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Philip went to the city of Samaria and told the people about Christ.

They crowded around Philip because they were eager to hear what he was saying and to see him work miracles. Many people with evil spirits were healed, and a lot of crippled and lame people were also healed.

Filipe foi para a cidade de Samaria e l proclamava o Cristo a todos. Quando a multido o ouviu e viu os sinais que ele fazia, comeou a prestar muita ateno s coisas que ele dizia. Demnios, gritando alto, saam de muitas pessoas possudas por eles e muitos coxos e paralticos eram curados.

Then God sent an angel to give instructions to Phillip. The angel said, Go south along the desert road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza. So Philip left.

Depois, Deus enviou um anjo para dar instrues a Filipe. O anjo disse: Prepare-se e v para o sul, pela estrada que desce de Jerusalm e vai at Gaza. Filipe se preparou e partiu.

An important Ethiopian official happened to be going along that road in his chariot. He was the chief treasurer for Candace, the Queen of Ethiopia. The official had gone to Jerusalem to worship and was now on his way home. He was sitting in his chariot, reading the book of the prophet Isaiah.

No caminho encontrou um homem etope que era eunuco. Ele era um alto oficial de Candace, rainha da Etipia, encarregado de todo o tesouro dela. Ele estava voltando de Jerusalm onde tinha ido adorar a Deus. Sentado em sua carruagem, ele estava lendo o livro do profeta Isaas.

Philip ran up close and asked him, Do you understand what you are reading? The official answered, Not really. I need someone to explain it to me. He then invited Philip to come up and sit beside him and Philip explained the good news about Jesus.

Filipe correu para perto da carruagem e ento disse: O senhor entende o que est lendo? O homem respondeu: No muito. Preciso de algum que me explique. O homem convidou a Filipe para subir e sentar-se com ele e Filipe comeou a explicar ao eunuco as Boas Novas a respeito de Jesus.

Because Philip was faithful to obey Gods voice which had instructed him to go to the desert, and then to talk to this important man from Ethiopia, that man was then able to take what he had learned about Jesus and lead many others in his country to salvation.

Como Filipe foi fiel em obedecer voz do Deus, que o instruiu a ir para o deserto, e depois a falar com aquele homem importante da Etipia, esse homem por sua vez levou o que tinha aprendido sobre Jesus e guiou muitas pessoas do seu pas salvao.

In Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, who was the captain of a group of soldiers called The Italian Unit. Cornelius worshiped God, and so did everyone else who lived in his house. One afternoon, Cornelius saw an angel from God coming to him and calling him by name. Cornelius was surprised and stared at the angel. Then he asked, What is this all about? The angel answered, Send some men to Joppa for a man named Simon Peter. He is visiting with Simon the leather maker, who lives in a house near the sea. As soon as the angel left, Cornelius called in two of his servants. He explained everything to them and sent them off to Joppa.

Havia na cidade de Cesaria um homem de nome Cornlio, o qual era comandante do regimento chamado italiano. Ele temia a Deus, assim como todos os membros da sua famlia. Um dia, Cornlio teve uma viso e viu claramente um anjo de Deus chegando e lhe dizendo: Cornlio! Ele olhou para o anjo e, com muito medo, disse: O que , Senhor? E o anjo lhe disse: Envie homens at a cidade de Jope para que eles tragam de volta um homem de nome Pedro. Ele est hospedado com Simo, o curtidor de couro, cuja casa fica perto do mar. Quando o anjo foi embora, Cornlio chamou dois empregados que estavam a seu servio. Ele lhes contou tudo o que tinha acontecido e mandou que fossem at Jope.

The next day Peter went up on the roof of the house to pray and had a vision. He saw heaven open, and something came down like a huge sheet held up by its four corners. In it were all kinds of animals, snakes, and birds. A voice said to him, Peter, get up! Kill these and eat them. Peter said, Lord, I cant do that! Ive never eaten anything that is unclean and not fit to eat. The voice spoke to him again, When God says that something can be used for food, dont say it isnt fit to eat.

O dia seguinte, Pedro subiu ao terrao para orar e teve uma viso: Ele viu o cu se abrir e um objeto que parecia um grande lenol descer terra, pendurado pelas quatro pontas. Dentro do lenol havia todos os tipos de animais de quatro patas, de bichos que se arrastam e de aves voadoras. Ento uma voz lhe disse: Levante-se, Pedro! Mate e coma! Pedro disse: De maneira nenhuma, Senhor! Eu nunca comi nada que fosse vulgar e impuro A voz lhe falou pela segunda vez: No chame de impuro aquilo que Deus purificou.

Peter was still wondering what all of this meant, when the men sent by Cornelius came and stood at the gate. They had found their way to Simons house and were asking if Simon Peter was staying there. While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, Some men are here looking for you. Hurry down and go with them. Dont worry, I sent them. Pedro estava tentando entender o que significava a viso que ele tivera. Enquanto isso, os homens que Cornlio tinha enviado j haviam perguntado onde era a casa de Simo e estavam agora no porto da casa. Eles chamaram e perguntaram se Pedro estava hospedado l. Pedro ainda estava pensando a respeito da viso quando o Esprito lhe disse: Escute! Dois homens esto procurando por voc, portanto levante-se, desa para o andar de baixo da casa e v com eles. V tranqilo, pois fui eu que os mandei.

The next morning, Peter left with the men who had come from Cornelius and arrived in Caesarea where Cornelius was waiting for them. He had also invited his relatives and close friends. Peter said to them, You know that we Jews are not allowed to have anything to do with other people. But God has shown me that he doesnt think anyone is unclean or unfit. God is pleased with everyone who worships him and does right, no matter what nation they come from. O dia seguinte, Pedro se aprontou e foi com eles, Eles chegaram a Cesaria e Cornlio, que tinha reunido seus parentes e amigos mais chegados, estava esperando por eles. Pedro disse a todos: Vocs sabem que no permitido a um judeu se associar ou mesmo visitar uma pessoa de outra raa. Deus, porm, me mostrou que no devo considerar ningum vulgar ou impuro. Ele aceita as pessoas que o temem e que praticam o bem, no importando de que nao elas sejam.

Because of Peters obedience to follow Gods leading, Cornelius and his friends and family received salvation that day.

Como Pedro obedeceu s orientaes de Deus, Cornlio e seus amigos e familiares receberam a salvao naquele dia. *** Deus ainda fala hoje, atravs de profecias, vises e sinais. O Senhor quer nos guiar e encorajar e Ele pode falar a qualquer um de ns que O ama.

God is still speaking today, through prophecies, visions, and signs. He wants to speak to us to guide and encourage us. God can speak to any one of us who love Him.

Histrias bilnge para crianas www.freekidstories.org

Dramatized Bible stories based on Acts chapters 8 and 10. Art The Family International.

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