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Unit 01 Estratgias de leitura 1.1. Brainstorming Estratgia que consiste na associao de ideias a partir de uma ou mais palavras.

Ns a utilizamos consciente ou atravs inconscientemente, do conhecimento quando que tentamos descobrir novos significados

1.4 Scanning Embora, seja tambm uma leitura rpida, o scanning utilizado quando queremos encontrar algo especfico no texto. Exemplo: consulta a ou uma lista enciclopdia, telefnica. 1.5 Referncia Contextual Segundo CRUZ (2003): A referncia contextual tambm representa um recurso auxiliar na compreenso de idias de um texto. As chamadas palavras de referncia substituem da palavras que esto no texto (ou fora dele) e podem classificar-se seguinte maneira: a) pronomes (pessoais, possessivos, relativos e indefinidos); b) nmeros ordinais c) palavras que indicam ordem e exemplificao. catlogo

possumos do mundo. Isso pode ser feito, por exemplo, atravs da leitura do ttulo. Um bom ttulo resume geralmente a ideia central do texto. 1.2 Cognatos Existem palavras na lngua estrangeira que, alm de parecidas na forma, so parecidas tambm no significado com palavras em portugus. Tais palavras, so chamadas de cognatas.Exemplos: human (humano), television (televiso). 1.3 Skimming Significa desnatar, tirar o leite da superfcie. Assim, a tcnica do skimming a leitura rpida do texto para captar os conceitos e idias principais sem se ater a um ponto especfico. Busca-se a ideia geral do texto. Quando fazemos isso passamos os olhos no ttulo, lemos os pargrafos, nome do autor, fonte, etc. A leitura rpida do jornal para decidir que informaes sero de interesse tambm pode ser um exemplo de skimming.

TEXT 01 Fertilizers The fertility level of the soil is a conditioning factor for the productivity of the fields. Successive exploration periods of agricultural gradually

reduce the capacity of the land to provide nutrients to the plants, if these nutrients are not adequately replaced. In a country like Brazil, where there is low fertility in the majority of cultivated soils, and extensive use of the land, with notable increases in production

each year, the use of fertilizers is essential.

Source:www.fiesp.com.br/agronegcio/pdf/agron egcio

TEXT 03 World Development study: Agribusiness book case

TEXT 02 Alternative agriculture A systematic approach to farming intended to reduce agricultural pollution, enhance sustainability, and improve efficiency and profitability. Overall, alternative agriculture emphasizes management practices that take advantage of natural processes (such as nutrient cycles, nitrogen fixation, and pest-predator relationships), improve the match between cropping patterns and agronomic practices on the one hand and the productive potential and physical characteristics of the land on the other, and make selective use of commercial fertilizer and pesticides to ensure production efficiency and conservation of soil, water, energy, and biological resources. Examples of alternative agricultural practices include use of crop rotation, animal and green manures, soil and water conserving tillage systems, such as no-till planting methods, integrated pest management, and use of genetically improved crops and animals. Consonant with sustainable agriculture, alternative agriculture focuses on those farming practices that go beyond traditional or conventional agriculture, though it does not exclude conventional practices that are consistent with the overall system.

The term agribusiness emerged in the 1970s and was used to describe the increasing number of inputs to farming in the developed world. It includes farming, seed supply, agricultural chemicals, wholesaling, processing, distribution and retail sales. The term has come to represent different things to different people. For people within the food-supply industry, it is a convenient way to describe the wide range of business and agriculture activities involved in modern food production. For many others, the term has a negative connotation because it is associated with corporate farming. From this point of view, agribusiness is all about large, vertically integrated food-production businesses with profit as their main motive that damage the environment, reduce food quality and cause social dislocation in rural areas in particular. Agribusiness grew rapidly following the Green Revolution in the 1960s. Almost all farms in the developed world use the products and technology sold by agribusiness and increasingly farming in the developing world is becoming just as dependent.

2. Reconhecimento de gneros textuais

Quick Macaroni and Cheese Recipe

Ingredients 2 quarts water 1 Tbsp salt 2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 1/2 lb cheddar cheese, grated (about 2 cups, packed) 1 teaspoon corn starch 2 teaspoons flour 1 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 1/4 cup ham, chopped into 1/4 inch cubes Freshly grated black pepper

So os seguintes: Singular I You He She It B) Object pronouns (pronomes objetos) Vm antecedidos por verbo ou preposio. Tm funo de objeto. Exemplos: Take Susan home. (Leve Susan para casa). Take her home. (Leve-a para casa.) Look at John. (Olhe para o John.) Look at him. (Olhe-o.) So os seguintes: Singular Plural Us You Them Me You Him Her It C) Possessive Adjectives (Adjetivos Possessivos) So utilizados para indicar posse. Exemplo:This is my farm. (Esta minha fazenda.) So os seguintes: Singular My Your His Plural Our Your They Plural We You

BEAUTIFUL HOUSE with garage, 03 bedrooms, 01 kitchen, a dining-room, a living-room, 2 bathroms and the laundry. US$ 350,000. Code: 617459.

Rome, Sep. 11th, 2003 Dear Susan, My trip was perfect. Ive just arrived here and Ive already met lots of friends of yours. As soon as I have time, Ill send you the pictures. Love, John. Unit 02 2.1 Pronomes (pronouns) A) Personal Pronouns (Pronomes Pessoais ou Subjetivos) So utilizados como sujeito. Exemplos: engineer. (Sou um engenheiro de agronegcios.) I am an agribusiness

Her It


F) Demonstrative Pronouns (Pronomes Demonstrativos) This These (estes, estas) Those (este, esta, isto) That

D) Possessive Pronouns (Pronomes Possessivos) Tambm indicam posse, mas substituem o substantivo. Exemplo: This is my tractor. (Este meu trator). Where is yours? (Onde est o seu?) substitui a palavra car). So os seguintes: Mine Yours His Hers Its E) Reflexive Pronouns (Pronomes Theirs Ours Yours

(aquele, aquela, aquilo) (aqueles(as)) G) Relative Pronouns (Pronomes

Relativos) Quando o pronome relativo for seguido por um verbo, ele exerce funo de sujeito. Caso o pronome relativo seja seguido por um substantivo, artigo, pronome ou outra classe de palavra, ele exerce funo de objeto. Use Who ou that antes de pessoa. Use Which ou that antes de coisa ou animal.

Reflexivos). O Pronome Reflexivo usado em funo reflexiva indica que a ao do verbo recai sobre o prprio sujeito que a praticou. Desse modo, o pronome vem imediatamente aps o verbo e concorda com o sujeito. Exemplo: She cut herself. (Ela se cortou). Myself Yourself Himself Herself Itself Themselves Ourselves Yourselves

So os seguintes: Which (o qual, a qual, os quais, as quais) Whom (quem, de quem) Whose (de quem) Who (quem, de quem) That (que) H) Indefinite Pronouns Any, qualquer, quaisquer, algum, alguns, alguma(s). Some, algum, alguns, alguma(s), cerca de, cert(s), certa(s). No, nenhum, nenhuma. None, nenhum, nenhuma. Much, muito, muita. Many, muitos, muitas.

Little, pouco, pouca. Few, poucos, poucas. All, todo(s), toda(s), tudo. One, a gente, certo, um certo, algum, alguma. Each, cada. Every, todo(s), toda(s), cada. Other, outro(s), outra(s). Another, um outro, uma outra. Either, um ou outro, uma ou outra, cada. Neither, nem um(a) nem outro(a), nenhum dos(das) dois(duas). Both, ambos, ambas. Enough, bastante. Several, vrios, vrias. Anybody, anyone, algum. Anything, alguma coisa. Somebody, someone, algum. Something, alguma coisa. Nobody, no one, ningum. Nothing, nada. Every, everyone, todos (todas as pessoas). Everything, tudo. EXERCISES 1.Substitute the words in bold type. Use PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Example: Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are in front of the barn. THEY are in front of IT. a) This seed is on the bench. b) The engineer is talking to the farmer. c) Exporters are sending the commodities

d) Mary and I are agriculturists. e) This is my document. Give it to Mr. Green. 2. Complete the sentences using

PERSONAL PRONOUNS: Example: This is Mr. Brown. I know HIM. a) This is a combine. You can use .. b) Those are interesting subjects. He can read c) Peter and I are here. You can talk to .. d) Those are my horses. belong to .. . 3. Rewrite the is sentences Mr. using .

POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. Example: This Andersons agribusiness company. Its HIS company. a) Those are the girls tools. b) These samples belong to us. c) This is Peters acre of land 4. Use POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. Example: You write YOUR application. a) Jim can send . curriculum vitae. b) I have equipments here in . farm. c) Lisa and I are teachers; are doing in . . tests. d) John and Jean work .. new research. students

It speaks 5. Complete the sentences using a) Regra geral: use S nos verbos (3a. pessoa do singular). Exemplo: I worl she works b) Verbos terminados em: S, SS, SH, CH, X, Z, O adicione ES (3a. pessoa do singular). Exemplo: I publish reports. She publishes reports. c) Verbos terminados em Y: a) se 6. Fill in the blanks with reflexive, emphasizing or idiomatic pronouns: Example: Agribusiness industry ITSELF is very complex. a) I hurt with a plow. b) My children grow vegetables by c) The agronomist . answers the phone. d) We always enjoy with horticulture. Unit 03 3.1 Present Simple (Presente Simples) Usamos o Presente Simples para expressar fatos, rotina em geral, ou para coisas que acontecem com certa freqncia. Exemplo: Susan lives in Canada. My father has a small spray. Importante! Afirmativa Singular I speak You speak He speaks She speaks Plural We speak You speak They speak IES nas negativa! No use S, ES ou formas interrogativa ou Negativa Use: Dont ou Doesnt. I, you, we, you, they = He, she, it = DONT DOESNT Interrogativa Use: Do or Does. I, you, we, you, they He, she, it = = DO DOES precedidos by consoante: elimine the Y e adicione IES. Exemplo: I study she studies b) se precedidos por vogal: adicione somente s. Exemplo: I play - she plays POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: Example: This greenhouse belongs to me. Its MINE. a) This is your vegetable garden. b) The equipment belongs to the agronomist. c) We prepared this soil analysis. d) This truck belongs to my parents.

Exemplo: Do you have a harvester? Does she sell pesticides?

Exemplo: I dont have a harvester. She doesnt sell pesticides.

Ex: She sells seeds. Does she sell seeds? She doesnt sell seeds.

Verb Have I , you, we, you, they = He, she, it EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks with the SIMPLE PRESENT. Give the Interrogative and Negative forms: Ex: EMATER provides technical assistance to farmers. (provide) Does EMATER provide technical assistance to farmers? EMATER doesnt provide technical assistance to farmers. a.
CONAB of (Companhia agricultural Nacional de

Int: have has =


Neg:.. 2. Follow the example: Do you work for a logistic company? (an agribusiness company ) No. I work for an agribusiness company. a) Do you test specifications?

(programs) b) Do you solve scientific problems? (commercial problems) c) Do you sell the farm machines? (seedling plant) d) Do you have a good fertilizer? (fungicide) 3. Complete using the verbs below: a) Robert never .. (prune) the orange trees. b) This book .(contain) ten units. c) It (depend) on the system in use. d) Many scientists (work) in agribusiness industries 3.2 Present Continuous

Abastecimento) ensures the production and supply products.

. Int: .. Neg:..

b. They (produce) ethanol from grain and excess crops.

Int:........ Neg:.. c. We .. (support) the rural development. Int: .. Neg:.. d. He . (have) an

excellent productivity.

O presente contnuo formado pelo Verb To be (am, is, are) + um verbo principal e a partcula ING. Exemplo: She is driving.

ltima letra antes de adicionar ED. Exemplo: plan planned Afirmativa: The truck carried the crops. Interrogativa: DID the truck CARRY the crops? Negativa: The truck DIDNT CARRY the crops. (= did not) Importante! No use D, ED ou IED nas formas interrogativa ou negativa! Simple Past Irregular Verbs

Verb to be Verb+ing utilizado nas aes que acontecem no momento em que o interlocutor est falando. Obs: 1) Verbos monosslabos em (CVC) terminados consoante+vogal+consoante acrscimo do ING. Ex: Run Running 2) verbos terminados em e, retira-se o e e acrescenta-se ING. Ex: Dance dancing Observar que nem todos os verbos podem ser utilizados no Presente Contnuo. Ex: like, need, want, etc. 3.3 Simple Past - Regular Verbs (Passado dos Verbos Regulares)

tm a ltima letra dobrada antes do

(Passado dos Verbos Irregulares) Exemplo: Write wrote Memorize the list of irregular verbs given before. Affirmative: Mr. Johnson BOUGHT his first barn Interrogative: DID Mr. Johnson BUY his first barn? Negative: Mr. Johnson DIDNT BUY his first barn. EXERCISES

A) Regular verbs: infinitive + ED Exemplo: check checked (regra geral) a) verbos terminados em Y a) se precedidos por consoante: elimine o Y e adicione IED Exemplo: study studied b) se precedido por uma vogal: adicione ED. Exemplo: play played b) palavras terminadas por consonante + vogal + consoante, dobramos a

1. Write the verbs below in the Past Tense: a) She .(study) Agribusiness at PIAU. b) The boys ..(play) a lot of video game last night. c) They (store) the production in the barn. d) He (multiply) the number by two. e) I .(not carry) the free-range egg.

f) you .. (irrigate) the soil? g) Sarah ..(not check) the weeds yesterday. h) We ..(plan) to plow all the field last Sunday. i) j) John The ..(receive) company .. new herbicides. (import) a lot of Brazilian commodities. k)The agronomist(execute) an illegal procedure. l) The farmers(complain) about the agrotoxin. m) My boss (use) high technology. n) We .. (erase) all the confidential information. o) She . (solve) the problem easily. 2. Give the Interrogative and Negative forms: a) She analysed the problem. Int: Neg: b) The technician prepared a lot of tests. Int: Neg: c) The protected agency copied all the files. Int: Neg:

d) He carried his equipment in the truck. Int: Neg: 3.4 Future (will) Futuro (will) Afirmativa: She will buy a harvester next week. Interrogativa: Will she buy a harverster next week? Negativa: She wont buy a harvester next week. (= will not) Importante: utilizado para todos os pronomes. Traduo: I will go to Japan. = Irei ao Japo. 1. Follow the example. Use WILL and the OBJECT PRONOUNS for the words underlined. Will you use greenhouse? (the operators). No. The operators will use IT. a) Will you hoe the yard? (the boss). b) Will you grow oranges? (The farmer). c) Will you maintain the pesticides? (The farmer). d) Will you learn some agriculture tecniques? (The agronomist)

e) Will you count the cattle? (The workers) 2. Translate into English: a) O empresrio comprar equipamentos para a empresa. ............................................................... ............................................................... b) O gerente enviar novas sementes aos seus usurios. ............................................................... ............................................................... c) O professor corrigir todos os testes. ............................................................... ............................................................... 3. Give the Interrogative and Negative forms: a) She will review some programs. Int: Neg: . b) They will use the terminals tomorrow morning. Int: . Neg: ..

c) Int:






company. Neg: . 3.5 Present Perfect I, you, we, you, they + HAVE + Past Participle (particpio passado) Exemplo: We have printed the data. They have taken the files. He, she, it Past Participle Ex: Agribusiness has changed the nature of farming. She has printed the data. He has taken the files. Afirmativa: She has done all the work. Interrogativa: Has she done all the work? Negativa: She hasnt done all the work. OBS: possvel usar o Present Perfect com as seguintes palavras: already (j), ever (j), always (sempre), never (nunca), just (acabar de..., apenas, somente), lately (ultimamente), recently (recentemente), several times (vrias vezes), yet (ainda). Exemplos: I have already studied programming. + HAS +

Have you ever seen a visual display terminal? He has always behaved like that. We have never read a manual on computing. Julie has just printed the data. You have faced the same problem several times. We have been busy lately. They havent received the reports yet. PAST SIMPLE # PRESENT PERFECT O Passado Simples diferente do Presente Perfeito. Observe: a) Quando falamos de algo em um tempo definido, usamos o presente simples. Exemplo: I saw Mary yesterday. (Vi Mary ontem). b) Quando falamos de algo em um tempo indefinido, usamos o presente perfeito. Exemplo: I have seen Mary recently. (Vi ou Tenho visto Mary recentemente). No primeiro exemplo a nfase est no tempo. No segundo, a nfase est no fato. Ex: I wrote a report last night. I have written many reports.

has not hasnt EXERCISES 1. Give the Past tense and the past participle of the verbs below: Run ... Understand ... Write ... Do ... Read ... Program ... Work .. Make .. Forget .. Tell .. Study .. 2. Write in the negative form: a) That operator has worked with this kind of machine. b) They have got new forms lately. c) I have met the manager. 3. Write in the Interrogative form:

Formas abreviadas: have not havent

a) This businessman has sold the products to foreigners.








the . robust growth of the

programmed games since last month. c) John has tried to pass the test. d) The users have complained about the programs. 4. Complete with the Present Perfect of the verbs in parentheses: a) b) truth? c) Those writers (already publish) the books. d) marks? e) They (finish) documenting the project. f) The agronomist .(not make) an error yet. g) . you . (deal) with them? h) The manager .. (never make) use of it. i) The supervisor .. (already keep) the papers. j) I (introduce) them into the computer yet. k) IBM (already capture) 21% of the $7.5 billion US market for personal computers. l) The personal computers (do) the students (get) good I . .. that (not do) my test yet. politician ever (tell) the

programmer (verify) the chart? n) The

agribusiness industry .. (draw) so many new entrants that profits are increasingly hard to come by. o) Its the newest brainchild of the company . years. Unit 04 Comparatives and Superlative Adjectives, Degrees of Comparison 4.1 Comparative of Equality (Comparativo de Igualdade) = AS old AS (to velho (a) quanto) AS beautiful AS (to bela (o) quanto) 4.2 Comparative of Inequality (be) that a

driving force in office automation for

(Comparativo de Desigualdade) = NOT SO old AS (no to velho (a) quanto) NOT SO beautiful AS (no to belo(a) quanto) 4.3 Comparative de of Superiority =

.. nothing but transform the industry.

(Comparativo oldER THAN


(mais velho(a) que )

MORE beautiful THAN (mais belo(a) que) 4.4 Superlative of Superiority EXERCISES 1. Use the Comparative of Equality: a) Julie is .. Joan. (beautiful) b) My boss is .his employees. (smart) c) 4.5 Superlative of Inferiority (Supelativo de Inferioridade) = THE LEAST beautiful ( o menos bonito (a)). Excees: Good better than the best Bad worse than the worst Far farther than the farthest Observe! a) Se o adjetivo terminar em Y e for precedido por vogal, tire o Y e acrescente IER THAN, em caso de comparativo, ou THE ...IEST, caso seja superlativo. Exemplo: Happy happIER THAN the happiest b) Se o adjetivo for monosslabo e terminar em CVC (consoante+vogal+consoante), dobre a ltima letra e acrescente ER THAN se for comparativo. Caso seja superlativo faa o mesmo, acrescentando IEST no adjetivo. Exemplo: Fat fatTER THAN the fatTEST 2. Use the Comparative of Superiority: a) This pesticide is .. the one I bought. (good) b) This harvester is ..that one I have at work.(expensive) c) She enters information the report her secretary. (fast) d) Susan types the .. brother. (slow) That car is the are . other one. (expensive) d) Those companies .the foreign ones. (good) e) This technician is .the other. (intelligent) f) My office is ..yours. (not/ comfortable) g) is boss. (not/ efficient) Mark his (Superlativo de Superioridade) = THE oldest (a)) (o (a) mais velho(a)) THE MOST beautiful (o(a) mais belo




is his is

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE of the adjectives in parentheses. a) This harvester is

employees. (intelligent) f) Rachels tractor

.. her sisters. (powerful) g) Kevin is his workmates. (happy) 3. Use the Superlative: a) This is . computer in the world. (good) b) That manager is .. person I have ever met. (bad) c) This is ..plac e I have ever gone. (beautiful) d) Sarah is . agribusiness engineer in the company. (efficient). e) John is officeis boy in our business. (slow) f) Phillip . Programmer. (fast) g) Japan is country in terms of technology. (advanced) h) My friends work at . Agribusiness company in the world. (important)

. (fast) thought. b) This is . ..(long) track of all. c) This system is .. (useful) Mr. Blakes. d) That was .(good) installation in this city. e) This is (bad) film Ive ever bought. f) Your technique is . (bad) mine. g) This package Ive is ever is (complicated) manipulated. h) This ( good) way to prevent accidents. i) He is .. (important) subscriber of all. j) That electronic library was .. (comprehensive) this one. k) The invention of farm machinery is

.. (great) advance in modern technology. Unit 05 Modals CAN, COULD Expressam uma ideia de habilidade, permisso ou capacidade. Algo que o agente possa fazer muito bem porque sabe como fazer ou tem habilidade para isso. Exemplo: I can speak English fluently. (Sei falar ingls fluentemente). Can I go to the bathroom, please? (Posso ir ao banheiro, por favor?) 5.1 CAN: usado no Presente. I, you, we, you, they = he, she, it = can can EXERCISES 1. Complete using CAN or COULD: a) This computer .. (store) thousands of information. b) Sarah, please! you.. (help) me with these boxes? c) When I was but a child, today I I . many things (memorize) Afirmativa: Susan could sing very well. Interrogativa: Could Susan sing very well? Negativa: Susan couldnt sing very well. (= could not) Traduo: PODER

. (not) anymore. d) She .(speak) many languages. e) He .. (not/say) that to his girlfriend! She didn t know about this story. f) They . (write) programs to handle invoicing. 2. Give the negative forms: a) He can make this project. b) The worker can take a day off. c) Mary can speak Portuguese in class. d) They can work fast and efficiently at manual jobs. e) John can speak Japanese. 3. Give the Interrogative forms: a) My boss can help us.

(Observe: no h a terminao (S, ES ou IES) como nos demais verbos). Exemplo: Susan can drive. (no Susan cans drives). My friend can play tennis very well. (no cans plays) Affrmativa: Susan can sing very well. Interrogativa: Can Susan sing very well? Negativa: Susan cant sing very well. (= cannot ou can not) 5.2 COULD: usado no Passado. I, you, we, you, they = He, she, it = could could (No

h S, ES, ou IES no passado!!!) Exemplo: Susan could drive. My friend could play tennis very well.

b) The company can fire a lot of employees. c) This prescription can be wrong. d) Julie could get good grades in school. e) It could be a better result. 5.3 MUST Must expressa uma ideia de obrigao, proibio. Must = Have to Exemplos: I have to study for the test. I must study for the test. Observe! 1) No h to entre must e o verbo. Exemplos: I must go. (no I must to go). They must download the program. (no They must to download the program) 2) No h s, es or ies na 3a. pessoa do singular. Exemplo: She must run the antivirus. (no She musts run the antivirus) ou (She must runs the antivirus). Afirmativa: instrues.) Interrogativa: instrues?). Negativa: instrues.) She mustnt follow the instructions.(Ela no tem que seguir as Must she follow the instructions? (Ela tem que seguir as She must follow the

Traduo: Ter que, Dever. EXERCISES 1. Complete using MUST and the verbs in parentheses: a) Susan (pay) attention because this explanation is very important. b) The sequence of instructions .. (be obeyed) to achieve a given result. c) Robert (bring) the CD, otherwise, we wont be able to finish the work. d) They (save) the olantation. e) The cattleman . (make) a good paved road. f) .. they (record) the data? g) Agribusiness students . (learn) English. 5.4 MAY/MIGHT: Expressa ideia de possibilidade, probabilidade, permisso. Traduo: poder Equivalente: to be allowed to, to permitted to. Afirmativa: She may come to the party. // She might come to the party. (Ela dvee vir festa.) Negativa: She may not come to the party. // She mightnt come to the party. (Ela pode no vir festa.)

instructions. (Ela tem que seguir as

Importante: a) No h to antes ou depois de may. b) Usamos May na forma interrogativa quando pedimos permisso para algo. Ex: May I go out with you? EXERCISES 1) Complete the sentences using may/ might: a) b) They Mark .. (write) programs to handle food production. .. (produce) coffe in more quantity. c) The analyst .. (not/understand) the codes. d) Her boss .. (not/come) to the company today.

b) Ought diferente, pois o to deve ser adicionado. Exemplo: They should save money. (Eles deviam economizar dinheiro.) They ought to save money. (Eles deviam economizar dinheiro.) 1) Complete the sentences using should and ought to: a) Your program .(involve)

food production
b)Biodiesel .(be) used on helicopters. c) Susan .(export) all the production. d) You .. (learn) about its physical preparation. Unit 06 Numbers

5.5 SHOULD: Expressa ideia de obrigao moral, suggesto, conselho. Traduo: Dever, deveria. Equivalente: Ought to. Afirmativa: She should study more. (Ela devia estudar mais.) Interrogativa: Should she study more? (Ela devia estudar mais?) Negativa: She shouldnt study more. (Ela no devia estudar mais.) Importante: a) No h to antes ou depois de should.

Cardinal Numbers (Nmeros Cardinais) 01 one 03 three 05 five 07 seven 09 nine 11 - eleven 13 thirteen 15 fifteen 17 seventeen 19 nineteen 21 twenty-one 23 twenty-three 30 thirty 50 fifty 70 seventy 02 two 04 four 06 six 08 eight 10 ten 12 twelve 14 fourteen 16 sixteen 18 eighteen 20 twenty 22 twenty-two 24 twenty-four 40 forty 60 sixty 80 eighty

90 ninety 1.000 one thousand a thousand 1.000.000 one million a million

100 a hundred one hundred EXERCISES 1) Write the numbers: 34. 88 .. 21........... 12 ........................................................ 53 ......................................................... 75 ......................................................... 100 ....................................................... 234 ........................................................ 568 ........................................................ 927 ........................................................ ............................................................... ............................................................... 313 ........................................................ ............................................................... ............................................................... ....... 722 ........................................................ ............................................................... ....... 2. Translate into English: a) duzentos e noventa e um ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... b) trezentos e trs ........................................................ ............................................................... ............................................................... ....... c) oitocentos e quarenta e sete ....................................................... ...............................................................

Ordinal Numbers (Nmeros Ordinais) 01 First 03 third 05 fifth 07 seventh 09 ninth 11- eleventh 13 thirteenth 15 fifteenth 17 seventeenth 19 nineteenth 21 twenty-first 22 twenty-second 30 thirtieth 40 fortieth 50 fiftieth 60 sixtieth 70 seventieth 80 eightieth 90 ninetieth 100 a hundredth one hundredth Importante! Aps o nmero 21, os nmeros ordinais seguem esta ordem: primeiro o cardinal, segundo o ordinal. Exemplo: 21 twenty first Cardinal Ordinal 02 second 04 fourth 06 sixth 08 eighth 10 tenth 12 twelfth 14 fourteenth 16 sixteenth 18 eighteenth 20 twentieth

............................................................... ........ beat 3. Write the ordinal numbers: 05th 12th 20th 13th 04th 09th 14th 27th 31st ......... .. ......... .. ......... .. ......... .. ......... begin bend began begun bent bent e beat beaten

tolerar; sofrer; produzir; usar bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar become becam become se tornar; se transformar; ser digno de; assentar comear curvar; entortar; franzir; dirigir; desistir bet bid bet bade bet bidden apostar oferecer; convidar; ordenar; desejar; leiloar bind bite bleed bound bound bit bled bit bitten bled atar; amarrar; obrigar morder; engolir a isca sangrar, perder sangue; destilar; dinheiro algum blow blew blown soprar, encher; ventar; assobiar; estourar; fazer soar tirar de

52nd ..

Present Simple Past Tense Past abide Participl e abode abode obedecer lei; permanecer; sobreviver awake awoke awoke awaked be bear was bore been borne born acordar; despertar-se ser; existir dar a luz; sustentar; estar; a Traduo




quebrar; romper; violar; interromper; cancelar; falir


caught caught

pegar; capturar; entender; adquirir (uma doena); surpreender; complicar-se




procriar; gerar; criao; educar; ensinar fazer choose chose chosen

escolher, selecionar, preferir


brought brought

trazer; servir; causar; executar; induzir

cling clothe come

clung clad came

clung clad come

pegar-se; unir-se; aderir vestir, cobrir vir; chegar; consentir; suceder; atingir orgasmo o




construir, edificar; fabricar




queimar; incendiar; carbonizar cost creep cost crept cost crept

custar; importar em engatinhar; arrastar-se no cho; de rasto andar




arrebentar; explodir; brotar; exclamar

buy cast

bought bougth cast cast

comprar arremessar, jogar; derrubar; sobrepujar; espalhar; computar; calcular; moldar; imaginar; (no teatro:) distribuir papis os




cacarejar; vociferar; emitir de prazer som caracterstico




cortar; partir; reduzir; recortar; castrar




dar; distribuir; repartir; dividir; espalhar;

negociar dig dug dug cavar; escavar; gostar; entender; comear; perceber do did done fazer; funcionar; cuidar parar; mostrar; jogar; enganar draw drew drawn puxar; extrair; desenhar; descrever; traar; adiantar-se; atrair dream drink drive dreamt dreamt drank drove drunk drunken driven dirigir; viajar; levar; conduzir; guiar; compelir; excitar dwell dwelt dwelt residir; por tempo; enfatizar, insistir em eat ate eaten comer; destruir; fling flung flung ficar um flee fled fled sonhar beber find found found fight fought fought tirar; feel felt felt de ; feed fed fed fall fell fallen

devorar; mastigar cair; descer; abaixar-se; diminuir; ceder; morrer; abandonar alimentar; nutrir; abastecer; satisfazer; manter sentir; perceber; experimentar; apalpar lutar, disputar; batalhar, combater, guerrear achar; encontrar; descobrir; julgar; prover, fornecer, abastecer; perceber, notar; resolver fugir, escapar; evitar; correr lanar; arremessar; atirar; invadir; saltar;

dedicar-se fly flew flown voar; voar; viajar give gave given fugir; (area); fazer correr; pilotar; flutuar; saltar; lanar-se forbear forbore forborne abster-se, deixar conter-se; evitar forbid forbade forbidden proibir; impedir; evitar; vetar forget forgot forgotten esquecer grind ground ground desculpar, absolver; abrir mo forsake forsook forsaken abandonar, desertar, largar; mo de freeze froze frozen congelar; refrigerar; gelar get got got receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doena); entender; chegar; causar; induzir; decorar; have had had hang hung hung grow grew grown abrir forgive forgave forgiven perdoar; go went gone de-,

procriar; buscar dar; entregar, conceder; render-se; premiar; pagar; enfraquecerse; ir; preparar viajar; (festas, etc) chegar; partir; caminhar; marchar; mover-se triturar; pulverizar; afiar; amolar; ralar; esfregar; ranger dentes; persistir (nos estudos) crescer; vegetar; cultivar; brotar; desenvolverse; progredir; tornar-se enforcar; enforcado; (informtica) travar, ter; parar possuir; de funcionar ser os

receber; pegar; necessitar; causar hear heave heard hove heard hove escutar, ouvir levantar, puxar; elevar; tirar; empurrar; arremessar hew hewed hewn reduzir; cortar (com machado); talhar hide hid hidden hid hit hit hit esconder-se; esconder, ocultar bater, atingir, alcanar hold held held segurar; alimentar; guardar; pensar; acreditar; organizar; preparar; presidir hurt hurt hurt ferir; magoar; estragar; danificar keep kept kept guardar; ficar; cumprir; sustentar; deixar; continuar; lean leant leant doer; lead led led ferir; lay laid laid know knew known kneel knit knelt knit knelt knit

dirigir; possuir


ajoelhar-se tricotar; ligar; renda meia; trabalhar ponto malha saber; conhecer; entender; perceber; ter conhecimento deitar; descansar; estar deitado; encostar-se; repousar; estar situado conduzir, guiar, comandar, pilotar, levar, dirigir; governar; dominar-se; capitanear inclinar, reclinar, apoiar, recurvar; amparar; firmar; apoiarse, recurvara de atar; fazer ou enlaar; unir;

se, se; leap leapt leapt saltar, cobrir

inclinarabaixar; pular, (os lose lost lost

queimar; descer carro, pousar; acontecer perder; desperdiar; arruinar; gastar; sofrer perdas; escapar make mean made made fazer; pensar; significar; ter em vista; de-; criar; no entender causar; tornar meant meant (do etc);

desviar transportar; animais) learn learnt learnt estudar; aprender; descobrir; informar-se; decorar leave left left deixar; largar; sair; separarse; abandonar; cessar; desistir lend lent lent emprestar, conceder, dar, proporcionar, outorgar; doar; combinar com; acrescentar let let let deixar; permitir; conceder; descobrir lie light lay lit lain lit mentir; enganar clarear; acender; put put put pay paid paid dar; alugar; fretar; melt melted molten meet met met de; renunciar a

cair (escolha);

tencionar; pretender; querer dizer encontrar; encontrar-se; reunir-se; receber; conhecer; abastecer derreter; fundir; gastar; evaporar; dissolver; enternecer; consumir pagar; saldar; satisfazer colocar; enfiar; pr;

sinalizar; situar; propor; oferecer read read read ler; aprender; aconselhar; avisar; estudar; interpretar rend rid rent rid rent rid rasgar; arrancar libertar; resgatar; livrar (-se) ride rode ridden cavalgar; montar; passear ring rang rung tocar (sino, campainha); telefonar; envolver rise rose risen levantar; subir; elevarse; erguer-se run ran run correr; executar; executar programa (informtica); ativar; administrar; fazer; calcular; comprir; continuar; vazar; despirse; saw sawed sawn serrar um fugir;




dizer; contar; recitar; pensar; alegar; afirmar




ver; entender; preocupar-se; verificar; experimentar; acompanhar; encontrar-se; observar


sought sought

procurar, pedir; liberar; exigir; perseguir atrs; tentar




vender; comerciar; negociar; liquidar; trapacear (gria); atrair fregueses; trair (gria)




mandar; remeter; despachar; enviar; produzir; emitir; derramar; espalhar; dar prazer (gria)






preparar; usar; arrumar;

causar; marcar; servir; ajustar sew shake sewed sewn shook shaken costurar; juntar, pregar sacudir; agitar; tremer; chocar; apertar (mos) shed shed shed derramar; vazar; deixar cair; tirar, tirar roupa ; fazer sangrar; projetar shine shone shone brilhar, cintilar, resplandecer; lustrar (sapato); distinguir shoe shod shod calar; recobrir proteo reforo shoot shot shot atirar; lanar; mandar; fotografar; voar; disparar; mandar; impor; arremessar show showed shown mostrar; sink sank sunk caar; com ou finalidade de sing sang sung luzir, shut shut shut shrink shrank shrunk shred shred shred

descobrir; testemunhar; provar; apresentar; mostrar-se; aparecer; ensinar; exibir cortar pedaos; picar; retalhar; rasgar contrair-se; contrair, encolher; recuar fechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-se cantar; murmurar; rugir; zumbir; uivar; alcagetar; avisar; cortejar (gria, como cantar) afundar; afogar; regar; mergulhar; descer, descer; morrer, falecer; cair, shrunken encolher-se; em

penetrar slay slew slain matar, assassinar; destruir, arruinar sleep slept slept dormir; descansar; deitar algum) slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar; chupar sling slung slung atirar erguer; atirar, arremessar; pendurar, colocar presilha smell smelt smelt cheirar; feder; perfurmar; sentir cheiro; farejar; perceber; suspeitar smite smote smitten golpear; ferir; matar; bater; castigar; mover; excitar; destruir; bater-se; chocar-se sow sowed sown semear; espalhar, disseminar na na atar; funda; elevar, (com




falar; contar;


expressar; discursar; lembrar afirmar speed sped sped apressar-se; mover dirigir rpido; sucedido; adiantar; aviar; despachar spell spelt spelt soletrar; escrever forma significa spend spent spent gastar, perceber; divertir-se, passar (tempo) spill spilt spilt entornar; derramar; escorregar; deixar contar spin span spun protelar; dilatar; prolongar, adiar; fazer fiar; girar; cair; alcagetar, tirar; de certa; com muito ser velocidade; a-;

feliz; ser bem

ser algo que

virar-se spit spat spit cuspir; escarrar; vomitar; emitir o som do steal stick stole stuck stolen stuck cuspe; expelir; pingar (chuva) spoil spoilt spoiled estragar; corromper; mimar mais); estragar-se; roubar, saquear, furtar spread spread spread dilatar-se, estender-se; espalhar, esparramar; disseminar, difundir, propagar; arrumar (mesa); achatar spring sprang sprung saltar, lanarse; libertarstrike struck struck stricken se; aparecer, mostrar-se; brotar, nascer; deixar cair; sobrestand stood stood pr de p; suster; sustentar; strive strove striven "cair" string strung strung stride stink strew stank stunk strewed strewn sting stung stung (de

colocar; aguentar; honrar; manter-se; permanecer roubar; furtar; infiltrar-se cravar, fincar, meter, enterrar; pregar; aderir, prender; afixar; vacilar; parar; enganar; lograr picar, ferroar, ferretoar, aguilhoar; doer atormentar; trapacear feder; enojar espalhar, polvilhar, aspergir strode stridden caminhar; cavalgar golpear; ferir; bater; surpreender; descobrir amarrar; pendurar; enfiar; esticar aspirar; tentar, ,

esforar-se swear swore sworn jurar; prestar juramento; xingar sweat sweat sweat swept suar varrer; pentear; arrastar swell swelled swelled swollen inchar crescer; encher pneus) swim swing take swam swum nadar; flutuar; boiar swung swung took taken balanar pegar; tomar; segurar; agarrar; receber; capturar; aprisionar; aceitar; fotografar; empregar; adotar; entender; guiar; conseguir teach tear taught taught tore torn ensinar; educar chorar, lacrimejar; rasgar, rachar tell told told contar; saber; perceber; descobrir; ordenar tirar; (os (-se); lavar; sweep swept

think thrive throw thrust tread wake

thought thought throve thriven threw thrust trod woke thrown thrust trodden waked

pensar; acreditar ter sucesso jogar; empurrar pisar, andar, pr os ps acordar; despertar; acordar-se parir; impressionar




vestir; trancar; experimentar (roupas, jias, etc); exibir; mostrar; gastar; cansar; esgotar; durar colocar (culos);

weave wove


tecer, entrelaar, tranar; contorcer-se (entre obstculos); bordar; (trama); tramar criar




chorar; verter lgrimas; gotejar, deixar escapar; exudar, vazar




umedecer; sujar; molhar; fazer xixi na cama, molhar-se ( noite); urinar .





vencer; ganhar; conseguir; obter; conseguir; alugar; convencer; ganhar corao deo rodar;


wound wound


enrolar-se; enroscar-se; recobrir, encobrir, encapar; recobrir-se, revestir-se; modificar direo wring wrung wrung arrancar; obrigar, forar; tirar a fora; entortar; pressionar; segurar fora; espremer write wrote written escrever; anotar; compor; com a

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