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Macetes e dicas gramaticais pertinentes

Vocabulrio especfico
Textos de concursos anteriores

Responder s questes sem ler

o texto (E ACERTAR)
Prof. Roberto Witte





(2.000 exerccios)

(???? exerccios)

Como estudar para provas de

ingls de concursos pblicos
1) Quantas palavras so utilizadas
nas provas de concursos
2) Devo assinar revistas
importadas? (The economist; Time;
Financial Times , Newsweek etc)
3) Como devo estudar em casa? No
nibus? Ou em outro lugar?

Como estudar para provas de

ingls de concursos pblicos
4) Entre um perodo de estudo de
economia, portugus, direito
tributrio ou contabilidade, leia 15
5) No trabalho, leia 10 sentenas por

Como estudar em casa

1) Copie o texto deixando espao
confortvel entre as linhas.
2) Traduza as palavras na sequncia
3) Grife as palavras enquanto voc
estiver lendo.

Como estudar em casa

4) Grife as palavras que so
parecidas com portugus, depois
as que no so parecidas (mas
que vc conhece) e por fim
sobraro as palavras que voc vai
5) Faa seu prprio dicionrio com
as palavras novas.

Como estudar com os vdeos

1) Leia o material antes de assistir
aos vdeos.
2) Ler e traduzir os textos.
3) Responda s questes SEM
ASSINALAR a alternativa.

Como estudar com os vdeos

4) Ao assistir s aulas, preste
ateno s tradues e compare
com as que voc fez.
5) Anote todas as palavras extras
que forem apresentadas.

Como estudar com os vdeos

6) Monte seu prprio dicionrio e
revise o vocabulrio toda vez que
7) Copie os textos ( mo)

No ler listas
de verbos de
vestibular !

No ler listas
de falsos
com se fosse
a coisa mais
importante !

... E pelo
amor de
No ler
livros de


de trs para frente !

I have been working here since 1983.

Eu tenho estado trabalhando aqui desde 1983.


Sujeito + verbo + complemento

Some regulations are administered

Algumas regulamentaes so administradas

by the department of labor.

pelo ministrio



The success of the business

O sucesso do(de+o) negcio

depends on the economic scenario

depende do cenrio econmico

The success of the business

O sucesso do(de+o) negcio

depends on the economic scenario

depende do cenrio econmico

Companies in Brazil export

important products to countries

in Africa and Europe.

A seqncia , via de regra, a mesma,

NO, necessariamente o nmero de palavras.

I have a lot of contracts to analyze.

Eu tenho muitos contratos para analisar.

A seqncia , via de regra, a mesma,

NO, necessariamente o nmero de palavras.

I have a lot of contracts to analyze.

Eu tenho muitos contratos para analisar.

Prof. Roberto,
mais um

T bom.
Here we go again!
Bob studies English in order to get a job.

Bob estuda ingls a fim de arranjar um emprego.

T bom.
Here we go again!
Bob studies English in order to get a job.

Bob estuda ingls a fim de arranjar um emprego.

Sujeito + verbo + complemento


Ai, simmmmmmm


(Pg 68)

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

cdigo tributrio americano simplificado foi,

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

anunciado pelo Ministro da Fazenda

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

que o plano era do Tesouro,

not the Administrations.

no da Administrao

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

impostos sobre pessoas fsicas e

increase them on corporations.

aumentaria ele sobre empresas

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

seriam substitudas por somente 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

com um percentual mximo de 35%

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

por ano. Entretanto, muitas dedues

would be eliminated.
seriam eliminadas.

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

previram que seria difcil

to get the plan through Congress,

passar o plano atravs do Congresso

and that the strong support of the

e que o forte apoio do

president would be required.

Veja o prximo exemplo

retirado de uma prova oficial
da querida ESAF...eecaaaa

Ai, simmmmmmm




(2.000 exerccios)

(???? exerccios)

Como estudar para provas de

ingls de concursos pblicos
1) Quantas palavras so utilizadas
nas provas de concursos
2) Devo assinar revistas
importadas? (The economist; Time;
Financial Times , Newsweek etc)
3) Como devo estudar em casa? No
nibus? Ou em outro lugar?

Como estudar para provas de

ingls de concursos pblicos
4) Entre um perodo de estudo de
economia, portugus, direito
tributrio ou contabilidade, leia 15
5) No trabalho, leia 10 sentenas por

Como estudar em casa

1) Copie o texto deixando espao
confortvel entre as linhas.
2) Traduza as palavras na sequncia
3) Grife as palavras enquanto voc
estiver lendo.

Como estudar em casa

4) Grife as palavras que so
parecidas com portugus, depois
as que no so parecidas (mas
que vc conhece) e por fim
sobraro as palavras que voc vai
5) Faa seu prprio dicionrio com
as palavras novas.

Como estudar com os vdeos

1) Leia o material antes de assistir
aos vdeos.
2) Ler e traduzir os textos.
3) Responda s questes SEM
ASSINALAR a alternativa.

Como estudar com os vdeos

4) Ao assistir s aulas, preste
ateno s tradues e compare
com as que voc fez.
5) Anote todas as palavras extras
que forem apresentadas.

Como estudar com os vdeos

6) Monte seu prprio dicionrio e
revise o vocabulrio toda vez que
7) Copie os textos ( mo)

No ler listas
de verbos de
vestibular !

No ler listas
de falsos
como se
fossem a
coisa mais

... E pelo
amor de
No ler
livros de


de trs para frente !

I have been working here since 1983.

Eu tenho estado trabalhando aqui desde 1983.


Sujeito + verbo + complemento

Some regulations are administered

Algumas regulamentaes so administradas

by the department of labor.

pelo ministrio



Some regulations are administered

Algumas regulamentaes so administradas

by the department of labor.

pelo ministrio



The success of the business

O sucesso do(de+o) negcio

depends on the economic scenario

depende do cenrio econmico

The success of the business

O sucesso do(de+o) negcio

depends on the economic scenario

depende do cenrio econmico

Companies in Brazil export

important products to countries

in Africa and Europe.

A seqncia , via de regra, a mesma,

NO, necessariamente o nmero de palavras.

I have a lot of contracts to analyze.

Eu tenho muitos contratos para analisar.

A seqncia , via de regra, a mesma,

NO, necessariamente o nmero de palavras.

I have a lot of contracts to analyze.

Eu tenho muitos contratos para analisar.

Prof. Roberto,
mais um

T bom.
Here we go again!
Bob studies English in order to get a job.

Bob estuda ingls a fim de arranjar um emprego.

T bom.
Here we go again!
Bob studies English in order to get a job.

Bob estuda ingls a fim de arranjar um emprego.

Sujeito + verbo + complemento


Ai, simmmmmmm


(Pg 68)

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

cdigo tributrio americano simplificado foi,

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

anunciado pelo Ministro da Fazenda

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

que o plano era do Tesouro,

not the Administrations.

no da Administrao

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

impostos sobre pessoas fsicas e

increase them on corporations.

aumentaria ele sobre empresas

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

seriam substitudas por somente 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

com um percentual mximo de 35%

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

por ano. Entretanto, muitas dedues

would be eliminated.
seriam eliminadas.

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

previram que seria difcil

to get the plan through Congress,

passar o plano atravs do Congresso

and that the strong support of the

e que o forte apoio do

president would be required.

Veja o prximo exemplo

retirado de uma prova oficial
da querida ESAF...eecaaaa

Ai, simmmmmmm


(Pg 68)

A proposal for a

simplified U.S. tax code was

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

cdigo tributrio americano simplificado foi,

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

cdigo tributrio americano simplificado foi,

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

anunciado pelo Ministro da Fazenda

He insisted on the semantic distinction

that the plan was the Treasurys,

not the Administrations.

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

not the Administrations.

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

que o plano era do Tesouro,

not the Administrations.

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

que o plano era do Tesouro,

not the Administrations.

no da Administrao

The reform plan would reduce

taxes on individuals and

increase them on corporations.

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

increase them on corporations.

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

impostos sobre pessoas fsicas e

increase them on corporations.

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

impostos sobre pessoas fsicas e

increase them on corporations.

aumentaria ele sobre empresas

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

would be replaced by only 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

seriam substitudas por somente 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

seriam substitudas por somente 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

com um percentual mximo de 35%

for those who make more than $38,100

a year. However, many deductions

would be eliminated.

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

would be eliminated.

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

por ano. Entretanto, muitas dedues

would be eliminated.

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

por ano. Entretanto, muitas dedues

would be eliminated.
seriam eliminadas.

Republican leaders in the House

predicted that it would be difficult

to get the plan through Congress,

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

to get the plan through Congress,

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

previram que seria difcil

to get the plan through Congress,

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

previram que seria difcil

to get the plan through Congress,

passar o plano atravs do Congresso

and that the strong support of the

president would be required.

and that the strong support of the

e que o forte apoio do

president would be required.


(Pg 68)

A proposal for a

simplified U.S. tax code was

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

cdigo tributrio americano simplificado foi,

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

A proposal for a
Uma proposta para um

simplified U.S. tax code was

cdigo tributrio americano simplificado foi,

announced by the Treasury Secretary.

anunciado pelo Ministro da Fazenda

He insisted on the semantic distinction

that the plan was the Treasurys,

not the Administrations.

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

not the Administrations.

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

que o plano era do Tesouro,

not the Administrations.

He insisted on the semantic distinction

Ele insistiu na distino semntica

that the plan was the Treasurys,

que o plano era do Tesouro,

not the Administrations.

no da Administrao

The reform plan would reduce

taxes on individuals and

increase them on corporations.

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

increase them on corporations.

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

impostos sobre pessoas fsicas e

increase them on corporations.

The reform plan would reduce

O plano de reforma reduziria

taxes on individuals and

impostos sobre pessoas fsicas e

increase them on corporations.

aumentaria ele sobre empresas

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

would be replaced by only 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

seriam substitudas por somente 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

The 16 tax brackets for individuals

As 16 faixas de incidncias para P.F.

would be replaced by only 3,

seriam substitudas por somente 3,

with a maximum rate of 35 percent

com um percentual mximo de 35%

for those who make more than $38,100

a year. However, many deductions

would be eliminated.

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

would be eliminated.

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

por ano. Entretanto, muitas dedues

would be eliminated.

for those who make more than $38,100

para aqueles que ganham mais de $38.100

a year. However, many deductions

por ano. Entretanto, muitas dedues

would be eliminated.
seriam eliminadas.

Republican leaders in the House

predicted that it would be difficult

to get the plan through Congress,

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

to get the plan through Congress,

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

previram que seria difcil

to get the plan through Congress,

Republican leaders in the House

Lderes republicanos na Casa

predicted that it would be difficult

previram que seria difcil

to get the plan through Congress,

passar o plano atravs do Congresso

and that the strong support of the

president would be required.

and that the strong support of the

e que o forte apoio do

president would be required.



Questes da Prova

1 - In paragraph 1, the author

provides a brief outline of

1 - In paragraph 1, the author

provides a brief outline of
3- In paragraph 2, the role
played by Estonias flat
income tax in relation to its
robust revenues is

1 - In paragraph 1, the author

provides a brief outline of
3- In paragraph 2, the role
played by Estonias flat
income tax in relation to its
robust revenues is
4- In paragraph 3, the author
refers to VAT, a tax which

6- In paragraph 1, the new

figures related to the British
alcohol consumption are said
to have caused

6- In paragraph 1, the new

figures related to the British
alcohol consumption are said
to have caused
8- In his answer to question 1,
Dr. Lee warns against
drinking lots of caffeine since

6- In paragraph 1, the new

figures related to the British
alcohol consumption are said
to have caused
8- In his answer to question 1,
Dr. Lee warns against
drinking lots of caffeine since
10- In his answer to question 2,
Dr. Lee

9- According to Dr. Lee, we

should listen to our bodys
advice to cut back on the
caffeine. In other words, our
body advises us

9- According to Dr. Lee, we

should listen to our bodys
advice to cut back on the
caffeine. In other words, our
body advises us
2- The author mentions a
slump in Estonias growth at
the turn of the century which


Ai, simmmmmmm


One million



Estonias economy has grown impressively

since its 1994 reform.

In paragraph 1, the author provides a brief

outline of
a) Estonias growth in 1994.
b) a countrys reform attempt.
c) Estonias burdensome tax system.
d) a countrys growth and fiscal policy.
e) a countrys upcoming interest rates.

Estonias economy has grown impressively

since its 1994 reform.

In paragraph 1, the author provides a brief

outline of
a) Estonias growth in 1994.
b) a countrys reform attempt.
c) Estonias burdensome tax system.
d) a countrys growth and fiscal policy.
e) a countrys upcoming interest rates.

Estonias economy has grown impressively

since its 1994 reform.

In paragraph 1, the author provides a brief

outline of
a) Estonias growth in 1994.
b) a countrys reform attempt.
c) Estonias burdensome tax system.
d) a countrys growth and fiscal policy.
e) a countrys upcoming interest rates.

The author points out

a) the difficulties faced by accountants in
setting sensible tax brackets.
b) the urgent need to change the last tax law.
c) the governments decision to increase tax
brackets in 2005.
d) a certain number of changes concerning
tax brackets.
e) the need to be married so as to qualify for
the 10% tax bracket.

The author points out

a) the difficulties faced by accountants in
setting sensible tax brackets.
b) the urgent need to change the last tax law.
c) the governments decision to increase tax
brackets in 2005.
d) a certain number of changes concerning
tax brackets.
e) the need to be married so as to qualify for
the 10% tax bracket.

The advantage of the proposed tax reform

measures is
a) particularly fast progress through
b) a proposed 41.7% reduction in taxation.
c) a welcome simplification of the tax system.
d) the prospect of controlling high inflation.
e) further political support for the government

The advantage of the proposed tax reform

measures is
a) particularly fast progress through
b) a proposed 41.7% reduction in taxation.
c) a welcome simplification of the tax system.
d) the prospect of controlling high inflation.
e) further political support for the government

According to the text,

a) a commission introduced a flat income tax
into Britain.
b) a war once justified the payment of income
c) a flat income tax would be made up of
three tax rates.
d) the reform would yield many economic
e) George Osborne has managed to
introduce the single rate.

According to the text,

a) a commission introduced a flat income tax
into Britain.
b) a war once justified the payment of income
c) a flat income tax would be made up of
three tax rates.
d) the reform would yield many economic
e) George Osborne has managed to
introduce the single rate.




George Osborne



The advantage of the proposed tax reform

measures is
a) particularly fast progress through
b) a proposed 41.7% reduction in taxation.
c) a welcome simplification of the tax system.
d) the prospect of controlling high inflation.
e) further political support for the government

The advantage of the proposed tax reform

measures is
a) particularly fast progress through
b) a proposed 41.7% reduction in taxation.
c) a welcome simplification of the tax system.
d) the prospect of controlling high inflation.
e) further political support for the government

The advantage of the proposed tax reform

measures is
a) particularly fast progress through
b) a proposed 41.7% reduction in taxation.
c) a welcome simplification of the tax system.
d) the prospect of controlling high inflation.
e) further political support for the government

According to the text,

a) a commission introduced a flat income tax
into Britain.
b) a war once justified the payment of income
c) a flat income tax would be made up of
three tax rates.
d) the reform would yield many economic
e) George Osborne has managed to
introduce the single rate.

According to the text,

a) a commission introduced a flat income tax
into Britain.
b) a war once justified the payment of income
c) a flat income tax would be made up of
three tax rates.
d) the reform would yield many economic
e) George Osborne has managed to
introduce the single rate.

According to the text,

a) a commission introduced a flat income tax
into Britain.
b) a war once justified the payment of income
c) a flat income tax would be made up of
three tax rates.
d) the reform would yield many economic
e) George Osborne has managed to
introduce the single rate.

According to the text, G21 is a group

involved in trade talks, and it aims to
a) bring up new trump cards in Mexico
b) offset the bargaining power of the USA
and the EU.
c) shore up the power of the WTO to do
d) lead over 100 countries to victory in the
e) enhance the power of Brazil

According to the text, G21 is a group

involved in trade talks, and it aims to
a) bring up new trump cards in Mexico
b) offset the bargaining power of the USA
and the EU.
c) shore up the power of the WTO to do
d) lead over 100 countries to victory in the
e) enhance the power of Brazil

Prof.Roberto, mostre-nos
mais exemplos de questes
que podem ser respondidas
sem ler o texto.

Okay, honey !

According to the text, ...

a) a slowdown in the US economy does not
affect the global economy.
b) the three largest economies are insulated
from this global downturn.
c) the economies of the world are closely
linked and interdependent.
d) globalization prevents financial contagion
and global recession.
e) emerging countries have constantly had
the foresight to cut taxes.

What elements are intended to

be decreased?
a) The GDP and the internal debt.
b) The standard of living and the GDP.
c) The local interest rates and the foreign
d) The budget expenditures and the interest
e) The social security deficit and the GDP.

1)Se algo est
globalizado, no
pode estar isolado!
2) PIB deve ser grande
e tem sempre que
Qualquer burro sabe
disso !

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