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0 → The Fool

novas jornadas, entrar nessa jornada sem saber o que está pela frente, confie na jornada,
sem expectativas, o universo abriu um caminho pare de hesitar (clean slate, purity,
innocence, new beginnings, unlimited potential

I → The Magician
As ferramentas estão tudo em suas mãos para atrair sua ideia e faze-la tornar realidade (lei
da atração, fazer as coisas acontecerem

II → High Priestess (sacerdote)

balance between black and white
segredos e ilusões revelados, confie em seu instinto e intuição, carta da cigana

III → The Empress (imperatriz) (verão ou primavera)

Energia materna
gentileza, amorosa
possui o maior interesse, faz as coisas crescerem
carta da fertilidade

IV → The Emperor (imperador) (energia ariana

Confiança, opostos atraem, geralmente pessoas honestas e diretas.

V → The Hierophant (terra: Touro, virgem e capricórnio)

Mentor, professor spiritual, autoridade, religião
casamento ou funeral
husband material = estabilidade, comprometimento
saber dissertar entre instinto e intuição.

VI → The Lovers (gêmeos)

Fazer decisões, cura, alguém está pensando em você, ou quer que você pense nele.
Sucesso na carreira, par.
Match made in heaven (talvez um casamento).

VII → The Chariot (Cancer)

Grande jornada, determinação, dando o próximo passo com o equilíbrio
Take a leap of faith (pulo no escuro) as coisas funcionarão em seu caminho
Está no caminho de progresso espiritual, informação está no seu subconsciente.

VIII → Strength (Leão)

Infinite abundance, know that you will overcome any obstacle, contain the beast, adapt to

IX → The Hermit (Virgo)

Você está no caminho certo, autocrítica, hora de orientação interior.
Tome um tempo para descobrir seu caminho, quando o tempo passar sentirá bem sucedido
Pode significar que alguém na sua vida precisa de um espaço para analisar.
X → Wheel Of fortune (aquarius, leo, taurus and scorpio)
10 = end of a cycle
turning point
infinite abundance and manifestation
change, karma
knowing when to hold on and when to let go
good luck charm on your journey

XI → Justice (libra)
fairness, law enforcement, the universe always delivers justice, karma, balance in being able
to cut out people who don’t serve you anymore,
reward for your hard work
being prepared for action

XII → Hangman
time of surrender
let go of control
be right, or be happy?
awakening and gaining perspective
looking at things in a new way
reversed = hangman turns the world over on its head

XIII → Death (scorpio energy)

let go of the old to make way for the new
must die in order to be renewed
new beginnings
let go today for your good tomorrows

XIV → Temperance (sagittarius)

go with the follow
seek moderations (can be the card of the alcoholic)
(path of the fool in the back)
patience is a virtue
self care, thinking about your self, self care

XV → The devil (capricorn)

card of fears and doubts
self imposed limitations
greed, obsession guilt
breaking free of codependency
be honest with yourself
warning not to be overindulgent
self defeating behavior
XVI → the tower
the universe demolishing somenthing to bring something better
release your ego
“i let go of every shred of my self concept”
release old
big shake up in your life, but its always for the best

XVII → the star (aquarius)

calmance and patience, wish fulfillment
healing and self care
find peace of mind
pursuit of something more
inspiration, new possibilities
(seek guidance from the spirit)

XVII → the moon (pisces)

self deception
maybe lost sense of self
every new moon write your intentions down and burn it so that the moon can deliver your
close out cycles
find out something hidden
tend to find something unexpected

XIX → the sun

illuminates all things hidden
happiness, growth, taking the oportunity to do things for yourself

XX → The judgment
making decisions
time for review and forgiveness
accept and let go of the past
break free of limited understanding
awareness of what's to come
make a decision on judgment day

XXI → the world

achieved all he desires
center state of emotions and well being
open to the universe
ending a cycle
travel and seeking more of the world

Minor arcana

Meaning of the sword

control over other people
dreaming big
higher education

King of Swords (air signs, nobility)

sees both sides of the argument
can seem harsh distant
doesn't care what other people think
rational energy
blunt and not afraid of anything

Queen of Swords
Cut things out of your life pain out of your life
(intelligent person (lawyer, scientist, therapist)
intellectual, creative
clarity and communication
get rid of bad situations
could be a decision
not afraid to express yourself

Knight of Swords
Fast communication
full of energy and confidence often times misplaced and be arrogant
well laid plan but pay attention to time
somebody whos too smart for their own good
not afraid
come in very quickly

Page of Swords
secret being guarded
pettiness and immature
knows how to communicate but doesn’t know how to use the sword as well
want to bring an offer but can often be immature

Ace of Swords
learning and understanding the truth
bringing communication to you

Two Of Swords
decision and confusion
not knowing what you want
clash of ideas, in the middle of something and you don’t want to choose sides, feel trapped
Three of Swords
heartbreak and sudden betrayal
death of something close to you
depression maybe
hurtful energy

Four of Swords
resting and retreating
time of reflection
making peace
going to a therapist

Five of Swords
depicts winners and losers
warning of overconfidence
maybe change

Six of Swords
moving away emotionally, taking a trip and some baggage
going in the right direction
happy journey but not completely smooth sailing

Seven of Swords
betrayal, doing something behind somebody's back
something left behind
careful of theft
PROTECT YOURSELF (ideas and dreams)
cheating and dishonesty

Eight of Swords
feeling trapped
don’t know what to do to your life
there is a way out
need creativity and wisdom, overcome your fears!

Nine of Swords
not being able to sleep at night
not having an answer
not knowing what you’re doing or what you want
could be getting headaches
self critic
reminder to wake up and see the world, its not as bad as it seems
Ten of Swords
the cycle of hurt is over
end of a project or something you’ve given up on
maybe somebody killed your reputation
loss sadness

King of Cups (water energy: cancer, escorpião e peixes)

fostering self improvement
ideal loving father figure
helps solve conflicts
love and gratitude, support
passion and strength
moving forward when feeling down

Queen of Cups
thinks a lot but is invested in people
can go unnoticed
offers great emotional support
passive as a parent
emotional volubility

Knight of Cups
offers love, interested in a relationship
sensitive to others, in tune with themselves
getting new hobbies, or maybe drugs
carrer = things coming towards you
emotionally satisfying

Page of Cups
immature good luck offer
something already manifesting
someone sweet and kind
maybe an ex coming back

Ace of Cups
emotionally intense
fountain of love that never ends
something new and exciting
abundance and satisfaction

Two of Cups
represents coming together
friend coming together
unexpected meeting

Three of Cups
Socializing, celebration
long distance relationship
new beggining
maybe someone with someone you don’t like
may be karmic

Four of Cups
contemplating about life
not considering any offers or options
dissatisfaction will cause you to ignore opportunity

Five of Cups
self pity, wallowing
broken hearted
when you turn your back on emptiness you can find fulfillment
negatives and positives

Six of Cups
Soulmate card
can be immature and childness
a person from the past but
short term flirting
gift coming your way
playing and having fun

Seven of Cups
not living in reality
making choices
indecision because of many choices
lack of direction
be honest with yourself to choose what’s best for you
could be you’re manifesting your ex
Eight of Cups
turning your back and walking away for something you were passionate about to pursue
something else, investing in yourself
walking from you

Nine of Cups
wish fulfillment
generosity and hospitality
receiving good
not quite complete but happy with things
moves your heart or your soul

Ten of Cups
Completion and satisfaction
blessings, purity
emotional maturity

King of Wands
New growth
endurance and internal challenges
replaces old with the new
love him or hate him
sexual and spark
attracts a lot of people
pushes you forward

Queen of Wands
development of career, journey, trip
heavily involved in your children's lives
self nurturing

Knight of Wands
insensitive to other people's feelings
quick changes
likes attention
excitement and fun
narcissistic, bossy and somewhat unreliable
can disappear as fast as it appears

Page of Wands
career move, trip
new adventure
Ace of Wands
new passion, love or journey
something you’ve always wanted
things will happen

Two of Wands
Looking at options
making decisions
different ideas
trying to take action

Three of Wands
waiting on something or someone
journey is just beginning but there’s still time to turn back

Four of Wands
11 11 card
union, twin flame
angels telling you your manifestations are coming through

Five of Wands
change, chaos, confusing and fighting
immature energy
situation that will change but decision will come trhough

Six of wands
moving forward with success
achieved state of victory
parade won't last forever so keep working

Seven of Wands
moving forward regardless of problems
uncertain outcome aware of challenges and people in your way

Eight of wands
communication, brace for change
ideas will come

Nine of wands
wondering and contemplating
making sure you make the right decision
last push, not giving up
ten of wands
completion of a cycle, holding the weight of the world
full of responsibility, working too hard
new endeavors
too much to take
demanded too much of
step back a little bit

King of Pentacles
strong father figure
commitment, lot of things growing
rather take time of introspection over action
plays it safe
gets job done right
speak only when moment arises

Queen of Pentacles
humble and stable
peace over material possessions
down to earth

Knight of Pentacles
Slow moving energy
cautious and protective
responsible, longterm
commitment coming your way
long term financial success

Page of Pentacles
offer coming your way
opportunity to employment or long term happiness
playful, energetic
careful with money

Ace of Pentacles
resource coming your way
long lasting changes, abundance
growth, new chapter, can be love

Two of Pentacles
balancing multiple things
making lots of decisions
Three of Pentacles
new beginnings, collaborations, partnerships, opportunities, work done well, teamwork
doing a good job, want people to be satisfied, build a foundation

Four of Pentacles
not wanting to let go, not speaking, holding back, good health and finances, too afraid to
give chances

Five of Pentacles
misery, constant support of others,
real friendship, you can never lose everything, being excluded of something greater

Six of Pentacles
balance, equal energy, both sides giving and receiving, don’t let your pride get in your way,
reciprocate relationship

Seven of pentacles
planting your seeds and having patience

Eight of Pentacles
working hard, lining up your coins, focus and accepting, pride in work, but pay attention to
details, working on yourself

Nine of Pentacles
small indulgence that satisfies you, attainment of recognition, goals achieved

Ten of Pentacles
wealth, good harmony, good will

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