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1. (AUTOR - 2020) Das reações a seguir qual representa um fenômeno com absorção de
Obs.: ∆H em kcal/mol.
a) 2C6H6(l) + 1SO2(g) → 12CO2(g) + 6H2O ΔH = - 400.
b) 2C2H2(g) + SO2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ΔH = - 155.
c) C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) ΔH = - 94.
d) C(s) + 1/2O2(g) → CO(g) ΔH = - 26.
e) C(s) → C(g) ΔH = + 171.
2. (AUTOR - 2020) Um técnico de laboratório recebeu uma amostra desconhecida, no
estado sólido, para ser analisada. O gráfico abaixo representa o de aquecimento desta

Analisando o gráfico, podemos concluir que a amostra apresenta:

a) duração da ebulição de 10 min.
b) duração da fusão de 40 min.
c) ponto de fusão de 40 ºC.
d) ponto de fusão de 70 ºC
e) ponto de ebulição de 50 ºC.
3. (AUTOR - 2020) Os materiais abaixo, expostos ao ar, observa-se que:
I. o leite azeda;
II. sobre uma lâmina metálica, forma-se uma película escura;
III. uma banana apodrece;
IV. bolinhas de naftalina vão diminuindo de tamanho;
V. um espelho fica embaçado se respirarmos encostados a ele.

Podemos dizer que são observados fenômenos:

a) físicos somente.
b) físicos em I, II e V e químicos em III e IV.
c) físicos em IV e V e químicos em I, II, e III.
d) físicos em III e V e químicos em I, II e IV.
e) químicos somente.
4. (AUTOR - 2020) De acordo com a tabela, podemos dizer que o estado físico a 30°C para
e naftaleno, hidróxido de sódio e cloro é, respectivamente:
Naftaleno 81 218
NaOH 320 1390
Cl2 -102 -35
a) gasoso, líquido e sólido.
b) gasoso, sólido e sólido.
c) líquido, gasoso e sólido.
d) sólido, sólido e sólido.
e) sólido, líquido e gasoso.
5. (UFPB - 2006) Os estados de agregação das substâncias (sólido, líquido e gasoso) de-
pendem das condições de temperatura (T) e pressão (P) as quais estão submetidas. Por
exemplo, ao nível do mar (P = 1 atm), a água é um sólido em temperaturas abaixo de 0
ºC, líquido no intervalo de 0 ºC a 100 ºC e um gás em temperaturas superiores. A tabela
1 mostra os valores de transições de fases de algumas substâncias para P = 1 atm.
Tabela 1- temperaturas de fusão e ebulição de algumas substâncias.

Com base nessas informações, analise as sentenças a seguir:

I. O maior número dessas substâncias no estado líquido, é encontrados no intervalo 0 ºC
< T > 36 ºC.
II. Todas as substâncias acima estarão no estado sólido em qualquer temperatura abaixo
de -63 ºC.

III. Apenas a substância naftaleno está no estado líquido a 90 ºC.

Está(ão) correta(s):
a) As alternativas I e II.
b) As alternativas II e III.
c) c) As Alternativas I e III.
d) Apenas a alternativa I.
e) Apenas a alternativa III.
6. (UEG – GO - 2005) A mudança do estado físico de determinada substância pode ser ava-
liada em função da variação da temperatura em relação ao tempo, conforme o gráfico a
seguir. Considere que a 0 ºC o composto encontra-se no estado sólido.

No gráfico, encontra-se a substância no estado líquido nos pontos:

a) I, II e IV.
b) III, IV e V.
c) II, III e IV.
d) I, III e V.
7. (FGV - 2018) O gráfico apresenta a variação da temperatura de uma substância durante
aquecimento sob pressão constante.

Na representação gráfica, a fusão da substância ocorre no segmento:

a) I.
b) II.
c) III.
d) IV.
e) V.

8. (AUTOR - 2020) Qual das alternativas abaixo é a correta?

a) A matéria gasosa apresenta volume e forma variáveis, devido ao afastamento das
partículas que formam a matéria neste estado.
b) Uma pedra de naftalina deixada no armário caracteriza a vaporização.
c) A ebulição está representada pelo número 4, e este processo é caracterizado pela
passagem do estado líquido para o sólido.

d) No estado líquido a substância assume a forma do recipiente que o contém. No

gráfico, esse estado está representado pelo número 1.

9. (UFV - 2003) A naftalina, nome comercial do hidrocarboneto naftaleno, é utilizada em

gavetas e armários para proteger tecidos, papéis e livros do ataque de traças e outros
insetos. Assim como outros compostos, a naftalina tem a propriedade de passar do es-
tado sólido para o gasoso sem fundir-se. Esse fenômeno é chamado de:
a) liquefação.
b) sublimação.
c) combustão.
d) ebulição.
e) solidificação.

10. (UESC - BA - 2013)

A Química é uma ciência que estuda fundamentalmente a composição, as propriedades e as

transformações das substâncias químicas, das misturas e dos materiais formados por essas subs-
tâncias. Para identificá-las, os químicos utilizam um conjunto de propriedades específicas com
objetivo de diferenciá-las experimentalmente de uma mistura. O gráfico representa a curva de
aquecimento de uma determinada amostra de material sólido em função do tempo.
Uma análise dessas informações e da curva de aquecimento dessa amostra de material per-
mite afirmar:
a) A partir do ponto A, representado no gráfico, forma-se uma substância pura na
fase líquida.
b) A amostra do material analisado é uma mistura.
c) O material analisado, ao atingir 193ºC, se transforma completamente em líquido.
d) A curva representa o comportamento de uma substância pura sólida durante o
e) As propriedades específicas utilizadas para identificação das substâncias químicas
dependem da quantidade da amostra utilizada.
11. (UEM - 2008) Assinale a alternativa incorreta.
a) Um sistema contendo água no estado líquido, óleo e cubos de gelo é constituído
por três fases e duas substâncias.
b) Uma solução aquosa não-saturada de NaCl com cubos de gelo é constituída de
duas fases.
c) Ponto de fusão e densidade são propriedades de grande importância na análise da
pureza de amostras sólidas de substâncias conhecidas.
d) Uma amostra líquida passa para o estado de vapor somente ao atingir o seu ponto
de ebulição.
e) A formação da ferrugem é exemplo de fenômeno químico.
12. (EsPCEx/2019) O critério utilizado pelos químicos para classificar as substâncias é ba-
seado no tipo de átomo que as constitui. Assim, uma substância formada por um único
tipo de átomo é dita simples e a formada por mais de um tipo de átomo é dita compos-
ta. Baseado neste critério, a alternativa que contém apenas representações de substân-
cias simples é:
a) HCl, CaO e MgS.
b) Cl2, CO2 e O3.
c) CO2, H2 e I2.
d) CH4, C6H6 e H2O.
e) NH3, NaCl e P4.

13. (ETEC SP/2018) O alumínio não é encontrado diretamente em estado metálico na crosta
terrestre e sua obtenção depende da extração do minério bauxita. O minério deve apre-
(A O )
sentar no mínimo 30% de óxido de alumínio 2 3
aproveitável para que a produção
do metal seja economicamente viável. As reservas brasileiras de bauxita, além da ótima
qualidade do minério, também estão entre as maiores do mundo.
<https://tinyurl.com/ychwg994> Acesso em: 10.04.2018. Adaptado.

O composto presente na bauxita, que leva à produção de alumínio, apresenta:

a) dois átomos.
b) dois elementos químicos.
c) cinco elementos químicos.
d) uma molécula de alumínio.
e) uma molécula de ozônio.
14. (Univag/2020) Considere um sistema formado por três pedras de gelo, água líquida,
óleo, cloreto de sódio (aq) e sacarose (aq), sem corpo de fundo. Esse sistema possui:
a) 5 fases e 5 substâncias.
b) 2 fases e 4 substâncias.
c) 2 fases e 5 substâncias.
d) 3 fases e 5 substâncias.
e) 3 fases e 4 substâncias.
15. (IFRS/2018) A gripe é uma doença transmitida de pessoa para pessoa, principalmente
por meio de gotículas de saliva eliminadas pelo paciente contaminado pelo vírus da
gripe. Existem diferentes tipos de gripe, que variam de acordo com o tipo de vírus que
acomete o paciente. A gripe H1N1 é causada por um subtipo de Influenza A que é deno-
minado de H1N1. Um dos primeiros procedimentos preventivos é a vacinação, o outro
é a higiene. No processo de higienização, principalmente das mãos, é aconselhável a
utilização de ÁLCOOL 70. Esse álcool é obtido pela adição de água ao álcool etílico até
atingir a proporção de 70% álcool e 30% água.
É correto afirmar que o Álcool 70 é uma:
a) substância pura, pois a água não altera sua composição.
b) mistura heterogênea, pois água e álcool são substâncias diferentes.
c) mistura homogênea, pois forma um sistema unifásico de mais de um constituinte.
d) substância simples, pois tanto água como álcool são compostos comuns no cotidia-
no das pessoas.
e) substância composta, pois é formada por mais de um componente.
16. (Unievangélica GO/2018) É muito comum ouvir-se falar que o uso de combustíveis adul-
terados pode prejudicar o funcionamento do veículo, além de causar danos ao motor.
Combustíveis adulterados são aqueles que têm na sua composição outros componentes
com menor valor agregado, mas que possuem propriedades físicas e químicas seme-
lhantes ao combustível propriamente dito.
Considere-se um combustível com 30% desses componentes diversos, que irão adulterar o
mesmo. A mistura que poderá ser identificada visualmente é:

a) etanol e água.
b) óleo de mamona e querosene.
c) propanona e etanol.
d) gasolina, etanol e água.
17. (UEA AM/2018) Desinfetante de amplo uso nas residências, a água sanitária é um
exemplo de:
a) substância simples.
b) substância composta.
c) substância pura.
d) mistura heterogênea.
e) mistura homogênea.
18. (ENEM/2015) Além de ser uma prática ilegal, a adulteração de combustíveis é preju-
dicial ao meio ambiente, ao governo e, especialmente, ao consumidor final. Em geral,
essa adulteração é feita utilizando compostos com propriedades físicas semelhantes às
do combustível, mas de menor valor agregado.
Considerando um combustível com 20% de adulterante, a mistura em que a adulteração
seria identificada visualmente é:
a) etanol e água.
b) etanol e acetona.
c) gasolina e água.
d) gasolina e benzeno.
e) gasolina e querosene.
19. (PUC SP/2015)

Em um caderno foram registrados esquemas de béqueres contendo misturas formadas por

três das substâncias apresentadas na tabela acima.

Entre as representações do caderno, as únicas que não podem ser obtidas experimental-
mente, a 20 ºC, são:
a) 1, 3 e 6.
b) 2, 4 e 5.
c) 2, 5 e 6.
d) 1 e 4.
e) 1 e 2.
20. (ETEC SP/2015) Há mais de um tipo de bafômetro, mas todos são baseados em reações
químicas envolvendo o álcool etílico presente na baforada e um reagente – por isso, o
nome técnico desses aparelhos é etilômetro. Nos dois mais comuns são utilizados di-
cromato de potássio (que muda de cor na presença do álcool) e célula de combustível
(que gera uma corrente elétrica). Este último é o mais usado entre os policiais no Brasil.
Com a nova legislação, o motorista que for flagrado com nível alcoólico acima do permi-
tido (0,1 mg/L de sangue) terá que pagar uma multa de R$ 955,00, além de ter o carro
apreendido e perder a habilitação. Se estiver embriagado (níveis acima de 0,3 mg/L de
sangue), ainda corre o risco de ficar preso por 6 meses a 1 ano.
<https://tinyurl.com/yctm9zrz> Acesso em: 10.11.2017. Adaptado.
No etilômetro que muda de cor na presença do álcool, ocorre a seguinte reação química:

É possível identificarmos, na reação, a presença de:

a) uma substância simples nos reagentes e uma simples nos produtos.
b) três substâncias compostas nos reagentes.
c) quatro substâncias simples nos produtos.
d) átomos de sódio na substância verde.
e) ácido clorídrico nos reagentes.

1. E
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. B
14. E
15. C
16. D
17. E
18. C
19. E
20. B
questões comentadas 11

1. (AUTOR - 2020) Das reações a seguir qual representa um fenômeno com absorção de
Obs.: ∆H em kcal/mol.
a) 2C6H6(l) + 1SO2(g) → 12CO2(g) + 6H2O ΔH = - 400.
b) 2C2H2(g) + SO2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ΔH = - 155.
c) C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) ΔH = - 94.
d) C(s) + 1/2O2(g) → CO(g) ΔH = - 26.
e) C(s) → C(g) ΔH = + 171.
Para ocorrer absorção de energia é necessário que a transformação ocorra do sólido
para o líquido ou do líquido para o gasoso, com o ΔH > 0.
Fazendo uma análise mais aprofunda e termoquimicamente falando, para que ocorra
uma absorção de energia, o ∆H tem de ser positivo.
Logo, esses valores de entalpia de formação (∆H°f) são tabelados, e vale lembrar que
esses valores apresentados estão a 25°C e 1 atm de pressão:
Logo, o único valor que é positivo é a afirmativa E com ΔH = + 171 kcal/mol.

2. (AUTOR - 2020) Um técnico de laboratório recebeu uma amostra desconhecida, no

estado sólido, para ser analisada. O gráfico abaixo representa o de aquecimento desta

Analisando o gráfico, podemos concluir que a amostra apresenta:


a) duração da ebulição de 10 min.

b) duração da fusão de 40 min.
c) ponto de fusão de 40 ºC.
d) ponto de fusão de 70 ºC.
e) ponto de ebulição de 50 ºC.
Observando o eixo Y que indica a temperatura, as mudanças de estado físico estão
situadas à temperatura de 40 °C (fusão) e de 70 °C (ebulição).
Por se tratar de um gráfico de uma substância pura, esse tem como característica: tem-
peratura de fusão e ebulição constantes. Analisando cada alternativa temos que:
a) a ebulição começa aos 40 minutos e termina em 60 minutos, logo a duração da
ebulição é de 20 minutos.
b) a fusão começa aos 10 minutos e termina em 30 minutos, portanto a duração da
ebulição é de 20 minutos.
c) alternativa correta, pois a fusão começa aos 10 minutos com uma temperatura de
40 °C e termina aos 30 minutos com a mesma temperatura, caracterizando que a tem-
peratura ficou constante todo o tempo da troca de estado.
d) o ponto de fusão ocorre na temperatura de 40 °C.
e) o ponto de ebulição ocorre na temperatura de 70 °C.

3. (AUTOR - 2020) Os materiais abaixo, expostos ao ar, observa-se que:

I. o leite azeda;
II. sobre uma lâmina metálica, forma-se uma película escura;
III. uma banana apodrece;
IV. bolinhas de naftalina vão diminuindo de tamanho;
V. um espelho fica embaçado se respirarmos encostados a ele.
Podemos dizer que são observados fenômenos:
a) físicos somente.
b) físicos em I, II e V e químicos em III e IV.
c) físicos em IV e V e químicos em I, II, e III.
d) físicos em III e V e químicos em I, II e IV.
e) químicos somente.
O fenômeno físico se caracteriza por um processo reversível, em que não há alteração
na composição da matéria. Já o processo químico é caracterizado por ser um proces-
so irreversível, em que notamos uma mudança na estrutura que pode ser observada
pela alteração na cor, no cheiro, na formação de precipitado, na liberação de gás ou na
combustão dessa estrutura.
questões comentadas 13

4. (AUTOR - 2020) De acordo com a tabela, podemos dizer que o estado físico a 30 °C para
e naftaleno, hidróxido de sódio e cloro é, respectivamente:
Naftaleno 81 218
NaOH 320 1390
Cl2 -102 -35
a) gasoso, líquido e sólido.
b) gasoso, sólido e sólido.
c) líquido, gasoso e sólido.
d) sólido, sólido e sólido.
e) sólido, líquido e gasoso.
Uma forma rápida de resolver é analisando onde o 30 °C (temperatura do exercício) se
encontra em cada substância.
Se está abaixo da temperatura de fusão está no estado sólido.
Se está entre a temperatura de fusão e ebulição está no estado líquido.
Se está acima da temperatura de ebulição está no estado gasoso.

Uma forma de se revolver é traçar retas entre as colunas das temperaturas de fusão e
ebulição e colocar seus respectivos estados físicos.
Entre a substância e a temperatura de fusão, qualquer valor abaixo do valor dado na
tabela, a substância em questão estará no estado sólido. Os valores que estiverem
entre as temperaturas de fusão e ebulição, a substância em questão estará no estado
líquido. E qualquer valor acima do fornecido pela tabela (temperatura de ebulição)
estará no estado gasoso.

5. (UFPB /2006) Os estados de agregação das substâncias (sólido, líquido e gasoso) de-
pendem das condições de temperatura (T) e pressão (P) as quais estão submetidas. Por
exemplo, ao nível do mar (P = 1 atm), a água é um sólido em temperaturas abaixo de 0
ºC, líquido no intervalo de 0 ºC a 100 ºC e um gás em temperaturas superiores. A tabela
1 mostra os valores de transições de fases de algumas substâncias para P = 1 atm.
Tabela 1- temperaturas de fusão e ebulição de algumas substâncias.

Com base nessas informações, analise as sentenças a seguir:

I. O maior número dessas substâncias no estado líquido, é encontrados no intervalo 0 ºC
< T > 36 ºC.
II. Todas as substâncias acima estarão no estado sólido em qualquer temperatura abaixo
de -63 ºC.
III. III. Apenas a substância naftaleno está no estado líquido a 90 ºC.
Está(ão) correta(s):
a) As alternativas I e II.
b) As alternativas II e III.
c) As Alternativas I e III.
d) Apenas a alternativa I.
e) Apenas a alternativa III.
Considerando que no item I a faixa de temperatura está entre 0 °C e 36 °C, teremos
três das quatro substâncias no estado líquido. Considerando uma temperatura de 25
°C, a água, o clorofórmio e o pentano estarão no estado líquido. Já o naftaleno a 25 °C
estará no estado sólido.
Na afirmativa II a única substância que não estará no estado sólido é o pentano, pois
sua temperatura de fusão é de -131 °C.
E na afirmativa III, além do naftaleno a água também está na fase líquida.

6. (UEG GO /2005) A mudança do estado físico de determinada substância pode ser ava-
liada em função da variação da temperatura em relação ao tempo, conforme o gráfico a
seguir. Considere que a 0 ºC o composto encontra-se no estado sólido.
questões comentadas 15

No gráfico, encontra-se a substância no estado líquido nos pontos:

a) I, II e IV.
b) III, IV e V.
c) II, III e IV.
d) I, III e V.
No gráfico, encontramos no estado líquido os pontos II, III e IV.
No gráfico, encontramos no estado líquido o ponto II, em que temos a fusão (passa-
gem do estado sólido para o líquido) ocorrendo a 40 °C, o ponto III que a fase de agre-
gação é somente o líquido e se encontra entre 40 °C e 148 °C e, por último, o ponto IV,
que está ocorrendo a ebulição (passagem da fase líquida para a fase vapor) na tempe-
ratura de 148 °C.

7. (FGV/2018) O gráfico apresenta a variação da temperatura de uma substância durante

aquecimento sob pressão constante.

Na representação gráfica, a fusão da substância ocorre no segmento:

a) I.
b) II.
c) III.
d) IV.
e) V.
A fusão ocorre no ponto II, onde temos a troca de estado sólido para o líquido

Como podemos observar, o gráfico possui cinco patamares:

I – sólido.
II – a coexistência do sólido e líquido, onde ocorre a fusão.
III – líquido.
IV – a coexistência do líquido e do gás, onde ocorre a ebulição.
V – gasoso.

8. (AUTOR - 2020) Qual das alternativas abaixo é a correta?

a) A matéria gasosa apresenta volume e forma variáveis, devido ao afastamento das
partículas que formam a matéria neste estado.
b) Uma pedra de naftalina deixada no armário caracteriza a vaporização.
c) A ebulição está representada pelo número 4, e este processo é caracterizado pela
passagem do estado líquido para o sólido.

d) No estado líquido a substância assume a forma do recipiente que o contém. No

gráfico, esse estado está representado pelo número 1.

Tratando-se de moléculas no estado gasoso, a fase de agregação não possui nem forma
nem volume fixo. Ocupa o volume do recipiente que está e a forma que ele possui.
Vale lembrar que dentre os três estados, esse é o que possui maior agitação cinética.
questões comentadas 17

9. (UFV/2003) A naftalina, nome comercial do hidrocarboneto naftaleno, é utilizada em

gavetas e armários para proteger tecidos, papéis e livros do ataque de traças e outros
insetos. Assim como outros compostos, a naftalina tem a propriedade de passar do es-
tado sólido para o gasoso sem fundir-se. Esse fenômeno é chamado de:
a) liquefação.
b) sublimação.
c) combustão.
d) ebulição.
e) solidificação.
Naftalina, Iodo e gelo seco são exemplos típicos para a sublimação.

10. (UESC BA /2013)

A Química é uma ciência que estuda fundamentalmente a composição, as propriedades e as

transformações das substâncias químicas, das misturas e dos materiais formados por essas subs-
tâncias. Para identificá-las, os químicos utilizam um conjunto de propriedades específicas com
objetivo de diferenciá-las experimentalmente de uma mistura. O gráfico representa a curva de
aquecimento de uma determinada amostra de material sólido em função do tempo.

Uma análise dessas informações e da curva de aquecimento dessa amostra de material per-
mite afirmar:
a) A partir do ponto A, representado no gráfico, forma-se uma substância pura na
fase líquida.
b) A amostra do material analisado é uma mistura.
c) O material analisado, ao atingir 193 ºC, se transforma completamente em líquido.
d) A curva representa o comportamento de uma substância pura sólida durante o
e) As propriedades específicas utilizadas para identificação das substâncias químicas
dependem da quantidade da amostra utilizada.
Fazendo uma análise de todas as afirmativas temos que:
a) o ponto A representado no gráfico indica o início da ebulição, em que coexistem as
fases de agregação líquida e vapor.
b) alternativa correta, caracteriza uma mistura eutética.
c) ao atingir a temperatura de 193°C, o material se torna heterogêneo, em que pode-
mos observar duas fases ao mesmo tempo: a fase sólida e a fase líquida.
d) não somente para o estado sólido, já que o gráfico mostrou todas as fases de agre-
gação (sólido, líquido e gasoso).
e) falso, as propriedades específicas não dependem da quantidade analisada, mas
somente do material.

11. (UEM/2008) Assinale a alternativa incorreta.

a) Um sistema contendo água no estado líquido, óleo e cubos de gelo é constituído
por três fases e duas substâncias.
b) Uma solução aquosa não-saturada de NaCl com cubos de gelo é constituída de
duas fases.
c) Ponto de fusão e densidade são propriedades de grande importância na análise da
pureza de amostras sólidas de substâncias conhecidas.
d) Uma amostra líquida passa para o estado de vapor somente ao atingir o seu ponto
de ebulição.
e) A formação da ferrugem é exemplo de fenômeno químico.
Para se atingir o ponto de ebulição, necessariamente teria de ter informado a pressão
e a temperatura, que serão constantes.
E além do mais, a água passa para o estado de vapor em um processo espontâneo,
chamado de evaporação, não tendo uma temperatura específica, podendo ocorrer de
0 °C a 100 °C a pressão de 1 atm.
Analisando todas as afirmativas:
questões comentadas 19

a) o sistema no conteúdo água líquida e sólida constituída por um único componente

independente do estado físico, porém notamos duas fases. Já o óleo não é um compo-
nente miscível na água nem no gelo, tornando o sistema bifásico.
b) o termo solução não saturada ou insaturada uma mistura homogênea, pois o coe-
ficiente de solubilidade não foi atingido. Juntamente com os cubos de gelo forma um
sistema bifásico.
c) o ponto de fusão e de ebulição são propriedades específicas da matéria, sendo que
cada substância tem tais características.
e) a ferrugem é uma reação entre o ferro e o oxigênio atmosférico: Fe(s) + O2(g) . Fe2O3(s),
logo a formação de uma nova substância é uma transformação química.

12. (EsPCEx/2019) O critério utilizado pelos químicos para classificar as substâncias é ba-
seado no tipo de átomo que as constitui. Assim, uma substância formada por um único
tipo de átomo é dita simples e a formada por mais de um tipo de átomo é dita compos-
ta. Baseado neste critério, a alternativa que contém apenas representações de substân-
cias simples é:
a) HCl, CaO e MgS.
b) Cl2, CO2 e O3.
c) O2, H2 e I2.
d) CH4, C6H6 e H2O.
e) NH3, NaCl e P4.
Substâncias simples são aquelas que possuem um único elemento químico, indepen-
dente da atomicidade.

13. (ETEC SP/2018) O alumínio não é encontrado diretamente em estado metálico na crosta
terrestre e sua obtenção depende da extração do minério bauxita. O minério deve apre-
(A O )
sentar no mínimo 30% de óxido de alumínio 2 3
aproveitável para que a produção
do metal seja economicamente viável. As reservas brasileiras de bauxita, além da ótima
qualidade do minério, também estão entre as maiores do mundo.
<https://tinyurl.com/ychwg994> Acesso em: 10.04.2018. Adaptado.

O composto presente na bauxita, que leva à produção de alumínio, apresenta:

a) dois átomos.
b) dois elementos químicos.
c) cinco elementos químicos.
d) uma molécula de alumínio.
e) uma molécula de ozônio.
Note que o exercício perguntou quantos elementos a bauxita possui, sendo eles o
alumínio e o oxigênio.

14. (Univag/2020) Considere um sistema formado por três pedras de gelo, água líquida,
óleo, cloreto de sódio (aq) e sacarose (aq), sem corpo de fundo. Esse sistema possui:
a) 5 fases e 5 substâncias.
b) 2 fases e 4 substâncias.
c) 2 fases e 5 substâncias.
d) 3 fases e 5 substâncias.
e) 3 fases e 4 substâncias.
O detalhe do exercício é que o cloreto de sódio e a sacarose estão totalmente
Logo, a água e o óleo não são miscíveis, formando as duas fases líquidas heterogêneas.
O cloreto de sódio e a sacarose estão dissolvidas na água (a fase aquosa já foi contada).
E os cubos de gelo ficaram na superfície do recipiente, sendo contabilizada mais uma
Total de 3 fases.
Já em relação aos componentes, temos:
H2O(s) e H2O(l), sendo constituídas pela mesma substância. Óleo, cloreto de sódio e saca-
rose, totalizando 4 substâncias.

15. (IFRS/2018) A gripe é uma doença transmitida de pessoa para pessoa, principalmente
por meio de gotículas de saliva eliminadas pelo paciente contaminado pelo vírus da
gripe. Existem diferentes tipos de gripe, que variam de acordo com o tipo de vírus que
acomete o paciente. A gripe H1N1 é causada por um subtipo de Influenza A que é deno-
minado de H1N1. Um dos primeiros procedimentos preventivos é a vacinação, o outro
é a higiene. No processo de higienização, principalmente das mãos, é aconselhável a
utilização de ÁLCOOL 70. Esse álcool é obtido pela adição de água ao álcool etílico até
atingir a proporção de 70% álcool e 30% água.
É correto afirmar que o Álcool 70 é uma:
a) substância pura, pois a água não altera sua composição.
b) mistura heterogênea, pois água e álcool são substâncias diferentes.
c) mistura homogênea, pois forma um sistema unifásico de mais de um constituinte.
d) substância simples, pois tanto água como álcool são compostos comuns no cotidia-
no das pessoas.
e) substância composta, pois é formada por mais de um componente.
Se o álcool é obtido pela adição de água ao álcool etílico até atingir a proporção de
70% álcool e 30% água, logo, a substância é dita uma mistura homogênea pelo fato do
etanol ser infinitamente solúvel em água.
questões comentadas 21

Analisando mais a fundo, o etanol cuja a função orgânica é o álcool possui um gru-
po funcional -OH ligado a átomo de carbono saturado, são extremante solúveis em
compostos polares, como a água, devido às ligações de hidrogênio existentes nas duas
moléculas. Os álcoois de cadeias menores (até 3 átomos de carbono), metanol, etanol
e propanol são infinitamente solúveis em água devido à interação de hidrogênio exis-
tente em ambas moléculas.
Interação de etanol e água:

Representação da ligação de hidrogênio nas moléculas de álcool:

16. (Unievangélica GO/2018)

É muito comum ouvir-se falar que o uso de combustíveis adulterados pode prejudicar o fun-
cionamento do veículo, além de causar danos ao motor. Combustíveis adulterados são aqueles
que têm na sua composição outros componentes com menor valor agregado, mas que possuem
propriedades físicas e químicas semelhantes ao combustível propriamente dito.
Considere-se um combustível com 30% desses componentes diversos, que irão adulterar o
mesmo. A mistura que poderá ser identificada visualmente é:
a) etanol e água.
b) óleo de mamona e querosene.
c) propanona e etanol.
d) gasolina, etanol e água.
O etanol e a água são compostos infinitamente miscíveis devido a sua polaridade.
Já a gasolina é um óleo por ser derivada do petróleo.

17. (UEA AM/2018) Desinfetante de amplo uso nas residências, a água sanitária é um
exemplo de:
a) substância simples.
b) substância composta.
c) substância pura.
d) mistura heterogênea.
e) mistura homogênea.
A água sanitária é composta por hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO) e água, formando assim
uma mistura homogênea, como podemos analisar na figura a seguir:

A água sanitária é composta de várias substâncias, caracterizando uma mistura.

Ao manusear tal produto, notamos que seu líquido é incolor, caracterizado pelo seu
odor forte devido às substâncias dissolvidas na água, caracterizando uma mistura

18. (ENEM/2015) Além de ser uma prática ilegal, a adulteração de combustíveis é preju-
dicial ao meio ambiente, ao governo e, especialmente, ao consumidor final. Em geral,
essa adulteração é feita utilizando compostos com propriedades físicas semelhantes às
do combustível, mas de menor valor agregado.
Considerando um combustível com 20% de adulterante, a mistura em que a adulteração
seria identificada visualmente é:
a) etanol e água.
b) etanol e acetona.
c) gasolina e água.
d) gasolina e benzeno.
e) gasolina e querosene.
questões comentadas 23

A gasolina e a agua são classificadas respectivamente como: substância apolar e
substância polar. Aqui vale lembrar a regra “SSS”, em que Semelhante Solubiliza
Olhando mais detalhadamente, analisaremos a polaridade das moléculas, lembrando
que Semelhante Solubiliza Semelhante.
a) etanol (polar) + água (polar) . são miscíveis entre si.
b) etanol (polar) + acetona (polar) . são miscíveis entre si.
c) gasolina (apolar) + água (polar) . são imiscíveis entre si.
d) gasolina (apolar) + benzeno (apolar) . são miscíveis entre si.
e) gasolina (apolar) + querosene (apolar) . são miscíveis entre si.

19. (PUC SP/2015)

Em um caderno foram registrados esquemas de béqueres contendo misturas formadas por

três das substâncias apresentadas na tabela acima.

Entre as representações do caderno, as únicas que não podem ser obtidas experimental-
mente, a 20 ºC, são:
a) 1, 3 e 6.
b) 2, 4 e 5.
c) 2, 5 e 6.
d) 1 e 4.
e) 1 e 2.

Primeiro passo: olhar as substâncias que são miscíveis entre si.
Segundo passo: olhar as densidades, para ver quem ficará na parte de baixo do reci-
piente e quem ficará na parte de cima.
Vemos que somente o benzeno (C6H6) não é solúvel em água.
Analisando frasco a frasco para obter a resposta:
Frasco 1) Benzeno menos denso que a água. Logo teria de ficar na posição invertida do
Classificando de cima para baixo: C6H6 + Mistura de água e H2SO4
Frasco 2) O ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4) é solúvel em água. Portanto o desenho está errado.

20. (ETEC SP/2015) Há mais de um tipo de bafômetro, mas todos são baseados em reações
químicas envolvendo o álcool etílico presente na baforada e um reagente – por isso, o
nome técnico desses aparelhos é etilômetro. Nos dois mais comuns são utilizados di-
cromato de potássio (que muda de cor na presença do álcool) e célula de combustível
(que gera uma corrente elétrica). Este último é o mais usado entre os policiais no Brasil.
Com a nova legislação, o motorista que for flagrado com nível alcoólico acima do permi-
tido (0,1 mg/L de sangue) terá que pagar uma multa de R$ 955,00, além de ter o carro
apreendido e perder a habilitação. Se estiver embriagado (níveis acima de 0,3 mg/L de
sangue), ainda corre o risco de ficar preso por 6 meses a 1 ano.
<https://tinyurl.com/yctm9zrz> Acesso em: 10.11.2017. Adaptado.
No etilômetro que muda de cor na presença do álcool, ocorre a seguinte reação química:

É possível identificarmos, na reação, a presença de:

a) uma substância simples nos reagentes e uma simples nos produtos.
b) três substâncias compostas nos reagentes.
c) quatro substâncias simples nos produtos.
d) átomos de sódio na substância verde.
e) ácido clorídrico nos reagentes.
Na reação como podemos observar, há somente substâncias compostas

1. (UFPE – 2008) Associe as atividades do cotidiano abaixo com as técnicas de laboratório

apresentadas a seguir:
( ) Preparação de cafezinho de café solúvel.
( ) Preparação de chá de saquinho.
( ) Coar um suco de laranja.
1. Filtração.
2. Solubilização.
3. Extração.
4. Destilação.
A sequência correta é:
a) 2, 3 e 1.
b) 4, 2 e 3.
c) 3, 4 e 1.
d) 1, 3 e 2.
e) 2, 2 e 4.
2. (UNIMEP SP – 2009) Têm-se as seguintes misturas: chumbo/ferro e acetona/água. Os
processos mais adequados para a separação de seus componentes são, respectivamente:
a) Decantação e liquefação.
b) Fusão fracionada e decantação.
c) Fusão fracionada e destilação.
d) Destilação e flotação.
e) Sedimentação e filtração.
3. (ASCES PE – 2012) Um erlenmeyer contém um sistema heterogêneo bifásico formado por
água, acetona e tetracloreto de carbono. Sabendo que acetona e água são miscíveis entre
si, que o tetracloreto de carbono é imiscível em água e em acetona, e que a acetona é um
líquido mais volátil que a água, assinale os métodos mais adequados para separar esses
três líquidos.
a) Decantação e fusão fracionada.
b) Filtração e decantação.
c) Centrifugação e decantação.
d) Decantação e destilação fracionada.
e) Filtração e destilação fracionada.

4. (UNISINOS RS – 2010) Abaixo está esquematizado o fluxograma relativo à separação dos

componentes de uma mistura constituída por azeite, água e açúcar totalmente dissolvido.

Examinado o fluxograma apresentado, você identifica os processos 1 e 2 como sendo,

a) Destilação e filtração.
b) Filtração e decantação.
c) Decantação e destilação.
d) Decantação e centrifugação.
e) Filtração e centrifugação.
5. (UFAL – 2006) Dos seguintes sistemas:
I. água + gasolina.
II. vapor d’água + oxigênio.
III. carvão + vinagre.
IV. água potável + partículas sólidas.
Aqueles formados por componentes separáveis por filtração são apenas:
a) I e II.
b) I e III.
c) II e III.
d) II e IV.
e) III e IV.
6. (UECE – 2019) Para fazer uma filtração a vácuo, são utilizados, necessariamente, os se-
guintes equipamentos:
a) Erlenmeyer, funil de vidro e papel de filtro.
b) Bureta, kitassato e funil de vidro.
c) Funil de Buchner, kitassato e papel de filtro.
d) funil de Buchner, béquer e kitassato.

7. (UFES – 2007) Na perfuração de uma jazida petrolífera, a pressão dos gases faz com que
o petróleo jorre para fora. Ao reduzir-se a pressão, o petróleo bruto para de jorrar e tem
de ser bombeado. Devido às impurezas que o petróleo bruto contém, ele é submetido
a dois processos mecânicos de purificação, antes do refino: separá-lo da água salgada e
separá-lo de impurezas sólidas como areia e argila. Esses processos mecânicos de purifi-
cação são, respectivamente:
a) Decantação e filtração.
b) Decantação e destilação fracionada.
c) Filtração e destilação fracionada.
d) Filtração e decantação.
e) Destilação fracionada e decantação.
8. (PUC PR – 2008) A água dura é aquela que contém sulfato de cálcio dissolvido. Tal água
não permite a formação de espumas por sabões e causa entupimentos em tubulações. O
soluto não pode ser eliminado por fervura. A correção desta água pode ser feita usando
carbonato de sódio, de acordo com a equação a seguir:
CaSO4(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → Na2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s)
A respeito desse processo, pode-se afirmar que:
a) É uma reação de oxirredução.
b) O fenômeno trata-se de uma síntese.
c) O carbonato de cálcio poderá ser removido por filtração simples, visto que ele é
insolúvel em água.
d) É um processo possível porque apresenta como produto uma substância solúvel em
e) O sistema formado é homogêneo.
9. (UESPI – 2008) Qual o processo de separação de misturas que é realizado para retirar a
poeira com o aspirador de pó?
a) Destilação simples.
b) Catação.
c) Levigação.
d) Filtração.
e) Centrifugação.
10. (UEG GO – 2009) Decantação é um processo mecânico que serve para desdobrar misturas
heterogêneas de sólidos ou de líquidos imiscíveis entre si.
Sobre esse processo, considere as afirmativas abaixo:
I. Os filtros adaptados às chaminés das fábricas decantam a poeira contida nos gases in-
dustriais, evitando seu lançamento na atmosfera.
II. Funis de decantação (ou de bromo) são rotineiramente utilizados em laboratórios para
separar líquidos imiscíveis de densidades diferentes.
III. O processo de sedimentação, que precede a decantação, pode ser acelerado com o uso
de um equipamento de laboratório denominado centrífuga.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA:

a) Apenas as afirmativas I e II são verdadeiras.
b) Apenas as afirmativas I e III são verdadeiras.
c) Apenas as afirmativas II e III são verdadeiras.
d) Todas as afirmativas são verdadeiras.
e) Todas as afirmativas são falsas.
11. (UEPG PR Adaptada – 2017) Em um laboratório existem três frascos sem identificação.
Sabe-se que um deles contém benzeno, o outro tetracloreto de carbono e o terceiro con-
tém metanol. As densidades dos líquidos estão listadas abaixo:
Benzeno (0,87 g/cm3).
Tetracloreto de carbono (1,59 g/cm3).
Metanol (0,79 g/cm3).
Desses líquidos, apenas o metanol é solúvel em água, cuja densidade é 1,00 g/cm3.
Dados: C (Z = 6), H (Z = 1), O (Z = 8), Cl (Z = 17).
Considerando essas informações, assinale o que for INCORRETO.
a) A mistura de água e metanol forma um sistema homogêneo.
b) A separação de tetracloreto de carbono e benzeno pode ser realizada por destilação
c) Em uma mistura de benzeno e água, o líquido que fica na fase inferior é a água.
d) O benzeno e o tetracloreto de carbono formam uma mistura homogênea, pois são
compostos apolares.
12. (ALFACON – 2020) A produção de sal comum nas salinas é um processo de separação
dos componentes de uma mistura. Quanto ao tipo de mistura que contém o sal (água
do mar) e o processo de separação observado nas salinas, podemos afirmar que temos,
a) Homogênea Filtração.
b) Homogênea Evaporação.
c) Heterogênea Cristalização.
d) Heterogênea Filtração.
e) Heterogênea Sublimação.
13. (Unievagélica GO – 2017) Basicamente, a composição dos componentes do petróleo bruto
está relacionada no quadro a seguir.

Considerando-se as informações do quadro, sabe-se que:


a) A gasolina terá estado líquido em uma temperatura de 25 °C.

b) O querosene pode ser separado da mistura a 100 °C.
c) Usa-se o processo de centrifugação para separar a gasolina da mistura.
d) Todos os componentes da mistura poderão ser separados por decantação.
14. (UERJ – 2006) Entre os sistemas abaixo, aquele cujos componentes podem ser separados
por centrifugação é o(a):
a) Petróleo.
b) Álcool hidratado.
c) Solução de sacarose em água.
d) Suspensão de leite de magnésia.
15. (UFTM MG – 2010) Observe o processo de separação de uma mistura constituída por
areia e enxofre.

O processo empregado é:
a) Decantação.
b) Flotação.
c) Fusão fracionada.
d) Dissolução fracionada.
e) Cristalização fracionada.
16. (ALFACON – 2020) Considere dois sistemas com as seguintes características:
I. Sistema homogêneo formado por dois líquidos com diferença considerável nos pontos
de ebulição.
II. Sistema heterogêneo líquido-sólido.
A separação dos componentes dos sistemas mencionados pode ser feita através, respectiva-
mente, de:
a) Fusão fracionada e filtração.
b) Destilação fracionada e filtração.
c) Filtração e destilação fracionada.
d) Destilação fracionada e destilação fracionada.
e) Filtração e fusão fracionada.

17. (UFU – 2009) O processo mais adequado para separar álcool de uma mistura de acetona é:
a) Filtração.
b) Decantação.
c) Peneiração.
d) Destilação fracionada.
e) Filtração a vácuo.
18. (UEPB – 2008) Na natureza, dificilmente encontram-se substancias puras. Geralmente,
encontram-se misturas constituídas de uma substancia principal e impurezas. Na separação
dessas misturas, empregam-se métodos de análises imediatas, que se aplicam conforme
o tipo de mistura. Assinale a alternativa que indica qual o método utilizado para separar
os componentes do ar.
a) Dissolução fracionada.
b) Destilação simples.
c) Ventilação.
d) Fusão fracionada.
e) Liquefação ou destilação fracionada.
19. (UEFS BA – 2007) São dadas as seguintes misturas
I. Água e cloreto de sódio (mistura homogênea).
II. Água e carvão ativo.
III. Água e éter (o éter é imiscível em água).
IV. Água e acetona (a acetona é miscível em água).
Os dois componentes de cada mistura podem ser separados, respectivamente, pelos métodos:
a) Filtração Destilação Filtração Decantação.
b) Destilação Decantação Decantação Destilação.
c) Filtração Filtração Decantação Destilação.
d) Filtração Decantação Decantação Destilação.
e) Destilação Filtração Decantação Destilação.
20. (UEM Adaptada– 2019) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma descrição correta de
processos de separação de misturas.
a) A decantação é um processo utilizado na separação de misturas homogêneas.
b) A destilação simples é o principal método de separação dos derivados do petróleo,
como, por exemplo, a gasolina e o diesel.
c) A centrifugação pode ser utilizada para a decantação do sal em uma solução insatu-
rada de nitrato de sódio em água.
d) Uma mistura de iodo e sal de cozinha pode ser separada pela sublimação do iodo.

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. E
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. E
19. E
20. D
questões comentadas 33

1. (UFPE – 2008) Associe as atividades do cotidiano abaixo com as técnicas de laboratório
apresentadas a seguir:
( ) Preparação de cafezinho de café solúvel.
( ) Preparação de chá de saquinho.
( ) Coar um suco de laranja.
1. Filtração.
2. Solubilização.
3. Extração.
4. Destilação.
A sequência correta é:
a) 2, 3 e 1.
b) 4, 2 e 3.
c) 3, 4 e 1.
d) 1, 3 e 2.
e) 2, 2 e 4.
Gabarito: A.
O processo de preparo do café solúvel é feito por meio de solubilização; o processo de
preparação do chá ocorre na seguinte ordem: extração, seguida de filtração – neste
caso, o processo adequado será a extração; e, para coar o suco de laranja, o processo é
semelhante a uma filtração.

2. (UNIMEP SP – 2009) Têm-se as seguintes misturas: chumbo/ferro e acetona/água. Os

processos mais adequados para a separação de seus componentes são, respectivamente:
a) Decantação e liquefação.
b) Fusão fracionada e decantação.
c) Fusão fracionada e destilação.
d) Destilação e flotação.
e) Sedimentação e filtração.
Gabarito: C.
A mistura de chumbo e ferro consiste em uma liga metálica. Para separá-la deverá ser
utilizada a fusão fracionada, em que um dos componentes (o de menor temperatura de
fusão) derrete primeiro.
Neste caso, o primeiro a se fundir será o chumbo, que possui temperatura de fusão pró-
xima a 330 °C; já o ferro tem temperatura de fusão próxima a 1500 °C.
Já para separar a mistura de água/acetona, tendo em vista que são líquidos miscíveis
entre si, utiliza-se o processo de destilação.

3. (ASCES PE – 2012) Um erlenmeyer contém um sistema heterogêneo bifásico formado por

água, acetona e tetracloreto de carbono. Sabendo que acetona e água são miscíveis entre
si, que o tetracloreto de carbono é imiscível em água e em acetona, e que a acetona é um
líquido mais volátil que a água, assinale os métodos mais adequados para separar esses
três líquidos.
a) Decantação e fusão fracionada.
b) Filtração e decantação.
c) Centrifugação e decantação.
d) Decantação e destilação fracionada.
e) Filtração e destilação fracionada.
Gabarito: D.
Como a água e acetona são miscíveis entre si, o primeiro passo será separar a mistura
heterogênea (solução aquosa de acetona + tetracloreto de carbono). O processo de se-
paração, pela mesma razão, será feito por decantação por funil.
Já a fase homogênea será separada por destilação fracionada, pelo fato de ambos os dois
líquidos possuírem temperatura de ebulição próximas.
questões comentadas 35

4. (UNISINOS RS – 2010) Abaixo está esquematizado o fluxograma relativo à separação dos

componentes de uma mistura constituída por azeite, água e açúcar totalmente dissolvido.

Examinado o fluxograma apresentado, você identifica os processos 1 e 2 como sendo,

a) Destilação e filtração.
b) Filtração e decantação.
c) Decantação e destilação.
d) Decantação e centrifugação.
e) Filtração e centrifugação.
Gabarito: C.
No processo 1 temos uma mistura heterogênea entre a solução de aquosa de açúcar e
o azeite. Para separar líquido heterogêneos, utilizamos o processo de decantação por
funil (Figura 1).
No processo 2, como temos uma mistura homogênea entre um sólido e um líquido, o
melhor processo para separação será a destilação (Figura 2).

Figura 1

Figura 2

5. (UFAL – 2006) Dos seguintes sistemas:

I. água + gasolina.
II. vapor d’água + oxigênio.
III. carvão + vinagre.
IV. água potável + partículas sólidas.
Aqueles formados por componentes separáveis por filtração são apenas:
a) I e II.
b) I e III.
c) II e III.
d) II e IV.
e) III e IV.
Gabarito: E.
Água e gasolina são líquidos imiscíveis, e são separados por um funil de decantação. O
vapor d’água e oxigênio é feito de gases que formam uma mistura homogênea, que pode
ser separada por uma liquefação fracionada.
Carvão e vinagre = sólido e líquido, respectivamente. São compostos imiscíveis, assim
como a água potável e as partículas sólidas, e podem ser separados por filtração.

6. (UECE – 2019) Para fazer uma filtração a vácuo, são utilizados, necessariamente, os se-
guintes equipamentos:
a) Erlenmeyer, funil de vidro e papel de filtro.
b) Bureta, kitassato e funil de vidro.
c) Funil de Buchner, kitassato e papel de filtro.
d) funil de Buchner, béquer e kitassato.
Gabarito: C.
questões comentadas 37

Para fazer a filtração a vácuo será necessário ter o funil de Buchner, o frasco Kitassato e
o papel filtro, além da bomba de vácuo ou da trompa d´água para a produção de vácuo.

Figura 1: bomba de vácuo.

Figura 2: trompa d´água.

7. (UFES – 2007) Na perfuração de uma jazida petrolífera, a pressão dos gases faz com que
o petróleo jorre para fora. Ao reduzir-se a pressão, o petróleo bruto para de jorrar e tem
de ser bombeado. Devido às impurezas que o petróleo bruto contém, ele é submetido
a dois processos mecânicos de purificação, antes do refino: separá-lo da água salgada e
separá-lo de impurezas sólidas como areia e argila. Esses processos mecânicos de purifi-
cação são, respectivamente:
a) Decantação e filtração.
b) Decantação e destilação fracionada.

c) Filtração e destilação fracionada.

d) Filtração e decantação.
e) Destilação fracionada e decantação.
Gabarito: A.
Considerando que o petróleo é e água são líquidos imiscíveis, o primeiro processo feito
é uma decantação. O segundo processo é separar as impurezas sólidas, como a argila e a
areia, ou seja, é a separação de uma mistura heterogênea entre sólido e líquido: filtração.

8. (PUC PR – 2008) A água dura é aquela que contém sulfato de cálcio dissolvido. Tal água
não permite a formação de espumas por sabões e causa entupimentos em tubulações. O
soluto não pode ser eliminado por fervura. A correção desta água pode ser feita usando
carbonato de sódio, de acordo com a equação a seguir:
CaSO4(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → Na2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s)
A respeito desse processo, pode-se afirmar que:
a) É uma reação de oxirredução.
b) O fenômeno trata-se de uma síntese.
c) O carbonato de cálcio poderá ser removido por filtração simples, visto que ele é
insolúvel em água.
d) É um processo possível porque apresenta como produto uma substância solúvel em
e) O sistema formado é homogêneo.
Gabarito: C.
Como um dos produtos da reação é um composto sólido não dissolvido em água, forma-
-se uma mistura heterogênea. Misturas heterogêneas entre um sólido e um líquido são
separadas por uma filtração comum.
questões comentadas 39

9. (UESPI – 2008) Qual o processo de separação de misturas que é realizado para retirar a
poeira com o aspirador de pó?
a) Destilação simples.
b) Catação.
c) Levigação.
d) Filtração.
e) Centrifugação.
Gabarito: D.
O processo de separação de misturas que é realizado para retirar a poeira do ar. Com o
aspirador de pó ocorre o processo chamado de filtração.

10. (UEG GO – 2009) Decantação é um processo mecânico que serve para desdobrar misturas
heterogêneas de sólidos ou de líquidos imiscíveis entre si.
Sobre esse processo, considere as afirmativas abaixo:
I. Os filtros adaptados às chaminés das fábricas decantam a poeira contida nos gases in-
dustriais, evitando seu lançamento na atmosfera.
II. Funis de decantação (ou de bromo) são rotineiramente utilizados em laboratórios para
separar líquidos imiscíveis de densidades diferentes.
III. O processo de sedimentação, que precede a decantação, pode ser acelerado com o uso
de um equipamento de laboratório denominado centrífuga.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
a) Apenas as afirmativas I e II são verdadeiras.
b) Apenas as afirmativas I e III são verdadeiras.
c) Apenas as afirmativas II e III são verdadeiras.
d) Todas as afirmativas são verdadeiras.
e) Todas as afirmativas são falsas.
Gabarito: C.
No item I os filtros adaptados às chaminés das fábricas “seguram” a poeira contida nos
gases industriais, evitando seu lançamento na atmosfera. O processo de separação feito
aqui é entre sólido e gás.
No item II os funis de decantação são utilizados para separar líquidos imiscíveis de den-
sidades diferentes, como, por exemplo, a água e o óleo.

Por fim, no item III, o processo de centrifugação nada mais é do que uma decantação

11. (UEPG PR Adaptada – 2017) Em um laboratório existem três frascos sem identificação.
Sabe-se que um deles contém benzeno, o outro tetracloreto de carbono e o terceiro con-
tém metanol. As densidades dos líquidos estão listadas abaixo:
Benzeno (0,87 g/cm3).
Tetracloreto de carbono (1,59 g/cm3).
Metanol (0,79 g/cm3).
Desses líquidos, apenas o metanol é solúvel em água, cuja densidade é 1,00 g/cm3.
Dados: C (Z = 6), H (Z = 1), O (Z = 8), Cl (Z = 17).
Considerando essas informações, assinale o que for INCORRETO.
a) A mistura de água e metanol forma um sistema homogêneo.
b) A separação de tetracloreto de carbono e benzeno pode ser realizada por destilação
c) Em uma mistura de benzeno e água, o líquido que fica na fase inferior é a água.
d) O benzeno e o tetracloreto de carbono formam uma mistura homogênea, pois são
compostos apolares.
questões comentadas 41

Gabarito: B.
Considerando que o tetracloreto de carbono (CCl4) e o benzeno (C6H6) são substâncias
apolares, elas serão solúveis entre si. O melhor processo para separá-las seria a destila-
ção fracionada. Isso porque a destilação simples ocorre de acordo com a diferença nos
pontos de ebulição do solvente e do soluto. Geralmente, as temperaturas de ebulição dos
compostos são muito diferentes, como, por exemplo, a água (100 °C – 1atm) e o cloreto
de sóio (NaCl – 1465 °C – 1 atm).
Por aquecimento em aparelhagem apropriada com um condensador adaptado apenas o
líquido entra em ebulição, passando para o estado gasoso, que, em seguida, é condensado
e recolhido, separando-se do sólido.
Já a destilação fracionada consiste no aquecimento dos líquidos misturados, em aparelha-
gem específica e com controle de temperatura. Dessa forma, à medida que a temperatura
for aumentando, o ponto de ebulição específico de cada líquido é atingido, fazendo com
que cada um deles deixe a mistura isoladamente.
Neste procedimento, os dois líquidos possuem temperatura de ebulição próximas, como,
por exemplo, a água (100 °C – 1 atm) e o Etanol (78 °C – 1 atm). O componente mais vo-
látil, ou seja, aquele com menor ponto de ebulição, é destilado primeiro. Este processo é
utilizado, por exemplo, na obtenção de bebidas alcoólicas e, também, no fracionamento
do petróleo para a obtenção de seus subprodutos.
Na destilação fracionada é utilizada uma coluna de fracionamento acoplada à aparelha-
gem da destilação.

Figura 1: destilação simples.


Figura 2: destilação fracionada.

12. (ALFACON – 2020) A produção de sal comum nas salinas é um processo de separação
dos componentes de uma mistura. Quanto ao tipo de mistura que contém o sal (água
do mar) e o processo de separação observado nas salinas, podemos afirmar que temos,
a) Homogênea Filtração.
b) Homogênea Evaporação.
c) Heterogênea Cristalização.
d) Heterogênea Filtração.
e) Heterogênea Sublimação.
Gabarito: B.
Considerando que o sal está dissolvido na água, o tipo de mistura será homogêneo, e o
melhor processo para separar essa mistura será a evaporação.
questões comentadas 43

13. (Unievagélica GO – 2017) Basicamente, a composição dos componentes do petróleo bruto

está relacionada no quadro a seguir.

Considerando-se as informações do quadro, sabe-se que:

a) A gasolina terá estado líquido em uma temperatura de 25 °C.
b) O querosene pode ser separado da mistura a 100 °C.
c) Usa-se o processo de centrifugação para separar a gasolina da mistura.
d) Todos os componentes da mistura poderão ser separados por decantação.
Gabarito: A.
Como a temperatura de ebulição da gasolina está na faixa de 30 a 200°C, em 25 °C ela
será líquida.

14. (UERJ – 2006) Entre os sistemas abaixo, aquele cujos componentes podem ser separados
por centrifugação é o(a):
a) Petróleo.
b) Álcool hidratado.
c) Solução de sacarose em água.
d) Suspensão de leite de magnésia.
Gabarito: D.
A centrifugação é uma decantação acelerada que separa componentes de uma mistura

A suspensão do leite de magnésia – Mg(OH)2 – é uma mistura heterogênea, devido ao

fato dessa base ser insolúvel em água.

15. (UFTM MG – 2010) Observe o processo de separação de uma mistura constituída por
areia e enxofre.

O processo empregado é:
a) Decantação.
b) Flotação.
c) Fusão fracionada.
d) Dissolução fracionada.
e) Cristalização fracionada.
Gabarito: C.
O processo que vimos no esquema mostrado é uma fusão fracionada, na qual um dos
sólidos derrete e o outro não. Neste caso, o enxofre fundiu e a areia não.

16. (ALFACON – 2020) Considere dois sistemas com as seguintes características:

I. Sistema homogêneo formado por dois líquidos com diferença considerável nos pontos
de ebulição.
II. Sistema heterogêneo líquido-sólido.
A separação dos componentes dos sistemas mencionados pode ser feita através, respectiva-
mente, de:
a) Fusão fracionada e filtração.
b) Destilação fracionada e filtração.
c) Filtração e destilação fracionada.
d) Destilação fracionada e destilação fracionada.
e) Filtração e fusão fracionada.
Gabarito: B.
Quando temos um sistema homogêneo formado por dois líquidos com diferença con-
siderável nos pontos de ebulição, utilizaremos a destilação fracionada, como visto no
esquema abaixo:
questões comentadas 45

No sistema heterogêneo líquido-sólido poderá ser feita uma filtração ou uma decantação.
No caso deste exercício utilizaremos a filtração, como mostra o esquema abaixo:

17. (UFU – 2009) O processo mais adequado para separar álcool de uma mistura de acetona é:
a) Filtração.
b) Decantação.
c) Peneiração.
d) Destilação fracionada.
e) Filtração a vácuo.
Gabarito: D.
Como o álcool e a acetona são líquidos miscíveis com temperatura de ebulição próximas,
o método mais adequado será a destilação fracionada.

18. (UEPB – 2008) Na natureza, dificilmente encontram-se substancias puras. Geralmente,

encontram-se misturas constituídas de uma substancia principal e impurezas. Na separação
dessas misturas, empregam-se métodos de análises imediatas, que se aplicam conforme
o tipo de mistura. Assinale a alternativa que indica qual o método utilizado para separar
os componentes do ar.
a) Dissolução fracionada.
b) Destilação simples.
c) Ventilação.
d) Fusão fracionada.
e) Liquefação ou destilação fracionada.
Gabarito: E.
Pelo fato de o ar ser sempre uma mistura homogênea, o processo para realizar a separação
dos seus componentes deve ser o seguinte: primeiro, o ar é transformado em líquido, por
meio do método da liquefação fracionada; em seguida, utilizamos a destilação fracionada.

19. (UEFS BA – 2007) São dadas as seguintes misturas

I. Água e cloreto de sódio (mistura homogênea).
II. Água e carvão ativo.
III. Água e éter (o éter é imiscível em água).
IV. Água e acetona (a acetona é miscível em água).
Os dois componentes de cada mistura podem ser separados, respectivamente, pelos métodos:
a) Filtração Destilação Filtração Decantação.
b) Destilação Decantação Decantação Destilação.
questões comentadas 47

c) Filtração Filtração Decantação Destilação.

d) Filtração Decantação Decantação Destilação.
e) Destilação Filtração Decantação Destilação.
Gabarito: E.
O processo de separação para a solução de água e cloreto de sódio é a destilação; para
a água e carvão ativo o processo utilizado é a filtração; no processo III, como a água e o
éter são imiscíveis entre si, o processo utilizado é a decantação; e, por fim, em relação à
mistura de água e acetona – líquidos miscíveis entre si –, utiliza-se a destilação.

20. (UEM Adaptada– 2019) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma descrição correta de
processos de separação de misturas.
a) A decantação é um processo utilizado na separação de misturas homogêneas.
b) A destilação simples é o principal método de separação dos derivados do petróleo,
como, por exemplo, a gasolina e o diesel.
c) A centrifugação pode ser utilizada para a decantação do sal em uma solução insatu-
rada de nitrato de sódio em água.
d) Uma mistura de iodo e sal de cozinha pode ser separada pela sublimação do iodo.
Gabarito: D.
Analisando as afirmativas, temos que:
A decantação é um processo utilizado na separação de misturas heterogêneas; a destila-
ção fracionada é o principal método de separação dos derivados do petróleo, como, por
exemplo, a gasolina e o diesel; e, por fim, a centrifugação não pode ser utilizada para a
decantação do sal em uma solução insaturada de nitrato de sódio em água, pois o sal
está totalmente dissolvido na água – o processo, aqui, seria a evaporação ou a destilação
A maneira mais correta de separar as misturas propostas é a sublimação do iodo do sal
de cozinha.

1. (AUTOR – 2020) O HCl, quanto ao número de hidrogênios ácidos, elementos químicos,

presença de carbono, presença de oxigênio e estado físico, classifica-se, respectivamen-
te, como:
a) monoácido, ternário, inorgânico, oxiácido, líquido.
b) monoácido, binário, inorgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
c) biácido, binário, inorgânico, oxiácido, gasoso.
d) biácido, ternário, orgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
e) monoácido, binário, orgânico, hidrácido, líquido.
2. (UERJ – 2018) No século XIX, o cientista Svante Arrhenius definiu ácidos como sendo as
espécies químicas que, ao se ionizarem em solução aquosa, liberam como cátion ape-
nas o íon H+. Considere as seguintes substâncias, que apresentam hidrogênio em sua
composição: C2H6, H2SO4, NaOH, NH4Cl.
Dentre elas, aquela classificada como ácido, segundo a definição de Arrhenius, é:

a) C2H6.
b) H2SO4.
c) NaOH.
d) NH4Cl.
3. (AUTOR – 2020) O ácido que é classificado como oxiácido, diácido e é formado por áto-
mos de três elementos químicos diferentes é:
a) H2S.
b) H4P2O7.
c) HCN.
d) H2SO3.
e) HNO3.
4. (UFMS – 2009) Os nomes dos ácidos oxigenados abaixo, são respectivamente:

a) nitroso, clórico, sulfuroso, fosfórico.

b) nítrico, clorídrico, sulfúrico, fosfórico.
c) nítrico, hipocloroso, sulfuroso, fosforoso.
d) nitroso, perclórico, sulfúrico, fosfórico.
e) nítrico, cloroso, sulfúrico, hipofosforoso.
5. (UNITAU SP – 2009) A ionização do ácido clorídrico na água produz:
a) cátion hidrogênio e ânion cloreto.
b) ânion hidrogênio e cátion cloreto.
c) cátion hidrogênio e ânion clorato.
d) ânion hidreto e cátion cloroso.
e) cátion hidrato e ânion clorito.

6. (FATEC SP – 2015) O gás amônia se dissolve em água segundo a reação em equilíbrio:

Segundo a teoria proposta por Arrhenius, a solução aquosa resultante da dissolução da

amônia em água é classificada como:
a) básica, pois absorve calor do meio ambiente.
b) básica, pois apresenta íons OH– (aq) como único ânion.
c) ácida, pois apresenta íons H+ (aq) não representados no equilíbrio.

d) ácida, pois apresenta íons (aq) como único cátion.

e) ácida, pois absorve calor do meio ambiente.
7. (UTPFR – 2019) Muitas substâncias químicas são usadas no nosso cotidiano. Alguns
exemplos são dados abaixo:
I. HNO3 – é utilizado na fabricação de explosivos como, por exemplo, a dinamite.
II. H2CO3 – é um dos constituintes dos refrigerantes e das águas gaseificadas.
III. NaOH – utilizado na fabricação de sabão.
IV. NH4OH – usado na produção de fertilizantes.
V. NaNO3 – usado na produção de fertilizantes e de pólvora.
VI. NaHCO3 – usado em remédios antiácidos e extintores de incêndio.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Os compostos I, II, V e VI pertencem à função óxidos.
b) Os compostos I, II e VI pertencem à função ácidos.
c) Os compostos II, V e VI pertencem à função sais.
d) Os compostos III e IV pertencem à função bases.
e) Os compostos I, II, III, IV, V e VI pertencem à função óxidos.
8. (UERN – 2013) Apesar do perigo iminente de os astronautas ficarem sem O2 para respi-
rar, a principal preocupação da NASA era evitar que a atmosfera da espaçonave ficasse
saturada de gás carbônico (CO2) exalado pela própria equipe. Isso causaria um abai-
xamento do pH do sangue da tripulação (acidemia sanguínea). Para eliminar o CO2 há
adaptados à ventilação, recipientes com LiOH, uma base capaz de absorver esse gás.
CO2 + 2 LiOH → Li2CO3 +H2O
(Pereira, L. F. Folha de São Paulo, 29/05/2003.)
A partir das informações e da reação contida no trecho anterior, marque a afirmativa
a) O hidróxido de lítio é uma base fraca.
b) O dióxido de carbono é um óxido ácido.
c) O carbonato de lítio é uma molécula biatômica.
d) O hidróxido de lítio apresenta ligação do tipo covalente.

9. (UNITAU SP – 2016) A determinação de glicose em fluidos biológicos humanos tem

sido utilizada como biomarcador de diversos distúrbios metabólicos. As dosagens são
baseadas em métodos com aminas aromáticas, métodos enzimáticos e métodos de
O método de Benedict utiliza Cu2+ como agente oxidante e é utilizado para dosagem de
glicose. O reativo contém uma pequena porção de Cu(OH)2 em equilíbrio com um sal com-
plexo hidrossolúvel, o qual reage com açúcares redutores em meio alcalino e, sob a ação de
calor (100 ºC), forma produtos coloridos, como descrito abaixo.

2 Cu(OH)2 Calor Cu2(OH)2 + H2O + 1/2 O2

ácidos H2O

Os nomes mais adequados para os compostos Cu(OH)2, Cu2(OH)2 e Cu2O são,

a) hidróxido cúprico, hidróxido cuproso e óxido de cobre II.
b) hidróxido cuproso, hidróxido cúprico e óxido cúprico.
c) hidróxido cúprico, hidróxido cuproso e óxido cuproso.
d) hidróxido cúprico, hidróxido cuproso e óxido cúprico.
e) hidróxido cuproso, hidróxido de cobre e óxido cuproso.
10. (UEPG PR – 2010)
Assinale o que for correto, no que se refere às informações sobre os compostos H3PO4 e
a) Por apresentar apenas dois hidrogênios ionizáveis o H3PO4 é denominado de
b) NaOH e NH4OH são dibases.
c) Os compostos das fórmulas apresentadas correspondem ao ácido fosfórico e a
base hidróxido de amônio.
d) Os compostos Fe(OH)2 e Fe(OH)3 são hidróxidos praticamente solúveis em água.
11. (AUTOR – 2020) A fórmula do hidróxido ferroso é:
a) Fe(OH)2.
b) Fe(OH)3.
c) FeO.
d) Fe2O3.

12. (AUTOR – 2020) Entre as bases a seguir, indique quais são praticamente insolúveis em
II. Mg(OH)2
IV. Al(OH)3
V. Fe(OH)2
a) V e VI.
b) IV e VI.
c) II, III e IV.
d) II, IV e V.
e) I, III e VI.
13. (Mackenzie SP – 2009) Na reação entre os gases N2 e H2, obtém-se unicamente gás
amônia. A solução aquosa de amônia recebe o nome de amoníaco (hidróxido de
amônio), que é o componente ativo de produtos de limpeza usados para remoção de
A partir dessas informações, considere as seguintes afirmações:
I. O hidróxido de amônio tem fórmula NH3.
II. Na formação do gás amônia, a reação ocorrida é de síntese.
III. O amoníaco tem fórmula NH4OH.
IV. A amônia tem fórmula NH4OH.
V. O cheiro irritante e forte, que se sente quando se usa amoníaco, é proveniente do gás
Estão corretas, somente:
a) I e IV.
b) II e V.
c) II e III.
d) I e II.
e) III e V.
14. (UFMA – 2014) Com relação às definições de ácido e base, é verdadeiro afirmar que:
a) Na reação: Zn(OH)2(s) + 2OH-(aq) →Zn(OH)2-4(aq) o hidróxido de zinco é uma base de
b) Na reação: HCO3-(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + CO32-(aq) a água funciona como um ácido de
c) Na reação: HCl(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + Cl-(aq) a água é, segundo Bronsted-Lowry, uma
base mais fraca que o Cl-.
d) Na reação: CH3CO2H(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + CH3CO2-(aq) a água é, segundo Bronsted-
-Lowry, uma base mais forte que o CH3CO2-(aq).

e) Mn2+ e metil-amina são ácido e base de Lewis, respectivamente.

15. (AUTOR – 2020) O HCl, quanto ao número de hidrogênios ácidos, elementos químicos,
presença de carbono, presença de oxigênio e estado físico, classifica-se, respectivamen-
te, como:
a) monoácido, ternário, inorgânico, oxiácido, líquido.
b) monoácido, binário, inorgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
c) biácido, binário, inorgânico, oxiácido, gasoso.
d) biácido, ternário, orgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
e) monoácido, binário, orgânico, hidrácido, líquido.
16. (AUTOR – 2020) O ácido fosfórico, H3PO4, pode originar o ânion:
a) HPO43
b) H2PO42
c) HPO4
d) PO44
e) PO43
17. (ITA SP – 2009) A posição relativa dos átomos, na molécula do ácido sulfúrico, é melhor
representada por:

18. (Mackenzie SP – 2020) Na ionização total de um ácido, obtêm-se íons HPO32- e hi-
droxônio. Para a fórmula do ácido e para o número total de íons hidroxônio temos,
a) H2PO3 e 2.
b) H3PO3 e 1.
c) HPO3 e 2.
d) H3PO3 e 2.
e) H3PO3 e 3.
19. (ITA SP – 2016) Qual dos ácidos abaixo é o menos volátil?
a) HCl.
b) HI.
c) H2SO3.
d) H2SO4.
20. (MOGI SP – 2009) O HCl, quanto ao número de hidrogênios ácidos, elementos químicos,
presença de carbono, presença de oxigênio e estado físico, classifica-se, respectivamen-
te, como:
a) monoácido, ternário, inorgânico, oxiácido, líquido.
b) monoácido, binário, inorgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
c) biácido, binário, inorgânico, oxiácido, gasoso.
d) biácido, ternário, orgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
e) monoácido, binário, orgânico, hidrácido, líquido.

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. E
15. B
16. E
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. B

1. (AUTOR – 2020) O HCl, quanto ao número de hidrogênios ácidos, elementos químicos,
presença de carbono, presença de oxigênio e estado físico, classifica-se, respectivamen-
te, como:
a) monoácido, ternário, inorgânico, oxiácido, líquido.
b) monoácido, binário, inorgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
c) biácido, binário, inorgânico, oxiácido, gasoso.
d) biácido, ternário, orgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
e) monoácido, binário, orgânico, hidrácido, líquido.
Analisando sua classificação, o HCl é um monoácido, por liberar um hidrogênio ionizá-
vel para o meio aquoso, binário por ter dois elementos, inorgânico, hidrácido por não
apresentar oxigênio e gasoso por ser um ácido volátil.

2. (UERJ – 2018) No século XIX, o cientista Svante Arrhenius definiu ácidos como sendo as
espécies químicas que, ao se ionizarem em solução aquosa, liberam como cátion ape-
nas o íon H+. Considere as seguintes substâncias, que apresentam hidrogênio em sua
composição: C2H6, H2SO4, NaOH, NH4Cl.
Dentre elas, aquela classificada como ácido, segundo a definição de Arrhenius, é:

a) C2H6.
b) H2SO4.
c) NaOH.
d) NH4Cl.
Para Arrhenius, a classificação para ácidos é: estruturas que liberam o íon H+(aq). A espé-
cie que contempla a definição de Arrhenius é: H2SO4.

3. (AUTOR – 2020) O ácido que é classificado como oxiácido, diácido e é formado por áto-
mos de três elementos químicos diferentes é:
a) H2S.
b) H4P2O7.
c) HCN.
d) H2SO3.
e) HNO3.
Para ser classificado como oxiácido, o ácido precisa possuir oxigênio, diácido, por libe-
rar dois hidrogênios ionizáveis, e ser formado por átomos de três elementos.

O ácido que completa a questão é o H2SO3.

4. (UFMS – 2009) Os nomes dos ácidos oxigenados abaixo, são respectivamente:


a) nitroso, clórico, sulfuroso, fosfórico.

b) nítrico, clorídrico, sulfúrico, fosfórico.
c) nítrico, hipocloroso, sulfuroso, fosforoso.
d) nitroso, perclórico, sulfúrico, fosfórico.
e) nítrico, cloroso, sulfúrico, hipofosforoso.
Sabendo que o nox do hidrogênio é igual a +1 e o nox do oxigênio é igual a -2, temos as

5. (UNITAU SP – 2009) A ionização do ácido clorídrico na água produz:

a) cátion hidrogênio e ânion cloreto.
b) ânion hidrogênio e cátion cloreto.
c) cátion hidrogênio e ânion clorato.
d) ânion hidreto e cátion cloroso.
e) cátion hidrato e ânion clorito.
A ionização do ácido clorídrico na água produz o cátion H+(aq) e ânion Cl-(aq), conforme
mostra a reação:
HCl(aq) . H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

6. (FATEC SP – 2015) O gás amônia se dissolve em água segundo a reação em equilíbrio:

Segundo a teoria proposta por Arrhenius, a solução aquosa resultante da dissolução da

amônia em água é classificada como:
a) básica, pois absorve calor do meio ambiente.
b) básica, pois apresenta íons OH– (aq) como único ânion.
c) ácida, pois apresenta íons H+ (aq) não representados no equilíbrio.
d) ácida, pois apresenta íons 4 (aq) como único cátion.
e) ácida, pois absorve calor do meio ambiente.
Em meio aquoso, os compostos que liberam o íon hidróxido (OH-) são classificados
como bases, segundo Arrhenius.

7. (UTPFR – 2019) Muitas substâncias químicas são usadas no nosso cotidiano. Alguns
exemplos são dados abaixo:
I. HNO3 – é utilizado na fabricação de explosivos como, por exemplo, a dinamite.
II. H2CO3 – é um dos constituintes dos refrigerantes e das águas gaseificadas.
III. NaOH – utilizado na fabricação de sabão.
IV. NH4OH – usado na produção de fertilizantes.
V. NaNO3 – usado na produção de fertilizantes e de pólvora.
VI. NaHCO3 – usado em remédios antiácidos e extintores de incêndio.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Os compostos I, II, V e VI pertencem à função óxidos.
b) Os compostos I, II e VI pertencem à função ácidos.
c) Os compostos II, V e VI pertencem à função sais.
d) Os compostos III e IV pertencem à função bases.
e) Os compostos I, II, III, IV, V e VI pertencem à função óxidos.
O composto HNO3 é utilizado na fabricação de explosivos como a dinamite e pertence
à função inorgânica ácido.
O composto H2CO3 é um dos constituintes dos refrigerantes e das águas gaseificadas e
pertence à função inorgânica ácido.
O composto NaOH é utilizado na fabricação de sabão e pertence à função inorgânica
O composto NH4OH é usado na produção de fertilizantes e pertence à função inorgâni-
ca base.

O composto NaNO3 é usado na produção de fertilizantes e de pólvora e pertence à

função inorgânica sal.
O composto NaHCO3 é usado em remédios antiácidos e extintores de incêndio e per-
tence à função inorgânica sal.

8. (UERN – 2013) Apesar do perigo iminente de os astronautas ficarem sem O2 para respi-
rar, a principal preocupação da NASA era evitar que a atmosfera da espaçonave ficasse
saturada de gás carbônico (CO2) exalado pela própria equipe. Isso causaria um abai-
xamento do pH do sangue da tripulação (acidemia sanguínea). Para eliminar o CO2 há
adaptados à ventilação, recipientes com LiOH, uma base capaz de absorver esse gás.
CO2 + 2 LiOH → Li2CO3 +H2O
(Pereira, L. F. Folha de São Paulo, 29/05/2003.)

A partir das informações e da reação contida no trecho anterior, marque a afirmativa

a) O hidróxido de lítio é uma base fraca.
b) O dióxido de carbono é um óxido ácido.
c) O carbonato de lítio é uma molécula biatômica.
d) O hidróxido de lítio apresenta ligação do tipo covalente.
O dióxido de carbono é um dos responsáveis pela chuva ácida, por ser considerado um
óxido ácido.

9. (UNITAU SP – 2016) A determinação de glicose em fluidos biológicos humanos tem

sido utilizada como biomarcador de diversos distúrbios metabólicos. As dosagens são
baseadas em métodos com aminas aromáticas, métodos enzimáticos e métodos de
O método de Benedict utiliza Cu2+ como agente oxidante e é utilizado para dosagem de
glicose. O reativo contém uma pequena porção de Cu(OH)2 em equilíbrio com um sal com-
plexo hidrossolúvel, o qual reage com açúcares redutores em meio alcalino e, sob a ação de
calor (100 ºC), forma produtos coloridos, como descrito abaixo.

2 Cu(OH)2 Calor Cu2(OH)2 + H2O + 1/2 O2

ácidos H2O

Os nomes mais adequados para os compostos Cu(OH)2, Cu2(OH)2 e Cu2O são,

a) hidróxido cúprico, hidróxido cuproso e óxido de cobre II.
b) hidróxido cuproso, hidróxido cúprico e óxido cúprico.
c) hidróxido cúprico, hidróxido cuproso e óxido cuproso.
d) hidróxido cúprico, hidróxido cuproso e óxido cúprico.

e) hidróxido cuproso, hidróxido de cobre e óxido cuproso.

Os nomes dos compostos Cu(OH)2, Cu2(OH)2 e Cu2O são, respectivamente, as bases
hidróxido cúprico e hidróxido cuproso. E, por fim, o óxido cuproso.

10. (UEPG PR – 2010)

Assinale o que for correto, no que se refere às informações sobre os compostos H3PO4 e
a) Por apresentar apenas dois hidrogênios ionizáveis o H3PO4 é denominado de
b) NaOH e NH4OH são dibases.
c) Os compostos das fórmulas apresentadas correspondem ao ácido fosfórico e a
base hidróxido de amônio.
d) Os compostos Fe(OH)2 e Fe(OH)3 são hidróxidos praticamente solúveis em água.
O compostos H3PO4, conhecido como ácido fosfórico, é uma substância incolor nor-
malmente encontrada no mercado em forma líquida viscosa. Ácido fosfórico é muito
empregado em diversas indústrias, sendo elas:
– Indústria alimentícia: Utilizado como acidulante de refrigerantes, doces, molhos para
saladas, geleias, fermentos biológicos. Além disso, utilizado na refinação do açúcar,
estabilizante de óleos vegetais, usinas de chocolate.
– Indústria farmacêutica: É utilizado na obtenção de insulina, produção de antibióticos,
fortificantes. Já na indústria química é utilizado na fabricação de fertilizantes agrícolas,
ração animal, produção de carvão, formulação de detergentes, dentre outros.
O composto NH4OH, conhecido como hidróxido de amônio ou amoníaco é bastante
nocivo se houver ingestão, inalação ou absorção da pele, sendo bastante irritante para
mucosas e sistema respiratório. Esse composto apresenta uma grande aplicabilidade,
no setor industrial pode ser utilizado na produção de tintas para cabelo, fertilizantes,
sabão, detergente, lubrificantes, dentre outros.
11. (AUTOR – 2020) A fórmula do hidróxido ferroso é:
a) Fe(OH)2.
b) Fe(OH)3.
c) FeO.
d) Fe2O3.
A nomenclatura OSO tem por característica ser o menor nox. Para o ferro, a menor
carga é +2.
Como a questão que a fórmula do hidróxido ferroso, que uma base, temos que:
Fe2+ + OH-

12. (AUTOR – 2020) Entre as bases a seguir, indique quais são praticamente insolúveis em
II. Mg(OH)2
IV. Al(OH)3
V. Fe(OH)2
a) V e VI.
b) IV e VI.
c) II, III e IV.
d) II, IV e V.
e) I, III e VI.
As bases consideradas insolúveis em água são: Mg(OH)2, Al(OH)3 e Fe(OH)2.
As bases consideradas solúveis são aquelas que estão na família dos metais alcalinos
(1), o NH4OH e os elementos dos alcalinos terrosos (2), com exceção do Mg2+ e do Be2+.

13. (Mackenzie SP – 2009) Na reação entre os gases N2 e H2, obtém-se unicamente gás
amônia. A solução aquosa de amônia recebe o nome de amoníaco (hidróxido de
amônio), que é o componente ativo de produtos de limpeza usados para remoção de
A partir dessas informações, considere as seguintes afirmações:
I. O hidróxido de amônio tem fórmula NH3.
II. Na formação do gás amônia, a reação ocorrida é de síntese.
III. O amoníaco tem fórmula NH4OH.
IV. A amônia tem fórmula NH4OH.
V. O cheiro irritante e forte, que se sente quando se usa amoníaco, é proveniente do gás
Estão corretas, somente:
a) I e IV.
b) II e V.
c) II e III.
d) I e II.
e) III e V.
Da reação entre os gases N2 e H2, obtém-se NH3, como mostra a reação abaixo:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g)

A solução aquosa de amônia é representado por:
NH3(g) + H2O(l) → NH4OH(aq)
Portanto, podemos concluir que:
O hidróxido de amônio ou amoníaco tem fórmula NH4OH.
A formação do gás amônia, a reação ocorrida é de síntese (N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g))
E o cheiro irritante e forte, que se sente quando se usa amoníaco, é proveniente do gás
amônia (NH3).

14. (UFMA – 2014) Com relação às definições de ácido e base, é verdadeiro afirmar que:
a) Na reação: Zn(OH)2(s) + 2OH-(aq) →Zn(OH)2-4(aq) o hidróxido de zinco é uma base de
b) Na reação: HCO3-(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + CO32-(aq) a água funciona como um ácido de
c) Na reação: HCl(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + Cl-(aq) a água é, segundo Bronsted-Lowry, uma
base mais fraca que o Cl-.
d) Na reação: CH3CO2H(aq) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + CH3CO2-(aq) a água é, segundo Bronsted-
-Lowry, uma base mais forte que o CH3CO2-(aq).
e) Mn2+ e metil-amina são ácido e base de Lewis, respectivamente.
Analisando as proposições, o Zn(OH)2(s) na reação descrita na alternativa A é considera-
da uma base de Arrhenius por liberar OH-(aq).
Na reação da afirmativa B analisando os pares conjugados H2O(l) / H3O+(aq) a água fun-
ciona como uma base de Bronsted-Lowry, por receber um próton (H+).
Já na afirmativa C a água atua como base de Bronsted-Lowry e é caracterizada como
uma base forte, por comparação de seu par conjugado (H2O(l) / H3O+(aq)) considerando
que o HCl é um ácido forte.
Na afirmativa D ocorre a mesma descrição que no item acima, a água está atuando
como base de Bronsted-Lowry e, ao mesmo tempo, caracteriza-se como uma base
forte, por comparação de seu par conjugado (H2O(l) / H3O+(aq)) considerando que o CH-
COO2H é um ácido orgânica fraco.
Por fim, o Mn2+ é considerado um ácido de Lewis por não possuir elétrons em sua
estrutura para doar, mas somente podendo receber. E a metil-amina (CH3-NH2) é uma
base de Lewis, por ter um par eletrônico disponível para doar.

15. (AUTOR – 2020) O HCl, quanto ao número de hidrogênios ácidos, elementos químicos,
presença de carbono, presença de oxigênio e estado físico, classifica-se, respectivamen-
te, como:
a) monoácido, ternário, inorgânico, oxiácido, líquido.
b) monoácido, binário, inorgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
c) biácido, binário, inorgânico, oxiácido, gasoso.
d) biácido, ternário, orgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.

e) monoácido, binário, orgânico, hidrácido, líquido.

Analisando o HCl, temos um hidrácido por não possuir oxigênio em sua estrutura, libe-
rando apenas um hidrogênio ionizável, como mostra a reação:
HCl(aq) → H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
É um diácido por ter somente dois elementos e é considerado um ácido inorgânico.
Por ser um hidrácido em temperatura ambiente é gasoso.

16. (AUTOR – 2020) O ácido fosfórico, H3PO4, pode originar o ânion:

a) HPO43.
b) H2PO42.
c) HPO4.
d) PO44.
e) PO43.
O ácido fosfórico, ao sofrer ionização, fica com a seguinte equação química:
H3PO4 → 3H+(aq) + PO43 (aq)
Liberando para o meio 3 íons H+(aq) e o grupo PO43 (aq), conhecido como fosfato.

17. (ITA SP – 2009) A posição relativa dos átomos, na molécula do ácido sulfúrico, é mais
bem representada por:

Como o ácido sulfúrico possui fórmula H2SO4, ele libera para o meio todos seus íons
H+. A primeira conclusão que temos é a de que os hidrogênios não estão ligados ao
enxofre diretamente.
Levando em consideração a teoria das ligações, o hidrogênio tem 1 elétron na camada
de valência e fará somente 1 ligação, os oxigênios possuem 6 elétrons na camada de
valência, então precisaram de 2 ligações para se completarem.
O enxofre é o átomo central e usará seus 6 elétrons de valência, fazendo ligações cova-
lentes e covalentes coordenadas (dativas).
Portanto temos como estrutura correta a letra C.

18. (Mackenzie SP – 2020) Na ionização total de um ácido, obtêm-se íons HPO32- e hi-
droxônio. Para a fórmula do ácido e para o número total de íons hidroxônio temos,
a) H2PO3 e 2.
b) H3PO3 e 1.
c) HPO3 e 2.
d) H3PO3 e 2.
e) H3PO3 e 3.
Como o ácido em questão liberou para o meio o íon HPO32-, concluímos que foram
ionizadas duas partículas positivas. Ou seja, para o meio foram liberados 2 íons H3O+(aq)
– íons hidroxônio.
Portanto, o ácido em questão só poderá ser o H3PO3.

19. (ITA SP – 2016) Qual dos ácidos abaixo é o menos volátil?

a) HCl.
b) HI.
c) H2SO3.
d) H2SO4.
O ácido menos volátil é aquele que não evapora com facilidade, portanto será conside-
rado um ácido fixo.
E na lista, o único ácido fixo que temos é o ácido sulfúrico: H2SO4 que possui tempera-
tura de ebulição de 338°C.
Lembrando as definições de fixos e voláteis:

Possuem temperaturas de ebulição superiores a 100ºC e, em temperatura ambiente

(25°C), passam muito lentamente para o estado de vapor.
Possuem temperaturas de ebulição inferiores a 100ºC e, em temperatura ambiente (25°C),
passam muito rapidamente para o estado de vapor.

20. (MOGI SP – 2009) O HCl, quanto ao número de hidrogênios ácidos, elementos químicos,
presença de carbono, presença de oxigênio e estado físico, classifica-se, respectivamen-
te, como:
a) monoácido, ternário, inorgânico, oxiácido, líquido.
b) monoácido, binário, inorgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
c) biácido, binário, inorgânico, oxiácido, gasoso.
d) biácido, ternário, orgânico, hidrácido, gasoso.
e) monoácido, binário, orgânico, hidrácido, líquido.
O HCl é considerado um monoácido, por liberar apenas um H+(aq), também é considera-
do um ácido binário por possuir dois elementos. O ácido clorídrico é um ácido hidráci-
do inorgânico por não possuir oxigênio e gasoso.
Esse ácido é muito utilizado em laboratórios e em processos industriais, principalmen-
te para a formação de haletos orgânicos (como o cloreto de metil CH3Cl).
Comercialmente é encontrado em sua forma impura, recebendo o nome comumente
conhecido de ácido muriático e é usado principalmente para a limpeza de rejuntes de
Além disso, esse ácido é encontrado no nosso estômago. É um dos principais compo-
nentes do suco gástrico.


Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:
Windsurfing around Britain
Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many
years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a
windsurf board.
‹I don’t really know why I did it, ‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to
be done, that was all. ‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally
go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking
one week off the previous record set in 1984.
Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of
England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other
side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometers, although given the changes of direction to find
the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.
Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn’t have
that much time to prepare, ‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with
trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the
start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in
a row no trouble. ‟
Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set
with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have
to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer›s
own equipment and expenses.
Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well
as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat
and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to
be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends,
the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.
When asked if his athlete’s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of
pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on
special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.
Such a prolonged period of grueling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for
this, Kevin favored the pub method. This also provided social opportunities. “The people we met
were really encouraging he recalls“. ‘They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard
work, but we had a lot of fun along the way “.
Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked
competitor at national level. ‟I don’t know where I’m ranked now, ‟ he says, `because I’ve missed
a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I’ll be
doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next

season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world
“stop windsurfers
Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

What does the pronoun “we” in paragraph 8 refer to?

a) Kevin and his coach who accompanied him.
b) Kevin and his parents who accompanied him.
c) Kevin and his friends who accompanied him.
d) Kevin and his girlfriend who accompanied him.


Texto 01
Going Mobile, Going Further!
By Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia – October 28, 2016
So, what happens to “learning” if we add the word “mobile” to it? The increasing and rapidly
developing use of mobile technology by English language learners is an unquestionable aspect of
today’s classroom. However, the attitude EFL teachers develop towards the use of mobile devices
as an aid for language teaching varies greatly.
The unique benefits of mobile learning for EFL teachers include the ability to bridge formal and
informal learning, which for language learners may be realized through supplementary out-of-clas-
sroom practice, translation support when communicating with target language speakers and the
capture of difficulties and discoveries which can be instantly shared as well as being brought back
into the classroom. Mobile learning can deliver, supplement and extend formal language learning;
or it can be the primary way for learners to explore a target language informally and direct their
own development through immediacy of encounter and challenge within a social setting. We still
miss sufficient explicit connection between these two modes of learning, one of which is mainly
formal and the other informal. Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual
benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and
informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way
to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.
One example of how mobile devices can bridge formal and informal learning is through instant
messaging applications. Both synchronous and asynchronous activities can be developed for lan-
guage practice outside the classroom. For example, in a discussion group on WhatsApp, students can
discuss short videos, practice vocabulary with picture collages, share recent news, create captions
and punch lines for memes, and take turns to create a multimodal story. Teachers can also create
applications specifically to practice new vocabulary and grammar to support classroom learning.
Digital and mobile media are changing and extending language use to new environments as well
as creating opportunities to learn in different ways. Mobile technology enables us to get physically
closer to social contexts of language use which will ultimately influence the ways that language is
used and learned. Therefore, let us incorporate mobile learning into our EFL lessons and literally
“have the world in our hands”.
(Disponível em http://www.richmondshare.com.br/going-mobile-going-further/)

In “Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal educa-
tion remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is
frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more
about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.”, the pronoun it (paragraph 2) refers to:

a) formal education
b) informal learning
c) mutual benefit
d) change
e) resource


Read TEXT 3 and answer question.
Michael Scherer
Back-to-school night this year in Mr. G’s sixth-grade classroom felt a bit like an inquisition.
Teacher Matthew Gudenius, a boyish, 36-year-old computer whiz who runs his class like a
preteen tech startup, had prepared 26 PowerPoint slides filled with facts and footnotes to deflect
the concerns of parents. But time was short, the worries were many, and it didn’t take long for the
venting to begin.
“I like a paper book. I don’t like an e-book,” one father told him, as about 30 adults squeezed
into a room for 22 students. Another dad said he could no longer help his son with homework
because all the assignments were online. “I’m now kind of taking out of the routine.”, he complai-
ned. Rushing to finish, Gudenius passed a slide about the debate over teaching cursive, mumbling,
“We don’t care about handwriting.” In a flash a mother objected: “Yeah, we do.”
At issue was far more than penmanship. The future of K-12 education is arriving fast, and it
looks a lot like Mr. G’s classroom in the northern foothills of California’s wine country. Last year,
President Obama announced a federal effort to get a laptop, tablet or smartphone into the hands
of every student in every school in the U.S. and to pipe in enough bandwidth to get all 49.8 million
American kids online simultaneously by 2017. Bulky textbooks will be replaced by flat screens.
Worksheets will be stored in the cloud, not clunky Trapper Keepers. The Dewey decimal system will
give way to Google. “This one is a big, big deal,” says Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for years. He doesn’t just teach a computer
on every student’s desk; he also tries to do it without any paper at all, saving, by his own estimate,
46,800 sheets a year, or about four trees. The paperless learning environment, while not the goals
of most fledgling programs, represents the ultimate result of technology transforming classroom.
Gudenius started teaching as a computer-lab instructor, seeing students for just a few hours
each month. That much time is still the norm for most kids. American schools have about 3.6 stu-
dents for every classroom computing device, according to Education Market Research, and only
1 in 5 school buildings has the wiring to get all students online at once. But Gudenius always saw
computers as a tool, not a subject. “We don’t have a paper-and-pencil lab, he says. When you are
learning to be a mechanic, you don’t go to a wrench lab.”
Ask his students if they prefer the digital to the tree-based technology and everyone will say
yes. It is not unusual for kids to groan when the bell rings because they don’t want to leave their
work, which is often done in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. Instead of telling his
students to show their work when they do an algebra equation, Gudenius asks them to create and
narrate a video about the process, which can then be shown in class. History lessons are enlivened
by brief videos that run on individual tablets. And spelling, grammar and vocabulary exercises have
the feel of a game, with each student working at his own speed, until Gudenius – who tracks the kids’

progress on a smartphone – gives commands like “Spin it” to let the kids know to flip the screens
of their devices around so that he can see their work and begin the next lesson.
Source: TIME- How to Eat Now. Education: The Paperless Classroom is Coming, p. 36-37; October 20, 2014

In the sentence “It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for years.” (paragraph 4),
the word it refers to the:
a) Dewey decimal system.
b) fledging program.
c) learning environment.
d) ultimate result of technology.
e) future of K-12 Education.


By Joel Stein
I am about to do what old people have done throughout history: call those younger than me
lazy, entitled, selfish and shallow. But I have studies! I have statistics! I have quotes from respected
academics! Unlike my parents, my grandparents and my great-grandparents, I have proof.
Here’s the code, hard data: the incident of narcissistic personality disorder in nearly three times
as high for people in their 20s as for the generation that’s now 65 or older, according to the National
Institutes of Health; 58% more college students scored higher on a narcissism scale in 2009 than in
1982. Millennials got so many participation trophies growing up that a recent study showed that
40% believe they should be promoted every two years, regardless of performance. They are fame
obsessed: three times as many middle school girls want to grow up to be a personal assistant to a
famous person as want to be a senator, according to a 2007 survey; four time as many would pick
the assistant job over CEO of a major corporation. They’re so convinced of their own greatness that
the National Study of Youth and Religion found the guiding morality of 60% of millennials in any
situation as that they’ll just be able to feel what’s right. Their development is stunted: more people
ages 18 to 29 live with their parents than with a spouse, according to the 2012 Clarck University Poll
of Emerging Adults. And they are lazy. In 1992, the non-profit Families and Work Institute reported
that 80% of people under 23 wanted to one day have a job with greater responsibility; 10 years
later, only 60% did.
Millennials consist, depending on whom you ask, of people born from 1980 to 2000. To put it
more simply for them, since they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads, thanks to
computers, the group is made up mostly of teens and 20-somethings. At 80 million strong, they are
the biggest age grouping in American history. Each country’s millennials are different, but because
of globalization, social media, the export of Western culture and the speed of change, millennials
worldwide are more similar to one another than to old generations within their nations. Even in
China, where family history is more important than any individual, the internet, urbanization and
the onechild policy have created a generation as overconfident and self-involved as the Western
one. And these aren’t just rich-kid problems: poor millennials have even higher rates of narcissism,
materialism and technology addiction in their ghetto-fabulous lives.
They are the most threatening and exciting generation since the baby boomers brought about
social revolution, not because they’re trying to take over the Establishment but because they’re
growing up without one. The Industrial Revolution made individuals far more powerful - they could

move to a city, start a business, read and form organizations. The information revolution has further
empowered individuals by handing them the technology to compete against huge organizations:
hackers vs. corporations, bloggers vs. newspapers, terrorists vs. Nation-states, YouTube directors vs.
studios, app-makers vs. entire industries. Millennials don’t need us. That’s why we’re scared of them.
In the U.S, millennials are the children of baby boomers, who are also known as the Me
Generation, who then produced the Me Me Me Generation, whose selfishness technology has
only exarcebated. Whereas in the 1950s families displayed a wedding photo, a school photo and
maybe a military photo in their homes, the average middle-class American family today walks amid
85 pictures of themselves and their pets. Millennials have come of age in the era of the quantified
self, recording their daily steps on FitBit, their whereabouts every hour of every day on PlaceMe
and their genetic data on 23 and Me. They have less civic engagement and lower political partici-
pation than any previous group. This is a generation that would have made Walt Whitman wonder
if maybe they should try singing a song of someone else.
They got this way partly because in the 1970s, people wanted to improve kids’ chances of
success by instilling self-esteem. It turns out that self-esteem is great for getting a job or hooking
up at a bar but not so great for keeping a job or a relationship. “It was an honest mistake,” says Roy
Baumeister, a psychology professor at Florida State University and the editor of Self-Esteem: The
puzzle of Low Self-Regard. “The early findings showed that, indeed, kids with high self-esteem did
better in school and were less likely to be in various kinds of trouble. It’s just that we’ve learned latter
that self-esteem is a result, not a cause.” The problem is that when people try to boost self-esteem,
they accidentally boost narcissism instead. “Just tell your kids you love them. It’s a better message,”
says Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University, who wrote Generation Me
and The Narcissism Epidemic. “When they’re little it seems cute to tell them they’re special or a
princess or a rock star or whatever their T-shirt says. When they’re 14 it’s no longer cute.” All that
self-esteem leads them to be disappointed when the world refuses to affirm how great they know
they are. “This generation has the highest likelihood of having unmet expectations with respect to
their careers and the lowest levels of satisfaction with their careers at the stage that they’re at,” says
Sean Lyons, co-editor of Managing the New Workforce: International Perspectives on the Millennial
Generation. “It is sort of a crisis of unmet expectations.”
What millennials are most famous for, besides narcissism is its effect: entitlement. If you want
to sell seminars to middle managers, make them about how to deal with young employees who
email the CEO directly and beg off projects they find boring. English teacher David McCullough Jr.’s
address last year to Wellesley High School’s graduating class, a 12-minute reality check titled “You
Are Not Special,” has nearly 2 million hits on YouTube. “Climb the mountain so you can see the world,
not so the world can see you,” McCullough told the graduates. He says nearly all the response to
the video has been positive, especially from millennials themselves; the video has 57 likes for every
dislike. Though they’re cocky about their place in the world, millennials are also stunted, having
prolonged a life stage between teenager and adult that this magazine once called twixters and will
now use once again in an attempt to get that term to catch on. The idea of the teenager started
in the 1920s; in 1910, only a tiny percentage of kids went to high school, so most people’s social
interactions were with adults in their families or in the workplace. Now that cell phones allow kids
to socialize at every hour – they send and receive an average of 88 texts a day, according to Pew –
they’re living under the constant influence of their friends. “Peer pressure is anti-intellectual. It is
anti-historical. It is anti-eloquence,” says Mark Bauerlein, an English professor at Emory, who wrote
The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our
Future (or, Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30). “Never before in history have people been able to grow
up and reach age 23 so dominated by peers. To develop intellectually you’ve got to relate to older
people, older things: 17-year-olds never grow up if they’re just hanging around other 17-year-olds.”
Of all the objections to Obamacare, not a lot of people argued against parents’ need to cover their
kids’ health insurance until they’re 26.

Millennials are interacting all day but almost entirely through a screen. You’ve seen them at
bars, sitting next to one another and texting. They might look calm, but they’re deeply anxious
about missing out on something better. Seventy percent of them check their phones every hour,
and many experience phantom pocket-vibration syndrome. “They’re doing a behavior to reduce
their anxiety,” says Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University at Dominguez
Hills and the author of iDisorder. That constant search of a hit of dopamine (“Someone liked my
status update!”) reduces creativity. From 1966, when the Torrance Tests of Creativity Thinking
were first administered, through the mid-1980s, creativity scores in children increased. Then they
dropped, falling sharply in 1998. Scores on tests of empathy similarly fell sharply, starting in 2000,
likely because of both a lack to face-to-face time and higher degrees of narcissism. Not do only
millennials lack the kind of empathy that allows them to feel concerned for others, but they also
have trouble even intellectually understanding others’ points of view.
So, yes, we have all that data about narcissism and laziness and entitlement. But a generation’s
greatness isn’t determined by data; it’s determined by how they react to the challenges that befall
them. And, just as important, by how we react to them. Whether you think millennials are the new
greatest generation of optimistic entrepreneurs or a group of 80 million people about to implode in
a dwarf star of tears when their expectations are unmet depends largely on how you view change.
Me, I choose to believe in the children. God knows they do.
Source: Time. Available at http://time.com/247/millennials-the-me-me-me-generation/ Accessed on October 24, 2016.

In the sentence “If you want to sell seminars to middle managers, make them about how to
deal with young employees who email the CEO directly and beg off projects they find boring.”
(paragraph 7), the word ‘they’ refers to:
a) young employees.
b) projects.
c) middle managers.
d) seminars.
e) Millennials.


In the context of livestock production, biosecurity refers to those measures taken to keep
disease agents out of populations, herds, or groups of animals where they do not already exist. Bio-
security measures are implemented on national, state, and herd levels. Currently, there is heightened
awareness of national biosecurity as the United States attempts to keep foot-and-mouth disease
(FMD) out of its animal population.
In addition to national concerns, individual states take measures to prevent the entry/reintro-
duction of livestock diseases they have been able to prevent/eliminate from their herds by setting
requirements for aiming animals. Examples of diseases that are of particular concern to states
include brucellosis, tuberculosis, and pseudorabies.
Herd-level biosecurity usually rests with the herd owner or management team; they try to
exclude any disease that is not already present in the herd or limit the spread of disease within
the herd. Examples might include Streptococcus agalactiae mastitis, bovine virus diarrhea, ovine
progressive pneumonia, end swine dysentery. To be successful, biosecurity plans must address how
the group of animals will be isolated away from other groups, how traffic (movement of people,

animals, and equipment) will be regulated, and how cleaning and disinfection procedures will be
used to reduce pathogen levels.
What are the Greatest Risks of Disease Introduction?
Although infectious disease can be introduced to a farm in several ways, bringing new animals
or animals that have been commingled with, or exposed to, other animals usually presents the
greatest risk. New herd and flock sires, or replacement females, are often the way that new gene-
tics are added to the herd. This seemingly innocent process is a very common way of introducing
new disease-causing organisms. Producers should (attempt to purchase animals from sources with
known health status whenever possible. In addition, they should plan to:
• Isolate for at least wo weeks, but preferably a month, al new arrivals or animals returning
to the herd from situations where they were possibly exposed to other animals such as at fairs and
shows. Isolation should be in a facility completely separate from the home animals. Outerwear
(boots and coveralls) worn when tending to the quarantined animals should not be worn while
caring for other animals. If complete isolation is impossible, use a separate pen or pasture that does
not allow nose-to-nose contact or sharing of feed and water supplies. While the new animals are
isolated, testing should be accomplished for diseases of particular concern; negative test results
should be received before the new animals are mixed with the resident herd
• Work with your veterinarian to develop a sound health program that includes parasite control
and vaccination for the diseases most likely to be encountered in your operation or management
• Isolate animals showing signs of disease to minimize exposure of the apparently healthy
ones. Contact your veterinarian so that appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment can be initiated.
(Gary L Bowman, DVM. - Extension Veterinarian, Swine - & William P Shulaw, DV M. - Extension Veterinarian, Cattle and Sheep,
The Ohio State University Adapted from bro:/ohlolna.osu.edu/vme-fact/0006.html- accessed on 23 December 2006

THEY (2º §) refers to:

a) diseases;
b) states;
c) measures;
d) herds;
e) concerns.


Read the text about Nobel Prize for the question.
Dylan, Polite? lt Ain’t Him, Babe
STOCKHOLM — “I’m Not There” was the title of a 2007 movie about the exquisite elusiveness
of the singer Bob Dylan. It is also the unofficial theme of the week in Stockholm, where Mr. Dylan,
who won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, is not here to accept it.
He has not been here for anything else, either. He did not attend the traditional news con-
ference. He did not deliver the traditional lecture, He did not make the traditional visit to a local
school, or take part in the traditional fancy dinner with the Swedish Academy, which awards the
literature, Nobel every year. (All those events were canceled) And as he said before, he will not be
at the ceremony on Saturday, when the literature prize is to be awarded along with the medicine,
economics and science prizes, or at the banquet afterward.

Though Mr. Dylan has sent a message of thanks to be read aloud, he has not dispatched
someone to accept the award on his behalf, as other non-attendees have done. [...]
Mr. Dylan’s absence seems of a piece with his legendarily perverse unpredictability, but it has
also saddled the highly secretive academy, which is nearly as inscrutable as Mr. Dylan, with the
difficult task of explaining to the world why it does not feel insulted. [..]
Mr. Dylan is not the only winner in recent years who has failed to appear. Others include Alice
Munro, Doris Lessing, Harold Pinter and Elfriede Jelinek, but their reasons had to do with illness,
old age and, in the case of Ms. Jelinek, various prohibitive phobias (crowds, flying). In each case,
the winner either delivered a lecture that was filmed and transmitted to Stockholm or had the
lecture read aloud.
Mr. Dylan’s absence, however, does seem consistent with his general approach. “He’s behaved
so. strangely for so many years that if he would show up now and be cheerful and pleased, you’d
be. surprised” said Daniel Sandstrom, the literary director at the publisher Albert Bonniers. Also,
he said, Mr. Dylan’s politeness (or not) should have no bearing on whether he deserves to win the.
prize, “lt would be very bad to award it just to nice people;” he said. [..]
From: LYALL, Sarah. Available at: <bttpu/lvvwvwenytimes.com/2016/12/09/arts/bob-dylan-nobel-prize-sweden bem/

Based on the article, it is correct to affirm that the pronouns “it” (l.2), “it” (l.14), and “he”
(l.23), RESPECTIVELY, refer to:
a) “I’m not There”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “Daniel Sandstrom”.
b) “I’m not There”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “the publisher Albert Bonniers”.
c) “Bob Dylan’s elusiveness”, “Bob Dylan’s unpredictability” and “Daniel Sandstrom”.
d) “Bob Dylan’s elusiveness”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “the publisher Albert Bonniers”.
e) “the title of a 2007 movie”, “Bob Dylan’s unpredictability” and “the publisher Albert


Mario-Centered Nintendo Land To Open By Tokyo Olympics
Nintendo Land is set to become the next highly-anticipated attraction at Universal Studios
Japan, where it is scheduled to debut by 2020 in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The
recently confirmed $350 million deal was said to mirror the same large-scale investment that
was needed in building the Harry Potter-themed area of the park, which opened to the public
in July 2014.
Source: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/138890/20160 305/mario-centered-nintendo-land-set-to-openby-tokyo-olympics.
htm. (Adapted). Access: March 23rd, 2016.

The pronoun it refers to

a) Universal Studios Japan.
b) Tokyo Summer Olympics.
c) Nintendo Land.
d) The $350 million deal.

e) The Harry Potter-themed area.


Design Patterns

A design pattern is often posed as a question: how do we solve some design problem? Howe-
ver, a design problem is, by its nature, nonspecific, and rarely has a single straight-forward answer.
There might be several ways to solve the same problem, some better than others depending on the
specific situation and the specific context of the problem. A design pattern is intended to share not
just solutions but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved. Firstly,
patterns have a well-defined structure. This consistent layout makes it easy to browse through a
collection of patterns to find relevant help and then dive further into the material. The structure
encourages the author of the pattern to think carefully about the knowledge they’re sharing, whilst
making the material more consistently accessible to a reader.

Na expressão: “… how it might be solved…”, a palavra sublinhada refere-se a:

a) solution.
b) a better understanding.
c) design.
d) problem.
e) specific context.


Natural gas walts for its moment
Paul Stenquist
Cars and trucks powered by natural gas make up
a significant portion of the vehicle fleet in many parts
of the world. Iran has more than two million natural gas
vehicles on the road. As of 2009, Argentina had more
5 than 1.8 million in operation and almost 2,000 natural
gas filing stations. Brazil was not far behind. Italy and
Germany have substantial natural gas vehicle fleets.
Is America next?
With natural gas in plentiful supply at bargain
10 prices in the United States, issues that have limited its
use in cars are being rethought, and its market share
could increase, perhaps substantially.
According to Energy Department Price
Information from July, natural gas offers economic
15 advantages over gasoline and diesel fuels. If a
gasoline-engine vehicle can take you 40 miles on

one gallon, the same vehicle running on compressed

natural gas can do it for about $1.50 less at today’s
prices. To that savings add lower maintenance costs.
20 A study of New York City cabs running on natural
gas found that oil changes need not be as frequent
because of the clean bum of the fuel, and exhaust-
system parts last longer because natural gas is less
corrosive than other fuels.
25 Today, those economic benefits are nullified by
the initial cost of a natural gas vehicle — 20 to 30
percent more than a comparable gasoline-engine
vehicle. But were production to increase significantly,
economies of scale would bring prices down. In an
30 interview by phone, Jon Coleman, fleet sustainability
manager at the Ford Motor Company, said that given
sufficient volume, the selling price of natural gas
vehicles could be comparable to that of conventional
35 It may be years before the economic benefits
of natural gas vehicles can be realized, but the
environmental benefits appear to be immediate.
According to the Energy Department’s website, natural
gas vehicles have smaller carbon footprints than
40 gasoline or diesel automobiles, even when taking into
account the natural gas production process, which
releases carbon-rich methane into the atmosphere.
The United States government appears to favor
natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel. To promote the
45 production of vehicles with fewer carbon emissions, it
has allowed automakers to count certain vehicle types
more than once when calculating their Corporate
Average Fuel Economy, under regulations mandating
a fleet average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.
Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces
engineering challenges. While the fuel bums clean, it
55 is less energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned

in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel,

performance and efficiency are degraded.
But since natural gas has an octane rating of 130,
compared with 93 for the best gasoline, an engine
60 designed for it can run with very high cylinder pressure,
which would cause a regular gasoline engine to knock
from premature ignition. More cylinder pressure yields
more power, and thus the energy-density advantage
of gasoline can be nullified. [...]
65 Until the pressurized fuel tanks of natural gas
vehicles can be easily and quickly refueled, the fleet
cannot grow substantially. The number of commercial
refueling stations for compressed natural gas has been
increasing at a rate of 16 percent yearly, the Energy
70 Department says. And, while the total is still small,
advances in refueling equipment should increase
the rate of expansion. Much of the infrastructure is
already in place: America has millions of miles of
natural gas pipeline. Connecting that network to
75 refueling equipment is not difficult.
Although commercial refueling stations will be
necessary to support a substantial fleet of natural gas
vehicles, home refueling may be the magic bullet that
makes the vehicles practical. Electric vehicles depend
80 largely on home charging and most have less than half
the range of a fully fueled natural gas vehicle. Some
compressed natural gas home refueling products are
available, but they can cost as much as $5,000.
Seeking to change that, the Energy Department
85 has awarded grants to a number of companies in an
effort to develop affordable home-refueling equipment.
“Avalable at: <htip:Wawinybmes com/2013/10/30/a-tomobies/natural-gas-waits-for-its-moment himi?pagewanted=alâmo-
dul=SearchêâmabReward=relbias*3A1N2C%TB222%22%;3AN22RINIA 18% 22%7D>.Retrieved on: Sept 35., 2014. Adapted.

The personal pronoun it in “so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional

fuel” (lines 55-56) refers to
a) natural gas

b) degrading fuel
c) unconventional fuel
d) 93-octane rating fuel
e) more energy-dense fuel


Committee decides to lower the use of thermoelectric
power generation
GTCIT Magazine
The Monitoring Committee of the Electric Sector
(CMSE) decided on Monday (May 30, 2012), to
diminish the thermoelectric power generation in Brazil
as of next week. According to the Ministry of Mines
5 and Energy, Marcio Zimmermann, the thermoelectric
generation, which currently averages 4.000 megawatts
(MW), should now be reduced to 2.500 MW.
These plants are used in Brazil mainly to prevent
a power outage in the country in times of drought,
10 when the reservoirs of the dams are low. But the
ministry assured that the reservoir of the hydroelectric
plants are satisfactory, and that there will be no need
to resort to the thermoelectric resources,
According to the Minister Zimmermann, the
15 Southeast has an average of 90% of its reservoirs full,
Which is an excellent level for this time of year. Even
the Northeast, whose reservoir levels are a little lower,
do not compromise system security.
“The system is operating perfectly within the
20 current conditions, which safely allows us to reduce
the generation of thermoelectric energy. This will give
us an economic surplus that can be used towards
system maintenance and in the implementation of
new quality programs for the energy sector”, he said.
25 He also explained that: “of course, this does not
mean that the committee will not be flexible as to
this decision in case the current conditions take an

unexpected turn.” They will be following the reduction

of the projection for the coming months and, if
30 necessary, the plans will be changed according to
the demands vis-a-vis the resources.
“Available at: <http:/Nvww.glot.com/publicaciond.phg?Publicaciond, *=67700&iang=en>. Retrieved on: 13 June 2012.

In the text, “They” (line 28) refers to the

a) plans
b) resources
c) conditions
d) demands
e) committee


Complete o texto a seguir com os pronomes mais adequados.
This is Mark. ______ is a good friend of mine. That is Paula, _____ is his girlfriend. Mark and
Paula are from Germany. _____ are German. I live with my brother and ___ have a pet. ____ is a
dog called Otto.
A sequência correta é:

a) he - she - they - we - it
b) we - it - she - it - he
c) it - she - they - he - we
d) she - he - we - they – it


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:
Teaching English as a foreign language teacher: job description
Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) involves teaching adults and children whose first
or main language is not English. This can be done in the UK or abroad and the students may be
learning English for either business or leisure reasons.
Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) is also a widely used term and often
means the same thing as TEFL. It’s sometimes specifically used to refer to teaching English to
people who are living in the UK but who do not speak English as a first language. These students
are most commonly refugees and immigrants and need to learn the language in order to help
them settle into the UK society. Their courses are often government funded.
Teaching English as a second language (TESL) or teaching English as an additional language (TEAL)
may also be terms that are used but they generally all refer to the same thing - teaching English
to someone whose native language is not English.
Teachers of English as a foreign language can work in a variety of settings with different age
ranges. This can include commercial language schools, schools and institutions of further and

higher education throughout the UK and overseas. Some may also teach in industry, while others
are self-employed. Classes are usually taught in English, even with beginners. Teaching English as
a foreign language teacher: job description

Adapted from: < www.prospects.ac.uk/case-studies-working- abroad>

The pronoun THEY in “they generally all refer to the same thing” (third paragraph) refers to:
a) students who are learning EFL
b) native speakers of English.
c) the terms TES Land TEAL
d) the terms TESOL and TEFL.
e) foreign students learning English in the UK.


Skillset vs. Mindset: Which Will Get You the Job?
By Heather Huhman
There’s a debate going on among career
experts about which is more important: skillset or
mindset. While skills are certainly desirable for many
positions, does having the right ones guarantee
5 you’ll get the job?
What if you have the mindset to get the work
accomplished, but currently lack certain skills
requested by the employer? Jennifer Fremont-Smith,
CEO of Smarterer, and Paul G. Stoltlz, PhD, co-
10 author of Put Your Mindset to Work: The One Asset
You Really Need to Win and Keep the Job You Love,
recently sat down with U.S. News to sound off on this
Heather: What is more important to today’s
15 employers: skillset or mindset? Why?
Jennifer: For many jobs, skillset needs to come
first. The employer absolutely must find people who
have the hard skills to do whatever itis they are being
hired to do. Programmers have to know how to program.
20 Data analysts need to know how to crunch numbers in
Excel. Marketers must know their marketing tools and
software. Social media managers must know the tools
of their trade like Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, and

have writing and communication skill’s.

25 After the employers have identified candidates
with these hard skills, they can shift their focus to their
candidates’’ mindsets — attitude, integrity, work ethic,
personality, etc.
Paul: Mindset utterly trumps skillset.
30 Heather: Do you have any data or statistics to
back up your argument?
Jennifer: Despite record high unemployment,
many jobs sit empty because employers can’t find
candidates with the right skills. In a recent survey
35 cited in the Wall Street Journal, over 50 percent of
companies reported difficulty finding applicants with
the right skills. Companies are running lean and mean
in this economy — they don’t have the time to train for
those key skills.
40 Paul: (Co-author James Reed and |) asked
tens of thousands of top employers worldwide this
question: 1f you were hiring someone today, which
would you pick, A) the person with the perfect skills
and qualifications, but lacking the desired mindset, or
45 B) the person with the desired mindset, but lacking
the rest? Ninety-eight percent pick A. Add to this that
97 percent said it is more likely that a person with the
right mindset will develop the right skillset, rather than
the other way around.
50 Heather: How do you define skillset?
Jennifer: At Smarterer, we define skill set as the
set of digital, social, and technical tools professionals
use to be effective in the workforce. Professional
are rapidly accumulating these skills, and the tools
55 themselves are proliferating and evolving — we’re giving
people a simple, smart way for people to validate their
skillset and articulate it to the world.
Heather: How do you define mindset?
Paul: We define mindset as “the lens through

60 which you see and navigate life.” it undergirds and

affects all that you think, see, believe, say, and do.
Heather: How can job seekers show they have
the skillset employers are seeking throughout the
entire hiring process?
65 Jennifer: At the beginning of the process, seekers
can showcase the skills they have by incorporating
them, such as their Smarterer scores, throughout
their professional and personal brand materials. They
should be articulating their skills in their resume, cover
70 letter, LinkedIn profile, blog, website — everywhere
they express their professional identity.
Heather: How can job seekers show they have
the mindset employers are seeking throughout
the entire hiring process?
75 Paul: One of the most head-spinning studies
we did, which was conducted by an independent
statistician showed that, out of 30,000 CVs/resumes,
when you look at who gets the job and who does not:
A. The conventional wisdom fails (at best). None
80 of the classic, accepted advice, lice using action verbs
or including hobbies/interests actually made any
B. The only factor that made the difference was
that those who had one of the 72 mindset qualities
85 from our master model, articulated in their CV/resume,
in a specific way, were three times as likely to get the
job. Furthermore, those who had two or more of these
statements, were seven times more likely to get the
job, often over other more qualified candidates.
Avalabie at: <http://money.usnews comimoney/blogs/outsde-voices-careers/2011/08/26/SK Iset-vs-mindset-whichnwi-get-
-you-the-job>.Retreved on: 17 Sept. 2011. Adapted
The pronoun they in “they don’t have time to train for those key skills.” (lines 38-39) refers to
a) “employers” (line 33)
b) “candidates” (line 34)
c) “companies” (line 36)
d) “applicants” (line 36)
e) “thousands” (line 41)


And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a
number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile
phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of
course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll
have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service
centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service
Dear Customer,
If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company
authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the
product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name,
address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery,
or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.
Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use
only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time
of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product
are covered for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
What we will do
If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service
due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item
with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.
(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The pronoun WE in “And of course, we guarantee it” refers to:

a) the readers of the manual.
b) Ericsson’s staff
c) Ericsson mobile phone warranty.
d) Ericsson mobile phone’s new owners.
e) the Ericsson warranty and service program.


Atenção: Para responder às questões de números 17 a 19, considere o texto abaixo.
Facebook and mobile phones
Will Home work?

Apr 4th 2013, 23:24 by M.G | SAN FRANCISCO

A DAY after the mobile phone celebrated its 40th birthday, Facebook has produced
something that it hopes will make certain of the devices even more useful. On April 4th the

giant social network unveiled Home, new software that is designed to give it more
prominence on mobile phones powered by Android, an operating system developed by Google.
This matters because more and more folk are now accessing social networks from mobile
devices rather than from desktop computers and because mobile advertising revenues are growing
fast, albeit from a low base. Without a robust mobile presence, Facebook could see some of its
users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could miss out on a potentially massive
source of new revenue.
There had been speculation that Facebook was working on a phone of its own, or at least on
a mobile operating system to rival Android or Apple’s iOS. But dabbling in hardware at this stage of
its development would be a huge risk for Facebook and developing a rival operating system would
risk alienating Apple and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped power its advertising growth.
EMarketer, a research firm, reckons Facebook is on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be
spent around the world on mobile ads this year.
(Adaptado de http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2013/04/facebook-and-mobile-phones; Acessado em 08/04/2013)

As palavras it e whose, que aparecem sublinhadas no texto, referem-se, respectivamente, a

a) “Facebook” e “Apple e Google”.
b) “rede social” e “Facebook e Google”.
c) “presença” e “sistema operacional”.
d) “era” e “anúncios”.
e) “usuário” e “plataformas”.


Text II
Coming to an office near you
The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s job will be
Immense — and no country is ready for it
Innovation, the elixir of progress, has always cost
people their jobs. In the Industrial Revolution artisan
Weavers were swept aside by the mechanical loom.
Over the past 30 years the digital revolution has
5 displaced many of the mid-skill jobs that underpinned
20th-century middle-class life. Typists, ticket agents,
bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been
dispensed with, just as the weavers were.
For those, including this newspaper, who believe
10 that technological progress has made the world a
better place, such churn is a natural part of rising
prosperity. Although innovation kills some jobs, it
creates new and better ones, as a more productive

society becomes richer and its wealthier inhabitants

15 demand more goods and services. A hundred years
ago one in three American workers was employed
on a farm. Today less than 2% of them produce far
more food. The millions freed from the land were not
consigned to joblessness, but found better-paid work
20 as the economy grew more sophisticated. Today the
pool of secretaries has shrunk, but there are ever
more computer programmers and web designers.
Optimism remains the right starting-point, but
for workers the dislocating effects of technology may
25 make themselves evident faster than its benefits.
Technology’s impact will feel like a tomato, hitting
the rich world first, but eventually sweeping through
poorer countries too. No government is prepared for
30 Why be worried? It is partly just a matter of history
repeating itself. In the early part of the Industrial
Revolution the rewards of increasing productivity went
disproportionately to capital; later on, labuor reaped
most of the benefits. The pattern today is similar. The
35 prosperity unleashed by the Digital Revolution has
gone overwhelmingly to the owners of capital and the
highest-skilled workers.
Many of the jobs most at risk are lower down the
ladder (logistics, haulage), whereas the skills that are
40 least vulnerable to automation (creativity, managerial
expertise) tend to be higher up, so median wages are
likely to remain stagnant for some time and income
gaps are likely to widen.
Anger about rising inequality is bound to grow,
45 but politicians will find it hard to address the problem.
Shunning progress would be as futile now as the
Luddites’’ protests against mechanised looms were
in the 1810s, because any country that tried to stop
would be left behind by competitors eager to embrace.

50 new technology. The freedom to raise taxes on the

rich to punitive levels will be similarly constrained by
the mobility of capital and highly skilled labour.
The main way in which governments can help
their people through this dislocation is through
55 education systems. One of the reasons for the
improvement in workers’ fortunes in the latter part of
the Industrial Revolution was because schools were
built to educate them — a dramatic change at the time.
Now those schools themselves need to be changed,
60 to foster the creativity that humans will need to set
them apart from computers. There should be less
rote-leaning and more critical thinking,
Innovation has brought great benefits to humanity.
Nobody in their right mind would want to return to
65 the world of handloom weavers. But the benefits of
technological progress are unevenly distribute,
especially in the early stages of each new wave, and
kits up to governments to spread them. In the 19th
century it took the threat of revolution to bring about
70 progressive reforms. Today’s governments would do
well to start making the changes needed before their
people get angry.
“Avalabie at: <http!/Nvww.economist.com/news/eaders/21594298>, Retrieved on: Jan. 21 2014, Adapted.

The boldfaced pronoun in the fragment of Text II: “No government is prepared for it.” (lines
28-29) refers to
a) Government’s confidence in the ability to create jobs.
b) the advantages of technology.
c) the effect of sudden climate changes.
d) the outcomes of changes in technology.
e) the increased demand for goods and services as people become richer.


Text II
The Environmental Consequences
of Natural Resource Extraction
The environmental impact of society’s

dependence on natural resources is undeniable,

though with these resources set up as the lifeblood
of modem industry, many continue to downplay the
5 urgency of freeing ourselves from this dependence.
The most compelling and visual consequence of
burning carbon based fuels are the resulting CO,
emissions that act as greenhouse gases, the primary
contributor to global warming. However, as more
10 people study how the resources are developed, it
becomes apparent that the environmental damage
from these extraction processes may be as significant
as the emissions.
A recent article from Scientific American
15 demonstrates how little is known about the dangers
of extracting natural gas from the earth. Even though
the process had been deemed safe by the EPA, new
research suggests that this may not be the case.
Complicating the matter further is the fact that the
20 chemical mixture that companies use in the extraction
is considered a trade secret, and they are resistant to
providing this info on the grounds of secrecy.
The technology for burning coal with fewer
emissions is expensive yet feasible, but there is no
25 account for the environmental damage done during
the extraction process. Moreover, around the globe,
corporations are continually exploiting indigenous
regions for their resources. A report from the World
Wildlife Fund details the various problems that are
30 occurring in the Amazon region as a result of resource
exploitation. It explains the various effects that oil and
gas extraction can have, including deforestation,
regional conflict, biodiversity loss, and soil and
aquatic pollution. Selling the rights to these resources
35 to companies can be a strong move economically for
poor regions, but the long-term effects will greatly
outweigh the benefits on a global scale.

The need for alternative energy supplies is

urgent, and it will only serve the public to discuss the
40 full extent of the environmental dangers that carbon
based fuels pose. By not entering the dangers of
extraction into the case for developing clean energy,
the argument for implementing these technologies
is diminished, and the needs of the environment will
45 continue to be overshadowed by global events like
the current financial crisis.
Available at. <http:llcommon-breath.comthe-environmental-consequences-of-natural-resource-extraction/>.Retrieved on: Jan.
10””, 2014. Adapted.

In Text II, the word it (line 31) refers to

a) problems
b) exploitation
c) report
d) Amazon region
e) World Wildlife Fund


When was the first computer unvented?
The word “computer” was first recorded as being used in 1613 and was originally used to
describe a human who performed calculations or computations. The definition of a computer
remained the same until the end of the 19th century when people began to realize machines
never get tired and can perform calculations much faster and more accurately than any team of
human computers ever could.
In 1822, Charles Babbage began developing the Difference Engine, which was considered to
be the first automatic computing engine. It was capable of computing several sets of numbers
and making hard copies of the results. Unfortunately, because of funding he was never able to
complete a full-scale functional version of this machine. In June of 1991, the London Science
Museum completed the Difference Engine Nº 2 for the bicentennial year of Babbage’s birth and
later completed the printing mechanism in 2000.

Fonte: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm Acesso em: 15/10/2013

The word it in “It was capable of computing several sets of numbers” refers to
a) Charles Babbage.
b) Difference Engine.
c) The Science Musem.
d) The year 1822.


Giving people control! over what they are doing
makes them work harder.
by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. in Brain Wise
In a previous blog post I wrote that one of the best
ways to motivate people is to stimulate a desire for
mastery — and that breaking things into small pieces
and showing progress through the pieces encourages
5 the desire for mastery. Another tip for stimulating the
desire for mastery is to give people autonomy. When
people feel that they have some control over what
they are doing and how they do it, then their desire
for mastery increases. They will then be motivated to
10 continue and keep learning. If people feel that they
don’t have any control or autonomy, then they lose the
desire to learn and do more — they may lose the desire
to master whatever task you are asking them to do.
Here’s an example: Let’s say that you have created
15 a language learning app. The desire for mastery will
be automatically in play if the person wants to learn
à language. However, if you want people to continue
using the app, and use it frequently and often, then you
have to do more than just present lessons in the app.
20 One way to further stimulate the desire for mastery,
is to give them some control over how they use the
app. You can provide different types of exercises and
interactions, such as listening, writing, or speaking the
language, and let them choose which exercises and
25 activities they need or want, and in what order to do
them. If they feel they have control over how quickly
they go through the lessons, which ones they repeat,
which activities to engage in, and in what order, then
they will be more motivated to keep learning. What do
30 you think? Have you tried giving autonomy to keep

people motivated?
“Avalabie at: <http:Nvww.psychoiogytoday.comíblogtrain-wise/201310/gve-people-autonomy>.Retrieved on: Oct. 15” 2013.

In the sentence of the text: “They will then be motivated to continue and keep learning” (lines
9-10), the pronoun they refers to
a) people in general.
b) people who have a job.
c) people who don’t have a job.
d) language students.
e) students at the university.


House Approves Higher Debt Limit Without Condition
Feb. 11, 2014
WASHINGTON - Ending three years of brinkmanship in which the threat of a devastating default
on the nation’s debt was used to wring conservative concessions from President Obama, the
House on Tuesday voted to raise the government’s borrowing limit until March 2015, without
any conditions.
The vote - 221 to 201 - relied almost entirely on Democrats in the Republican-controlled House
to carry the measure and represented the first debt ceiling increase since 2009 that was not
attached to other legislation. Only 28 Republicans voted yes, and only two Democrats voted no.
Simply by holding the vote, Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio effectively ended a three-year Tea
Party-inspired era of budget showdowns that had raised the threat of default and government
shutdowns, rattled economic confidence and brought serious scrutiny from other nations
questioning Washington’s ability to govern. In the process, though, Mr. Boehner also set off a
series of reprisals from fellow Republican congressmen and outside groups that showcased the
party’s deep internal divisions.
During the October 2013 government shutdown, The Times’s David Leonhardt explained the
debt limit and how a failure to raise it could have affected the economy both at home and
“He gave the president exactly what he wanted, which is exactly what the Republican Party said
we did not want,” said a Republican representative, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, who last year
unsuccessfully tried to rally enough support to derail Mr. Boehner’s re-election as speaker. “It’s
going to really demoralize the base.”
The vote was a victory for President Obama, Democrats and those Senate Republicans who have
argued that spending money for previously incurred obligations was essential for the financial
standing of the federal government. “Tonight’s vote is a positive step in moving away from the
political brinkmanship that’s a needless drag on our economy,” Jay Carney, the White House
press secretary, said in a statement.
“A clean debt ceiling is a complete capitulation on the speaker’s part and demonstrates that he

has lost the ability to lead the House of Representatives, let alone his own party,” said Jenny Beth
Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots. “It is time for him to go.”
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, commended the speaker and promised to
pass the bill as soon as possible. “We’re happy to see the House is legislating the way they should
have legislated for a long time,” he said.

(Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/12/us/politics/ boehner-to-bring-debt-ceiling-to-vote-without-policy- atta-

chments. html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_2014021 2&_r=0)

No texto, o pronome sublinhado he refere-se a

a) the president.
b) Republican Party.
c) Tim Huelskamp .
d) Mr. Boehner.
e) David Leonhardt.

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. E
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. A

Read the text and mark the CORRECT alternative form question:
Windsurfing around Britain
Kevin Cookston, a 23-year-old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many
years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a
windsurf board.
‹I don’t really know why I did it, ‟ says Kevin, ‟just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to
be done, that was all. ‟ Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally
go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking
one week off the previous record set in 1984.
Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of
England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other
side. The journey officially covered 2.896 kilometers, although given the changes of direction to find
the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4.000 km.
Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. ‟I didn’t have
that much time to prepare, ‟ he explains. ‟But I went running often and supplemented that with
trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the
start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in
a row no trouble. ‟
Kevin had a budget of £7.000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set
with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40.000. Budgets have
to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer›s
own equipment and expenses.
Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well
as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat
and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to
be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends,
the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.
When asked if his athlete’s diet was a closely kept secret, Kevin replied that he ate a lot of
pasta and added the odd tin of tuna to keep up his energy. ‟Basically, we had anything that was on
special offer in the nearest supermarket, he confided.
Such a prolonged period of grueling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for
this, Kevin favored the pub method. This also provided social opportunities. “The people we met
were really encouraging he recalls“. ‘They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard
work, but we had a lot of fun along the way “.
Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and he is also a highly-ranked
competitor at national level. ‟I don’t know where I’m ranked now, ‟ he says, `because I’ve missed
a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I’ll be
doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next
season‟. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world
“stop windsurfers
Fonte: First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1, pg 116 Kenny/ Luque-Mortimer, Ed. Longman

What does the pronoun “we” in paragraph 8 refer to?

a) Kevin and his coach who accompanied him.
b) Kevin and his parents who accompanied him.
c) Kevin and his friends who accompanied him.
d) Kevin and his girlfriend who accompanied him.
No parágrafo 6 temos “... Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van
manned by four friends who followed his progress.’’
Então sabemos que Kevin estava com 4 amigos e no parágrafo 8 temos “... Isso também
proporcionou oportunidades sociais. “As pessoas que conhecemos foram realmente en-
corajadoras”, lembra. “Eles acharam que o que estávamos fazendo era realmente ótimo.
Foi um trabalho árduo, mas nos divertimos muito ao longo do caminho’’
Quem conheceu as pessoas? Kevin e seus amigos que o acompanharam.


Texto 01
Going Mobile, Going Further!
By Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia – October 28, 2016
So, what happens to “learning” if we add the word “mobile” to it? The increasing and rapidly
developing use of mobile technology by English language learners is an unquestionable aspect of
today’s classroom. However, the attitude EFL teachers develop towards the use of mobile devices
as an aid for language teaching varies greatly.
The unique benefits of mobile learning for EFL teachers include the ability to bridge formal and
informal learning, which for language learners may be realized through supplementary out-of-clas-
sroom practice, translation support when communicating with target language speakers and the
capture of difficulties and discoveries which can be instantly shared as well as being brought back
into the classroom. Mobile learning can deliver, supplement and extend formal language learning;
or it can be the primary way for learners to explore a target language informally and direct their
own development through immediacy of encounter and challenge within a social setting. We still
miss sufficient explicit connection between these two modes of learning, one of which is mainly
formal and the other informal. Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual
benefit: formal education remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and
informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way
to discover more about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.
One example of how mobile devices can bridge formal and informal learning is through instant
messaging applications. Both synchronous and asynchronous activities can be developed for lan-
guage practice outside the classroom. For example, in a discussion group on WhatsApp, students can
discuss short videos, practice vocabulary with picture collages, share recent news, create captions
and punch lines for memes, and take turns to create a multimodal story. Teachers can also create
applications specifically to practice new vocabulary and grammar to support classroom learning.
Digital and mobile media are changing and extending language use to new environments as well
as creating opportunities to learn in different ways. Mobile technology enables us to get physically
closer to social contexts of language use which will ultimately influence the ways that language is

used and learned. Therefore, let us incorporate mobile learning into our EFL lessons and literally
“have the world in our hands”.
(Disponível em http://www.richmondshare.com.br/going-mobile-going-further/)

In “Consequently, there are missed opportunities in terms of mutual benefit: formal educa-
tion remains somewhat detached from rapid socio-technological change, and informal learning is
frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a resource and a way to discover more
about evolving personal and social motivations for learning.”, the pronoun it (paragraph 2) refers to:
a) formal education
b) informal learning
c) mutual benefit
d) change
e) resource
Usamos os pronomes para evitar repetição de sujeito na frase, portanto se referem ao
sujeito que o antecede. Nesse caso é informal learning.
“…and informal learning is frequently sidelined or ignored when it could be used as a
“...e a aprendizagem informal é frequentemente deixada de lado ou ignorada quando
(ela = aprendizagem informal) poderia ser usada como um recurso...”


Read TEXT 3 and answer question.
Michael Scherer
Back-to-school night this year in Mr. G’s sixth-grade classroom felt a bit like an inquisition.
Teacher Matthew Gudenius, a boyish, 36-year-old computer whiz who runs his class like a
preteen tech startup, had prepared 26 PowerPoint slides filled with facts and footnotes to deflect
the concerns of parents. But time was short, the worries were many, and it didn’t take long for the
venting to begin.
“I like a paper book. I don’t like an e-book,” one father told him, as about 30 adults squeezed
into a room for 22 students. Another dad said he could no longer help his son with homework
because all the assignments were online. “I’m now kind of taking out of the routine.”, he complai-
ned. Rushing to finish, Gudenius passed a slide about the debate over teaching cursive, mumbling,
“We don’t care about handwriting.” In a flash a mother objected: “Yeah, we do.”
At issue was far more than penmanship. The future of K-12 education is arriving fast, and it
looks a lot like Mr. G’s classroom in the northern foothills of California’s wine country. Last year,
President Obama announced a federal effort to get a laptop, tablet or smartphone into the hands
of every student in every school in the U.S. and to pipe in enough bandwidth to get all 49.8 million
American kids online simultaneously by 2017. Bulky textbooks will be replaced by flat screens.
Worksheets will be stored in the cloud, not clunky Trapper Keepers. The Dewey decimal system will
give way to Google. “This one is a big, big deal,” says Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for years. He doesn’t just teach a computer
on every student’s desk; he also tries to do it without any paper at all, saving, by his own estimate,
46,800 sheets a year, or about four trees. The paperless learning environment, while not the goals
of most fledgling programs, represents the ultimate result of technology transforming classroom.
Gudenius started teaching as a computer-lab instructor, seeing students for just a few hours
each month. That much time is still the norm for most kids. American schools have about 3.6 stu-
dents for every classroom computing device, according to Education Market Research, and only
1 in 5 school buildings has the wiring to get all students online at once. But Gudenius always saw
computers as a tool, not a subject. “We don’t have a paper-and-pencil lab, he says. When you are
learning to be a mechanic, you don’t go to a wrench lab.”
Ask his students if they prefer the digital to the tree-based technology and everyone will say
yes. It is not unusual for kids to groan when the bell rings because they don’t want to leave their
work, which is often done in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. Instead of telling his
students to show their work when they do an algebra equation, Gudenius asks them to create and
narrate a video about the process, which can then be shown in class. History lessons are enlivened
by brief videos that run on individual tablets. And spelling, grammar and vocabulary exercises have
the feel of a game, with each student working at his own speed, until Gudenius – who tracks the kids’
progress on a smartphone – gives commands like “Spin it” to let the kids know to flip the screens
of their devices around so that he can see their work and begin the next lesson.
Source: TIME- How to Eat Now. Education: The Paperless Classroom is Coming, p. 36-37; October 20, 2014

In the sentence “It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for years.” (paragraph 4),
the word it refers to the:
a) Dewey decimal system.
b) fledging program.
c) learning environment.
d) ultimate result of technology.
e) future of K-12 Education.
Na passagem anterior temos todas as mudanças implementadas no ambiente de apren-
dizado “Bulky textbooks will be replaced by flat screens. Worksheets will be stored in the
cloud, not clunky Trapper Keepers. The Dewey decimal system will give way to Google.
“This one is a big, big deal””.
Portanto na passage em questão “It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for
years” se refere ao ambiente de aprendizado.


By Joel Stein
I am about to do what old people have done throughout history: call those younger than me
lazy, entitled, selfish and shallow. But I have studies! I have statistics! I have quotes from respected
academics! Unlike my parents, my grandparents and my great-grandparents, I have proof.

Here’s the code, hard data: the incident of narcissistic personality disorder in nearly three times
as high for people in their 20s as for the generation that’s now 65 or older, according to the National
Institutes of Health; 58% more college students scored higher on a narcissism scale in 2009 than in
1982. Millennials got so many participation trophies growing up that a recent study showed that
40% believe they should be promoted every two years, regardless of performance. They are fame
obsessed: three times as many middle school girls want to grow up to be a personal assistant to a
famous person as want to be a senator, according to a 2007 survey; four time as many would pick
the assistant job over CEO of a major corporation. They’re so convinced of their own greatness that
the National Study of Youth and Religion found the guiding morality of 60% of millennials in any
situation as that they’ll just be able to feel what’s right. Their development is stunted: more people
ages 18 to 29 live with their parents than with a spouse, according to the 2012 Clarck University Poll
of Emerging Adults. And they are lazy. In 1992, the non-profit Families and Work Institute reported
that 80% of people under 23 wanted to one day have a job with greater responsibility; 10 years
later, only 60% did.
Millennials consist, depending on whom you ask, of people born from 1980 to 2000. To put it
more simply for them, since they grew up not having to do a lot of math in their heads, thanks to
computers, the group is made up mostly of teens and 20-somethings. At 80 million strong, they are
the biggest age grouping in American history. Each country’s millennials are different, but because
of globalization, social media, the export of Western culture and the speed of change, millennials
worldwide are more similar to one another than to old generations within their nations. Even in
China, where family history is more important than any individual, the internet, urbanization and
the onechild policy have created a generation as overconfident and self-involved as the Western
one. And these aren’t just rich-kid problems: poor millennials have even higher rates of narcissism,
materialism and technology addiction in their ghetto-fabulous lives.
They are the most threatening and exciting generation since the baby boomers brought about
social revolution, not because they’re trying to take over the Establishment but because they’re
growing up without one. The Industrial Revolution made individuals far more powerful - they could
move to a city, start a business, read and form organizations. The information revolution has further
empowered individuals by handing them the technology to compete against huge organizations:
hackers vs. corporations, bloggers vs. newspapers, terrorists vs. Nation-states, YouTube directors vs.
studios, app-makers vs. entire industries. Millennials don’t need us. That’s why we’re scared of them.
In the U.S, millennials are the children of baby boomers, who are also known as the Me
Generation, who then produced the Me Me Me Generation, whose selfishness technology has
only exarcebated. Whereas in the 1950s families displayed a wedding photo, a school photo and
maybe a military photo in their homes, the average middle-class American family today walks amid
85 pictures of themselves and their pets. Millennials have come of age in the era of the quantified
self, recording their daily steps on FitBit, their whereabouts every hour of every day on PlaceMe
and their genetic data on 23 and Me. They have less civic engagement and lower political partici-
pation than any previous group. This is a generation that would have made Walt Whitman wonder
if maybe they should try singing a song of someone else.
They got this way partly because in the 1970s, people wanted to improve kids’ chances of
success by instilling self-esteem. It turns out that self-esteem is great for getting a job or hooking
up at a bar but not so great for keeping a job or a relationship. “It was an honest mistake,” says Roy
Baumeister, a psychology professor at Florida State University and the editor of Self-Esteem: The
puzzle of Low Self-Regard. “The early findings showed that, indeed, kids with high self-esteem did
better in school and were less likely to be in various kinds of trouble. It’s just that we’ve learned latter
that self-esteem is a result, not a cause.” The problem is that when people try to boost self-esteem,
they accidentally boost narcissism instead. “Just tell your kids you love them. It’s a better message,”
says Jean Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University, who wrote Generation Me
and The Narcissism Epidemic. “When they’re little it seems cute to tell them they’re special or a

princess or a rock star or whatever their T-shirt says. When they’re 14 it’s no longer cute.” All that
self-esteem leads them to be disappointed when the world refuses to affirm how great they know
they are. “This generation has the highest likelihood of having unmet expectations with respect to
their careers and the lowest levels of satisfaction with their careers at the stage that they’re at,” says
Sean Lyons, co-editor of Managing the New Workforce: International Perspectives on the Millennial
Generation. “It is sort of a crisis of unmet expectations.”
What millennials are most famous for, besides narcissism is its effect: entitlement. If you want
to sell seminars to middle managers, make them about how to deal with young employees who
email the CEO directly and beg off projects they find boring. English teacher David McCullough Jr.’s
address last year to Wellesley High School’s graduating class, a 12-minute reality check titled “You
Are Not Special,” has nearly 2 million hits on YouTube. “Climb the mountain so you can see the world,
not so the world can see you,” McCullough told the graduates. He says nearly all the response to
the video has been positive, especially from millennials themselves; the video has 57 likes for every
dislike. Though they’re cocky about their place in the world, millennials are also stunted, having
prolonged a life stage between teenager and adult that this magazine once called twixters and will
now use once again in an attempt to get that term to catch on. The idea of the teenager started
in the 1920s; in 1910, only a tiny percentage of kids went to high school, so most people’s social
interactions were with adults in their families or in the workplace. Now that cell phones allow kids
to socialize at every hour – they send and receive an average of 88 texts a day, according to Pew –
they’re living under the constant influence of their friends. “Peer pressure is anti-intellectual. It is
anti-historical. It is anti-eloquence,” says Mark Bauerlein, an English professor at Emory, who wrote
The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our
Future (or, Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30). “Never before in history have people been able to grow
up and reach age 23 so dominated by peers. To develop intellectually you’ve got to relate to older
people, older things: 17-year-olds never grow up if they’re just hanging around other 17-year-olds.”
Of all the objections to Obamacare, not a lot of people argued against parents’ need to cover their
kids’ health insurance until they’re 26.
Millennials are interacting all day but almost entirely through a screen. You’ve seen them at
bars, sitting next to one another and texting. They might look calm, but they’re deeply anxious
about missing out on something better. Seventy percent of them check their phones every hour,
and many experience phantom pocket-vibration syndrome. “They’re doing a behavior to reduce
their anxiety,” says Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University at Dominguez
Hills and the author of iDisorder. That constant search of a hit of dopamine (“Someone liked my
status update!”) reduces creativity. From 1966, when the Torrance Tests of Creativity Thinking
were first administered, through the mid-1980s, creativity scores in children increased. Then they
dropped, falling sharply in 1998. Scores on tests of empathy similarly fell sharply, starting in 2000,
likely because of both a lack to face-to-face time and higher degrees of narcissism. Not do only
millennials lack the kind of empathy that allows them to feel concerned for others, but they also
have trouble even intellectually understanding others’ points of view.
So, yes, we have all that data about narcissism and laziness and entitlement. But a generation’s
greatness isn’t determined by data; it’s determined by how they react to the challenges that befall
them. And, just as important, by how we react to them. Whether you think millennials are the new
greatest generation of optimistic entrepreneurs or a group of 80 million people about to implode in
a dwarf star of tears when their expectations are unmet depends largely on how you view change.
Me, I choose to believe in the children. God knows they do.
Source: Time. Available at http://time.com/247/millennials-the-me-me-me-generation/ Accessed on October 24, 2016.

In the sentence “If you want to sell seminars to middle managers, make them about how to
deal with young employees who email the CEO directly and beg off projects they find boring.”
(paragraph 7), the word ‘they’ refers to:

a) young employees.
b) projects.
c) middle managers.
d) seminars.
e) Millennials.
A frase em questão traduzida fica “Se você quiser vender seminários para gerentes de
nível médio, faça-os sobre como lidar com jovens funcionários que enviam e-mails dire-
tamente ao CEO e rejeitam projetos que eles acham chatos.”
Se nos perguntarmos quem acha os projetos chatos encontramos a resposta: jovens


In the context of livestock production, biosecurity refers to those measures taken to keep
disease agents out of populations, herds, or groups of animals where they do not already exist. Bio-
security measures are implemented on national, state, and herd levels. Currently, there is heightened
awareness of national biosecurity as the United States attempts to keep foot-and-mouth disease
(FMD) out of its animal population.
In addition to national concerns, individual states take measures to prevent the entry/reintro-
duction of livestock diseases they have been able to prevent/eliminate from their herds by setting
requirements for aiming animals. Examples of diseases that are of particular concern to states
include brucellosis, tuberculosis, and pseudorabies.
Herd-level biosecurity usually rests with the herd owner or management team; they try to
exclude any disease that is not already present in the herd or limit the spread of disease within
the herd. Examples might include Streptococcus agalactiae mastitis, bovine virus diarrhea, ovine
progressive pneumonia, end swine dysentery. To be successful, biosecurity plans must address how
the group of animals will be isolated away from other groups, how traffic (movement of people,
animals, and equipment) will be regulated, and how cleaning and disinfection procedures will be
used to reduce pathogen levels.
What are the Greatest Risks of Disease Introduction?
Although infectious disease can be introduced to a farm in several ways, bringing new animals
or animals that have been commingled with, or exposed to, other animals usually presents the
greatest risk. New herd and flock sires, or replacement females, are often the way that new gene-
tics are added to the herd. This seemingly innocent process is a very common way of introducing
new disease-causing organisms. Producers should (attempt to purchase animals from sources with
known health status whenever possible. In addition, they should plan to:
• Isolate for at least wo weeks, but preferably a month, al new arrivals or animals returning
to the herd from situations where they were possibly exposed to other animals such as at fairs and
shows. Isolation should be in a facility completely separate from the home animals. Outerwear
(boots and coveralls) worn when tending to the quarantined animals should not be worn while
caring for other animals. If complete isolation is impossible, use a separate pen or pasture that does
not allow nose-to-nose contact or sharing of feed and water supplies. While the new animals are

isolated, testing should be accomplished for diseases of particular concern; negative test results
should be received before the new animals are mixed with the resident herd
• Work with your veterinarian to develop a sound health program that includes parasite control
and vaccination for the diseases most likely to be encountered in your operation or management
• Isolate animals showing signs of disease to minimize exposure of the apparently healthy
ones. Contact your veterinarian so that appropriate diagnostic tests and treatment can be initiated.
(Gary L Bowman, DVM. - Extension Veterinarian, Swine - & William P Shulaw, DV M. - Extension Veterinarian, Cattle and Sheep,
The Ohio State University Adapted from bro:/ohlolna.osu.edu/vme-fact/0006.html- accessed on 23 December 2006

THEY (2º §) refers to:

a) diseases;
b) states;
c) measures;
d) herds;
e) concerns.
“In addition to national concerns, individual states take measures to prevent the entry/
reintroduction of livestock diseases they have been able to prevent/eliminate from their
herds by setting requirements for aiming animals.”
“Além das preocupações nacionais, os estados individuais tomam medidas para prevenir
a entrada/reintrodução de doenças do gado que eles conseguiram prevenir/eliminar de
seus rebanhos, estabelecendo requisitos para animais de destino.”
Se perguntarmos que conseguiu previnir/eliminar temos a resposta B – estados.


Read the text about Nobel Prize for the question.
Dylan, Polite? lt Ain’t Him, Babe
STOCKHOLM — “I’m Not There” was the title of a 2007 movie about the exquisite elusiveness
of the singer Bob Dylan. It is also the unofficial theme of the week in Stockholm, where Mr. Dylan,
who won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, is not here to accept it.
He has not been here for anything else, either. He did not attend the traditional news con-
ference. He did not deliver the traditional lecture, He did not make the traditional visit to a local
school, or take part in the traditional fancy dinner with the Swedish Academy, which awards the
literature, Nobel every year. (All those events were canceled) And as he said before, he will not be
at the ceremony on Saturday, when the literature prize is to be awarded along with the medicine,
economics and science prizes, or at the banquet afterward.
Though Mr. Dylan has sent a message of thanks to be read aloud, he has not dispatched
someone to accept the award on his behalf, as other non-attendees have done. [...]
Mr. Dylan’s absence seems of a piece with his legendarily perverse unpredictability, but it has
also saddled the highly secretive academy, which is nearly as inscrutable as Mr. Dylan, with the
difficult task of explaining to the world why it does not feel insulted. [..]

Mr. Dylan is not the only winner in recent years who has failed to appear. Others include Alice
Munro, Doris Lessing, Harold Pinter and Elfriede Jelinek, but their reasons had to do with illness,
old age and, in the case of Ms. Jelinek, various prohibitive phobias (crowds, flying). In each case,
the winner either delivered a lecture that was filmed and transmitted to Stockholm or had the
lecture read aloud.
Mr. Dylan’s absence, however, does seem consistent with his general approach. “He’s behaved
so. strangely for so many years that if he would show up now and be cheerful and pleased, you’d
be. surprised” said Daniel Sandstrom, the literary director at the publisher Albert Bonniers. Also,
he said, Mr. Dylan’s politeness (or not) should have no bearing on whether he deserves to win the.
prize, “lt would be very bad to award it just to nice people;” he said. [..]
From: LYALL, Sarah. Available at: <bttpu/lvvwvwenytimes.com/2016/12/09/arts/bob-dylan-nobel-prize-sweden bem/

Based on the article, it is correct to affirm that the pronouns “it” (l.2), “it” (l.14), and “he”
(l.23), RESPECTIVELY, refer to:
a) “I’m not There”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “Daniel Sandstrom”.
b) “I’m not There”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “the publisher Albert Bonniers”.
c) “Bob Dylan’s elusiveness”, “Bob Dylan’s unpredictability” and “Daniel Sandstrom”.
d) “Bob Dylan’s elusiveness”, “Bob Dylan’s absence” and “the publisher Albert Bonniers”.
e) “the title of a 2007 movie”, “Bob Dylan’s unpredictability” and “the publisher Albert
Na primeira parte temos “I’m Not There” was the title of a 2007 movie about the exquisite
elusiveness of the singer Bob Dylan. It is also the unofficial theme of the week”. O tema
não oficial da semana é I’m not there.
Depois temos “Mr. Dylan’s absence seems of a piece with his legendarily perverse unpre-
dictability, but it has also saddled the highly secretive academy, which is nearly as inscru-
table as Mr. Dylan, with the difficult task of explaining to the world why it does not feel
insulted.” Entendemos que a ausência do senhor Dylan não parece insultada.
Concluindo temos “...you’d be. surprised” said Daniel Sandstrom, the literary director at
the publisher Albert Bonniers. Also, he said, Mr. Dylan’s politeness…” Albert Bonniers
é uma editora, portanto não poderia ter dito, sendo assim que falou a frase foi Daniel


Mario-Centered Nintendo Land To Open By Tokyo Olympics
Nintendo Land is set to become the next highly-anticipated attraction at Universal Studios
Japan, where it is scheduled to debut by 2020 in time for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The
recently confirmed $350 million deal was said to mirror the same large-scale investment that
was needed in building the Harry Potter-themed area of the park, which opened to the public
in July 2014.

Source: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/138890/20160 305/mario-centered-nintendo-land-set-to-openby-tokyo-olympics.

htm. (Adapted). Access: March 23rd, 2016.

The pronoun it refers to

a) Universal Studios Japan.
b) Tokyo Summer Olympics.
c) Nintendo Land.
d) The $350 million deal.
e) The Harry Potter-themed area.
Os pronomes sempre se referem a algo citado anteriormente na frase, nesse exemplo o
que vai ser estreado em 2020 é a Nintendo Land.
“Nintendo Land is set to become the next highly-anticipated attraction at Universal Studios
Japan, where it is scheduled to debut by 2020”
“O Nintendo Land está programado para se tornar a próxima atração altamente esperada
no Universal Studios do Japão, onde está programado para estrear em 2020”


Design Patterns

A design pattern is often posed as a question: how do we solve some design problem? Howe-
ver, a design problem is, by its nature, nonspecific, and rarely has a single straight-forward answer.
There might be several ways to solve the same problem, some better than others depending on the
specific situation and the specific context of the problem. A design pattern is intended to share not
just solutions but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved. Firstly,
patterns have a well-defined structure. This consistent layout makes it easy to browse through a
collection of patterns to find relevant help and then dive further into the material. The structure
encourages the author of the pattern to think carefully about the knowledge they’re sharing, whilst
making the material more consistently accessible to a reader.

Na expressão: “… how it might be solved…”, a palavra sublinhada refere-se a:

a) solution.
b) a better understanding.
c) design.
d) problem.
e) specific context.
Os pronomes sempre se referem a algo citado anteriormente na frase.
“…but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved.”
“…mas uma melhor compreensão do problema e como ele pode ser resolvido.”


Natural gas walts for its moment
Paul Stenquist
Cars and trucks powered by natural gas make up
a significant portion of the vehicle fleet in many parts
of the world. Iran has more than two million natural gas
vehicles on the road. As of 2009, Argentina had more
5 than 1.8 million in operation and almost 2,000 natural
gas filing stations. Brazil was not far behind. Italy and
Germany have substantial natural gas vehicle fleets.
Is America next?
With natural gas in plentiful supply at bargain
10 prices in the United States, issues that have limited its
use in cars are being rethought, and its market share
could increase, perhaps substantially.
According to Energy Department Price
Information from July, natural gas offers economic
15 advantages over gasoline and diesel fuels. If a
gasoline-engine vehicle can take you 40 miles on
one gallon, the same vehicle running on compressed
natural gas can do it for about $1.50 less at today’s
prices. To that savings add lower maintenance costs.
20 A study of New York City cabs running on natural
gas found that oil changes need not be as frequent
because of the clean bum of the fuel, and exhaust-
system parts last longer because natural gas is less
corrosive than other fuels.
25 Today, those economic benefits are nullified by
the initial cost of a natural gas vehicle — 20 to 30
percent more than a comparable gasoline-engine
vehicle. But were production to increase significantly,
economies of scale would bring prices down. In an
30 interview by phone, Jon Coleman, fleet sustainability
manager at the Ford Motor Company, said that given
sufficient volume, the selling price of natural gas
vehicles could be comparable to that of conventional

35 It may be years before the economic benefits
of natural gas vehicles can be realized, but the
environmental benefits appear to be immediate.
According to the Energy Department’s website, natural
gas vehicles have smaller carbon footprints than
40 gasoline or diesel automobiles, even when taking into
account the natural gas production process, which
releases carbon-rich methane into the atmosphere.
The United States government appears to favor
natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel. To promote the
45 production of vehicles with fewer carbon emissions, it
has allowed automakers to count certain vehicle types
more than once when calculating their Corporate
Average Fuel Economy, under regulations mandating
a fleet average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.
Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces
engineering challenges. While the fuel bums clean, it
55 is less energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned
in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel,
performance and efficiency are degraded.
But since natural gas has an octane rating of 130,
compared with 93 for the best gasoline, an engine
60 designed for it can run with very high cylinder pressure,
which would cause a regular gasoline engine to knock
from premature ignition. More cylinder pressure yields
more power, and thus the energy-density advantage
of gasoline can be nullified. [...]
65 Until the pressurized fuel tanks of natural gas
vehicles can be easily and quickly refueled, the fleet
cannot grow substantially. The number of commercial
refueling stations for compressed natural gas has been
increasing at a rate of 16 percent yearly, the Energy
70 Department says. And, while the total is still small,
advances in refueling equipment should increase
the rate of expansion. Much of the infrastructure is

already in place: America has millions of miles of

natural gas pipeline. Connecting that network to
75 refueling equipment is not difficult.
Although commercial refueling stations will be
necessary to support a substantial fleet of natural gas
vehicles, home refueling may be the magic bullet that
makes the vehicles practical. Electric vehicles depend
80 largely on home charging and most have less than half
the range of a fully fueled natural gas vehicle. Some
compressed natural gas home refueling products are
available, but they can cost as much as $5,000.
Seeking to change that, the Energy Department
85 has awarded grants to a number of companies in an
effort to develop affordable home-refueling equipment.
“Avalable at: <htip:Wawinybmes com/2013/10/30/a-tomobies/natural-gas-waits-for-its-moment himi?pagewanted=alâmo-
dul=SearchêâmabReward=relbias*3A1N2C%TB222%22%;3AN22RINIA 18% 22%7D>.Retrieved on: Sept 35., 2014. Adapted.

The personal pronoun it in “so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional

fuel” (lines 55-56) refers to
a) natural gas
b) degrading fuel
c) unconventional fuel
d) 93-octane rating fuel
e) more energy-dense fuel
No início do parágrafo fala sobre a adaptação do gás natural como combustível de veí-
culos e usamos os pronomes para evitar repetição do sujeito que já foi mencionado
“Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces engineering challenges. While the fuel
bums clean, it is less energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned in an engine designed
to run on conventional fuel, performance and efficiency are degraded.”
“A adaptação do gás natural como combustível veicular introduz desafios de engenharia.
Enquanto o combustível queima limpo, é menos denso em energia do que a gasolina,
portanto, se for queimado em um motor projetado para funcionar com combustível
convencional, o desempenho e a eficiência serão degradados”.


Committee decides to lower the use of thermoelectric
power generation
GTCIT Magazine
The Monitoring Committee of the Electric Sector
(CMSE) decided on Monday (May 30, 2012), to
diminish the thermoelectric power generation in Brazil
as of next week. According to the Ministry of Mines
5 and Energy, Marcio Zimmermann, the thermoelectric
generation, which currently averages 4.000 megawatts
(MW), should now be reduced to 2.500 MW.
These plants are used in Brazil mainly to prevent
a power outage in the country in times of drought,
10 when the reservoirs of the dams are low. But the
ministry assured that the reservoir of the hydroelectric
plants are satisfactory, and that there will be no need
to resort to the thermoelectric resources,
According to the Minister Zimmermann, the
15 Southeast has an average of 90% of its reservoirs full,
Which is an excellent level for this time of year. Even
the Northeast, whose reservoir levels are a little lower,
do not compromise system security.
“The system is operating perfectly within the
20 current conditions, which safely allows us to reduce
the generation of thermoelectric energy. This will give
us an economic surplus that can be used towards
system maintenance and in the implementation of
new quality programs for the energy sector”, he said.
25 He also explained that: “of course, this does not
mean that the committee will not be flexible as to
this decision in case the current conditions take an
unexpected turn.” They will be following the reduction
of the projection for the coming months and, if
30 necessary, the plans will be changed according to
the demands vis-a-vis the resources.

“Available at: <http:/Nvww.glot.com/publicaciond.phg?Publicaciond, *=67700&iang=en>. Retrieved on: 13 June 2012.


In the text, “They” (line 28) refers to the

a) plans
b) resources
c) conditions
d) demands
e) committee
Quem irá acompanhar a redução é a comissão, o pronome sempre indica o sujeito que
faz a ação descrita.
“of course, this does not mean that the committee will not be flexible as to this decision
in case the current conditions take an unexpected turn.” They will be following the re-
duction of the projection for the coming months.”
“claro que isso não significa que a comissão não será flexível quanto à esta decisão caso
as condições atuais tomem um rumo inesperado.” Eles vão acompanhar a redução da
projeção para os próximos meses”.


Complete o texto a seguir com os pronomes mais adequados.
This is Mark. ______ is a good friend of mine. That is Paula, _____ is his girlfriend. Mark and
Paula are from Germany. _____ are German. I live with my brother and ___ have a pet. ____ is a
dog called Otto.
A sequência correta é:

a) he - she - they - we - it
b) we - it - she - it - he
c) it - she - they - he - we
d) she - he - we - they – it
Na primeira parte temos o nome Mark e o pronome masculino no singular é he. Portanto
só pode ser a alternativa A.
This is Mark. he is a good friend of mine. That is Paula, she is his girlfriend. Mark and
Paula are from Germany. They are German. I live with my brother and we have a pet. It
is a dog called Otto.


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:
Teaching English as a foreign language teacher: job description
Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) involves teaching adults and children whose first
or main language is not English. This can be done in the UK or abroad and the students may be
learning English for either business or leisure reasons.
Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) is also a widely used term and often
means the same thing as TEFL. It’s sometimes specifically used to refer to teaching English to
people who are living in the UK but who do not speak English as a first language. These students
are most commonly refugees and immigrants and need to learn the language in order to help
them settle into the UK society. Their courses are often government funded.
Teaching English as a second language (TESL) or teaching English as an additional language (TEAL)
may also be terms that are used but they generally all refer to the same thing - teaching English
to someone whose native language is not English.
Teachers of English as a foreign language can work in a variety of settings with different age
ranges. This can include commercial language schools, schools and institutions of further and
higher education throughout the UK and overseas. Some may also teach in industry, while others
are self-employed. Classes are usually taught in English, even with beginners. Teaching English as
a foreign language teacher: job description

Adapted from: < www.prospects.ac.uk/case-studies-working- abroad>

The pronoun THEY in “they generally all refer to the same thing” (third paragraph) refers to:
a) students who are learning EFL
b) native speakers of English.
c) the terms TES Land TEAL
d) the terms TESOL and TEFL.
e) foreign students learning English in the UK.
Os pronomes se referem ao sujeito mencionado antes na frase.
“Teaching English as a second language (TESL) or teaching English as an additional langua-
ge (TEAL) may also be terms that are used but they generally all refer to the same thing”


Skillset vs. Mindset: Which Will Get You the Job?
By Heather Huhman
There’s a debate going on among career
experts about which is more important: skillset or
mindset. While skills are certainly desirable for many
positions, does having the right ones guarantee
5 you’ll get the job?

What if you have the mindset to get the work

accomplished, but currently lack certain skills
requested by the employer? Jennifer Fremont-Smith,
CEO of Smarterer, and Paul G. Stoltlz, PhD, co-
10 author of Put Your Mindset to Work: The One Asset
You Really Need to Win and Keep the Job You Love,
recently sat down with U.S. News to sound off on this
Heather: What is more important to today’s
15 employers: skillset or mindset? Why?
Jennifer: For many jobs, skillset needs to come
first. The employer absolutely must find people who
have the hard skills to do whatever itis they are being
hired to do. Programmers have to know how to program.
20 Data analysts need to know how to crunch numbers in
Excel. Marketers must know their marketing tools and
software. Social media managers must know the tools
of their trade like Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, and
have writing and communication skill’s.
25 After the employers have identified candidates
with these hard skills, they can shift their focus to their
candidates’’ mindsets — attitude, integrity, work ethic,
personality, etc.
Paul: Mindset utterly trumps skillset.
30 Heather: Do you have any data or statistics to
back up your argument?
Jennifer: Despite record high unemployment,
many jobs sit empty because employers can’t find
candidates with the right skills. In a recent survey
35 cited in the Wall Street Journal, over 50 percent of
companies reported difficulty finding applicants with
the right skills. Companies are running lean and mean
in this economy — they don’t have the time to train for
those key skills.
40 Paul: (Co-author James Reed and |) asked
tens of thousands of top employers worldwide this

question: 1f you were hiring someone today, which

would you pick, A) the person with the perfect skills
and qualifications, but lacking the desired mindset, or
45 B) the person with the desired mindset, but lacking
the rest? Ninety-eight percent pick A. Add to this that
97 percent said it is more likely that a person with the
right mindset will develop the right skillset, rather than
the other way around.
50 Heather: How do you define skillset?
Jennifer: At Smarterer, we define skill set as the
set of digital, social, and technical tools professionals
use to be effective in the workforce. Professional
are rapidly accumulating these skills, and the tools
55 themselves are proliferating and evolving — we’re giving
people a simple, smart way for people to validate their
skillset and articulate it to the world.
Heather: How do you define mindset?
Paul: We define mindset as “the lens through
60 which you see and navigate life.” it undergirds and
affects all that you think, see, believe, say, and do.
Heather: How can job seekers show they have
the skillset employers are seeking throughout the
entire hiring process?
65 Jennifer: At the beginning of the process, seekers
can showcase the skills they have by incorporating
them, such as their Smarterer scores, throughout
their professional and personal brand materials. They
should be articulating their skills in their resume, cover
70 letter, LinkedIn profile, blog, website — everywhere
they express their professional identity.
Heather: How can job seekers show they have
the mindset employers are seeking throughout
the entire hiring process?
75 Paul: One of the most head-spinning studies
we did, which was conducted by an independent
statistician showed that, out of 30,000 CVs/resumes,

when you look at who gets the job and who does not:
A. The conventional wisdom fails (at best). None
80 of the classic, accepted advice, lice using action verbs
or including hobbies/interests actually made any
B. The only factor that made the difference was
that those who had one of the 72 mindset qualities
85 from our master model, articulated in their CV/resume,
in a specific way, were three times as likely to get the
job. Furthermore, those who had two or more of these
statements, were seven times more likely to get the
job, often over other more qualified candidates.
Avalabie at: <http://money.usnews comimoney/blogs/outsde-voices-careers/2011/08/26/SK Iset-vs-mindset-whichnwi-get-
-you-the-job>.Retreved on: 17 Sept. 2011. Adapted

The pronoun they in “they don’t have time to train for those key skills.” (lines 38-39) refers to
a) “employers” (line 33)
b) “candidates” (line 34)
c) “companies” (line 36)
d) “applicants” (line 36)
e) “thousands” (line 41)
Na frase “In a recent survey cited in the Wall Street Journal, over 50 percent of companies
reported difficulty finding applicants with the right skills. Companies are running lean and
mean in this economy — they don’t have the time to train for those key skills.”
“Em uma pesquisa recente citados no Wall Street Journal, mais de 50 por cento das
empresas relataram dificuldade em encontrar candidatos com as habilidades certas. As
empresas estão sendo enxutas e mesquinhas nesta economia - eles não têm tempo para
treinar para essas habilidades-chave.
Entendemos que as empresas não tem tempo para treinar as habilidades que precisam
em novos funcionários.


And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a
number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile
phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of
course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll
have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service
centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service

Dear Customer,
If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company
authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the
product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name,
address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery,
or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.
Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use
only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time
of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product
are covered for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
What we will do
If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service
due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item
with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.
(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The pronoun WE in “And of course, we guarantee it” refers to:

a) the readers of the manual.
b) Ericsson’s staff
c) Ericsson mobile phone warranty.
d) Ericsson mobile phone’s new owners.
e) the Ericsson warranty and service program.
Na frase “Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality,
convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it”
“Seu celular Ericsson foi projetado para oferecer o máximo em qualidade, conveniência
e desempenho. E claro, nós garantimos”
Quem garante a qualidade, conveniência e desempenho do aparelho é a equipe da


Atenção: Para responder às questões de números 17 a 19, considere o texto abaixo.
Facebook and mobile phones
Will Home work?

Apr 4th 2013, 23:24 by M.G | SAN FRANCISCO

A DAY after the mobile phone celebrated its 40th birthday, Facebook has produced

something that it hopes will make certain of the devices even more useful. On April 4th the
giant social network unveiled Home, new software that is designed to give it more
prominence on mobile phones powered by Android, an operating system developed by Google.
This matters because more and more folk are now accessing social networks from mobile
devices rather than from desktop computers and because mobile advertising revenues are growing
fast, albeit from a low base. Without a robust mobile presence, Facebook could see some of its
users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could miss out on a potentially massive
source of new revenue.
There had been speculation that Facebook was working on a phone of its own, or at least on
a mobile operating system to rival Android or Apple’s iOS. But dabbling in hardware at this stage of
its development would be a huge risk for Facebook and developing a rival operating system would
risk alienating Apple and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped power its advertising growth.
EMarketer, a research firm, reckons Facebook is on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be
spent around the world on mobile ads this year.
(Adaptado de http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2013/04/facebook-and-mobile-phones; Acessado em 08/04/2013)

As palavras it e whose, que aparecem sublinhadas no texto, referem-se, respectivamente, a

a) “Facebook” e “Apple e Google”.
b) “rede social” e “Facebook e Google”.
c) “presença” e “sistema operacional”.
d) “era” e “anúncios”.
e) “usuário” e “plataformas”.
Na frase “Facebook could see some of its users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile
era. And it could miss out on a potentially massive source of new revenue.”
Se perguntarmos o que pode perder uma fonte potencialmente massiva de novas receitas
temos o facebook como resposta, portanto somente a alternativa A pode estar correta.


Text II
Coming to an office near you
The effect of today’s technology on tomorrow’s job will be
Immense — and no country is ready for it
Innovation, the elixir of progress, has always cost
people their jobs. In the Industrial Revolution artisan
Weavers were swept aside by the mechanical loom.
Over the past 30 years the digital revolution has
5 displaced many of the mid-skill jobs that underpinned
20th-century middle-class life. Typists, ticket agents,
bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been

dispensed with, just as the weavers were.

For those, including this newspaper, who believe
10 that technological progress has made the world a
better place, such churn is a natural part of rising
prosperity. Although innovation kills some jobs, it
creates new and better ones, as a more productive
society becomes richer and its wealthier inhabitants
15 demand more goods and services. A hundred years
ago one in three American workers was employed
on a farm. Today less than 2% of them produce far
more food. The millions freed from the land were not
consigned to joblessness, but found better-paid work
20 as the economy grew more sophisticated. Today the
pool of secretaries has shrunk, but there are ever
more computer programmers and web designers.
Optimism remains the right starting-point, but
for workers the dislocating effects of technology may
25 make themselves evident faster than its benefits.
Technology’s impact will feel like a tomato, hitting
the rich world first, but eventually sweeping through
poorer countries too. No government is prepared for
30 Why be worried? It is partly just a matter of history
repeating itself. In the early part of the Industrial
Revolution the rewards of increasing productivity went
disproportionately to capital; later on, labuor reaped
most of the benefits. The pattern today is similar. The
35 prosperity unleashed by the Digital Revolution has
gone overwhelmingly to the owners of capital and the
highest-skilled workers.
Many of the jobs most at risk are lower down the
ladder (logistics, haulage), whereas the skills that are
40 least vulnerable to automation (creativity, managerial
expertise) tend to be higher up, so median wages are
likely to remain stagnant for some time and income
gaps are likely to widen.

Anger about rising inequality is bound to grow,

45 but politicians will find it hard to address the problem.
Shunning progress would be as futile now as the
Luddites’’ protests against mechanised looms were
in the 1810s, because any country that tried to stop
would be left behind by competitors eager to embrace.
50 new technology. The freedom to raise taxes on the
rich to punitive levels will be similarly constrained by
the mobility of capital and highly skilled labour.
The main way in which governments can help
their people through this dislocation is through
55 education systems. One of the reasons for the
improvement in workers’ fortunes in the latter part of
the Industrial Revolution was because schools were
built to educate them — a dramatic change at the time.
Now those schools themselves need to be changed,
60 to foster the creativity that humans will need to set
them apart from computers. There should be less
rote-leaning and more critical thinking,
Innovation has brought great benefits to humanity.
Nobody in their right mind would want to return to
65 the world of handloom weavers. But the benefits of
technological progress are unevenly distribute,
especially in the early stages of each new wave, and
kits up to governments to spread them. In the 19th
century it took the threat of revolution to bring about
70 progressive reforms. Today’s governments would do
well to start making the changes needed before their
people get angry.
“Avalabie at: <http!/Nvww.economist.com/news/eaders/21594298>, Retrieved on: Jan. 21 2014, Adapted.

The boldfaced pronoun in the fragment of Text II: “No government is prepared for it.” (lines
28-29) refers to
a) Government’s confidence in the ability to create jobs.
b) the advantages of technology.
c) the effect of sudden climate changes.
d) the outcomes of changes in technology.

e) the increased demand for goods and services as people become richer.
No texto temos “Technology’s impact will feel like a tomato, hitting the rich world first,
but eventually sweeping through poorer countries too. No government is prepared for it.”
“O impacto da tecnologia será como um tomate, atingindo o mundo rico primeiro, mas
eventualmente varrendo países mais pobres também. Nenhum governo está preparado
para isto.”
A alternativa A está errada porque não tem sentido dizer que o governo não está prepa-
rado para a confiança do governo.
A alternativa B está errada porque o texto não fala sobre as vantagens da tecnologia,
mas sim o impacto que geram.
A alternativa C está errada porque o texto não é sobre mudanças climáticas.
A alternativa D está correta porque o pronome retoma ao que foi dito anteriormente (os
resultados das mudanças nas tecnologias).
A alternativa E está errada porque não é sobre isso que o pronome está se relacionando.


Text II
The Environmental Consequences
of Natural Resource Extraction
The environmental impact of society’s
dependence on natural resources is undeniable,
though with these resources set up as the lifeblood
of modem industry, many continue to downplay the
5 urgency of freeing ourselves from this dependence.
The most compelling and visual consequence of
burning carbon based fuels are the resulting CO,
emissions that act as greenhouse gases, the primary
contributor to global warming. However, as more
10 people study how the resources are developed, it
becomes apparent that the environmental damage
from these extraction processes may be as significant
as the emissions.
A recent article from Scientific American
15 demonstrates how little is known about the dangers
of extracting natural gas from the earth. Even though
the process had been deemed safe by the EPA, new
research suggests that this may not be the case.

Complicating the matter further is the fact that the

20 chemical mixture that companies use in the extraction
is considered a trade secret, and they are resistant to
providing this info on the grounds of secrecy.
The technology for burning coal with fewer
emissions is expensive yet feasible, but there is no
25 account for the environmental damage done during
the extraction process. Moreover, around the globe,
corporations are continually exploiting indigenous
regions for their resources. A report from the World
Wildlife Fund details the various problems that are
30 occurring in the Amazon region as a result of resource
exploitation. It explains the various effects that oil and
gas extraction can have, including deforestation,
regional conflict, biodiversity loss, and soil and
aquatic pollution. Selling the rights to these resources
35 to companies can be a strong move economically for
poor regions, but the long-term effects will greatly
outweigh the benefits on a global scale.
The need for alternative energy supplies is
urgent, and it will only serve the public to discuss the
40 full extent of the environmental dangers that carbon
based fuels pose. By not entering the dangers of
extraction into the case for developing clean energy,
the argument for implementing these technologies
is diminished, and the needs of the environment will
45 continue to be overshadowed by global events like
the current financial crisis.
Available at. <http:llcommon-breath.comthe-environmental-consequences-of-natural-resource-extraction/>.Retrieved on: Jan.
10””, 2014. Adapted.

In Text II, the word it (line 31) refers to

a) problems
b) exploitation
c) report
d) Amazon region
e) World Wildlife Fund

O pronome sempre tem relação com o sujeito citado anteriormente, portanto precisamos
encontrar o sujeito que fez a ação descrita. Se perguntarmos o que explica os efeitos que
a extração de petróleo e gás podem ter, teremos a resposta C (report).
“A report from the World Wildlife Fund details the various problems that are occurring
in the Amazon region as a result of resource exploitation. It explains the various effects
that oil and gas extraction can have”
“Um relatório do World Wildlife Fund detalha os vários problemas que estão ocorrendo
na região amazônica como resultado da exploração de recursos. Ele explica os vários
efeitos que a extração de petróleo e gás pode ter”


When was the first computer unvented?
The word “computer” was first recorded as being used in 1613 and was originally used to
describe a human who performed calculations or computations. The definition of a computer
remained the same until the end of the 19th century when people began to realize machines
never get tired and can perform calculations much faster and more accurately than any team of
human computers ever could.
In 1822, Charles Babbage began developing the Difference Engine, which was considered to
be the first automatic computing engine. It was capable of computing several sets of numbers
and making hard copies of the results. Unfortunately, because of funding he was never able to
complete a full-scale functional version of this machine. In June of 1991, the London Science
Museum completed the Difference Engine Nº 2 for the bicentennial year of Babbage’s birth and
later completed the printing mechanism in 2000.

Fonte: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm Acesso em: 15/10/2013

The word it in “It was capable of computing several sets of numbers” refers to
a) Charles Babbage.
b) Difference Engine.
c) The Science Musem.
d) The year 1822.
Na frase “In 1822, Charles Babbage began developing the Difference Engine, which was
considered to be the first automatic computing engine. It was capable of computing
several sets of numbers and making hard copies of the results.” Se perguntarmos o que
é capaz de computar vários conjuntos de números, temos a resposta: difference engine.
Também podemos analisar da seguinte forma:
• Usamos os subject pronouns para evitar repetição de nomes.
• it é usado para substantivos neutros (nem masculinos nem femininos), portanto não
pode ser a alternativa A
• O museu de ciência e o ano de 1822 não são capazes de realizar a ação descrita


Giving people control! over what they are doing
makes them work harder.
by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. in Brain Wise
In a previous blog post I wrote that one of the best
ways to motivate people is to stimulate a desire for
mastery — and that breaking things into small pieces
and showing progress through the pieces encourages
5 the desire for mastery. Another tip for stimulating the
desire for mastery is to give people autonomy. When
people feel that they have some control over what
they are doing and how they do it, then their desire
for mastery increases. They will then be motivated to
10 continue and keep learning. If people feel that they
don’t have any control or autonomy, then they lose the
desire to learn and do more — they may lose the desire
to master whatever task you are asking them to do.
Here’s an example: Let’s say that you have created
15 a language learning app. The desire for mastery will
be automatically in play if the person wants to learn
à language. However, if you want people to continue
using the app, and use it frequently and often, then you
have to do more than just present lessons in the app.
20 One way to further stimulate the desire for mastery,
is to give them some control over how they use the
app. You can provide different types of exercises and
interactions, such as listening, writing, or speaking the
language, and let them choose which exercises and
25 activities they need or want, and in what order to do
them. If they feel they have control over how quickly
they go through the lessons, which ones they repeat,
which activities to engage in, and in what order, then
they will be more motivated to keep learning. What do
30 you think? Have you tried giving autonomy to keep

people motivated?
“Avalabie at: <http:Nvww.psychoiogytoday.comíblogtrain-wise/201310/gve-people-autonomy>.Retrieved on: Oct. 15” 2013.

In the sentence of the text: “They will then be motivated to continue and keep learning” (lines
9-10), the pronoun they refers to
a) people in general.
b) people who have a job.
c) people who don’t have a job.
d) language students.
e) students at the university.
O pronome sempre tem relação com o sujeito citado anteriormente, nesse caso foi citado
people (pessoas em geral).
O texto não define pessoas com ou sem empregos e não fala sobre alunos na universidade,
menciona alunos de idiomas, mas somente depois do pronome em questão.


House Approves Higher Debt Limit Without Condition
Feb. 11, 2014
WASHINGTON - Ending three years of brinkmanship in which the threat of a devastating default
on the nation’s debt was used to wring conservative concessions from President Obama, the
House on Tuesday voted to raise the government’s borrowing limit until March 2015, without
any conditions.
The vote - 221 to 201 - relied almost entirely on Democrats in the Republican-controlled House
to carry the measure and represented the first debt ceiling increase since 2009 that was not
attached to other legislation. Only 28 Republicans voted yes, and only two Democrats voted no.
Simply by holding the vote, Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio effectively ended a three-year Tea
Party-inspired era of budget showdowns that had raised the threat of default and government
shutdowns, rattled economic confidence and brought serious scrutiny from other nations
questioning Washington’s ability to govern. In the process, though, Mr. Boehner also set off a
series of reprisals from fellow Republican congressmen and outside groups that showcased the
party’s deep internal divisions.
During the October 2013 government shutdown, The Times’s David Leonhardt explained the
debt limit and how a failure to raise it could have affected the economy both at home and
“He gave the president exactly what he wanted, which is exactly what the Republican Party said
we did not want,” said a Republican representative, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, who last year
unsuccessfully tried to rally enough support to derail Mr. Boehner’s re-election as speaker. “It’s
going to really demoralize the base.”

The vote was a victory for President Obama, Democrats and those Senate Republicans who have
argued that spending money for previously incurred obligations was essential for the financial
standing of the federal government. “Tonight’s vote is a positive step in moving away from the
political brinkmanship that’s a needless drag on our economy,” Jay Carney, the White House
press secretary, said in a statement.
“A clean debt ceiling is a complete capitulation on the speaker’s part and demonstrates that he
has lost the ability to lead the House of Representatives, let alone his own party,” said Jenny Beth
Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots. “It is time for him to go.”
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, commended the speaker and promised to
pass the bill as soon as possible. “We’re happy to see the House is legislating the way they should
have legislated for a long time,” he said.

(Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/12/us/politics/ boehner-to-bring-debt-ceiling-to-vote-without-policy- atta-

chments. html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_2014021 2&_r=0)

No texto, o pronome sublinhado he refere-se a

a) the president.
b) Republican Party.
c) Tim Huelskamp .
d) Mr. Boehner.
e) David Leonhardt.
No texto temos “he gave the president exactly what he wanted”
O pronome HE está se referindo ao presidente “ele deu ao presidente exatamente o que
ele (o presidente) queria”


“Do ____ know Andy?”
Sure, he is in my class, I study with ____. Why?”
“Oh, nothing. I want ____ to help me, that’s all.”
“I have ____ phone number. Call him!”
“Ok, thanks!”
a) You – him – his – his
b) You – his – his – he
c) You – him - him – his
d) I – he – him – him
e) I – he – his – his


Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain
what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern
state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large
population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking
that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains
chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this
dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the
colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn
which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and
cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best
to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can
put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Analyze the sentences below according to structure and grammar use.
I. The words ‘they’ and ‘them’ in bold in the text, are respectively: subject and object
II. The underlined word in: ‘…although many people are not certain what it actually is.’
Means ‘nowadays’.
III. In: ‘One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada’, the underlined words are examples
of the superlative degree of adjectives.

The alternative which presents the correct sequence is:

a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct.
c) Only 1 and 2 are correct.
d) Only 1 and 3 are correct.
e) Only 2 and 3 are correct.


How’s Daisy? Give _______ my love.
a) Him
b) Hers
c) Them
d) Her
e) His


Answers the question according to the text below.
Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all
the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But are our smartphones
actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone?
The highlighted words in the text are respectively.
a) object pronoun; verb; adverb; noun
b) possessive pronoun; noun; verb; adverb
c) relative pronoun; noun; verb; adverb
d) subject pronoun; noun, verb; verb
e) subject pronoun; verb; adverb; noun


Mrs. Parker died suddenly in October. She and Mr. Parker lived in a Victorian house next to
ours, and Mr. Parker was my piano teacher. He commuted to Wall Street, where he was a securities
analyst, but he had studied at Juilliard and gave lessons on the side – for the pleasure of it, not for
money. His only students were me and the church organist.
The word “tragic” was mentioned in connection with her death. She and Mr. Parker were in
the middle of their middle age, and neither of them had ever been seriously ill. It was heart failure,
and unexpected. My parents went to see Mr. Parker as soon as they got the news, since they took

their responsibilities as neighbors seriously, and two days later they took me to pay a formal con-
dolence call.
I loved the Parkers’ house. It was a Victorian house, and was shaped like a wedding cake. The
living-room was round, and all the walls curved. The third floor was a tower. Every five years the
house was painted chocolate brown, which faded gradually to the color of weak tea. The front-wall
window was a stained-glass picture of a fat baby holding a bunch of roses.
On Wednesday afternoons, Mr. Parker came home on an early train, and I had my lesson. Mr.
Parker’s teaching method never varied. He never scolded or corrected. The first fifteen minutes
were devoted to a warm-up in which I could play anything I liked. Then Mr. Parker played the lesson
of the week. His playing was terrifically precise, but his eyes became dreamy and unfocused. Then I
played the same lesson, and after that we worked on the difficult passages, but basically he wanted
me to hear my mistakes. After that, we sat in the solarium and discussed the next week’s lesson.
Mr. Parker usually played a record and talked in detail about the composer, his life and times. Mrs.
Parker used to leave us a tray of cookies and lemonade, cold in the summer and hot in the winter.
When the cookies were gone, the lesson was over and I left, passing the Victorian child in the hallway.
(COLWIN, Laurie. Mr Parker. In: PIERCE, Tina and COCHRANE, Edward (eds.). Twentieth century English short stories. London:
Bell & Hyman, 1979, p. 48-9. Adapted.)

“Mr. and Mrs. Parker lived in a house next to ours” means the same as “Mr. and Mrs. Parker
lived next to _____”.
a) us
b) him
c) you
d) them
e) me


Read the two extracts from the article. And analyze the statements regarding True (T) or False (F).
The Edinburgh declaration, which will now be opened to signatories worldwide, says its suppor-
ters are “deeply concerned about the significant implications that the loss of biodiversity and climate
change has on our livelihood and communities. (lines 25, 26, 27)
“Indeed, the Covid-19 global pandemic has reminded us how important it is to live in harmony
with nature.” (lines 29, 30)
I. the use of “its” in “say its supporters” is the same use of “it is” in “how important it is”;
II. “its” in “say its supporters” refers to supporters of the Edinburgh declaration;
III. in “our livelihood”, “our” is an object pronoun;
IV. in “has reminded us”, “us” is an object pronoun;
a) F – T –F – T
b) F – F –F – T
c) T – T –F – T
d) F – T –F – F
e) F – T –T – F


Complete the blank.
“A teacher _____ had an accident last weekend, so we don’t have classes this afternoon.”
a) our
b) her
c) of me
d) of us


Complete the sentence below with the correct pronoun. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“His cars are nice. He washes _________ every week.”
a) It.
b) Us.
c) Him.
d) Them.


The E-Factor
Good news! We can all develop the quality that can
make you happy, successful - even thin!
1 When I first met my friend Carol, I was convinced
she was the luckiest woman alive. It seems like everything in
her world is always wonderful. She describes her husband as
4 the greatest guy you could meet” and her job as “fantastic”!
When she talks about places she’s been or people she’s met,
she uses words like awesome, fabulous and terrific.
7 But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better,
I’ve realized that Carol is no luckier than anyone else. Like all
of us, she has her ups and downs too. But what is special about
10 her is her attitude. No matter what happens, Carol looks at the
bright side. She is able to remain positive, energetic, vivacious.
She’s absolutely and totally enthusiastic!
13 In the beginning, Tasked myself. “How can anyone be
happy all the time?” But, now, | admire this character trait. It
works for her. She does well at work, has lots of friends and
16 she really seems to enjoy what she’s doing, 1 truly think she

will always be full of enthusiasm!

Karen Blanchard and Christine Root. For Your Information. Loegman, 2000, Unit 8 (Adapted)

In “But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better” (ℓ.7) “I” and “her” are respectively
a) a relative pronoun and a subject pronoun.
b) an object pronoun and a subject pronoun.
c) a subject pronoun and an object pronoun.
d) a possessive pronoun and a subjective pronoun.
e) an object pronoun and a possessive pronoun.


Words that went extinct
By Kimberly Joki
Dictionaries incorporate new words every year. Some are pop culture inventions like jeggings,
photobomb, and meme. Other words, like emoji and upvote, spring up from technology and
social media. Dictionaries respond by creating definitions for anyone who cares to know what
a twitterer is. And thank goodness they do; you can learn what an eggcorn is simply by turning
a few pages in your trusty updated dictionary.
Interestingly, not all newly added words are recent developments. The Oxford English Dictio-
nary June 2015 new words list included autotune, birdhouse, North Korean, and shizzle! North
Korea was founded in 1948. The initial release of the autotuner audio processor was in 1997.
Before adding a slang term like shizzle, dictionary publishers weigh the current popularity,
predicted longevity, and other factors. Just this year alone, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
welcomed about 1,700 new arrivals.
With more and more words coined every year, dictionaries couldn’t possibly add them all to
their existing word banks. Can you imagine a dictionary containing all the words ever used in
English? It would be impossible to lift! With each yearly edit, dictionary editors must discard
some words to make room for new ones.
The Sami languages, spoken in Finland, Norway, and Sweden, reportedly include more than
150 words related to snow and ice. In the 1590s, the English language had a word for recently
melted snow—snowbroth. Now, English speakers simply call it water or melted snow. In fact,
words that are markedly specific seem more vulnerable to extinction. A 19th-century dictionary
included Englishable, a term to describe how appropriate a word is for the English language.
However, English is a dynamic language, always accepting and abandoning words. Apparently,
Englishable itself isn’t Englishable; it’s now obsolete.
Do you favor any infrequently used words? If so, use them now and often. . . A word’s best
defense against extinction is regular use.
(Source: http://www.grammarly.com/blog/2015/words-that-went-extinct/)

Observe the following excerpt: “With more and more words coined every year, dictionaries
couldn’t possibly add them all to their existing word banks.” Mark the alternative that best
describes the pronoun them.
a) It is a personal pronoun which refers back to the word “banks” in the excerpt.
b) It is a reflexive pronoun which refers back to the word “banks” in the excerpt.
c) It is a possessive pronoun which refers back to the word “dictionaries” in the excerpt.
d) It is a possessive adjective which refers back to the word “words” in the excerpt.
e) It is an objective pronoun which refers back to the word “words” in the excerpt.


Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.
Judges Push Brevity in Briefs, and Get a Torrent of Arguments
OCT. 3, 2016
The Constitution of the United States clocks in at 4,543 words. Yet a number of lawyers contend
that 14,000 words are barely enough to lay out their legal arguments.
That’s the maximum word count for briefs filed in federal appellate courts. For years, judges
have complained that too many briefs are repetitive and full of outmoded legal jargon, and that
they take up too much of their time.
A recent proposal to bring the limit down by 1,500 words unleashed an outcry among lawyers.
Lawyers in criminal, environmental and securities law insisted that briefs’ lengths should not
be shortened because legal issues and statutes are more complex than ever
As a result, the new word limit − which takes effect on Dec. 1 − will be 13,500 words, a reduction
of only 500 words. And appellate judges will have the freedom to opt out of the limits.
The new limit may not provide much relief for judges deluged with verbose briefs.
While workloads vary, according to federal court data, the average federal appeals court judge,
for example, might need to read filings for around 1,200 cases annually.
That amount of reading − especially bad reading − can thin the patience of even the most
diligent judge.
Briefs “are too long to be persuasive,” said Laurence H. Silberman, a judge on the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
In arguing against a reduction of words, the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers urged
singling out “bad briefs” rather than only lengthy ones. It advised courts to “post on their court
websites short videos outlining how to write a decent brief.”
Robert N. Markle, a federal appellate lawyer, has argued − in his own personal view, not the
government’s − that the limit should be reduced to 10,000 words. In a typical case, he said, “nothing
justifies even approaching, much less reaching or exceeding 14,000 words.”
Still, he acknowledged that the cut of 500 words “was at least a start.”
(Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/04/business/dealbook/judges-push-brevity-in-briefs-and-get-a-torrent-of-
-arguments. html?_r=0)

No trecho they take up too much of their time, os pronomes they e their referem-se, respec-
tivamente, a
a) briefs – federal appellate courts.
b) judges – federal appellate courts.
c) briefs – judges.
d) judges – briefs.
e) federal appellate courts – judges.


How Telecommuting Works
Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows
employees to avoid long commutes. “Bring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s
8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office. You roll out of bed, brush your teeth
and stumble your way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.
Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily
for you, you don’t have to go far – you work at home. Telecommuting, or working at home,
has grown in popularity over the last 20 years.
On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to long commutes and opting to work at home.
In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of employees working from home
grew by 23 percent from 1990 to 2000.
Telecommuting workers revel in making their own schedule – allowing them to schedule work
around family and personal commitments. With the ready availability of technology tools, like
the Internet and home computers, companies are more willing to let employees work from
( Adaptedfrom : < http: //home.howstuffworks.com/telecommuting.htm>Access on 18th January, 2014)

The pronoun THEM in the last paragraph of the text refers to:
a) technology tools.
b) telecommuting workers.
c) the Internet and home computers.
d) family and personal commitments.


Innovation is the new key to survival
At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for controlling costs. Companies that
have invested in such technologies as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless
trucks and trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while simultaneously driving
up productivity.

Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that innovation can do much more
than reduce capital intensity. Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people
and energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.
Capturing the learnings
The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and development (R&D) around
particular processes or technologies. Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such
as leveraging supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges, redefining their
participation in the energy value chain or finding new ways to engage and partner with major
stakeholders and constituencies.
To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome their traditionally con-
servative tendencies. In many cases, miners struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at
other mining companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result, innovation becomes
less of a technology problem and more of an adoption problem.
By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to adapt practical applications
that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit their current needs. For instance,
the tunnel boring machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly reduce
miners’ reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines were too large to apply in a
mining setting. Some innovators, however, are now incorporating the underlying technology
to build smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other industries to
realize more rapid results.
Re-imagining the future
At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in entirely new ways. Traditionally,
for instance, miners have focused on extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput
by optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly innovative mindset, however,
will see them adopt an entirely new design paradigm that leverages new information, mining
and energy technologies to maximize value. […]
Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost reduction. It can help mining
companies mitigate and manage risks, strengthen business models and foster more effective
community and government relations. It can help mining services companies enhance their
value to the industry by developing new products and services. Longer-term, it can even posi-
tion organizations to move the needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,
environmental performance and sustainability.
(http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Document s/energy-resources/ru_er_tracking_the_trends_2015_eng.

The word “them” in “apply them to fit» refers to:

a) current needs;
b) other industries;
c) mining companies;
d) practical applications;
e) tunnel boring machines.


Choose the CORRECT answer.
She has told _____ many stories about _____ life in Africa.
a) our - hers
b) ours - hers
c) ourselves - her
d) us - her


01 Professor Barry Wellman of the University of Toronto in Canada has come up with a new
02 term to describe the way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big
O3 research study confirms it. The term is “networked individualism”. This concept is not easy to
04 understand because the words seem to have opposite meanings. How can we be indivi-
duals and
05 be networked at the same time? You need other people for networks.
06 What Professor Wellman means is that before the invention of the Internet and e-mail, our
07 social networks involved live interactions with relatives, neighbors, and colleagues at work.
08 Some of the interactions was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real
09 time.
10 A recent research study by Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that for a lot of
11 people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social
12 interchange. In the past, many people were worried that Internet isolated us and caused
us to
13 spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. But the Pew study discove-
red that
14 the opposite is true. The Internet has put us in touch with more real people than expected.
15 turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical problems,
16 children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the
17 internet plays an important role in helping them deal with major life decisions.
(Adapted from a News Story by Ted Landphair — Voice of America News, April 2006.)

The word them (line 17) refers to

a) children (line 16).
b) Americans (line 16).

c) Pew (line 16).

d) Internet (line 17).
e) life decisions (line 17).


Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
We have to do something about pollution. _____ hurts all of _____.
a) We / us
b) It / us
c) It / we
d) It / them
e) They / them


Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
_____ knows a lot of stories and the boy loves to listen to _____.
a) He / it
b) They / they
c) He / them
d) Him / them
e) They / them


Oregon gets first U.S. wave-power farm
USA Today, Feb 17, 2010 - 09:49 AM
Construction has begun off Oregon’s coast on the
first commercial U.S. wave-energy farm, planned to
supply power to about 400 homes. Wave power draws
from the energy of ocean surface waves. A float on a
5 buoy rises and falls with the waves, driving a plunger
connected to a hydraulic pump that converts the vertical
movement into electricity.
The first buoy will measure 150 feet tall by 40 feet
wide, weigh 200 tons and cost $4 million, according to
10 Phil Pellegrino, spokesman for Ocean Power

Technologies, which is developing the project. He

explains that nine more buoys are planned for installation
at a site in Reedsport, Ore., by 2012, at a total cost of
$60 million.
15 This renewable energy form is generating waves
of skepticism. “A lot of people who are very experienced
with the ocean harbor a lot of doubt that anyone can in a
cost-effective way put buoys in the water, harvest the
energy, and not have them end up on the beach,” Onno
20 Husing, director of the Oregon Coastal Zone
Management Association, remarks.
The world’s first commercial wave farm opened
in 2008 off the coast of Portugal, at the Aguçadoura Wave
Park, but ran into financial difficulties last year and was
25 suspended indefinitely. Other projects are under
development in Spain, Scotland, Western Australia and
off the coast of Cornwall, England, according to
Wave power now costs five or six times as much
30 as wind power, because its technology is still being
developed but it could eventually become cost
competitive, Marianne Boust, senior analyst for Emerging
Energy Research, an alternative energy advisory firm in
Cambridge, Mass., reports.
http://content usatoday.com/communities/greenhouse/post/2010/02/oregon-gets-first-us-wave-power-farm/1, access on
February 20”, 2010.

In “...and not have them end up on the beach,” (line 19), the pronoun them refers to
a) renewable energy form(s) (line 15)
b) waves of skepticism (lines 15-16)
c) people (line 16)
d) a lot of doubt(s) (line 17)
e) buoys (line 18)


Qual pronome melhor completa a frase a seguir
I told _______ to do the dishes and she did it right away
a) It
b) they
c) him
d) you
e) her


Sobre pronomes objetivos, analise as frases a seguir e selecione a alternativa correta
I. They bought us a new car.
II. She is studying a lot for it.
III. We are trying to call him.
a) Nas três frases temos exemplos de pronomes objetivos.
b) A frase I não contem um pronome objetivo porque estes sempre se encontram na
última palavra.
c) They é pronome objetivo assim como them e us.
d) Usamos him para ela e her para ele.
e) Na frase II temos dois pronomes do sujeito.

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. E
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. E
19. E
20. A

“Do ____ know Andy?”
Sure, he is in my class, I study with ____. Why?”
“Oh, nothing. I want ____ to help me, that’s all.”
“I have ____ phone number. Call him!”
“Ok, thanks!”
a) You – him – his – his
b) You – his – his – he
c) You – him - him – his
d) I – he – him – him
e) I – he – his – his
Usamos os subject pronouns antes do verbo e os object pronouns depois do verbo.
Sendo assim temos: Do (you) know Andy? “Você conhece o Andy?” Sure, he is in my class,
I study with (him). Why? “Claro, ele stá na minha sala, eu estudo com ele. Por quê?” Oh,
nothing. I want (him) to help me, that’s all. “A, nada. Ei quero que ele me ajude, só isso.”
I have (his) phone number. Call him! “Eu tenho o número dele. Liga pra ele”


Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain
what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern
state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large
population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking
that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains
chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this
dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the
colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn
which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and
cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best
to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can
put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Analyze the sentences below according to structure and grammar use.
I. The words ‘they’ and ‘them’ in bold in the text, are respectively: subject and object
II. The underlined word in: ‘…although many people are not certain what it actually is.’

Means ‘nowadays’.
III. In: ‘One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada’, the underlined words are examples
of the superlative degree of adjectives.
The alternative which presents the correct sequence is:
a) Only 1 is correct.
b) Only 2 is correct.
c) Only 1 and 2 are correct.
d) Only 1 and 3 are correct.
e) Only 2 and 3 are correct.
Os object pronouns são: me, you, him, her, it, us, them e os subject pronouns são I, you,
he, she, it, we, them, portanto a frase I entá correta.
Na frase II actially significa na verdade e nowadays significa atualmente, não são sinôni-
mos portanto, está errada.
A frase III está correta porque sempre que temos “the most” é um superlativo.


How’s Daisy? Give _______ my love.
a) Him
b) Hers
c) Them
d) Her
e) His
Daisy é um nome feminino, portanto usamos o object pronoun her.


Answers the question according to the text below.
Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all
the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But are our smartphones
actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone?
The highlighted words in the text are respectively.
a) object pronoun; verb; adverb; noun
b) possessive pronoun; noun; verb; adverb
c) relative pronoun; noun; verb; adverb

d) subject pronoun; noun, verb; verb

e) subject pronoun; verb; adverb; noun
Us é um object pronoun, já podemos eliminar as alternativas B, C, D, e E. Portanto a
alternativa correta só pode ser a letra A.


Mrs. Parker died suddenly in October. She and Mr. Parker lived in a Victorian house next to
ours, and Mr. Parker was my piano teacher. He commuted to Wall Street, where he was a securities
analyst, but he had studied at Juilliard and gave lessons on the side – for the pleasure of it, not for
money. His only students were me and the church organist.
The word “tragic” was mentioned in connection with her death. She and Mr. Parker were in
the middle of their middle age, and neither of them had ever been seriously ill. It was heart failure,
and unexpected. My parents went to see Mr. Parker as soon as they got the news, since they took
their responsibilities as neighbors seriously, and two days later they took me to pay a formal con-
dolence call.
I loved the Parkers’ house. It was a Victorian house, and was shaped like a wedding cake. The
living-room was round, and all the walls curved. The third floor was a tower. Every five years the
house was painted chocolate brown, which faded gradually to the color of weak tea. The front-wall
window was a stained-glass picture of a fat baby holding a bunch of roses.
On Wednesday afternoons, Mr. Parker came home on an early train, and I had my lesson. Mr.
Parker’s teaching method never varied. He never scolded or corrected. The first fifteen minutes
were devoted to a warm-up in which I could play anything I liked. Then Mr. Parker played the lesson
of the week. His playing was terrifically precise, but his eyes became dreamy and unfocused. Then I
played the same lesson, and after that we worked on the difficult passages, but basically he wanted
me to hear my mistakes. After that, we sat in the solarium and discussed the next week’s lesson.
Mr. Parker usually played a record and talked in detail about the composer, his life and times. Mrs.
Parker used to leave us a tray of cookies and lemonade, cold in the summer and hot in the winter.
When the cookies were gone, the lesson was over and I left, passing the Victorian child in the hallway.
(COLWIN, Laurie. Mr Parker. In: PIERCE, Tina and COCHRANE, Edward (eds.). Twentieth century English short stories. London:
Bell & Hyman, 1979, p. 48-9. Adapted.)

“Mr. and Mrs. Parker lived in a house next to ours” means the same as “Mr. and Mrs. Parker
lived next to _____”.
a) us
b) him
c) you
d) them
e) me

As frases significam “O senhor e a senhora Parker moravam numa casa ao lado da nossa”
e “O senhor e a senhora Parker moravam perto de nós” O pronome da frase é um object
pronoun porque está no final da frase e o object pronouns de “nós” é “us”.


Read the two extracts from the article. And analyze the statements regarding True (T) or False (F).
The Edinburgh declaration, which will now be opened to signatories worldwide, says its suppor-
ters are “deeply concerned about the significant implications that the loss of biodiversity and climate
change has on our livelihood and communities. (lines 25, 26, 27)
“Indeed, the Covid-19 global pandemic has reminded us how important it is to live in harmony
with nature.” (lines 29, 30)
I. the use of “its” in “say its supporters” is the same use of “it is” in “how important it is”;
II. “its” in “say its supporters” refers to supporters of the Edinburgh declaration;
III. in “our livelihood”, “our” is an object pronoun;
IV. in “has reminded us”, “us” is an object pronoun;
a) F – T –F – T
b) F – F –F – T
c) T – T –F – T
d) F – T –F – F
e) F – T –T – F
A frase I está errada porque its significa seus/suas e it’s significa ele/ela é. A frase II está
correta porque significa “dizem seus apoiadores”. A frase III está errada porque our não
é um object pronoun, é um possessive pronoun. E a frase IV está correta porque us é
um object pronoun.


Complete the blank.
“A teacher _____ had an accident last weekend, so we don’t have classes this afternoon.”
a) our
b) her
c) of me
d) of us
Na segunda parte da frase vemos o sujeito WE, portando usamos o object pronoun
referente US.
A frase traduzida significa “Um professor nosso sofreu um acidente no fim de semana
passado, então nós não temos aulas esta tarde”


Complete the sentence below with the correct pronoun. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“His cars are nice. He washes _________ every week.”
a) It.
b) Us.
c) Him.
d) Them.
A frase significa “Os carros dele são legais. Ele lava eles toda semana.” O pronome que
falta se refere aos carros que está no plural, portando usamos o object pronoun THEM.


The E-Factor
Good news! We can all develop the quality that can
make you happy, successful - even thin!
1 When I first met my friend Carol, I was convinced
she was the luckiest woman alive. It seems like everything in
her world is always wonderful. She describes her husband as
4 the greatest guy you could meet” and her job as “fantastic”!
When she talks about places she’s been or people she’s met,
she uses words like awesome, fabulous and terrific.
7 But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better,
I’ve realized that Carol is no luckier than anyone else. Like all
of us, she has her ups and downs too. But what is special about
10 her is her attitude. No matter what happens, Carol looks at the
bright side. She is able to remain positive, energetic, vivacious.
She’s absolutely and totally enthusiastic!
13 In the beginning, Tasked myself. “How can anyone be
happy all the time?” But, now, | admire this character trait. It
works for her. She does well at work, has lots of friends and
16 she really seems to enjoy what she’s doing, 1 truly think she
will always be full of enthusiasm!
Karen Blanchard and Christine Root. For Your Information. Loegman, 2000, Unit 8 (Adapted)

In “But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better” (ℓ.7) “I” and “her” are respectively
a) a relative pronoun and a subject pronoun.
b) an object pronoun and a subject pronoun.

c) a subject pronoun and an object pronoun.

d) a possessive pronoun and a subjective pronoun.
e) an object pronoun and a possessive pronoun.
Os subject pronouns são: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
Os object pronouns são: me, you, him, her, it, us, them


Words that went extinct
By Kimberly Joki
Dictionaries incorporate new words every year. Some are pop culture inventions like jeggings,
photobomb, and meme. Other words, like emoji and upvote, spring up from technology and
social media. Dictionaries respond by creating definitions for anyone who cares to know what
a twitterer is. And thank goodness they do; you can learn what an eggcorn is simply by turning
a few pages in your trusty updated dictionary.
Interestingly, not all newly added words are recent developments. The Oxford English Dictio-
nary June 2015 new words list included autotune, birdhouse, North Korean, and shizzle! North
Korea was founded in 1948. The initial release of the autotuner audio processor was in 1997.
Before adding a slang term like shizzle, dictionary publishers weigh the current popularity,
predicted longevity, and other factors. Just this year alone, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
welcomed about 1,700 new arrivals.
With more and more words coined every year, dictionaries couldn’t possibly add them all to
their existing word banks. Can you imagine a dictionary containing all the words ever used in
English? It would be impossible to lift! With each yearly edit, dictionary editors must discard
some words to make room for new ones.
The Sami languages, spoken in Finland, Norway, and Sweden, reportedly include more than
150 words related to snow and ice. In the 1590s, the English language had a word for recently
melted snow—snowbroth. Now, English speakers simply call it water or melted snow. In fact,
words that are markedly specific seem more vulnerable to extinction. A 19th-century dictionary
included Englishable, a term to describe how appropriate a word is for the English language.
However, English is a dynamic language, always accepting and abandoning words. Apparently,
Englishable itself isn’t Englishable; it’s now obsolete.
Do you favor any infrequently used words? If so, use them now and often. . . A word’s best
defense against extinction is regular use.
(Source: http://www.grammarly.com/blog/2015/words-that-went-extinct/)

Observe the following excerpt: “With more and more words coined every year, dictionaries
couldn’t possibly add them all to their existing word banks.” Mark the alternative that best
describes the pronoun them.

a) It is a personal pronoun which refers back to the word “banks” in the excerpt.
b) It is a reflexive pronoun which refers back to the word “banks” in the excerpt.
c) It is a possessive pronoun which refers back to the word “dictionaries” in the excerpt.
d) It is a possessive adjective which refers back to the word “words” in the excerpt.
e) It is an objective pronoun which refers back to the word “words” in the excerpt.
Them é um object pronoun no plural e significa eles/elas.
Na frase temos “Com mais e mais palavras cunhadas a cada ano, os dicionários não po-
deriam adicionar elas todas aos seus bancos de palavras existentes”


Atenção: A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo.
Judges Push Brevity in Briefs, and Get a Torrent of Arguments
OCT. 3, 2016
The Constitution of the United States clocks in at 4,543 words. Yet a number of lawyers contend
that 14,000 words are barely enough to lay out their legal arguments.
That’s the maximum word count for briefs filed in federal appellate courts. For years, judges
have complained that too many briefs are repetitive and full of outmoded legal jargon, and that
they take up too much of their time.
A recent proposal to bring the limit down by 1,500 words unleashed an outcry among lawyers.
Lawyers in criminal, environmental and securities law insisted that briefs’ lengths should not
be shortened because legal issues and statutes are more complex than ever
As a result, the new word limit − which takes effect on Dec. 1 − will be 13,500 words, a reduction
of only 500 words. And appellate judges will have the freedom to opt out of the limits.
The new limit may not provide much relief for judges deluged with verbose briefs.
While workloads vary, according to federal court data, the average federal appeals court judge,
for example, might need to read filings for around 1,200 cases annually.
That amount of reading − especially bad reading − can thin the patience of even the most
diligent judge.
Briefs “are too long to be persuasive,” said Laurence H. Silberman, a judge on the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
In arguing against a reduction of words, the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers urged
singling out “bad briefs” rather than only lengthy ones. It advised courts to “post on their court
websites short videos outlining how to write a decent brief.”
Robert N. Markle, a federal appellate lawyer, has argued − in his own personal view, not the
government’s − that the limit should be reduced to 10,000 words. In a typical case, he said, “nothing
justifies even approaching, much less reaching or exceeding 14,000 words.”
Still, he acknowledged that the cut of 500 words “was at least a start.”

(Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/04/business/dealbook/judges-push-brevity-in-briefs-and-get-a-torrent-of-

-arguments. html?_r=0)

No trecho they take up too much of their time, os pronomes they e their referem-se, respec-
tivamente, a
a) briefs – federal appellate courts.
b) judges – federal appellate courts.
c) briefs – judges.
d) judges – briefs.
e) federal appellate courts – judges.
“For years, judges have complained that too many briefs are repetitive and full of out-
moded legal jargon, and that they take up too much of their time”
“durante anos, os juízes reclamaram que muitos resumos são repetitivos e cheios de
jargões jurídicos ultrapassados, e que eles tomam muito do seu tempo”


How Telecommuting Works
Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows
employees to avoid long commutes. “Bring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s
8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office. You roll out of bed, brush your teeth
and stumble your way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.
Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily
for you, you don’t have to go far – you work at home. Telecommuting, or working at home,
has grown in popularity over the last 20 years.
On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to long commutes and opting to work at home.
In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of employees working from home
grew by 23 percent from 1990 to 2000.
Telecommuting workers revel in making their own schedule – allowing them to schedule work
around family and personal commitments. With the ready availability of technology tools, like
the Internet and home computers, companies are more willing to let employees work from
( Adaptedfrom : < http: //home.howstuffworks.com/telecommuting.htm>Access on 18th January, 2014)

The pronoun THEM in the last paragraph of the text refers to:
a) technology tools.
b) telecommuting workers.
c) the Internet and home computers.
d) family and personal commitments.

“allowing them to schedule work around family and personal commitments.”
“permitindo-lhes agendar o trabalho em torno de compromissos familiares e pessoais”
Se perguntarmos quem é permitido agendar o trabalho temos a resposta: trabalhadores


Innovation is the new key to survival
At its most basic, innovation presents an optimal strategy for controlling costs. Companies that
have invested in such technologies as remote mining, autonomous equipment and driverless
trucks and trains have reduced expenses by orders of magnitude, while simultaneously driving
up productivity.
Yet, gazing towards the horizon, it is rapidly becoming clear that innovation can do much more
than reduce capital intensity. Approached strategically, it also has the power to reduce people
and energy intensity, while increasing mining intensity.
Capturing the learnings
The key is to think of innovation as much more than research and development (R&D) around
particular processes or technologies. Companies can, in fact, innovate in multiple ways, such
as leveraging supplier knowledge around specific operational challenges, redefining their
participation in the energy value chain or finding new ways to engage and partner with major
stakeholders and constituencies.
To reap these rewards, however, mining companies must overcome their traditionally con-
servative tendencies. In many cases, miners struggle to adopt technologies proven to work at
other mining companies, let alone those from other industries. As a result, innovation becomes
less of a technology problem and more of an adoption problem.
By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to adapt practical applications
that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit their current needs. For instance,
the tunnel boring machines used by civil engineers to excavate the Chunnel can vastly reduce
miners’ reliance on explosives. Until recently, those machines were too large to apply in a
mining setting. Some innovators, however, are now incorporating the underlying technology
to build smaller machines—effectively adapting mature solutions from other industries to
realize more rapid results.
Re-imagining the future
At the same time, innovation mandates companies to think in entirely new ways. Traditionally,
for instance, miners have focused on extracting higher grades and achieving faster throughput
by optimizing the pit, schedule, product mix and logistics. A truly innovative mindset, however,
will see them adopt an entirely new design paradigm that leverages new information, mining
and energy technologies to maximize value. […]

Approached in this way, innovation can drive more than cost reduction. It can help mining
companies mitigate and manage risks, strengthen business models and foster more effective
community and government relations. It can help mining services companies enhance their
value to the industry by developing new products and services. Longer-term, it can even posi-
tion organizations to move the needle on such endemic issues as corporate social responsibility,
environmental performance and sustainability.
(http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ru/Document s/energy-resources/ru_er_tracking_the_trends_2015_eng.

The word “them” in “apply them to fit» refers to:

a) current needs;
b) other industries;
c) mining companies;
d) practical applications;
e) tunnel boring machines.
A frase no texto é “By breaking this mindset, mining companies can free themselves to
adapt practical applications that already exist in other industries and apply them to fit
their current needs.”
Quando perguntamos o que é aplicado para atender as necessidades temos a resposta
aplicações práticas.


Choose the CORRECT answer.
She has told _____ many stories about _____ life in Africa.
a) our - hers
b) ours - hers
c) ourselves - her
d) us - her
Depois de verbo usamos um object pronoun, a única alternativa que mostra um object
pronoun na primeira parte é a alternativa D.
“Ela nos contou muitas histórias sobre a vida dela na África.”


01 Professor Barry Wellman of the University of Toronto in Canada has come up with a new
02 term to describe the way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big
O3 research study confirms it. The term is “networked individualism”. This concept is not easy to

04 understand because the words seem to have opposite meanings. How can we be indivi-
duals and
05 be networked at the same time? You need other people for networks.
06 What Professor Wellman means is that before the invention of the Internet and e-mail, our
07 social networks involved live interactions with relatives, neighbors, and colleagues at work.
08 Some of the interactions was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person, in real
09 time.
10 A recent research study by Pew Internet and American Life Project showed that for a lot of
11 people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social
12 interchange. In the past, many people were worried that Internet isolated us and caused
us to
13 spend too much time in the imaginary world of the computer. But the Pew study discove-
red that
14 the opposite is true. The Internet has put us in touch with more real people than expected.
15 turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical problems,
16 children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the
17 internet plays an important role in helping them deal with major life decisions.
(Adapted from a News Story by Ted Landphair — Voice of America News, April 2006.)

The word them (line 17) refers to

a) children (line 16).
b) Americans (line 16).
c) Pew (line 16).
d) Internet (line 17).
e) life decisions (line 17).
“About 60 million Americans told Pew that the internet plays an important role in helping
them deal with major life decisions.”
“Cerca de 60 milhões de americanos disseram ao Pew que a internet desempenha um
papel importante para ajudá-los a lidar com as principais decisões da vida.”
Os Americanos que contaram ao Pew.


Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
We have to do something about pollution. _____ hurts all of _____.
a) We / us
b) It / us
c) It / we
d) It / them
e) They / them
Na primeira parte da frase fala sobre poluição, usamos o subject pronoun it.
E se perguntarmos a quem a poluição machuca usamos o object pronoun us.


Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
_____ knows a lot of stories and the boy loves to listen to _____.
a) He / it
b) They / they
c) He / them
d) Him / them
e) They / them
No início da frase usamos um subject pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) e no final de
frase usamos um object pronoun (me, you, him, her, it, us, them).
O verbo no início da frase (knows) está na forma da terceira pessoa do singular, então o
sujeito da frase só pode ser he ou she.
A frase fala sobre as histórios (stories) que está no plural, portanto o object pronoun é


Oregon gets first U.S. wave-power farm
USA Today, Feb 17, 2010 - 09:49 AM
Construction has begun off Oregon’s coast on the
first commercial U.S. wave-energy farm, planned to
supply power to about 400 homes. Wave power draws
from the energy of ocean surface waves. A float on a

5 buoy rises and falls with the waves, driving a plunger

connected to a hydraulic pump that converts the vertical
movement into electricity.
The first buoy will measure 150 feet tall by 40 feet
wide, weigh 200 tons and cost $4 million, according to
10 Phil Pellegrino, spokesman for Ocean Power
Technologies, which is developing the project. He
explains that nine more buoys are planned for installation
at a site in Reedsport, Ore., by 2012, at a total cost of
$60 million.
15 This renewable energy form is generating waves
of skepticism. “A lot of people who are very experienced
with the ocean harbor a lot of doubt that anyone can in a
cost-effective way put buoys in the water, harvest the
energy, and not have them end up on the beach,” Onno
20 Husing, director of the Oregon Coastal Zone
Management Association, remarks.
The world’s first commercial wave farm opened
in 2008 off the coast of Portugal, at the Aguçadoura Wave
Park, but ran into financial difficulties last year and was
25 suspended indefinitely. Other projects are under
development in Spain, Scotland, Western Australia and
off the coast of Cornwall, England, according to
Wave power now costs five or six times as much
30 as wind power, because its technology is still being
developed but it could eventually become cost
competitive, Marianne Boust, senior analyst for Emerging
Energy Research, an alternative energy advisory firm in
Cambridge, Mass., reports.
http://content usatoday.com/communities/greenhouse/post/2010/02/oregon-gets-first-us-wave-power-farm/1, access on
February 20”, 2010.

In “...and not have them end up on the beach,” (line 19), the pronoun them refers to
a) renewable energy form(s) (line 15)

b) waves of skepticism (lines 15-16)

c) people (line 16)
d) a lot of doubt(s) (line 17)
e) buoys (line 18)
O pronome them está no plural e concorda com buoys, também no plural.
“in a cost-effective way put buoys in the water, harvest the energy, and not have them
end up on the beach”
“de maneira econômica, coloque boias na água, colete a energia e não deixe elas na praia”


Qual pronome melhor completa a frase a seguir
I told _______ to do the dishes and she did it right away
a) It
b) they
c) him
d) you
e) her
Na segunda parte da frase temos o pronome (she) então o object pronoun que concorda
com a frase é her.


Sobre pronomes objetivos, analise as frases a seguir e selecione a alternativa correta
I. They bought us a new car.
II. She is studying a lot for it.
III. We are trying to call him.
a) Nas três frases temos exemplos de pronomes objetivos.
b) A frase I não contem um pronome objetivo porque estes sempre se encontram na
última palavra.
c) They é pronome objetivo assim como them e us.
d) Usamos him para ela e her para ele.
e) Na frase II temos dois pronomes do sujeito.
A alternativa B está errada porque o object pronoun está sempre após o verbo, não ne-
cessariamente na última palavra da frase.
A alternativa C está errada porque They não é um object pronoun.
A alternativa D está errada porque o correto é ao contrário, him para ele e her para ela.
A alternativa E está errada porque she é subject pronoun e it é object pronoun, portanto
só temos um pronome do sujeito.


Read text I and answer the question.
Text I
English language teaching and the challenges for
citizenship and identity in the current century
The teaching of a foreign language in schools in Brazil has
been subject to changes in the last decades, following changes
in the society as a whole. From the point of view of legislation,
a foreign language must be taught at high school level (5th to
5 9th grades) and at secondary school (Ensino Médio), with the
possibility of adding another language to this latter level. The
choices must take into account the community the school
belongs to and the conditions for language teaching. ln
practice, English is the language chosen by the majority of the
10 schools. This option s, of course, linked to the “value” itis
given by the whole society. As we are about to start a new
millennium, communication among different peoples of the
world is facilitated by global networks such as CNN and the
Internet. These channels, using mainly English to convey news
15 to the world, reinforce the status of this language as a lingua
franca. This status, however, faces resistance (see Pennycook,
1991 and Canagarajah, 1999). The teaching of foreign
languages, from the government standpoint, however, has
remained untouched by such considerations.
(adapred from http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ ActaSciHumanSocSci/article/viewFile/2759/1891):

The verb phrase in “is facilitated by global networks” (line 13) is in the
a) present continuous tense, active voice.
b) simple present tense, passive voice.
c) present perfect tense, active voice.
d) simple present tense, active voice.
e) simple past tense, passive voice.


Instruction: answer question based on the following text.
What Is Academic Writing?
Lindsay Kramer
01 You learn a lot in college, and not all of it can be found in the course catalog. A lot of the
02 skills you acquire you find yourself having to master on your own: managing your time,
03 researching efficiently, and making ramen noodles in a coffee pot. Another skill you need to
04 master is academic writing, KN isn’t like other types of paper; it’s formal, it’s objective, and
O5 for a lot of students just starting college, f can be daunting. But once you break down the
06 fundamentals of academic writing and examine [NEM piece by piece, you’ll see they’re
07 to be afraid of.
08 Perhaps the most prominent characteristic of academic writing is the emphasis on
09 adhering to a style guide. In most cases, you’ll lose credit if you don’t. Beyond that, there’s
10 use of formal language, focusing on clarity and conciseness. Many writers confuse formal
11 flowery, but formal language uses the most accurate, non-colloquial terminology available to
12 communicate the author’s points. Overall, clarity and conciseness are your main goals.
13 When it comes to grammar, academic writing is prescriptive. By that, we mean there are
14 specific grammar and style rules that you must follow. These rules come from two sources:
15 style guide for the piece you’re working on, and generally established conventions for
16 writing. Your paper also needs to be formatted according to the style guide for your
17 Formatting includes how you number your pages, what’s included in your header and
footer, how
18 the contents of your cover page are ordered, and how your citations and references are
19 formatted.
20 Think of an academic paper as a formal event. Therefore, your writing needs to show up
21 ““dressed appropriately.” If the language you use with your friends ___ shorts and sandals,
22 the language you use with your professor ___ khakis and a polo, the language in your

23 writing needs ___ a tuxedo.

Adapted from: grammarly.com/blog/academic-writing/

Which of the alternatives below, correct and respectively, fills out the blanks in the last
a) are – are – be
b) was – were – be
c) was – is – been
d) is – are – being
e) is – is – to be


Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain
what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern
state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large
population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking
that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains
chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this
dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the
colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn
which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and
cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best
to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can
put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Look at the underlined words in the extract below. ‘There are usually some beans or rice with
this dish.’ If the extract were written in the negative, which of the following options would
be correct?
a) There are usually any beans or rice with this dish.
b) There aren’t usually plenty of beans or rice with this dish.
c) There aren’t usually any beans or rice with this dish.
d) There aren’t usually some beans or rice with this dish.
e) There not usually some beans or rice with this dish.


Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of there to be and choose the
correct alternative:
_____________ anybody in Room 307 at the moment? _____________ a man waiting for me
outside the school.
How many CDs _________ in your box?

a) Is there - There are - were there

b) Is there - There is - are there
c) Were there - There were - are there
d) Was there - There was - was there


Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many girls are there at your party last week?
b) Is there anybody in room 201 at the moment?
c) Sarah said there is twelve people waiting.
d) There isn’t an accident in our street last night.
e) There is exercise bars so you can work out.


Considere a frase abaixo: He is a music teacher. A negação está corretamente apresentada em:
a) He does not is a music teacher.
b) He are not a music teacher.
c) He is not a music teacher.
d) He do not are a music teacher.


The E-Factor
Good news! We can all develop the quality that can
make you happy, successful - even thin!
1 When I first met my friend Carol, I was convinced
she was the luckiest woman alive. It seems like everything in
her world is always wonderful. She describes her husband as
4 “the greatest guy you could meet” and her job as “fantastic”!
When she talks about places she’s been or people she’s met,
she uses words like awesome, fabulous and terrific.
7 But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better,
I’ve realized that Carol is no luckier than anyone else. Like all
of us, she has her ups and downs too. But what is special about
10 her is her attitude. No matter what happens, Carol looks at the
bright side. She is able to remain positive, energetic, vivacious.
She’s absolutely and totally enthusiastic!

13 In the beginning, Tasked myself. “How can anyone be

happy all the time?” But, now, | admire this character trait. It
works for her. She does well at work, has lots of friends and
16 she really seems to enjoy what she’s doing, 1 truly think she
will always be full of enthusiasm!
Karen Blanchard and Christine Root. For Your Information. Loegman, 2000, Unit 8 (adapted)

If the clause “she was the luckiest woman alive” (ℓ.2) had been used in the simple present
tense, the verbal form “was” should be replaced by
a) am.
b) are.
c) has.
d) were.
e) is.


Assinale a frase CORRETA.
a) Alex are not your friend.
b) John and Ane is not their sisters.
c) We am not doctors.
d) She is my girlfriend.


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:
Text 2:
English for Adults & Seniors!
Learning a language isn’t only for the young! It’s for everyone and if you are an older
learner, maybe 40+ to 70+ then joining an English Language Course in an environment with
people in similar age groups is a greatway to do it.
When you join a course at one of the International Schools you will find that approximately
more than 20% of our students are aged 30 to 44 and a further 32% are aged 45 to 75 - some-
times older. You are more than likely to find yourself in a class with people of a similar age;
Some mature students choose Business English courses for their working needs but many
more join standard General English courses or the Intensive English Mini-Group courses. Courses
like these help you to combine your language course with a holiday and you can make your own
afternoon programme or join social programmes which are designed to have a variety of different
activities suitable for all the age groups at the school. The programme changes every week and you
can see samples of all the different activities on the social programme pages or on Facebook pages.
Mature learners will feel safe joining one of the International Schools. You will find others

of a similar age in your class at all times of year.

The International School ( I S ) accommodation is also suitable for older clients - you can
choose from a homestay with a private bathroom, an apartment, but most convenient of all is
Club IS Hotel which is opposite the school. Club IS is for mature individuals who are studying
at the school. Classes are always organised according to level and according to age groups.
(Adapted from: < http: www.tisenglish.co.uk /courses-for-adults- seniors>)

Read these sentences:

I. If you ________ an old learner, you can join an English language course.
II. Old learners ________ interested in learning English.
III. People over 70 ________ also able to learn a language.
The correct verbs that complete the above sentences are, respectively:
a) is / is / is.
b) are / are / is.
c) are / are / are
d) is / are / is.
e) are / is / are


Five Effective Strategies for English Teachers
01 Teaching English is no easy feat. With a
02 variety of different skill levels in every
03 classroom, teachers must employ effective
04 strategies that allow each student to learn the
05 material. Whether the class focuses on
06 literature, grammar, or language skills, these
07 teaching strategies will come in handy for
08 many English teachers.
09 Vocabulary building. This is an important
10 component of any English class. This strategy
11 focuses a portion of each classroom session
12 on building a better vocabulary. Teachers can
13 ask students to point out unfamiliar words
14 and go over the meanings in class or use
15 interactive vocabulary-building exercises

16 which relate to the class’s reading material.

17 Writer’s Workshop. Have students
18 participate in a writer’s workshop several
19 times each year. The writing workshop model
20 created by Lucy Calkins, founder of the
21 Teachers College Reading and Writing Project,
22 allows students to learn about and participate
23 in all aspects of the writing process: drafting,
24 revision, editing and publishing.
25 Peer Response and editing. This can be a
26 very valuable teaching strategy for both the
27 teacher and the student, and there are many
28 peer response strategies to try in class.
29 Students get a chance to think critically about
30 others’ writing and see the results their
31 classmates got from a writing assignment. In
32 addition, teachers can observe how different
33 students learn and what strategies might
34 work better in the future.
35 Cooperative Learning. This learning
36 strategy is useful for English teachers who
37 incorporate literature into their classroom.
38 Cooperative learning requires students to
39 discuss a piece of literature in small groups.
40 By allowing the students to engage in
41 meaningful discussion, they begin to learn to
42 analyze literature and participate in an
43 educational process that they will find more
44 interesting than a general lecture on a
45 chapter in a book.
46 Depending ___________31 the grade level
47 ___________32 and the type of material
48 assigned based ___________33 the curriculum

49 plan, English teachers will have to try one or

50 more of the ___________34 strategies to make
51 ___________35 classroom work. The same
52 ___________36 may not work from year to year,
53 and teachers ___________37 find that while one
54 strategy works for one teacher, it does not
55 work in their classroom. English teachers who
56 ___________38 flexible and willing to experiment
57 ___________39 teaching strategies ___________40
58 sure to find a winning formula.
Extracted from: https://education.cuportland.edu/blog/classroom-resources/teaching strategiesfor-english-teachers/

Mark the option that correctly complete the blank 40 in Text I.

a) is
b) will be
c) are
d) can be
Analyze the sentences below.
I. Ricardo and Rebecca ____ my grandparent’s
II. Jessica’s husband ____ married to my sister
III. Victor ____ my cousin
IV. Pedro and Sarah’s parents ___ my uncles
Choose the option that correctly fill the gaps.
a) are – are – is – are
b) is – are – is – are
c) is – are – is – is
d) are – is – is – are
e) is – is – are – is
Choose the sentence with a mistake in the present perfect.
a) Brita is in a bad day
b) John and Paulo are in class 8 today
c) My dog is bigger that my son
d) Beto and me are not together anymore
e) Is Sandra and her sister twins?


Choose the sentence that contains simple present.
a) Paulo is an American man with a good job
b) I had a dog when I was younger
c) Jung is doing Yoga on Saturdays this month
d) Vanessa’s going to travel with us
e) Mr. Shaw has visited Madri twice


De acordo com a frase “Julie is in the house and Gus is at school” assinale a alternativa que
explica corretamente os tempos verbais apresentados.
a) There are two verbs in the simple present continuous
b) The first verb is in the present continuous and the second verb in the simple present
c) Both first and second verb are in the simple present
d) There is only one verb in the present
e) There is a mistake in “…Gus is at school”


Look at the sentence below and choose the alternative that correctly explains where the
mistake is.
Cezar and Carlos are from Peru but his sister’s is from Argentina.
a) There is no mistake in the sentence.
b) After Carlos the to be should be ‘is’ because is in the third person of singular
c) After ‘…his sister’s…’ the to be should be ‘are’ because sister’s is in the plural form
d) The verb to be is repeated in ‘…sister’s is…’
e) We can change the verb ‘are’ to the contracted form ‘’re’


Choose the alternative with an example of simple present to be.
a) There is someone at the door
b) If I were you I would quit your job
c) Jason and his wife are having a baby boy
d) Claudia was at my house 2 hours ago
e) Regina went on the roller coaster five times yesterday


a) Escolha a frase que usa o verbo to be corretamente
b) There is mirrors on the left wall
c) There are some eggs in the refrigerator
d) Suzan and I am in the same school
e) The United States are bigger than Chile
f) They’s both in trouble this time


Put the words below in the correct order
year’s / learning / resolution / is / new / my / French
a) New Year’s French my resolution is learning
b) French is my year’s new resolution learning
c) My new resolution learning year’s is French
d) New year’s French is my learning resolution
e) Learning French is my new year’s resolution


Para formar uma frase no presente simples com to be usamos:
a) Verbo com terminação em -ing
b) Auxiliar ‘can’ e verbo na forma base
c) Auxiliar ‘am, is, are’
d) Auxiliar ‘will’ e verbo no presente
e) Verbo com terminação em -s


Qual frase abaixo não está correta de acordo com as regras do presente simples to be.
a) History is my favorite subject
b) We aren’t at work anymore
c) Am I really not an American?
d) They’ve left the house
e) The Beatles are still a great success

1. B
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. E
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. E
19. C
20. D

Read text I and answer the question.
Text I
English language teaching and the challenges for
citizenship and identity in the current century
The teaching of a foreign language in schools in Brazil has
been subject to changes in the last decades, following changes
in the society as a whole. From the point of view of legislation,
a foreign language must be taught at high school level (5th to
5 9th grades) and at secondary school (Ensino Médio), with the
possibility of adding another language to this latter level. The
choices must take into account the community the school
belongs to and the conditions for language teaching. ln
practice, English is the language chosen by the majority of the
10 schools. This option s, of course, linked to the “value” itis
given by the whole society. As we are about to start a new
millennium, communication among different peoples of the
world is facilitated by global networks such as CNN and the
Internet. These channels, using mainly English to convey news
15 to the world, reinforce the status of this language as a lingua
franca. This status, however, faces resistance (see Pennycook,
1991 and Canagarajah, 1999). The teaching of foreign
languages, from the government standpoint, however, has
remained untouched by such considerations.
(adapred from http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ ActaSciHumanSocSci/article/viewFile/2759/1891):

The verb phrase in “is facilitated by global networks” (line 13) is in the
a) present continuous tense, active voice.
b) simple present tense, passive voice.
c) present perfect tense, active voice.
d) simple present tense, active voice.
e) simple past tense, passive voice.

O verbo to be no presente (is) indica que a frase está no presente simples e quando temos
verb TO BE + verbo no particípio é voz passiva.


Instruction: answer question based on the following text.
What Is Academic Writing?
Lindsay Kramer
01 You learn a lot in college, and not all of it can be found in the course catalog. A lot of the
02 skills you acquire you find yourself having to master on your own: managing your time,
03 researching efficiently, and making ramen noodles in a coffee pot. Another skill you need to
04 master is academic writing, KN isn’t like other types of paper; it’s formal, it’s objective, and
O5 for a lot of students just starting college, f can be daunting. But once you break down the
06 fundamentals of academic writing and examine [NEM piece by piece, you’ll see they’re
07 to be afraid of.
08 Perhaps the most prominent characteristic of academic writing is the emphasis on
09 adhering to a style guide. In most cases, you’ll lose credit if you don’t. Beyond that, there’s
10 use of formal language, focusing on clarity and conciseness. Many writers confuse formal
11 flowery, but formal language uses the most accurate, non-colloquial terminology available to
12 communicate the author’s points. Overall, clarity and conciseness are your main goals.
13 When it comes to grammar, academic writing is prescriptive. By that, we mean there are
14 specific grammar and style rules that you must follow. These rules come from two sources:
15 style guide for the piece you’re working on, and generally established conventions for
16 writing. Your paper also needs to be formatted according to the style guide for your
17 Formatting includes how you number your pages, what’s included in your header and
footer, how
18 the contents of your cover page are ordered, and how your citations and references are
19 formatted.
20 Think of an academic paper as a formal event. Therefore, your writing needs to show up
21 ““dressed appropriately.” If the language you use with your friends ___ shorts and sandals,
22 the language you use with your professor ___ khakis and a polo, the language in your

23 writing needs ___ a tuxedo.

Adapted from: grammarly.com/blog/academic-writing/

Which of the alternatives below, correct and respectively, fills out the blanks in the last
a) are – are – be
b) was – were – be
c) was – is – been
d) is – are – being
e) is – is – to be
Na primeira e segunda parte o sujeito da frase é the language – it, usamos o to be IS, e a
terceira frase temos o verbo need que deve ser seguido de TO, portanto to be.


Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain
what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern
state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large
population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking
that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains
chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this
dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the
colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn
which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and
cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best
to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can
put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Look at the underlined words in the extract below. ‘There are usually some beans or rice with
this dish.’ If the extract were written in the negative, which of the following options would
be correct?
a) There are usually any beans or rice with this dish.
b) There aren’t usually plenty of beans or rice with this dish.
c) There aren’t usually any beans or rice with this dish.
d) There aren’t usually some beans or rice with this dish.
e) There not usually some beans or rice with this dish.
Para fazer uma negação colocamos o auxiliar no negativo (are – aren’t) e soem é usado
somente em frases afirmativas, em negação é usado ANY.


Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of there to be and choose the
correct alternative:
_____________ anybody in Room 307 at the moment? _____________ a man waiting for me
outside the school.
How many CDs _________ in your box?
a) Is there - There are - were there
b) Is there - There is - are there
c) Were there - There were - are there
d) Was there - There was - was there
Para saber qual TO BE usar precisamos encontrar o sujeito, e em perguntas o to be é
colocado na frente. Na primeira parte está perguntando se tem alguém – singular – no
quarto, IS THERE. Na segunda parte é uma afirmação e o sujeito é a man – singular. THERE
IS. E na Terceira frase é uma pergunta e o sujeito é CDs – plural – ARE THERE.


Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.
a) How many girls are there at your party last week?
b) Is there anybody in room 201 at the moment?
c) Sarah said there is twelve people waiting.
d) There isn’t an accident in our street last night.
e) There is exercise bars so you can work out.
A frase A está errada porque está no passado, o correto é: How many girls were there
at your party last week?
A frase C está errada porque também está no passado e no plural, o correto é: Sarah said
there were twelve people waiting.
A frase D também tem o mesmo erro, tem o adverbio de tempo no passado, o correto
é: There wasn’t an accident in our street last night.
A frase E está errada porque o to be deve estar no plural para concordar com bars: There
are exercise bars so you can work out.


Considere a frase abaixo: He is a music teacher. A negação está corretamente apresentada em:
a) He does not is a music teacher.
b) He are not a music teacher.
c) He is not a music teacher.
d) He do not are a music teacher.
Para transformar uma frase em negativa adicionamos o “not” depois do verbo to be. (He
is not a music teacher)


The E-Factor
Good news! We can all develop the quality that can
make you happy, successful - even thin!
1 When I first met my friend Carol, I was convinced
she was the luckiest woman alive. It seems like everything in
her world is always wonderful. She describes her husband as
4 “the greatest guy you could meet” and her job as “fantastic”!
When she talks about places she’s been or people she’s met,
she uses words like awesome, fabulous and terrific.
7 But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better,
I’ve realized that Carol is no luckier than anyone else. Like all
of us, she has her ups and downs too. But what is special about
10 her is her attitude. No matter what happens, Carol looks at the
bright side. She is able to remain positive, energetic, vivacious.
She’s absolutely and totally enthusiastic!
13 In the beginning, Tasked myself. “How can anyone be
happy all the time?” But, now, | admire this character trait. It
works for her. She does well at work, has lots of friends and
16 she really seems to enjoy what she’s doing, 1 truly think she
will always be full of enthusiasm!
Karen Blanchard and Christine Root. For Your Information. Loegman, 2000, Unit 8 (adapted)

If the clause “she was the luckiest woman alive” (ℓ.2) had been used in the simple present
tense, the verbal form “was” should be replaced by
a) am.

b) are.
c) has.
d) were.
e) is.
Was é o verbo to be no passado, precisamos transformar o verbo no presente, para o
sujeito she usamos IS.


Assinale a frase CORRETA.
a) Alex are not your friend.
b) John and Ane is not their sisters.
c) We am not doctors.
d) She is my girlfriend.
No presente simples a conjunção do verbo to be é: I – am; he/she/it – is; you/we/they - are
Na letra A o sujeito é Alex – he. Na letra B o sujeito é John and Ane – They e na letra C
o sujeito é we.


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:
Text 2:
English for Adults & Seniors!
Learning a language isn’t only for the young! It’s for everyone and if you are an older
learner, maybe 40+ to 70+ then joining an English Language Course in an environment with
people in similar age groups is a greatway to do it.
When you join a course at one of the International Schools you will find that approximately
more than 20% of our students are aged 30 to 44 and a further 32% are aged 45 to 75 - some-
times older. You are more than likely to find yourself in a class with people of a similar age;
Some mature students choose Business English courses for their working needs but many
more join standard General English courses or the Intensive English Mini-Group courses. Courses
like these help you to combine your language course with a holiday and you can make your own
afternoon programme or join social programmes which are designed to have a variety of different
activities suitable for all the age groups at the school. The programme changes every week and you
can see samples of all the different activities on the social programme pages or on Facebook pages.
Mature learners will feel safe joining one of the International Schools. You will find others
of a similar age in your class at all times of year.
The International School ( I S ) accommodation is also suitable for older clients - you can

choose from a homestay with a private bathroom, an apartment, but most convenient of all is
Club IS Hotel which is opposite the school. Club IS is for mature individuals who are studying
at the school. Classes are always organised according to level and according to age groups.
(Adapted from: < http: www.tisenglish.co.uk /courses-for-adults- seniors>)

Read these sentences:

I. If you ________ an old learner, you can join an English language course.
II. Old learners ________ interested in learning English.
III. People over 70 ________ also able to learn a language.
The correct verbs that complete the above sentences are, respectively:
a) is / is / is.
b) are / are / is.
c) are / are / are
d) is / are / is.
e) are / is / are
Na frase I o sujeito é you, usamos o verbo to be - are. Na frase II o sujeito está no plural
(old learners) e também usamos o to be - are. Na frase III o sujeito está no plural (people
over 70 – pessoas acima de 70) corresponde a they e usamos o to be – are.


Five Effective Strategies for English Teachers
01 Teaching English is no easy feat. With a
02 variety of different skill levels in every
03 classroom, teachers must employ effective
04 strategies that allow each student to learn the
05 material. Whether the class focuses on
06 literature, grammar, or language skills, these
07 teaching strategies will come in handy for
08 many English teachers.
09 Vocabulary building. This is an important
10 component of any English class. This strategy
11 focuses a portion of each classroom session
12 on building a better vocabulary. Teachers can
13 ask students to point out unfamiliar words

14 and go over the meanings in class or use

15 interactive vocabulary-building exercises
16 which relate to the class’s reading material.
17 Writer’s Workshop. Have students
18 participate in a writer’s workshop several
19 times each year. The writing workshop model
20 created by Lucy Calkins, founder of the
21 Teachers College Reading and Writing Project,
22 allows students to learn about and participate
23 in all aspects of the writing process: drafting,
24 revision, editing and publishing.
25 Peer Response and editing. This can be a
26 very valuable teaching strategy for both the
27 teacher and the student, and there are many
28 peer response strategies to try in class.
29 Students get a chance to think critically about
30 others’ writing and see the results their
31 classmates got from a writing assignment. In
32 addition, teachers can observe how different
33 students learn and what strategies might
34 work better in the future.
35 Cooperative Learning. This learning
36 strategy is useful for English teachers who
37 incorporate literature into their classroom.
38 Cooperative learning requires students to
39 discuss a piece of literature in small groups.
40 By allowing the students to engage in
41 meaningful discussion, they begin to learn to
42 analyze literature and participate in an
43 educational process that they will find more
44 interesting than a general lecture on a
45 chapter in a book.
46 Depending ___________31 the grade level

47 ___________32 and the type of material

48 assigned based ___________33 the curriculum
49 plan, English teachers will have to try one or
50 more of the ___________34 strategies to make
51 ___________35 classroom work. The same
52 ___________36 may not work from year to year,
53 and teachers ___________37 find that while one
54 strategy works for one teacher, it does not
55 work in their classroom. English teachers who
56 ___________38 flexible and willing to experiment
57 ___________39 teaching strategies ___________40
58 sure to find a winning formula.
Extracted from: https://education.cuportland.edu/blog/classroom-resources/teaching strategiesfor-english-teachers/

Mark the option that correctly complete the blank 40 in Text I.

a) is
b) will be
c) are
d) can be
O verbo to be usado deve concordar com o sujeito da frase que é (strategies) no plural
portanto usamos – are.


Analyze the sentences below.
I. Ricardo and Rebecca ____ my grandparent’s
II. Jessica’s husband ____ married to my sister
III. Victor ____ my cousin
IV. Pedro and Sarah’s parents ___ my uncles
Choose the option that correctly fill the gaps.
a) are – are – is – are
b) is – are – is – are
c) is – are – is – is
d) are – is – is – are
e) is – is – are – is

Na frase I são duas pessoas, Ricardo e Rebecca, portanto é plural e usamos o verbo to
be ARE, na frase II temos uma pessoa, o marido da Jessica, está no singular e usamos IS,
na frase III é uma pessoa no singular, usamos IS e na frase IV são duas pessoas, os pais
de Pedro e Sarah, portanto está no plural e usamos ARE.
ARE – IS – IS – ARE Alternativa D.


Choose the sentence with a mistake in the present perfect.
a) Brita is in a bad day
b) John and Paulo are in class 8 today
c) My dog is bigger that my son
d) Beto and me are not together anymore
e) Is Sandra and her sister twins?
A alternativa E está errada porque a pergunta se trata de duas pessoas, Sandra e a irmã,
portanto o verbo to be correspondente é ARE.


Choose the sentence that contains simple present.
a) Paulo is an American man with a good job
b) I had a dog when I was younger
c) Jung is doing Yoga on Saturdays this month
d) Vanessa’s going to travel with us
e) Mr. Shaw has visited Madri twice
A frase B está no passado simples (verbos no passado) a frase C está no presente continuo
(verbo to be + verbo -ing) a frase D está no futuro (to be + going to) e a frase E está no
presente perfeito (has + passado particípio)


De acordo com a frase “Julie is in the house and Gus is at school” assinale a alternativa que
explica corretamente os tempos verbais apresentados.
a) There are two verbs in the simple present continuous
b) The first verb is in the present continuous and the second verb in the simple present
c) Both first and second verb are in the simple present
d) There is only one verb in the present
e) There is a mistake in “…Gus is at school”
Na frase temos dois verbos “Julie is in the house and Gus is at school” ambos significam
“está” portando é presente simples, alternativa C.


Look at the sentence below and choose the alternative that correctly explains where the
mistake is.
Cezar and Carlos are from Peru but his sister’s is from Argentina.
a) There is no mistake in the sentence.
b) After Carlos the to be should be ‘is’ because is in the third person of singular
c) After ‘…his sister’s…’ the to be should be ‘are’ because sister’s is in the plural form
d) The verb to be is repeated in ‘…sister’s is…’
e) We can change the verb ‘are’ to the contracted form ‘’re’
A alternativa D está correta porque podemos usar o to be da forma longa (is) ou da forma
curta (‘s) mas nunca os dois juntos.


Choose the alternative with an example of simple present to be.
a) There is someone at the door
b) If I were you I would quit your job
c) Jason and his wife are having a baby boy
d) Claudia was at my house 2 hours ago
e) Regina went on the roller coaster five times yesterday
A alternativa B está no conditional type 2, a alternativa C no presente continuo, alterna-
tivas D e E no passado simples.


Escolha a frase que usa o verbo to be corretamente
a) There is mirrors on the left wall
b) There are some eggs in the refrigerator
c) Suzan and I am in the same school
d) The United States are bigger than Chile
e) They’s both in trouble this time
Na frase A a palavra espelhos está no plural, portanto usamos IS. Na frase C Suzan and I
é NÓS, no plural usamos o to be ARE. Na frase D Os estados Unidos é um país só, o verbo
deve estar no singular IS. E na frase E com o sujeito THEY usamos o to be ARE.


Put the words below in the correct order
year’s / learning / resolution / is / new / my / French
a) New Year’s French my resolution is learning
b) French is my year’s new resolution learning
c) My new resolution learning year’s is French
d) New year’s French is my learning resolution
e) Learning French is my new year’s resolution
As palavras significam: De ano / aprender / resolução / é / nova / minha / Francês. Na
ordem correta ficam “Aprender francês é minha resolução de ano novo”
Colocamos primeiro o sujeito ‘aprender francês’, depois o to be ‘is’ e o complemento
‘my new year’s resolution’.


a) Para formar uma frase no presente simples com to be usamos:
b) Verbo com terminação em -ing
c) Auxiliar ‘can’ e verbo na forma base
d) Auxiliar ‘am, is, are’
e) Auxiliar ‘will’ e verbo no presente
f) Verbo com terminação em -s
O verbo to be no presente simples é com posto por SUJEITO + AM / IS / ARE + comple-
mento. O verbo já faz a função do auxiliar e verbo principal, portanto não há necessidade
de adicionar mais um.


Qual frase abaixo não está correta de acordo com as regras do presente simples to be.
a) History is my favorite subject
b) We aren’t at work anymore
c) Am I really not an American?
d) They’ve left the house
e) The Beatles are still a great success
O auxiliar da frase D é have e o verbo está no particípio, portanto está no presente perfeito.

1. Ano: 2019. Banca: FEPESE. Órgão: Prefeitura de Campos Novos - SC Prova: FEPESE - 2019
- Prefeitura de Campos Novos – SC.
O Sfumato (ou esfumato) foi uma técnica provavelmente inventada por Leonardo da Vinci, em
que ocorre a fusão gradual entre o tom mais escuro até o mais claro, colaborando para a criação
do “relevo escultural”, tornando a pintura mais realista.
Leonardo da Vinci e realismo na pintura podem ser associados a um movimento de grande
importância na história da modernidade.
Assinale a alternativa que indica esse movimento:
a) Fisiocracia.
b) Iluminismo.
c) Mercantilismo.
d) Reforma Protestante.
e) Renascimento Cultural.

2. Ano: 2018. Banca: IBADE Órgão: Prefeitura de Presidente Kennedy - ES Prova: IBADE -
2018 - Prefeitura de Presidente Kennedy – ES.
A obra “A criação de Adão”, de autoria do artista Michelangelo Buonarroti, é considerada uma
das mais representativas do movimento cultural conhecido como Renascimento.

O Renascimento, um movimento cultural que surgiu na Europa, entre os séculos XIV e XVI, se
caracterizou pelo(a):
a) visão culturalista de mundo, negando as contribuições das ciências.
b) teocentrismo que reconhecia a submissão do homem ao Deus.
c) racionalismo e rejeição plena das influências religiosas.
d) concepção de tempo, como algo pertencente ao homem.
e) hedonismo, fundamentado na rejeição aos prazeres.

3. Prefeitura de Itaituba. Ano 2017.

Na Europa moderna, um burgo designa geralmente uma cidade comercial, que se desenvolvia
fora das muralhas do núcleo urbano primitivo, senhorial. O aparecimento dos primeiros burgos
modernos caracterizou o:
a) aparecimento das primeiras cidades atuais, como a divisão social do trabalho susten-
tada pelos setores do comércio, indústria e pelo setor agrícola, os donos dos burgos
eram os burgueses.
b) o surgimento das cidades modernas, como núcleos urbanos diferentes daqueles da
Idade Média, em que os senhores feudais donos dos burgos e dos castelos mandavam
e governavam.
c) o fim do mundo medieval, demarcado pelo poder descentralizador dos feudos. Os
burgos abriram caminho para a urbanização moderna e o surgimento da burguesia.
d) o fim da Idade Média e o surgimento da burguesia. Os burgos atraiam comerciantes,
os burgueses, que enriqueciam derrubando os reis absolutistas e centralizadores, os
sustentadores do poder rural na Idade Média europeia.
e) NDA.

4. Ano: 2013. Banca: UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: UFPR - 2013 - PM-PR - Aspirante da Policial
O Papa Francisco, eleito em março de 2013, chamou atenção novamente para a figura de
Francisco de Assis, considerado o fundador da Ordem dos Franciscanos (ou dos Frades Meno-
res) na Baixa Idade Média. Assinale a alternativa que relaciona o contexto de surgimento dos
Franciscanos e sua motivação de ação.
a) Com a retração do renascimento comercial e urbano, aumentaram a pobreza e o
abandono de crianças, que eram recolhidas pelas Ordens Mendicantes, entre elas a
dos Franciscanos, para evitar que fossem recrutadas nas Cruzadas.
b) Com o renascimento comercial e urbano, aprofundaram-se a pobreza e as desigualda-
des sociais, suscitando o aparecimento de várias Ordens Mendicantes, que pretendiam
atuar junto aos necessitados, entre elas a Ordem dos Franciscanos.
c) O renascimento comercial e urbano gerou um empobrecimento da Igreja Católica na
Baixa Idade Média, suscitando o aparecimento das Ordens Mendicantes, entre elas
a dos Franciscanos.
d) Com o renascimento comercial e urbano, surgem as Ordens Mendicantes, dentre elas
a dos Franciscanos, que constituíram uma força de contestação da ordem feudal e
do poder econômico da Igreja.
e) Com a crescente ruralização e o aumento da pobreza no espaço europeu, surgiram
as Ordens Mendicantes, como a dos Franciscanos, para se tornar a principal instância
da Igreja Católica.

5. Ano: 2013. Banca: COPEVE-UFAL Órgão: UNCISAL Prova: COPEVE-UFAL - 2013 – UNCISAL.
O período de auge do feudalismo foi o que se costuma chamar de Alta Idade Média (séculos
5 a 10). Mas, a partir do século 10, as coisas começaram a mudar. Diversos fatores ajudam a
explicar o porquê a agricultura deixou de ser a principal atividade econômica, abrindo espaço
para o chamado Renascimento Comercial, que, a partir do século 11, inaugurou definitiva-
mente a Baixa Idade Média, que se estenderia até o século 15.O período referido no texto é
caracterizado pelo.
a) fortalecimento do sistema de colonato; relações de suserania e vassalagem.
b) aumento do despovoamento; incremento da regressão urbana.
c) aumento do número de conflitos vilas e burgos.
d) incremento da liberdade política e econômica; desativação da produção artesanal.
e) crescimento populacional; florescimento das cidades e do trabalho urbano.

6. (Cescem-SP) As corporações de ofícios eram organizadas com o objetivo de:

a) defender os interesses dos artesãos diante dos patrões.
b) proporcionar formação profissional aos jovens fidalgos.
c) aplicar os princípios religiosos às atividades cotidianas.
d) combater os senhores feudais.
e) proteger os ofícios contra a concorrência e controlar a produção.

7. Ano: 2018. Banca: Exército Órgão: EsFCEx. Prova: Exército - 2018 – EsFCEx.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas abaixo.Iniciou-se assim o/ (a)
_______________ , cujo objetivo era atualizar, dinamizar, revitalizar os estudos tradicionais,
baseado no programa de _______________ , que incluíam a poesia, a filosofia, a história, a
matemática e a eloquência, disciplina essa resultante da fusão entre a retórica e a filosofia.
Assim, num sentido estrito, os _______________ eram, por definição, os homens empenha-
dos nessa reforma educacional. (...) Os estudos deviam ser centrados exclusivamente sobre
os textos dos autores da _______________, (....). Significava, pois, um desafio para a cultura
dominante e uma tentativa de abolir a tradição intelectual medieval. Adaptado (SEVCENKO,
Nicolau. O Renascimento. São Paulo: Atual; Campinas. Editora da Unicamp, 1984, p. 15).
a) reforma - estudos teológicos - iluministas - cristandade.
b) movimento - estudos teológicos - iluministas - antiguidade clássica.
c) movimento - estudos humanistas - iluministas - antiguidade clássica.
d) movimento -estudos humanistas - renascentista - antiguidade clássica.
e) movimento - estudos humanistas - humanistas - antiguidade clássica.

8. Ano: 2018. Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Aspirante da
Polícia Militar.
Artistas reinventaram a arte com novas noções de dimensão espacial, emprego das cores e
valorização dos planos e contrastes, como luz e sombra, ornamentação detalhada e equilíbrio
geométrico. Na escrita, autores detalhavam desejos, medos, qualidades e defeitos do ser
humano e de sua moral. Descreviam a utopia de um homem novo e do mundo perfeito, num
tempo em que sonhar era arriscado.
(Angelo Adriano Faria Assis. A razão brilha para todos. Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional, 2013. Adaptado)

O trecho faz referência:

a) à Antiguidade Clássica.
b) ao Gótico.
c) ao Renascimento.
d) ao Barroco.
e) ao Realismo.

9. Ano: 2018. Banca: Exército Órgão: EsPCEx. Prova: Exército - 2018 - EsPCEx - Cadete do
Exército - 2° Dia.
No período do Renascimento, ocorreram mudanças significativas na produção cultural euro-
peia. Considerando:
I. I- o desenvolvimento da Teoria do Heliocentrismo.
II. II- o desenvolvimento da imprensa.
III. III- a estratificação da sociedade.
IV. IV- a ação dos mecenas.
Assinale abaixo o item que apresenta os aspectos que influenciaram o aumento da produção
cultural renascentista, assim como da sua qualidade.
a) I e II.
b) I e III.
c) II e III.
d) II e IV.
e) III e IV.

10. Ano: 2011. Banca: VUNESP. Órgão: PM-SP. Prova: VUNESP - 2011 - PM-SP - Soldado
Voluntário XV.
Observe a imagem.

Esse desenho de Leonardo da Vinci relaciona-se:

a) aos ideais típicos do feudalismo.
b) ao fortalecimento da Igreja medieval.
c) à valorização do homem no Renascimento.
d) ao declínio das atividades comerciais.
e) à negação da ideologia marxista.

1. E.
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. E
6. E
7. E
8. C
9. D
10. C

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