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Daniele Patrcia Maders

Gabriel de Oliveira Bard
8 Ano A


Its name is a Amena capital to the Ceo of U.S.

forces in 1985 and the country's Good Business,
George Washington. Early explorers of the
region were the Spaniards. Between the 1810s
and 1840s, the region was a source of
contention between the British and Americans,
until in 1846, the countries reached an
agreement. In 1848 the Oregon province,
territory which comprised the current
Washington, which only tronor state November


Seu nome uma homenagem ao lder das foras

americanas de 1776 e primeiro presidente do pais,
George Washington. Os primeiros exploradores da
regio foram os espanhis. Entre a dcada de 1810 e
1840, a regio foi motivo de disputa entre britnicos e
estadunidenses, at que em 1846, os paises
chegaram a um acordo. Em 1848 foi criada a provncia
de Oregon, territrio que compreendia o atual
Washington, o que s se tornou estado em 11 de
novembro de 1889.

Washington is located in the Northwestern
of the United States, bordering the Pacific
Ocean to the West, with the states of
Idaho East, Oregon to the South and
Canada to the North.

Washington localiza-se no noroeste dos
Estados Unidos, limitando-se com o
Oceano Pacfico ao oeste, com os
estados de Idaho leste, Oregon ao sul e
Canad ao norte.


A part of the state is considered one of the rainiest

in the world, the other big part of it is considered
quite barren. Because of the proximity to the Pacific
Ocean temperatures are very mild, winter minimum
temperatures range from -30 C to 12 C and
maximum temperatures range from -22 C to 18
C. In summer minimal temperatures ranging from 5
C to 18 C and maximum temperatures range
between 14 to 35.

Uma parte do estado considerada uma das
mais chuvosas do mundo, a outra grande parte
do mesmo considerada bastante rida. Por
causa da proximidade com o oceano pacifico as
temperaturas so bastante amenas, no inverno
as temperaturas mnimas variam entre -30C a
12C e as temperaturas mximas variam entre
-22C a 18C. No vero as temperaturas mnimas
variam entre 5C a 18C e as temperaturas
mximas variam entre 14C a 35C.

Seattle is a city in King County. is
the largest city in the state of
Washington has an area of 369.5
km and population of 634.535.
Olympia is the capital of
Washington. The city is located in
Thurston County, has the area of 51
km and population of 46.478.
Spokane is located in Spokane
county has an area of 155.4 km
and population of 208.916.

Tacoma is located in Pierce

County has an area of 161.5 km
and population of 198.397.
Redmond is located in King
County is your area of 42.9 km
and its population is 46.391.
Aberdeen is located in Grays
Harbor County is your area of
31.5 km and its population is

Space Needle is a tower of 184m, located in Seattle.
Flight Museum is a museum of aircraft and
spacecraft in Seattle.

Pacific Science Center is a science museum located

in Seattle.
Glass Museum is a museum dedicated to the art of
glass in Tacoma.


Components: Daniele Patrcia Maders

Gabriel de Oliveira Bard
Grade: 8 Ano A
Subject: English
Teacher: Andra Cristine Haupt
School: E.M.E.F. Joo Beda Krbes
Year: 2014

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