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Lt 66, 1894

Prescott, W. W.
Granville, New South Wales, Australia
April 10, 1894
Portions of this letter are published in OHC 309; 2SM 92-93; 3SM 403-405; 7BC
962, 964; LDE 21-22, 77; CTr 131; 10MR 347. +Note

Dear Brother Prescott,

Caro irmão Prescott,

I received your letter, and was much interested in its contents. I have had
little time to write. It is about two weeks since we came to this place, and
through various circumstances we are not yet fully settled, but we are placed
where we can live. {Lt66-1894.1}

Recebi sua carta e fiquei muito interessado em seu conteúdo. Tive pouco
tempo para escrever. Já se passaram cerca de duas semanas desde que
viemos para este lugar e, devido a várias circunstâncias, ainda não estamos
totalmente acomodados, mas fomos colocados onde possamos viver. {Lt66-

In regard to education, I cannot discern that your ideas are incorrect. When
we consider that history is being made so fast, we can but be convinced that
perils are fast crowding upon us, and we cannot deliver even ourselves from
that which we must meet. All we can do is to seek heavenly wisdom from our
only source of help. If by constant contemplation of the Author and Finisher of
our faith, we grow into the similitude of Christ in character, we shall have our life
hid with Christ in God. We are not to fold our hands in idle expectancy of the
Lord’s soon coming, but we are to keep looking unto Jesus, hanging our
helpless souls upon his merits, opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit’s moving,
our petitions ascending to God for his fashioning hand to be upon us. {Lt66-1894.2}

Em relação à educação, não posso discernir que suas idéias estejam

incorretas. Quando consideramos que a história está sendo passada tão
rapidamente, não podemos deixar de estar convencidos de que os perigos estão se
aglomerando rapidamente sobre nós, e não podemos nos livrar nem mesmo daquilo
que devemos enfrentar. Tudo o que podemos fazer é buscar sabedoria celestial em
nossa única fonte de ajuda. Se, pela constante contemplação do Autor e Consumador
de nossa fé, crescermos na semelhança de Cristo em caráter, teremos nossa vida
escondida com Cristo em Deus. Não devemos cruzar nossas mãos na expectativa
ociosa da próxima vinda do Senhor, mas devemos continuar olhando para Jesus,
apoiando nossas almas desamparadas sobre seus méritos, abrindo nossos corações
ao movimento do Espírito Santo, nossas petições ascendendo a Deus para sua mão
nodeladora esteja sobre nós. {Lt66-1894,2}

Unholy ambition will seek to secure a place in all our devising, but O, as
never before, there is now the greatest necessity that in humility we sit at the
feet of Jesus, and learn lessons from the greatest Teacher the world ever knew.
One day at a time we must be working and praying, waiting and watching,
calling upon God for wisdom at every step. We cannot walk in our own strength.
If this has been perilous in the past, as we know it has been, it is doubly so now.
It is no time to be off guard, for even one moment. Eternal interests are
involved, and our faith needs strengthening; it must be growing in the place of
decreasing and becoming dwarfed. We have not a moment’s time to serve or
glorify self. Lift Him up, the Man of Calvary, and let every influence, every voice,
point to Jesus, saying, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of
the world.” [John 1:29.] It is none of self and all of Jesus that will give the right
mold to our experience. {Lt66-1894.3}

A ambição profana procurará assegurar um lugar em todos os nossos

planejamentos, mas, oh, como nunca antes, há agora a maior necessidade de que
com humildade nos sentemos aos pés de Jesus e aprendamos lições do maior Mestre
que o mundo já conheceu. Devemos estar trabalhando e orando um dia de cada vez,
esperando e vigiando, clamando a Deus por sabedoria a cada passo. Não podemos
andar nas nossas próprias forças. Se isso foi perigoso no passado, como sabemos, é
duplamente perigoso agora. Não é hora de ficar desprevenido, nem por um
momento. Interesses eternos estão envolvidos, e nossa fé precisa ser fortalecida; deve
estar crescendo no lugar de diminuir e tornar-se anão. Não temos um momento sequer
para servir ou glorificar a nós mesmos. Erga-O, o Homem do Calvário, e que toda
influência, toda voz, aponte para Jesus, dizendo: “Eis o Cordeiro de Deus, que tira o
pecado do mundo. ” [João 1:29.] Não é nada de nós mesmos e tudo de Jesus que
dará o molde certo à nossa experiência. {Lt66-1894.3}

I feel deeply for the students of the school. My heart is drawn out for the
youth. I see so large a work which they can do if they consecrate their life to
Jesus. The Lord will give the youth power of influence as they lift their voice in
the invitation, “Come, for all things are ready.” [Luke 14:17.] Every evil practice
must be hated and overcome. Christ is to be formed within, the hope of glory.
Then He will shine forth in the character. {Lt66-1894.4}

Sinto profundamente pelos alunos da escola. Meu coração está voltado para os
jovens. Vejo uma obra tão grande que eles podem fazer se consagrarem sua vida a
Jesus. O Senhor dará aos jovens poder de influência ao erguerem a voz no convite:
“Vinde, porque todas as coisas estão prontas”. [ Lucas 14:17.] Toda má prática deve
ser odiada e vencida. Cristo deve ser formado interiormente, a esperança da
glória. Então Ele brilhará no caráter. {Lt66-1894,4}

I am rejoiced that some are working up, to give themselves unreservedly to

the service of Christ. The opposing influences are at work; men, women, and
youth, standing under the black banner of the power of darkness, moving under
the inspiration of the power from beneath, are at work to seduce souls into
forbidden paths. And God is waiting to inspire the youth with power from above,
that all who stand under the bloodstained banner of Jesus Christ may work to
call, to warn, and to lead souls into safe paths, and to plant the feet of many
upon the Rock of Ages. {Lt66-1894.5}

Alegra-me que alguns estejam trabalhando para se entregar sem reservas ao

serviço de Cristo. As influências opostas estão em ação; homens, mulheres e jovens,
permanecendo sob a bandeira negra do poder das trevas, movendo-se sob a
inspiração do poder de baixo, estão trabalhando para seduzir almas para caminhos
proibidos. E Deus está esperando para inspirar os jovens com poder do alto, para que
todos os que estão sob a bandeira ensanguentada de Jesus Cristo possam trabalhar
para chamar, advertir e conduzir almas a caminhos seguros, e plantar os pés de
muitos na Rocha da eternidade. {Lt66-1894,5}

The Lord will reveal Himself to all who seek Him with the whole heart. “Ye
are laborers together with God.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.] All who will be learners in
the school of Christ will be accepted as workers. There will be the deep
movings of the Spirit of God upon human hearts now and onward, as never
before in our experience. But our brethren must be guarded now as never
before. They need the eyes anointed with heavenly eyesalve, that they may
discern all things clearly, and not accept and bring to the front that which will, in
its tendencies, switch some poor souls off the track. Test everything before it
shall be presented to the flock of God, for when persons see that they have
been accepting as a “Thus saith the Lord,” words that were not from God, their
faith will be unsettled; and they will be ready to doubt the words that come from
God to them; some will no longer be reached by the warnings, invitations, and
messages from heaven. {Lt66-1894.6}

O Senhor se revelará a todos os que O buscam de todo o coração. “Vós sois

coobreiros de Deus.” [ 1 Coríntios 3: 9.] Todos os que forem alunos na escola de
Cristo serão aceitos como obreiros. Haverá a profunda ação do Espírito de Deus sobre
os corações humanos agora e por diante, como nunca antes em nossa
experiência. Mas nossos irmãos devem ser protegidos agora como nunca antes. Eles
precisam dos olhos ungidos com olhos celestiais, para que possam discernir tudo
claramente, e não aceitar e apresentar à frente aquilo que, em suas tendências, irá
desviar algumas pobres almas dos trilhos. Teste tudo antes que seja apresentado ao
rebanho de Deus, pois quando as pessoas virem que têm aceitado como um “Assim
diz o Senhor”, palavras que não provêm de Deus, sua fé será perturbada; e eles
estarão prontos para duvidar das palavras que vêm de Deus para eles; alguns não
serão mais alcançados pelas advertências, convites e mensagens do céu.{Lt66-1894,6}

For this reason our brethren and sisters need to keep sharp, clear
discernment. In messages that profess to be from heaven, expressions will be
made that are misleading, and if the influence of these things be accepted, it will
lead to exaggerated movements, plans, and devisings that will bring in the very
things Satan would have current—a strange spirit, an unclean spirit, under the
garments of sanctity, a strong spirit to overbear everything. Fanaticism will
come in, and will so mingle and interweave itself with the workings of the Spirit
of God that many will accept it all as from God, and will be deceived and misled
thereby. {Lt66-1894.7}

Por essa razão, nossos irmãos e irmãs precisam manter um discernimento

aguçado e claro. Em mensagens que professam ser do céu, serão feitas
expressões enganosas e, se a influência dessas coisas for aceita, isso levará a
movimentos, planos e invenções exageradas que introduzirão exatamente as
coisas que Satanás deseja que haja — um espírito estranho, um espírito
impuro, sob as vestes da santidade, um espírito forte para dominar tudo. O
fanatismo virá e se misturará e se entrelaçará tanto com a operação do Espírito
de Deus que muitos aceitarão tudo como sendo de Deus, e serão enganados e
desencaminhados por isso. {Lt66-1894,7}
There are strong statements often made by our brethren who bear the
message of mercy and warning to our world that would better be repressed.
Every statement should be carefully considered. Not one word should be
spoken that will give the opposers of our faith advantage over us. Let nothing be
said in a spirit of retaliation, nothing that will bear even the appearance of railing
accusation. Let every one read and ponder the signification of the Scripture
which relates how Christ, when contending with Satan about the body of Moses,
dared not bring against him a railing accusation. {Lt66-1894.8}

Há fortes declarações feitas freqüentemente por nossos irmãos que levam a

mensagem de misericórdia e advertência ao nosso mundo que seria melhor
reprimida. Cada declaração deve ser considerada cuidadosamente. Nenhuma
palavra deve ser dita que dê aos opositores de nossa fé vantagem sobre
nós. Que nada seja dito com espírito de retaliação, nada que tenha a aparência
de uma acusação injuriosa. Que cada um leia e pondere o significado da
Escritura que relata como Cristo, ao contender com Satanás a respeito do
corpo de Moisés, não ousou fazer contra ele uma acusação de injúria. {Lt66-

Truth will bear the test of all opposition. Let it be put strongly, as in Jesus,
and let the characteristics of the worker be hidden in Christ. Let not one word be
expressed to stir up the spirit of retaliation in opposers of the truth. Let nothing
be done to arouse the dragon-like spirit, for it will reveal itself soon enough, and
in all its dragon character, against those who keep the commandments of God
and have the faith of Jesus. There are hereditary tendencies and natural
dispositions that will wrestle for exhibition, but self must be lost in Jesus. The
truth must appear in its beautiful, solemn character, dignified, uplifting, and
ennobling. Let souls that are ready to perish receive from the teacher of truth
only such impressions as are not perishable, but enduring as eternity. Give
opportunity for the Holy Spirit to place the acceptable mold upon the souls that
are turning from error to truth, from darkness to light. {Lt66-1894.9}

A verdade suportará o teste de toda oposição. Que seja colocado com força,
como em Jesus, e que as características do obreiro sejam ocultadas em
Cristo. Que nenhuma palavra seja expressa para despertar o espírito de
retaliação nos opositores da verdade. Que nada seja feito para despertar o
espírito semelhante ao do dragão, pois ele se revelará em breve, e em todo o
seu caráter de dragão, contra aqueles que guardam os mandamentos de Deus
e têm a fé de Jesus. Existem tendências hereditárias e disposições naturais
que lutarão para se exibir, mas o eu deve estar perdido em Jesus. A verdade
deve aparecer em seu caráter belo e solene, digno, edificante e
enobrecedor. Que as pessoas que estão prestes a perecer recebam do
professor da verdade apenas as impressões que não são perecíveis, mas que
perduram como a eternidade.{Lt66-1894,9}

May the Lord help His messengers who bear the last note of warning to our
world, to speak from the very depth of wisdom. Guard every word, control every
emotion, giving no occasion for Satan to triumph over the believers. The time
will come when we shall be called to stand before kings and rulers, magistrates
and powers, in vindication of the truth. Then it will be a surprise to those
witnesses to learn that their positions, their words, the very expressions made in
a careless manner or thoughtless way, when attacking error or advancing truth,
expressions that they had not thought would be remembered, will be
reproduced, and they will be confronted with them, and their enemies will have
the advantage, putting their own construction on these words that were spoken
unadvisedly. {Lt66-1894.10}

Que o Senhor ajude Seus mensageiros que levam a última nota de

advertência ao nosso mundo, a falar com toda a sabedoria. Guardem cada
palavra, controlem cada emoção, não dando ocasião para que Satanás triunfe
sobre os crentes. Chegará o momento em que seremos chamados a estar
diante de reis e governantes, magistrados e poderes, em vindicação da
verdade. Então será uma surpresa para essas testemunhas saber que suas
posições, suas palavras, as próprias expressões feitas de forma descuidada ou
irrefletida, ao atacar o erro ou avançar a verdade, expressões que não tinham
pensado que seriam lembradas, serão reproduzidas, e serão confrontadas com
elas, e seus inimigos terão a vantagem, colocando sua própria construção
sobre essas palavras que foram ditas de forma descuidada. {Lt66-1894,10}

Satanic agencies in disguise are on the track of every true worker of the
Master. Let this be borne in mind: all who strive for the faith must strive lawfully;
then when brought into strait places they will not be confused and confounded
at meeting their own careless assertions, and words spoken from impulse. {Lt66-

Victory will come to all who are loyal, steadfast in their allegiance to the
cause of truth. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is
tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them
that love him.” [James 1:12.] Let all inquire, Are we individually faithful stewards
in trust of the last message of mercy to be given to the world, the message that
decided their eternal destiny? Are we faithful to closely examine self, to see
what manner of spirit we are of? Are we constantly aiming to represent the truth
as it is in Jesus, or is it molded by the peculiarities of the human worker? Will
the fires of the last conflagration consume our work? {Lt66-1894.12}

Fidelity, thorough wholeness to God, is essential for every worker now if we

would receive from Christ the benediction, “Well done, good and faithful
servant.” [Matthew 25:23.] The exhortation to Timothy from his father in the
gospel was, “Take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine.” [1 Timothy 4:16.]
(The great question is: How shall we meet the future? Our only safety is in
doing our work for each day as it comes, working, watching, waiting, every
moment relying on the strength of Him who was dead and who is alive again,
who lives forevermore.) Every step must be guarded; as we advance, our tread
may be firm, and [then] we may move solidly onward and upward. {Lt66-1894.13}

But many are Laodiceans, living in a spiritual self-deception. They clothe

themselves in the garments of their own righteousness, imagining themselves
to be rich and increased with goods and in the need of nothing, when they need
daily to learn of Jesus His meekness and lowliness, else they find themselves
bankrupt, their whole life being a lie. Shall not we who bear the last message of
mercy to a guilty world represent Jesus in purity, in self-denial, that the word
may be sounded from human lips inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, “Open the
door of your heart, and let Jesus in”? The great Vendor of spiritual riches is
inviting your recognition. He says, “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the
fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed,
and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear: and anoint thine eyes with
eyesalve, that thou mayest see.” [Revelation 3:18.] {Lt66-1894.14}

Will this voice be neglected, disowned? Will the faithful and true Witness call
in vain? Will the importunities fall on ears that will not hear? Yes, we are sorry to
say it, many will wrap about their guilty souls the garments of their own
unrighteousness. They do not listen to the voice of the great and merciful
Merchant Man. {Lt66-1894.15}

The Saviour comes with jewels of truth of the richest value in distinction from
all counterfeits, all that is spurious. He comes to every house, to every door. He
is knocking, presenting His priceless treasure, urging, “Buy of me.” He
proclaims in the hearing of the inmates of every dwelling, “Thou sayest, I am
rich, and increased with goods and have need of nothing; and knowest not that
thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” [Verse 17.]
He offers the gold of faith and love, which is become almost extinct in our world,
and which is without alloy, more precious than the gold of Ophir. He says, “Buy
of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment,” the
righteousness of Christ, the garment woven in the loom of heaven to cover the
naked soul; and eyesalve “that thou mayest see.” [Verse 18.] Correct
discernment is of the highest value now. “Behold, I stand at the door, and
knock. If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and
will sup with him, and he with me.” [Verse 19.] {Lt66-1894.16}

This is our work for this time, to open the door to Jesus, and He will so fill the
soul that there will be no room for self and selfishness. O listen, Jesus knocks.
Will the answer be, “Come in, thou blessed of the Lord. Why standest thou
without?” The imputed and imparted righteousness of Christ is a garment
sufficient to cover the nakedness of the soul. I scarcely dare not to give counsel
or advice, fearing it may not be interpreted aright. I beseech of you, my brother,
whom I respect in the Lord, to make Christ your counsellor. You may go to Him
in all your troubles, you may rely upon His wisdom, you may know that He will
not upbraid you or refuse your prayer. Every burden or uncertainty you may
bring to the Burden-bearer. {Lt66-1894.17}

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,
and upraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing
wavering.” [James 1:5, 6.] “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him because
we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.”
[1 John 3:22.] “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an
understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true,
even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. Little
children keep yourselves from idols.” [1 John 5:20, 21.] The Lord is soon to
come. We

want that complete and perfect understanding which the Lord alone can give.
It is not safe to catch the spirit from another. We want the Holy Spirit, which is
Jesus Christ. If we commune with God, we shall have strength and grace and
efficiency. {Lt66-1894.18}

I want to say just as little as possible in regard to Anna Phillips. The less this
matter is talked over and agitated, the better. There is a “dead fly in the
ointment.” [Ecclesiastes 10:1.] Before this reaches you, you will have received a
letter giving a more complete statement in regard to what we may expect in the
case. I am more sorry than I can express to you the matter has been handled
unwisely. We shall have scores of just such developments, and if our leading
brethren shall catch up things of this character and endorse them as they have
done in this case, we shall have one of the most sweeping tidal waves of
fanaticism that has been seen in our experience. There will be the wildest
performances. Satan has already begun his work. To give ready credence to
these things, and make loose, unguarded statements endorsing them without
sufficient evidence of their genuine character, is one of Satan’s devices. The
Lord Jesus has certainly given cautions sufficient in regard to this matter, so
that none need be deceived. {Lt66-1894.19}

In such cases as these, it is essential that we let our moderation be seen.

The Lord is at hand. We cannot afford to work in such a way as those have
done that have given Anna Phillips’ productions to our churches without clear
and certain evidence that God is speaking to His people through her. For our
ministers to rush a thing before the people as bearing the divine credentials,
unless they know for a surety that it is of God, will do a work that God has told
them not to do. {Lt66-1894.20}

Many things intended to deceive will come, bearing some of the marks of
truth. Just as soon as these shall be set forth as the great power of God, Satan
is all ready to weave in that which he has prepared to lead souls from the truth
for this time. Some will accept and promulgate the error, and when the reproof
comes that will place matters in the true light, those who have had little
experience and who are ignorant of the oft-repeated workings of Satan, will cast
away with the rubbish of error that which has been before them as truth. Thus
the light and warnings which God gives for this time will be made of no effect.
Souls have now become perplexed and confused through the injudicious
movements of our brethren who should be faithful guardians of the flock of
God. {Lt66-1894.21}

This rushing matters to a climax I cannot see any light in. What is there, that
appears as truth in these productions, that has not been presented before our
people for years? All that any have to do is to gather up matters already
published, and a few strong expressions, making a special supplication, and
weaving in their own peculiar spirit, and these exaggerated, untimely
expressions are caught hold of and acted upon, inspiring a zeal not according to
knowledge. These things do create an excitement, notwithstanding all the
assertions to the contrary, and unhealthy developments will be made. In this
time we must guard against any rash movements, for they will greatly mar the
work of God, casting suspicion and doubt upon the work, and this will spread
like wild-fire wherever the truth is presented. {Lt66-1894.22}
Every conceivable message is coming to counterfeit the work of God, and
always bearing the inscription of truth upon its banner, and those who are
prepared for anything new and sensational will handle these things in such a
manner that our enemies will charge all that is inconsistent and overdone upon
Mrs. E. G. White, the prophetess, and my way will be hedged up. To explain
matters would be impossible. The world feels in want of some excuse for
turning away from the testimonies of God. If Mrs. White the prophetess, as they
are pleased to call her, says things that are not true, the unbelievers and
rejecters of truth are cheered and encouraged. When my writings are mingled
with those of Anna Phillips, so that the hearers cannot tell which is which, they
are made to stand on the same basis and all are taken as testimonies from Sr.
White. {Lt66-1894.23}

It is no light matter to substitute for God’s revealed will opinions and

assertions, dreams, symbols, and figures, from human, finite beings. Our
actions, words, spirit, and influence are watched and criticized. Those whom
God has chosen to be His ministers are to settle solidly into His Word, and let
the Word of God be their authority. {Lt66-1894.24}

A small and apparently good act may, if not entirely correct, lead to very
important results of evil. The slightest word or deed that gives a wrong
impression is a false step, which leads to another, and every following step
becomes more rapid, and the impulse strengthens until it becomes almost
irresistible. Human actions multiply themselves by their reflected influence. {Lt66-

At this time above all others, hasty judgment, opinions formed carelessly
without sufficient evidence, may lead to most disastrous results. When we trace
from cause to effect, we shall find that harm has thus been done which in some
cases can never be remedied. O, what wisdom and fine spiritual perceptions
are needed in giving food to the flock of God, that it be pure provender,
thoroughly winnowed. The natural, hereditary traits of the character need a firm
curb, else earnest zeal, good purposes, will run into evil, and the excess of
feeling will produce such impressions upon human hearts that they will be
carried away by impulse, and will allow impressions to become their guide. {Lt66-

A curb must be kept upon the spiritual impulse, that no injudicious words
shall be spoken, no over-wrought ideas expressed that shall cause impulsive
persons to lose their bearings. There are some whose feelings are quickly
stirred by strong assertions, and their imagination magnifies the statement to
large dimensions; it all appears real to them, and they become fanatical. The
spiritual experience is fevered, diseased. When persons yield their will in perfect
submission to the will of God, and the spirit is humble and teachable, the Lord
will correct them by His Holy Spirit, and lead them into safe paths. {Lt66-1894.27}

April 13

Since writing the above, we have had a practical illustration of the result of
following impressions. Last night a young man, a stranger to us all, but
professing to be a brother from Victoria, called upon us, and asked to see Sister
White. It was evening, and I declined seeing him. We invited him to remain with
us during the night, however, and to take breakfast. After our usual morning
worship, as we were about to go to our various employments, this young man
arose, and with a commanding gesture requested us to sit down. He said,
“Have you any hymn books? We will sing a hymn, then I have a message to
give you.” I said, “If you have a message, give it without delay, for we are very
much pressed to get off the American mail, and have no time to lose.” He then
began to read something he had written, which stated among other things that
the judgment has <now> begun upon the living. {Lt66-1894.28}

He read with strong emphasis, gesticulating as he read. His voice trembled,

and tears came into his eyes. Brother Starr was present, with the other
members of our large family. The young man had at first inquired for the
concordance; he could not find it in the bookcase, but read considerable
scripture about praying for the sick and their being healed. He spoke decidedly
of faith, and read from Great Controversy. He then stated that he had a
message from God that he himself would be persecuted, and would be arrested
by the officers of the law. {Lt66-1894.29}

I listened as he went on, and finally said, “My brother, you are not exactly in
your right mind. State plainly how your message concerns us. Please let us
know at once. Your mind is over-strained, you misapprehend your work. Much
that you have said is in accordance with the Bible, and we believe every word of
that; but you are over-excited. Please state what you have for us.” Well, he said
that we must pack up and move at once to Battle Creek. I asked his reasons,
and he responded, “To give this message that the judgment has begun upon
the living.” I answered him, “The work which the Lord has given us to do is not
yet finished. When our work here is completed, we are sure the Lord will let us
know that it is time for us to move to Battle Creek, instead of teaching you our
duty.” {Lt66-1894.30}

I continued: “If you should go into other families in the manner you came
here, they would call you insane, and might think the asylum the proper place
for you.” He said this was the first time he had given his message, except to his
own family, who were greatly affected by it. His father had sold his place and
was ready to go into the work with all his heart. He himself has been a
backslider and had been brought under deep conviction; he was led to see his
lost condition, and to repent, and now the Lord had been teaching him. I told
him that in his present condition he was not fitted to labor for any one. In the
conversation it came out that he wanted our ministers in Melbourne to come to
his father’s house; his sister was at the point of death, and he believed that the
Lord would hear prayer and raise her up and this would be a sure testimony
confirming the message he had to bear. At this point I left him for Brother Starr
to talk with further, while I resumed my writing. {Lt66-1894.31}

He told Brother Starr that when Sister White spoke to him so kindly, and yet
with such authority, he began to see that he had made a mistake, that the
impressions which had moved him so strongly were not consistent or
reasonable. Although our family is large, consisting of ten members, beside
three visitors, we decided to have this young man stay with us for a time. We
dare not have him go with people who will treat him harshly and condemn him;
neither do we want him to repeat his revelations. We will have him remain for a
little time where we can associate with him, and if possible lead him in safe,
sure paths. “They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.”
[Luke 5:31.] He is sick spiritually, and needs a physician. Already he begins to
see the inconsistency of his ideas, and we hope that by kind treatment he may
be healed, and be led to give up his wild ideas. {Lt66-1894.32}

It is as I have told you; there will be counterfeit messages coming from

persons in all directions. One after another will rise up, appearing to be inspired,
when they have not the inspiration of heaven, but are under the deception of the
enemy. All who receive their messages will be led astray. Then let us walk
carefully, and not open wide the door for the enemy to enter through
impressions, dreams, and visions. God help us to look in faith to Jesus, and be
guided by the words He has spoken. {Lt66-1894.33}

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