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The head in the Theocracy - the Supreme Head Priest.

The six chief priests who are the supreme heads of the sect.
The three heads of the Judicial, Legislative and Administrative Organs.
The head of the Research Institute, the key institution for the development and
study of magic.
The head of the military institution, the Grand Marshal.
This is the highest executive body in the country.
It is a gathering of the highest authorities in the country and the place where the
future of the nation is decided.
In this room, which is neither spacious nor luxurious, no one has a cheerful face.
Of course, - it is rare to find anyone with a cheerful attitude in such a place.
However, the people here are comrades who serve their country and have known
each other for a long time, even to the extent of exchanging light humor in their
Normally, the atmosphere is a bit more relaxed.
This time, however, a tense atmosphere prevailed.
The magical nation has launched an invasion of the kingdom.
Or rather, they had already started.
The dreaded magical country......
This oe
Even the kingdom had been unaware of this fact for a month.
We, too, had our ears blinded by the wind and water.
If it had not been for If it had not been for the presence of Chisato, we would have
noticed it much later.
The fate of the kingdom has been decided.
Time was running out.
The High Priest turned to Raymond Zague Laurentin, the chief priest of the
earthly gods, "We are doing everything we can.
We are doing everything we can," the director of the research center asked
The director of the research institute asked Raymond, "It would be a shame to let
the Central Guiding Kingdom lose the magic items that are in that country.
We need to get our hands on some of these items, especially the treasures of the
land of Ghavidbiyyan.
Especially the hidden treasures of the country.
The Immortal Talisman, the Negative of Protection, the Harmonious Hand of
And," the director of the institute, who had been counting the number of fingers,
said slowly and with an appeal to the most important thing.
The razor blade," he said, "is impossible.
I can't help you with that.
There are only a limited number of people who can move it.
The man who wears the blade is a man who wears it.
The man who wears the blade, isn't it? It is the Brain Anglaus, isn't it? That's
You can hold him in your hand.
He is not so foolish as to continue riding the horse that is running to the cliff, is
he? At first he will show some discomfort, but soon he will be grateful to us.
From what we've been able to find out, she doesn't seem to be one of them," said
Berenice Nagua Santini, the chief priestess of the Fire Goddess.
She is one of the two women in the highest executive office.
You think highly of her," she said, smiling at the other woman, the head of the
judicial branch.
Yes, I do.
We, the chief priests, hold him in high esteem, but at the same time, we have
determined that he does not accept our invitation, and we have instructed our
people to avoid contact with him.
I'm not sure what to think.
I'm sorry about this.
I was a little out of line.
However, from my point of view, taking a life with such a high regard is not a
good thing for the future of mankind.
But there are some things we can't compromise on, right? For him, that's what it
The director of the institute, Zinedine Delan Delan Guelfi, the old man who
looked like a dead tree and the head of the water priesthood, followed the slightly
dissatisfied director.
I will say nothing more about this matter," he said.
We are happy to have such talented people coming to our country, but how are
they doing? We have already had a team of midshipmen come to Theocracy.
Most of them are from Mithril and above, but some of them have been invited
because of their potential as a result of the information gathered by the Suimei
Not so good, no," said Yvon Jasna Delacroix, the chief priestess of the God of
Light, who is in charge of the Acceptance Team.
The first thing to do is to make sure that the meeting is not a mere "show of
respect" for the chief priests.
It is true that in meetings with only the chief priests, he also uses or does not use
However, it is only because they are closer.
So, I thought it would be a good idea for us to do something about the dike.
Raymond answered the head of the judicial branch's question.
We decided that if it was a dwelling created by the inability to help people, it
could be healed by helping them.
The information that the Cornerstone State had approached the Dragon Kingdom
and purchased the undead was coming from the people.
The very strong ande nini.
Co" te50<msuOo
If the "good" story is left unchecked, the influence of the Lawgiver in the Dragon
Kingdoms will decline, and the influence of the Magic Kingdom will increase.
This is a good move in the sense of preventing that from happening.
However, there were also voices of concern.
If we send the former adventurers from the Kingdom to a place where they will
not be monitored, will they let the Magic Kingdom know that we have been
working behind the scenes during the war between the Magic Kingdom and the
King? I think it would be safer to keep them in the country for a while," he said.
I don't think that those who would regret abandoning us would ally themselves
with such a brutal country after they learned about the current situation of the
The adventurers might see that it is actually not true.
The actuality is, the adventurers may find out that it's not true.
The actuality is, the adventurers might find out that it is not true.
We have one card in our hand, "...hmmm, hmmm.
I understand the idea.
But to let your opponent know the cards in your hand is to let him alarm os
I agree with your opinion.
I agree with your opinion.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what
you're doing.
How many people know about it? If that's the case, I'm not that concerned about
the transfer.
The Supreme Priestess, who found it impossible to reach a conclusion, made a
majority decision.
As a result, it was decided that the adventurers would be sent to support the
Dragon Kingdom.
However, the adventurers they recruited were no better than loggers for the
Theocracy, and they could not be expected to be loyal to the Theocracy.
Therefore, the leaders of the Kingdom of Law are willing to let the adventurers
take root in the Dragon Kingdom to which they have been dispatched.
The reason for taking them out of the kingdom was to prevent the loss of the
human race, and not to make the Theocracy more powerful.
If only we could develop a way to create scrolls of the fifth rank and above, then
the "hetai" (transfer) would be easier to use.
(・) would be easier to use, but "We have not succeeded yet after several hundred
years of work.
The Theocracy has the technology to create scrolls up to the fourth rank as a
secret throwing technique.
This is a technology that neighboring countries do not have.
-The Theocracy has a lot of these secret techniques.
For hundreds of years, they have been protecting the people, and they are superior
to humans.
The company has been developing technologies to defeat the species that have
been For example, they had succeeded in producing a botion known as "God's
However, it is not cost-effective, so further research is being conducted on a daily
But why did the Tadasama King start committing such acts of genocide? Even
though the supplies for the Holy King's support were taken away from him, that
was probably too much.
How is the military analyzing this? The first is that the military is not going to be
able to get away with it.
The second one is that the purchasing king is the undead," he said.
"You may be of the opinion that he is ruled by hatred for the living, but I
Even if he was waiting for a chance to start a war, the King's behavior up to now
makes me feel uncomfortable about the matter of the Tongdao.
Then you just wanted to imitate the previous Raymond," or "You have a tendency
to not know when and where you are going.
The third finger was held up, "And most likely the third one.
The third finger was raised.
"It could be the same as the Katze Plain," he said, "a place where the undead are
Majikhuk Kasta Fa Nation The highest ranking officials of this country, many of
whom are faith-based dummies, deeply understood the meaning of the Grand
Marshal's words.
The plan would be to expand the land of the undead and bring the undead that
appear there into their own country.
Normally, this would be impossible, but it is a possible means for the Nairyoku,
whose king is also an undead person.
There are rumors that they have taken control of the Katze Plain, which is a
similarly uninhabited land, but perhaps they have gained something there and
have resorted to this kind of measure.
The next move of the magic kingdom can be predicted.
The next move of the mage kingdom will be to create an impure earth to separate
the question from the council country.
The room is quiet.
The room is quiet.
Each member compares their own country and the magic country in various
The most important thing to remember is that you should never be afraid to ask
for help.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your business is to be a good businessman.
No one can maintain a calm expression on their face.
It was not surprising when I remembered the information I had been given at the
previous meeting.
At the time of the war with the kingdom on the Katze Plain, the power that the
fountainhead showed was too obvious, too powerful, and too evil for anyone to
Even with the trump card of the Pope's kingdom, the Jet-Black Silk Scriptures,
including the Divine Human, it was extremely difficult to deal with.
Moreover, the depths of the Sakihidokoku were not yet visible, and the more one
looked into it, the more one was only shown its black abyss.
No matter how many troops we have, it will never be enough.
The only way to do this is to form an all-out alliance with the council.
There would never be enough reinforcements to protect the country.
There is no way that two nations with such different principles and objectives can
truly cooperate with each other.
As long as they had formed an alliance, they might expect reinforcements to
come, but the Dragon King of Wajirogane himself would never come.
If one of the two nations were to perish, the remaining nation would be subjected
to the full pressure of the Seidou nation.
In order to avoid this, it would be wise for both countries to cooperate with each
other at all costs and oppose the magical powers.
However, what would happen if, just for the sake of argument, a combined force
of two countries were to attack the Magus State and achieve victory? From the
next question, the Council of State and the State of Law will return to being
virtual enemies.
The next time you think about the aftermath of the war, you'll be on the lookout
for as many Central Guardsmen as possible to join the other country, and if
you've increased the flow of people by forming an alliance, the war of humility
will be more intense than ever before.
It is still more realistic to think of victory only with the legal state.
And if we were to fight against the Grand Leader, we should avoid an all-out war
in which both sides would fall together.
This would also be in the interest of the Council of State.
The ideal would be Sanpaku, but that would only be possible with a balance of
The "central government should be given the upper knee.
The most important thing to do is to make the central guiding nation to surrender
for tens or even hundreds of years, and then act from within to make the central
guiding nation to moon shield the central guiding nation.
It will be difficult.
It is difficult to convince the public.
If it is not done properly, it may go out of control.
That is a last resort.
First of all, citizens do not have access to all information like we do.
Even if the central government were to drop the capital, they would still have to
spend time on the upheaval of people's minds and the occupation and rule of the
The purchased country has reduced several cities and villages to nothing.
There are a lot of people living in King's Landing.
There are a lot of people living in King's Landing.
The number of people living in King's Landing is large, and killing them all
seems a little unrealistic, but I have a feeling that the Mage Kingdom might do it.
The actual a lot more the better.
Submission or death? The most obvious choice is the one that is coming to you.
The actual a lot more you are able to do, the more you will be able to do.
This is the reason why we have not been able to devote all of our energy to the
affairs of the Elven Nation.
It would be a terrible thing to make a frontal enemy of a superior guiding nation
with overwhelming military power, but it is our role to take the worst-case
scenario and take the necessary steps to avoid such a situation.
As a diversion, we could take the guise of a spontaneous outbreak and go to the
border area in An.
It is conceivable that Ted could emerge.
We should be prepared for that as well.
The first thing to do is to make some preparations for the emergence of Ted," he
Some of the people will be evacuated.
The land of our hope.
There is no country outside of the country of law to which we can turn to for
But that does not mean that they will be exiles.
The country had only one place of refuge outside of Japan.
It was originally a place where the race of humans, who had only been able to
escape and stay in confusion, had lived 600 years ago.
The place is protected by one of the six colored scriptures, the Earth Tractor
Sacred Scripture.
The only thing that is important is the fact that the people who live in the area are
the ones who have to choose between the two.
Who's going to choose? "It can't be random.
We will naturally stay, but what about each member electing a representative and
having that person choose us? If we should perish, you, who once belonged to the
Lazy Black Book, will protect those who are left and guide them, won't you? I
don't have the strength I once had.
And if someone who should have remained at any point in time, many people
would be distrustful of the fact that a person high up in the organization would
not remain.
But! -The discussion began to heat up, and the High Priest opened his mouth.
There is no use getting heated here," he said.
It is an important matter, but I think we have a few more items to discuss.
He did not raise any objections.
Then let's discuss the most important matter.
The elves - you can let them get away with it.
The Supreme Priestess's expression of hatred, as if she had changed her mind,
caused Raymond to lose his temper.
I'm going to give you the chance to choose between the desperate and the
The actuality that the actual dragon king of platinum may have sensed that the
girl has left the country, he won't be able to say anything strong in this situation
The actual a lot more you are able to get, the more you will be able to get.
The actual a lot of people are going to be able to get a lot of these types of
products and services.
When Ainz finished reading the thick binder he was flipping through, he went
back to the top page and stamped his seal in the corner.
Then, after a little hesitation, he stamped his seal of approval in the same way.
Now the solution to the high-level political problem described in the binder has
been approved, and Albedo will now elect a middleman and begin to move
toward his goal.
Ainz hands the binder to Lumiere, who is standing by.
This completes the last task of the day.
Ainz looks at the clock.
The hands point to 10.30.
Ainz's work day starts at 10.00.
In other words, only 30 minutes have passed since he started working, but it has
been like this recently.
Originally, most of Ainz's work was finished in the morning.
But even so, it is early.
The actuality that the actual company is going to be the first to offer a new and
improved product or service is going to be the fact that they are going to be the
first to offer a new and improved product or service.
I wish I could have been there.
For example, those who live in the villages of Enri and Nfelea, for example,
generally start their activities at sunrise and go to sleep when the sun sets.
This is generally the same for the urban Koi people, but they start a little later in
the morning and go to sleep a little later at night than in the villages.
This is largely due to the presence or absence of light.
Also, the nobles, who have more lights and more lights, seem to start their work
later in the evening.
So, does Nazarick start work uniformly at 10.00 p.
? Nazarick is the blackest of the black.
The maids work long hours, divided into morning and evening shifts.
The same is true for Cocytus' men who guard the ninth floor.
The rest time is not fixed, and there is almost no such thing as a short break.
There is no snack time, no time for smoking.
However, 90% of them have no complaints about their treatment.
3 Ainz, who desires a white environment in Suruga, has heard this story from the
maids in general.
What I think after listening to them is, "These people are crazy.
Or should I say, they have a high level of sincerity? Ainz was horrified when he
was told with a straight face that it is natural for them to work endlessly if they
don't have to lead labor by the item.
Furthermore, the remaining 10% of the respondents who were dissatisfied with
their treatment were asking to be made to work more.
However,11 that was until a short time ago.
Perhaps it was an arbitrary imposition, but Ainz had always wanted to provide a
generous welfare program.
For this reason, Ainz paid particular attention to the maids.
They are very low level.
The most important thing is that they have the appearance of a beautiful woman.
However, doing so might discourage their motivation.
Therefore, it was necessary to persuade them.
That is why I said this.
In the future, there may come a time when the maids will stand on top of the
maids and instruct them.
At that time, we need to make sure that they do not overwork us just because they
usually do.
This has succeeded in reducing working hours and increasing vacation time,
albeit grudgingly.
The previous one day off every 40 days was doubled to two days.
Two days.
Ainz also thought, "Not much has changed at all," but he was afraid that if the
number of days off was increased, the resistance would be quite strong.
Or rather, there was a hint of it.
Therefore, he had to make a compromise.
The vacation system - paid vacations, summer vacation, national holidays, etc.
- has not yet been successfully integrated.
-The reason why they wanted to incorporate this vacation system, despite the
opposition of NPCs, was perhaps not so much for the maids' sake, but more
because of the fact that the Suzumizu language had never been green with such a
vacation and they were longing for it.
Therefore, Ainz came up with the idea of using other means.
Ainz, who is at the top of Nazarick, decided not to work too much.
He tried to change their mindset, saying that since the top management was not
working very hard, they themselves did not need to work that hard.
Of course, he had a premonition that Nazarick would be in a mess if he, a
less-than-competent person, took the initiative.
However, this was a mistake.
It was natural that Ainz would not work, and those in Nazarick changed their
minds, saying that they would do their best for him.
As a result, Ainz's work, which had been approved only rarely, was now even
This is a very good thing.
It is absolutely bad for Nazarick to have Ainz, who is not a good worker, taking
on so much work.
However, it would be a little bad for Nazarick to make other people suffer
because of it.
The two maids who are looking at you with a sharp and serious look in their eyes
(their eyes are unusually strong) are the ones that Ainz is looking at with his side
They are on Ainz's duty today and have a room with him, and as soon as they
look at each other, they both say, "What's going on with you?
He asks, "Can I help you?" and I'm trying to avoid that.
(You don't have to be so sincere....jI wish you would relax your shoulders a little
(This tense atmosphere makes me a little sick to my stomach....)Ain't it funny
how long it's been since I've seen the smiling faces of the maids? Sighing in his
heart one last time, Ainz calls out to the maids who are standing around him.
The reason why I asked her, today's maid with Ainz, is because when Albedo is
not around, secretarial work is now handled by the general maids.
Tutoring, negotiating.
Such things are not on today's schedule, apparently.
But there is still a possibility that a job may come in on the spot, so we can never
let our guard down.
The reason for this is that the client may be called in unexpectedly with a message
from Entoma.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the actual number of people who
are going to be able to get the job done is the number of people who are going to
be able to get the job done.
Ainz moved his gaze to look at the other desk in the room.
She was placed in this seat by Albedo's strong request, but she is not there.
Most of the time, Albedo is working in this room with Ainz and Shi, but since it
has only been a few days since the fall of King's Landing, he seems to be quite
busy, frequently running around Nazarick and sometimes negotiating on the spot,
so his absence is rare.
When I asked the maid how Albedo was doing when I was away, she told me that
he seemed to be in a very tense state.
Is it because he has a lot of work to do, or is it because he can't see Ainz? (If it is
the latter, the best thing to do would be to spend more time with her.
) If it makes her mood better, there is no reason for her to refuse.
When Ainz says nothing, no one speaks, and the room is completely silent.
The truth is, the workplace here is more like a place of idle chatter, which is what
Ainz is looking for, but over the past few years, he has learned that they will
never want to do that.
I miss them very much.
(I guess I'll have to live with this kind of stool for the rest of my life.....
Well, it can't be helped.
) Usually Ainz uses her spare time for a wide variety of things.
Horseback riding training.
I read business books under the guise of reading academic books.
And a book on politics, too! The reason I can't get into it much is probably
because I'm reading it in a vacuum.
It is not because his skull is empty.
He experiments with various methods of purchasing weapons.
Recently, he has added training with Pandora's Actor to his training with weapons
under Cocytus.
"Well - like talking to myself in the teaching room - I actually did it on purpose! I
raised my voice.
It's probably safe to start acting now.
What we are going to do now is to plan to make friends with Aura and Mare.
We are going to start with a plan to make friends with Aura and Mare, and to
make preparations for that.
The first candidate for making friends with the two of them would be dark elves.
Then there are the elves of their own kin.
Even if they are looking ahead to the future, it would be a little too high-level for
them to suddenly make their first friends with a stray or a small dance.
The first one would be from a close race.
He moves his gaze to Lumière.
I'm going to the sixth level now.
The actual a lot of people are going to be able to be the first to get a new one.
I'm going to go to the sixth level now.
Ainz takes Rüdek(ale and transfers to the sixth level with the power of the ring.
If he ordered Yale to bring the people he wanted to see to his room, it would be
more appropriate for the supreme ruler of Nazarick to summon the people he
wanted to see.
However, he did not do so because he wanted to make things amicable.
For that reason, he should have visited Nazarick himself and shown his sincerity.
The people would feel more respected and closer to him if he went to them, rather
than if they were called in unannounced.
If the fact that the ruler of the land had come all the way here to meet with us put
a good amount of pressure on us, it would make things even easier.
The people we wanted to meet were the three elves who had captured the
adventurers when we had lured them to Nazarick.
I had not asked him about the elves' country or personal information, because at
that time and since then, Ainz had wanted to be in the position of a friendly
undead person who had saved the elves from being reduced to slavery.
If he had tried to dig up detailed information about the location of their homes
and the elven race, he would never have been thought to have saved them out of
the goodness of his heart.
So, it is not the same if we listen to the story now.
The situation is different from those days when there was only one Nazarick
Underground Tomb.
In the Nazarick Underground Tomb Ain't Wool Gowon Mage Nation, which has
taken in various races, it is not strange to try to obtain various information in
order to open diplomatic relations with the land of the elves.
(I can make excuses for that nowadays, you know.
There doesn't seem to be any talk of those two dealing violently with each
It would be great if they were open-minded, but, well, let's not expect that much.
If only they had thought of Ruko from then on, they would have ordered
better...-), but I kind of hate the idea of Aura and Mare taking orders from Ainz
and treating those elves with false gentleness.
If it were Demiurgos or Albedo, I wouldn't think anything of it.
The other day, the case of the ordinary maid and Cocytus, it is probably not good
to be judged by the appearance of the other party, but the reason why we are so
caught up in it is probably because Ainz is an ordinary person.
With Lumiere in tow, Ainz walks down a dimly lit passageway.
At the end of the passageway, a huge lattice door is descending, and sunlight is
filtering in from the doorway.
At the end of the passage is the amphitheater of the sixth level.
It is possible to transfer to the vicinity of the twins' residence by using the ring,
but they avoided it - the latticework rises vigorously, as if it were an automatic
Ainz suddenly had a sense of déjà vu.
This is it!
I visited here on my first day in the world, and met a little figure beyond.
-Welcome, Mr.
Ainz! The girl's cheerful voice said, "Yes.
A girl's cheerful voice said, "Yes, Mr.
Ainz, welcome! Aura, I have some business to attend to.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your money is to be careful.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what
is going on in the world.
Naturally, they often work outside Nazarick.
However, it is said that at any given time, two or three of Albedo, Demiurgos,
Mare, Aura, Cocytus, and Chartier would stay behind in Nazarick.
Usually it is Albedo, Cocytus, and Chartier, but Cocytus sometimes goes to the
lizardman village, and Chartier sometimes leaves to serve the dragons.
On those occasions, the others stay behind.
This is not an order from Ainz.
Indeed, there was a time when Ainz was thinking of putting Cocytus in charge of
the defense of Nazarick and Chartier as his deputy.
However, the size of the area under his control is different from those days.
So, personally, I was fine with having the other people work outside the office as
long as at least one of the guardians remained.
However, I am not sure if I would be comfortable saying that myself.
aa <aona(ooscomi
The reason for this is that by putting the opinion of the absolute leader, Ainzle, in
the place where the guardians are thinking and acting on their own initiative, it
will take precedence over them.
I still want to respect the autonomy of the guardian cities.
The most important thing to remember is that the idea of Ainzure is meaningless
when Albedo and Demiurgos, who are much smarter than Ainzure, are in
agreement with it.
The idea of the guardians is more correct than the idea of Ainz, who is less than
an ordinary person.
Yes! Yes! So, what can I do for you today? Aura smiles, but Ainz replies gravely.
To be honest, there was no point in saying it so gravely now.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the best out of
your business is to be a good businessman.
But I was just thinking about how well things would go from here on out, and
that's why I ended up giving a heavy-handed response.
But the effect seemed to be great, and Aula's expression tightened up.
This is bad, something is definitely going to be misunderstood again.
I was about to say, "Masui," but he seemed to wonder what was so bad about it.
But I don't want people to wonder what's wrong with it.
I'm confident that if I get into that area, my acting will fall apart and I'll only be
able to respond in a flustered manner.
I'm sorry it's been so long.
I just wanted to see that smile again....)" "Thank you for your time.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your time is to be prepared for the moment.
The first thing he said was, "I'm not going to let you go.
But it was not enough.
The first is that I'm going to go out directly to them.
One is to put them under pressure by going directly to them.
The other is.....Although not directly related to the elves, various people have
come to this sixth level because they have taken complete control of the Great
Forest of Tob.
I thought I would see with my own eyes how it all turned out.
What do you think, Aura? So, sn <snsno ko ni os.
I had never seen the change with my own eyes.
That is a sign of trust.
If a subordinate's work was going well, it would be noisy for the boss to intervene
from the side.
So I decided to take a look at it.
However, I don't know how Aura received it, but his mood changed.
I don't know how he received it, but Aura's mood changed.
I'm sorry for the long delay.
Aura answered with a crisp expression.
Ainz-sama is the absolute ruler of Nazarick.
Wherever he is, there is no need to listen to the opinions of the administrators
there! -I'm sure you'll be able to find the answer.
I'm very thankful to hear you say so," "I'm also thankful.....
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that.
The most common place to go to is the flower garden.
The village is a place where several small houses are lined up in a row.
There is also a small village, but to be honest, it is not on a scale that can be
called a village.
Nithee C0<mSOOO.
However, there was no other way to call him "Ru", so he was called "Ru<u".
Do you remember? I don't remember much of his face, because I don't remember
his face.
I don't really remember his face.
I only remember a vague shadow.
But I do remember that there was such a thing.
I can't remember much more than a vague shadow, but I do have a memory of
such a person.
To be frank, Ainz is not good at remembering people's names and faces.
If he had a business card, he would write down his impression of the person on
the back.
However, he is well-liked because he was the first person to come to Nazarick
and was the go-between for the other plant monsters.
In other words, he is the face of the plant monsters from outside Nazarick.
There are plant monsters that are stronger than Pinisun, so it is not always easy to
get them to listen to him, but since he has the backing of Aura and Mare, there
has not been much trouble so far.
The plant monsters that came to Nazarick were welcomed by Aura and Mare.
The welcome is simply a demonstration of the two's fighting ability and the sight
of the monsters following them.
The two of them are now in the midst of their own battle, and the two of them are
now in the midst of their own battle.
Most of the monsters, having realized the difference in their abilities, were more
than willing to follow their commands.
When the monsters saw that Mare was following the chargeable monster, Morin
Ryu, they became afraid that Mare might be a god.
It is said that the monsters decided this when they saw the rainfall and the
frightening increase in the nutritional value of the earth's rice.
But I don't think he is really worshipped as a god by all monsters.
There were some monsters that were known to be protected by the magic of the
forest festival.
The "aura" is a kind of existence that is praised rather than praised....what would
you call it..." Uu1n, Aura thought about it.
Ainz understood somehow.
It would be similar to praising a brayer as a "god" for creating a great exterior.
Or an idol, or a mixture of the two.
1- I see what you mean.
If the person is able to follow without any problems, then there is no problem.
I'm not sure what means or methods they are using.
I'm sure that's what you mean.
That's what I mean," Ainz said, regretting that he had made a mistake in the way
he had said what they were managing so well.
He should have just praised his brother for his "brilliant work," instead of
rambling on about trivialities.
Stealing a glance at Aula's expression, he didn't seem particularly bothered.
However, it does not necessarily mean that he is expressing his true feelings.
(I have read in many business books that you should not use words that
discourage those below you.
Ainz would like to be a little more careful in his use of language.
He also says that he needs to pay as much attention to his tone and voice as he
does to his words.
I'm going to go to the village and see what's going on," he says.
I'd like to go to the village and see what's going on, but I think I'll just go to the
flower garden this time.
I'm sorry for suggesting this to you, Aura," Aura waved her hand hurriedly.
I'm sorry for suggesting this to you, Aura," Aura waved her hand hurriedly.
Please proceed through this hierarchy as you please, Ainz-sama.
I am sorry for making such a big suggestion! (...Why is that an apology? I
mean....You've been reacting in a way that is uncharacteristic of Aura since a
moment ago.
I'm not sure if it's because of the way I lied to you when we first met, or if it's
because of the way you reacted to me? Aura's words did not stop while Ainz was
There is no place in the world where Ainz-sama should not go, here in Nazarick.
No, there is no place in the world where Ainz should not go.
Especially women are not allowed to go there.
There are many things that are wrong with it.
However, even if you say "I don't mind," Aura will probably say something like,
"I don't mind if you go in there.
I don't want to give that kind of response because I'm sure Ainz would feel
uncomfortable about it.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just say anything.
The first thing to do is to make sure that your inner feelings don't come out, and
speak softly to Aura.
I'll leave it to you," said Aura, thumping her own chest.
Aura slapped herself on the chest.
Do you want to get in something? I'll take care of it.
Can you take care of that for me? Yes! Yes, I'll take care of it! Aura looks in the
direction of the day after tomorrow, and concentrates on something with a hint of
worry between her eyebrows.
But the time is only a few seconds.
There is another room closer to the house, but I took the liberty of calling Fen and
Is that all right? "There is no need for me to confirm this at this moment.
If Aura decides it's okay, I have no objection.
Then, please wait for a while.
The first thing he did was to look around the open space.
What is the most enjoyable part of strolling in the Nazarick Underground
Tumulus? It is a little different from the fun of the ninth and tenth levels - the
sixth and fifth levels.
Especially rare, but depending on the timing, you can even see a luminous
phenomenon called the aurora borealis on the fifth level.
However, the probability of its appearance is said to be very low.
In this sense, the sixth floor is probably the most enjoyable place to walk around.
It is there that you will move.
Ainz smiled and felt his stomach ease a little.
Excuse me a moment," said Aura, stepping away from her master and Lumiere
for a moment and taking out a necklace.
Ari twin necklaces are midwifery items that can be used for two-way
The reason why she always wears the necklace, even though it is not a strong
item, is because she cannot use her human ability until two days have passed
since she wore it.
Usually such items are more powerful because of that, but this is not the case.
Moreover, the person who activates it must hold the necklace, which makes it
difficult to use in the middle of a hard fight.
However, that is the only limitation of its use, and it can be used to keep in touch
The coté personnee is.
This is such an item, but opinions may differ as to whether it is excellent or not,
and whether it is worth playing one slot.
I'm sure there are differences of opinion as to whether this item is excellent or
worth playing one slot.
After a short pause, Mare's voice echoed in my brain, "Mr.
Ainz is here.
What? What's going on? What in the world is going on? Of course.
It's an inspection, an inspection - yes p - to see if we and the realm guardians are
properly managing this hierarchy, I think.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding
of what you're doing and how to do it.
Or is it the order? Aura's imagination is of course not the only one that can make
a connection.
Of course, it may be Aura's own imagination, but it would not be wrong.
Aura....Aura...I know that Ainz-sama said that he has two aims, but I don't think
it's just two, since he's the same Ainz-sama.
The first is to make the world a better place.
The first is to make sure that you're doing the most important and basic work.
I have a vague idea as to why they would do such a thing.
Those who used to look at Albedo and Demiurgos with envy as they worked on a
minute-by-minute schedule - Chartier and Cocytus, for example! are now
increasingly assigned to missions outside Nazarick.
Especially when they destroyed kingdoms, they used their military prowess to
prove their loyalty.
However, the master may have taken note of such a festive state of affairs.
No matter what their position, the Aura are the guardians of the Nazarick
They have the absolute and unchanging responsibility to defend, manage, and
control the hierarchy assigned to them.
I think he would like to ask whether they are not forgetting their true duties in the
midst of their new work.
However, it would be disqualifying for a hierarchical guardian to let his master
say that he is concerned about the work performance of AURA and his staff.
If the other guardians, especially Albedo, who is in charge of the guardians, were
to find out about this matter, they would reprimand him with triangular eyes.
Therefore, it is a sign of the master's kindness that he does not tell them directly.
In order to keep the whole thing on an even keel, he might say to the guardians,
"I'm sure you've heard of this.
Then, is that the fourth time? There is something more to it, but Aura doesn't
know what it is.
Mare was not surprised either.
It was a little frustrating to think that she might be able to tell if it was
Demiurgeon or Albedo.
Let them get ready for now.
I'll get them ready.
Oh, sorry.
I didn't tell you.
You said earlier that you have two objectives.
The first is to make an inspection, and the second is to meet with the Yelpers who
have been assigned the final room.
The first is an inspection and the second is to see the Yeelfs who have been
assigned the room for this investigation.
He is taken care of more times than Aoula.
He hangs out the futon, puts on clothes, and sometimes even takes care of the
For Mare, this is not so much a nuisance as a hindrance, but since she is under her
master's orders, she is not compelled to do so.
But since he was taking care of her under his master's orders, he could not refuse
to take care of her.
Oh, Fen and the others came close by.
Ah, Feng and the others are close by.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a few minutes to
do a little bit of work and then leave the rest of the day to your own devices.
Nini nidenia ni 0< and three.
When an intruder who has been through the tangle of earth to that point sees a
flower garden of various colors blooming on the sixth level of Nazarick, he or she
is bound to think that a mimic monster or a deadly flower selection is lurking
But there is nothing like that here.
In spite of the fact that this is such a beautiful place, there are actually no traps for
There are plant monsters and insect monsters that mimic flowers in Högsdrasil,
but there are no bars in this place.
And here's more.
They will either be wary and stay away from us, or they will make the first move
and burn us down with a flaming attack as an intermediary effect.
For that case, we had an idea to plant flowers around them that would carry
deadly poisons and paralyzing hemp that react to fire and other substances.
However, the three women objected vehemently to the idea, and it was reworked.
As a result, the place became an ordinary flower bed.
Such a place was the flower garden of the Sixth Floor Pressure that Ainz knew.
However, Shin's flower garden is different.
A huge structure that could wrap around a person's waist was sticking out of the
flower garden.
The number of flowers was twelve.
It was not just a little bit too big, but there was definitely something there.
Ainz searched his memory.
There are many monsters in this world that Ainz doesn't know about, but there
was one in Yggdrasil that had the same shape as the Monkfish and the Sa!
I had an idea about the star.
Was that the flower demon girl? Yes! -The first thing that comes to mind is that
they were not placed in Nazarick, nor are they among those who have been
summoned since their arrival in this world.
In the center of the flower garden, there was a circle with a single protruding tip.
It was an item for sailing the sacred artifact, the Earth Recover.
Earth Recover is a weapon of divine navigation, and its durability is ridiculously
high, but on the other hand, its offensive performance is terribly low.
The reason is that most of the data is used for secondary power.
The other animal in Hanayu is a giant Angora rabbit-like breast ring, the
Senkouzutsumi Rabbit, which sits doden in Hanayuka.
It looks so idyllic and fairy-tale-like as it sits in Hanayuka, munching on a giant
However, that is probably not the reason why it is placed here.
I won't know the exact reason until I ask Aura, but it must be a watchdog.
Even he is in the late sixties.
The carrots she's chewing on, by the way, are from the fields.
Is it not raw pain but an alteration? Is it safe to feed them? Well, surely a
half-hearted closure would have no effect at that level..;" "It's not poisonous.
I checked with the head chef and he gave it an excellent score as an ingredient.
Can ordinary farmers in the Central Provinces produce it? It is impossible.
Even with the cooperation of plant monsters, it is difficult to grow large
The largest of them slowly opened.
The Flower King.
-I'm the king of the flower demonesses, and I'm the guardian of all 14 Arlaune
that are here," Aura introduces her stealthily.
I'm sure you must be referring to the fourteen Arlaune that are opening up.
Ainz, who quickly recounted the number again, also asked in a low voice.
The other two are newborns.
The other two were just born and are hiding among the flowers in that flower
Let's pull them out.... No, you don't have to do that," oe te<ana koz.
The fact that it was born in Nazarick means that it is counted as a Nazarick
monster, or is it different from Nazarick monsters? Inside was a monster that
looked like a woman, just as in the image of Waki.
It is more like the figure we saw in Yggdrasil.
She seemed to be a lord, but there was nothing unusual about her except for her
Her hair and eyes were the same color as the flowers, and the color of her entire
body was the same as the color of the stems.
She wears no clothes, but her skin is rather uncomfortable because it looks as if it
is formed by thin stalks.
The part of the face that hits the eyes is hung up, and it does not look friendly.
It looks as if it is angry.
Suddenly, Ainz felt a sense of nostalgia.
It reminded him of a girl with an intimidating look in the Holy Kingdom.
Ainz could not remember many people's faces, but he remembered those eyes.
The monster's face was distorted in amusement.
Good morning, Aura-sama.
The voice is as clear as the sound of a bell, and I don't sense any hostility.
It is more like respect.
The smile that he just smiled at me was purely a welcome.
The smile that is still on her face looks like she is up to something.
The petals except for Lord's move greatly, but they do not seem to bloom.
However, the head is not fully pigged with petals and tin, chirashi Oo0<Loss
I was not sure what he meant by that attitude, so I could not say it was rude.
As long as we don't know what this attitude means, we can't say it's rude.
The most important thing to remember is that this is the attitude that shows the
most respect in Arlaune culture.
The two men's gazes turned to Ainz.
He is the absolute loyal and faithful Ainz-ul-Goun, the King of Magic! Aurara
proudly announces, and the Lord's face turns somewhat evil.
The petals of the other Arlaunes are getting accustomed, and their faces are
gradually hidden.
Is this because they are alarmed or frightened? Or was it out of respect? From
their expressions, it was hard to say, but from Ainz's point of view, it seemed to
be the second.
I am the ruler of this land, the ruler of the magic kingdom, and most of all, Mr.
Auwu, Mare Mare," he said.
I am Shishi.
The most important thing to remember is that the name is not a word.
It probably sucks to make fun of a name you've been given.
I'll remember that.
But Aura and Mare are in charge of this place.
I will not be giving them any direct orders.
I don't know how the three of them are managing Arlaune and the others, so I'm
just going to leave it at that.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't find the right words to say
because you don't know what kind of role Arlaune has been given and how he is
being treated.
I wonder when and where she got this knowledge.
Is it because she is being taught by the two of them? Or is she just talking about
those nuances, but in reality she is talking about something a little more
Arlaune-esque? I wonder if they are actually saying something a little more
Well, I wouldn't think anything of it if they were really called big wards.
Then Ainz looks around the flower garden.
There are places where I think that Arlaune, who is arresting my gaze, is a little
disturbing, but then there are other places where I think that when I saw it in the
past, it was aniOo0<cor0.
It's still just.
Ainz smiles a smile, a human smile, and of course, his face doesn't move! He
flips off his robe as coolly as he can, and returns to sleep.
The next thing I know, I'm walking towards the Godforsaken Wolf, Sun Fang
Tang Dan, and Ryufuku (Yale).
As soon as I start walking, Aura lines up next to me and asks, "What's the matter
with you? Is it okay now? Do you want to give the other Arlaunes a chance to see
you? No," Aura says, "I've seen what I want to see.
I have seen what I want to see.
I've seen what I want to see.
The next step is to find a place where you can get a good view of the city and the
surrounding area.
Soon, the destination was close at hand.
The first thing you need to do is to look up and see the slightly misshapen tree
that is the residence of Aura and Mare peeking out from between the branches of
the trees.
In just a few seconds, we passed through the trees and a meadow spread out
ahead of us.
In the center of the meadow was a squat tree, larger in diameter than in height,
with overgrown branches casting shadows on the ground.
In front of a hole in the tree was Mare and the three elves who followed her.
It must have been Ainz welcoming them.
I don't know when Aura and Mare made contact, but if they made contact soon
after arriving at this level, I might have made them wait a long time.
Since we didn't promise a time, Ainz doesn't need to feel sorry.
If Ainz were the branch manager, and he received word that the president of the
head office, who was on an inspection tour, had arrived at the nearest station, he
would immediately wait in front of the branch office.
It was impossible for him not to greet her.
Considering this, it is Ainz's fault for not telling him what time he would be there.
As for Ainz himself, he didn't think of this until he arrived here, so I would say
that it can't be helped.
But is that really true? I don't know how long I made him wait, but anyone who
says, "You didn't have to wait for me," should be told to think about the other
person's position and feelings.
Mare was dressed as usual, and the elves were dressed in simple work clothes,
although some people might prefer it.
To be honest, I was tempted to say a little bit more, but since Aura and the others
have decided that it's fine, I can't say anything.
So, for example, if you bring in a prospective maid from the outside, they may
not bully you directly, but they may bully you tangentially, such as not teaching
you how to do your job.
If it is a maid who works for Aura or Mare, she may not be that offended, but I
can't say for sure.
They may not like to be dressed up in the same costumes as themselves, because
their maid uniforms are their battle uniforms.
For them, their maid uniforms are their battle uniforms.
Fenrir arrives in front of the four.
Fenrir arrives in front of the four.
I am very pleased with your deep loyalty," Ainz said from above, taking the
initiative while riding Fenrir.
The actual a lot more the better.
The first thing to do is to get a good look at the newest version of the newest
version of the newest version of the old one.
(The three elves followed suit and quickly bowed their heads.
Ainz looked around at the elves who had raised their fists.
All of them were frozen, not only in their questions, but also in their bodies.
They all looked at Ainz and swallowed hard.
The problem is that it's not due to fear.
The question is whether this is due to fear or some other reason.
Is it because of fear of being killed for disrespecting him, or is it because he is
nervous about meeting a celebrity? Just to be sure, Ainz confirms that he is not
emitting an aura.
oe feelings of hostility, murderous intent, etc.
, and <anaPoz(as
I don't have it with the elves, so I don't think I'm going to feel fear from them.
I think I'm getting better at this, but....)When a strong person like Ainz directs
strong emotions, the other person may sense it acutely and be controlled by fear
or other feelings.
In a sense, it means that they can read our thoughts, so I have been warned in
various ways during my training with Cocuitosle to avoid such a situation.
On the other hand, Ainz himself is not able to detect the presence of a deadly
He was very reluctant to do so, so he ordered Cocytus and forced him to direct
such feelings toward him, but he certainly felt intimidated.
However, I am not sure if it is a killing spirit or not.
Perhaps the undead lack the ability to sense it.
The undead have a complete resistance to mental effects.
In the broad sense of the word, it could be said that sensing the spirit of killing is
a mental effect! I think so.
However, since Chartier is said to be able to sense killing spirits, Cocytus said, "I
think she will be able to sense such feelings more easily as she becomes more
skilled as a warrior.
So, it would not be a bad idea to aim to be able to feel such emotions in the
It is quite possible, though, that Ainz is simply slow.
(Oops! The first time I saw this, I thought it was a waste of time.
"Ah, well, well, well, you see.
Ah, Ainz-sama wants to see these people today.
If this is the case, then it's time to move on to the next step.
The elves avoided it by dropping their gaze to the earth.
Their bodies were shaking, which could be seen.
This was not a sign of nervousness.
(This is probably due to a feeling of fear.
Even though he has Aura and Mare, child dark elves, under his command, does
this mean that he is still being watched closely? To be honest, since these two
living people are living here with no problem, it would be nice to know that they
are different from the undead we know......
Well, it's this appearance.
In this world, the undead are the enemies of all the living, as they hate the living.
It is only natural that the girls would be alarmed and excited in the face of such a
mysterious being.
If they had seen the undead under Chartier, they might have gotten used to them
and reacted differently, but in this sixth level, they almost never see the undead.
Then it would have been inevitable.
(It's better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times, right?
It was easier for me to understand the techniques and skills of the players when
they were demonstrated in front of me than when they were explained verbally.
Of course, after that, I had to practice it by myself many times! No, it takes
hundreds of times of repeated practice to finally master them.
-Kaz Yes, that's right, Mare.
That's right, Mare.
The elves' breathing became shallower and faster.
I'd like to say from the banner of my heart, "Don't be so scared.
But there's no way to say cheerfully, "Don't be so gimmicky.
I can't break my performance as Ainz-Ul-Goun, the ruler of Nazarick.
But I must reassure you that I am not going to let you down.
Don't worry so much.
I was about to say, "So don't worry," and then I wondered if I would have been
convinced by such a statement from a horrible person, and I couldn't put it into
I wondered if any employee could really ignore his or her position when told by
the president that he or she was being disrespectful.
I was tempted to use mental manipulation magic, such as "domination," because I
knew that I was a bean-counter.
I am not confident that I can convince them or give them a sense of security.
Even after the effect of such internal magic wears off, they still remember what
they have been told and what they have done.
Moreover, it is said that in other countries, people use mental manipulation magic
to do things.
Nini CO<!
I am not sure how the elves view it, but they would never take pleasure in it.
In fact, even Ainz, if any of the Nazarick men tried to do such a thing, would be
looking for an opening to deliver a fatal blow.
In fact, if someone were to do such a thing to Nazarick's people, Ainz would be
looking for an opening to strike a fatal blow.
Of course, we would not hesitate to take such measures in order to obtain
important information.
Or even use memory manipulation.
However, there is no need to go to such lengths now.
We are not convinced that they are doing anything wrong or revealing
Besides, it's not the same as the time of the first "Zembel? It's not the same as
when we were in the first place.
If you use the central method to obtain information that can be extracted by
listening to what you have to say, then you are not getting the information that
Aura and Mare should be getting! The twins, or even all those who belong to the
Nazarick underground mound, think that whatever Ainz does is right - a
dangerous thought, to be honest.
I know they are a very loyal group, but we should avoid as much as possible any
actions that could give the impression that Ainz thinks we are mismanaging the
You never know what might happen, and, first of all, Ainz never thinks so.
In general, if you are going to use mental manipulation magic, you should have
used it a long time ago.
Nini ni ni ni ni (no ostego<sns et 5
When we captured them, we did not do so because we wanted them to favorably
side with us - we wanted to protect our position of having saved them from
Considering the up-front investment we had made, it would have been too
short-sighted to force them to do so by magical means.
I'm not sure I want to talk about it here.
I'm not going to talk about it here anyway.
If you don't have the confidence to unravel the heart by words, you can unravel it
by other means.
If you are not confident in your ability to unravel the mind with words, you can
unravel it with other means.
Up there, then! Yes! You do that! The first thing to do is to find a place to talk to
the girls.
The place to talk to the girls, how is this place? The place is their territory, in a
If this is the case, it would be easier for them to talk here.
Then, who would prepare the drinks? Would it be Aura or Mare? No, there is no
problem if Ryu Deku(ale, who is bringing her, does it.
(Not bad.
In the end, it's a matter of whether the conversation is conducted amicably or with
an air of urgency.
In other words, do we let them voluntarily give out information in a friendly
atmosphere or do we let them do so by intimidation? Hmmm, there is no time.
It's funny, I used to prepare my presentation materials properly and anticipate the
reactions and questions....like at the time of the Dwarves and the Holy
I wonder if I'm getting a little too lazy these days.
...-) I'm not sure, but I'm not sure.
The other party has invited you to join them.
I should respond as soon as possible.
However, it is only at times like this that I end up thinking about unnecessary
(..Come to think of it, I've never had an ordinary maid serve drinks to a guest
No, no, no - there is no such thing.
The last time Ainz ordered us to serve drinks, she gave us a variety of drinks to
choose from, including juice.
In other words, they must be prepared somewhere in Ainz's room.
The maids in general strive every day to be perfect maids.
It is unthinkable for them to forget or be inconsiderate.
This means that since Ainz, the ruler, does not drink, he may think it is not good
for anyone other than Ru<re to drink.
It is just like it is not easy for the president not to drink, but only his subordinates
Perhaps the most correct way is to have Ainz prepare drinks, even if he can't
drink, and then serve drinks to those who come to the meeting.
(I'm sorry about all the visitors so far.
・・・・・ (Until and not until.
What we should be thinking about now is, and where to drink.
If we spend any more time on this, we'll be auuura so <ano hump zss
They would misunderstand and think that I don't want to drink tea at their house.
That's not nice.
However, .
!) Ainz looks around.
Ah! Aura shouted, and Ainz held back his shoulders from jumping up.
The fact that he was startled so strongly may have forced his mind to calm down.
I'm not sure.
The weather is nice, and I thought it wouldn't be bad to have the conversation
We have paparasols and tables! The Bukkucha kettle was used by the Bukkucha
kettle when he talked with the other guests.
We also have a house that is not used in the village where we built.
There are houses in the village that are no longer in use, and there is also a small
arbor on this road that I didn't show you! I remember a time when I had a casual
talk with my friends and I.
I remember it a little less often than in the past.
I'm not sure if it's because I don't see the shadows of my friends in the NPCs any
Is it that I have forgotten my former friends, or have I come to see NPCs as a
single entity? I hope it is the latter, but if it is the former, it would be quite sad.
(Nini Coa mi te O0< ni
Everything about Tsukasa Suzuki - I can still remember all the fun we had
together with them.
(No! This is not a memory! Ain't Wool Gown is here! It's still going on!) Ainz
lets out a deep breath, his heart burning with indescribable emotion.
Then he moved his gaze to Aurara and Mare.
(....I wonder what kind of emotions they were feeling when they left here.....
No, the NPCs were exactly NPCs at that moment.
If at that moment, I shake my head and....)shake my head.
My thoughts are becoming incoherent.
I have to make sure this plan is carried out.
I looked at the expressions on the faces of those around me, and no one seemed to
be letting go.
They must have thought that I was thinking about what to do about Aura's
If so, I'll store up all my thoughts for now.
I'm sure you're right......
This hierarchy is not so bad, but....now that we're here, why don't we talk about it
somewhere else? Let's talk outside of this place.
If we want to proceed in a completely friendly manner, it is useful to have a place
that they are familiar with.
However, I kind of want to ward this place.
If this is the case, then where should we talk to them? There are two candidates.
<ne(zss-people-nee and
One is E Lanter.
The other is the ninth level of the Nazarick Underground.
It would be a very good impression for the elves to see a diversity of species
coexisting in the present E Lanter.
However, we cannot guarantee that there will be no problems.
Direct aggression, such as violence, can be dealt with, and the elves can be
coaxed out of it.
However, it would be troublesome if they take measures to give a bad impression
to the elves.
For example, they could act as if they are mossy because of the magic king.
As a ring of intrigue, it would be effective to make the elves feel suspicious by
manipulating a large number of people and making them shbrechkohl using the
Japanese mental manipulation system.
The Ainz are the object of fear in E Úlantel to begin with.
There are some who admire them, but not that many.
Unfortunately, the ratio is about seven to three.
So, it would be a negative to show them that they are being groomed.
And - it would be a real shame if the elves thought that the many tribes living in E
Lantel had been brought here as slaves.
(In that case, I guess.....the ninth level.
Then, where is the best place? Ainz thought about it.
Which would you feel more comfortable with, being served a drink in the CEO's
office or having a drink in a coffee shop? Which would make him feel more
comfortable? There is only one answer.
What else would it be? Okay, let's go to the ninth floor.
Let's go to the ninth floor.
There's a cafeteria there.
We had a light meal there.
The actuality is, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get a good deal on a new
The actual fact is, I was aiming for a little bit of a lot more than just a little bit.
The actual fact is, you can find a lot of people who are looking for the best price.
The actual a lot more you are able to get, the more you will be able to get.
No, we had received information that Ainz had arrived at this level.
We could not afford to have a meal when we did not know when he would arrive.
He said, "All right, then, let's talk over a meal.
Then let's talk over a meal," Ainz said as he turned to the elves.
How are you doing? The three of them looked at each other, pressed against each
other to see who would open their mouths and who would answer, and then the
one in the middle answered.
The middle one answered, not because he was the representative of the group, but
because he was being yelled at from the left and right.
Yes," he said.
I'd like to take them to the cafeteria if that's all right with you.
I'd like you two to come too, if you can.
We'll be fine!
Oh, no, no, yes.
I'm fine, just as you said, sister.
There, he sends a message to Aureole, who is in charge of the gate, ordering him
to connect it to the ninth floor.
Naturally, the gate from the eighth to the ninth level is activated without any
Otherwise, there is a high possibility that Ariadne will catch us.
Frankly speaking, there is no need to go through all this trouble.
There is a limit to the number of people who can be transferred by the Ring of
Ain's Wool Gown, and it is impossible for everyone present to fly at once, but
two round trips will solve the problem.
The reason why he is going through all this trouble is because he wants to give
the elves a billion pieces of information, and he is very careful about it.
And I don't want to show them the power of the ring.
After passing through the gate on the ninth level, Cocytus' men are preparing to
announce the arrival of the newcomer, who bows deeply in respect.
Aura, Lumière, and Elf followed, and then the three men of the Cocuitos group.
The three elves, followed by Aura and Lumiere, appeared in front of him in good
However, as soon as they saw the monster bowing to Ainz, they stopped moving
as if frozen.
Cocytus' men are not intimidating the elves with hostility.
However, if a wild superior were to appear in front of an ordinary person walking
in the forest, he or she would undoubtedly stiffen.
The same thing is happening to the elves.
And then one of the elves is lightly pushed from behind.
They stopped just outside the gate.
Mare, who was at the end of the line, was in the way.
The elf's body shook with a pitiful cry of "Hee hee." and he sat down flat on his
The elves on either side of her tried to get her to stand up, but she seemed to be
unable to do so, as if she had lost all her strength and was having difficulty
standing up.
Don't tell her.
There is no one in Nazarick who can train you.
The extreme tension did not dissipate, although he may not have doubted Ainz's
The elves on either side of him were moving so fast that the hair on their horns
was rustling and shaking.
The elf sitting on the ground looked as if he was about to be killed.
Ainz could confidently say that this was not good at all and would be a hindrance
later on.
If this was the case, he needed to loosen their hearts, even if only a little.
Aura, holding the girl in her arms, said, "Let's go to a place where we can rest
before we go to the cafeteria.
Aura, pick up the girl.
I'm sure Aura-sama would not do such a thing.
And then she lifted him onto her shoulder.
The elf wears work clothes, so there is no event of the skirt being turned up.
The black hemispherical sphere (the transition gate, beyond which is a familiar
Three maids bowing their heads come into view.
At their feet are cleaning tools.
I'll be back in this room as soon as I get some rest.
I will leave this room as soon as I have had a short rest.
You can continue cleaning.
The maids responded, "Thank you," and bowed their heads again, while the rest
came through the gate.
The elves' mouths were half open and they were scanning the room.
Their expressions were quite questioning.
It is quite different from Aurale and Mare's house, so it seems to be unusual.
And he seems a little more relaxed than before.
The maids are more acceptable than the monstrous Cocytus' men, and they don't
seem to regret it.
Aura sat the elf on the chair with a straightforward reply when Ainz pointed to
Albedo's seat.
Albedo's desk top is always thick and beautiful, as if to show her.
The elf sat down on the chair and bowed his head.
I understand your surprise.
I understand your surprise, but as I said before, rest assured.
But as I said before, rest assured, there is no one here in Nazarick who will harm
you or any of you.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time.
The two maids were not allowed to speak to each other.
Here you go, we're going to the cafeteria.
Please make sure that no one but you maids are treated on the way there.
The diner attendant.....L was about to say, "Please exorcise the people," but
decided not to do so after all.
1 No, it's nothing.
The cafeteria is perfectly normal.
No, I'd rather you guys use it.
I'm sorry to stop you from doing your work.
And her colleagues, trying to hide their frustration but unable to do so, twisted
their faces a little, saying, "Mmmm.
The maid who had received the order left the room with light steps while her
colleagues looked on.
Ainz was acutely aware that the maids' eyes were on his back, which was very
unusual for Ainz.
No doubt, they were looking at him with expectation, wondering if they had any
special jobs for him.
Incidentally, since Ainz's duty belongs to a special job, Lumière does not give
any such sign.
He looked up at the elf resting on the chair and saw that his breath was still
coming in.
I'm sure everything is fine now," he said.
After confirming that the elves were able to walk, Ainz took the lead and left the
At that point, a regretful look of disappointment on the face of OoO<-O.
I'll pretend that I don't feel the gaze of the maid who is always looking at me.
On the way to the dining room, he occasionally hears a few exclamations of
admiration from behind him, including "half nice" and "beautiful".
Ainz would have liked to boast, but instead, he simply kept going without looking
Eventually, they arrived at the diner.
The actual "I'm not a fan of the way you do it, but I'm a fan of the way you do it,
and I'm not a fan of the way you do it.
The dining hall of Nazarick's ninth level was designed to look like a company or
school cafeteria - I have no idea if this is true or not, since there was no such thing
in a7 Ainz's school or company.
I've been coming here since I first visited Nazarick when I first came to this
world, and it seems that the interior has not changed at all.
From inside, you can hear the voices of young women chatting and the sound of
dishes touching each other.
The guests are most likely maids and others working on the ninth and tenth floors.
Perhaps the guardians of the realms may also be here.
It was late at lunchtime, but the place was bustling with activity, perhaps due to
the shift system.
The sight of the maids eating in harmony would give the elves an idea of what
this place was all about.
The elves might feel a sense of alienation as an outsider, but they will be able to
understand what this place is all about.
But the atmosphere of everyday life would have eased my mind a little.
That's why he did not allow the dining room to be cleared of people.
However, the moment Ainz entered the dining room, the atmosphere that had
existed in the past was completely changed.
There was no more sound.
The happy voices of the lotus root that had been present earlier, the life-like
sounds that come out when eating, and all the other sounds that had been present
earlier disappeared.
Next, the air was filled with a faint smell that one would not expect to find in a
dining room.
Then, the eyes of all the people in the dining room came together.
Everyone's eyes widened and they stopped moving.
We are away from home.
It was as if they were looking at a negative karma xenomorph that had entered
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the people in the dining room
are all in the same room.
The most common maids are all over the spacious dining room, but they all begin
to eat again after hearing A4ns' words.
However, there is no sign of any chatter.
Everyone is eating in silence.
Ainz, who had no intention of playing mealtime games, feels a little sad.
But, well, if you think about it a little, you can understand how she and the others
If the president, who has never visited the company before, suddenly appeared in
the cafeteria, the atmosphere would be like this.
If it were Suzuki, she would probably act the same way.
If this were a smaller company, and if the president and the department head were
closer, I'm not sure if I would have been able to get to know her as well as she
But it would not have been a disaster.
It would have been extremely difficult to make a drastic change in reputation
from the absolute ruler, Mr.
Ainz, who is respected and hung his head, to Mr.
Ainz, who is loved by everyone.
If his true identity is discovered and he is found to be incompetent, he might be
laughed at.
If he were to get into position, he would be in for a rude awakening.
The first thing you need to do is to look at the picture.
No wonder.
The girls would have known how calm the dining room had been just before Ainz
showed up.
But suddenly, a deformed species in Alfheim.
No solution came to mind at all.
I am sure they will get used to it after they stay here for a while.
Thinking of such optimistic things, Ainz proceeded through the cafeteria.
He doesn't want to make the maids any more nervous than they already are, so he
comes to a table a few feet away from them and points to a seat opposite them.
The elves looked at each other in bewilderment.
The elves looked at each other in confusion.
It seems to be true.
Perhaps it is true.
It is true that the etiquette of the elves may be different from ours.
So, for the time being, we call it a rude party.
I'm afraid that Aura and Mare might react to the simmering attitude of the elves.
Aura and Mare are a bit afraid of how Aura and Mare might react to the
simmering attitude of the elves.
Looking back, she had never stood in the middle of the room.
It was only fair that she should be the one to draw the line.
To be honest, it was a little awkward to admit that I was Bubba, but I could
understand their feelings, so I tried to think of it in a clerical way.
After that, it was quick.
The left and right sides of the pointed elves were quickly decided.
Aura and Mare were on Ainz's left and right.
Lumi and Miele were standing behind Ainz.
There are many things I want to say, but I'll hold back for now.
Now 1.
I'm sorry, but this is my first time here.
I'm sorry, but it's actually my first time using this place.
She must be using it, too.
Masuha1 Yes, that's right.
I'd like to order a drink.
Do you have a menu or something? - "We have a free drink and buffet system at
this time.
The drinks there, and simple side dishes, you can take what you can eat.
The actual "I see... - "There is also a head chef in the kitchen, so if Mr.
Ainz would like to order, I'm sure he can prepare whatever he wants.
But that is not enough.
The actual a lot more you are able to get, the more you will be able to get.
The actual menu is written in Japanese.
The elves would not be able to read this.
The elves shook their heads from side to side.
Aura, Mare.
What do the elves usually eat? Aura, Mare, what do the elves usually eat?
Is this a normal meal?" "Yes, yes.
No, they are hasuzus who receive food from delivery services, and they are also
capable of cooking their own food.
They can cook it by themselves.
No, I have eaten it before.
The actuality that the actual menu is not accompanied by a holographic
photograph, it is not possible to see the menu in the image.
The actual menu is not accompanied by a holographic photograph, so you can't
see a picture.
He thought about what he would have said if he had been told that everything was
recommended, but he put his foot down.
The meat dishes are usually quite edible," Ainz confirmed as the elves shook their
heads and selected one dish from the menu.
The hamburger set meal for a number of people.
" - You can choose from three different sauces. demi-glace, Japanese, or cream
mustard, and you can also choose between rice or bread.
I can imagine Japanese style and demi-glace, but I wonder what cream mustard
tastes like.
What kind of flavor is cream mustard?
I hate my body for not allowing me to taste it.
I'm fine! Oh, yes, Houmo, I'm fine.
The elf Tarachi was chortling in addition to Aura's cheerful reply.
There seemed to be no opposition.
The elf Tarachi is not likely to disagree with you.
However, there is no sign of Lucieur going to the kitchen to give his order.
What is going on? What is going on? What would you like to drink, Mr.
Ainz? What would you like to drink? I'm not sure what to say.
Each person should bring his or her own favorite drink.
Is that all right with you? Yes.
I will bring the drinks for Mr.
What would you like? The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you
have a good understanding of what you are doing and how to do it.
As I looked, I saw someone coming out from the side of the kitchen.
He has a huge meat cleaver lowered to his blink, a huge wok on his back, and his
tight-fitting upper body is naked.
And oe tee-go<one gooz(or"
The tattoo was large and read, "Fresh Hana Meat! and a tattoo was tattooed on it.
A chain made of gold hung around his neck.
His face resembles that of an orc, but he is a more warlike inbred orc.
On its head is a pure white chef's sail.
On his belly is a pure white apron.
This man is the domain guardian and head chef of this diner.
He is Shihouzu Tokitsu.
He rushed to Ainz with a swift and agile movement and got down on one knee.
Ainz saw this and wondered if his cooking clothes would get dirty.
Ainz was surprised to see him and thought, "Mr.
Ainz! Welcome to our restaurant! It's been a long time, Shihouzu Tokitsu.
I'm glad to see you haven't changed at all.
It's been so long ago that I'm not sure I'd notice if anything had changed.
-I'm not sure I'd notice if he'd changed at all.
If Mr.
Ainz thinks so, then he must be right! That is not what I meant.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're
I've heard about your order from Sakihosa, but it seems that you don't have
enough for Ainz-sama.
....Ikusei OoO<m coOo
Yes, sir! Shihouzu Tokitsu smiled a manly smile - I'm not sure what an Orcish
expression is, but it's probably true.
In front of him, Ainz thought, "He definitely doesn't understand me.
I wonder if there was ever a time when he understood me at least once.
Sadly, probably not.
I, Ainz-sama, will prepare a dish worthy of the absolute ruler of this Nazarick, the
Supreme Being! While Ainz was saying "See?" in his mind, Shihouzu Tokitsu
stood up with a bang.
While Ainz was saying "Here!" in his mind, Shihouzu Tokitsu stood up and
shouted to the kitchen.
From now on, we will enter the land of the dead! A dish worthy of Ainz-sama!
We will begin a feast of food that will not end for a week! The maids, who were
watching us, were in awe.
Hey, wait! Shihouzu Tokitsu turns to Ainz again and kneels on one knee.
I'll do it! I'll do it! I've always thought that if an NPC wants to do something, you
should go along with it, but this is something Ainz can't accept.
....Just in case there's some kind of misunderstanding, I'm an untied man and I
can't eat.
In other words, make the food pleasing to the eyes and nose! That's what you
said! I've been waiting a long time! Ainz says to Shihouzu Tokitsu, who is about
to get up.
Hey, wait! You're wearing clothes.
I can't eat, which means that you should avoid wasting foodstuff.
What are you talking about, Mr.
Ainz! There is no such thing as wasting foodstuff for Mr.
Ainz! What do you mean, Master Ainz! -The first time I saw him, he turned
around and said so that everyone in the dining room could hear him.
Then, applause could be heard.
Not only the maids in the dining room, but even Aura and Mare were applauding.
The elves followed suit.
Ainz said in his mind, "You don't have to read the atmosphere like that.
Here we come! Co0<
Ainz tells Shihouzu Tokitsu, who is again on one side of the table, "I'm going to
be honest with you.
I'm going to be honest with you.
I did not come here to get a meal.
I came here to have a chat.
I understand your enthusiasm for welcoming me, but I don't want you to go that
I'm not asking you to go that far.
I'm asking you to calm down and have a chat.
I think it's understandable that Shihouzu Tokitsu is unusually motivated.
The ruler, who I thought would never come here, came unexpectedly.
He probably wants to make the best possible welcome.
However, Ainz did not come here for that.
He said, "Ha-ha! Then we'll charter this place right away! Hey, wait! Don't be
such a wimp.
I repeat, we're just here for a little chat.
The actuality that you can get a lot more than one of these.
The maids are ready to leave at any time, Aura and Mare look unconcerned, and
the elves look as if they are in a terrible situation.
I chose this place so that the elves would not feel that way, but I'm not sure why I
chose it.
I am not being hasty, but I came here with that in mind.
You guys can show us your normal appearance.
You don't have to take revenge on us.
But! You can't treat the Supreme Being, Ainz-sama, the same as anyone else! It's
a little bit despicable, but it can't be helped.
Ainz made a coughing sound and changed his tone to a grave one.
I'm not sure I want to see this place.
-I said I want to see this place as it usually is.
If you've been faithful to your duties as usual, why do you need to do anything
special? Or is it because you want to hide something that you are trying to show
us this place? Tokitsu gulped a little and made a determined face.
With all due respect, Mr.
Ainz! I have never done anything to disgrace the Supreme Being who entrusted
me, Shihouzu Tokitsu, with this place! The first time I saw him, I thought he was
a good man.
I have seen enough to know that you have been faithful to your duties and loyal to
the entity you call supreme, even if only for a short time.
Your previous words were an outburst.
I retract all of my previous words and release you.
Ainz dodges his head.
Oh! Master Ainz! Please stop such a thing! You, the Supreme Being, do not bow
down to me! Raise your precious cabinet at once! Ainz slowly raises his head and
looks straight at Shihouzu Tokitsu.
He looked straight at Shihouzu-Tokitsu.
I thank you for accepting my apology.
But I want you to know and understand.
I want you to know and understand that I am here to enjoy a leisurely evening
with you and your friends, and to see what this place is all about.
I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with it, but I'm sure I'm going to
be able to do it.
I'm sure there will come a time when you will invite many people of high rank to
this Nazarick.
I'm counting on you.
I'm counting on you.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your time here is to trust Ama-no-Masan and think of him as your friend.
The face immediately returned to that of a workman.
/The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time.
Te<goozLo nee.
1Then, Ainz-sama, I would like to start working on the food you ordered.
I'd like to get started on the food you ordered.
" As he watched Shihouzu Tokitsu leave with his back to him, Ainz spoke a little
louder so that everyone in the dining room could hear him.
I'm sorry for making a scene, guys.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your family
and friends.
The May 4 idols at the tables here and there have also resumed eating, but the
tension seems to be lessened than before.
The appearance of Shihouzu Tokitsu seems to have eased the atmosphere in a
good way.
Aura and the others who had returned brought their own drinks, and Lumiere
placed a cup of coffee in front of Ainz.
The fragrant aroma of coffee reached Ainz.
The aroma of coffee was very nice, and it was mixed with a berry-like fruit
There was no tie-up with some restaurant in Yggdrasil, but this game had an
unusual amount of data.
Ingredients are one of them.
In a normal game, coffee beans would simply be called "coffee beans," but in
Yggdrasil, there were many different kinds of coffee beans.
Each bean has its own grade, and the cooking effect is better when higher grade
beans are used.
So, since the coffee beans stored inside Nazarick are of a good grade, this coffee
must be delicious.
I mean, it's not like
(Maybe this is what expensive coffee smells like.
) Then it tastes like berries, too.
-Two of the elves were drinking melon soda and the other was drinking green tea
with water in it.
The melon soda group sipped the sodas and held their mouths as they followed
Ainz's words.
The gesture was not a bad reaction, as if they were trying to suppress what was
overflowing from their mouths.
The two who had said "sshuwa, umma" - "ama" - emptied their glasses in no
At that moment, Ainz said softly, "I'll get you a refill.
The two Elf's were not happy.
The two elves immediately watched, got up and headed for the drinks.
The two elves watched instantly, got up, and went to the drinks.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them were in the
same room.
The oe-nee <eneoz(eo
I drank up my tea and sat down.
Incidentally, Aura and Mare were both drinking Coke, which they were
accustomed to drinking and did not show any special reaction.
(After all, sweet things are effective, aren't they? No woman doesn't like sweets.
<There are even fewer women who can tolerate sweets.
I wonder if what Mr.
Mochimochi said was really true.
I thought he was justifying his own binge eating....)Ain't no head on a slime, but
the rest of the ladies tilted their heads, but did not deny it.
And they seemed to have unraveled the minds of the elves.
Considering these two facts, I guess her words were not quite a throat.
Well, I still have my doubts.
(Well, here we go.
I have done some simulations, but I can bring myself to talk about the land of the
elves and remember the story I heard when I first met them.
The country of the elves, located in the great forests of the south, has no country
This is because they did not need to establish diplomatic relations with other
tribes and there were no other countries nearby, according to Albedo.
Co ni O<be<!
The king has ruled for a long time, so it is called a kingdom, and the king is said
to be very strong.
I could not get any information about how strong he is or what kind of occupation
he has.
I could not get any information about how strong he is or what kind of occupation
he has.
The elven nation is currently in hostile relations with the legal state, and it is said
that the girls were captured and sold off to the legal state.
They did not have any information on what caused the war or when it started.
This was probably due to the lack of a proper education system in the elven
They themselves did not seem to have any intention to know.
However, from what I have heard about the lives of the elves, other more
important skills and knowledge are being passed on to them.
The main reason for this is that they have not felt the need to teach or learn about
the history of the elves.
When asked if they had ever seen dark elves in the land of elves, they replied that
they had not, but that there were dark elves there.
Aura and Mare were the first to actually see dark elves.
In the land of the elves, dark elves are probably a minority race.
However, they had never heard of them being deprived of their rights.
However, considering the amount of knowledge they have, it is quite possible that
they just don't know about it.
And that's all there is to it.
(And this is all the knowledge Ainz got.
At the time, I had to let that be enough to avoid suspicion.
But now we are equipped with a cause to go in and talk about it.
The time has passed.
(Well, enough of this.
Do we listen to them as a nation and say we want to open diplomatic relations?
The first is to make a good impression on the world, and the second is to make a
good impression on the people of the world.
I think it would be easier for them to talk if they had a reason that even the
average person in the world could understand.
And since Ainz is more likely to be carrying the back of the line, it's easier for
him not to be so grandiose.
Ainz is a person who can be a bit of a snob, but he doesn't like to ask questions.
He is only willing to serve them if there is profit in it.
And if something happens and the girls find out the truth, it would be more
beneficial if they don't get involved.
I'm afraid that they will feel obligated to make friends as well.
To be honest, a friend is something that is created through the process of sharing
hobbies and interests, and I don't want to think of something that was created
under orders as a friend.
Ainz recalls his former guild members as friends in Yggdrasil.
He remembers the friends he made through chance encounters and natural
But I don't know if children need friends.
Ainsou Suzuki was not there, and so I asked him if he had any friends.
I don't think there was a subject.
The reason why Ainz was thinking about having a friend was because
YAMAIKO had said something like that.
But at the same time, I remember Ulbert laughing sarcastically when he heard
that, saying, "It's just a dream story about people from different worlds.
Ainz does not know which is right.
Still, having friends can't hurt.
(Then why don't you stop saying that you want to make friends, and say that you
want to make acquaintances among the Dark Elves? Let them decide if they can
make friends or not.
But if they are too strong or too slow, it will be an obstacle to building
In Yggdrasil, everyone was equal.
Suddenly, the thought of a few friends popped into his mind, and Ainz's face
clouded slightly.
However, he quickly shook his head and shook off the memories and feelings that
came back to him.
If we had met in the real world, where we were not equals, we would not have
become friends.
In that light, the first step should be to approach the dark elves in the land of elves
on an equal footing as much as possible.
Never be a dark elf who is an executive of a mage nation and a dark elf who is a
minority in an elven nation.
(I'll try to keep my identity as secret as possible....1-um.
Do the fathers of the world even think that far? I wonder how much Mr.
Tacchi Mee was thinking about it? I should have asked him for more details.
) oss <na(z(as)
As Ainz is struggling to figure out how to take the story, the elves return with the
same drink.
They are all Coke.
(Oh shit.
I haven't even finished thinking about it yet.....
I guess haphazard is no good.
But, j, there's nothing we can do now.
Now that we are both seated, let's start the conversation from the direction of
simply being interested and wanting to open diplomatic relations.
If I can't lead the conversation, I'll bring it up in the form of "Actually....".
(Or, from Kuro's point of view, we would like to deepen our friendship with the
Dark Elfre.
Well! -The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good
understanding of what is going on in the world.
We are now building a country called the Central Land of Guidance, in which we
plan to live together with various races.
We have already had humans, mountain dwarves, goblins, pig demons,
lizardmen, and others agree with us and have become our country's clansmen.
Whether or not the elves agree with this or not, we would like to open diplomatic
relations and trade with the elven nations.
So we would like to go to your country.
It would not be a bad idea to actually open diplomatic relations and trade with the
Elven nation, but there is a fatal problem.
However, there is a fatal problem.
It would be absolutely bad if the emissary is Ainz.
Coco soa0<m coOO.
It worked at Wharf, but it is hard to imagine that it will succeed in the same way
On the contrary, there is a great possibility that it will end up with exactly the
opposite result.
Therefore, if we were to actually open diplomatic relations, we would want to
send someone with a certain amount of wisdom.
Albedo is the best person for the job, but she seems to be very busy with the
occupation and governance of the kingdom, so I don't want to throw any more
new tasks at her for a while longer.
If I order Albedo to do it, she will say, "It's all right," and in fact, it is possible.
But that doesn't mean I'm not overworking her.
So, to avoid overloading her with too much work, Ainz needs to keep a close eye
on her subordinates' physical and mental health.
The first thing to do is to get a good understanding of the situation.
What exactly do you mean by "cooperation"? The question was asked in a voice
that sounded like the heart of a leaf, and Ainz lightly shrugged his shoulders.
I'd like to hear what you have to say.
And Ainz, is that okay? If we know what we want to know," the elf said, as if
deciding on a phrase.
I would like to talk to you.
Aura and Mare, as well as the surrounding area, are a distance away from the
maids who seem to be eavesdropping on the conversation.
The Elves were looking at each other with a complicated expression on their
If they call the elves "Ainz," they are sure that the elves will take it as
"eki-eki-shii" and "consider the difference in position," and if they don't call them
"Ainz," they are sure that the elves will take it as "rejecting the words of
I don't scold the maids for eavesdropping.
They are not listening out of malice or curiosity.
I can feel the spirit of "I am", "I am", "I am", "I am? I....I see.
I'm sorry to hear that.
So, let me tell you a story.
What is the land of the elves like? Are they protected from monsters in the forest?
The Elf7s looked at me as if I had asked them a strange question.
We live in the forest, but we have moved to the trees.
The ground doesn't smell? We call that tree the elf tree.
" After listening to the girls explain the process, the elves use the forest priest's
fighting techniques to transform the trees into a form of transformation.
The tree can be made to become a hollow.
For example, they can create hollows inside trees or simple suspension bridges
between trees.
In this way, they can create a cluster of dozens of elf trees in the forest.
This is the village of the elves.
The transformation of these trees into objects is central to the culture of the elves,
who create houses, furniture, and even weapons and armor.
They can also harden the arrows and bullets used as replacements into iron.
As far as Ainz knew, this was a method that Yggdrasil did not have, so when he
asked the girls to use it, they were surprised.
I asked them if they could use it, and they were surprised.
They thought it was a variant of the elf tree, because it looked completely
different, and that it was specially made so that only two people could change its
They also said that the elf's purchasing method is exclusive to the elf tree and has
no effect on other trees.
Because they live in such an environment, monsters such as snakes and tigers,
which are very skilled at climbing, are said to be the elves' natural enemies.
There are also nocturnal guardians, but these creatures have a high ability to hide,
so they can cause damage at times.
On the other hand, monsters that do not have the ability to climb up to that level
are effective at returning fire, so they are not often attacked.
The elven capital of the city of the elves The elves themselves do not have a large
population, and there are only two cities that can be called a capital! The only one
of them is built on a plain where the forest is broken, on the bank of a lake in the
shape of a crescent moon.
It seems that <os(teos(teos(teos(teos(teos(teos
The reason why the word "the city" continues to be used is that these girls lived in
a village far from the royal capital and only knew about it in the form of hearsay.
One of the reasons why only the royal capital is located on the plain is that the
lake is home to huge aquatic monsters, and large monsters do not come close to
the city for fear of being preyed upon.
I see," Ainz thought.
The forest priests' method of creating water and other resources would make it a
good environment for them to be on top of the trees.
The branches of the elf tree would provide a shield against flying monsters, and
the trees would be tin enough to provide shelter.
It is no wonder that many elves have developed the ability to become either
wildebeests or priests of the forest if they live in such an environment.
On the contrary, it must be impossible to survive otherwise.
(Mastering the skills of this world! (I don't know what it's like to learn a class of
technology in this world, but I guess it means that elves, who have few farmers,
have a higher percentage of people who can fight than humans.
I then asked them about their life expectancy and population.
They did not seem to care much about life expectancy, and were not interested in
how long they would live.
However, the oldest elves who lived in their village were estimated to be over 300
years old.
Incidentally, they are not even sure of their own age.
The idea of a birthday, Nini Co<
They do not have a long life expectancy, but they are sure to have a long life
They do not have a long life span, they do not have a large population, and they
do not have many children like humans do.
However, Ainz thinks that there will be a lot of children born from what she
(According to the Yggdrasil elves, their lifespan is 1,000 years...The first decade
of their life is quite fast, and after that, the last decade ages faster? I don't
remember, but was it something like that? No? So, if we assume that a child is
born every ten years, and that a child reaches the age of 200 to 400 years old,
that's about 20 people? The elves looked at each other and said, "So where should
we go if we want to return you to your original village? (Yes, of course.
(I see.
you don't want to tell us that much.
that's important information.
After a few moments, one of the elves asked a question.
Oh, um......
Are we going to be sent back home? .
-1..... ? The use of language is strange, Ainz thought, and realized his mistake.
The village was attacked by the people of the legal country, wasn't it?
Everyone will be gone.
Tr ou,, - - sy 1 , portrait・・・・・ -Okay.
Let's take him somewhere safe, not to his village of origin.
Do you have any idea where that might be? A village with relatives would be
fine, and if not, what about the royal capital? "I'm sorry, we only know the area
around the village.
We only know the area around the village...." "Where is a safe place..." They are
not well informed about the outside of the village, but this does not mean that
they are the only ones.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and buy a new
pair of shoes.
They are not the only ones who have no information about the outside of the
Most of the people in this world end their lives where they were born.
Those who are not particularly educated may barely know the nearby cities, but
distant cities are like another country, even if they belong to the same nation.
The elf Tarachi said to Ainz, who was pondering the situation.
The elf Tarachi said to Ainz, "Well, I guess we are going to be let out of here
after all? The first thing to do is to open diplomatic relations with the elven
We were thinking of doing that.
If we are going to open diplomatic relations with the elven nations, it might not
be good for them to have you here.
You understand? We have kept you here so far as an emergency measure, but it is
difficult to do so from now on.
However, we are not so heartless as to throw them out into the territory controlled
by the legal state.
That's why I asked for a safe place.
Ainz does not intend to take the initiative in opening diplomatic relations, but the
safe return of the three may be useful in the future.
Ainz also sensed that the elves were trying to say something, so he asked, "What's
up with the one and the other? What's wrong with one? Can't you just leave us
here like this? Ainz looked down at the drinks in front of them.
No way.
no, no way.
....Why? The first, the representative elf, glanced at Aura and Mare.
Aura and Mare," ....Aura, Mare.
The elf, the representative of "that one," glanced at Aura and Mare.
Why don't you bring us some? What? Yes, sir! Yes, Mr.
1 Let's go, Mare, you are wonderful.
Ainz admired Ayla's perceptiveness.
If he were in the opposite position, he would have instantly understood that the
other party was asking him to leave the table.
They may not have been able to do it.
Or would he have realized it instantly, taking < advantage of his working
experience? Perhaps Aura is better at reading the air than Albedo and Demiurgos.
I could picture the face of Demiurgos smiling thinly in my mind, "Is that how you
do it, Ainz-sama? (That old man completely misreads my true intentions....
I wondered if he was doing it on purpose.
The actuality is, it's on purpose.
Can we talk now? After a few moments, the two men stand up and pull Auerle by
the arm.
The hearing of one of the dark elves is better than that of a human being, and one
who is a ranger, like Aura, has an even better sense of hearing.
The elf in front of him probably understands this and lowers his voice, but even
so, there is a good chance that Aura would have heard him.
The most important thing to remember is that the elves are not the only ones who
can be heard.
I'm sure you've heard that.
Ainz, like Elfre, had also tried to speak up, but the connection was so strong that
he sounded normal.
-I thought for a moment that it was a joke, but when I saw the other two elves
gravely agreeing with me, I knew they meant what they said.
The level of food was different.
The elves eat fruits, meats, and vegetables, both grilled and broiled.
They have a different level of enthusiasm for cooking in general.
The girls assured us that now that they are accustomed to Nazarick's food, they
are not confident that they can return to Nazarick and live there.
By the way, their favorite food is visa.
(I see.....
Food diplomacy is not a bad idea.
It's a big appeal point to show that you can eat such delicious food.
) There was more to their story than that.
They said safety is different.
Even though they live in a magically created village, there is no such thing as a
single death from monsters in a year.
In Nazarick, on the other hand, people can sleep without having to stand guard
even at night.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your home is to be sure that you have the best possible experience.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your money is to use it.
It made sense, Ainz thought deeply.
The two are inbred elves, and they have lovely children.
The two are of a close kin to the elves, and they are both adorable children.
Even Ainz, if asked who he would most like to serve among the guardians of the
hierarchy, would choose Aura and Mare.
No, of course, if someone actually asked him, he would flatter himself by saying,
"I can't choose because they are all great guardians.
But in truth, that one person.
Then there is Cocytus.
I don't really want to serve anyone else.
But I don't think I can talk about anything without those two.
I wondered what was going on, but that seemed to be the end of what the elves
had to say.
(Honestly, I don't know.
It would be nice to have that person.
What's the point of having him around? I'm not sure.
You don't have to reject their wishes," Ainz said.
You don't have to reject their wishes," Ainz said, to which the elves gave a happy
gleeful grin.
They did not seem to be acting as if they were flattered.
The three elves didn't seem to understand what Ainz meant, but this is a very
important thing for them to know.
It is.
If the Dark Elves of the Elven Nation were to develop a friendship with the Dark
Elves, the treatment of these three Elves would be important.
They could say that they were freed from slavery and paid for their labor by
taking care of them.
However, there is a limit to what can be done.
The current situation, where they are not even paid, is the blackest of the black.
I don't want the dark elves who may come here in the future to think so.
In that case, the three of them should make a case that Nazarick is white and is
treated wonderfully.
The first thing to do is to make a case that Nazarick is being treated wonderfully
by the white people.
The first time I saw her, I thought she was going to be a little bit of a jerk, and I
was surprised to see her.
They don't care if they are listening or not.
I don't feel like reprimanding him, as I think it's a sign of his loyalty.
But I wish I could hide it a little better.
(I need to sign a contract with the elves as soon as possible.
(We need to sign a contract with the elves as soon as possible, and we should also
apply the white treatment we are planning to give to the maids.
I don't think the elves will be humbled, but if they really want to apply it to the
maids, they might as well have a police force.
I would like to ask for your help to go to the land of the elves.
If possible, I would like you to take me there.
Of course, Aura and Mare will be accompanying us.
But since I don't know the etiquette of the elves, I was wondering if I could ask
you to act as a go-between for them.
I'm sorry, I'm not confident that I can guide you.
I am not confident that I can guide you.
I've been to Tomo's village before, but I don't know anything about etiquette and
manners.....- "I see...- "I'm sorry! It's not easy to go to an unknown place without
a guide, but it's also not clear if the girls will be of any real use to you.
On the other hand, if you take them with you, they may become a liability.
Ainz turned around and beckoned to Lumière, who stood behind him.
He lifts his cup to her ear when she is able to pull it up.
Of course, the contents have not decreased a bit.
Just to be sure, she turned her gaze toward Aura and the others.
I thought it was a little confusing, but she seemed to understand immediately and
said only, "Excuse me," and left the place.
The dark elves are glad to be appreciated as such, but there is more to their
answer than that.
The reason for this immediately occurred to Ainz.
Aura and Mare.
No, you are not the same person.
I want to ask what kind of relationship the dark elf race has with your elf race.
I would like to know what kind of relationship the Dark Elves have with you, the
Elven race.
I want to know how the elven race as a whole views the dark elves.
If the elven community doesn't have good feelings about the dark elves, then it's
not a good idea to bring them to the forefront.
I don't know, it's not so good.
What do you think? I want to know the honest truth," the three men looked at
each other.
I must confess that there were no dark elves in our village, so this is the first time
I've met them.
I'm not really sure what to think about it.
The actuality that the actual dark skin is actually a true fact, I've heard it said.
The actual a lot more the better.
Then it is very likely that they are not oppressed, even if they are a minority.
This is a nation of elves out there! Is this because the elven nation has an enemy
outside, a legal state, and cannot afford to fight inside? The most important thing
to remember is that the forest is not a place to live.
It is an enemy that pollutes the forest" "It is a coarse existence" "Ninimini
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them are not in the
same place at the same time.
It is true that I said earlier that I wanted to know the honest truth.
However, they are too honest.
These girls are the ones who believe in the president's "no-courtesy" policy and
are being forced into a quiet position.
However, it is now conclusive that Ainz cannot be an ambassador to open
diplomatic relations.
No, on the contrary, this may be a good thing.
-It can be used as an excuse to say that it is impossible for Ainz to open
diplomatic relations because of the situation.
It is not to say that Ainz could not open diplomatic relations because of his lack
of ability.
Or should we go to the elven countries in turn - starting slowly by dispatching
diplomats and opening diplomatic relations with them? (We don't have diplomats
like that.
I don't know any reliable human diplomats in the world.
So how about suggesting to Albedo that he send in a superior adventurer? No....I
think there are still some concerns about having an adventurer as a representative
of the country....I'm just guessing, so I may be wrong....)If we tell Albedo, he may
say, "An adventurer will be fine.
But 1( I wonder if there is enough time to do so.
)oe low<ans-o・(ap.
The country of the Yelphs is hostile to the Lawful State and appears to be under
considerable attack.
This was the case before they were captured.
It is not impossible to say that the moon might have been destroyed by now if it
were not so bad.
The fall of the Elven kingdom is not a bad thing for Ainz.
The fall of the Elven kingdom is not a bad thing for Ainz, because when she
reaches out for help, the effect will be great.
So, should they wait and see? There is no time to wait and see.
The people who might become friends of Aura and Mare might lose their lives in
the process.
Dark elves, a minority race, are especially vulnerable.
(Or send just the two of us ahead.
No, we can't do that.
Sending just two people to an unknown place is very unsettling.
I know they are 100 level NPCs and not children.....
I'm sure they're not children, but I'm not going to send them to an unknown place.
I'm not going to intervene in the war between the elves and the law and save the
elven nation at this point.
The reason is that we still do not want to see a complete hostility between the
Law and Magic countries at Ainz's sole discretion.
I would like to know what Albedo and Demiurgos are thinking, but I am also
afraid that if I poke around in that area, it will be revealed that Ainz has nothing
in his brain.
First of all, if we don't roll the conversation well, Ainz's stupid opinion will take
precedence, which may cause damage to Nazarick in the future.
vokVv(Maybe it would be better to go to the elven country and tell them to
evacuate only dark elves.
Sorutoshi..there's no need to take anyone other than those two people.
If he were to take them with him, it would be best to have an escort, such as
Hanzo, who is skilled at hiding, rather than to take an army with him.
Ainz looked at the three elves.
These three are the replacements for the lizardmen.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what
you're getting into.
Of course, the other two will remain here.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your money is to be prepared to pay for it.
Not bad.
Even if the girls feel that they are hostages, all they have to do is to insist that
they have no such intention.
Ainz looked at Aura and the others.
He must have gotten the message that they were willing to go back.
Aura, Mare, and Lumi(ale and the others returned.
What kind of souvenirs would you elves like me to bring them? Gold, silver, or
two stones? In our village, we don't use metal coins, so I don't think they would
be pleased with gold or silver.
And then there's the rarely available sesquicentennial herb.
A slight injury can be easily treated with magic, but only a skilled priest can cure
a disease.
I am glad to hear that you are doing well.
The actual "I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a
way to make it work for you.
Mare can't do that much, can she? I'm not sure.
Oh, yes, yes, I can't use that kind of magic.
The magic of the forest priests is the evolutionary form of the elves.
The actuality that the particulars of the particulars are not really a lot more than a
few of the most common, the actuality that the actuality that the particulars are
not really a lot more than a few of the most common.
The most important thing to do is to make all the inhabitants of this world bow
down to Nazarick.
No - we should assume that there are already such guilds that have once moved
(We should tell this information to Albedo and ask him to consider rethinking his
national strategy.
It is foolish to think that you are the only one who is special.
It might not be a bad idea, depending on the situation, to use the transition gate)
to biston transport food to the elven village when you arrive in order to let them
know how good the magic country is in a friendly way.
I remember it being effective with the dwarves.
It seems like a good idea if we remember what we experienced at that time and do
it accordingly.
(The first thing to do is to look for a place called Crescent Lake, gather
information at the elven royal city there, and then head to the dark elven village.
For Ainz, going to the dark elf village was not just about making friends with the
two elves.
He does not want them to make friends on his orders.
Oh, that's what I intend to do.
I intend to do that.
(What should we do next? Persuasion? (I'm not sure we'll be able to break
through the next obstacle.
However, we have to do something.
I'll use this as a stepping stone to introduce paid leave to Nazarick.
Well-timed -1 perhaps he was waiting for the conversation to settle down! The
food is brought to the table.
"Come on, eat up," he said, "I'll be right with you.
When Ainz recommended the food, the elves, whose eyes were crossed, began to
eat the food with relish.
What do people do when they face a difficult challenge? There are probably
several different ways to do this, but this time, Ainz chose the advantage of
numbers and geographical location.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want
to do.
In his hand, he held the real Staff of Ainz-Ul-Goun for the first time in a long
In other words, he was dressed as the absolute ruler of Nazarick and the head of
the guild, Ainz Wool Goun.
However, even with all these preparations, it is not necessarily true that he can
beat the opponent who is coming now.
The opponent is the very last boss.
A boss that cannot be compared to the world eater of the ninth day of the ninth
month of the lunar calendar.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're
going to do.
He has simulated it many times in his mind.
He is anticipating the various reactions of his opponents and searching for the
perfect answer that he should take.
However, Ainz is an ordinary person.
Oo nee oo oo<< is that?
I'm looking forward to your improvisation skills.
Perhaps the future Ainz will do something about it.
Lumière, who was waiting in front of the door, announced that the other party had
Let him through.
The other party is, needless to say, the future Mr.
The other party was, needless to say, Albedo, the hierarchical guardian
The moment she saw Ainz, her smile disappeared and her face turned leaden.
The first time she saw him, her smile disappeared and she changed her face to a
serious leaden one.
Don't worry about it, Albedo.
I have heard the report that you will be late.
I contacted Albedo (by message) and told him that I was not in shape to see Ainz
because I was doing some things at the Suiyu acupuncture clinic.
He said he needed time to get ready.
Ainz, who had no reason whatsoever to deny this, instructed him to come here
about 30 minutes later than the time Albedo had offered.
Was it because of Albedo's character that he was early enough? Is it an ironclad
rule for working people?
Albedo raises his head and comes to the front of the throne and puts on one arm.
Ainz says simply.
-I'm taking a paid leave of absence from now on.
I'm taking a paid leave of absence from now on.
However, when he has done so in the past, the conversation has often gone in the
wrong direction.
The first thing you need to do is to be honest about the purpose of your visit.
This time, there is no Demiurgeon.
The thing that blows up diagonally is breath -. these are all tinny.
The calmness of Albedo, who was looking up at Ainz, moved just a little, and his
gaze also moved left and right.
He must have confirmed Aura and Mare's reaction.
When Ainz was recuperating, wondering how Albedo would react, Albedo said
seriously, "I'm not sure.
I don't understand what he is saying.
I have no idea.
Why such a reaction? What kind of thinking and thinking led him to that
conclusion? What kind of reaction should Ainz give to that?
Two responses immediately come to mind.
One is "What are you talking about? is one.
The other is, "You're right.
Of course, I would have said it with a more dominant and almost domineering
Ainz's imaginary brain was burning out.
But there is no time.
Albedo threw a ball to him.
The ball was thrown by Albedo, and it was necessary to return it as quickly as
I'm sure you've misunderstood me, Albedo.
That's not what I'm trying to say," he said honestly.
Was there ever a time when it was a good idea to act like a know-it-all? No, there
For now, the Nazarite absolute ruler, Ain't-Ul-Goun, has been protected as a
respected entity.
To the pious heart of Satoru Suzuki.
Albedo looked as if he had noticed something.
I'm sorry about this, Ainz-sama," he said, bowing hurriedly.
No, I'm not mad at you.
There's no need to bow down.
" He was pleased to have someone who had done nothing wrong bow down to
I'm sorry I made you think I was wrong when I said I was taking a paid day off.
Nazarick has neither a good pay system nor a good vacation system.
It is the blackest of the black.
If this is the case, it is more than possible that the workers misunderstood that
they were being offered paid vacation time and thought it was some kind of social
This is the fault of Ainz, which has never created such a white system.
Of course, Ainz is inclined to say that NPC Tarara himself was prevented from
doing so and only did so because he had a desire to work anyway.
Incidentally, this is Satoru Suzuki's rule of thumb. no matter how bad the
treatment is, if the relationship between people is good, it is quite bearable.
On the other hand, even if the treatment is great, if the relationship with the
people is terrible, you will get sick at a very fast pace.
In this sense, Nazarick may be running smoothly because of its excellent human
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but it's a good thing.
I hope you forgive me," Ainz also bowed his head.
"Ah, Ainz-sama! Please raise your face! Albedo, who was wearing a robe, told
him to do so, and Ainz raised his head.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you are not the only one who has been in
a position to do so.
If I can no longer bow to you, it's the end.
Albedo's eyes widened as he gasped, and then he bowed deeply.
The two men standing on either side of him were cringing, probably startled by
Albedo's sudden reaction.
I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that he immediately realized that he
was going somewhere else when he heard that he was going on a paid vacation.
If Ainz were in Albedo's position today, he would have asked the question, "Are
the two of you here to relax at the Chikugo Sixth Level? If Ainz were in Albedo's
position today, he would have asked, "Are the two of them here to relax on the
sixth level? What is this about? The first thing to do is to make sure that you
have the right information.
I had to get confirmation.
Don't jump to conclusions.
We are not trying to conduct diplomacy.
I'm just going to see what's going on.
I was afraid of what they would say.
The other side of the coin is that it's good.
I'm going to take a paid vacation and take these two with me on a trip to the land
of the elves.
I'm going on a trip to the elven country with these two people.
If you have any urgent business, please contact me at (message, etc.
I'll be back soon.
I'm not going to do anything more than 4 on the month of March, - I'm not going
to do it.
I'm not going to do it, okay? Really.
I'll be right back.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Will you be leaving immediately? I had not thought that far ahead, but in view of
the situation in the legal country, it might be better to leave immediately.
If Ainz-sama wants to leave immediately, it is natural to finish the preparations
immediately, Ainz thought, but both agreed with Albedo's statement.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want
to do and what you need to do.
I want to make sure," he said.
I want to make sure, not only Albedo, but also Aura and Mare.
I have a question for you.
The Nazarick Underground Mound has established a mage kingdom, made the
empire a vassal state, brought the wilderness wardens under its control, and just a
few days ago, reduced the kingdom to a search party.
The territory under his control has continued to expand, and as an organization it
has grown in size.
The organization has grown, but are there enough people to keep up with it? It is
true that Aura and Mare are the executives of the organization.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a day or two off
and expect the organization to keep running.
If they were ordinary employees, they could be replaced, but if they were
executives, it would not be possible to replace them.
But that doesn't mean that the organization should stop moving just because two
people take a day off.
If so, the plan will have to be cancelled or changed.
If that were to happen, drastic measures would have to be taken.
If that is the case, we will need to take drastic measures.
And if it comes down to it, I and Demi(ulgos are there.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the
actual product or service and expect it to work.
I am sure you have already solved my problem.
He is one of Nazarick's best intellectuals and guardian general.
He lives up to his name.
I'm impressed.
I admire you," he said, sending his praise to Albedo with all his might.
Unlike Ainz, she is managing the organization properly.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're
The only thing is that Albedo's expression is a little stiff.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the two of them have been in the
same room together for a long time.
Aura and Mare this time, but..... Even if Albedo and Demiurgos take a leave of
absence, the organization will work without problems? Albedo is generally
tight-lipped, but quickly answers, "The others will work without us.
I am sure that even if we are not here, the others will be able to carry out the work
at the level required by Ainz-sama and close the open scandals.
I'm not asking if you believe in it.
What I'm asking is if you can do it without problems.
I am sure it is difficult and painful for you to say anything that would cast doubt
on the ability of your fellow guardians to do their jobs.
But can you give me an accurate, unemotional answer as to whether or not you
can actually do it? If it is not possible, then we must start the training and
weaving when there is room.
I'm sorry, Mr.
Ainz....in the middle of a conversation....what's the matter, Murray? Hopoho, a
little quiet time passed when I could do a great job like Albedo's, and then
Albedo's chilling voice.
I wonder if that's the end of it.
It was not as if Mare's statement had anything to do with stirring up Albedo's
No, from Ainz's point of view, it was something that would have convinced him,
Mare!" -Mare's shoulders buckled at the sound of Albedo's yell.
Albedo's expression is grim, and he is seriously furious co ni o0<.
Albedo's voice was so loud and clear that Ainz did not even ask him to stop.
Albedo said, without Ainz's attempts to stop him.
The guardian of the prestigious hierarchy is unable to do the work required by the
Most High? Albedo! Don't shout.
What's the matter with saying you can't do what you can't do? The problem is that
you can do what you can't do.
The problem is that you can't do what you can't do.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what
you're doing.
It is not a question of not being able to do what you can't do! The problem is that
if you can't do it, you don't propose how you can do it! It is unacceptable for a
guardian of the hierarchy to be unable to do the work required by the Supreme
Being, and to let it end there! Ainz said in his heart.
It is true that from that point of view, Mare's statement is not good.
Ainz, I think Albedo's words are correct.
Mare should retract her statement," Aura said coldly.
Aura said coldly, "Mare should retract what she said.
Aura. "I think you're right, Mare," Aura says coldly.
No! Albedo tried to accuse him further, but Ainz interrupted him with an angry
Of course, he was acting, not really angry.
The proof of this was that he did not suppress his emotions.
Ainz emitted an aura along with his voice.
This was to forcefully seize the initiative through the effects of the party of
vision, and not to year a debuff.
In any case, Albedo, Aura, Mare, and Ryde (Yale) were not affected because they
were carrying items that nullified their psychic effects.
I don't even know if Albedo intended to say something like "continue".
It was possible that Albedo might have gently argued with Mare.
The only thing is, since there was a possibility that the two of them would get on
bad terms, Ainz had no choice but to intervene.
He said, "...Mare.
Albepedo's words are certainly convincing.
If you think it can't be done, you should have stated a counterproposal.
I'm sorry, but I think there is a problem with the bosses who force people to do
things they don't think they can do.
I can't say that there isn't a problem.
I appreciate your loyalty, Ani.
But everyone can do it.
But everyone can make mistakes.
In fact, Albedo is so loyal and capable that he is quick to take harsh measures on
all sides.
However, since Ainz generally dismisses them, they have been able to avoid
becoming a major problem.
If the full authority were left completely to Albedo, a storm of purification would
probably break out.
(No ya ya.j. I think it's a quintessential tag melancholy.....) "Yes.
I think I did lose my temper a bit.
Forgive me, Mare.
" "Eh, .
Eh, oh, no, no.
Albedo's words were right.
I was wrong.
I'm sorry.
" The man bowed his head, and Mare bent at a ninety-degree angle at the waist.
I'm sorry," he said, "but I was wrong.
Oh, yeah.
I'm taking the two of you to the elven country for a paid vacation, so you'd better
take over the job while I'm gone.
You should finish the handover in a...three days and get out of there.
If possible, do not leave it to the ...floor guardian, etc.
, but try to leave it to your own people.
If it seems impossible," Ainz thought, "Albedo will be tough, since it is right after
the fall of the kingdom.
If it's not possible," Ainz thought, "then you'll have to talk to Pandora's Actor.
You got it, you two," they both said cheerfully, "yes.
So, how will Ainz-sama's party be organized? Hanzo and his men.
I mean, Hanzo and his team are surprisingly good and easy to use.
To tell you the truth, if I had more money and data to spare, I would call for more.
The Hanzo data is gone, but there are still other ninja monster data in the library.
I could use them, but I don't want to touch the property in the treasure hall, so I
guess I'll have to hold out until I can save up my money.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go to the city of Nazarick.
I'll give it some thought on the way to the elven lands.
Oh, I need money......
I wonder if there is someone hoarding treasure somewhere.
Someone who won't complain if I take it from him....)"...i4sama? Hmm?" I'm
I'm sorry, I've been thinking about it a little bit.
I was about to say that Hanzo and the others would be good, but Ainz shut his
It is said that a good member of society needs to be able to read the air, but for
this moment, Ainz himself, an ordinary member of society, was happy with the
roll of the dice he had rolled, and his intuition whispered to him that he should
wait a bit before agreeing to that opinion.
He could hear the slight emotion in Albedo's voice, which was different from
what he normally heard.
I'm not planning on taking Hanzou with me, but is there something you want
Hanzou and the others to do? I'm not sure what you want them to do.
Albedo's face turned pale as he said, "I don't mean to disagree with Ainz-sama's
decision, but.
" He looked at Albedo, who was a little hesitant.
I've heard some people say that Hanzo and the others are the only ones who are
being used.
...There are many people who would like to work for Ainz-sama.
I'd like you to know that there are people who would like to use you if they have
the chance," he replied.
Ainsou Suzuki Satoru is an ordinary person.
So he never thought he would have such a problem.
It is true that he is very much in favor of Hanzou.
However, the fact that other people think so is not good.
There is definitely favoritism in a corporate organization.
It is natural that people who are favored by their superiors are more likely to
advance, even if their abilities are somewhat inferior.
However, it is inevitable that the relationship between people in the company will
That is not good enough.
We just thought that Nazarick, a black company, is somehow able to survive
because of its good relationships with its employees.
Under such circumstances, there was no way he could say, "I'm going to take
Hanzo with me after all.
Well, we'll see who will be chosen for Su Gyong (we'll have to wait and see who
it is).
Who will be chosen, <naozrooo(or"
Ainz grins.
It's a completely different attitude from his heart.
Albedo bowed his head with a look that said, "Naru-baho-bado, as expected of
I'm sorry," he said.
I'll contact all the people belonging to the Nazarick Underground Tomb
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your family
and friends.
The sound of the closing of the door made Albedo lift up his head.
He looked at the two men who must have raised their heads at the same time.
Hey, Albedo," he said, "I have a question.
I just want to ask you something," he asked Aura as he stood up.
I'd like to ask you a few questions," he said, standing up and turning to Aura.
You don't really just want to enjoy your leisure time, do you? I'm sure he's not
just going to enjoy his leisure time.
-The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the best out of
your business is to be a good businessman.
The position of king is not a light one.
It is not something that can be put on and taken off depending on one's mood, just
like taking off one's coat.
It is believed that behind his every move is the will of the nation of the past.
The knowledge of the legal countries is shared to a certain extent in Nazarick.
The knowledge of the legal state is shared to some extent in Nazarick, so there is
no problem to omit the explanation of the least eye.
The first thing to do is to find a way to get the best out of the situation.
The most important thing to remember is that the law is not a force to be
reckoned with.
The Theocracy is not at war with the Zadokuni at this time, but they don't want to
split their forces between the north and the south for the future.
It is very likely that they are launching a major offensive in order to end the
problem with the Kingdom of Jelf.
However, my master seems to have a slightly different view.
I wondered if he was going to get information in order to find out what was going
If it were Temiurgos, he might be able to say with certainty.
Albedo is superior to the Demiurgos in domestic affairs, but when it comes to
military relations, it is a step behind.
So, while I was ashamed of myself for not noticing what I should have noticed, I
tilted my head to the reason why de(ulgos did not move.
(Is demi(ulgos making some kind of move without telling us? Is he trying to
collect information on the elven lands for the very second, but not bringing it up
to us? I don't think that's possible.....) "Cocoa0<m-O?
Demiurgos have more discretionary rights than the other guardians because of the
various tasks they perform away from Nazarick.
It may be more correct to say that other guardians do not exercise those rights
very often.
The information and actions taken are reported to the master at a later date, and
are usually written in great detail, so they are thick and difficult to read.
Therefore, it is hard to believe that there is anything about Demiurgos' activities
that he is not aware of, but there was nothing about the land of the elves.
However, considering Demiurgos' character, it seems unlikely that he has
anything to hide.
The most plausible line is that he did not happen to have prompted his hand that
However, it was also true that I could not say "no" for sure when I let myself go.
I should probably go see Demiurgos as soon as I get out of here.
No, we should call him.
We should not talk about such a thing in the other party's domain.
However, there is a possibility that Demiurgos will probe our gut if we talk to
him with our own subordinates in charge.
(But if the demiurgeon is able to speed up the demons.... No, would you take such
a shortcut? Are you doubting me? The problem is that you haven't made a move
) "Will you be fighting against the legal state? Yes, yes, that's right.
I don't know if that's going to happen.
Maybe Ainz-sama couldn't say for sure and used the word "no leave".
Albedo answered in a hurry after coming to his senses at Mare's question.
Although they had been thinking in harmony, there was no sign of doubt in their
I'm going to put Temiurgos out of my mind for now.
I'm going to put Temiurgos out of my mind.
Maybe the master is thinking that this time he will act not as the ruler of
Nazarick, but as the undead of the people on vacation.
By doing so, even in the worst case scenario, he is trying to prevent Nazarick
from being harmed.
I wonder if he is trying to avoid the worst-case scenario where Nazarick might be
harmed by his actions.
What? Oh, that Ainz-sama," the two girls said with surprise in their loud voices
and turned their eyes to Albedo with suspicion.
My master's random discussions have read through everything so far and have
completely dominated the flow of events.
I have seen many times how an ordinary blow can turn into a decisive one.
According to the story, he is acting based on his knowledge of a thousand years in
the future.
If his master is so sure that he might make a mistake in judgment, it is only
natural that Albedo would think that he is wrong.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of
your home is to be sure that you have the best possible experience.
I'm sure it's impossible for even me to completely see through Ainz-sama's
deepest treachery.
I know that very well from the past.
I'm not sure how Master Ainz decided to use the term "paid leave".
...I honestly don't know how Master Ainz made the decision to use the term "paid
The two guardians are very serious about the situation.
On the other hand, it is not impossible that he would be pleased with the fact that
he had prepared it voluntarily.
The other side of the coin is that it is not possible that he would be pleased with
the fact that he had voluntarily prepared for them.
The first thing you need to do is to select the right guard for each case.
Perhaps he meant that Albedo had not been able to properly recognize his
master's concerns, and that he had not been able to fully live up to the trust he had
placed in him.
But even that is not enough.
Is it a "yes" or a "no"? Or is it? Hearing their replies, Albedo finally says, "Aura,
Aura, Mare.
I think we can get some idea of what Ainz-sama is thinking by the kind of people
he chooses.....This is a very high-level job.
The two guardians replied to Albedo with a spirited response.
The two guardians responded with a spirited reply to Albedo.
(Even if you have to delay the disposal of the remnants of the kingdom, you
should be prepared just in case.
) Thinking about the order of work in his mind, Albedo left the room with the two
of them.
Nini CoOO<There is.
(ans ea nico moe ko e "ma [koro Nao
The Great Forest of Avershire, where the land of the elves is located, is not a
place that can be called a difficult place.
Certainly, places where there are many rugged monsters, small nations of
subhumans, and terrain that makes it difficult to know which direction to go are
difficult places in themselves, but there are no structures that could be called
fortresses, nor is the terrain so steep that it is impossible for a person to traverse
However, there are places that are difficult to break through.
They are created by individuals.
Shuen, the servant-leader of the Fire Reduction Sacred Scripture, gazes ahead,
piggybacked behind the trees sparsely growing in the foundation.
There was an elf girl, who looked to be about the same age as a human.
Elves are smaller in stature than humans, making them look even younger.
The girl was sitting on a small chair placed on the top of a heap of earth.
She was holding a bow that was disproportionately large for her small body, and
several arrows peeked out from the quiver beside the chair.
The arrow whistle is not large, and the number of arrows that are visible can be
counted on both fingers.
However, we have been informed that the number of missing sums in the arrow
short does not change no matter how many arrows are shot.
It is a magic item, no doubt about it.
There is no one around but the girl.
She is alone.
A child.
One person.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Mio can take the battle by himself.
She is truly worthy of 10,000 generals.
In fact, this girl had already cost the lives of nearly a thousand Hokoku soldiers.
As a result, the 40,000 soldiers of the Ho-Tung invasion were encircled in front of
the girl who was sitting on a small chair.
The usual tactical strategy is to avoid enemy forces that cannot break through.
The Great Forest is a natural obstacle in itself, but there are many places where it
is impossible to go around the temple.
The only thing that is important is that the enemy is not an army, but a single
But this girl is not only a fighter, her mobility is unparalleled, and once she is lost,
it will be extremely difficult to catch her again.
The enemy force, which is as difficult to capture as an army, will disappear in the
Great Forest.
This will mean the beginning of a long guerrilla war, and there is no doubt that
the morale of the soldiers on the front line will be severely damaged.
There is a way to divide the troops and have the girl take the center and the main
camp advance while the battle is delayed.
This would not be a bad strategy.
If we can put aside the fatal problem of dispersing forces in enemy territory, that
If you can call it a formation when your opponent is sitting in a chair, then now is
an opportune time to make peace.
No matter how many people you send in, it is not a problem that can be solved.
No one who can be called a hero served in the invasion force of the country of
law this time.
That is why the Fire Reduction Scripture is needed.
However, there are no heroes in the fire-extinguishing axiom, either.
Although he was once enrolled, he has been transferred to the Jet-Black Scripture.
Rather, almost all those who set foot in the epicenter of the Ei Jiao in Theocracy
are drawn to the Jet-Black Axis Scripture.
Shuen, too, unfortunately, has not reached the level of a hero.
Even so, he was sent to this battlefield because he believed that he could be a hero
if the Fire Destroying Misconceptions were united as a group.
And it is true.
Shuen and the other fire-suppression scriptures are capable of killing heroes.
However, there is a big difference between those who have stepped into the realm
of heroes and those who are approaching deviants.
The former may have a chance against the former, but not against the latter.
That is why Shuen earnestly observes the girl.
A soldier, a strong soldier, a waving soldier, a hero, and a deviant......
Having seen a variety of beings, Xuyen has knowledge and experience.
The fire reduction scriptures are not as precise as the Jet-Black Scriptures.
Therefore, depending on the results of the analysis, it may be possible to make a
decision to call in the jet-black scriptures from the home country while the dead
soldiers are deployed to stall them.
Shuen let out a small, long, slow breath.
The occupation that the elf girl is training for is probably an archer or a ranger.
If it is the latter, it is an orchid business that sharpens the senses, so even if Xue
Yan is protected by two magic spells, there is a risk that she will be detected.
The actual "I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do with it, but I'm sure
I'm going to be able to do with it.
However, the wound.
He was not confident that he would be able to successfully escape with the
information he had obtained.
More than the fear of dying, Shuen was afraid that he would not be able to bring
back the information he was getting now - that he would die for nothing.
(The target's expression had not moved once since he started observing.
The target's expression had not moved since he started to observe it, and it looked
fake, but Shuyen knew that it was not fake but alive.
After how many minutes of observation? The target moved.
Shuen's heart jumped.
He was worried that he might be the one the target was after.
He knew that the target was not looking at him, but that did not make him feel
But that did not mean he could rest easy.
For the truly skilled masters, they would use their eyesight to feint from a book
called Haruko Kazuhisa, and in fact, Shuen knew that there was such a martial
art, and his hearing, enhanced by his second-order anal method (elephant ear),
caught the sound of several footsteps approaching from behind.
The target must have sensed this.
It was definitely one of the soldiers of his countrymen.
Shuen's mind is filled with guilt.
He knows full well why they were sent here.
He does not warn the soldiers.
It was not Shuen's place to do so.
omjira "C-nee0<slow down.
I won't miss it.
That's all there is to it.
The best way to understand a target's ability - its strength - is to see it in action.
The top finance department sent the necessary living expenses for that purpose, as
The precious lives of our fellow countrymen will be sacrificed.
I turned around, careful not to let my attention wander.
The eye of Yutaka to the second rank.
The arrow's movement was blocked by the sight strengthened by the The arrow
was released, and I could see it swirling through the trees.
Then, the arrow spread out in the air.
It turned into a rain of dozens of arrows.
And then they rained down on the earth.
It was not a well-aimed shot, I guessed.
Even if he had been able to accurately detect the target's location by relying on
sound, he was in the middle of a forest.
It would be impossible to shoot properly because of the trees in the way.
However, if this were a magic like the Hefire Sphere, the fire would burn beyond
the barrier.
A similar thing is done by combining the ability to make arrows travel through
the trees and the skill to diffuse them.
Shuen's enhanced hearing picks up the screams of the soldiers.
No one seems to be untrained.
(- Sadness? The soldiers who are attacked from out of sight are confused and
<It seems that none of them were able to accurately judge the direction from
which the arrow was fired, and they all began to flee in the direction of their own
There was no longer any will to fight.
I'm not wrong.
It is not wrong.
No, it is the best solution.
If we all run in different directions, some of us will escape from the killing zone.
The girl shoots the arrow again.
The arrows, which had activated the ability to fly away from trees, moved to the
right position and again turned into arrows that radiated out.
Amidst the rain-like sound, the screams of the soldiers are taken away and the
sound of trampling undergrowth ceases.
With the death of the soldiers' soil, one important piece of information was
We have not been able to kill the common soldier-dirt - with a blow.
It is true that when a soldier activates an ability such as a martial art that diffuses
an attack, both the damage inflicted and the accuracy of the hit are generally
However, a hero would have been able to kill all the soldiers with a single shot.
Then the answer is.
The answer is.
(He's not a hero.
That kid is not even close to being a hero.
He was the rival of the third seat of the Lacquer Black Scriptures, the four great
spirits, and he knew exactly what he was getting himself into.
The strength of the target is below that of Shuen.
However, this is not to say that he can have a comfortable life or that he can rest
There are differences between the fighting styles of archers and sakihō chanters.
Even if their overall abilities are superior, they can be overturned in any number
of ways depending on the situation.
And there is a possibility that they are holding back the bowmen because they
know they are being watched.
The number of "no's" is also not zero.
But Shuen, who had been monitoring the situation, could say with certainty that
he had not yet lost his mind.
He was not yet in a coma.
Then there is only one thing to do.
The only thing to do, then, is to remove the stone that is an obstacle to the country
of law.
The first thing to do is to remove the stones that are in the way of the legal state.
I can't say I'm fully prepared.
The most important thing to do is to make sure that you are not too far away from
the tree and that you are not too far away from the tree.
(The Arcane Devotee, a profession that must be mastered by Sakihō chanters
belonging to the Fire Reduction Sacred Scripture, is invoked once a day.
It is a once-a-day trump card that is required to be mastered by Sakihō chanters
belonging to the Fire Reduction Scripture.
The choice is obvious, and a total of twelve magic arrows flew at once.
There is no way to avoid the inevitable arrows.
But the reality is that the amount of damage is unfortunately not that great.
Even if you use the most powerful central method, if there is no difference in
their combat ability, it is impossible to kill them by itself.
However, if it is only one person.
All of the men in the "・・・・・・・・ subordinates" are using (・・・・・) to
watch Shuen's movements.
BUNNY Pdno coea ""nsnsk(tee)".
The target's expression fell heavily.
Was it because he could not bear the pain caused by the damage he had taken
from Shuen? Or was it because he witnessed more than a hundred Tadahou
arrows flying from behind Xuyen? The work of the Fire Destruction Sacred
Scripture requires a flexible response, whether it is a comparative kill or
counter-terrorism, so a team of at least four people from various professions is
This is similar to the gathering of adventurers in kingdoms and empires.
In fact, the adventurers' guild itself was created by the Punta Canaan through the
infiltration of various countries, so it would be fair to say that we are brothers.
The mission was to bring together three types of teams, among them those who
could use specific magic.
The "invigorating" magician, Majik Kyasta, is a gifted chanter who is able to use
the "Bianzhoubou" (visualization of the beach).
Bullet point l.
Bullet 1.
It was as if a lightning bolt of light had struck the sky.
The target, which had fallen on its face, did not move at all.
Still, only Xuyen approached.
I don't think it can be used on a target who is an archer, but there are some
techniques such as encrustation to pretend to be dead.
You still can't break off.
The legs are manned under the body and turned over.
The young body is not without wounds due to the blows from the arrows of the
inner law that have rained down all over the body.
Shuen looks into the upper face.
There was no light in her eyes, which were half-open due to her swollen cheeks.
He is definitely dead.
! It was not for the sake of retribution that he chose to use the arrow of the brittle
In the case of a ranged attack, it may not be able to do enough damage if the
opponent has a good shield like a ranged attack.
Magic that affects the use of wagami can sometimes be a one-hit kill, but there is
also the fear that it will be resisted and disabled.
Therefore, since he had companions, he chose an internal method that would
surely inflict damage.
However, when you think about it, it could be said that it was the best magic to
take the lives of the Hokkoku no Nakamon who had been shot by arrows.
Shuen's eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the young elf's dead face.
I think I see the color of Anji in her expression.
Was it a mistake? I don't know.
But if it was, it was extremely unpleasant.
This one elf has killed nearly a thousand of his fellow servants of the Theocracy.
I wish he had died after suffering more pain and regretting what he had done.
Shuen is about to tell a lie about the girl's corpse, but he decides against it.
The equipment the target is carrying needs to be taken.
Since there are no enemies in Zhou Zai, he plans to disrobe himself right here and
now, but he might feel a little uncomfortable if his lie gets on his hands or
But I might feel a little uncomfortable if my lies get in the wrong hands.
The next thing is the bow.
It is the weapon of the person who single-handedly put the Hokkoku range into
It must be an appropriate one.
The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the "Dongdaemun" is a very
popular name in the world of the "Dongdaemun".
He should have reacted quickly, but he was unable to move because he had been
completely bullied.
He looked over and there was an elf.
There should have been no one there.
That must be the question.
There was no elf in sight, except for the target.
He even used invisibility when approaching his target.
Do you know, human? Do you know, human being, that in an extreme situation
where your life is on the line, fighting a strong person is the fastest way to
become strong? The tone of his voice dropped a notch.
He looked at the girl's corpse with a light gaze.
He was looking at the girl's corpse with a light-faced gaze.
The one who has not been in the king's presence is still a trash.
The color of the disorder is different on the left and right sides of the body.
The final target of the legal state.
The great criminal.
The King of Elves.
Not even the heroes, not even Shuen Mariwa, can beat him, and he is beyond
even the deserters.
There is no chance of victory.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're
However, Elf Toki's gaze moves.
It is Xuyen who is at the other end of the line.
The Elf King's gaze is straight at Shuen, even though he has moved, albeit
hesitantly, from the place where he made himself invisible.
As soon as Xuyen senses this, he turns his back to the Elf King and starts to run.
(Even with the invisibility and silence, it is impossible to hide that the grass is
breaking underfoot.
The Elf King's gaze is slightly shaken, but he does not stop running.
The Elf King's gaze itself was slightly shaken.
He was not perfectly aware of Shuyen's position by using internal methods such
as invisibility perception.
However, with his monstrous perceptive power, he could see through Shuyen,
who was protected by invisibility and phobia.
That is why Shuen keeps his distance.
If he does not see through the harmony detection ability, the scolding is on
Shuen's side and makes it difficult for him to detect the opponent.
I had a feeling of regret that I should have used the heave flight.
But it was not possible.
Shuen's occupation is a disaster.
One of the special abilities of the Adept of Surushana is to sustain magic that has
a limited number of uses per day, but has a fixed duration of use by consuming
power continuously.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the magic power is decreasing
rapidly, and the Elf King is not able to squeeze out the power that can be used for
Not even the mighty Shuen could go that far.
It would be more realistic to use it from a distance, hiding behind a tree.
From behind him, he heard the elf-king's angry, bony voice. "I don't see the point
in killing you.
I have no intention of killing you, but I have come all the way here.
The voice of the Elf King, which was picked up by the Hesho ear, rang out
clearly in Xuyen's ears.
Kill them all, behemoth!" "Come on, kill them all, behemoth!
The earth shook.
You don't have to look back to know that something huge has appeared.
"Disperse!" I release the (silence) so that my men can receive the order and speak
I have never shouted so loudly in my life.
It would be a good thing if the elf king would make a disgusting snowflake.
I must make my men do their utmost to get him to do his best.
No matter who they sacrifice or abandon.
Bringing back as much information as possible is the only way to repay the
precious lives that were lost.
The Shuyen who was close to the Elf King could not escape and would surely die.
That is why - Xuyen looks back.
If he dies before his men, it is not so bad.
Xuyen had seen earthly life.
He had seen a small, human-sized tree, with arms that were strangely thick and
squat, which he thought was a bit odd.
But what stood behind him was not so simple and cute.
The misshapen body, which looked as if it had been made by piling up a lifetime
and ore, was as tall as the surrounding trees and had a majestic appearance
befitting of the king of earthly captives.
It has long, thick arms and short, thick legs.
The limbs, which could have been humorous if they were smaller in scale, were
filled with an unmatched power that I have never felt from any other demon-like
The elf-king, with a grin and a wry smile on his face, crossed his arms and
watched Shuen's footsteps.
on the communa.
The sight of them is nothing but discomfort.
His arrogant posture, as if he were risking his life for the sake of his life.
But the Behemoth, without regard for Shuen's anger at Josin, moved as if it were
gliding on water and closed the gap between them before they could reach the
corner, and then the Behemoth raised both its arms, which were unusually thick.
1 Come on! Come on, you son of a bitch! Heishi.
A wall of stone stood in the way of the Elf King as he chanted the
Wall-Do-Rainbow technique.
In the next instant, the stone wall is easily approached by the cousin with a single
The shattered stone wall melts into a flute and disappears.
The strength and durability of the wall magic depends on the strength of the chest
method chanter, depending on the magic.
The "Behemoth" is a very powerful and powerful creature, and it is a very
powerful creature.
The behemoth immediately raises his friend's hand.
I know, I know.
He probably thinks he can kill Shuen with his next attack.
I don't doubt that.
The behemoth's attack would hit Shuen and he would be dead before Shuen could
even launch his next spell.
Still, 1(- I bought a little time.
) C<.
It only took them a few seconds.
But that was enough.
But even so, it was enough.
It was more than enough.
It is unlikely that any of them will be able to return to their home countries now.
Then it was only a defeat for Xuyen, not a defeat for Hokkoku.
Ha ha! Then, with a left blow from Behemoth, Shuen was crushed with a smile on
his face and became one with the ground.
The elf king - Dekem Hougan - passed through the castle gates and let out a gasp
of discomfort.
He is displeased that it took so long to get back to the castle.
Certainly, he could have returned faster than by any other means, since he rode
back on a behemoth that was never fatigued.
Still, I hated the mental anguish of wasting time.
The recovery of the arms that had been lent to the failed Japanese is not in itself a
waste of time.
On the contrary, it was an honorable thing to do.
What I had lent him was a piece of equipment that I had inherited from my own
parents and that no one else could have made.
It is not something that should be given to people who do not understand its
However, the fact that only I can do such /work is very problematic.
This problem is caused by the fact that he has no one to whom he can trust not
only to retrieve the weapons but also to perform various other tasks.
This is also due to the fact that there are only temples.
All of them are bad.
Elves are a wonderful race.
Father Dekem has proven that.
And that they are a race that can be stronger than any other creature.
If Dekem had been a special Elfuh, a High Elf, or an Elf Lord, he would have
ended up dismissing everyone else as inferior.
However, this is not the case.
Dekem and his father are simply elves.
Then any elf could be a great strong man.
But why are the others so weak? How can we prove that elves are the best race?
We need results that everyone can see.
The world is ours, and we have the blood of the elves in our veins.
To do this, I still need a good and strong mother.
However, it is difficult to judge what kind of mother is superior until the child is
born and grows up.
So we have sent all of our children to the battlefield, and almost all of them have
not returned.
It makes my head hurt to realize that we have spent so much time on this and still
have not seen any results.
A woman comes up to Dekem, who thinks about various things and comes out
with a grim face.
Nini Oo0<.
The king, what's wrong? The woman is the one who is the focus of his anger.
Dekem's eyes roll back slightly in surprise.
The strong emotions of the strong, especially a hostile gaze such as murderous
intent, alone can take a toll on the body and soul of the weak.
It is true that he was not trying to kill them, but to be modest.
But it still has a great impact on the weak.
However, the woman endured it despite the fact that her cabinet turned blue.
A very weak person - a person with a bad mother body, that is.
If so, how did she endure her own devotion? Perhaps it was because she was
I could have ignored her, but I should reward her for having endured three.
So I stopped.
He was merciful.
Who was this child? First of all, what kind of an idea was it to ask such an
incomprehensible question so soon after his return, rather than to pay tribute to
the king who had been sent away on business? My heart was rapidly going down.
It's about Lugi," Lugi said.
I don't remember such a name.
It is true that Techem does not remember people's names.
There is almost no one worth remembering.

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