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Lucas Cruz

Projeto de Graduação apresentado ao Curso de

Engenharia de Petróleo da Escola Politécnica,

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, como

parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do

título de Engenheiro.

Orientadores: Santiago Gabriel Drexler e Paulo


Rio de Janeiro

Junho de 2019


Lucas Cruz






Examinado por:


Prof. Santiago Gabriel Drexler, D.Sc.


Prof. Paulo Couto, D.Eng.


Prof. Rafael Mengotti Charin , Ph.D.


Prof. Paulo Goldfeld, Ph.D.


Cruz, Lucas

Simulation of the Physicochemical Properties

of Brazilian Pre-Salt Brines / Lucas Cruz. – Rio de

Janeiro: UFRJ/ Escola Politécnica, 2019.

XVI, 55 p.: il.; 29,7 cm.

Orientadores: Santiago Gabriel Drexler e Paulo


Projeto de Graduação – UFRJ/ Escola

Politécnica/ Curso de Engenharia de Petróleo, 2019.

Referências Bibliográficas: p. 36-38.

1. Introduction. 2. Literature Review. 3.

Research Methodology. 4. Results. 5. Conclusion. I.

Drexler, Santiago Gabriel e Couto, Paulo. II.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Escola

Politécnica, Curso de Engenharia de Petróleo. III.




Dedico este trabalho a toda minha
família, em especial, meus amados pais,
Sidney Cruz e Célia Pereira Cruz, e aos
meus queridíssimos irmãos, Alexandre
Cruz e Matheus Cruz. Sem vocês, este
trabalho e outros sonhos nunca se


Primeiramente, gostaria de agradecer a minha amada família. Meus queridos pais

que moveram montanhas e não mediram esforços para que eu chegasse onde estou, e me

deram a mais incrível evidência em todo esse tempo de seu doce amor. Meus avós, que

me deram apoio e suporte ao longo de todo esse tempo apesar da distância e sempre me

fizeram sentir especial aos seus olhos. Meus irmãos Alexandre, meu modelo a seguir por

toda minha infância, que inúmeras vezes veio ao meu socorro em momentos de

necessidade, permitindo que as experiências mais incríveis da minha vida, que

contribuíram grandemente na formação de meu caráter, se concretizassem, a isso serei

eternamente grato; e Matheus (Duduba), que me motiva como ninguém uma pessoa

melhor ao buscar em mim, muitas vezes o caminho a seguir, o carinho e afeição que tenho

por você são inexplicáveis.

Meus professores Paulo Goldfeld e Flávio Dickstein, e amigo Renan Pinto que

num momento tão frágil me deram um voto de confiança, me acolheram e deram uma

oportunidade enriquecedora no Laboratório de Matemática Aplicada ao Petróleo

(LabMAPetro) a despeito de minha inexperiência, sendo sempre muito pacientes comigo,

tirando minhas dúvidas por mais simples que fossem (o Renan especialmente) e

permitindo que eu priorizasse meus estudos, serei sempre grato pelo que fizeram por mim,

vocês são pessoas incríveis.

Meu professor orientador Paulo Couto, que teve papel fundamental na minha

formação profissional sendo um verdadeiro orientador em todos os sentidos da palavra,

estando a frente de muitas de minhas lutas, apesar de todas as muitíssimas ocupações que

o cercavam. Nunca poderei retribuir tudo o que o senhor fez por mim, nesses anos como

professor, coordenador e orientador, fico inteiramente grato pela confiança e mentoria a

mim dados.

Meu orientador Santiago Gabriel Drexler, que me orientou em cada etapa na

produção deste trabalho, e tomou tempo para me mostrar o caminho a seguir e o que

refazer apesar de tantas outras atividades que o rodeavam, fico agradecido por tudo que

fez. Também toda a equipe do LRAP, e seus patrocinadores, por permitirem esse trabalho.

Meus professores Rosemarie Bröker Bone, Rafael Charin que prontamente me

ajudaram no momento de maior necessidade de minha vida acadêmica, a despeito das

possíveis consequências envolvidas. Essa conquista não seria possível sem vocês.

Meus colegas de trabalho da Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE AS), Ying

Guo, que foi uma verdadeira mãe para mim durante meu intercâmbio acadêmico, fazendo

questão de cuidar de mim em tudo que lhe era possível, me dando o de vestir, comer, se

preocupando com os menores detalhes, e garantindo que minhas experiências pessoal,

acadêmica e profissional também fossem as melhores possíveis; Ingebret Fjord, que fora

um excelente professor e colega de trabalho, Widuramina Sameendraneth que com muito

carinho organizou uma festa de despedida para mim, e proporcionou diversas aventuras

nos laboratórios da NORCE AS, muito do que lá aprendi, devo a você e Erzuah Samuel

que fez esses dias de trabalho muito mais divertidos com seu espírito alegre e inabalável.

Agradeço também aos meus queridos amigos que fizeram essa longa caminhada

mais alegre, Mariana Carranza, Rodrigo Alves Rangel, Milos Herceg Tilb Akes Tående

Blitzkrieg (meus irmãos de outra mãe), Gustavo Medeiros, Thayna Gonçálves, Matheus

Gonzaga, Marco Túlio, Adilson Vieira, John Anderson, amigo mais estranho que já tive

e por isso um dos meus favoritos, Mussa Banjai, Aleksej Fjodorov, Hassan Altmimi,

Halvor Berntsen Fabian Garbog, Raoul Nilsen, Ragib Nilsen, Gustavo Maia, Gilberto

Cervantes e todos os demais que fizeram parte dessa jornada.

Resumo do Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Escola Politécnica/ UFRJ como parte dos

requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau de Engenheiro de Petróleo.



Lucas Cruz

Junho, 2019

Orientadores: Santiago Gabriel Drexler e Paulo Couto.

Curso: Engenharia de Petróleo

Este trabalho apresenta um método computacional, baseado no software OLI Studio, para

obtenção de propriedades físico-químicas de salmouras saturadas de CO2, sendo essas

propriedades a saturação de CO2, sua densidade e seu pH, e os resultados de sua aplicação

em salmouras do Pré-sal brasileiro saturadas de CO2. A validação do método é feita por

meio da reprodução de resultados da literatura considerando sistemas similares, porém

mais simples do que as salmouras complexas estudadas. Os resultados obtidos no estudo

destas salmouras foram consistentes, qualitativamente, com os dados da literatura.

Palavras-chave: salmouras do Pré-sal brasileiro, propriedades físico-químicas de

salmouras saturadas com CO2, solubilidade de CO2, pH e densidade de salmouras.

Abstract of Undergraduate Project presented to POLI/UFRJ as a partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of Engineer.



Lucas Cruz

June, 2019

Advisors: Santiago Gabriel Drexler and Paulo Couto.

Course: Petroleum Engineering.

This study presents a computational-based method, using OLI Studio, to obtain

physicochemical properties of CO2 saturated brines, namely, CO2 solubility, density and

pH. It also presents the results obtained when applying this method in CO2-saturated

Brazilian Pre-Salt brines. The validation of the method is made by reproducing results

from the literature considering similar, but simpler systems then the complex brines under

study. The results thus obtained were found to be qualitatively consistent with literature


Keywords: Brazilian Pre-Salt brines, physicochemical properties of CO2 saturated brines,

CO2 solubility in brines, pH and density of CO2 saturated brines.


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………….1

1.1 Motivation …………………………………….…………..…………………1

1.2 Objective of this study ………………….………..…………………………..2

1.3 Structure of the text……………………………………..…………………….3

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………...4

2.1 CO2 solubility in brine…………………………………..……………………4

2.2 Brine pH……………………………………..……………………………….8

2.3 Brine density……………………………………..…………………………10


3.1 Modelling aqueous electrolyte thermodynamics with OLI Studio………..…11

3.2 Reliability validation of OLI Studio…………………………………….…..21

3.3 Determining CO2 solubility of Pre-Salt brines with OLI Studio………...…..13

CHAPTER IV: RESULTS……………………………………………………………...26

4.1 CO2 solubilities in brines B, D and DSW …………………………………...27

4.2 Brines B, D and DSW densities. …………………………………………….28

4.3 Brines B, D and DSW pHs…………………………………………………..32

4.4 Summary of Remarks……………………………………………………….34

CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………35



FOR VALIDATION………………………………………………………………...….39


COMPARISON TABLES……………………………………………………………...44


PRE-SALT BRINES………………….………………………………………….……..47


1.1 Motivation

The data generated in this study has application in many areas of study. Some of

its applications are: input data for multiphase flow simulations and for the calculation of

interfacial tension of the oil-brine-CO2 system; prediction of carbonate minerals

dissolution as a function of pH; quantitative data that indicates the effect of CO2 both in

the sweep properties of water and in the wettability of a given reservoir (since the latter

strongly depends on its pH) and, last but certainly not least, carbon dioxide capture and

sequestration (CCS), to mention a few of them.

In order to obtain a better understanding of the fate and transport of CO2 in saline

aquifers, high resolution simulations of multiphase flow of CO2 and brine are a valuable

tool, not just for that, but also to elucidate the influence of small-scale heterogeneity on

brine displacement efficiency and CO2 saturation distributions (Benson, 2008), for


Also, the interfacial tension of the oil-brine-CO2 system is of major importance

in Reservoir Engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery, once it is the parameter that

determines the magnitude of the capillary forces into the pores, and consequently, the

necessary pressure the driving fluid must overcome to displace the fluid that is trapped

(Drexler, 2018).

The prediction of carbonate mineral dissolution becomes of ultimate importance

in the very context of CCS, that is, the disposal and sequestration of captured

anthropogenic CO2 into the oceans, basically consisting in the geologic storage of the

transported captured CO2 (Folger, 2013). Thus, when considering CCS in carbonate

formations (which are ideal candidate for geological storage because of its storage

capacity), one has to worry about CO2 leakage problems once the dissolved CO2 can

form a weak acid in brine that can dissolve carbonate rocks by various geochemical

reactions potentially enhancing the existing natural fracture system and thus forming

highly conductive pathways for possible CO2 leakage (Yuan, 2017).

Given that it is not always the case that one is able to obtain this data

experimentally, it is possible to grasp, from the examples given above, the relevance of

this simulated data and see how the alternative of simulating these properties may come

in quite handy when obstacles in obtaining experimental data come up.

The brines themselves may present several restrictions, once they are usually

found under high pressures, requiring considerably powerful pumps to experimentally

reproduce reservoir conditions. Also, their high corrosiveness and CO2 concentration may

present limitations for experimental measurements of physicochemical properties, since

these features require methods that measures conductivity under these conditions which

may be considerably expensive.

1.2 Objective of this study

This study aims to provide simulated data of paramount importance to the Oil &

Gas Industry, particularly for the companies working on the Pre-Salt fields in Brazil,

where the injection of CO2 in the reservoirs comes up as an important enhanced oil

recovery method (Lake, 1989) and to describe the simulation method used to obtain them.

This data corresponds to physicochemical properties of CO2 saturated Brazilian

Pre-Salt brines, such as its density, pH and CO2 solubility at relevant temperatures and

pressures for the context mentioned above. The characterization of physicochemical

properties of these fluids after their mixture with CO2 helps to provide a better

understanding of the influence of CO2 solubility, pressure and temperature in these


1.3 Structure of the text

This study is divided in six chapters, having the following structure:

• CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION – This chapter establishes the context,

motivation and objective of this study, and also briefly describes some

important applications for the data presented in Chapter IV.

• CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW – This chapter presents an

overview of the results found in the scientific literature, reporting different

data points for systems similar to those considered in this study.

• CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY – This chapter lays down in a detailed

manner the methodology used in this study, covering the computational

procedures and data analysis methods used.

• CHAPTER IV: RESULTS – This chapter presents the results obtained

using the methodology described in the previous chapter, that is, the

physicochemical properties of different Brazilian Pre-Salt brines in the

range of 0-10000 psi and 0-100 ºC. It also aims to discuss the obtained

results presented.

• CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSIONS – This chapter presents a summary of

the problem at hand and a review of the methodology used and next steps

to be followed from this study.

• BIBLIOGRAPHY – This chapter contains the references used in the

elaboration of this study.


This section contains an overview of the results found in the scientific literature

in what relates to physicochemical properties of CO2 saturated brines, reporting different

data points for systems similar to the ones considered in this study, for the sake of a future

comparison, and also summarizing the conclusions drawn from them.

2.1 CO2 solubility in brine

Considering the purpose of this study and the fact that solubility data is scarce for

CO2 + H2O + Salt systems, it should be enough to mention the results obtained from

Messabeb et al, 2016; Koschel et al, 2006 and Rumpf et al, 1996, in order to illustrate

how CO2 solubility is affected by pressure, temperature and salinity.

2.1.1 Messabeb et al, 2016

Messabeb et al. obtained solubility measurements by potentiometric titration after

sample trapping in sodium hydroxide solution. Its results, which are shown in Table 2.1,

were compared to literature data and found to be consistent.

From this study, it can be concluded that the rise in pressure leads to a significant

increase in CO2 solubility, although this significance is decreased as pressure increases.

Similarly, the rise in temperature leads to a decrease in CO2 solubility, even though the

temperature dependence diminishes at higher temperatures. It can also be concluded that

the increase in salt molality clearly reduces the CO2 solubility.

Table 2.1 NaCl brine CO2 solubility data from Messabeb et al, 2016

mNaCl T (K) P (MPa) CO2 solubility

(mol-kg) (mol/kg) - Exp
0 323,15 5,01 0,791
323,15 10,03 1,164
323,15 15,04 1,234
323,15 20 1,308
1 323,15 5,03 0,650
323,15 10,02 0,965
323,18 15,06 1,042
323,15 20,01 1,081
3 323,15 4,99 0,452
323,15 10,06 0,676
323,15 14,97 0,713
323,15 19,96 0,779
6 323,15 5,05 0,291
323,15 10,09 0,438
323,15 14,99 0,484
323,15 20,04 0,509
1 373,15 50,01 0,376
373,15 10,08 0,668
373,15 15,02 0,850
373,15 19,96 0,942,
3 373,15 5,08 0,289
373,15 10,07 0,492,
373,15 15,01 0,609
373,15 20,16 0,727
6 373,15 5,08 0,196
373,15 10,07 0,331
373,15 15,01 0,408
373,15 20,16 0,471
1 423,15 5,03 0,305
423,15 10,04 0,877
423,15 15,05 0,804
423,15 20,01 0,960
3 423,15 5,06 0,245
423,15 10,1 0,425
423,15 14,96 0,570
423,15 20,23 0,717
6 423,15 5,04 0,162
423,15 10,1 0,285
423,15 14,96 0,379
423,15 20,21 0,463

2.1.2 Koschel et al, 2006

Koschel et al. determined the solubility of CO2 in NaCl solution by a calorimetric

technique through the measurement of mixture enthalpy. Their results match with the

literature values they used for comparison within an uncertainty of 7% and, in agreement

with Messab et al., they conclude that CO2 solubility decreases with an increase in

salinity. The results obtained by them is found in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 NaCl brine CO2 solubility data from Koschel et al, 2006 (δ: uncertainty in CO2

solubility, m: NaCl molality)

Molality T P δp CO2 solubility δx (mol

(K) (MPa) (mol percent) percent)
323,15,10 0,02 0,0111 0,0007
10,03 0,02 0,0164 0,0008
14,38 0,02 0,0177 0,0010
1,0 m 20,24 0,02 0,0181 0,0009
373,1 5,07 0,03 0,006 0,0004
10,40 0,07 0,0112 0,0007
19,14 0,03 0,0161 0,0013
323,15,00 0,02 0,0083 0,0007
10,04 0,02 0,0114 0,0007
14,41 0,02 0,0124 0,0008
20,24 0,02 0,0137 0,0009
3,0 m
373,1 5,04 0,01 0,0043 0,0003
10,29 0,05 0,0080 0,0005
19,02 0,06 0,0112 0,0007

2.1.3 Rumpf et al, 1994

Rumpf et al. obtained solubility data from CO2-H2O-NaCl systems, shown in

Table 2.3, through a bubble point method from the exact amount of component injected

into the system and also concluded that CO2 is salted out by NaCl.

Table 2.3 NaCl brine CO2 solubility data from Rumpf et al, 1994

mCO2 mNaCl P mCO2 mNaCl P

T (K) (mol/kg) (mol/kg) (MPa) T (K) (mol/kg) (mol/kg) (MPa)
313,16 0,0497 3,997 0,467 432,97 0,000 4,003 0,515
313,14 0,0995 3,997 0,911 432,86 0,0506 4,003 1,662
313,14 0,1996 3,997 1,900 432,96 0,1013 4,003 2,858
313,19 0,3098 3,997 3,147 432,95 0,2188 4,003 5,912
313,19 0,4529 3,997 5,123 432,98 0,3254 4,003 9,048
313,19 0,5497 3,997 6,917 313,31 0,0517 5,999 0,602
333,13 0,0509 3,997 0,625 313,22 0,1035 5,999 1,232
333,16 0,0909 3,997 1,141 313,28 0,2074 5,999 2,640
333,16 0,1073 3,997 1,328 313,27 0,3133 5,999 4,430
333,15 0,1922 3,997 2,514 313,31 0,4177 5,999 6,799
333,16 0,2184 3,997 2,871 313,19 0,4693 5,999 8,427
333,14 0,257 3,997 3,521 333,12 0,0526 5,999 0,820
333,17 0,3305 3,997 4,737 333,12 0,1047 5,999 1,678
333,15 0,4472 3,997 7,303 333,10 0,2106 5,999 3,657
333,16 0,5272 3,997 9,642 333,00 0,3388 5,999 6,844
353,12 0,0505 4,001 0,817 333,05 0,3965 5,999 8,670
353,12 0,1014 4,001 1,642 353,12 0,0509 5,999 0,997
353,10 0,2032 4,001 3,387 353,11 0,1021 5,999 2,032
353,10 0,3084 4,001 5,592 353,08 0,2043 5,999 4,394
353,12 0,3594 4,001 6,940 353,10 0,3085 5,999 7,610
353,11 0,4116 4,001 8,337 353,08 0,3553 5,999 9,044
353,11 0,4613 4,001 9,637 393,09 0,000 5,999 0,151
393,06 0,000 4,003 0,169 393,17 0,0518 5,999 1,421
393,07 0,0518 4,001 1,204 393,14 0,1031 5,999 2,778
393,19 0,1035 4,003 2,331 393,13 0,2067 5,999 5,937
393,10 0,2084 4,001 4,742 393,12 0,3049 5,999 9,135
393,19 0,3135 4,003 7,650 413,10 0,000 5,999 0,275
393,12 0,3657 4,003 9,328 413,09 0,0511 5,999 1,661
413,06 0,000 4,003 0,301 413,09 0,1024 5,999 3,195
413,07 0,0505 4,003 1,393 413,09 0,2051 5,999 6,291
413,08 0,1011 4,003 2,550 413,12 0,2878 5,999 9,201
413,09 0,2027 4,003 5,042 433,12 0,000 5,999 0,471
413,07 0,3272 4,003 8,671 433,07 0,0512 5,999 1,898
433,05 0,1025 5,999 3,406
431,08 0,2052 5,999 6,578
433,05 0,2743 5,999 8,981

2.2 Brine pH

Similarly, it should be enough to mention the results from Haghi et al, 2017 and

Meyssami et al, 1992 to provide information about the behavior of pH in brine as a

function of pressure, temperature and salinity.

2.2.1 Haghi et al, 2017

Haghi et al. uses a spectroscopic technique to measure the pH of CO2 saturated

NaCl brines and its results are shown in Table 2.4. From their study, it can be concluded

that the pH value decreases sharply with increasing pressures for several isotherms, with

this reduction being less for higher pressures due to changes in CO2 solubility. It can

also be concluded that there is a decrease in the pH value as salinity increases and an

increase in it as temperature increases.

2.2.2 Meyssami et al, 1992

Meyassami et al obtained experimental pH values for different CO2 + H2O

systems, which are shown in Table 2.5, by using high pressure probes for measurements:

Markson probe (Phoenix, AZ) and InterOcean probe (San Diego, CA). From their study,

it can be concluded that pH values increased with an increase in temperature due to the

decrease of CO2 solubility, which is in agreement with the conclusions from Haghi et al.

Table 2.4 CO2 saturated water pH data from Haghi et al, 2017 (mNaCl: molality of

component NaCl)

T (K) P (MPa) mNaCl (mol/kg) pH (Experimental)

293,5 0,70 1 3,49
1,51 1 3,31
2,89 1 3,15
4,26 1 3,09
5,58 1 3,04
323,15 1,18 1 3,40
2,65 1 3,29
3,79 1 3,22
5,08 1 3,17
5,90 1 3,12
293,15 0,89 2 3,40
2,05 2 3,17
3,52 2 3,09
4,19 2 3,04
5,11 2 3,02
5,55 2 3,00
323,15 0,85 2 3,55
1,57 2 3,37
2,99 2 3,27
4,45 2 3,18
5,63 2 3,12
293,15 1,17 3 3,28
1,79 3 3,15
2,85 3 3,09
4,19 3 2,99
5,55 3 2,95
323,15 1,23 3 3,39
1,70 3 3,33
2,66 3 3,24
3,86 3 3,15
5,60 3 3,08

Table 2.5 CO2 saturated water pH data from Meyssami et al, 1992

P (MPa) T = 32 °C T = 37 °C T = 42 °C
0 5,68 5,70 5,80
0,690 3,55 3,57 3,66
1,379 3,42 3,44 3,51
2,758 3,30 3,29 3,33
4,137 3,23 3,23 3,26
5,516 3,19 3,20 3,24

2.3 Brine density

The results reported for the density of CO2-brine systems were taken from Teng

et al, 1997. Density measurements of CO2-brine system are quite scarce in the scientific

literature so only the results of the previously mentioned study are reported.

Teng et al. reports density data of CO2 + H2O, which is shown in Table 2.6, that

suggests an increase of density with the increase of pressure and a decrease of density

with the increase of temperature, but they don’t compare their results with literature data

based on the fact that no literature data was found to be suitable for comparison.

Table 2.6 CO2 saturated water density data from Teng et al, 1997

Termperature (K) Pressure (MPa) Density (kg/m3)

6,44 1016,97
14,77 1019,4
19,68 1020,75
29,49 1023,98
6,44 1013,68
14,77 1015,97
19,68 1017,72
29,49 1019,79


This chapter presents a summary of the methods used in the development of this

study. It presents the processes used to collect and analyze the data of interest for this

project, that is, the solubility of CO2, density and pH of different brines from the Pre-Salt

fields at different pressures (14,696 psia – 10.000 psia) and temperatures (0 ºC – 100 ºC).

The physicochemical properties mentioned above, were modelled using the

software OLI Studio (OLI Systems Inc.), by using the brine composition, CO2

concentration, pressure and temperature as input parameters.

In order to check the software’s reliability, simulations were performed

reproducing the conditions reported on several articles from the scientific literature and

the simulated physicochemical properties were compared to the reported experimental


In what follows, a description of the methods used by OLI Studio to model

aqueous electrolyte thermodynamics and also of the method used to determine the CO2

solubility of a particular brine and its physicochemical properties when CO2 saturated is


3.1 Modelling aqueous electrolyte thermodynamics with OLI Studio

Different thermodynamic frameworks can be used to perform simulations in OLI

Studio. Here the MSE-SRK (Mixed Solvent Electrolyte with Soave-Redlich-Kwong

Equation of State) thermodynamic framework (Jberthold, 2018), which is the

recommended one when working with water-organic-salt systems presenting high

pressure levels, (OLI SYSTEMS, INC., 2018), is used to perform the simulations with the

Brazilian Pre-Salt brines, and the choice of this thermodynamic framework will be

justified in the following section.

3.1.1 Mixed-Solvent-Electrolyte + Soave-Redlich-Kwong thermodynamic


In the MSE-SRK model, the electrolyte-containing liquid phase is represented by

a combination of the Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers-Tanger equation of state (the detailed

equations of state are given in Helgeson et al, 1974), for standard-state properties and the

MSE activity coefficient model for solution nonideality, from the MSE theory of Wang

et al, 2002.

Here, the chemical potential of a species i in a liquid electrolyte phase is calculated


𝜇𝑖𝐿 = 𝜇𝑖𝐿,0,𝑥 (𝑇, 𝑃) + 𝑅𝑇 ln 𝑥𝑖 𝛾𝑖𝑥,∗ (𝑇, 𝑃, 𝑥)

where 𝜇𝑖𝐿,0,𝑥 (𝑇, 𝑃) is the standard-state chemical potential from HFK, 𝑥𝑖 is the mole

fraction, and 𝑥𝑖 𝛾𝑖𝑥,∗ (𝑇, 𝑃, 𝑥) is the activity coefficients from the MSE theory of Wang et

al, 2002.

On the other hand, the organic phase is modeled using SRK-EOS, so its potential

is calculated as:

𝑃𝑦𝑖 𝜙𝑖 (𝑇, 𝑃, 𝑦)
𝜇𝑖𝐺 = 𝜇𝑖𝐺,0 (𝑇) + 𝑅𝑇 ln

where 𝜇𝑖𝐺,0 (𝑇) is the chemical potential of pure component i in the ideal gas state, 𝑦𝑖 is

the mole fraction, 𝜙𝑖 (𝑇, 𝑃, 𝑦) is the fugacity coefficient from the SRK-EOS, P is the total

pressure, and 𝑃0 = 1 atm.

3.2. Reliability validation of OLI Studio

In order to verify the reliability of the method used here, all three properties, CO2

solubility, brine density and pH, were simulated reproducing the conditions of

experimental studies from the scientific literature for the sake of comparison.

Figure 3.5 Density values (kg/m3) comparison from Teng el al, 1997 at 283 K

Figure 3.6 Density values (kg/m3) comparison from Teng el al, 1997 at 293 K

Figure 3.7 CO2 solubility values comparison from Teng el al, 1997 at 283 K

Figure 3.8 CO2 solubility values comparison from Teng el al, 1997 at 293 K

In what follows, the physicochemical properties experimentally obtained from

Teng et al, 1997 and Peng et al, 2013 are presented and compared with the data obtained

from the simulations using OLI Studio.

The detailed data given in the figures listed in this subsection and its associated

relative errors can be found in appendix B of this study.

3.2.1 Physicochemical properties from Teng et al, 1997

In their study, Teng el al, 1997 experimentally obtain the solubility of CO2 in

distilled water and its density once saturated with CO2. for pressures between 6 and 30

MPa and for temperatures of 283 and 293 K. The results are found in Figure 3.4 to Figure

3.7, and the average relative error for density and CO2 solubility obtained were 0,66%

and 5,81%, respectively, and are therefore found to be consistent.

Figure 3.9 pH values comparison from Peng et al, 2013 at 308,3 K

3.2.2 Chemical properties from Peng et al, 2013

In their study, the authors experimentally obtain the pH of distilled CO2 saturated

water for up to 15 MPa and for temperatures between 308 and 423 K. The results are

found in Figure 3.9 to Figure 3.14 and the average relative error obtained was 1,4%.

Figure 3.10 pH values comparison from Peng et al, 2013 at 323 K

Figure 3.11 pH values comparison from Peng et al, 2013 at 343 K

3.2.3 Observations regarding thermodynamic frameworks in OLI Studio

It is very important to mention at this point the importance of the thermodynamic

framework used in the simulations. In this particular case, where a CO2 rich phase is

considered, the MSE-SRK thermodynamic framework is the one indicated by OLI Studio

to perform the desired simulations.

Figure 3.12 pH values comparison from Peng et al, 2013 at 368,1 K

Figure 3.13 pH values comparison from Peng et al, 2013 at 398,3 K

3.2.3 Observations regarding thermodynamic frameworks in OLI Studio

It is very important to mention at this point the importance of the thermodynamic

framework used in the simulations. In this particular case, where a CO2 rich phase is
Figure 3.14 pH values comparison from Peng et al, 2013 at 423,2 K

Figure 3.15 CO2 solubility values comparison from Ahmadi, 2013 at 303,16 K using the

aqueous and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

considered, the MSE-SRK thermodynamic framework is the one indicated by OLI Studio

to perform the desired simulations.

Figure 3.16 CO2 solubility values comparison from Ahmadi, 2013 at 323,20 K using the

aqueous and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

Figure 3.17 CO2 solubility values comparison from Ahmadi, 2013 at 373,19 K using the

aqueous and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

In what follows, the discrepancies in results one may obtain by using an inappropriate

thermodynamic framework are illustrated. More precisely, two different thermodynamic

frameworks are compared (Figure 3.15 to Figure 3.18) and their performance are

evaluated by using experimental data from Ahamdi, 2018 as a reference. The results from

Drexler, 2018 are also compared for the same effect. It is worth noting that using different

frameworks won’t necessarily imply in major difference in results, as can be seen from

Figure 3.15, for instance. On the other hand, it is certainly the case that in some cases the

discrepancy can be extremely large as it is the case of Figure 3.17, for instance.

Figure 3.18 CO2 solubility values comparison from Ahmadi, 2013 at 423,19 K using the

aqueous and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

In the study of Drexler, 2018, the aqueous thermodynamic framework is used. As

one can see from Figure 3.19 to Figure 3.21, shown below, the results can be either quite

similar or considerably different depending on which thermodynamic framework is being

used, pointing out the fact that one must consider the system composition and physical

conditions under consideration in its choice of a thermodynamic framework.

Figure 3.19 CO2 solubility values for brine B comparison from Drexler, 2018 at 60 ºC

using the aqueous (reference) and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

Figure 3.20 CO2 solubility values for brine D comparison from Drexler, 2018 at 60 ºC

using the aqueous (reference) and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

3.3 Determining CO2 solubility and physicochemical properties of Pre-Salt brines

with OLI Studio

In what follows, the CO2 solubility of a particular brine at a given pressure and

temperature will be obtained in order to illustrate the method used to obtain the CO2

solubility of the brines studied in this study. Once the composition of a brine is given, one

Figure 3.21 CO2 solubility values for brine DSW comparison from Drexler, 2018 at 60

ºC using the aqueous (reference) and MSE-SRK thermodynamic frameworks

can analyze the behavior of the amount of CO2 in the aqueous phase as a function of the

total amount of CO2 in the system to determine its solubility at a given pressure and

temperature. In this example, the brine mass composition, and the pressure and

temperature of the system are given in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Defining brine composition in OLI Studio

The maximum amount of CO2 that can be dissolved in the system will be given

by the total amount of CO2 injected when the amount of CO2 in the aqueous phase

becomes constant as the former increases. In this example, as illustrated in Figure 3.2,

this value is approximately 2,3 mols.

Figure 3.2. Plot of CO2 in the aqueous phase as a function of total amount of CO2 in the


With that information one can calculate the ratio between the maximum amount

of CO2 that can be dissolved in the system and the total amount of substance in the system

and obtain the solubility of that system at that given temperature and pressure.

In this particular case, one can see that at 303,160 K and 35,3860 MPa, those

values are 2,31 mol of CO2 and 104,926 amounts of substance, respectively. The ratio

between those values are given by 0,002201, that is, the CO2 solubility of that brine at the

given pressure and temperature conditions is 2,201%.

Once the CO2 amount necessary to saturate the brine is known, one can check out

the “Survey Parameters” section and the simulated data corresponding to that particular

composition, as illustrated in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.3. Report of total and phase amounts of a system

Figure 3.4. Report of survey parameters of the system


This chapter presents the results obtained using the methodology described in the

previous chapter, that is, the physicochemical properties of different Brazilian Pre-Salt

brines in the range of 0-10000 psi and 0-100 ºC.

In Table 4.1, one can find the composition of two formation brines from producing

wells in two Pre-Salt fields (Field B and Field D) and of a third brine, corresponding to

the desulfated injection water commonly used in Pre-Salt fields to avoid calcium, barium

and strontium sulfate scaling problems.

Table 4.1 Composition of brines under consideration in this study


Compound g/L Compound g/L Compound g/L
NaCl 146,3114 NaCl 166,7014 NaCl 30,3689
CaCl2.6H2O 132,5587 CaCl2.6H2O 6,906 CaCl2.6H2O 2,733
MgCl2.6H2O 17,7361 MgCl2.6H2O 2,5254 MgCl2.6H2O 14,2156
KCl 2,2898 KCl 3,3079 KCl 0,9533
BaCl2.2H2O 0,0391 BaCl2.2H2O 0,4019 SrCl2.6H2O 0,0274
SrCl2.6H2O 3,8327 SrCl2.6H2O 2,1779 Na2CO3 0,0548
Na2SO4 0,0798 NaBr 0,7559 NaHCO3 0,1391
CaCl2.2H2O 88,8143 CaCl2.2H2O 4,627 CaCl2.2H2O 1,8311

The following section presents the results from the simulations using the method

describ ed in the previous section.

4.1 CO2 solubilities in brines B, D and DSW

Figure 4.1 to Figure 4.3 contain the simulated CO2 solubilities for the different

brines under consideration when submitted to pressures varying from 14,696 psia to

10.000,00 psia and temperatures varying from 0 ºC to 100 ºC.

Figure 4.1: Brine B CO2 solubilities

Figure 4.2: Brine D CO2 solubilities

Figure 4.3: Brine DSW CO2 solubilities

Comparing the results from Figure 4.1 to Figure 4.3 one can observe that,

regardless of the composition of the brine, the CO2 solubility tends to increase with the

increase of pressure, to decrease with an increase of temperature. One can also observe a

decrease in the CO2 solubility with increasing salinity and a loss of temperature

significance as it increases. These reported results are in agreement with results

previously reported in the scientific literature (Messabeb et al, 2016).

4.2 Brine B, D and DSW densities

Figure 4.4 to Figure 4.6 contain the simulated densities for the different brines

under consideration when submitted to pressures varying from 14,696 psia to 10.000,00

psia and temperatures varying from 0 ºC to 100 ºC.

Figure 4.4: CO2 saturated Brine B - Densities

Figure 4.5: CO2 saturated Brine D - Densities

Figure 4.6: CO2 saturated Brine DSW – Densities

Comparing the results from Figure 4.4 to Figure 4.6 one can observe that,

regardless of the composition of the brine, the brine density tends to increase with the

increase of pressure, to decrease with an increase of temperature. These reported results

are in agreement with results previously reported in the scientific literature (Yan et al,


For the sake of comparison, it is also shown in Figure 4.7 to Figure 4.9 plots

comparing the densities of the different brines with and without CO2 at 60 ºC, where it

can be seen that the dissolution of CO2 in brine results in an increase of its density.

Figure 4.7: Brine B density comparison with and without CO2 dissolution

Figure 4.8: Brine D density comparison with and without CO2 dissolution

Figure 4.9: Brine DSW density comparison with and without CO2 dissolution

4.3 Brine B, D and DSW pHs

Figure 4.10 to Figure 4.12 contain the simulated pHs for the different brines under

consideration when submitted to pressures varying from 14,696 psia to 10.000,00 psia

and temperatures varying from 0 ºC to 100 ºC.

Figure 4.10: CO2 saturated Brine B - pHs

Figure 4.11: CO2 saturated Brine D – pHs

Figure 4.12: CO2 saturated Brine DSW – pHs

Comparing the results from Figure 4.10 to Figure 4.12 one can also observe that,

regardless of the composition of the brines, the pH of the brine tends to decrease with

increasing pressure (sharply decrease at lower pressures), to increase with increasing

temperature and to increase with decreasing salinity, in accordance with results

previously reported in the scientific literature (Haghi et al, 2017).

It is also worth mentioning that in carbonate rocks, mineral dissolution by brine

acidification (described by CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2 ⟶ Ca2+(aq) + 2 HCO3-(aq)) occurs

(Santiago et al, 2019) and with the CO2 dissolution that comes along with, a pH shift

occurs, increasing the brine pH.

4.4 Summary of Remarks

A brief summary of what was done in this section is presented below:

• The composition of three different Pre-Salt brines were given.

• Their physicochemical properties CO2 solubility, density and pH were simulated

over the pressure range of 14,69 to 10.000 psia and the temperature range of 0 to

100 ºC and the resulting plots were given in section 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, whereas the

actual values that were plotted were given in Appendix B.

• Comparing the obtained results with literature data, the agreement between them

is remarked.


In this study a solution to the problem of obtaining representative data on the

physicochemical properties of CO2 saturated brines by means of using the software OLI

Studio to simulate it is presented. A considerable amount of data on physicochemical

properties of brines from the Brazilian Pre-Salt fields, namely, their CO2 solubility,

density and pH under the pressure range of 14,696 to 10.000 psi and temperature range

of 0 to 100 ºC is also given.

Upon further analysis of the presented data, it can be concluded that it presented

the trend observed in the scientific literature in what regards the behavior of the

physicochemical properties considered as a function of pressure, temperature and salinity.

The method used, despite not being as precise as the experimental method, came

out as a significant alternative tool in the cases where the latter approach may not be an


The use of OLI Studio ’s MSE-SRK thermodynamic framework for the simulation

was shown to be considerably satisfactory, considering that in the examples reproduced

from the scientific literature, the relative error presented a mean value of 3,0% and

standard deviation value of 3,1%.

A natural recommendation of future study for this project is to experimentally

obtain the value of the physicochemical properties here presented for the different brines

under consideration for a better evaluation of the method here used.

Another suggestion would be to use a different software, or even other

thermodynamic frameworks from OLI Studio itself to reproduce the results here

presented for the sake of comparison.


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A.1 Teng et al, 1997

Table A.1 Comparison between density simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained density at T = 283 K from Teng et al, 1997

T =283K
Density (kg/m3) Density (kg/m3)
Pressure (MPa) Experimental OLI Studio
6,44 1016,97 1019,25
14,77 1019,4 1023,87
19,68 1020,75 1027,77
29,49 1023,98 1038,31

Table A.2 Comparison between CO2 solubility simulated on OLI Studio and

experimentally obtained CO2 solubility at T = 283 K from Teng et al, 1997

T = 283K
CO2 Solubility (mol percent) CO2 Solubility (mol percent)
Pressure (MPa) Experimental OLI Studio
6,44 2,79% 2,64%
14,77 3,05% 2,81%
19,68 3,26% 2,92%
29,49 3,34% 3,17%

Table A.3 Relative errors from Table A.1 and Table A.2

T = 283K
Pressure (MPa) Relative Error - Density Relative Error - CO2 Solubility
6,44 0,22% 5,38%
14,77 0,44% 7,87%
19,68 0,69% 10,43%
29,49 1,40% 5,09%

Table A.4 Comparison between density simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained density at T = 293 K from Teng et al, 1997

T =293K
Density (kg/m3) Density (kg/m3)
Pressure (MPa) Experimental OLI Studio
6,44 1013,68 1015,61
14,77 1015,97 1020,49
19,68 1017,72 1024,01
29,49 1019,79 1032,71

Table A.5 Comparison between CO2 solubility simulated on OLI Studio and

experimentally obtained CO2 solubility at T = 293 K from Teng et al, 1997

T = 293K
CO2 Solubility (mol percent) CO2 Solubility (mol percent)
Pressure (MPa) Experimental OLI Studio
6,44 2,50% 2,43%
14,77 2,75% 2,64%
19,68 2,93% 2,75%
29,49 3,12% 2,97%

Table A.6 Relative errors from Table A.4 and Table A.5

T = 293K
Pressure (MPa) Relative Error - Density Relative Error – CO2 Solubility
6,44 0,19% 2,80%
14,77 0,44% 4,00%
19,68 0,62% 6,14%
29,49 1,27% 4,81%

A.2 Peng et al, 2013

Table A.7 Comparison between pH simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained pH at T = 308,3 K from Peng et al, 2013

T = 308,3 K
p (MPa) pH - Exp pH - Sim Relative Error
0,38 3,71 3,67 1,1%
0,61 3,58 3,56 0,6%
0,97 3,46 3,46 0,0%
2,43 3,22 3,27 1,6%
6,23 3,05 3,1 1,6%
9,28 3,01 3,06 1,7%
15,38 2,97 3,03 2,0%

Table A.8 Comparison between pH simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained pH at T = 323 K from Peng et al, 2013

T = 323 K
p (MPa) pH - Exp pH - Sim Relative Error
0,38 3,76 3,73 0,8%
0,61 3,63 3,61 0,6%
0,98 3,52 3,51 0,3%
2,43 3,36 3,32 1,2%
6,23 3,14 3,14 0,0%
9,28 3,07 3,09 0,7%
15,36 3,04 3,04 0,0%

Table A.9 Comparison between pH simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained pH at T = 343 K from Peng et al, 2013

T = 343 K
p (MPa) pH - Exp pH - Sim Relative Error
0,38 3,89 3,8 2,3%
0,61 3,72 3,69 0,8%
0,99 3,59 3,58 0,3%
2,43 3,42 3,39 0,9%
6,22 3,25 3,21 1,2%
9,28 3,18 3,14 1,3%
15,39 3,12 3,08 1,3%

Table A.10 Comparison between pH simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained pH at T = 368,1 K from Peng et al, 2013

T = 368,1 K
p (MPa) pH - Exp pH - Sim Relative Error
0,6 3,97 3,81 4,0%
1 3,77 3,69 2,1%
2,42 3,56 3,49 2,0%
6,36 3,35 3,29 1,8%
9,3 3,28 3,22 1,8%
15,41 3,23 3,15 2,5%

Table A.11 Comparison between pH simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained pH at T = 398,3 K from Peng et al, 2013

T = 398,3 K
p (MPa) pH - Exp pH - Sim Relative Error
1 3,97 3,86 2,8%
2,44 3,63 3,63 0,0%
6,29 3,47 3,42 1,4%
9,36 3,34 3,34 0,0%
15,36 3,32 3,25 2,1%

Table A.12 Comparison between pH simulated on OLI Studio and experimentally

obtained pH at T = 423,2 K from Peng et al, 2013

T = 423,2 K
p (MPa) pH - Exp pH - Sim Error (%)
1 4,11 4,05 1,5%
2,44 3,78 3,76 0,5%
6,29 3,59 3,53 1,7%
9,36 3,54 3,44 2,8%
15,37 3,49 3,34 4,3%



B.1 Ahmadi et al, 2018

Table B.1 Comparison between CO2 solubility at T = 303,16 K simulated on OLI

Studio using the aqueous and MSE frameworks

T = 303,16K
Pressure Relative
(MPa) Reference AQ MSE Relative Error AQ Error MSE
1,625 0,527% 0,552% 0,543% 4,74% 3,04%
6,612 1,649% 1,582% 1,601% 4,06% 2,91%
8,675 1,804% 1,686% 1,714% 6,54% 4,99%
20,519 1,913% 1,902% 1,949% 0,58% 1,88%
35,39 2,096% 2,1% 2,183% 1,5% 4,151%

Table B.2 Comparison between CO2 solubility at T = 323,20 K simulated on OLI

Studio using the aqueous and MSE frameworks

T = 323,20K
Pressure Relative
(MPa) Reference AQ MSE Relative Error AQ Error MSE
1,763 0,443% 0,417% 0,388% 5,87% 12,4%
6,257 1,192% 1,194% 1,099% 0,17% 7,8%
10,719 1,540% 1,564% 1,431% 1,56% 7,1%
18,172 1,708% 1,771% 1,620% 3,69% 5,2%
38,86 1,975% 2,1% 1,931% 6,7% 2,2%

Table B.3 Comparison between CO2 solubility at T = 379,19 K simulated on OLI

Studio using the aqueous and MSE frameworks

T = 373,19K
Pressure Relative
(MPa) Reference AQ MSE Relative Error AQ Error MSE
1,929 0,232% 0,253% 0,224% 9,05% 3,45%
8,172 0,860% 1,003% 0,822% 16,63% 4,42%
22,895 1,561% 1,959% 1,469% 25,50% 5,89%
38,81 1,877% 2,6% 1,799% 36,1% 4,156%

Table B.4 Comparison between CO2 solubility at T = 423,19 K simulated on OLI

Studio using the aqueous and MSE frameworks

Pressure Error
(MPa) Reference AQ MSE Relative Error AQ MSE
2,415 0,244% 0,224% 0,204% 8,20% 16,39%
5,434 0,498% 0,562% 0,493% 12,85% 1,00%
9,253 0,879% 0,984% 0,799% 11,95% 9,10%
24,335 1,720% 2,367% 1,586% 37,62% 7,79%
36,949 1,999% 3,0% 1,984% 51,3% 0,750%

B.2 Drexler, 2018

Table B.5 Comparison between CO2 solubility simulated on OLI Studio and simulated

CO2 solubility for Brine B at T = 60 ºC from Drexler, 2018

Brine B - T = 60ºC
Pressure (psia) CO2 (mol percent) - AQ CO2 (mol percent) - MSE Relative Error
1000 0,56% 0,47% 16,41%
2000 0,67% 0,65% 3,36%
3000 0,74% 0,72% 3,09%
4000 0,80% 0,78% 2,09%
5000 0,85% 0,83% 2,01%

Table B.6 Comparison between CO2 solubility simulated on OLI Studio and simulated

CO2 solubility for Brine D at T = 60 ºC from Drexler, 2018

Brine D - T = 60ºC
Pressure (psia) CO2 (mol percent) - AQ CO2 (mol percent) - MSE Relative Error
1000 0,83% 1,41% 69,6%
2000 1,15% 1,95% 69,5%
3000 1,28% 2,19% 71,2%
4000 1,38% 2,33% 68,8%
5000 1,47% 2,50% 70,2%

Table B.7 Comparison between CO2 solubility simulated on OLI Studio and simulated

CO2 solubility for Brine DSW at T = 60 ºC from Drexler, 2018

Brine DSW - T = 60ºC

Pressure (psia) CO2 (mol percent) - AQ CO2 (mol percent) - MSE Relative Error
1000 1,34% 1,20% 10,6%
2000 1,87% 1,65% 11,8%
3000 2,09% 1,82% 12,9%
4000 2,26% 1,99% 11,8%
5000 2,40% 2,11% 12,0%



C.1 Brine B

Table C.1: Physicochemical properties of brine B at 0 ºC

Brine B - T = 0ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0470% 1,227 3,15
1000 1,2932% 1,238 2,42
2000 1,3717% 1,241 2,39
3000 1,4599% 1,243 2,35
4000 1,5380% 1,246 2,32
5000 1,6031% 1,248 2,29
6000 1,6844% 1,250 2,26
7000 1,7493% 1,253 2,23
8000 1,8141% 1,255 2,20
9000 1,8951% 1,257 2,17
10000 1,9597% 1,259 2,14

Table C.2: Physicochemical properties of brine B at 20 ºC

Brine B - T = 20ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0218% 1,211 3,26
1000 0,8890% 1,217 2,44
2000 0,9616% 1,220 2,41
3000 1,0274% 1,223 2,37
4000 1,0801% 1,225 2,34
5000 1,1293% 1,227 2,32
6000 1,1785% 1,229 2,29
7000 1,2278% 1,231 2,26
8000 1,2605% 1,234 2,24
9000 1,3096% 1,236 2,21
10000 1,3587% 1,238 2,19

Table C.3: Physicochemical properties of brine B at 40 ºC

Brine B - T = 40ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0131% 1,201 3,35
1000 0,6309% 1,205 2,49
2000 0,7635% 1,207 2,43
3000 0,8164% 1,209 2,40
4000 0,8659% 1,211 2,37
5000 0,9154% 1,213 2,34
6000 0,9649% 1,214 2,32
7000 0,9978% 1,217 2,29
8000 1,0472% 1,219 2,27
9000 1,0801% 1,221 2,24
10000 1,1129% 1,223 2,22

Table C.4: Physicochemical properties of brine B at 60 ºC

Brine B - T = 60ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0081% 1,192 3,45
1000 0,4681% 1,194 2,56
2000 0,6475% 1,196 2,47
3000 0,7171% 1,198 2,43
4000 0,7833% 1,200 2,40
5000 0,8329% 1,201 2,37
6000 0,8659% 1,203 2,34
7000 0,9154% 1,205 2,32
8000 0,9484% 1,207 2,30
9000 0,9813% 1,209 2,27
10000 1,0143% 1,211 2,25

Table C.5: Physicochemical properties of brine B at 80 ºC

Brine B - T = 80ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0047% 1,182 3,59
1000 0,3749% 1,183 2,62
2000 0,5746% 1,185 2,52
3000 0,6675% 1,187 2,47
4000 0,7337% 1,188 2,43
5000 0,7834% 1,190 2,40
6000 0,8329% 1,192 2,37
7000 0,8825% 1,194 2,35
8000 0,9155% 1,195 2,32
9000 0,9649% 1,197 2,30
10000 0,9979% 1,199 2,28

Table C.6: Physicochemical properties of brine B at 100 ºC

Brine B - T = 100ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0014% 1,170 3,88
1000 0,3282% 1,172 2,68
2000 0,5148% 1,174 2,57
3000 0,6344% 1,175 2,51
4000 0,7172% 1,177 2,47
5000 0,7834% 1,179 2,43
6000 0,8330% 1,180 2,40
7000 0,8825% 1,182 2,38
8000 0,9320% 1,183 2,35
9000 0,9650% 1,185 2,33
10000 1,0144% 1,187 2,30

C.2 Brine D

Table C.7: Physicochemical properties of brine D at 0 ºC

Brine D - T = 0ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,1263% 1,001 3,87
1000 3,6555% 1,032 3,09
2000 3,9898% 1,038 3,05
3000 4,1560% 1,043 3,03
4000 4,4868% 1,049 2,99
5000 4,6514% 1,053 2,97
6000 4,8153% 1,057 2,94
7000 5,0765% 1,062 2,91
8000 5,2391% 1,067 2,89
9000 5,4980% 1,072 2,86
10000 5,6590% 1,076 2,84

Table C.8: Physicochemical properties of brine D at 20 ºC

Brine D - T = 20ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0686% 0,999 3,90
1000 2,5701% 1,018 3,08
2000 2,8437% 1,023 3,04
3000 3,0480% 1,028 3,01
4000 3,1158% 1,031 2,99
5000 3,2851% 1,035 2,96
6000 3,4538% 1,039 2,93
7000 3,6220% 1,044 2,90
8000 3,6891% 1,047 2,89
9000 3,8564% 1,051 2,86
10000 3,9231% 1,054 2,84

Table C.9: Physicochemical properties of brine D at 40 ºC

Brine D - T = 40ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0379% 0,993 3,98
1000 1,8966% 1,007 3,10
2000 2,2949% 1,012 3,04
3000 2,4671% 1,016 3,01
4000 2,6215% 1,02 2,98
5000 2,7584% 1,024 2,96
6000 2,8778% 1,027 2,93
7000 2,9970% 1,031 2,91
8000 3,1159% 1,034 2,89
9000 3,2175% 1,038 2,87
10000 3,3358% 1,041 2,84

Table C.10: Physicochemical properties of brine D at 60 ºC

Brine D - T = 60ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0217% 0,983 4,10
1000 1,4073% 0,994 3,16
2000 1,9487% 1,000 3,07
3000 2,1913% 1,005 3,03
4000 2,3294% 1,009 3,01
5000 2,5014% 1,012 2,97
6000 2,6215% 1,016 2,95
7000 2,7413% 1,020 2,93
8000 2,8437% 1,023 2,90
9000 2,9630% 1,026 2,88
10000 3,0650% 1,030 2,86

Table C.11: Physicochemical properties of brine D at 80 ºC

Brine D - T = 80ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0119% 0,972 4,24
1000 1,1643% 0,981 3,23
2000 1,7398% 0,988 3,12
3000 2,0181% 0,992 3,07
4000 2,2258% 0,996 3,04
5000 2,3983% 1,000 3,01
6000 2,5358% 1,004 2,98
7000 2,6729% 1,008 2,95
8000 2,7754% 1,011 2,93
9000 2,9119% 1,015 2,91
10000 3,0140% 1,018 2,89

Table C.12: Physicochemical properties of brine D at 100 ºC

Brine D - T = 100ºC
CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0001% 0,959 5,40
1000 1,0194% 0,967 3,30
2000 1,6000% 0,974 3,18
3000 1,9487% 0,979 3,12
4000 2,1913% 0,983 3,08
5000 2,3638% 0,987 3,05
6000 2,5358% 0,991 3,02
7000 2,7071% 0,995 2,99
8000 2,8437% 0,999 2,97
9000 2,9800% 1,003 2,94
10000 3,0819% 1,006 2,92

C.3 Brine DSW

Table C.13: Physicochemical properties of brine DSW at 0 ºC

Brine DSW - T = 0ºC

CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,1202% 1,033 4,91
1000 3,2270% 1,059 3,50
2000 3,4436% 1,064 3,44
3000 3,6427% 1,069 3,39
4000 3,8245% 1,073 3,34
5000 4,0056% 1,077 3,29
6000 4,1696% 1,082 3,24
7000 4,3495% 1,086 3,20
8000 4,5123% 1,09 3,16
9000 4,6746% 1,094 3,12
10000 4,8364% 1,098 3,08

Table C.14: Physicochemical properties of brine DSW at 20 ºC

Brine DSW - T = 20ºC

CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0583% 1,029 5,03
1000 2,2316% 1,045 3,46
2000 2,4017% 1,049 3,41
3000 2,5713% 1,053 3,35
4000 2,7065% 1,057 3,31
5000 2,8414% 1,060 3,26
6000 2,9591% 1,064 3,22
7000 3,0765% 1,068 3,18
8000 3,1769% 1,071 3,14
9000 3,2938% 1,074 3,10
10000 3,3937% 1,078 3,07

Table C.15: Physicochemical properties of brine DSW at 40 ºC

Brine DSW - T = 40ºC

CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0337% 1,022 5,18
1000 1,5795% 1,033 3,52
2000 1,9238% 1,038 3,41
3000 2,0950% 1,042 3,35
4000 2,1975% 1,045 3,31
5000 2,3338% 1,049 3,26
6000 2,4357% 1,052 3,22
7000 2,5974% 1,055 3,18
8000 2,6390% 1,059 3,15
9000 2,7403% 1,062 3,11
10000 2,8246% 1,065 3,08

Table C.16: Physicochemical properties of brine DSW at 60 ºC

Brine DSW - T = 60ºC

CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0207% 1,012 5,38
1000 1,1981% 1,021 3,61
2000 1,6486% 1,027 3,46
3000 1,8208% 1,030 3,39
4000 1,9924% 1,034 3,33
5000 2,1121% 1,038 3,29
6000 2,2145% 1,041 3,25
7000 2,3167% 1,044 3,21
8000 2,4187% 1,048 3,17
9000 2,5205% 1,051 3,13
10000 2,6052% 1,054 3,10

Table C.17: Physicochemical properties of brine DSW at 80 ºC

Brine DSW - T = 80ºC

CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0112% 1,001 5,68
1000 0,9538% 1,009 3,73
2000 1,4758% 1,014 3,53
3000 1,7175% 1,019 3,44
4000 1,8551% 1,022 3,39
5000 2,0266% 1,026 3,33
6000 2,1292% 1,029 3,29
7000 2,2316% 1,033 3,25
8000 2,3678% 1,036 3,21
9000 2,4697% 1,039 3,17
10000 2,5375% 1,042 3,14

Table C.18: Physicochemical properties of brine DSW at 100 ºC

Brine DSW - T = 100ºC

CO2 Solubility
Pressure (psi) (mol percent) Density (g/cm3) pH
14,696 0,0089% 0,988 6,57
1000 0,8557% 0,995 3,84
2000 1,3649% 1,001 3,62
3000 1,6486% 1,005 3,52
4000 1,8551% 1,009 3,45
5000 2,0095% 1,013 3,40
6000 2,1463% 1,017 3,35
7000 2,2827% 1,020 3,31
8000 2,3848% 1,024 3,27
9000 2,5205% 1,027 3,23
10000 2,6221% 1,031 3,19


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