev- strated frequent licking/grooming and arched-back nursing of
els of hypothalamic CRH and CRH mRNA were found in the their babies (high LG-ABN) were compared with grown off-
brains of rats which had been exposed to the prolonged maternal spring from mothers who demonstrated low levels of that ma-
separation, while significantly lower levels were seen in the group ternal behavior (low LC-ABN) during the postnatal 10-day pe-
which had been handled. After a 20-minute restraint stress, hy- riod. As adults, the offspring were examined with regard to fear
pothalamic CRH content was depleted and plasma corticoster- in the presence of novelty. High LG-ABN offspring exhibited
one was increased in all groups, but significantly less in this way substantially reduced behavioral fearfulness as compared with
in the handled group than in the other two groups. These find- low LG-ABN offspring. More importantly, a number of biologi-
ings demonstrate both the deleterious effects of maternal sepa- cal findings suggested correlates of those differential behavioral
ration on the HPA axis (and specifically the hypothalamic CRH responses between the two offspring groups: adult rats who were
system) and the beneficial effects of nonaversive environmental postnatal recipients of more maternal attention and contact in
stimulation in the neonatal period. the form of licking/grooming and arched-back nursing demon-
Employing a similar paradigm, Ladd et al31 studied adult rats strated increased central benzodiazepine receptor density in the
which had been isolated in an incubator for six hours per day amygdala and locus coeruleus, increased α-2 adrenergic recep-
during the first 20 days after birth. This manipulation subjected tor density in the locus coeruleus, and increased CRH receptor
the animals to standardized maternal deprivation before they density in the locus coeruleus. These neurotransmitter systems
were weaned, but without alteration in body temperature as a and brain structures are thought to be intimately involved in the
consequence of disrupted bodily contact with the mother. Af- expression of fear and anxiety in both animals and humans. With
ter weaning, all animals were housed and reared with same- regard to HPA axis functioning, every measure of stress
sex peers under standard laboratory conditions. Compared with responsivity correlated with the frequency of maternal licking
a cohort of rats which did not undergo isolation, the maternally and grooming, and the high- vs. low-LG-ABN offspring groups
deprived rats had significantly higher basal levels of plasma were consistently significantly different from each other. Com-
ACTH, a 125% increase in immunoreactive CRH concentra- pared with the low-LG-ABN offspring, offspring of high-LG-
tions in the median eminence, significantly reduced density of ABN mothers showed reduced levels of plasma ACTH and cor-
CRH receptor binding in the anterior pituitary, and increases ticosterone in response to stress, increased expression of hip-
in CRH receptor binding sites and CRH concentrations in pocampal glucocorticoid receptor mRNA, enhanced glucocorti-
extrahypothalamic CRH systems (raphe and parabrachial nu- coid feedback sensitivity, and diminished levels of hypothalamic
clei). These findings were consistent with those of Plotsky and CRH mRNA.34
Meany. A subset of the adult rats was subjected to a mild foot An important parallel step in current research on stress and
shock stress. Following the exposure to foot shock stress, the developmental neurobiology has been undertaken by Coplan et
rats that had experienced early maternal deprivation exhibited al.35 These investigators utilized a population of nonhuman pri-
augmented plasma ACTH release. mates to explore the effects of disrupted infant-mother interac-
Nemeroff et al32 described a similar experiment investigat- tion on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of CRH. Coplan
ing changes in CRH receptor density in the brains of 12-day- and colleagues randomly assigned pairs of mother/infant mon-
old rats that had been maternally deprived for only 24 hours keys to varying levels of environmental unpredictability in or-
before death. Again, when compared with nondeprived con- der to experimentally manipulate the quality and quantity of
trols, the rats exposed to early stress in the form of relatively mother-infant interaction. One group of animals was exposed to
brief separation from their mothers exhibited heightened lev- conditions of variable foraging demand (VFD), while the other
els of basal- and stress-induced ACTH, as well as altered CRH two groups were subjected to consistent availability of food:
receptor density in brain regions thought to be involved in the abundantly available and easily attainable in the low foraging
pathophysiology of depression and anxiety. Taken together, demand group (LFD) or consistently available but limited in
these findings suggest that even relatively brief perinatal ma- quantity and difficult to obtain in the high foraging demand (HFD)
ternal deprivation in rat pups produces a pattern of chronic group. The monkey pairs were assigned to these conditions when
hypersecretion of CRH in the median eminence, with associ- the infants were around 17 weeks old. The physical configura-
ated CRH receptor down-regulation and diminished sensitiv- tion of this experiment permitted the full range of mother-infant
ity of the glucocorticoid negative feedback regulatory mecha- behavioral patterns, yet the infants had ad lib access to food and
nisms, which persists into adulthood. water in an area that was inaccessible to the mothers. The rear-

Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(4):231-38 Update on stress and depression: HPA axis
Mello AAF de et al

ing behavior exhibited by VFD mothers is anxious, inconsis- ences of maternal separation/handling, variable foraging, and
tent, erratic, and sometimes frankly neglectful, presumably cre- frequency of maternal licking-grooming to the human aspects
ating a psychological stressor for the infant by virtue of the per- of early mother-infant interaction are inherently inadequate.
ception of ‘insecure’ attachment with the mother. 36 As adults, There is no way to know if the laboratory animal’s aberrant
the grown monkeys underwent a standardized procedure for sam- responses to restraint, foot shock, or novelty translate into ef-
pling of cisternal CSF for measurement of CRH and cortisol. fects that are meaningful in terms of how humans feel and func-
Results indicated that CSF CRH concentrations were signifi- tion in the face of new stressors.
cantly elevated in VFD subjects in comparison with both HFD An extensive literature, dating back to the work of Freud,41
and LFD groups, while CSF cortisol concentrations were sig- describes observations and theories regarding the importance
nificantly lower in the VFD monkeys. The two groups (HFD of early maternal attachment in, and the impact of maternal
and LFD) exposed to consistent foraging conditions (and hence deprivation on, the development of adult psychological
less maternal neglect) were indistinguishable from one another. health.42,43 Much descriptive work has been published on the
These findings constitute evidence for persistent hyperactivity relationship between adult psychopathology and early adver-
of CRH-releasing neurons in the CNS of adult nonhuman pri- sities such as parental loss in childhood, inadequate parental
mates which, as infants, were exposed to adverse experiences care, divorce, ‘affectionless’ or dysfunctional parenting, child-
disrupting the usual mother-infant attachment behaviors. hood physical and sexual abuse, and other childhood traumas.
Subsequent analyses of CSF from these same monkey groups These studies have consistently found early life stressors to be
showed that VFD animals had significantly elevated levels of associated with increased risk for mood and anxiety disorders
somatostatin, 5-HT, and dopamine metabolites as compared and personality pathology in adulthood.
with non-VFD subjects.37 Behaviorally, monkeys exposed to Nemeroff et al. have conducted a series of studies examin-
VFD stress were more readily frightened by novelty and less ing the complex interactions of early life experiences, depres-
independent of their mothers in the first year of life,36-39 and sion, and laboratory-based stress, as reflected in HPA axis func-
continued to be more timid, less social, and more subordinate tion. Preliminary findings on stress responsiveness in adult
than LFD offspring as young adults. 40 When exposed to a single survivors of childhood abuse with and without depression were
oral dose of the alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist yohimbine, adult reported by Heim et al.44 In that study, women with a history of
VFD offspring showed significant decreases in self-protection child abuse with major depression showed significantly in-
behaviors, increases in behavioral inhibition, and increases in creased cortisol responses to psychological stress as compared
feeding behaviors, while LFD animals (thought to represent with healthy control subjects and abused women without de-
‘normal’ controls) did not.38 Additionally, an array of behav- pression. The ACTH and cortisol responses were positively
ioral responses noted to occur in LFD animals in response to correlated with the degree of childhood abuse and the severity
the 5-HT agonist m-chloro-phenyl-piperazine (mCPP) were of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
suppressed in VFD animals. These data were interpreted as Women with a history of childhood abuse and current depres-
suggesting that VFD animals showed a shift away from adap- sion suffered more often from comorbid PTSD and had been
tive external monitoring of the social environment, reflected exposed to more recent life stress when compared with women
in decreased self-protective/tension behavior, and toward dis- having a history of childhood abuse without depression. In CRH
tress patterns involving greater internal monitoring, as reflected stimulation tests of these women, those with a history of child-
in increased inhibition/enervation behavior.38 The types of be- hood abuse without depression exhibited increased ACTH re-
haviors assessed in these studies are felt to be reflective of af- sponses along with normal to decreased cortisol responses. In
fective distress and to constitute an anxiety syndrome in ani- contrast, women with a history of childhood abuse with
mals which is relevant to human mood and anxiety states. The comorbid major depression exhibited blunted ACTH responses,
data thus support the view that aspects of early infant-mother likely due to chronic overexposure of the pituitary to CRH.
relationship have long-term effects on psychological function- These findings suggest that there may be an initial sensitiza-
ing, particularly with regard to the development of acute anxi- tion of the stress hormone system during early life adversity,
ety. Such effects appear to be associated with enduring alter- representing a biological vulnerability for the development of
ations in both noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmis- depression and anxiety disorders in later life.45
sion, as well as the HPA axis, underscoring the complexity and In another study, these same investigators26 examined 66
persistence of the effects of early adversity on a range of women divided into four groups: 1) healthy without early life
neuromodulatory systems relevant to emotional regulation. stress (H); 2) history of childhood abuse without major depres-
sion (CA); 3) history of childhood abuse and current major
Effects of early life stress in humans depressive disorder (CAMDD); 4) current major depressive
The results of the preclinical investigations described above disorder but no early life stress (MDD). Plasma ACTH and
have the potential to markedly enhance our understanding of cortisol responses to ovine CRH 1 µg/kg and plasma cortisol
the etiology of affective and other psychiatric disorders. How- responses to ACTH 250 µg were measured. In comparison with
ever, translational research which tests hypotheses generated the H group, CA subjects exhibited enhanced ACTH responses
from the animal laboratory in clinical populations has been lim- to CRH administration, whereas the CAMDD and MDD groups
ited to date, and extrapolations from the infant animal experi- demonstrated blunted ACTH responses; cortisol responses to

Update on stress and depression: HPA axis Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25(4):231-38
Mello AAF de et al

CRH were blunted in the CAMDD and CA groups relative to ated a sample of 74 depressed patients in a follow-up study six
the H group. In the ACTH stimulation test, the CA group ex- months after hospital discharge, of whom 61 remained stable
hibited lower baseline and stimulated plasma cortisol concen- and 13 relapsed. The dexamethasone/CRH test had been ad-
trations than the H subjects, whereas the CAMDD group ministered at admission and at discharge, in order to determine
showed lower baseline cortisol levels only. The results of this whether test results could predict clinical outcome. On admis-
study are consistent with the earlier hypothesis that there is sion, relapsers and non-relapsers did not differ on their maxi-
sensitization of the anterior pituitary and counterregulatory mal cortisol or ACTH responses, but prior to discharge the
adaptation of the adrenal cortex in abused women with major maximal cortisol and ACTH responses were significantly higher
depression. These findings also support the etiological hypoth- in the patients who subsequently relapsed at follow-up. The
esis that depression and anxiety in these women are related to relative risk for relapse in the group with a high cortisol re-
stress exposure later in life resulting in hypersecretion of CRH sponse at discharge was 4.32, i.e., a four-fold risk than in pa-
and down-regulation of adenohypophyseal CRH receptors. tients with a normal cortisol response to dexamethasone/CRH.
Late HPA axis sequelae of early life stress have also recently
been demonstrated in an at-risk population by Meyer et al,5 Conclusion
who conducted a long-term follow-up study of children whose Early investigators believed that the HPA axis hyperactivity
mothers had been diagnosed with unipolar depression, bipolar of depression was little more than a manifestation of the clas-
I or II disorder, or no psychiatric illness. At adolescence, 63 of sic stress response. Subsequent authorities viewed this phe-
these children underwent a CRH challenge. Adolescents whose nomenon as a somewhat unique, but state-dependent, feature
mothers had displayed a highly angry or irritable parenting style of the illness itself. In contrast, the more recent studies reviewed
were more likely to exhibit exaggerated ACTH activation in here suggest that the prominence of HPA axis hyperactivity in
response to CRH than subjects who were not exposed to such adults with depressive and anxiety disorders may constitute a
parenting. Again, the possibility that pituitary sensitization of link between the occurrence of adversity in childhood and the
this type could contribute to the increased vulnerability of these development of adult psychopathology. The prognostic signifi-
adolescents for the development of major affective disorder in cance of continued HPA axis dysregulation in the face of ad-
adulthood is highly intriguing. equate treatment suggests that this phenomenon may well rep-
Holsboer et al. have advocated the use of the dexamethasone/ resent a fairly central pathophysiological, and perhaps etiologi-
CRH test as a more sensitive and informative means of evaluat- cal, process in depression.
ing HPA dysregulation in human subjects. 46-48 The test involves Taken together, these findings in laboratory animals and hu-
oral administration of a single dose of dexamethasone 1.5 mg at mans suggest that early life trauma may result in long-term, if
11:00 p.m., followed the next day at 3:00 p.m. by an intravenous not permanent, hyperactivity of the HPA system. Other studies
bolus of CRH 100 µg. Whereas previous studies using the CRH suggest that such hyperactivity may engender neurotoxic ef-
stimulus alone had found blunted ACTH responses in depressed fects in the hippocampus that lead to measurable decreases in
patients, use of the dexamethasone/CRH test results in exagger- hippocampal volume.10,12,54,55 These changes appear to repre-
ated ACTH responses in depressed patients compared with sent sensitization of the CRH circuits to even mild stress in
healthy controls. Similarly, the cortisol response after the dex- adulthood, leading to an exaggerated stress response. Upon
amethasone/CRH test is much greater than following a challenge exposure to persistent or repetitive stress in adulthood, these
with CRH alone.49 These findings are hypothesized to reflect the already sensitive stress pathways become markedly hyperac-
preferential action of dexamethasone at the pituitary to suppress tive, leading to persistent increases in CRH and cortisol secre-
ACTH, resulting in decreased cortisol levels and failure of the tion. This, in turn, could cause alterations in glucocorticoid
pituitary to compensate for this, in turn resulting in increased receptors and thereby contribute to the pathogenesis of mood
release of CRH and vasopressin more centrally in an effort to and anxiety disorders.25,45
enhance ACTH secretion. The nature and timing of early adverse events that will have
Certainly, use of a variety of investigative approaches has long-term sequelae has been well-delineated in some animal
yielded complementary insights into the relationship between models, but comparable parameters in humans are not known.
HPA axis dysfunction and depressive illness. For example, stud- Similarly, the range of sequelae that might be expected from
ies using serial administration of the standard dexamethasone specific traumas in humans is unclear. There is little data con-
suppression test (DST) have shown that, in patients with corti- cerning what kinds of psychosocial or neurobiological inter-
sol nonsuppression, normalization of HPA axis function is nec- ventions might mitigate or prevent the deleterious effects of
essary for clinical remission to become manifest during anti- early adversity. Finally, the compelling possibility that phar-
depressant treatment.6,49 Similarly, CSF studies have demon- macologic treatment targeted at HPA axis hyperactivity may
strated elevated levels of CRH in depressed patients compared have antidepressant or anxiolytic properties is only now being
with control subjects, with clinical remission during antide- evaluated, and the prophylactic potential of such agents has
pressant treatment associated with a decrease in CSF CRH down yet to be considered. Notwithstanding these caveats, progress
to the levels seen in controls.50 The combined dexamethasone/ in understanding the role of the HPA axis in mediating stress in
CRH test has proven particularly useful as a predictor of in- depression is highly promising for the development of novel
creased risk for relapse.51 For example, Zobel et al52,53 evalu- approaches to treatment and prevention.

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53. Zobel AW, Nickel T, Sonntag A, Uhr M, Holsboer F, Ising M. Cortisol
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R. Pedroso Alvarenga, 1046 cj 45
in patients with remitted depression. a prospective study. J Psychiatr Res 04531-004 São Paulo, SP, Brazil
2001;35(2):83-94. E-mail amfeijo@uol.com.br


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