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Corona RGH3
Válido Para Corona De 16 MB E Corona De
4 GB
O RGH3 foi lançado pela 15432 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=iVYqxLZ_KL0) no final de 2021.
Ele representa um grande avanço com o RGH, pois agora aproveita a
funcionalidade diretamente na ponte sul
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsL1dAuv7io) para realizar a
inicialização da falha e não requer um chip de falha separado .

Acredito que o processo RGH3 deve assumir o controle de todos os consoles do

modelo Corona que você modificar no futuro. É uma inicialização INSTANTÂNEA
e apenas uma instalação de 2 fios (ou QSB).

Guia de modders de fim de semana para consoles de

placa-mãe RGH3 Xbox 360 Corona!
Antes de planejar a modificação do Corona RGH3, você precisa saber duas coisas sobre
o seu console – esse conhecimento terá impacto nas ferramentas que você compra e
nos suprimentos necessários.
1) O seu console é um Nand de 16 MB ou um Nand Corona de 4 GB. A maneira mais
concreta é examinar fisicamente o chip NAND na parte superior da placa-mãe do seu

2) Você precisará de um adaptador postfix

route=product/product&path=60&product_id=148) ? A ÚNICA maneira de ter 100% de
certeza disso é remover o dissipador de calor da placa-mãe e observar.

Suprimentos necessários:
- Uma maneira de ler/escrever o nand:
Se você tiver um Nand de 4gb, você precisará de uma ferramenta SD (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=164) , Raspberry Pi Pico configurado como Picoflasher (https://weekendmodder.com/picoflasher.html) ou,
alternativamente, uma ferramenta R/W de 4gb (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=256) .
Se você tiver um console nand de 16mb, você pode usar um Nand-X (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=173) , JR Programmer (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=214) , Matrix SPI Flasher (https://ebay.to/34n4Tyg) , Squirt Slave Programmer, X-Flasher 360, PicoFlasher
(https://amzn.to/3rApaJq) , ou até mesmo um cabo LPT caseiro!)

- Um resistor de 1K Ohm (Considere o RGH3 QSB (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?

route=product/product&path=60&product_id=260) que vem com o resistor)
- Alguns fios AWG de calibre 28 ou 30 (gosto deste cabo plano feito de fio 28AWG que pode ser separado
(https://amzn.to/3GtvBCB) e cortado no comprimento)
- T8 e uma chave de fenda Torx T10 (https://amzn.to/3GtdwEA) para todos os parafusos do console.
- Suprimentos de solda padrão: Um ferro de solda (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=240) de temperatura variável , um pouco de solda (eu gosto de Kester
com núcleo de resina 60/40) (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001W2XZOS/ref=as_sl_pc_qf_sp_asin_til?
tag=weeken0a4-20&linkCode=w00&linkId=654178dcd5bf56aec3254f1375809274&creativeASIN=B001W2XZOS) ,
caneta de fibra de vidro (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=217) , um pouco de pasta de fluxo
(https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=236) e um conjunto
de pinças bem afiadas ou um estilete.
- Você pode precisar de um adaptador PostFix (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=148) . Se não tiver certeza, você precisará remover o dissipador de
calor do console e verificar se os rastros de postagem estão presentes ou não.

Suprimentos opcionais:
- Você pode querer uma ferramenta de remoção X-Clamp (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=119) para facilitar a abertura do console.
Foi-me sugerido que o removedor de pinça X deveria estar nos suprimentos "necessários". Com certeza o X-Clamp pode ser removido sem eles, mas o risco de danificar sua prancha é muito alto se você não tomar
muito cuidado. Você pode conferir este videoclipe sobre como usar a ferramenta de remoção X-Clamp corretamente (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2n9BQZ2TKk) para ver o que você está enfrentando.

- Recomendo fortemente substituir a pasta térmica (https://amzn.to/3GD02WO) por uma boa. Cuidado com pasta
térmica falsa/de baixa qualidade!

Minhas sugestões atuais (fevereiro de 2022):

- Se você tiver um Nand de 16 MB, pegue um PicoFlasher (Raspberry Pi Pico custa apenas US $ 4, então carregue o
firmware do Picoflasher conforme descrito aqui (https://weekendmodder.com/picoflasher.html) )
- Se você tiver um Nand de 4 GB, pegue uma ferramenta SD (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=164) se estiver usando apenas 1 console. Se você planeja fazer vários,
ou apenas gosta de ferramentas melhores, pegue uma ferramenta R/W de 4 GB
- RGH3 QSB (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=260)
(tem o resistor de 1K Ohm integrado).

Não há mais necessidade de reembalagem. Basta obter a versão mais recente do Jrunner, pois ela suporta
perfeitamente RGH3.
My go-to Jrunner source is Josh's build which he kindly hosts at Octals Console Shop:
Jrunner with Extras (https://cdn.octalsconsoleshop.com/J-Runner%20with%20Extras.zip)
But there is an alternative branch that sometimes gets out of sync feature-wise and is on Github under X360Tools
like PicoFlasher:
Jrunner Pro (https://github.com/X360Tools/J-Runner-Pro)
RGH3 Corona Process:
1. Have a Corona motherboard Xbox 360. And know the answers to the two questions
up above about your nand size and if you need a postfix.
While there are many varients of the Corona motherboard, they started in the "S" series slims with MFR dates AFTER
08/2011. Generally, the power consumption rating on them will indicate 9.6A whereas a Trinity will usually be marked
10.83A. Once you are sure you have a Corona, boot it up and navigate to the System->Storage screen and if your
console has a "memory unit" then it's a 4gb Nand Corona and if not then it's a 16mb nand Corona. Alternately open up
the console and look at the nand chips (image up above for reference). You will likely need to open it up anyways to
check if you need a postfix.

2. Open up your console and break it down all the way to the motherboard. (Lots of
guides on youtube for opening your console.)
You need a T8 and a T10 Torx screwdriver (https://amzn.to/3GtdwEA) for all the screws in the console. You will end
up removing the heatsink and fan, which means removing the X-clamp on the back. You might want an X-Clamp
removal tool (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=119),
and some replacement thermal paste (https://amzn.to/3GD02WO). The stuff on the console will be old and dried up
so I strongly recommend putting fresh thermal paste.

3. Solder in a Nand reading/writing programmer.

If you have a 16mb nand:
There are myriad options for programmers: Nand-X, JR Programmer
(https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=214), Matrix SPI
Flasher (https://ebay.to/34n4Tyg), Squirt Slave Programmer, X-Flasher 360, Super Nand Flasher, PicoFlasher
(https://amzn.to/3rApaJq), or even a homemade LPT cable!
If you're only going to do this one mod, my favorite device right now is the Raspberry Pi Pico set up as a PicoFlasher,
you can snag the Pico off Amazon for just $8 (https://amzn.to/3rApaJq), but the best deal is at a MicroCenter or
other major electronics reseller where they are just $4!
The wiring diagram for all these programmers will use these same points, and is likely to use the same color coding:

If you have a 4gb nand:

There are fewer options for reading 4gb nands, you basically mount it like an SD card. If you're only planning to do
the one console then pick up an a SD Tool (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=164). If you're planning on doing more than one console or you don't
have an SD card reader then pick up the a 4gb R/W tool (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=256). In both cases you'll be installing onto the header as below.

4. Dump (read) the nand twice and ensure both copies you took match.
Do this using Jrunner software. Get that from this RealModScene thread

5. Install connection from the PLL point to the SMC_PLL point (DB3R4) with 1K ohm
resistor inline.
You might find the RGH3 QSB (https://weekendmodder.com/store/index.php?
route=product/product&path=60&product_id=260)useful there, but it is NOT required - you can direct wire install.
DO NOT SKIP the 1K Ohm resistor for safety as you can damage your console without it!

6. Install Connection from POST to the SMC_POST_1 (DB3R3). Depending on the varient
of your Corona you might be coming from the standard POST point, or from a POSTFIX
No resistor is required between POST - just direct wire it, or use the RGH3 QSB

7. Write the RGH3 precompiled ECC file and boot Xell to get your CPU key
Jrunner supports RGH3 now, make sure you have RGH3 selected when you "Create ECC" so you generate the right
one. Note down your CPU key
8. Enter your CPU key into Jrunner, build a full RGH3 nand image, write that newly
created nand image (updflash.bin) to the console.
When you plug your CPU key into Jrunner, the "KV Info" sub tab on the right should populate with all the decrypted
nand data like your consoles serial number. Make sure you have the right options selected for RGH3 when you
'create xebuild image'.

9. Boot up and enjoy your RGH'd Console!

Now you can install XexMenu, FreeStyle Dash, Aurora Dash, a bunch of different emulators - and yes, even the
football revamped game.

Video of RGH3 Install on a Corona:

Additional Resources:
Larvs#9526 has a great guide on RGH3 that can be found here: https://xbox360hub.com/rgh-3-guide/

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