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1.1. Listening
DICAS: Existem desenhos que ilustram os diálogos o que facilita a interpretação. O
tempo para assim que você confirma a resposta e só começa a contar de novo quando
aparece outra pergunta. A pergunta sempre aparece escrita na tela, facilitando caso não
ouça bem o audio.


Todas as perguntas são ilustradas com imagens e isso facilita ainda mais a interpretação.
São pequenos diálogos (não lembro exatamente a quantidade) com 1'30'' cada e com
uma pergunta sobre ele no final. Você tem 2'30'' pra responder as perguntas (o tempo do
dialogo não é descontado desses 2'30'')

1- Figura com um menino chorando / Bola na janela

Figura: menino chorando, pai bravo e a mãe.
Diálogo: O menino foi brincar e acabou quebrando uma janela com a bola. Chega a mãe
e pergunta para o pai o que aconteceu. O pai responde que estava jogando a bola com o
filho e ela foi parar na janela.
Pergunta: Onde foi a bola? (Na janela)
Where did to the ball?
R: the ball landed/stopped in the window OU In the window OU outside

2- Consulta médica
Figura: homem no celular e uma mulher com fone de ouvido e microfone.
Diálogo: Um rapaz que estava com dor no braço liga para marcar uma consulta médica e
a secretária pergunta se ele pode vir algum dia da semana e qual horário é melhor.
Pergunta: Onde a mulher trabalha? (Consultório médico)
Where the woman works?
R: Doctor's Office

3- Estudo
Diálogo: A menina pede ajuda pra um garoto pra estudar ciências ou matemática e aí o
menino diz que vai para a casa dela e aproveita e janta por lá e a menina diz que vai falar
com os pais.
Pergunta: O que a menina vai fazer? (Falar com os pais)
What will the girl do?
R: Talk to parents OU Ask for parents OU Ask permission from parents
4- Mulher e o chefe
Diálogo: A mulher tá conversando com o chefe sobre um cara que tinha um cargo acima
do dela e mudou de empresa, aí ela pergunta como ele vai fazer e ele diz que vai promover
Pergunta: O que vai acontecer com a mulher? (Vai ser promovida)
What will happen to the woman?
R: Woman will be promoted
R: Man leaves the company

Pergunta: A mulher quer mudar de emprego e estão indo para o trabalho em outra
The woman wants to change jobs and are going to work in another company?
R: Was not the woman, but the colleague who she was talking.

5- Casal conversando
Diálogo: A mulher conta que vai viajar e pergunta se o homem pode dar comida para o
gato dela. Ele responde que sim.
Pergunta: O que ele vai fazer? (Alimentar o gato da mulher
What is he going to do?
R: To feed the cat OU Feed the cat OU feed the cat woman

6- Tamanho da camiseta
Foto: moça olhando para uma camiseta
Diálogo: A moça pergunta se tem número extra largo para ela comprar para um amigo. O
vendedor fala que vai checar no estoque.
Pergunta: O que o vendedor vai fazer? (Olhar no estoque)
What the seller/selesman to do?
R: Look stock OU See if you have another

7- Motorista de ônibus
Diálogo: Uma mulher pergunta para um homem se o ônibus esta indo para o lugar que
ela quer. Ele diz que sim e que quando chegasse iria avisa-la.
Pergunta: O que o homem é? (Motorista de ônibus)
What man is?
R: Bus driver

8- Aluna atrasada
Diálogo: O professor fala para a aluna que ela chegou atrasada e perdeu a prova. Ela
pergunta se pode refazer a prova no dia seguinte.
Pergunta: O que ela vai fazer na sexta? (A prova)
What will she do on Friday?
R: The Test OU Approves OU Test in school OU Proof
9- Consulta médica (2)
Diálogo: em uma conversa ao telefone um homem desmarca uma consulta com uma
mulher, que é a secretária; ele passa várias informações e o horário dessa consulta que ele
queria desmarcar. Em que lugar a mulher trabalha? (doctor's office)
Pergunta: Onde a mulher trabalha? (Consultório médico)
Where the woman works?
R: Doctor's Office

10- Colegas de trabalho (2)

Diálogo: Um homem e uma mulher que trabalham juntos e eles estão conversando sobre
um outro colega de trabalho que está mudando de emprego e indo trabalhar em outra
Pergunta: A mulher quer mudar de emprego e estão indo para o trabalho em outra
The woman wants to change jobs and are going to work in another company?
R: Was not the woman, but the colleague who she was talking.

11- Passeio a praia

Diálogo: Amigos estão conversando sobre ir à praia. A menina não pode ir porque tem
que terminar um trabalho e ajudar a mãe em casa.
Pergunta: O que a menina vai fazer no final de semana?

12- Evento
Diálogo: Amigos falando sobre um evento à noite. A menina diz que vai trabalhar até
530pm e pede pro amigo a encontrar lá as 6pm.
Pergunta: Onde eles vão se escontrar?

13- Colegas de classe

Diálogo: Colegas de classe falando sobre esqueletos, prova sobre ossos da perna.
Pergunta: Sobre que matéria eles estavam conversando?

14- Tenis
Diálogo: O menino não encontra seus tênis de ginástica e quer ir ao parque. A mãe diz
que os tênis estão na máquina de lavar porque estavam muito molhado por terem
passado a noite fora.
Pergunta: Por que o menino está sem os tênis?

15- Comida Insuficiente

Diálogo: Amigos falando sobre uma festinha, mas a menina está preocupada que não
terá comida suficiente, então ela vai trazer mais comida.
Pergunta: O que a garota vai fazer?

A segunda parte do Listening tem um audio de 3:00 min e um audio de 3:30 min. São
feitas cinco perguntas sobre cada áudio.

1- Pai e filha
Diálogo: Nesse, é a filha conversando com o pai, dizendo que a filha dela, tem dado
trabalho pra dormir, que ela conta 1 história, dá boa noite e a menina sempre inventa
alguma coisa e pede mais 1 história. O pai pergunta se ela lê e ela diz que sim. Aí ele diz
que então é meio que culpa dela, que se a menina sabe que pode ter 2 histórias, porque
ela vai se contentar só com 1? E diz que ela também teve a mesma fase quando era criança,
que mantinha ele e a mãe dela acordados a noite toda e ele ia trabalhar no dia seguinte
morrendo de medo de prescrever alguma coisa errada ou errar em um diagnóstico. Aí a
menina pergunta o que ele fez e ele diz que pediu conselhos a um amigo que tinha lido
vários livros e ele disse que a menina precisava de uma rotina. Aconselha ela a ler uma
história apenas, dar um beijo de boa noite e sair, não importa o que a menina faça ou diga.
Ela diz que vai exigir muita força de vontade dela mais que vai fazer isso sim.
P: Qual a profissão do pai? (Doutor)
What the father's profession?
R: He is a doctor
P: Qual a dica que ele deu? (Para ler somente uma histótia para a filha)
What tip he gave? OU What advice he gives?
R: He advised for her read only one history for the child, give a goodnight kiss and leave
the room / get out.
P: Qual era o problema segundo ele? (Que a filha lia sempre duas histórias e a criança
What he said about the problem? OU What was the problem according to him?)
R: The problem was his daughter read always 2 histories and the kid accustomed with it.
/ Daughter was guilty, as always read two stories.
P: Onde ele aprendeu o que fazer? (Com um amigo que leu muitos livros a respeito)
Where he learned what to do?
R: With a friend who knew
R: With a friend who read several books about
P: Qual era o problema da mãe (filha)? (Que a filha tem dado trabalho pra dormir)
What was the mother's problem (daughter)?
R: She was in trouble in time to put her daughter in bed
R: The child does not sleep
2- Jogo de debates
Diálogo: uma menina conversando com o treinador sobre um campeonato de debates que
ela ia participar. Ela diz pra ele que está com um problema e ele pergunta se ela está
doente e vai ficar sem voz, porque ela é a principal na equipe e ela diz que não, mas tem
uma festa de aniversário de casamento dos avós pra ir sexta a noite, então não ia poder
viajar com a equipe, então ela queria conversar com ele sobre as alternativas. Aí ela diz
que o pai a levaria no sábado, mas ela só chegaria na hora do almoço, pro segundo turno
do torneio, e o chefe diz que não porque ela é a principal e eles precisavam dela pra passar
pela primeira etapa. Ela diz que então a irmã poderia levá-la depois da festa, mas elas
chegariam de madrugada. O cara pergunta se elas não podem sair um pouco mais cedo e
ela diz que não porque a irmã é guitarrista e a banda dela que estaria tocando na festa.
Então o treinador aceita e a menina diz que, chegando de madrugada, ia acordar o pessoal
do quarto dela e atrapalhar o descanso. O técnico diz que vai reservar um quarto pra ela
e a irmã. Aí ela diz que a irmã não vai poder ficar para o torneio porque a banda dela toca
em uma festa no sábado a noite, então ela voltaria no ônibus da equipe.
P: O que a menina foi conversar com o técnico? (Que estava com um problema)
What the girl was talking to the coach?
R: She has a problem
P: Por que ele ficou com medo dela estar doente? (Porque ela é a principal na equipe)
Why he was afraid of her being sick?
R: Because it is the principal in the debate team.
P: Por que ela não poderia ir ou qual era o problema? (Porque tem uma festa de
aniversário de casamento dos avós pra ir sexta a noite)
Why she could not go or what the problem was, something?
R: It has a wedding anniversary party of grandparents to go on Friday night.
P: Qual a solução pra elas não incomodarem ninguém? (ele vai reservar um quarto pras
What is the solution for them do not bother anyone?
R: He will book/reserve their room
P: Por que a irmã não poderá ficar para o torneio? (Porque a banda dela toca no sábado a
Why her sister can’t stay for the tournament?
R: Because her band plays at a party on Saturday night.
3- Viagem a NY
Diálogo: Uma mulher conversando com o professor do filho porque ele teria que perder
algumas aulas pois eles iriam viajar e passar 3 semanas em NY, e ela queria uma lista das
tarefas para o filho fazer enquanto viajava para não perder matéria dada na escola, para
ela poder dar para ele, e assim ele não ficaria pra trás dos outros alunos. Aí o professor
fala que morou em NY, que cresceu lá. Ele fala da estátua da liberdade e sua origem (foi
trazida da França) e sobre o zoo.
P: Eles estavam mudando ou apenas viajando pra NY? (Viajando)
They were changing or just traveling to NY?
R: Traveling
P: O professor morou lá quando era criança ou no tempo de faculdade? (Quando criança)
If the teacher lived there as a child or college days?
R: When he was a child
P: O que é a estátua da liberdade? (Um presente da França)
What is the Statue of Liberty?
R: A gift from France
P: O que ele tinha pedido para o menino fazer enquanto estivesse lá? (ver o que o urso
polar come)
He had asked pro boy do while there?
R: See what the polar bear eats / See the polar bear
P: O que a mãe pediu ao professor? (as matérias das 3 semanas que eles iriam viajar)
What the mother asks the teacher?
R: The materials 3 weeks / Lessons 3 weeks
P: Se as visitas à coroa da estátua ainda são liberadas?
Visits to the statue's crown are still released / allowed?

4- Conversa com professor

Diálogo: Mãe conversando com o professor, pois o filho está na 5ª série, é muito
interessado em aprender e em robótica. Alex está construindo um robô, e ele quer
participar de uma competição nacional de robótica que acontecerá na próxima semana.Ele
vai apenas perder as aulas de segunda e sexta, pois segunda é a apresentação do projeto e
na sexta será o anúncio do vencedor.
O professor elogia a atitude da mãe por encorajar os interesses do filho e pergunta sobre
o projeto. Entendi que é algo como um relógio alarme que te acorda gentilmente. Ela
brinca sobre o filho construir um robô que impeça o marido de roncar.
O professor dá a ideia de que Alex mostre seu projeto para a sala de aula. A mãe diz que
o filho é muito tímido, mas que o professor poderia conversar com ele e que seria bom
para ele praticar o discurso.
Perguntas: (5 perguntas sobre o audio)
5- Problemas com o filho (2)
Diálogo: Pai e filha conversando sobre o filho dela. O menino (Peter) tem 2 anos e não
gosta de comer comida saudável. Ela diz que ele testa os limites e que ela está preocupada
pois ele não tem nutrientes suficientes. Ela já tentou de tudo, fez receitas diferentes, mas
os vegetais continuam indo ao chão. Já misturou no macarrão e também prometeu
chocolate pra que ele comesse.
O pai disse que ela deve reconsiderar dar doces como recompensa porque isso não vai
ajudar o Peter a gostar de comida saudável. Ele recomenda que a família jante junto e que
ela e o marido mostrem pro filho que eles também comem comida saudável. Tirar todas
as distrações, manter a calma e positividade. Ela vai mudar o horário de jantar pras 6pm,
logo quando seu marido chega em casa, mas não tem certeza como o marido vai reagir à
Perguntas: (5 perguntas sobre o audio)
1.2 Speaking
DICAS: São duas perguntas, uma você tem 45 segundos para responder e a outra 1
minuto. Falar o máximo possível, melhor acabar o tempo e você continuar falando do que
parar de falar sem ter terminado o tempo.
Aqui estão as perguntas e as minhas respostas (pessoal), não tirei porque algumas pessoas
não sabem muito bem o que responder e também pra vocês terem ideia do tamanho da
resposta para dar aproximadamente esse tempo.
Quando eu estudei eu me mandava audio pelo whatsapp respondendo as questões para ter
noção do tempo que respondia cada questão, tive bons resultados com isso, porque assim
eu sabia se tinha que falar mais rapido, devagar, ou até mesmo deixar de falar uma parte
ou aumentar minha resposta.
As questões de 1 a 29 DESSE ARQUIVO são as que costumam cair no ITEP então
foquem mais nessas para estudo. E as outras questões (da 30 a 57) são as que a agentes
costumam perguntar nas entrevistas.

1.2.1 ITEP

1) What do you like to do with children?

I like to read for then, I think the reading is one the best things to do with children,
because there are a lot of benefits, like learn about culture, learn new words, calm
the child, improve then imagination, among others. Besides that, make the kids
more creative.
I also like to cook, I think that is a good way to enjoy with the kids, like try make
cakes and others simple plates. It’s a good form them became more
I like to create games or plays, using recyclable materials to do toys, for example.
I also like go out, to go to the park, to play outdoor and swimming.

2) How do you think children should have fun?

I think children should have fun in many ways, with educational plays for example.
I think it’s so important do then have fun with plays that improve their imagination,
with reading, I think the reading is one the best things to do with children,
because there are a lot of benefits, like learn about culture, learn new words, calm
the child, improve then imagination, among others. Besides that, make the kids
more creative.
I think children should have fun also with sports practice, outdoor plays, with
culinary cooking simple meals, I think that is a good way to enjoy with the kids,
like try make cakes and others simple plates. It’s a good form them became more
independents too.
I think it’s good to create games or plays, using recyclable materials to do toys.
To go out with their parents to cycling and go to the movie I also thing a good
form for children have fun.

3) What would you do if your host kids are fighting over a toy?
I would keep calm and would be impartial, after I would try to reassure the kids,
explain for then how the division is important and to propose that they play
together. If it doesn’t work I would keep the toy for them understand anyone will
play if they fight. When they are calmer I would give the toy for the kids play
together or share time for everyone have your time with the toy. I also could create
a more interesting situation that the toy, introducing other ideas.

4) Who is the most important person in your life? Who is your hero
The most important person in my life is my twin sister Joice. She helps me in
everything that I do and support me in everything that I thing to do. In my best
and worst moments she been and will be with me. She is my best friend, I like
everything that she do, I feel very proud of her, for the person she is, for the
dreams she has, for be the best person that I know. I don’t imagine my live without
her and I’m very happy for have a person I know that I can trust forever.
And about my heroes, I can to speak my mother Maria and my father Geres. The
both were coming from the interior and always work very much for give the best
education for me and my sister. Besides that they are always encouraging and
supporting me to realize my dreams and in all our decisions. I’m very proud of
them too.
5) How and where do you met your best friend?
I met my best friend in the belly of my mother. My best friend is my twin sister
Joice. She is the most important person in my life. She helps me in everything
that I do and support me in everything that I thing to do. In my best and worst
moments she been and will be with me. She is my best friend, I like everything
that she does, I feel very proud of her, for the person she is, for the dreams she
has, for be the best person that I know. I don’t imagine my live without her and
I’m very happy for have a person I know that I can trust forever.

6) Talk about your best friend in school.

My best friend in school was my twin sister Joice. We always studied together.
She is the most important person in my life. She helps me in everything that I do
and support me in everything that I thing to do. In my best and worst moments
she been and will be with me. She is my best friend, I like everything that she
does, I feel very proud of her, for the person she is, for the dreams she has, for
be the best person that I know. I don’t imagine my live without her and I’m very
happy for have a person I know that I can trust forever.

7) What would you like to change in your old school?

I changed to much things in my old school. First the organization, implementing
new rules more rigid, to be more respected for the students. I also increase the
spaces for sports, hire more qualified teachers and would implement new projects
with important issue to social life.

8) What is your favorite subject in school?

My favorite subject in school was math. I always had easy to learn math and take
good results in school. I preferred exact sciences Area than Human and
Biological sciences, because this I choose engineering for graduating. There are
a lot of math and physics that I like too much too.
9) Would you have problems if you have to change your school?
No, I would not have problems to change my school. I already changed my school
once, I went for a school with a best education and I didn’t have problems. It was
good for I know new people and have a new experience. Besides that I have
facility to adapt in new circumstances, because I’m a dynamic person.

10) If a friend is visiting you, where you take him?

It would depend how much time we would have and what he likes. I could take
him at Vale Verde, an ecologic park in my city. It’s a very beautiful park and we
can do picnics, can see some animals and there are a big green area.
There offers many leisure activities to do there too. Also have a good
restaurant. I could also take him to swimming, play bowling, go to the theater or
visit waterfalls if we have more time. In my state there are a lot wonderful

11) What do you consider right or wrong?

Thinking by the rules, I think the laws dictate what is right and what is wrong. I
consider right to follow our laws, which were created to maintain order and civility
among people and wrong the things that some people can do that will infringe the
But if we will thing in the emotional side, I consider right the things that you do
without harm people and wrong the things that you do that can harm people.

12) How was your first time riding a bicycle?

Was very well, I bought a bicycle when I was about 10 years old, in Vila Velha –
ES, where my father has a beach house. I learned ride a bicycle very fast
although I take some falls. I didn’t usually riding a bicycle in my home in Minas
Gerais because in my neighborhood there are a lot of hills. So, always that I travel
to ES I ride bicycle a lot, I love it because I feel free.

13) What do you like to do with your family and friends?

I like to do many things with my family and friends like go to the movie, going
bowling, to swim, to cook and make a barbecue in my home. My family is very
big and we always have a great time together. I also love to travel and know new
places with my family and friends, they’re so important for me. I like also go club,
go to the mall and go to the amusement park.

14) What do you like to do the most in your free time?

I love to travel, this is my favorite hobby. I love to travel because I love know new
places and know new cultures and people, it makes me very happy and it makes
I feel free. I also like to go to the movies, to go bowling, to swim, to go to the mall,
to go to the amusement park, to read books, to cook and make a barbecue in my

15) Talk about your personality and interests.

I consider myself an warm and extrovert person because I’m sociable and I like
to talk and interact with other people. I consider myself as a responsible, patient
and independent person.
About my interests I pretend always be in constant learning and show that I can
to realize my dreams without hurting anyone, in this way growing personally and
professionally. I’m helpful, friendly, easy going, creative and dedicated person.

16) Talk about a book you read and why you recommend it.
Wonder - I read and I recommend this book, it tells the boy’s story that when he
was born, he was diagnosed with a genetic disease that deformed his face.
Auggie is a wonder little boy, but he just wanted to be a child like any other but
he could never live how children his age.
And when his parents decide to put him in school, he already know that this will
be his biggest challenge. He has to convince colleagues that despite the unusual
appearance, he is a boy like all the others. I recommend this book because After
I read it I began to see the world and people differently.

17) Talk about a movie you like and why you recommend it.
It’s difficult because I like very much movies. I can talk about “A possible dream”
it tells the Michael football star history. He only gets the chance to show his talent
on the field when he is adopted. His willingness to go to college to play football
at the university team is greater than any obstacle. I like this movie first of all
because it’s a real history, and besides that it’s a overcoming and love history. I
recommend this book because It shows that with effort it’s possible to realize our

18) Talk about a thing that was very difficult to you and how do you
overcame it.
I didn’t have very thing that was very difficult in my life. But a difficult moment was
when I was separated of my sister in the class. We are twins, and always had
studied together in the same class, at that time was difficult because we were
children and didn’t understand how it would improve our life. Today we see that
it was the best think for us, because this form we became more independent.

19) Talk about some fear you have

I'm afraid of losing someone in my family or friends, it’s very difficult thinking you
can lose someone that you love a lot and could not see again. I’m afraid of
violence, because nowadays a lot of people do terrible things to prejudice and
hurt someone only to make money or feel better. I’m afraid this people who make
everything to get what they want, going over anyone.

20) Why do you want to become an au pair?

I choose Au pair program because first of all I love children, I love to take care
and play with them, befriending children and teach them new things. I also want
know new places, cultures and having incredible experiences in another country,
besides to be a better experience to improve my English. I believe it will be a
better experience for me because I have never traveled so far and I know it will
add a lot in my life experience.

21) How do you expect your host family is? What you expect from being
their au pair?
I expect them to be patient with me and my English mainly at the beginning, and
that they be a good family without bad intentions. I expect it be a better experience
for me and for the host family because I’m sure we have a lot of experiences to
share and I will dedicate my best for the kids.

22) Tell about a movie or a book you like and what you learned with that.
Wonder - I read and I recommend this book, it tells the boy’s story that when he
was born, was diagnosed with a genetic disease that deformed his face. Auggie
is an extraordinary little boy, but just wants to be a child like any other but he
could never live how children their age.
And when his parents decide to put him in school, Auggie already know that this
will be his biggest challenge. He has to convince colleagues that despite the
unusual appearance, he is a boy like all the others. After reading the book I began
to see the world and people differently.

23) What country would you like to visit and why?

I would like to visit the United States, because I think I will like the culture a lot.
Besides that I would like to visit there because I want to know some tourist points
of the United States, like the Grand Canyon, because I love nature, outdoor
walking and landscapes. That’s why I thing I would love this place. Other place
that I would like to visit in the United States is the Disney, I always wanted to visit
there, because I love amusement parks, and there is special, because there are
some amazing shows besides that it’s one of the best parks in the word. I also
would like to know the central park, Hollywood, Miami Beach, among other

24) Which place would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit the Grand Canyon, because I love nature, outdoor walking
and landscapes. That’s why I thing I would love this place. Other place that I
would like to visit in the United States is the Disney, I always wanted to visit there,
because I love amusement parks, and there is special, because there are some
amazing shows besides that it’s one of the best parks in the word. I also would
like to know the central park, Hollywood, Miami Beach, among other places.

25) Tell about something you've been afraid to do and why?

I’ve afraid to change my job because I had a new opportunity but I did not know
if it would be better or not. But I’m afraid to regret something that I didn’t do.
Because I prefer to regret something that I do than regret of not knowing how it
would be if I had try. I’m afraid of that because I think the life is too short for we
be afraid and lose any chance to be happy or lose any opportunity that could
improve our life.
26) How did you learn what is right and wrong when you were a child?
I learned what is right and wrong with my parents, they always explained for me
what I could and what I not could to do. I also learned with my first’s teachers
and with basics rules in school. And I understood when I was a child that is right
the things that you do without harm people and wrong the things that you do
that can harm people. Nowadays I also think the laws dictate what is right and
what is wrong. I consider right to follow our laws, which were created to
maintain order and civility among people and wrong the things that some people
can do that will infringe the law.

27) Talk about an interesting family history

This question is very hard, but I can talk about twins in my family. There are a
lot of twins in my family, that I remember my grandmother was twin, I have twin
uncles and cousins and I my aunt has two twins pregnant. And I’m also twin.

28) Tell me one thing you did and it was really hard to do for the first
time and how did you overcome it?
I didn’t have very thing that was very difficult in my life. But a difficult moment was
when separated me and my sister in the class. We are twins, always did all
together and always we were in the same class, at that time was difficult because
we were children and didn’t understand how it would improve our life. Today we
see that was the best thing for us, because this form we became more

29) Which city would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit Orlando because I would like to visit the Disney, I always
wanted to visit there, because I love amusement parks, and there is special,
because there are some amazing shows besides that it’s one of the best parks in
the word. I also would like to visit the Grand Canyon, because I love nature,
outdoor walking and landscapes. That’s why I thing I would love this place. Other
place that. I also would like to know the central park, Hollywood, Miami Beach,
among other places.


30) Do you really like children or just chose this exchange program for
the cost-benefit ratio?
I really like children. I choose Au pair program first of all because I love children,
I love to take care of them, I love to play with them, and I love to teach them new
things. Besides that, I think children can teach me a lot of things. And I know that
this the perfect program for me, because I can do something that I like and to
learn at the same time. Besides that, with this exchange I can know new places,
cultures and having incredible experiences in another country, besides to be a
better experience to improve my English.
31) Why do you chose the au pair program, and not some other?
I choose Au pair program first of all because I love children, I love to take care of
them, I love to play with them, and I love to teach them new things. Besides that,
I think children can teach me a lot of things. And I know that this the perfect
program for me, because I can do something that I like and to learn at the same
time. Besides that, with this exchange I can know new places, cultures and having
incredible experiences in another country, besides to be a better experience to
improve my English.

32) In your opinion what are the qualities an au pair needs to have?
In my opinion an au pair needs first of all love children and love to take care of
them. She needs also to have patient for all the situations that could happen, to
be a sociable person and like to talk and interact with other people, besides that
I think an au pair needs to be a creative, dedicated, educated, easy going,
friendly, helpful, independent, patient and responsible person.

33) Why should I recommend you to be an au pair?

Because I know that I have the qualities to be an Au Pair. I have experiences with
kids, I’m patient for all the situations that can happen, I’m a sociable person and
I like to talk and interact with other people, besides that I’m a creative, dedicated,
educated, easy going, friendly, helpful, independent, patient and responsible
person and I know this is very important.

34) How do you think your family is going to be?

I think my family is going to be patient with me and my English mainly at the
beginning, and that they is going to be a good family without bad intentions. I
think they are going to help me to adapt in my new life in the United States,
helping me in the beginning. I think it going to be a better experience for me and
for the host family because we have a lot of experience to share and I will dedicate
my best for the kids.

35) Where you imagine your host family lives?

I imagine they live in a house, not in an apartment, certainly in a safe place,
because children need more space. I imagine that if they live in an apartment it
will be a very big apartment. I think that they live close of the main places like,
supermarket, drugstore, bakery and places like that. I imagine that the mother
and father work.

36) What are your expectations for the trip? For the year? What do you
hope to obtain as an au pair?
My expectations are the bests, because first of all because I love children, I love
to take care of them, I love to play with them, and I love to teach them new things.
Besides that, I think children can teach me a lot of things. And I know that this the
perfect program for me, because I can do something that I like and to learn at the
same time. I hope during the year to know new places, new cultures, new people
and to have incredible experiences in another country, besides to be a better
experience to improve my English.

37) Tell me everything you like and what you think that it's cool to do
with children
I like to play with them and I like when they give de initiative to play. Because
they have a great imagination.
I like to read for then, I think the reading is one the best things to do with children,
because there are a lot of benefits, like learn about culture, learn new words, calm
the child, improve then imagination, among others. Besides that, make the kids
more creative.
I also like to cook, I think that is a good way to enjoy with the kids, like try make
cakes and others simple plates. It’s a good form them became more
I like to create games or plays, using recyclable materials to do toys, for example.
I also like go out, to go to the park, to play outdoor and swimming.

38) How long have you been driving? Do you drive in highways? Are
you afraid of driving in the United States?
I love to drive, I got my drives license when I was 18 years old. I’m responsible,
careful, and patient and I have never been in a car accident. I drive every day
and I feel comfortable to drive with kids, old people and anyone I have to take
with me in the car. I understand that I take a lot of responsibly to take children in
the car. I drive in highways and I’m not afraid to drive in the United States.

39) Talk about your family. Do you have brothers/sisters? Talk about
your relation with them.
My parents came from the interior and always work very much for give the best
education for me and my sister. Besides to support us in all our decisions. I’m
very proud of them. About my sister, I don’t have enough words to express her
importance in my life. She helps me in everything that I do and support me in
everything that I thing to do. In my best and worst moments she been and will be
with me. She is my best friend, I like everything that she does, I feel very proud
of her, for the person she is, for the dreams she has, for be the best person that
I know. I’m very happy for have a person I know that I can trust forever. She also
will be an Au Pair. All my family are very supporting me about my exchange, they
know it’s going to be very important for my life, in this form I can grow more
independent person, improve my English and learn about other culture.

40) Who do you live with?

I live with my mother, my father, and my twin sister.

41) Are your parents giving support to you?

Yes, all my family are very supporting me about my exchange, they know it’s
going to be very important for my life, in this form I can grow more independent
person, improve my English and learn about other culture.
42) What are your responsibilities at home? Do you have a housemaid?
I have to cook and help my mom and my sister clean the house. We don’t have
a housemaid.

43) Do you have a graduation course? Why do you chose it?

I’m coursing civil engineering at the Fumec University. I’m in fifth period and I will
take a break from college to do my Au Pair program. When I return to Brazil, my
priority will be finish the college, with more maturity and life experiences. I choose
civil engineering because it was always my dream to be an engineer and It
involves materials that I like that are mathematics and physics.

I’m coursing International Business at the Fumec University. I’m in sixth period
and I will take a break from college to do my Au Pair program. I choose it because
I like this area of business, and learn about the supply chain and logistic of the
other countries.

44) How do you think will be your routine?

I think that will be dynamic, because the kids need a lot of attention. I imagine
that I will have to wake up them, to make their breakfast, to take them at school,
and to wash your clothes. I think I will have to play with them, to follow your

45) How do you think your adaptation is going to be?

I think my adaptation not going be difficult, because I’m easy going, and I’m easy
to adapt in new circumstances and I never had problems to adapt myself to new
situations. Besides that I like new experiences and challenges, because I’m a
dynamic person.

46) Do you think that this experience you are going to have in the United
States will be different from your life here in Brazil? Do you think it
will be different to take care of children in the United States than here
in Brazil?
Yes, I think this experience will be different because in the United States the
culture and the mores are different than Brazil, but I think It will be a good
difference because with this I will can to learn about other lifestyle. And about to
take care of children in the United States, I think won’t be very different than here
in Brazil, because although the culture and mores, the form to take care of
children don’t change very much.

47) What are you going to do when you come back to Brazil?
When I come back to Brazil my priority going to be finish the college, with more
maturity and life experiences. I also going to look for a job in my area, I think with
my English and experiences will be easier. I hope studied Spanish too, because
it’s a language that I have interest to practice.
48) How do you consider your English? And how long have you studied
I consider my English intermediate, I studied for four years, and I practice with
movies and TV shows.

49) Do you have any piercing or tattoo?

No, I don’t have.

50) Do you have any first-aid course?

Yes, I have a first-aid course. I did the online course by Sul Mineira College, with
a workload of 200 hours. The course introduced basic first aid techniques, and
its contents subjects how First Aid Basics and in the Traffic, Guide and Technical
First Aid and First Aid Emergencies.

51) Talk about your experiences with children. What you usually do
with them?
My first experience with kids was with Izabelly. When I started to take care of
her she was newborn and had 4 days of life. She was very calm and she only
became agitated when she had infantile colic. My tasks was Bathing, bottle
feeding and put to sleep.
I worked as a volunteer in a day care center. I helped to take care about 24
children between 4 months to 1 year and eleven months old. I helped with daily
tasks how give a shower, food, to entertain and play, put to sleep and changing
I also took care Joao Gabriel, 5 years old. He is an affectionate and friendly
boy. My main tasks was to prepare breakfast and lunch, help in the both, help
with his homework and takes him to school.
My first and biggest experience with children was taking care of 3 kids. Mateus
Felipe,10 years old, Lucas Gabriel, 4 years old and Pablo Emanuel, 1 year
old. They are amazing kids, educated, and very affectionate. I took care with
then doing many activities like preparing meals, putting them to sleep, bathe in
children, helping them brush their teeth and helping then with their homeworks.
I took care of then for 2 years and 6 months, about 40 hours per week.
After this job I started working in a company, Usifast and I was already entered
the college, so in my free time I took care of my cousin, about 3 hours per day.
He was 1 year and 8 months old when I started take care of him and I took care
of him about 10 months. There, I used to take care of him hygiene, change
diapers, play with him, and after all those things, I fed him and helped him take
a nap. He is really sweet and was great spend time with him.
When I started work at Jabil Company, where I still work, I had to stop take care
of my cousin because of the schedule. So, I started work as a volunteer in a
daycare. I worked on this daycare for 6 months, since 06/2015 to 12/2015 with
about 24 children. They were between 4 and 11 months old and I worked there
about 10 hours per week, when I wasn’t at Jabil Company. In this daycare I
used to give shower, to give food, to entertain and play, to put children to sleep,
to change diapers, and others things.

52) Have you already worked? Talk about it.

My first experience with kids was with Izabelly. When I started to take care of
her she was newborn and had 4 days of life. She was very calm and she only
became agitated when she had infantile colic. My tasks was Bathing, bottle
feeding and put to sleep.
I also work as an Office assistant and my tasks was receipt and checking of
goods, Telephonic service, invoice issuing, among others.
I worked as a volunteer in a day care center. I helped to take care about 24
children between 4 months to 1 year and eleven months old. I helped with daily
tasks how give a shower, food, to entertain and play, put to sleep and changing
I also took care Joao Gabriel, 5 years old. He is an affectionate and friendly
boy. My main tasks was to prepare breakfast and lunch, help in the both, help
with his homework and takes him to school.
Yes, I have already worked with children and also with foreign trade. I’ll talk first
about my children experiences. My first and biggest experience with children
was taking care of 3 kids. Mateus Felipe,10 years old, Lucas Gabriel, 4 years
old and Pablo Emanuel, 1 year old. They are amazing kids, educated, and very
affectionate. I took care with then doing many activities like preparing meals,
putting them to sleep, bathe in children, helping them brush their teeth and
helping then with their homeworks. I took care of then for 2 years and 6 months,
about 40 hours per week.
After this job I started working in a company, Usifast and I was already entered
the college, so in my free time I took care of my cousin, about 3 hours per day.
He was 1 year and 8 months old when I started take care of him and I took care
of him about 10 months. There, I used to take care of him hygiene, change
diapers, play with him, and after all those things, I fed him and helped him take
a nap. He is really sweet and was great spend time with him.
When I started work at Jabil Company, where I still work, I had to stop take care
of my cousin because of the schedule. So, I started work as a volunteer in a
daycare. I worked on this daycare for 6 months, since 06/2015 to 12/2015 with
about 24 children. They were between 4 and 11 months old and I worked there
about 10 hours per week, when I wasn’t at Jabil Company. In this daycare I
used to give shower, to give food, to entertain and play, to put children to sleep,
to change diapers, and others things.
About my foreign trade, I worked as Commercial Treinee in a company called
Usifast. My responsibilities was direct services to clients and legal
representatives, do service by phone and email, attend business meetings and
execute implementation reports. And actually I’m working as a buyer trainee in
a multinational company, called Jabil. There my responsibilities are to execute
buyer routines like opening purchase orders, reports on implementation, follow
up with national and international suppliers, among others.

53) What typical dish of your country would you teach or cook for your
host family? Why? Do you have any skills?
I would like to cook for my host family cheese bread, tropeiro beens, brigadeiro
or barbecue. Because it’s Brazil traditional meals that I like a lot.

54) What difficulties do you expect when au pair?

Maybe a little difficulty in adapting. I know I will have difficulties but I think it will
not be many because it’s an experience that always wanted to have.

55) Do you have skills?

Yes, I like to cook and I’m creative, I like to create games os plays using
recyclable materials to do toys for example.

56) What is your education, what courses did you and your talents?
My education was very good, I do civil engineer course and besides this I did an
online first-aid course by Sul Mineira college, with a workload of 200 hours. The
course introduced basic first aid techniques, and its contents First Aid Basics and
in the Traffic, Guide and Technical First Aid and First Aid Emergencies.

57) What profession people who live with you?

My mother is an office assistant and my father works in the Petrobrás.

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