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Esta bibliografia lista o acervo das principais bibliotecas universitrias de So Paulo, inclui referncias eventuais a outras bibliotecas e, quando o caso, remete ao acervo pessoal de membros do CEPAME e do Grupo de Trabalho de Histria da Filosofia Medieval e a Recepo da Filosofia Antiga da ANPOF. Embora bastante extensa, no uma bibliografia exaustiva e novas indicaes so bem-vindas, inclusive de acervos pessoais que sejam acessveis. Tambm esto indicados sites com a totalidade das obras de Abelardo em latim (em boas edies, mas sem aparato crtico), diversas tradues, textos de antigos comentrios e obras literrias. A lista de artigos disponveis, no includa aqui, mas que pode ser solicitada, tem mais de 500 ttulos. Ttulos marcados como {NA} (Nova aquisio) esto sendo integrados aos acervos. Aceitamos doaes de material bibliogrfico e pedimos que nos sejam enviadas sujestes de compra.

Jos Carlos Estvo (Depto. de Filosofia USP)

Atualizada em 16/12/2009.

ndice A) Obras 1. Lista de obras 2. Melhores edies 3. Demais edies 4. Tradues 4.1. Lgica 4.2. Teologia 4.3. tica 4.4. Correspondncia 4.5. Msica e poesia B) Comentadores 1. Comentrios 2. Biografias 3. Teses e dissertaes C) Referncias medievais 1. Epistolas 2. Sobre Abelardo e Helosa 3. Escola de Abelardo D) Alguns ttulos sobre o Sculo XII E) Alguns ttulos gerais F) Algumas das fontes antigas de Abelardo G) Links 45 48 51 53 69 86 89 33 39 43 16 18 20 23 31 03 06 12


Lgica Editio super Porphyrium (mss de Paris) [Introductiones dialectic] Super Porphyrium (mss de Munique) Gloss secundum vocales Gloss super Porphyrium [Logica Ingredientibus] Glossul super Porphyrium [Logica Nostrorum] Gloss in Categorias [Introductiones dialectic] (?) Gloss super Predicamenta Aristotelis [Logica Ingredientibus] Editio super Aristotelem De interpretatione [Introductiones dialectic] Gloss super Periermenias Aristotelis [Logica Ingredientibus] Super Periermenias XII-XIV [Logica Ingredientibus] Super Topica gloss [Glose in Topica Boethii] [Logica Ingredientibus] Super Topica gloss (ed. parcial) De divisionibus [Introductiones dialectic] Dialectica Dal Pra 1954 1992 1933 1919 1933 1954 1921 1954 1927 2009 1958 1954 2003 1954 1956 1970

Ottaviano Geyer Geyer Dal Pra Geyer Dal Pra Geyer [Ed. Jakobi & Strub, no prelo] Minio-Paluello Dal Pra

Dal Pra de Rijk [Nova edio em preparao] Morin

Tractatus de intellectibus

1994 1992 1958 1987 1969 1969 1987 1976 1977 1984 2004

Positio vocum sententi

Sententie secundum M. Petrum Teologia Theologia summi boni [= De unitate et trinitate divina] Theologia christiana Theologia scholarium recensiones breuiores Theologia scholarium [= Introductio ad theologia] Sic et non

Minio-Paluello Buytaert & Mews Buytaert Buytaert Buytaert & Mews Boyer & McKeon

De sacramento altaris [SN 117] Abbreviatio expositionis in Hexameron

Barrow Burnett & Luscombe

Expositio in Hexameron Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos Heloiss problemata cum Petri Ablardi solutionibus Institutiones nostr tica Ethica seu Scito te ipsum Collationes [= Dialogus inter Philosophum, Judum et Christianum] Opsculos Apologia contra Bernardum (Ne iuxta Boethianum) Expositio fidei in Symbolum Athanasii Expositio Symboli apostolorum Soliloquium [= Dialogus inter A. P. et P. A.] Epistolas (Numerao Cousin) I. Historia calamitatum (Abaelardi ad amicum suum consolatoria) II. Heloiss ad Petrum (Helois su ad ipsum deprecatoria) III. Petri ad Heloissam (Rescriptum ipsius ad ipsam) IV. Heloiss ad Petrum (Rescriptum ipsius ad ipsum) V. Petri ad Heloissam (Ipse rursus ad ipsam) VI. Heloiss ad Petrum (Item eadem ad eundem) VII. Petri ad Heloissam (Rescriptum ad ipsam de auctoritate vel dignitate ordinis sanctimonialium) VIII. Regula sanctimonialium IX. Petri ad virgines Paraclitences de studio litterarium X. Petri ad Bernardus Monfrin Monfrin Monfrin Muckle Muckle Muckle Muckle McLaughlin Smits [Epistol IX-XIV, nova edio em preparao] Smits 1959 1959 1959 1953 1953 1955 1955 1956 1983 1983 1983 Buytaert Cousin & Jourdain Cousin & Jourdain Burnett 1969 1849 1849 1984 Ilgner Orlandi 2001 2001 Romig & Luscombe Buytaert Cousin et al. Waddell 2004 1969 1849 1987

XI. Adversos eos que ex autoritate Bed argure conantum Smits Dionysium Areopagitam fuissem Dionysium Corinthiorum episcopum XII. Contra quemdam canonicum regularem XIII. Invectiva in quemdam ignarum dialectices... XIV. Epistola ad episcopum Parisiensem [Ep. XV: Roscelini ad Ablardum] [Ep. XVI: Fulconis ad Ablardum] XVII: Confessio fidei ad Heloisam (Soror mea) Smits Smits Smits Reiners Cousin & Jourdain + Eynde Burnett

1983 1983 1983 1910 1849 1963 1986

Confessio fidei Universis Epistola contra Bernardum Heloiss ad Petrum (Beatus Hieronymus) (in Problemata) Petri ad Heloissam (Ad tuarum instantiam) (in Tres libelli hymnorum) Petri ad Heloissam (Libello quod hymnorum) (in Sermones) [Ep. XVIII-XXVI: Bernardus Claravallensis] XXIX: Heloiss ad Petrum Cluniacensis [Ep. XXVII-XXVIII et XXX: Petrus Cluniacensis] La vie et les pitres Pierres Abaelardt et Heloys sa fame, trad. par Jean de Meun Sermes (Numerao Cousin) Sermones I-XXXIV Sermo II: In Natali Domini Sermo IV: In Epiphania Domini Sermo XIV: Exposition orationis Dominic multorum legimus orationes... [= Glossa in orationem Dominicam] Sermo XXV: De sancto Iohanne euangelista Sermo XXX: Pro sactimonialibus de Paraclito Sermo XXXII: In natale sanctii Stephani Sermo XXXIV: In natale Innocentum Sermo XXXV: Adtendite a falsis prophetis Obra musical e potica Carmen ad Astralabium Hymnarius Paraclitensis (Tres libelli hymnorum per totum anni circulum) Planctus Epithalamica Sentenas Sententie magistri Petri Abaelardi Luscombe et al. [= Epitome Theologiae christianae = Sententiae Hermanni] Opera dubia Carmen figuratum Ex epistolis duorum amantium Liber sententiarum magistri Petri (frags.) Ernst Kensgen Luscombe et al. 1986 1974 2007 2007 Rubingh-Bosscher [Nova edio em preparao] Waddell 1987 1989 2002 1986 Cousin & Jourdain [Nova edio em preparao] de Santis de Santis de Santis de Santis Granata de Santis de Santis Engels 1849 2002 2002 2002 2002 1973 2002 2002 1975 Burnett Klibansky Cousin & Jourdain [Nova edio em preparao] Waddell Cousin & Jourdain [Nova edio em preparao] Leclercq et al. Cousin & Jourdain Constable Hicks 1986 1961 1849 1989 1849 1977 1849 1967 1991

[Nova edio em preparao] Waddell

6 2. MELHORES EDIES Praticamente todos os textos esto disponveis na internet. Ver LINKS. Lgica PIETRO ABELARDO, Scritti di logica. [Introductiones dialecticae: Editio super Porphyrium. Gloss in Categorias. Super Aristotelem De interpretatione. De divisionibus. Logica ingredientibus: Super Topica gloss]. Ed. Mario Dal Pra. Firenzi, La Nuova Italia, [19541] 19692. XXXIX+330 p. [CEPAME] PIETRO ABELARDO, Scritti filosofici. Editi per la prima volta da Mario Dal Pra. Roma / Milano, Bocca, 1954. XXXVII+330 p. [PUC-PR] Super Topica gloss, ed. Karin M. Fredborg, Abelard on Rhetoric in MEWS, CONSTANT J., et al., eds., Rhetoric and renewal in the Latin West, 1100-1540. Turnhout, Brepols, 2003, pp. 62-80. [USP] Peter Abaelards Philosophische Schriften I: Die Logica Ingredientibus. II: Die Logica Nostrorum petitioni sociorum. Zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Bernard Geyer. Mnster i. W., Beitrge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, 1919/1921/1927/1933, Band XII, Heft 1-4. 580 S. [USP] {NA} Heft 1, Gloss super Porphyrium, SS. 1-109. [PUC-SP] Heft 2, Gloss super Predicamenta Aristotelis, SS. 111-305. [PUC-SP] Heft 3, Gloss super Periermenias Aristotelis, SS. 306-504. [CEPAME] Heft 4, Glossul super Porphyrium, SS. 505-580. [PUC-SP]. Reimpresso: 1973. [CEPAME] Super Periermenias XII-XIV; Sententie secundum M. Petrum in MINIOPALUELLO, LORENZO, Twelfth Century logic: Texts and studies II. Abelardiana inedita. Roma, Storia e Letteratura, 1958, pp. 3-108 / 109-161. XLVIII+161 p. [CEPAME] PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Dialectica. First complete edition of the Parisian manuscript by Lambertus Marie de Rijk. Assen, van Gorcum, 1956. CVI+637 p. [PUC-SP] [USP]. 2nd ed. rev., 1970. [USP] ABLARD, Des intellections. Edition, trad. et notes par Patrick Morin. Paris, Vrin, 1994. 170 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] Un opusculo inedito di Abelardo: Gloss super librum Porphyrii secundo vocalem [Glossae secundum vocales] in Testi medioevali inediti. Fontes Ambrosiani, III. A cura di Carnelo Ottaviano. Firenzi, Olschki, 1933, pp. 95-207 (pp. 107-207 para o texto). VIII+246 p. [USP] {NA}

7 Positio vocum sententi; Super Porphyrium in IWAKUMA, YUKIO, Vocale, or early nominalist, Traditio, New York, 1992, no 47, pp. 37-111 (pp. 66-73 e 74100 para os textos). [UNICAMP] Teologia PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Opera theologica I: Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. Apologia contra Bernardum. Cura et studio Eligius M. Buytaert. CCCM, 11. Turnholt, Brepols, 1969. XXXVIII+397 p. [USP] Texto reproduzido em PETER ABAELARD, Rmerbriefkommentar. Expositio in epistolam ad Romanos. bersetzt und hg. von Rolf Peppermller. Lat./Deustsch. Freiburg, Herder, 2000. 3 Bnde. [USP] PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Opera theologica II: Theologia Christiana. Theologia Scholarium (recensiones breuiores). Anonymi Capitula haeresum Petri Abaelardi. Cura et studio Eligius M. Buytaert. CCCM, 12. Turnholt, Brepols, 1969. 510 p. [USP] PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Opera theologica III: Theologia summi boni. Theologia Scholarium. Cura et studio Eligius M. Buytaert & Constant J. Mews. CCCM, 13. Turnholt, Brepols, 1987. 613 p. [USP] Texto da Theologia summi boni reproduzido em ABELARDO, Teologia del sommo bene. Introduzione, trad., note e apparati di M. Rossini. Milano, Bompiani, [1996] 2003. 330 p. [USP] PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Opera theologica IV: Scito te ipsum. Ed. Rainer M. Ilgner. CCCM, 190. Turnholt, Brepols, 2001. LXIX+107 p. [USP] PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Opera theologica V. Expositio in Hexameron. Abbreviatio Petri Abaelardi expositionis in Hexameron. Ed. Mary F. Romig, Charles Burnett et David E. Luscombe. CCCM, 15. Turnholt, Brepols, 2004. LXXXVI+172 p. [USP] PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Opera theologica VI. Sententie. Liber sententiarum. Ed. David E. Luscombe, Julia Barrow, Charles Burnett, Katharine S. B. Keats-Rohan, Constant J. Mews. CCCM, 14. Turnholt, Brepols, 2007. CX+199 p. [USP] PETER ABAILARD, Sic et non. A critical edition by Blanche B. Boyer and Richard McKeon. Chicago, UP, 1976-1977. 7 fasc. VII+714 p. [USP] Tractatus magister Petrus Abelardus De sacramento altaris [SN 117], ed. Julia Barrow, Traditio, New York, 1984, no 40, pp. 328-336. [UNICAMP] Peter Abelard, Soliloquium. A critical edition, ed. Charles Burnett, Studi medievali, Spoleto, 3a ser., 1984, no 25, pp. 857-894. [CEPAME] Expositio Symboli apostolorum in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, pp. 603-612. [Gallica]

8 Expositio fidei in Symbolum Athanasii in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, pp. 613-617. [Gallica] Magistri Petri Abladi sermones per annum legendi in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, pp. 349-595. [Gallica] I Sermoni di Abelardo per le Monache del Paracleto. Ed. Paola de Santis. Leuven, UP, 2002. XXVIII+280 p. [USP] Sermo XXXV: Adtendite a falsis prophetis (Ms. Colar 128, ff. 152 v-153 v). Un texte de Pierre Ablard contre les Cistercians retrouv?, ed. Lodewijk J. Engels in Corona Gratiarum. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1975, pp. 195-228. [CEPAME] Heloiss problemata cum M. P. Ablardi solutionibus in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, pp. 237-294. [Gallica] Texto reproduzido em Questions dHlose et rponses dAblard in Lettres dAblard et dHlose. Trad. nouvelle, daprs le texte de V. Cousin, par O. Grard. Paris, Garnier, [18591] 18752, pp. 412-531. [USP] Texto reproduzido em Epistolario di Abelardo ed Eloisa. Trad. di Ileana Pagani. Torino, UTET, 2004. 817 p. [USP] The Paraclete Statutes. Institutiones Nostrae: Troyes, Bibl. Municipale, Ms. 802, ff 89r90v. Introduction, edition, commentary by Chrysogunus Waddell. Kentuck, Gethsemani Abbey Trappist, Cistercian Publications, 1987. 203+LXXXIV p. [USP] {NA} tica PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Scito te ipsum. Edidit Rainer M. Ilgner. Petri Abaelardi Opera theologica IV. CCCM, 190. Turnholt, Brepols, 2001. LXIX+107 p. [USP] Texto reproduzido em PETER ABAELARD, Scito te ipsum (Ethica). Erkenne dich selbst. bers. von Ph. Steger. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 2006. XCIV+178 S. [UFSCar] [USP] PETER ABELARD, Collationes. Edited by Giovanni Orlandi and translated with intr. and notes by John Marenbon. Oxford, Clarendon, 2001. 20032. 368 p. [USP] Correspondncia Ep. I-III ABLARD, Historia calamitatum. Texte critique avec une introduction par Jacques Monfrin. [Appendice: Ep. II et III]. Paris, Vrin, [19591] 19622. 127 p. [USP]. 19784. [PUC-SP]

9 Texto da Ep. I reproduzido em ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 2-119. [USP] Todos os textos esto reproduzidos em Epistolario di Abelardo ed Eloisa. Trad. di Ileana Pagani. Torino, UTET, 2004. 817 p. [USP] Ep. II-V The Personal Letters Between Abelard and Heloise, ed. by Joseph T. Muckle, Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1953, XV, pp. 47-94. [USP] Texto das epstolas II-V reproduzido em ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 120-225. [USP] Ep. VI-VII The Letter of Heloise on Religious Life and Abelards First Reply, ed. by Joseph T. Muckle, Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1955, XVII, pp. 240-281. [USP] Texto da epstola VI reproduzido em ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 226-271. [USP] Ep. VIII Abelards Rule for Religious Women [Institutio seu Regula sanctimonialium], ed. by Terence P. McLaughlin, Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1956, XVIII, pp. 241-292. [USP] Ep. IX-XIV PETER ABELARD, Letters IX-XIV. An Edition with an Intr. by Edm R. Smits. Doctoraat in de Letteren aan de Riksuniversiteit te Groningen. Universiteit te Groningen, 1983. XII+315 p. [USP] {NA} Epistulae extra corpus (Epistola contra Bernardum abbatem in KLIBANSKY, RAYMOND, Peter Abailard and Bernad of Clairvaux. A Letter of Abailard, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, [19531] 1961, V, pp. 1-27). [Apenas o texto, pp. 6-7] [CEPAME] Confessio fidei ad Heloisam. Abelards last letter to Heloise? A discussion and critical edition of the latin and medieval french versions, ed. Charles Burnett, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, Suttgart, 1986, XXI, SS. 147-155. [CEPAME] Peter Abelard, Confessio fidei Universalis. A critical edition of Abelards reply to accusations of heresy, ed. Charles Burnett, Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1986, no 48, pp. 111-138. [CEPAME]

10 (Epistulas introdutrias) [Prfatio] ad Heloysa: Libellus I; Libellus II; Libellus III in Hymn Collections from the Paraclete. Ed. Chrysogunus Waddell. Kentuck, Cistercian Publications, 1989. Vol. II, pp. 5-9, 47-49, 89-90. [CEPAME] Epistola ad Heloissam in Magistri Petri Abladi sermones per annum legendi in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, p. 349. [Gallica] Epistola Heloiss ad Ablardum in Heloiss problemata cum M. P. Ablardi solutionibus in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, p. 237. [Gallica] Ep. XXIX Heloiss ad Petrum Cluniacensis in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1849. Vol. I, (Appendix), p. 745. [Gallica] Texto reproduzido em The letters of Peter the Venerable. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by G. Constable. Cambridge, Harvard UP, 1967, vol. I, p. 400-401. [UNESP] Verso de Jean de Meun: Ep. I-VII, Confessio ad Heloysam, Confessio Universis La vie et les pitres Pierres Abaelardt et Heloys sa fame. Textes latins et traductions du XIIIe sicle attribue a Jean de Meun. Avec une nouvelle dition des textes latins daprs le ms. Troyes Bibl. mun. 802 par Eric Hicks. Paris-Genve, ChampionSlatkine, 1991. Tomo I, Introduction, textes. LIX+161 p. (dupla numerao arbica). [O vol. II nunca foi publicado]. [CEPAME] Texto latino (com aparato crtico, mas sem a introduo) reproduzido em Lettres dAblard et Hlose. Trad. et annot par E. Hicks et T. Moreau. Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 2007. 567 p. [USP] Texto francs reproduzido em As cartas de Abelardo e Helosa. Correspondance. Introduo, notas e trad. portuguesa de L. Vasconcellos. Lisboa, Guimares, 2003. 238 p. [UFSCar] [USP] Opera dubia Epistolae duorum amantium. Briefe Abaelards und Heloises? Edition und Untersuchungen von Ewald Kensgen. Leiden, Brill, 1974. 137 S. [USP] Texto reproduzido em BALLANTI, G., Un epistolario damore del XII seculo (Abelardo e Eloisa?). Roma, Anicia, 1988. 176 p. [USP] Texto reproduzido em MEWS, C. J., The Lost love letters of Heloise and Abelard. Perceptions of dialogue in Twelfth-Century France. Transl. C. J. Mews and N. Chiavaroli. New York, St. Martins, 1999. [UNICAMP]. Palgrave, 2001. [USP]

11 Texto reproduzido em Lettres des deux amants attribues Hlose et Ablard. Trad. S. Piron. Paris, Gallimard, 2005. [USP] Msica e poesia PETER ABELARD, Carmen ad Astralabium. A critical edition by Josepha-Marie A. Rubingh-Bosscher. Doctoraat in de Letteren aan de Riksuniversiteit te Groningen. Universiteit te Groningen, 1987. XII+235 p. [USP] {NA} Hymn Collections from the Paraclete. A critical edition by Chrysogunus Waddell. Kentuck, Cistercian Publications, 1989. Vol. II, Edition. 274 p. [CEPAME] PIETRO ABELARDO, Planctus. Ed. e trad. Massimo Sannelli. Trento, La Finestra, 2002. 98 p. [UFSCar] [USP] Epithalamica: An Easter Sequence by Peter Abelard, ed. Chrysogunus Waddell, Musical Quarterly, New York, 1986, no 72, pp. 238-271. [USP] The Paraclete Breviary. Kalendar and Temporal Cycle. The Old French Paraclete ordinary, Paris, Bibliothque nationale, Ms franais 14410 and the Paraclete breviary, Chaumont, Bibliothque municipale, Ms 31. Edition by Chrysogunus Waddell. Kentuck, Cistercian Publications, 1983. Vol. IIIA Edition. [CEPAME] (ERNST, ULRICH, Ein unbeachtetes Carmen figuratum des Petrus Abaelardus, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, Stuttgart, 1986, no 21, SS. 125-146). [texto latino e reproduo em www.abaelard.de]

12 3. DEMAIS EDIES Opera omnia As trs edies esto disponveis na internet. Ver LINKS. PETRI ABLARDI abbatis rugensis Opera omnia, juxta editionem parisiensem anni 1616 [editio princeps Andr Duchesne / Franois dAmboise], suppletis quae in ea desiderabantur opusculis, accedunt Hilarii et Berengarii Ablardi discipulorum, opuscula et epistol accurante J.-P. MIGNE, Patrologi latin, tomus CLXXVIII. Parisii, Garnier, 1855 [18792]. Turnholt, Brepols, 1995. 1.896 c. (948 p.). [UNICAMP] [USP]. http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu [Teologias Scholarium e Christiana, Sic et non, Ethica, Dialogus, comentrios, epistolas, sermes, opsculos, carmina] Recolhe, em especial: Ed. Duchesne/dAmboise, 1616: Historia calamitatum, Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos, Introductio ad Theologia [= Theologia scholarium]. Ed. E. Martenne & U. Durand, 1717: Theologia Christiana [et] Expositio in Hexameron. Ed. B. Pez, 1721: Ethica seu liber dictus Scito te ipsum. Ed. F. H. Rheinwald, 1831: Dialogus inter Philosophum, Judum e Christianum. PIERRE ABLARD, Ouvrages indites dAblard, pour servir lhistoire de la philosophie scolastique en France, publis par M. Victor Cousin. Documents indits relat. lHist. de France publis par ordre du gouvernement. Paris, Impr. royale, 1836. CCIII+680 p. [Biblioteca Nacional] [USP] {NA} [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] [Sic et non. Dialectica. Glosse in Prophyrium. Gloss in Categorias. Gloss in librum de Interpretatione. Gloss in Topica Boethii.] PETRI ABLARDI Opera hactenus seorsim edita nunc primum in unum collegit. Textum ad fidem librorum editorum scriptorumque recensuit, notas, argumenta, indices adjecit Victor Cousin. Adjuvantibus C. Joudain et E. Despois. Parisiis, apud Aug. Durand, 1849-1859. 2 vols. VI+1.563 p. [Museu Nacional] [CEPAME (PDF)] [USP] {NA}. Reimpresso: Hildesheim, Olms, 1970. [UnB] [Gallica] [Logica nostrorum, Tractatus de intellectibus, Theologia Scholarium, Ethica, Dialogus, comentrios, epistolas, sermes, opsculos, carmina]

13 Lgica De intellectibus in COUSIN, V., Fragaments philosophiques, II. Philosophie scholastique. Paris, Ladrage, 1840, seconde edition, pp. 461-496. 499 p. [Mrio de Andrade] [Books.google] Texto reproduzido em PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Paris, Durand, 1859. Vol. II, pp. 733-753. [Gallica] Texto reproduzido em ULIVI, L. U., La psicologia di Abelardo e il Tractatus de Intellectibus. Roma, Storia e Letteratura, 1976, pp. 103-127. [CEPAME] Gloss super Porphyrium secundum vocales in Peter Abaelards Philosophische Schriften II: Die Logica Nostrorum petitioni sociorum. Hg. von Bernard Geyer. Beitrge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Mnster i. W., 1933, Band XII, Heft 4. SS. 583-588. [PUC-SP]. Reimpresso: 1973. [CEPAME] Teologia PETER ABAELARDS Theologia Summi boni, zum ersten Male vollstndig herausgegeben von Heinrich Ostlender, Beitrge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Mnster i. W., 1939, Band XXXV, Heft 2/3. XXVIII+117 S. [CEPAME] [Correes da edio] HRING, N. M., A Third MS. of Theologia Summi boni, Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1956, XVIII, pp. 215-223. [USP] Texto reproduzido em PETER ABAELARD, Theologia Summi boni: Tractatus de unitate et trinitate divina. bers. und Anmerkungen hg. von U. Niggli. [Neuauflage der Ausgabe von 1939]. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 1989. CXLIX+296 S. [UNICAMP]. 19973. [USP] PETER ABELARDS Expositio in Hexameron. A critical edition by Mary F. Romig. Doctoral Dissertation in Philosophy. Los Angeles, University of Southern California, 1981. [USP] {NA} PETRUS ABAELARDUS, Sic et non. Ed. E. L. T. Henke & G. S. Lindenkohl. Marburgi Cattorum, 1851. Nachdruck Frankfurt, Minerva, 1981. 464 S. [USP] {NA} ABELARDO, Alcuni capi inediti del trattato Sic et non, di Abelardo in TOSTI, L., Storia di Abaelardo e dei suoi tempi. [Napoles, 1851]. Ed. L. Pasqualucci. Roma, Tipografia della Camera dei Deputati, 1887, pp. 273-288. [CEPAME] [Sermo XIV] The Exposition Orationis Dominic: Multorum Legimus Orationes. Abelards Exposition of Lords prayer?, ed. Charles Burnett, Revue bndictine, Maredsous, 1985, XCV (1-2), pp. 60-72. [So Bento, SP] [CEPAME]

14 Epitome theologi Christian [= Sententiae Hermanni = Sententie magistri Petri Abaelardi], hg. von Friedrich H. Rheinwald [editio princeps], Anecdota ad historiam ecclesiasticam pertinentia. Particula 2. Berolini, Herbig, 1835. XXXVIII+118 p. Texto reproduzido em PL 178 e ed. Cousin. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Die Sentenzen Abaelards und die Bearbeitungen seiner Theologie von Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts, ed. Heinrich Denifle, Archiv fr Literatur und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters, 1885, I, SS. 402-469, 584-624. [Colgio Mximo Cristo Rei, S. Leopoldo, RS] Sententiae magistri Petri Abelardi (Sententiae Hermanni). Edizione critica e nota al testo a cura di Sandro Buzzetti. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1983. XII+165 p. [CEPAME] tica Dialogus Petri Ablardi inter Philosophum, Judum e Christianum, hg. von Friedrich H. Rheinwald [editio princeps], in Anecdota ad historiam ecclesiasticam pertinentia. Particula, 1. Berolini, Enslin, 1831. XII+124 p. Texto reproduzido em PL 178 e ed. Cousin. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] PETER ABELARDS Ethics. An edition with introduction, english translation and notes by David E. Luscombe. Oxford, Clarendon, 1971. LXI+144 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]. 20022. [USP] Texto reproduzido em PIETRO ABELARDO, Conosci te stesso o Etica. Intr., trad. e note di M. Dal Pra. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1976, nuova edizioni. LVII+179 p. [CEPAME] PETRUS ABELARDUS, Dialogus inter Philosophum, Judaeum et Christianum. Textekritische Edition von Rudolf Thomas. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Friedrich Frommann, 1970. 171 S. [USP] {NA} Texto reproduzido em PIETRO ABELARDO, Dialogo tra un filosofo, un giudeo e un cristiano. Introduzione di M. B. B. Fumagalli, trad. di C. Torv. Milano, Rizzoli, [19921] 20003. 312 p. [CEPAME] Texto reproduzido em PEDRO ABELARDO, Dilogo entre un filsofo, un judo y un cristiano. Trad. de S. Magnavacca. Buenos Aires, Losada, 2003. 352 p. [USP] PETER ABAILARD, Gesprch eines Philosophen, eines Juden und eines Christen. Hg. und bers. von Hans Wolfgang Krautz. Lateinisch-Deutsch [der ltesten Handschrift aus der Wiener Nationalbibliothek folgend]. [Texto de Thomas, modificado]. Frankfurt, Insel, 19922. 376 S. [USP]

15 Correspondncia Abelards Letter of Consolation to a Friend (Historia calamitatum), ed. by Joseph T. Muckle, Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1950, XII, pp. 163-213. [USP] Confessio fidei ad Heloisam in THOMPSON, RODNEY M., The Satirical Works of Berengar of Poitiers: An edition with introduction, Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1980, no 42, pp. 89-138. [UNICAMP] [USP] Msica e poesia PIETRO ABELARDO, Insegnamenti al figlio Astrolabio. Comment., traduzione e testo latino a cura di Graziella Ballanti. Roma, Armando, 1984. 175 p. [USP] Petri Ablardi peripatetici palatini Hymnarius Paraclitensi, sive Hymnorum libelli tres. Ad fidem codicum Bruxellensis et Calmontani. Ed. Guido M. Dreves. Parisiis, apud P. Lethielleux, 1891. Ristampe anastatiche: Bologna, Arnaldo Forni, 1970. 300 p. [USP] {NA} PETER ABELARDS Hymnarius Paraclitensis. An Annotated Edition with Introduction by Joseph Szovrffy. Vol. I: Introduction to Peter Abelards Hymns. Vol. II: The Hymnarius Paraclitensis. Texte and Notes. Albany, Classical Folia, 1975. [USP] Vol. II: Second edition with Hubert Silvestres readings of MS B and other variants. Berlin & Leyden, Classical Folia, 19802. 301 p. [CEPAME] PIETRO ABELARDO, I Planctus. Introduzione, testo critico, transcrizioni musicali a cura di Giuseppe Vecchi. Modena, Modenese, 1951. 118+XX p. [USP] {NA} Texto reproduzido em ABLARD, Lamentations. Histoire de mes malheurs. Correspondance avec Hlose. Trad. et prsent par P. Zumthor. Note musicologique de G. le Vot. Avignon, Actes Sud, 1992, pp. 33-103. [UNICAMP]. 2008. [USP] {NA} Planctus I, IV, VI in DRONKE, PETER, IV. Pedro Abelardo: Planctus y stira in La individualidad potica en la Edad Media. Trad. R. B. Rossell. Madrid, Alhambra, [19701] 1981, p. 129-161. [CEPAME] MARCH, FRANCIS A., ed., Abaelardus: I. Dixit autem Deus: Fiant luminaria in firmamento coeli. II. In annutiatione B. V. Mariae in Latin hymns. With English notes. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1874, pp. 110-114. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Archive]

16 4. TRADUES Lgica Logica ingredientibus Glosa da Isagoge [Ed. Geyer, pp. 1-32] PETER ABAILARD, The Glosses of Peter Abailard on Porphiry in McKEON, RICHARD, Selections from Medieval Philosophie. New York, Scribners, [19291] 1957. Vol. I, pp. 208-258. [CEPAME] Republicado em HYMAN, ARTHUR, & WALSH, JAMES J., eds., Philosophy in the Middle Ages. The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. New York, Harper & Row, 1967. [USP]. Indianapolis, Hackett, 19833, pp. 169-188. [UNICAMP] ABLARD, Logique (1er parti) in uvres choisies dAblard. Textes prsents et traduits par Maurice de Gandillac. Paris, Aubier, 1945, pp. 75-127. 345 p. [PUCSP] [UNESP] [USP] PETER ABELARD, Glosses on Porphyry from Logica Ingredientigus On Universals in SCHOEDINGER, ANDREW B., ed., Readings in Medieval Philosophy. Transl. J. F. Wippel & A. B. Wolter [19691]. Oxford, UP, 1996, pp. 530-538. [USP] ABLARD, La premir critique du ralisme in JOLIVET, J., Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 111-122. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP] PEDRO ABELARDO, Lgica para principiantes in Os pensadores, Vol. VI: Santo Anselmo de Canturia, Pedro Abelardo. Trad. Ruy A. C. Nunes. So Paulo, Abril 19731, pp. 205-245. 1979. 1984. PEDRO ABELARDO, Logica Ingredientibus in Los filsofos medievales. Seleccin de textos. Trad. Clemente Fernandes. BAC. Madrid, Catlica, 1980. Vol. II, pp. 113-139. [UNESP] ABELARD, From the Logica Ingredientibus I, transl. in KING, P., Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. Vol. 2, pp. 1*-28*. [USP] {NA} ABELARDO, Lgica Ingredientibus in CAPPELLETTI, A. J., Abelardo. Buenos Aires, America Latina, 1993, pp. 50-73. [CEPAME] PEDRO ABELARDO, Lgica para principiantes. Intr. e trad. Carlos Arthur R. do Nascimento. Petrpolis, Vozes, 1994. 80 p. So Paulo, Ed. da UNESP, 20052. [PUC-SP] [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP]

17 PETER ABELARD, From the Glosses on Porphyry in his Logica ingredientibus in SPADE, PAUL V., ed., Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, & Ockham. Transl. P. V. Spade. Indianapolis, Hackett, 1994, pp. 26-56. XVIII+238 p. [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP] Logica ingredientibus: Glosa de Peri hermeneias PETER ABELARD, Glosses in Peri hermeneias, transl. in ARENS, HANS, ed., Aristotles theory of language and its tradition: Texts from 500 to 1750. Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1984, pp. 231-302. [CEPAME] Logica ingredientibus: outras passagens ABELARD, Excerts From the Logica Ingredientibus III [Geyser 1933, pp. 307-309, 312-318, 325-331, 365-370], transl. in KING, P., Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. Vol. 2, pp. 92*-116*. [USP] {NA} Logica Ingredientibus [excertos] in PARODI, M., e ROSSINI, M., a cura di, Fra le due rupi. La logica della trinit nella discussione tra Roscellino, Anselmo e Abelardo. Milano, Unicopli, 2000, pp. 185-195. 237 p. [CEPAME] Logica nostrorum PEDRO ABELARDO, Logica Nostrorum [excertos] in Los filsofos medievales. Seleccin de textos. Trad. Clemente Fernandes. BAC. Madrid, Catlica, 1980. Vol. II, pp. 140-148. [UNESP] ABELARD, Excert From the Logica Nostrorum petitione sociorurm [Geyer 1933, pp. 512-533], transl. in KING, P., Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. Vol. 2, pp. 29*-51*. [USP] {NA} Tratado sobre as inteleces ABLARD, Des intellections. Edition, trad. et notes par Patrick Morin. Paris, Vrin, 1994. 170 p. [USP] ABELARD, Treatise on Understandings, transl. in KING, P., Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. Vol. 2, pp. 64*-91*. [USP] {NA} PEDRO ABELARDO, Tratado de la inteleccin [excerto] in Los filsofos medievales. Seleccin de textos. Trad. Clemente Fernandes. BAC. Madrid, Catlica, 1980. Vol. II, pp. 148-150. [UNESP] Petri Abaelardi Tractatus de Intellectibus. ber die Einsichten. bers. Werner Robl. 1999. In www.abaelard.de PEDRO ABELARDO, Tratados sobre as inteleces in DIAS, C. E. S., O processo

18 cognitivo no Tractatus de intellectibus e na Dialectica de Pedro Abelardo. Doutorado em Filosofia. Porto Alegre, PUC-RS, 2007. IL p. [CEPAME] Vrios ABELARDO, Dialtica [excertos] in CAPPELLETTI, A. J., Abelardo. Buenos Aires, America Latina, 1993, pp. 74-82. [CEPAME] ABLARD, Invective contre quelquun qui, sans rien entendre la dialectique, trouvait portant mauvais quon ltudit et pensait quelle nenseigne que sophismes et tromperies [Ep. XIII] in JOLIVET, J., Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 133-138. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP] Teologia Teologia do sumo bem ABLARD, Du bien suprme (Theologia Summi boni). Introduction, trad. et notes par Jean Jolivet. Cahiers dtudes mdivales, IV, Montral, Bellarmin / Paris, Vrin, 1978. 134 p. [PUC-SP] [UNICAMP] ABLARD, De lunit et de la trinit divine. (Theologia summi boni). Introduction, traduction [nouvelle] et notes par Jean Jolivet. Paris, Vrin, 2001. 144 p. [USP] PETER ABAELARD, Theologia Summi boni: Tractatus de unitate et trinitate divina. Abhandlung ber dir gttliche Einheit und Dreieinigkeit. bersetzt, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen hg. von Ursula Niggli. Lat./Deustsch. Neuauflage der Ausgabe von 1939, ed. Ostlender [cotejado com a ed. Buytaert & Mews]. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, [19891] 19973. CXLIX+296 S. [USP] PIETRO ABELARDO, Teologia del sommo bene. Introduzione, trad., note e apparati di Marco Rossini. Testo latino a fronte [ed. Buytaert & Mews]. Milano, Rusconi, 1996. [UFU]. Milano, Bompiani, 2003. 330 p. [USP] PEDRO ABELARDO, Teologia do sumo bem: Livro II, cap. V: De que modos se diz pessoa in ESTVO, J. C., Abelardo e Helosa. So Paulo, Discurso / Paulus, 2010 (no prelo). [CEPAME] Teologia crist ABELARDS Christian Theology. Transl. [paraphrase and selections (de pequenos fragmentos)] in McCALLUM, JAMES R., Abelards Christian Theology. Oxford, Blackwell, 1948, pp. 45-94. [USP] {NA} ABELARD, Theologia Christiana (Liber III, 138-164), transl. in KING, P., Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. Vol. 2, pp. 55*-63*. [USP] ABELARDO, Teologa Cristiana. Libro segundo [excertos] in CAPPELLETTI, A. J., Abelardo. Buenos Aires, America Latina, 1993, pp. 39-49. [CEPAME]

19 ABELARDO, Theologia Christiana III [excertos] in PARODI, M., e ROSSINI, M., a cura di, Fra le due rupi. La logica della trinit nella discussione tra Roscellino, Anselmo e Abelardo. Milano, Unicopli, 2000, pp. 204-227. 237 p. [CEPAME] Teologia para estudantes PIETRO ABELARDO, Teologia degli scolastici. Libro III. Curato da Sergio P. Bonanni. Roma, Gregoriana, 2004. 202 p. [USP] ABLARD, Dieu ne peut faire que ce quil fait (Theologia Scholarium, III) in JOLIVET, J., Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 146-154. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP] ABLARD, Deux opinions successives sur lme du monde: Theologia Scholarium, I; Dialectique, V, 1 in JOLIVET, J., Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 157-163. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP] Theologia Scholarium II [excertos] in PARODI, M., e ROSSINI, M., a cura di, Fra le due rupi. La logica della trinit nella discussione tra Roscellino, Anselmo e Abelardo. Milano, Unicopli, 2000, pp. 195-204, 228-237. 237 p. [CEPAME] Comentrio a Romanos PETER ABAELARD, Rmerbriefkommentar. Expositio in epistolam ad Romanos. bersetzt und hg. von Rolf Peppermller. Lat./Deustsch. Freiburg, Herder, 2000. 3 Bnde. [USP] Prologue to St. Pauls Epistle to the Romans in MINNIS, ALASTAIR J., & SCOTT, A. BRIAN, eds., Medieval literary theory and criticism: c.1100-c.1375. The commentary-tradition. Oxford, Clarendon, 1988. [USP]. 1991. 2000. [UNICAMP] Peter Abailard: Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans (Excert from the Second Book) in FAIRWEATHER, EUGENE R., A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham. Transl. Gerald E. Moffatt. Philadelphia, Westminster, [19561] 1970, pp. 276-287. [USP] Abelardo, Similitudini della Trinit nelle cose create (Commento alla lettera di S. Paolo ai Romani CCCM, 11, pp. 67-71) in CANAVERO, A. T., a cura de, Linfinita via: ragione natura e trinit da Anselmo a Tommaso. Bergamo, Lubrina, 1990, pp. 65-68. [UNICAMP] [USP] Prlogo do Sic et non ABLARD, Prologue du Sic et non (extraits) in JOLIVET, J., Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 139-142. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP] Prologues to the Sic et Non and St. Pauls Epistle to the Romans in MINNIS, ALASTAIR J., & SCOTT, A. BRIAN, eds., Medieval literary theory and criticism: c.1100-c.1375. The commentary-tradition. Oxford, Clarendon, 1988,

20 pp. 87-105. [USP]. 1991. 2000. [UNICAMP] Introduzione ao Sic et non [excertos] in PARODI, M., e ROSSINI, M., a cura di, Fra le due rupi. La logica della trinit nella discussione tra Roscellino, Anselmo e Abelardo. Milano, Unicopli, 2000, pp. 175-185. 237 p. [CEPAME] Prlogo do Sic et non [excertos] in DE BONI, LUS A., org., Filosofia medieval: Textos. Porto Alegre, Ed. da PUC-RS, 2000, pp. 122-135. [CEPAME]. 20052, revista e ampliada. 431 p. [USP] Prlogo do Sic et non [excertos], trad. Carlos Arthur R. Nascimento, in ESTVO, J. C., Abelardo e Helosa. So Paulo, Discurso / Paulus, 2010 (no prelo). [CEPAME] Sic et non (Einleitung). bers. Werner Robl. In www.abaelard.de Prologue to Abelards Sic et non. Transl. W. J. Lewis (and S. Barney). www.fordham. edu/halsall/source Problemata Questions dHlose et rponses dAblard in Lettres dAblard et dHlose. Trad. nouvelle, daprs le texte de V. Cousin, par O. Grard. Paris, Garnier, [18591] 18752, pp. 412-531. [USP] The Problems of Heloise in McNAMER, E. M., The Education of Heloise. Lewinston, Mellen, 1991, pp. 111-183. [USP] Drei theologische Fragen: VIII, IX, XLI in ABAELARD, Leidensgeschichte und Briefwechsel mit Heloisa. bertragen von E. Brost. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004, SS. 369-374. [USP] Vrios PIETRO ABELARDO, Lorigine delle monache e la regola del Paracleto. Trad., preface e note di Carmelo Ottaviano. Lanciano, Carabba, 1936. 236 p. [USP] {NA} ABAELARD, Predift 30: Von Almosen in Leidensgeschichte und Briefwechsel mit Heloisa. bertragen von Eberhard Brost. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004, SS 388-399. 511 S. [USP] Soliloqium. Frhe Parakletregel (Institutiones nostrae). Sermo 24: Die Bekehrung des Apostel Paulus (Auszge). bers. Werner Robl. In www.abaelard.de tica Alemo PETER ABLARD, Nosce te ipsum. Die Ethik des Peter Ablard. bers. und

21 eingeleitet von Ferdinand Hommel. Wiesbaden, Metopen, 1947. 150 S. [Trad. da ed. Pez]. [CEPAME] PETER ABAELARD, Die Ethica des Peter Abaelard. bers., Hinfhrung und Deutung von Alexander Schroeter-Reinhard. Fribourg, Universittsverlag / ditions universitaires, 1999. XII+496 S. [Texto: pp. 402-449]. [Trad. da ed. Luscombe]. [CEPAME (PDF)] [USP] {NA} PETER ABAELARD, Scito te ipsum (Ethica). Erkenne dich selbst. bersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen hg. von Philipp Steger. Lat./Deutsch. Hamburg, Felix Meiner, 2006. XCIV+178 S. [Trad. da ed. Ilgner]. [UFSCar] [USP] PETER ABAILARD, Gesprch eines Philosophen, eines Juden und eines Christen. Hg. und bers. Hans Wolfgang Krautz. Lat./Deutsch. [Texto de Thomas, modificado]. Frankfurt, Insel, 19922. 376 S. [USP] Espanhol PEDRO ABELARDO, tica o Concete a ti mesmo. Trad. de Angel J. Cappelletti. Buenos Aires, Aguilar, [19671] 1971. 226 p. [CEPAME] tica o Concete a ti mesmo [excertos] in CAPPELLETTI, A. J., Abelardo. Buenos Aires, America Latina, 1993, pp. 83-112. [CEPAME] PEDRO ABELARDO, tica o Concete a ti mesmo. Estudio preliminar, trad. y notas de Pedro Rodrguez Santidrin. Madrid, Tecnos, 1990. 152 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]. Barcelona, Altaya, 1997. 152 p. [CEPAME] PEDRO ABELARDO, Dilogo entre un filsofo, un judo y un cristiano. Edicin bilinge. Trad. y orientacion didactica, Anselmo Sanjuan y Migel Pujadas. Zaragoza, Yalde, 1988. 232 p. [UFSCar] [USP] PEDRO ABELARDO, Dilogo entre un filsofo, un judo y un cristiano. Trad. Silvia Magnavacca. Edicin bil.. Buenos Aires, Losada, 2003. 352 p. [USP] Francs ABLARD, thique [et] Dialogue entre un philosophe, un juif et un chrtien in uvres choisies dAblard. Textes prsents et trad. par Maurice de Gandillac. Paris, Aubier, 1945, pp. 129-209, 211-330. 345 p. [PUC-SP] [UNESP] [USP] PIERRE ABLARD, Confrences (Dialogue dun philosophe avec un juif et un chrtien). Connais-toi toi-mme (thique). Intr., trand. nouvelle et notes par Maurice de Gandillac. Paris, Cerf, 1993. 295 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] ABLARD, thique, caps. III, XIII, XIV in JOLIVET, J,, Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 164-181. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP]

22 Ingls ABAILARDS Ethics. Transl. with an introduction by James Ramsay McCallum. Merrich, NY, Richwood, [19351] 1976. 93 p. [CEPAME] Republicado em PETER ABELARD, Ethics or Know yourself. Prologue and caps. I-XVI in SCHOEDINGER, ANDREW B., ed., Readings in Medieval Philosophy. Oxford, UP, 1996, pp. 120-142. [USP] Peter Abailard, Ethics or the Book called Know Thyself (excert) in FAIRWEATHER, EUGENE R., A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham. Transl. Gerald E. Moffatt. Philadelphia, Westminster, [19561] 1981(?), pp. 288297. [USP] PETER ABELARDS Ethics. An edition with intr., english transl. and notes by David E. Luscombe. Oxford, Clarendon, 1971. LXI+144 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]. 20022. [USP] PETER ABELARD, Ethical writings: his Ethics or Know yourself and his Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew and a Christian. Transl. Paul V. Spade with an intr. by Marilyn McCorde Adams. Indianapolis, Hackett, 1995. 171 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] PETER ABELARD, A dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew, and a Christian. Transl. Pierre J. Prayer. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1979. 187 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] PETER ABELARD, Collationes. Edited by Giovanni Orlandi and translated with intr. and notes by John Marenbon. Oxford, Clarendon, 2001. 20032. 368 p. [USP] Italiano PIETRO ABELARDO, Conosci te stesso o Etica. Introduzione, trad. e note di Mario Dal Pra (Nuova edizioni interamente rielaborata). [1a ed. Vizenza, 1941]. In appendice testo latino nelledizione critica di David E. Luscombe. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1976. LVII+179 p. [CEPAME] Traduo (sem introduo e notas) republicada em ABELARDO, Etica. (Per le Scuole). Trad. di M. Dal Pra. A cura di Massimo Parodi e Marco Rossini. Milan, Mondadori, [19911] 1995. 176 p. [USP] {NA} PIETRO ABELARDO, Dialogo tra un filosofo, un giudeo e un cristiano. Introduzione di Mariateresa B. B. Fumagalli, trad. di Cristina Torv. Testo latino nelledizione di R. Thomas. Milano, Rizzoli, [19921] 20003. 312 p. [CEPAME] Portugus Pedro Abelardo, Conhece-te a ti mesmo tica (excertos), trad. de Lus A. de Boni, Leopoldianum, Santos, 1990, XVII(48), pp. 115-120. [PUC-SP] [USP]. Republicado em DE BONI, LUS A., De Abelardo a Lutero. Estudos sobre filosofia prtica na Idade Media. Porto Alegre, Ed. da PUC-RS, 2003, pp. 43-51. [UFSCar] [USP]

23 PEDRO ABELARDO, tica ou Conhece-te a ti mesmo. Trad. indita de Maurlio Jos de Oliveira Camello. 56 p. [CEPAME] Pedro Abelardo, Da tica ou Conhece-te a ti mesmo: O que significa pecado (do cap. I ao incio do cap. III) in ESTVO, J. C., Abelardo e Helosa. So Paulo, Discurso / Paulus, 2010 (no prelo). [CEPAME] PEDRO ABELARDO, tica ou Conhece-te a ti mesmo. Trad. de Jos Carlos Estvo. So Paulo, USP, 2009. XVI+83 p. [USP] {NA} Correspondncia Alemo Briefwechsel zwischen Abelard und Heloise mit der Leidensgeschichte. Ed. P. Baugrtner. Leipzig, Phillip Reclam, [18941] 1904. 315 S. [Instituto Sinodal, S. Leopoldo] ABAELARD, Leidensgeschichte und Briefwechsel mit Heloisa. bertragen u. hg. von Eberhard Brost. [Berlin, L. Schneider, ca. 1925. 1930]. Mnchen, Taschenbuch, 1992. [USP]. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004. 511 S. [USP] Abaelard: Der Briefwechsel mit Helosa. bersetzt von Hans-Wolfgang Krautz. Stuttgart, Reclam [1989] 2001. 419 S. [USP] HASSE, DAG N., Hg., Abaelards Historia calamitatum. Text, bersetzung, literatur-wissenschaftliche Modellanalysen. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2002. XII+322 S. [USP] Espanhol Cartas de Abelardo y Elosa. Trad. ?. Buenos Aires, Interamericana, 1945. 183 p. [UMESP] PEDRO ABELARDO, Historia de mis desventuras. Trad., estudio preliminar y notas de Jos M. Cigela. Buenos Aires, Amrica Latina, 1983. 51 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] Cartas de Abelardo y Heloisa. Historia calamitatum. Trad. [del francs] Cristina PeriRossi. Precedido de En favor de Heloisa por Carme Riera. Prlogo de Paul Zumthor. Palma de Mallorca, Olaeta, [19821]. 19892. 158 p. [UNESP] Cartas de Abelardo y Elosa. Introduccin, trad. [da verso de Grard] y notas de A. Peyrelongue. Mxico, UAM, 1988. 345 p. [CEPAME] Cartas de Abelardo y Elosa. Trad. Pedro Rodrguez Santidrin y Manuela Astruga. Madrid, Alianza, 1993. 304 p. [USP]

24 Francs 1. Traduo medieval de Jean de Meun ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Le lettere di Abelardo ed Eloisa nella traduzione di Jean de Meun. A cura di Fabrizio Beggiato. Modena, STEM-Mucchi, 1977. 2 vols. [UFRJ] La vie et les pitres Pierres Abaelardt et Heloys sa fame. Textes latins et traductions du XIIIe sicle attribue a Jean de Meun. Avec une nouvelle dition des textes latins daprs le ms. Troyes Bibl. mun. 802 par Eric Hicks. Paris-Genve, ChampionSlatkine, 1991. Tomo I, Introduction, textes. LIX+161 p. (dupla numerao arbica). [O vol. II nunca foi publicado]. [CEPAME] Texto francs reproduzido em As Cartas de Abelardo e Helosa. Correspondance. Edio bil., introduo, notas e trad. portuguesa de L. Vasconcellos. Lisboa, Guimares, 2003. 238 p. [UFSCar] [USP] Texto latino (com aparato crtico, mas sem a introduo) reproduzido em Lettres dAblard et Hlose. Traduit et annot par E. Hicks et T. Moreau. Prface de M. Zink et introduction de J.-Y. Tilliette. Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 2007. 567 p. [USP] 2. Tradues modernas e contemporneas. ptre dAbailard son ami in TURLOT, F. C., Abeilard et Hlose, avec un aperu du XIIe sicle. Paris, chez Janet et Cotelle, 1822, pp. 11-94. 314 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Lettres dAbailard et dHloise. Trad. par E. Oddoul prcdes dun Essai historique par M. et Mme Guizot. dition illustre par J. Gigoux. Paris, G. Houdaille, 18391. 2 vols. 236+272 p. [USP] [Books.google] Abailard et Hlose: essai historique par m. & mme Guizot suivi des lettres dAbailard & dHlose traduites sur les manuscrits de la Bibliothque Impriale par m. Oddoul. Nouv. d. entirement refondue. Paris, Didier, 1860. LXXIX+400 p. [USP] Abailard et Hloise. Essai historique. Par M. et Mme Guizot. Suive des Lettres dAbailard et dHloise. Trad. par E. Oddoul. Paris, Didier, 1876, nouvelle dition [em 1 vol.]. 402 p. [CEPAME] Lettres dAbailard et dHloise, trad. [...] par E. Oddoul. Introduction de Jules Michelet [Hlose et Abailard. Extrait de LHistoire de France (1833, t. II, pp. 281-298)]. Paris, LHarmattan, 1997. XX+292 p. [Impresso parcial da edio de 1839: exclue o ensaio dos Guizot e os documentos anexos, exceto as cartas de Pedro de Cluny]. [USP] PIERRE ABLARD, uvres biographiques. Lettre un ami, contenant le rcit de ses malheurs. Correspondance avec Hlose. Dfense dAblard par ses contemporains (lcoltre Brenger et Pierre le Vnrable). Trad. par E. Oddoul,

25 revision [sic] par Guizot. dition par Nathalie Desgrugillers. Clermont-Ferrand, Palo, 2006. 260 p. [UFSCar] [USP] Lettres dHlose et dAblard, traductio nouvelle par le bibliophile Jacob, prcde dune travail historique et littraire par M. Villeneuve. Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle, [18401] 1865. 362 p. [Mrio de Andrade] [UNICAMP] Lettres dAblard et dHlose. Traductio nouvelle, daprs le texte de Victor Cousin, prcde dune introduction par Octave Grard. Paris, Garnier, [18591] 18752. 571 p. [USP] Lettres compltes dAblard et dHlose. Trad. nouvelle, prcde dune prface par M. Grard. Paris, Garnier, [1925]. XIX+284 p. [CEPAME] Lettres dHlose et dAblard. Lettres de la religieuse portugaise. Prsentation de Marcel Jouhandeau. Trad. par O. Grard. Paris, Armand Colin, 1959. XVII+260 p. [CEPAME] ABLARD et HLOSE, Correspondance. Trad. dO. Grard, prsente, revue et annote par douard Bouy. Paris, Gallimard, 2000. 445 p. [Apenas as cartas I a VIII]. [USP] ABLARD, Histoire de mes malheurs. Traduit du latin par M. R. lAbb, rvision de la traduction, notes et postface par Jrme Vrain. Paris, Mille et une nuits. 2001. 87 p. [USP] Les amours et les infortunes dHlose et dAbeilard. [Sem indicao de tradutor]. Buenos Aires, J. P. Kramer, 1945. 209 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] Lettres dHlose et dAblard. Trad. nouvelle de Paul Zumthor. Dessins de Rembrandt. Lausanne, Mermod, 1950. 178 p. [BN Argentina] ABLARD et HLOSE, Correspondance. Trad. et prsent par P. Zumthor. Paris, UGE, 1979. 1983. 1996. 207 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] Correspondncia de Abelardo e Helosa. Trad. [da verso francesa de Zumthor de 1979] de L. S. Martins. So Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1989. 154 p. [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP]. 2000. [UNICAMP] ABLARD, Lamentations. Histoire de mes malheurs. Correspondance avec Hlose. Trad. du latin et prsent par P. Zumthor. Note musicologique de Grar Le Vot. Avignon, Actes Sud, 1992. 19962. 285 p. [UNICAMP]. 2008. [USP] {NA} Lettres par Hlose et Ablard, suive de quelques textes contemporains. Textes choisis, prsents et partiellement tablis par Louis Stouff. Paris, UGE, 1964. 310 p. [USP] ABLARD, Invective contre quelquun qui, sans rien entendre la dialectique, trouvait portant mauvais quon ltudit et pensait quelle nenseigne que sophismes et tromperies [Ep. XIII] in JOLIVET, J., Ablard ou la philosophie

26 dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969, pp. 133-138. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. [UNESP] [USP] HLOSE et ABLARD, Lettres et vies. Introduction et trad. par Yves Ferroul. Paris, GF-Flammarion, 1996. 220 p. [USP] HLOSE-ABLARD, Correspondance: nouvelle version des lettres I-VI. Par Roland Oberson, avec introduction, prface, notes. Lausanne, ge dhomme, 2002. 460 p. [USP] HLOSE-ABLARD, Correspondance: lettres I-VI, dition bilingue franaislatin. Par R. Oberson, avec introduction, prface, notes. [Texto latino de dAmboise (PL)]. Paris, Hermann, 2008. 215 p. [CEPAME] Lettres dAblard et Hlose. Texte latin tabli par Eric Hicks. Traduit et annot par E. Hicks et Thrse Moreau. Prface de Michel Zink et introduction de Jean-Yves Tilliette. Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 2007. 567 p. [USP] Ingls The Love letters of Abelard and Heloise. Trans. by Anonymous, edited by Israel Gollancz and Honnor Morten, 1901. 129 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] PETER ABELARD, The Story of My Misfortunes. Transl. by Henry Adams Bellows. Intr. by Ralph Adams Cram. Mineloa, Dover, [19221] 2005. 116 p. [USP] The Love letters of Abelard and Heloise. Transl. L. E. Smith. London, Dent, [19251] 1937. 137 p. [Mrio de Andrade] The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Transl. Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff. New York, Konpf, [1925] 1942. 264 p. [CEPAME] The Story of Abelards adversities. A Transl. with notes of the Historia Calamitatum by Joseph T. Muckle. With a Preface by tienne Gilson. Toronto, Institut of Medieval Studies, [19541] 1964. 1992. 80 p. [USP] The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Transl. by Betty Radice. New York, Penguin, 19741. 309 p. [USP] {NA} Forbidden fruit: from the letters of Abelard and Heloise. Transl. by Betty Radice. New York, Penguin, 2007. 128 p. [USP] {NA} The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Transl. by Betty Radice. Revised by Michael T. Clanchy. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2003. LXXXIV+296 p. [USP] ABELARD & HELOISE, The Letters and other writings. Transl., with introduction and notes, by William Levitan. Selected songs and poems translated by Stanley Lombardo and by Barbara Thorburn. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007. 356 p. [USP] Letters of Peter Abelard, beyond the personal. Transl. by Jan M. Ziolkowski. Washington, Catholic University of America, 2007. LII+232 p. [USP]

27 Italiano Lettere di Abelardo ed Eloisa, corredate di documenti antichi e moderni. Versione di Gaetano Barbieri. Opera ilustrata da I. Gigoux. Milano, Andrea Ubicini, 1841. 296 p. [CEPAME]
[No consta do repertrio de Charrier. Primeira verso italiana. Segundo Fumagalli, provavelmente traduzida da verso francesa de Oddoul; muitas vezes re-editada anonimamente]

PIETRO ABELARDO, Lorigine delle monache e la regola del Paracleto. Trad. di Carmelo Ottaviano. Lanciano, Carabba, 1936. 236 p. [USP] {NA} ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di Nada C. Truci. Introduzione di Cesare Vasoli. Testo a fronte. Torino, Einaudi, 1979. LXXV+412 p. [USP]. 19822 [CEPAME] ABELARDO, Storia delle mie disgrazie e Lettere damore di Eloisa. A cura di Gabriella dAnna. Roma, Newton, 1994. 96 p. [CEPAME] ABELARDO e ELOISA, Storia delle mie disgrazie. Lettere damore di Abelardo e Eloisa. Intr., trad. e note di Federico Roncoroni. Milano, Garzanti, [1974] 199511. 2006. LVIII+482 p. [USP] Epistolario di Abelardo ed Eloisa. Trad. di Ileana Pagani. Considerazione sulla transmissione del testo di G. Orlandi. Testo latino a fronte. Torino, UTET, 2004. 817 p. [USP] Portugus HELOSA e ABELARDO, Cartas. Trad. de F. de Souza. Lisboa, Estdios Cor, s.d. [1970] 202 p. [Gabinete Portugus de Leitura] PEDRO ABELARDO, A Histria das minhas calamidades (Carta autobiogrfica) [Parcial] in Os pensadores, Vol. VI: Santo Anselmo de Canturia, Pedro Abelardo. Trad. de Ruy A. C. Nunes. So Paulo, Abril, 19731, pp. 247-278. 1979. 1984. Cartas de Abelardo e Helosa. Trad. de Helosa F. de Oliveira. Ilustrado por Augusto Rodrigues. Rio, Riex, 1977. 71 p. [UNICAMP] Correspondncia de Abelardo e Helosa. Trad. [da verso francesa de Zumthor de 1979] de Lcia S. Martins. So Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1989. 154 p. [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP] ABELARDO-HELOSA, Cartas. As cinco primeiras cartas traduzidas do original, apresentadas e comentadas por Zeferino Rocha. Ed. bil. [texto latino da PL]. Recife, Editora da UFPE, 1997. 377 p. [USP] {NA} As cartas de Abelardo e Helosa. Correspondance. Introduo, notas e trad. portuguesa [da verso de Jean de Meun] de Laura Vasconcellos. Ed. bil. Lisboa, Guimares, 2003. 238 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

28 PEDRO ABELARDO, Confessio fidei universis [e Confisso de f a Helosa]. Trad. de Clber E. S. Dias. Veritas, Porto Alegre, 2006, 51(3), pp. 169-181. [PUC-SP] [UNESP] [USP] PEDRO ABELARDO, e HELOSA, Historia calamitatum. Cartas. [Duas cartas de Helosa]. Trad. de Abel de Nascimento Pena. Estudo introdutrio de Hubert Silvestre. Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 2008. 217 p. [CEPAME] [USP] {NA} HELOSA, Primeira carta de Helosa in ESTVO, J. C., Abelardo e Helosa. So Paulo, Discurso / Paulus, 2010 (no prelo). [CEPAME] Parfrases e verses literrias Lettres dHlose et dAbailard, tant en vers quen prose, orne de huit figures graves par les meilleurs artistes de Paris, daprs les dessins et sous la direction de Moreau le Jeune. dition en latin et en franais de la traduction de Gervaise, prcde de la vie dAbailard par M. de lAulnaye. A Paris, chez J. B. Fournier le Jeune et fils, rue Hautefeuille, n 27, de limprimerie de Didot le Jeune, lan quatrime [1796]. 3 vols. [UFRGS] Letters of Abelard & Eloisa [sic]. With several Poems by Mr. Pope & other Authors. By John Hughes. London, W. Loundes, R. Baldwin, Longman & Rees, [1713] 1808, new edition. 219 p. [Gabinete Portugus de Leitura] Nouveau receil contenant la vie, les amours, les infortunes, & les lettres dAbailard & dHlose, avec lhistoire de la matrone dEphse. Amsterdam, chez Henry Schelte, 1713. 486 p. [Les amours dAbailard et dHlose sont de Jacques Alluis.] [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] [Dom] GERVAISE, Les veritables lettres dAbelard et dHeloise, tires dun ancien Manuscrit Latin trouv dans la Bibliothque de Franois dAmboise, Conseiller dEtat. Traduites par lAuteur de leur Vie [Dom Gervaise], avec des notes historiques et critiques trs curieuses. A Paris, chez Jean Musier, 1723. [Deux vols.]. T. I: XXI+322 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefixed a particular account of their lives, amours and misfortunes extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from thr French by John Hughes. London, J. Watts, 1736, the sixth edition, corrected. 239 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Lettres et pitres amoureuses dHlose avec les rponses dAblard. Traduites librement en Vers & en Prose par MM. de Bussy, de Beauchamps, Pope, Colardeau, Dorat, Feutry, Mercier, &c. Prcdes de la Vie, des Amours & Infortunes de ces clbres et malheureux poux, par M. A.-C. C**. Et enrichies dune nouvelle Lettre dAblard Hlose, pour servir de Rponse la fameuse Lettre d Hlose, de M. Pope, par le mme. [S.l., s.n.] 1777. 400 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google]

29 Eloisa en dishabille: Being a parody of Mr. Popes celebrated Epistle of Eloisa to Abelard. Richard Porson, George Tierney, Alexander Pope, John Matthews. London, 1784. 320 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Vita e lettere di Abelardo e di Eloisa. Trad. dal francese da Andrea Metr. Venezia, Andrea Santini, 1801. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Lettres dHlose Abailard, traduites [librement] daprs loriginal latin par le comte de Bussy-Rabutin in TURLOT, F. C., Abeilard et Hlose, avec un aperu du XIIe sicle. Paris, chez Janet et Cotelle, 1822, pp. 11-94 e 281-295. 314 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Epistola de Heloise a Abeilard por Colardeau in Colleco depistolas erticas e philosophicas. Paris, Casa de J. P. Aillaud, Quai Voltaire, 11, 1834. 78 p. [UCPernambuco] Les vritables lettres dHlose, par Creuz de Lesser, La France littraire, Paris, 1835, XVIII, pp. 342-360. [USP] Lettres dHlose et dAbeilard traduites librement daprs les lettres originales latines par de Bussy-Rabutin, avec les imitations en vers De Beauchamps, Colardeau, Dorat, Mercier, Fleury, Douxigne, Saurin [...]. Paris, Garnier frres, [16971 / 1841 para esta verso] 1847. 524 p. [Gabinete Portugus de Leitura] Lettres dHlose Abailard, traduites daprs loriginal latin par le comte de Bussy-Rabutin in TURLOT, F. C., Abeilard et Hlose, avec un aperu du XIIe sicle. Paris, chez Janet et Cotelle, 1822, pp. 281-295. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] Cartas dHelosa e Abailard traduzidas por Ctano Lopes de Moura, tradutor das obras de Walter Scott, seguidas das Cartas Amorosas de uma Religiosa Portugueza, restitudas lngua materna por D. Jos Maria de Souza, morgado de Matheus, augmentadas com as imitaes de Dorat e outras, e traduzidas do francez por F. Elysio e C. L. de Moura. Paris, na Livraria portugueza de J. P. Aillaud, 1838. 2 vols. [Gabinete Portugus de Leitura] [USP] Amores de Abailard e Heloisa, em prosa e verso com uma noticia biographica desses desditosos amantes. Trad. J. da F. Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo & Henrique Laemmert, 1864. 220 p. [Gabinete Portugus de Leitura] [Mrio de Andrade] [CEPAME]
[nica referncia de autoria ou traduo: J. da F., muito difcil de identificar, mas comea com a mesma frase de Lopes de Moura: s vezes, tanto para perturbar-nos o esprito, como para serenlo.... H verses em castelhano com ttulos semelhantes: En prosa y verso. Con la vida de estos desgraciados amantes. Pars, Lib. de Rosa y Bouret, s.d.. Ou Cartas de Heloysa y Abelardo, con la vida de estos desafortunados amantes. Madrid, Sancha, 1813. Ou Cartas de Heloysa y Abelardo, en prosa y verso, con la vida de estos desafortunados amantes y tres epstolas nuevamente traducidas. Edicion echa bajo la direccion de Jos Ren Masson. Paris, Masson e Hijo, 1824.]

ABELARDO e HELOSA, Cartas de amor. Trad. J. M. P. Guerra modernizada. So Paulo, Cultura, [1834] 1940. 144 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP]. Rio de Janeiro, Edies de Ouro, [1968?]. [UFRJ] [UFRGS]

[Vida ou amores de Helosa e Abelardo, com as cartas amorosas da correspondencia destes infelizes amantes. Traduzidas das Letres [sic] dAbeilard et Hlose par de Bussy-Rabutin por J. M. P. Guerra. Lisboa, Pierre Chyer, 1834. 160 p.]

Histoire dHlose et dAblard suivie des lettres les plus mmorables des immortels amants. Par Marc de Montifaud. Paris, Marpon et Flammarion, 1890. 252 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] Cartas de Helosa e Abelardo. Nova verso potugueza livre, seguida da ... composio de Poppe inspirada naquellas... cartas. Trad. ?. Lisboa, Guimares, 1917. 128 p. [PUC-RS] Cartas de Helosa e Abelardo. Trad. ?. Lisboa, Guimares, 1971. 128 p. [UMESP] Opera dubia BALLANTI, GRAZIELLE, Un epistolario damore del XII seculo (Abelardo e Eloisa?). Un epistolario damore del dodicesimo secolo. Roma, Anicia, 1988. 176 p. [USP] From the Letters of two lovers in MEWS, C. J., The Lost love letters of Heloise and Abelard. Perceptions of dialogue in Twelfth-Century France. Transl. C. J. Mews and N. Chiavaroli. New York, St. Martins, 1999. [UNICAMP]. New York, Palgrave, 2001, pp. 179-289. [USP] Lettres des deux amants attribues Hlose et Ablard. Trad. Sylvain Piron. Paris, Gallimard, 2005. 218 p. [USP] Lettere di due amanti. Abelardo ed Eloisa? Prefazione di Maria Teresa B. B. Fumagalli. Trad. Claudio Fiocchi. Milano, Archinto, 2006. 120 p. [UFSCar] [USP] {NA} An Excerpt from the Lost love letters of Heloise and Abelard in The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Trans. B. Radice. Revised by M. T. Clanchy. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2003, pp. 237-244. [USP] ABELARD & HELOISE, From the Letters of two lovers in The Letters and other writings. Transl. W. Levitan. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007, pp. 315-328. 356 p. [USP] Msica e poesia Carmen ad Astralabium PIETRO ABELARDO, Insegnamenti al figlio Astrolabio. Comment., traduzione e testo latino a cura di Grazielle Ballanti. Roma, Armando, 1984. 176 p. [CEPAME]. 1993. [USP] {NA} Carmen ad Astralabium. bers. [parcial] W. Robl. In www.abaelard.de

31 ABELARD, To Astralabe, My Son in ABELARD & HELOISE, The Letters and other writings. Introduction and notes, by W. Levitan. Transl. by S. Lombardo. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007, pp. 294-301. 356 p. [CEPAME] Hymnarius Paraclitensis Hymn for Saturday Vespers in FAIRWEATHER, E., A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham. Transl. J. M. Neale. Philadelphia, Westminster, 19561 [1981?], pp. 298-299. [USP] Hymnarius Paraclitensis: Hymne 3: Sonntags zur dritten Nokturn. Hymne 29: Zur Samstagsvesper. Hymne 63: Himmelfahrtstag, zur zweiten Nokturn. Hymne 79: Marienfest, zur dritten Nokturn. Hymne 129: Magdalenenfest, zweiter Hymnus bers. W. Robl. 2002. In www.abaelard.de Two Hymns by Abelard: Sabbato ad vesperas. In Parasceve Domini. III. Nocturno in The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Trans. B. Radice. Revised by M. T. Clanchy. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2003, pp. 230-235. [USP] Zwei Hymnen in ABAELARD, Leidensgeschichte und Briefwechsel mit Heloisa. Hg. von E. Brost. bertragen von F. Wolters. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004, SS. 383-385. [USP] PIETRO ABELARDO, Dialettica dellamore [excertos de diversos hinos]. Trad., cura e intr. di P. Cereda. Casale Monferrato, Piemme, 1999. [CEPAME] ABELARD, Selected songs and poems in ABELARD & HELOISE, The Letters and other writings. Transl. by Stanley Lombardo and by Barbara Thorburn. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007, pp. 277-294. 356 p. [USP] Planctus PIETRO ABELARDO, Planctus. Ed. e trad. Massimo Sannelli. Trento, La Finestra, 2002. 98 p. [UFSCar] [USP] ABLARD, Lamentations. Histoire de mes malheurs. Correspondance avec Hlose. Trad. et prsent par Paul Zumthor. Note musicologique de Grar le Vot. Avignon, Babel, 1992, pp. 7-122 p. [UNICAMP]. 2008. [USP] {NA} Peter Abaelard als Dichter. Mit einer erstmaligen bersetzung seiner Klagelieder ins Deutsche von Ursula Niggli. Tbingen, Francke, 2007. 223 S. [USP] {NA} Complaintes [Planctus] in Lettres dAbailard et dHloise. Trad. par E. Oddoul. Paris, G. Houdaille, 18391. Vol. II. [USP]. Paris, Didier, 1876, nouvelle dition, pp. 385-400. [CEPAME] Pietro Abelardo: I. Planctus virginum Israel super filia Iepte Galadite. Compianto delle fanciulle dIsraele sulla figlia di Iefte di Galaard; II. Planctus amatorius (dubius). Compianto damore (dubbio) in Poesia latina medievale. Introduzioni, testi, trad., note, transcrizioni musicali a cura di Giuseppe Vecchi. Parma, Guanda, 1952, pp. 163-172, 172-180. [USP]

32 Planctus I, IV, VI in DRONKE, P., IV. Pedro Abelardo: Planctus y stira in La individualidad potica en la Edad Media. Trad. R. B. Rossell. Madrid, Alhambra, [19701] 1981, p. 129-161. [CEPAME] Planctus: Klage Davids ber Saul und Jonatham. Klagelied der Jungfrauem Israels ber der Tochter des Jephta aus Galaat. bers. W. Robl. In www.abaelard.de ABELARD, Selected songs and poems in ABELARD & HELOISE, The Letters and other writings. Transl. by Stanley Lombardo and by Barbara Thorburn. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007, pp. 277-294. 356 p. [USP] Vrios Sequenzen (Epithalamica, Virgines castae, De profundis). Carmen figuratum. Lux orientalis - Mittit ad virginem. bers. W. Robl. In www.abaelard.de Discografia Abelard: Hymns & Sequences for Heloise (12th Century Chant). Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge. Winchester Catedral Choristers. Directed by Mary Berry. Libreto: Chrysogunus Waddell and Mary Berry. Farnham (England), Herald, 1994. [CEPAME]


1. COMENTRIOS ALLEGRO, GIUSEPPE, La teologia di Pietro Abelardo fra letture e pregiudizi. Palermo, Officina di studi medievali, 1990. 159 p. [CEPAME] BACIGALUPO, LUIS E., Intencin y conciencia en la tica de Abelardo. Lima, PUC do Peru, 1992. 339 p. [CEPAME] BENSON, ROBERT L., and CONSTABLE, GILES, eds., Renaissance and renewal in the Twelfth Century. Toronto, UP, [19821] 19912. 781 p. [UNICAMP] BEZNER, FRANK, Vela veritatis: Hermeneutik, Wissen und Sprache in der Intellectual History des 12. Jahrhunderts. Leiden, Brill, 2005. 698 S. [USP] BIARD, JOL, org., Langage, sciences, philosophie au XIIe sicle. Paris, Vrin, 1999. 257 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] BLACKWELL, DANIEL F., Non-ontological constructs. The effects of Abaelards logical and ethical theories on his theology: a study in meaning and verification. Bern, P. Lang, 1988. 327 p. [USP] BLOMME, ROBERT, La doctrine du pch dans les coles thologiques de la primire moiti du XIIe sicle. Louvain, Publications Universitaires de Louvain / Glembloux, Duculot, 1958. 385 p. [CEPAME] BONANNI, SERGIO P., a cura di, Abelardo: invito alla lettura. San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo, 2003. 91 p. [USP] BONANNI, SERGIO P., Parlare della Trinit. Lettura della Theologia scholarium di Abelardo. Roma, Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1996. 390 p. [USP] BRUNNER, FERNAND, d., Ablard. Le Dialogue. La philosophie de la logique. Actes du Colloque de Neuchtel, 16-17 novembre 1979. Cahiers de la Revue de thologie et philosophie, Neuchtel, 1981, VI. 131 p. [CEPAME] BROWER, JEFFREY E., and GUILFOY, KELVIN, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Abelard. Cambridge, UP, 2004. 362 p. [PUC-SP] [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP] BUYTAERT, ELIGIUS M., ed., Peter Abelard. Leuven, UP / The Hague, Nijhoff, 1974. XVI+181 p. [USP] {NA} CAPPELLETTI, ANGEL J., Abelardo. Buenos Aires, America Latina, 1993. 117 p. [CEPAME] CARRE, MEYRICK H., Realists and nominalists. London, Oxford UP, 1946. 128 p. [UNICAMP]

34 CARVALHO, MRIO S., Lgica e paixo. Abelardo e os universais. Coimbra, Minerva, 2001. 105 p. [CEPAME] CEREDA, PIERMARCO, Pietro Abelardo, dialettica dellamore. Monferrato, Piemme, 1999. 200 p. [CEPAME] CHARRIER, CHARLOTTE, Hlose dans lhistoire e dans la lgende. Genve, Slatkine, [19331] 1977. 691 p. [USP] CHAVES-TANNS, MRCIO, A tica de Pedro Abelardo. Um modelo medieval de aplicao da lgica moral. Uberlndia, Ed. da UFU, 1996. 198 p. [PUC-SP] CHENU, MARIE-DOMINIQUE, Lveil de la conscience dans la civilisation mdivale. Montral, Inst. dtudes mdivales / Paris, Vrin, 1969. 81 p. [CEPAME] O despertar da conscincia na civilizao medieval. Trad. J. Savian F. So Paulo, Loyola, [19691] 2006. 62 p. [CEPAME]

CHENU, MARIE-DOMINIQUE, La thologie au douzime sicle. Paris, Vrin, 19763. 407 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] COMPAYR, GABRIEL, Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. Whitefish, Kessinger, [1893] 2004. 328 p. [USP] COUSIN, VICTOR, Ablard. Fragments philosophiques pour servir a lhistoire de la philosophie, II. Paris, Didier, 1836. [Mrio de Andrade]. Fragaments de philosophie du Moyen ge. Paris, Didier, 1855, nouvelle dition. 364 p. [CEPAME] [USP] CROCCO, ANTONIO, Abelardo: laltro versante del Medioevo. Napoli, Livori, 1979. 179 p. [USP] DOTTO, GIANNI, Il secolo XII. Illuminismo logico e umanesimo del limite. Roma, Studium, 1978. 172 p. [USP] DREYER, MECHTHILD, Razionalit scientifica e teologia nei secoli XI e XII. Milano, Jaca Book, 2000. 160 p. [USP] DRONKE, PETER, Peter Abelard and Heloise in medieval testimonies. Glasgow, UP, 1976. 61 p. [CEPAME]. Republicado em Intellectuals and poets in Medieval Europe. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1992, pp. 245-294. [CEPAME] DUBY, GEORGES, Dames du XIIe sicle. I. Hlose, Alinor, Iseut et quelques autres. Paris, Gallimard, 1995. 173 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP] Helosa, Isolda e outras damas do Sculo XII. Trad. P. Neves. So Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1995. 125 p. [UNESP] [USP] Eleanor of Aquitaine and six others. Transl. J. Birrell. Cambridge, Polity, 1997. 104 p. [UNICAMP]

35 FUMAGALLI, MARIATERESA BEONIO BROCCHIERI, Introduzione a Abelardo. Bari, Laterza, [19741] 19882. 153 p. [UNICAMP] FUMAGALLI, MARIATERESA B. B., La logica di Abelardo. Firenzi, La Nuova Italia, 1964. 90 p. [CEPAME]. 19692. [USP] {NA} FUMAGALLI, MARIATERESA, a cura de, Richerche sul pensiero di Pietro Abelardo (1079-1142). Numero monografico della Rivista critica di storia della filosofia. Milano, 1979, XXXIV(4), pp. 429-506. [UNICAMP] [USP] GILL, HARJEET S., Abelardian semiotics and other essays. New Delhi, Bahri, 1989. 243 p. [USP] {NA} GILSON, TIENNE, Hlose et Ablard. Paris, Vrin, [19381] 1948. 1964, 3me d. revue. 1978. 1984. 212 p. [PUC-SP] [UNICAMP] [USP] Eloisa e Abelardo. Trad. G. Cairola. Torino, Einaudi, 19702. 219 p. [USP] Elosa y Abelardo. Prlogo de J. Cruz Cruz. Trad. S. Gonzlez. Pamplona, EUNSA, 2004. 183 p. [PUC-RS] Heloise and Abelard. Transl. L. K. Shook. Chicago, Regnery, [19511] 1953. [USP] {NA}. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, 1960. XIII+194 p. [UNICAMP] Helosa e Abelardo. Intr. de Jos C. Estvo. Trad. Francisco R. So Paulo, Ed. da USP, 2007. 218 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] {NA}

GRANE, LEIF, Pierre Ablard, Filosofi og Kristendom i Middelalderen. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1964. 206 p. [USP] {NA} Peter Abelard. Philosophie and Christianity in the Middle Ages. Transl. F. and C. Crowley. Londres, Allen & Unwin, 1970. 190 p. [CEPAME]

JOLIVET, JEAN, d., Ablard en son temps. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1981. 239 p. [Mrio de Andrade] [UNICAMP] JOLIVET, JEAN, Ablard ou la philosophie dans le langage. Paris, Seghers, 1969. 192 p. [USP]. Paris, Cerf, 19942. 214 p. [UNESP] [USP] JOLIVET, JEAN, Abelardo. Dialettica e mistero. Trad. F. Ferri. Milano, Jaca Book, 1996. 128 p. [USP] La thologie dAblard. Paris, Cerf, 1997. 137 p. [UNICAMP] [USP]

JOLIVET, JEAN, Arts du langage et thologie chez Ablard. Paris, Vrin, [19691] 19822. 392 p. [USP]. 20023, d. rev. [UNICAMP] JOLIVET, JEAN, Aspects de la pense mdivale: Ablard. Doctrines du langage. Paris, Vrin, 1987. 314 p. [USP]

36 JOLIVET, JEAN, et HABRIAS, HENRI, ds., Pierre Ablard. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2003. 426 p. [USP] {NA} Pierre Ablard, laube des universits. Nantes, Universit de Nantes, 2001. 491 p. [As edies so diferentes]. [USP]

JOLIVET, JEAN, LOUIS, REN, et CHTILLON, JEAN, ds., Pierre Ablard, Pierre le Vnrable. Les courants philosophiques, litteraires et artistiques en Occident au milieu du XIIe sicle. Paris, CNRS, 1975. 782 p. [USP] LE GOFF, JACQUES, Cinq personnages dhier pour aujourdhui. Boudha, Ablard, Saint Franois, Michelet, Bloch. Paris, La Fabrique, 2001. 104 p. [USP] LEITE Jr., PEDRO, O problema dos universais: a perspectiva de Bocio, Abelardo e Ockham. Porto Alegre, Ed. da PUC-RS, 2001. 168 p. [UNESP] LEMOINE, MICHEL, et PICARD-PARRA, CLOTILDE, ds., Thologie et cosmologie au XIIme sicle. Lcole de Chartres. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2005. XXIX+204 p. [USP] DE LIBERA, ALAIN, Lart des gnralits. Thories de labstration. Paris, Aubier, 1999. 703 p. [USP] LUSCOMBE, DAVID E., The School of Peter Abelard. The influence of Abelards thought in the early scholastic period. Cambrigde, UP, 1969. XIII+360 p. [USP] MARENBON, JOHN, The philosophy of Peter Abelard. Cambridge, UP, 1997. 1999, edition with corrections and bibliographical note. 373 p. [PUC-SP] [UNICAMP] [USP] MARENBON, JOHN, Le temps, lternit et la prescience de Boce Thomas. Paris, Vrin, 2005. 188 p. [USP] MATINO, GENNARO, Abelardo. Lintuizione della coscienza. Una provocazione pastorale. Napoli, Grafite, 2000. XVIII+148 p. [USP] McCALLUM, JAMES RAMSAY, Abelards Christian theology. Oxford, Blackwell, 1948. 117 p. [USP] {NA} McNAMER, ELIZABETH M., The education of Heloise. Methods, content, and purpose of learning in the Twelfth Century. Lewinston, Mellen, 1991. 196 p. [USP] MEWS, CONSTANT J., Abelard and his legacy. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001. XII+330 p. [USP] MEWS, CONSTANT J., Reason and belief in the age of Roscelin and Abelard. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002. [UNICAMP] MEWS, CONSTANT J., The lost love letters of Heloise and Abelard. Perceptions of dialogue in Twelfth-Century France. New York, Palgrave, 1999. [UNICAMP].

37 2001. 378 p. [USP] La voix dHlose. Un dialogue de deux amants. Trad. par E. Champs avec la collaboration de F.-X. Putallaz et S. Piron. Postface indite trad. par M. Lejbowicz. Paris, Cerf / ditions Universitaires de Fribourg, 2005. XVIII+347 p. p. [USP]

MEWS, CONSTANT J., NEDERMAN, CARY J., and THOMSON, RODNEY M., eds., Rhetoric and renewal in the Latin West, 1100-1540. Turnhout, Brepols, 2003. 270 p. [USP] VON MOOS, PETER, Abaelard und Heloise. Gesammelte Studien zum Mittelalter, I. Hg. von G. Melville. Mnster, LIT, 2005. 390 S. [USP] VON MOOS, PETER, Mittelalterforschung und Ideologiekritik. Der Gelehrtenstreit um Hloise. Mnchen, Fink, 1974. 138 p. [USP] {NA} MURRAY, A. VICTOR, Abelard and Saint Bernard. A study in Twelfth Century modernism. Manchester, UP / New York, Barnes and Noble, 1967. VIII+168 p. [CEPAME] NIGGLI, URSULA, hg., Peter Abaelard. Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Freiburg, Herder, 2003. S. 420. [USP] OAKLEY, FRANCIS, Omnipotence, covenant, and order. An excursion in the history of ideas from Abelard to Leibniz. Ithaca, NY, Cornell UP, 1984. 165 p. [USP] OBERSON, ROLAND, Ablard, mon frre: essai dinterprtation. Lausanne, ge dhomme, 2001. [USP] OTTEN, WILLEMIEN, From Paradise to paradigm: a study of Twelfth-Century humanism. Leiden, Brill, 2004. XV+330 p. [USP] OURSEL, RAYMOND, La dispute et la grce. Essai sur la rdemption dAblard. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1959. 94 p. [CEPAME] PICAVET, F., Ablard et Alexandre de Hales, crateurs de la mthode scolastique. Paris, E. Leroux, 1896. 24 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Gallica] PINZANI, ROBERTO, La grammatica logica di Abelardo. Parma, Universit degli Studi di Parma, 1992. XII+197 p. [PUC-RS] The logical grammar of Abelard. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2003. V+232 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

PARODI, MASSIMO, e ROSSINI, MARCO, a cura di, Fra le due rupi. La logica della trinit nella discussione tra Roscellino, Anselmo e Abelardo. Milano, Unicopli, 2000. 237 p. [CEPAME] PEPPERMLLER, ROLF, Abaelards Auslegung des Rmerbriefes. Mnster, Aschendorff, 1972. [PUC-RS]

38 PERKAMS, MATTHIAS, Liebe als Zentralbegriff der Ethik nach Peter Abaelard. Mnster, Aschendorff, 2001. XII+395 S. [USP] {NA} ROBL, WERNER, Heloisas Herkunft: Hersindis Mater. Mnchen, Olzog, 2001. 308 p. [USP] ROBL, WERNER, Das Konzil von Sens 1141 und seine Folgen. Der Ketzerprozess gegen Peter Abaelard im Spiegel der Zeitgeschichte. Online-Buch im PDFFormat, 2003. 187 S. [www.abaelard.de] [CEPAME (PDF)] The Council of Sens in 1141 and its aftermath (An abbreviated version in English). [www.abaelard.de]

SIKES, JEFFREY G., Peter Abailard. New York, Russell & Russel, [1932] 1965. XVI+282 p. [USP] SMALLEY, BERYL, Studies in medieval thought and learning from Abelard to Wyclif. London, Hambledon, 1981. IX+430 p. [USP] STORRS, RICHARD S., Bernard of Clairvaux and his controversy with Abelard. Whitefish, Kessinger, [1892] 2005. 506 p. [USP] SWEENEY, EILEEN, Logic, theology, and poetry in Boethius, Abelard, and Alan of Lille: Words in the absence of things. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. XII+236 p. [USP] THOMAS, RUDOLF, hg., in Verbindung mit J. Jolivet, D. E. Luscombe und L. M. de Rijk, Petrus Abaelardus (1079-1142). Person, Werk und Wirkung. Trierer Theologische Studien, T. XXXVIII. Trier, Paulinus, 1980. S. 339. [CEPAME] TWEEDALE, MARTIN M., Abailard on universals. Amesterdam, North-Holland, 1976. 337 p. [CEPAME] ULIVI, LUCIA URBANI, La psicologia di Abelardo e il Tractatus de Intellectibus. Roma, Storia e Letteratura, 1976. 143 p. [CEPAME] WEINGART, RICHARD E., The logic of divine love. A critical analysis of soteriology of Peter Abailard. Oxford, at the Clarendon, 1970. 220 p. [CEPAME] WHEELER, BONNIE, ed., Listening to Heloise: The voice of a Twelfth-Century woman. New York, St. Martins, 2000. XXII+394 p. [UNICAMP]

39 2. BIOGRAFIAS Histricas BALLANTI, GRAZIELLE, Pietro Abelardo. La rinascita scolastica del XII secolo. Firenzi, La Nuova Italia, 1995. 517 p. [USP] BAYLE, PIERRE, Personnages de laffaire Ablard dans le dictionnaire de Bayle. Ed. par R. Oberson. Lausanne, ge dHomme, 2002. 323 p. [USP] {NA} BAYLE, P., Dictionaire historique et critique par Mr. Pierre Bayle avec la vie de lauteur, par Mr. Des Maizeaux. Amsterdam, P. Brunel, [Rotterdam, 1697] 1730, 4e ed., rev., corr., et augm. 4 vols. [USP]. 1740, 4e ed., revue, corr. et augm. Paris / Genve, Slatkine, 1995. 4 vols. [UNICAMP] BONNIER, DOUARD, Ablard et saint Bernard, la philosophie et lglise au XIIe sicle. Paris, Douniol, 1862. 154 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] CLANCHY, MICHAEL T., Abelard. A medieval life. Oxford, Blackwell, 19971. 19992. [UNICAMP] Ablard. Trad. P.-E. Danzat. Paris, Flammarion, 2000. 487 p. [USP] Abaelard. Ein mittelalterliches leben. Darmstadt, Primus, 2000. 498 S. [PUC-RS]

ESTVO, JOS C., Abelardo e Helosa. So Paulo, Discurso / Paulus, 2010 (no prelo). [CEPAME] FEDOTOV, GEORGE P., Peter Abelard: The personality, self-consciousness and thought of a martyr of enlightenment. Ed. by and with [notes, and] appendix on The theology of Peter Abelard in the context of Christian doctrine by R. S. Haugh. Transl. from Russian by A. I. Lisenko. The collected works of George P. Fedotov, 5. Vaduz, Bchervertriebsanstalt, [19221] 1988. 270 p. [CEPAME] JOLIVET, JEAN, & VERGER, JACQUES, Bernard / Ablard ou le clotre et lcole. Paris, Fayard-Mame, 1982. 238 p. [CEPAME] [Republicado sob novo ttulo:] Le sicle de saint Bernard et Ablard. Paris, Perrin, 2006. 293 p. [UFSCar] [USP]

LETORT-TRGARO, JEAN-PIERRE, Pierre Ablard (1079-1142). Paris, Payot, 1981. 314 p. [CEPAME]. 20022. [USP] LLOYD, ROGER B., Peter Abelard: An orthodox rebel. London, Latimer, [The stricken lute, 1932] 19472, ed. rev. and reset. 224 p. [USP] {NA} LOBRICHON, GUY, Hlose. Lamour et le savoir. Paris, Gallimard, 2005. 370 p. [CEPAME]

40 LUDDY, AILBE J., The case of Peter Abelard. Dublin, M. H. Gill, 1947. IX+94 p. [CEPAME] LUSCOMBE, DAVID E., Peter Abelard. London, The Historical Association, 1979. 40 p. [CEPAME] McCABE, JOSEPH, Peter Ablard. New York, B. Franklin, [19011] 1972. 325 p. [CEPAME] MEWS, CONSTANT J., Abelard and Heloise. Oxford, UP, 2005. XVIII+328 p. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP] [USP] OTTAVIANO, CARMELO, Pietro Abelardo. La vita, le opere, il pensiero. Roma, LUniversale, s.d. [19291 ou 1930/1]. 276 p. [USP] {NA} PERNOUD, RGINE, Hlose et Ablard. Paris, Albin Michel, 1970. 250 p. [USP] DE RMUSAT, CHARLES, Ablard, sa vie, sa philosophie et sa thologie. Paris, Librairie philosophique de Ladrange, 1845. 2 vols. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Gallica] [Books.google] ROCHA, ZEFERINO, Paixo, violncia e solido. O drama de Abelardo e Helosa no contexto cultural do Sculo XII. Recife, Ed. da UFPE, 1996. 436 p. [CEPAME] TOSTI, LUIGI, Storia di Abaelardo e dei suoi tempi. Roma, Tipografia della Camera dei Deputati, 1887. 302 p. [CEPAME] TRUC, GONZAGUE, Ablard avec et sans Hlose. [Avec extrait de lLettres (trad. Grard) et des uvres dAblard (trad. de Gandillac)]. Paris, Fayard, 1956. 188 p. [CEPAME] VERGER, JACQUES, Lamour castr. Lhistoire de Ablard et Hlose. Paris, Hermann, 1996. 201 p. [CEPAME] VILELA, ORLANDO, O drama Helosa-Abelardo. Belo Horizonte, Fumarc, 1981. 138 p. [Mackenzie]. Belo Horizonte, Itatiaia, 19862, rev. e aument. [UNESP]. So Paulo, Loyola, 19893. 170 p. [PUC-SP] [UNICAMP] [USP] Literrias e romanceadas AUDOUARD, ANTOINE, Adieu mon unique. Roman. Paris, Gallimard, [20001] 2002. 466 p. [USP] BAUMANN, MILE, Hlose, lamante et labbesse. Coll. Les grandes pcheresses. Paris, A. Michel, 1934. 217 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] {NA} BERNARD, SUZANNE, Le roman dHlose et Ablard. Prface de Jean Jolivet. Patin, Les Temps des Cerises, 2001. 352 p. [Recolhe Plus jamais Hlose (Paris, Julliard, 1988), e La fin dAblard (Paris, Messidor, 1991).] [USP]

41 BERTHEROY, JEAN, La paisn de Abelardo y Eloisa. Trad. de Ricardo Blanco Belmonte. Buenos Aires, Femina, [1910] 1943. 192 p. [UNESP] BOURIN, JEANNE, Trs sage Hlose. Paris, La Table Ronde, [19661] 1988. 250 p. [USP] {NA} Trs sage Hlose in Chroniques medievales. Paris, La Table Ronde, [19851] 1994. 1.236 p. [UNICAMP] Abelardo & Helosa. Trad. de O. M. Cajado. So Paulo, Difel, [19661] 1981. 187 p. 223 p. [Mrio de Andrade] [USP] {NA}. So Paulo, Circulo do Livro, 1980. [UFSCar] [UNICAMP]

CAZENAVE, ANNIE, Hlose et Ablard, lamour souverain. Paris, Perrin, 2006. 188 p. [USP] DEB-BRIDEL, JACQUES, Ablard, Socrate des Gaules. Paris, Ferenczi & Fils, 1946. 223 p. [USP] [Dom] GERVAISE, Vie de Pierre Abelard et celle dHelose son pouse. A Paris, Jean Musiee & Franois Barois, 1720. 2 vols. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] KRICHBAUMER, MARIA, hg., Petri Abaelardi Historia Calamitatum. Texte mit Anmerkungen und Zusatzmaterial von M. Krichbaumer. Freising, Stark, 2003. 150 p. [USP] LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE, Hlose et Ablard. Paris, Calmman-Lvy, [18531] s/d. 112 p. [CEPAME] A paixo de Abelardo e Helosa. Correspondncia e traos biogrficos por Lamartine. Trad. P. de Aguiar. Salvador, Progresso, 1956. 245 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] {NA}

LASSERRE, PIERRE, Le secret dAblard. Paris, Albin Michel, 1926. 254 p. [CEPAME] [Gallica] LASSERRE, PIERRE, Un conflit religieux au XIIe sicle. Ablard contre Saint Bernard. Paris, Cahiers de la Quinzaine, 19304. 203 p. [USP] Abelardo contra San Bernardo. Un conflito religioso en el siglo XII. Trad. S. A. Tri. Buenos Aires, Nova, 1944. 191 p. [USP]

McLEOND, ENID, Hlose. Trad. S. Viollis. Paris, Gallimard, [19411] 19605. 241 p. [CEPAME] MEADE, MARION, Stealing heaven. The love story of Heloise and Abelard. New York, Soho, 1979. 415 p. [USP] MEADOWS, DENIS, A saint and a half. The remarkable lives of Abelard and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. A new interpretation of Abelard and St. Bernard of Clairvaux. New York, Devin-Adair, 1963. 209 p. [USP] {NA}

42 MOORE, GEORGE, Heloise and Abelard. New York, Liveright, [1921-1923] 19455 [em 1 vol.]. 278 p. [CEPAME] NOLLIER, INS, Ablard. Le philosophe du Christ. Paris, Watelet, 1984. 249 p. [USP] RANDALL, ROD, La Paraclte: The story of Abelard and Heloise. Ed. by R. Christ. Bloomington, Authorhouse, 2005. 181 p. [USP] DE RMUSAT, CHARLES, Ablard. Drame indit. Publi avec une prface et des notes par son fils Paul de Rmusat, snateur. Paris, Calmann Lvy, 18772. XXV+541 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Archive] RINSER, LUISE, Abaelards Liebe: Roman. Frankfurt, Fischer, [19911] 1993. 223 p. [USP] ROBERTSON Jr., DURANT W., Abelard and Heloise. London, Book Club, 1972. 238 p. [USP] SERRA, DAVID, Os amores de Abelardo e Helosa. Romance histrico. So Paulo, Novo Mundo, 19533. 160 p. [UNESP] [USP] {NA} TIBY, PAUL, Deux couvens au moyen ge, ou lAbbaye de Saint-Gildas et le Paraclet au temps dAblard et dHlose. Paris, Techener, 1851. 202 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] TURLOT, F. C., Abeilard et Hlose, avec un aperu du XIIe sicle, compar sous tous les rapports avec le sicle actuel, et une vue de Paris tel quil tait alors. Par F. C. Turlot, de la biblioth du roi. Paris, chez Janet et Cotelle libraires, 1822. 314 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] WADDELL, HELEN, Peter Abelard. A novel. London, Constable, 1933 (first ed., twelfth impression). 304 p. [CEPAME] VIOUX, MARCELLE, Les amours dHlose et dAblard. Paris, Flammarion, 1929. 193 p. [CEPAME]

43 3. TESES E DISSERTAES ARLIG, ANDREW W., A Study in early medieval mereology: Boethius, Abelard, and Pseudo-Joscelin. Doctor of Philosophy. Ohio State University, 2005. XIII+338 p. [USP] {NA} BOCCALATO, MARISA M., De corpo e corao: linguagens do amor medieval. O Tristan et Iseut e a tica de Abelardo. Doutorado em Semitica. So Paulo, PUCSP, 2001. 217 p. [PUC-SP] [USP] {NA} GIRAUD, CDRIC, Per verba magistri. Anselme de Laon ( 1117), son cole et le mouvement thologique du XIIe sicle. Thse de Philosophie. Paris, Paris IV, 2006. 370 p. [USP] {NA} CHAVES-TANNS, MRCIO, A tica de Pedro Abelardo. Um modelo medieval de aplicao da lgica moral. Doutorado em Filosofia. So Paulo, USP, 1995. [USP] COUTINHO, DANTE B., Teoria da abstrao e epistemologia da psicologia. Doutorado em Psicologia. So Paulo, USP, 1988. 236 p. [USP] DIAS, CLBER E. S., O problema da universalizao em alguns textos lgicos de Pedro Abelardo. Mestrado em Filosofia. Porto Alegre, PUC-RS, 2002. 135 p. [PUC-RS] DIAS, CLBER E. S., O processo cognitivo no Tractatus de intellectibus e na Dialectica de Pedro Abelardo. Doutorado em Filosofia. Porto Alegre, PUC-RS, 2007. 304 p. [CEPAME] ESTVO, JOS C., A tica de Abelardo e o indivduo. Mestrado em Filosofia. So Paulo, PUC-SP, 1990. 267 p. [PUC-SP] [UNICAMP] [USP] GOIDHORN, GOIDHORN, DAVIDES J. H., De summis principiis theologi Ablarde. Lipsiae, Vogelii, 1836. V+78 p. [USP] {NA}[Books.google] HAMELIN, GUY, Les origines de la doctrine de la vertu comme habitus chez Pierre Ablard. Thse de Philosophie. Universit du Qubec Trois-Rivires, 1996. [GT] KING, PETER, Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. 2 vols. [USP] {NA} MARCHESE, ALESSANDRO, Abelardo. Lethica e il consensus. Tesi di laurea. Universit degli studi di Pavia. 1998. Extratto di tesi di Laurea, caps. 1-2 (pp. 142). [CEPAME] MONTALTO, ANTONIO, Lettura pedagogica dello Scito te ipsum di Pietro Abelardo. Extratto di tesi di Laurea in teologia. Roma, Lateranense, 1971. 51 p. [CEPAME] SALTET, LOUIS, Sur lthique dAblard. Thse prsente a la Facult de thologie

44 protestante de Montauban. Montauban, C. Foresti, 1852. 43 p. [USP] {NA} [Books.google] SCHROETER-REINHARD, ALEXANDER, Die Ethica des Peter Abaelard. bers., Hinfhrung und Deutung von A. Schroeter-Reinhard. Fribourg, Universittsverlag / ditions universitaires, 1999. XII+496 S. [CEPAME (PDF)] [USP] {NA} SILVA, PEDRO R. F., A intentio dos atos humanos no Scito te ipsum de Pedro Abelardo. Mestrado em Filosofia. So Paulo, PUC-SP, 2008. [PUC-SP] SILVA F, JOO G., Traos do surgimento histrico do indivduo no Sculo XII. Abelardo e Helosa. Mestrado em Histria. Franca, UNESP, 2002. 215 p. [UNESP] [USP] {NA} SILVEIRA, MARTA C., Helosa e Abelardo frente s transformaes do Sculo XII. Mestrado em Histria. Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, 1993. 65 p. [UFRJ] TONDINELLI, TIAGO, tica e justia no pensamento de Pedro Abelardo. Doutorado em Filosofia. Porto Alegre, PUC-RS, 2007. 226 p. [PUC-RS] THOMPSON, ROD J., The ethics of Abelard. Doctoral Thesis in Philosophy. University of Toronto, 1940. 223 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Archive]


1. EPISTOLAS (Ep. 15) Roscelino de Compigne ROSCELINUS, Epistola ad Ablardum in REINERS, JOSEPH, Der Nominalismus in der Frhscholastik. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Universalienfrage im Mittelalter, Beitrge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Mnster, 1910, Bd. VIII(5), SS. 63-80. [PUC-SP] Epistola Roscelini in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin. Parisiis, Durand, 1859, vol. II, pp. 792-803. [Gallica] Epistola XV. Qu est Roscelini ad Petrum Ablardum in PL, 178. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1995, cc. 357-372. [UNICAMP] [USP] Letttera di Roscelino ad Abelardo in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 290-309. [USP]. 19822.[CEPAME] Roscellino, Letttera ad Abelardo in PARODI, M., e ROSSINI, M., a cura di, Fra le due rupi. Milano, Unicopli, 2000, pp. 65-103. 237 p. [CEPAME]

(Ep. 16) Fulcone de Deuil FULCONES, Ad Petrum Ablardum in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Parisiis, Durand, 1849, vol. I, pp. 703-707. [Gallica] [Correes da edio] EYNDE, D. van den, Dtails biographiques sur Pierre Ablard, Antonianum, Roma, 1963, XXXVIII, pp. 219. [PUC-SP] FULCONES, Epistola XVI, Ad Petrum Ablardum in PL, 178. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1995, cc. 371-376. [UNICAMP] [USP] FOLCO DI DEUIL, Letttera di Folco, priore di Deuil, a Pietro Abelardo in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 281-287. [USP]. 19822 [CEPAME] [XVII: Confessio fidei ad Heloisam] (Ep. 18-26) Bernardo de Claraval BERNARDUS CLARVALLENSIS, Epistol 187-196 in Sancti Bernardi Opera. Ad fidem codicum recensuerunt J. Leclercq et H. Rochais. Roma, Editiones Cistercienses, 1977, vol. VIII, pp. 9-52. [CEPAME] Epistol 187-196 in PL, 182. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1981. [UNICAMP] [USP]

46 Epistola 190, ad Inocncio II [Tractatus contra qudam capitula errorum Petri Ablardi] in Sancti Bernardi Opera. Ad fidem codicum recensuerunt J. Leclercq et H. Rochais. Roma, Editiones Cistercienses, 1977, vol. VIII, pp. 17-40. [CEPAME] Epistola 190, ad Inocncio II: Tractatus contra qudam capitula errorum Petri Ablardi in PL, 182. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1981, cc. 1053D-1072. [UNICAMP] [USP] Risposta di Bernardo allabate Gugliemo de Saint-Thierry, Lettera di Bernando al cardinal Guido di Citt di Castello; al cardinal Ivone; a Stefano, vescovo de Prenestre; ai vescovi convocati a Sens contro Pietro Abelardo; al papa Innocenzo (1-2); a Gregorio Tarquinio, cardinal diacono in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 337-344, 351-360. [USP]. 19822 [CEPAME] Contra los errores de Pedro Abelardo in Obras Completas II. Trad. G. Diez Ramos. Madrid, BAC, 1955, pp. 996-1024. [USP] Obras completas de San Bernardo, VII. Cartas. Texto latino da S. Bernardi Opera, ed. J. Leclercq. Intr. I. Aranguren. Trad. I. Aranguren e M. Ballano. Madrid, BAC, 1990, nueva ed. [USP] Errores de Pedro Abelardo. (Carta de San Bernardo al papa Inocencio II) in PEDRO ABELARDO, tica o Concete a ti mesmo. Trad. P. Rodrguez Santidrin. Madrid, Tecnos, 1990. [UNICAMP] [USP] Tambm em: Opera in duos tomos distincta ... Venetiis, apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1575. 2 vols. [USP] Opera omnia in VI tomos ... Studio & labore J. Merloni Horstii ... Editio Novissima... Lugduni, Sumptibus Societatis Bibliopolarum, 1679. [USP] [XXIX: Heloiss ad Petrum Cluniacensis] (Ep. 27-28 et 30) Pedro de Cluny The Letters of Peter the Venerable. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Giles Constable. Cambridge, Harvard UP, 1967, vol. II. [UNESP] PETRUS CLUNIACENSIS, Epistol pro Abelardo et ad Heloissam in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Parisiis, Durand, 1849, vol. I, pp. 709714, 716. [Gallica] Epistola ad papam Innocentium II pro Abelardo; Epistol ad Helossam in PL, 189. Turnhout, Brepols, [1854] 1995. [UNICAMP] [USP]

47 Traduction franaise attribue a Jean de Meun de la lettre de Pierre le Vnrable a Hlose par M. Zink in JOLIVET, J., et al., ds., Pierre Ablard, Pierre le Vnrable. Paris, CNRS, 1975, pp. 29-37. [USP] Petrus abbas ad Eloysan abbatisam / Pierre, abb de Clugny, a Helois abesse in La vie et les pitres Pierres Abaelardt et Heloys sa fame. Textes latins et traductions du XIIIe sicle attribue a Jean de Meun. Ed. E. Hicks. Genve, Slatkine, 1991, pp. 156-161. [CEPAME] Lettre au pape Innocent II en faveur de Pierre Abailard [et] Lettres Hlose in Lettres dAbailard et dHloise. Trad. par E. Oddoul. Paris, G. Houdaille, 18391. Vol. II. [USP]. Paris, Didier, 1876, nouvelle dition, pp. 305-307, 313-323, 327329. [CEPAME] Lettres de Pierre le Vnrable a Hlose in LECLERCQ, J., Pierre le Vnrable. Paris, Fontenelle, 1946. [USP] Lettera al maestro Pietro Abelardo (1 e 2); al papa Innocenzo II in favore di Pietro Abelardo; Lettera a Eloisa, badessa del Paralceto in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 310-313, 371379. [USP-F]. 19822 [CEPAME] Letters of Peter The Venerable and Heloise in The Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Trans. B. Radice. Revised by M. T. Clanchy. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2003, pp. 215-229. [USP] Petrus, Abt von Cluny, an Papst Innocenz II; an Heloisa; an Heloisa; Absolution des Petrus Abaelard in ABAELARD, Leidensgeschichte und Briefwechsel mit Heloisa. bertragen von E. Brost. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004, SS. 404-414, 418-420. 511 S. [USP] Letters of Heloise and Peter The Venerable in ABELARD & HELOISE, The Letters and other writings. Transl. W. Levitan. Indianapolis, Hackett, 2007, pp. 263-275. 356 p. [USP]

Outras GUILLAUME DE SAINT-THIERRY, Les lettres de Guillaume de Saint-Thierry Saint Bernard, ed. J. Leclercq, Revue bndictine, Maredsous, 1969, LXXIX, pp. 87-107. [So Bento, SP] GUGLIELMO DI SAINT-THIERRY, Lettera a Bernardo Abate e al vescovo Goffredo di Chartres in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 334-336. [USP] GUALTIERO DI MAURITANIA [Valter de Mortagne], Lettera del Vescovo Gualtiero di Mauritania a Pietro Abelardo in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 326-333. [USP] HUGUES MTEL, Premire lettre Hlose, Deuxime lettre Hlose in

48 LOBRICHON, G., Hlose. Lamour et le savoir. Paris, Gallimard, 2005. [CEPAME] HUGUES MTEL, [Trad. des] Lettres quatrime e cinquime de Mtel (contre Abailard), Lettres seizime e dix-septime de Mtel, adresss Hlose in DURBAN, DE F., Histoire et ouvrages de Hugues Mtel. Paris, chez lauteur, 1839, pp. 42-51 e 101-110. 304 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] UGO METELLO, Lettere di Ugo Metello a Eloisa, badessa del Paralceto (1-2) in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 314-317. [USP-F]. 19822 [CEPAME] Lettera dei vescovi della Francia al papa, in ABELARDO ed ELOISA, Lettere. A cura di N. C. Truci. Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 361-364. [USP] Litter seu diplomata summorum Pontificum ad Heloissam Paracliti abbatissam in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Parisiis, Durand, 1849, vol. I, p. 719. [Gallica] 2. SOBRE ABELARDO E HELOSA Diversos DRONKE, PETER, Peter Abelard and Heloise in medieval testimonies. Glasgow, UP, 1976. 61 p. [CEPAME]. Republicado em Intellectuals and poets in Medieval Europe. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1992, pp. 245-294. [CEPAME] Anonymi Capitula hresum Petri Ablardi in PETRI ABLARDI Opera Theologica I. Cura et studio E. M. Buytaert. CCCM, 12. Turnholt, Brepols, 1969, T. XII. [USP] Capitula errorum Petri Ablardi in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin. Parisiis, Durand, 1859, vol. II, pp. 765-770. [Gallica] Capitula hresum in PL, 178. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855], 1995, cc. 1049-1054. [UNICAMP] [USP] Errores de Pedro Abelardo (Concilio de Sens, 1140 o 1141) in PEDRO ABELARDO, tica o Concete a ti mesmo. Trad. P. Rodrguez Santidrin. Madrid, Tecnos, 1990. [UNICAMP] [USP]. Barcelona, Altaya, 1997, pp. 151-152. [CEPAME] Liste des propositions condamnes au Concile de Sens in uvres choisies dAblard. Textes prsents et traduits par M. de Gandillac. Paris, Aubier, 1945. 345 p. [PUC-SP] [UNESP] [USP] Exortatio magistri ad discipulum de inquisitione summi boni, hg. von Friedrich H. Rheinwald [editio princeps], in Anecdota ad historiam ecclesiasticam pertinentia. Particula, 1. Berolini, Enslin, 1831, pp. 125-130. Texto reproduzido em PL 178 e ed. Cousin. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google]

49 Exortatio magistri ad discipulum de inquisitione summi boni in SYNAN, E. A., The Exortatio against Peter Abelards in Dialogus inter Philosophum, Iudaeum et Christianum in ODONNELL, J. R., ed., Essays in Honour of Anton Charles Pegis, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1974, pp. 70-192 (pp. 188-192 para o texto). [CEPAME] Epitaphia Ablardi et Epitaphia Heloissa in PETRI ABLARDI Opera. Ed. V. Cousin et al.. Parisiis, Durand, 1849, vol. I, 717-719. [Gallica] GAUTERIUS [Valter] A SANCTO VICTORE, Contra quatuor labyrinthos Francie in PL, 199. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1996. [UNICAMP] [USP] WALTER DE SAINT-VICTOR, Contra quatuor labyrinthos Francie, d. Palemon Glorieux, Archives dhistoire doctrinale et littraire du Moyen ge, Paris, 1952, XIX, pp. 187-335. [USP] GUILLELMUS A SANCTO THEODORICO, Opuscula adversus Petrum Abelardum et de fide. Opera omnia V. Cura et studio Pauli Verdeyen. CCCM, 89A. Turnholt, Brepols, 2007. 217 p. [USP] {NA} Disputation adversus Petrum Ablardum in PL, 180. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1989, cc. 249-328. [UNICAMP] [USP]

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50 [UNICAMP] [USP] OTTO OF FREISING, The Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa by Otto of Freising and his continuator, Rahewin. Transl. C. C. Mierow and R. Emery. New York, Columbia UP, 1953. 366 p. [USP]. Toronto, UP, 1994. [UNICAMP] PETRUS LOMBARDUS, Opera omnia acurante MIGNE, Patrologiae Latina, vols. 191-192. Turnhout, Brepols, [18541] 1991-1995. 2 vols. [UNICAMP] [USP] PETRUS LOMBARDUS, Sententiae in IV Libris distinctae. Ed. I. Brandy. Quarachi, Collge Saint-Bonaventure, 1971-1981. 2 vols. [CEPAME] PIETRO LOMBARDO, Sentenze in TOMMASO DAQUINO, Commento alle Sentenze di Pietro Lombardo e testo integrale di Pietro Lombardo. Curato da R. Coggi. Testo latino e traduzione italiana a fronte. Bologna, Studio Domenicano, 19992002. 10 vols. [USP] Testimonia veterum, ou tmoignages des Anciens concernant Hlose et Abailard in Lettres dAbailard et dHloise. Trad. par E. Oddoul. Paris, G. Houdaille, 18391. Vol. II. [USP]. Paris, Didier, 1876, nouvelle dition, pp. 333-365. [CEPAME] THOMAS MORENIENSIS, Disputatio catholicorum patrum contra dogmata Petri Abailardi in PL, 180. Turnhout, Brepols, [1855] 1989, cc. 283-328. [UNICAMP] [USP] Disputatio catholicorum patrum contra dogmata Petri Abailardi, hg. Nikolaus M. Hring. Spoleto, Estratti dagli Studi medievali, IX, 1983, pp. 299-376. [USP]

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66 [UNICAMP] [USP] MICHAUD, EUGNE, Guillaume de Champeaux et les coles de Paris au XIIe sicle: dapres des documents indits. Paris, Didier, 18672. 547 p. [USP] MLLER, WOLFGANG P., Huguccio, the life, works, and thought of a TwelfthCentury jurist. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 1994. 220 p. [USP] OURSEL, RAYMOND, Il segreto di Cluny. Vita dei santi abati di Cluny da Bernone a Pietro il Venerabile. Trad. A. C. Bertolini. Milano, Jaca Book, 2001. 176 p. [USP] Os cistercienses: documentos primitivos. Introduo e bibliografia F. de Place. Ed. bil. Trad. I. Guimares. So Paulo / Rio de Janeiro, Musa / Lumen Christi, 1997. 245 p. [UNICAMP] PATIN, J.-P. V. (et LE GOFF, J.), A propos de la typologie des miracles dans le Liber de miraculis de Pierre le Vnrable in JOLIVET, J. et al., ds., Pierre Ablard, Pierre le Vnrable. Paris, CNRS, 1975, pp. 181-187. [USP] PENNINGTON, KENNETH, Popes, canonists, and texts, 1150-1550. Aldershot, Ashgate, 1993. [USP] PERNOUD, RGINE, Hildegard de Bingen: a conscincia inspirada do sculo XII. Trad. E. Jacobina. Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, 1996. 134 p. [UNESP] [UNICAMP] [USP] {NA} PETRUS CANTOR PARISIENSIS, Verbum adbreviatum. Textus conflatus. Ed. M. Boutry. CCCM, 196. Turnholt, Brepols, 2004. LXXIV+991 p. [USP] POWELL, JAMES M., The Deeds of Innocent III (Gesta Innocentii III). Ed. and transl. by J. M. Powell. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2004. XLV+286 p. [USP] PSEUDO-JOSCELIN, [Gosselino de Soissons] De generibus et speciebus in PIERRE ABLARD, Ouvrages indites dAblard, pour servir lhistoire de la philosophie scolastique en France, publis par M. Victor Cousin. Paris, Impr. royale, 1836. [Biblioteca Nacional] [CEPAME (PDF)] [Books.google] PSEUDO-JOSCELIN, On genera and species (On integral wholes) in KING, P., Peter Abailard and the problem of universals in the Twelfth Century. Doctoral dissertation in Philosophy. Princeton University, 1982. Vol. 2, Text pp. 143*185*, translation pp. 186*-212*. [USP] {NA} ROSCELIN DE COMPIGNE, Prface du Commentaire des Psaumes, anexe a DAHAN, G., Les prologues des commentaires bibliques (XIIe-XIVe sicles) in HAMESSE, J., d., Les prologues mdivaux. Turnholt, Brepols, 2000, pp. 454459. [USP] RUPERTUS TUITIENSIS, Dialogus inter Christianum et Iudum in PL, 170. Turnhout, Brepols, [18541] 1993, cc. 559-610. [UNICAMP] [USP]

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84 embracing notices of many eminent contemporaries, critical and explanatory ... not contained in any other edition. London, Leavitt & Allen, 1848. 480 p. [Gabinete Portugs de Leitura] Poems of Alexander Pope. General editor J. Butt. London / New York, Routledge, 1993. 11 vols. Eloise to Abelard in Vol. 2. The rape of the lock and other poems. Ed. by G. Tillotson. [UNICAMP] The Poems of Alexander Pope. A one-volume edition of the Twickenham text with selected annotation. Ed. J. Butt. London, Methuen, 1965. 850 p. [UNICAMP] POPE, ALEXANDER, The Poetical Works. Edited by H. Davis, with a new introduction by P. Rogers. Oxford, UP, 1978. 754 p. [UNICAMP] Alexander Pope. A Critical Edition of the Major Works. Ed. P. Rogers. Oxford, UP, 1993. 737 p. [UNICAMP] RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE, N.-E., Le pornographe suivi de La mimographe, [...] Le nouvel Abeilard, [...]. Texte et notes tablis par H. Bachelin; cuivres originaux de G. Ripart. Le uvres completes de Restif de la Bretonne, 3. Paris, Trianon, 1931. 450 p. [USP] RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE, N.-E., Le nouvel Abeilard. [Reimpresso fac-similar da edio de 1778]. uvres completes de Restif de la Bretonne, 74-77. Genve, Slatkine, 1987. 4 vols. [UNICAMP] WILCOX, E. W., The Love sonnets of Abelard & Heloise. Designed and illustratred by M. Fiseherl. Hammond, Conkey, 1907. 22 p. [CEPAME (PDF)] [Archive] ZUMTHOR, PAUL, La porte ct. Montral, lHexagone, 1994. [UFMG] Referncias e repertrios ASNI, RAFFAELLA, Ablard et Hlose sur lcran et la scne de 1900 nos jours in JOLIVET, J., et HABRIAS, H., ds., Pierre Ablard. Rennes, PUR, 2003, pp. 185-204. [USP] {NA} Abelard and Heloise on screen and stage in the XX Century, JOLIVET, J., et al., ds., Pierre Ablard, laube des universits. Nantes, Universit de Nantes, 2001, pp. 291-303. [Listagem de ttulos]. [USP]

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85 HENRIOT, MILE, Portraits de femmes: dHlose Katherine Mansfield. [La vraie Hlose, 1935]. Paris, Michel, 1950. 465 p. [USP] MAZZUCCO, C., MILITELLO, C., VALERIO, A., E Dio li cre... Coppie straordinarie nei primi 13 secoli di cristianesimo: da Perpetua e Saturo a Eloisa e Abelardo. Torino, Paoline, 1990. 276 p. [PUC-MG]


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87 Ccero uvres de Cicron. Texte tabli et traduit H. Bornecque [et al.]. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1924-. 38 vols. [UNICAMP] [USP] Cicero in Twenty-Eight volumes. Edited and translated by D. R. S. Bailey et al.. Loeb. London, Heinemann, 1928-. 1989-. [UNICAMP] [USP] CICERON, De officiis. Recognovit et adnotatione critica instrvxit M. Winterbottom. Bibliotheca oxoniensis. Oxford, UP, 1994. XVIII+172 p. [USP] CICERO, Topica. Ed., intr., and coment. T. Reinhardt. Oxford, UP, 2005. XVI+435 p. [USP] Donato DONATUS, Ars grammatica. Grammatici latini. IV, Probus Donatus Servius. Ed. H. Keil. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Lipsiae, Teubneri, 1864. [USP]. Hildesheim, Olms, 1961. [USP] DONATO, Ars Donati grammatici urbis Romae in HOLTZ, L., Donat et la tradicion de lenseignement grammatical: tude sur lArs Donati et sa difusion (IVe-IXe sicle) et dition critique. Paris, CNRS, 1981. XIX+750 p. [USP] DONATUS ORTIGRAPHUS, Ars grammatica. Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi V. Ed. J. Chittenden. CCCM, 40D. Turnholt, Brepols, 1982. LXI+263 p. [USP] Macrbio MACROBIUS, Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis. Edidit I. Willis. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Lipsiae, Teubneri, 1963. 2 vols. [USP] MACROBE, Commentaire au songe de Scipion. Texte tabli et traduit par Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2001-. Vol. 1. [UNICAMP] MACROBE, uvres. Trad. nouvelle par H. Descamps et al. Paris, Panckoucke, 18451847. 3 vols. [USP] MACROBE [et al.], uvres compltes avec la traduction en franais. Sous la direction de M. Nisard. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1854. 709 p. [UNICAMP] [USP] Sneca Seneca in Then volumes. Ed. and Transl. by R. M. Gummere et al. Loeb. London, Heinemann, 1920-. [USP] uvres de Snque. Texte tabli et traduit par A. Bourgery et al. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1921-. 17 vols. [UNICAMP] [USP]

88 SENECA, Dialogorum libri duodecim. Recognovit et adnotatione critica instrvxit L. D. Reynolds. Bibliotheca oxoniensis. Oxford, UP, 1977. XX+327 p. [USP] SENECA, Ad Lucilium epistulae morales. Recognovit et adnotatione critica instrvxit L. D. Reynolds. Bibliotheca oxoniensis. Oxford, UP, 1965. 2 vols. [UNICAMP] Porfrio Porphyrii Isagoge in Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, IV,I. Ed. A. Busse. Academiae Litterarum Regiae Borussicae, 1887. Berlin, de Gruyter, 2001. [USP] In Porphyrium Dialogi a Victorino translati [et] Boetii Comentaria in Porphyrium a se translata in Boethii Opera omnia, PL, 64, cc. 1-70A, cc. 71A-158D. Turnhout, Brepols, [1847] 1990. [UNICAMP] [Eletr.] [USP] ARISTOTELES, Categoriarum supplementa. Porphyrii Isagoge, Translatio Boethii, et Anonymi Fragmentum vulgo vocatum Liber sex principiorum. Accedunt Isagoges Fragmenta et specimina translationum recentiorum. Ed. L. Minio-Paluello & B. G. Dod. Aristoteles latinus, I, 6-7. Leiden, Brill, [1966] 1997. [PUC-SP] [UNICAMP] [USP] {NA} PORPHYRE, Isagoge. Texte grec et latin (a Boethio translata), trad. par A. de Libera et A.-Ph. Segonds. Intr. et notes par A. de Libera. Paris, Vrin, 1998. [UNICAMP] [USP] Plato Plato Timaeus a Calcidio translatus commentarioque instructus. In societatem operis coniuncto P. J. Jensen edidit J. H. Waszink. CPMA, Plato latinus, IV. Leiden, Brill, 1975. CXCIV+436 p. [USP] CALCIDIO, Commentario al Timeo di Platone. Curato da C. Moreschini. Testo a fronte. Milano, Bompiani, 2003. LXXXVI+808 p. [USP] Prisciano PRICIANUS, Ars grammatica. Grammatici latini. III, 2, Prisciani grammatici Caesariensis Intitutiones grammaticorum libri XVIII. Ed. M. Hertz & H. Keil. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Lipsiae, Teubneri, 1859. [USP]. Hildesheim, Olms, 1961. [USP]


H dois sites especializados importantes: o de Peter King e o de Werner Robl. Esto diponveis a edio da Patrologia Latina e as edies de Cousin. Alm da Gallica e do Books.google (ambos ainda engatinhando), h apenas mais uma meia-dzia de endereos relevantes. Peter King (Univ. of Toronto) http://individual.utoronto.ca/pking/resources/abelard Melhor site para textos. Texto latino sem aparato crtico, introdues e notas: ... in practice, this means the editorial apparatus and notes, which have been systematically removed from the texts given here. ... These texts are no substitute for the real thing....
The proper holder of copyright in a work is the author of that work Anselm as the author of the Proslogion would be its copyright holder (of course, all the works given here have long since become part of the public domain!) It is an established principle of copyright law that the maker of an edition of a text can only claim copyright in those features that are unique or particular to that edition; in practice, this means the editorial apparatus and notes, which have been systematically removed from the texts given here. Hence they are not encumbered by copyright. But even if they were, these texts can be posted. On Wednesday, 31 March 2004, the Federal Court of Canada handed down a ruling on the fair use of copyrighted material on the Internet. As part of his 31 page ruling, Judge Konrad von Finckenstein declared: The mere fact of placing a copy on a shared directory in a computer where that copy can be accessed... does not amount to distribution, and hence not to copyright violation even if they were encumbered by copyright. Law is an unreliable guide to morality, however. These texts are provided here to allow scholars to perform research, and in particular to facilitate computer searches of their content. They are pure ASCII files. I have done some minimal efforts at standardization to make such searches possible (using classical orthography for instance). Please be sure to acknowledge the editors who have put long hours into preparing these texts. Of course, you will need to consult their editions anyway for their editorial apparatus. These texts are no substitute for the real thing. Use them with proper respect for their authors and their editors, who stand behind them.

Werner Robl www.abaelard.de o melhor site de referncias. Textos, bibliografia, lista de manuscritos e iconografia. Patrologia Latina Petri Ablardi Opera omnia ... Migne, J.-P., Patrologia latina, vol. 178. Paris, Garnier,

90 1855. 1.896 c. (948 p.). http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu Edies de Cousin Ouvrages indites dAblard, pour servir lhistoire de la philosophie scolastique en France, publis par M. Victor Cousin. Paris, Impr. royale, 1836. CCIII+680 p. http://books.google.com.br PETRI ABLARDI Opera hactenus seorsim edita nunc primum in unum collegit. Textum ad fidem librorum editorum scriptorumque recensuit, notas, argumenta, indices adjecit V. Cousin. Adjuvantibus C. Joudain et E. Despois. Parisiis, apud Aug. Durand, 1849-1859. 2 vols. http://gallica.bnf.fr Gallica http://gallica.bnf.fr LASSERRE, P., Le secret dAblard. Paris, Albin Michel, 1926. 254 p. PICAVET, F., Ablard et Alexandre de Hales, crateurs de la mthode scolastique. Paris, E. Leroux, 1896. 24 p. RMUSAT, Ch. de, Ablard, sa vie, sa philosophie et sa thologie. Paris, Librairie philosophique de Ladrange, 1845. 2 vols. Revue de metaphysique et de morale. 1893-1938. Books.google http://books.google.com.br Apesar do acervo importante, ainda um site particularmente desconfortvel e praticamente transformado, por presso das editoras, em um site publicitrio. Melhor utilizar em PDF. S esto listados os textos integralmente reproduzidos. Algumas cpias so bastante precrias. Dialogus Petri Ablardi inter Philosophum, Judum e Christianum, Exortatio magistri ad discipulum de inquisitione summi boni, Epitome theologi Christian. Hg. von F. H. Rheinwald, Anecdota ad historiam ecclesiasticam. Particula 1-2. Berolini, Enslin / Herbig, 1831-1835. Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefixed a particular account of their lives, amours and misfortunes extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from thr French by John Hughes. London, J. Watts, 1736, the sixth edition, corrected. 239 p. Lettres et pitres amoureuses dHlose avec les rponses dAblard. Traduites librement en Vers & en Prose par MM. de Bussy, de Beauchamps, Pope,

91 Colardeau, Dorat, Feutry, Mercier, &c. Prcdes de la Vie, des Amours & Infortunes de ces clbres et malheureux poux, par M. A.-C. C**. Et enrichies dune nouvelle Lettre dAblard Hlose, pour servir de Rponse la fameuse Lettre d Hlose, de M. Popoe, par le mme. [S.l., s.n.] 1777. 400 p. POPE, A., Eloisa to Abelard in The Works of Alexander Pope. London, J. F. Dove for Richard Priestley, 1822. Vol. II, pp. 25-58. Eloisa en dishabille: Being a parody of Mr. Popes celebrated epistle of Eloisa to Abelard. Richard Porson, George Tierney, Alexander Pope, John Matthews. London, 1784. 35 p. Vita e lettre di Abelardo e di Eloisa. Traduzione dal francese da Andrea Metr. Venezia, Andrea Santini, 1801. The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise. Trans. by Anonymous, edited by Israel Gollancz and Honnor Morten, 1901. 129 p. Republicado por Forgotten Books, 2007. Lettres dAbrilard et dHlose. Trad. E. Oddoul. Essai historique par M. et Mme. Guizot. Paris, G. Houdaille, 1839. 2 vols. BONNIER, ., Ablard et saint Bernard, la philosophie et lglise au XIIe sicle. Paris, Douniol, 1862. 154 p. COUSIN, V., Ablard in Fragments philosophiques. Paris, Didier, [18361] 1840, pp. 1-227. [Dom] GERVAISE, Vie de Pierre Abelard et celle dHeloise son pouse. A Paris, Jean Musiee & Franois Barois, 1720. 2 vols. [Dom] GERVAISE, Les veritables lettres dAbelard et dHeloise, tires dun ancien Manuscrit Latin trouv dans la Bibliothque de Franois dAmboise, Conseiller dEtat. Traduites par lAuteur de leur Vie [Dom Gervaise], avec des notes historiques et critiques trs curieuses. A Paris, Chez Jean Musier, 1723. [Deux vols.]. T. I: XXI-[1]-322 p. GOIDHORN, D. J. H., De summis principiis theologi Ablarde. Lipsiae, Vogelii, 1836. V+78 p. [In Anecdota ad historiam ecclesiasticam.] FRANCKE, H., Arnold von Brescia und seine Zeit. Nebst Einem Anhang: Uber Die Stiftung Des Paraklet Bei Nogent an Der Seine. Zurich, 1825. 268 p. RMUSAT, Ch. de, Ablard, sa vie, sa philosophie et sa thologie. Paris, Ladrange, 1845. 2 vols. SALTET, L., Sur lthique dAblard. Thse prsente a la facult de thologie protestante de Montauban. Montauban, C. Foresti, 1852. 43 p. TURLOT, F. C., Abeilard et Hlose, avec un aperu du XIIe sicle, compar sous tous les rapports avec le sicle actuel, et une vue de Paris tel quil tait alors. Par F.

92 C. Turlot, de la biblioth du roi. Paris, chez Janet et Cotelle libraires, 1822. 314 p. TIBY, PAUL, Deux couvens au moyen ge, ou lAbbaye de Saint-Gildas et le Paraclet au temps dAblard et dHlose. Paris, Techener, 1851. 202 p. DURBAN, DE F., Histoire et ouvrages de Hugues Mtel, n a Toul en 1080. Ou Mmoires pour servir a lhistoire ecclsiastique du douzimme sicle. Paris, chez lauteur, 1839. 304 p. WIGHT, O. W., The Romance of Abelard and Heloise. New York, Appleton, 1853. 266 p. Archive http://www.archive.org/details/texts Digializao de obras de bibliotecas americanas e canadenses. Algumas cpias so muito precrias. PETER ABAELARDS Logica Ingredientibus: Heft 1, Gloss super Porphyrium. Gloss super Predicamenta Aristotelis. Hg. B. Geyer. Beitrge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Mnster i. W., 1919-1921, Band XII, Heft 1-2. 305 S. MARCH, F. A., ed., Abaelardus: I. Dixit autem Deus: Fiant luminaria in firmamento coeli. II. In annutiatione B. V. Mariae in Latin hymns. With English notes. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1874, pp. 110-114. RMUSAT, Ch. de, Ablard. Drame indit. Publi avec une prface et des notes par son fils Paul de Rmusat, snateur. Paris, Calmann Lvy, 1877. XXV+541 p. THOMPSON, R. J., The ethics of Abelard. Thesis. University of Toronto. 1940. 223 p. WILCOX, E. W., The Love sonnets of Abelard & Heloise. Designed and illustratred by M. Fiseherl.Hammond, Conkey, 1907. 22 p. Association culturelle Pierre Ablard http://www.pierre-abelard.com Boas tradues francsas da correspondncia e extensa miscelnia.

93 Centre Pierre Ablard www.abelard.paris-sorbonne.fr No um site especificamente sobre Abelardo, mas sobre Histria da Filosofia Medieval. Referncias e informaes, boa Bibliotheque darticles e remisso para bibliotecas virtuais: textes en ligne (os textos de Abelardo so os de P. King.) Centre Pierre Ablard: Paris-Sorbonne (Paris-IV). Conseil scientifique: J.-F. Courtine, R. Imbach, C. Michon, Irne Rosier-Catach, J. Schmutz. Fordham University http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source Internet Medieval Sourcebooks Project (Fordham University). History of My Calamities, transl. H. A. Bellows. Abaelardi ad amicum suum consolataria epistola. Heloysae epistola, Heloyse sue ad ipsum deprecatoria. Discussion of Authenticity of the Texts (1997). Prologue to Abelards Sic et non, transl. W. J. Lewis (and S. Barney). Kilcullen, R. J., Lectures on Abelard. (http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/x52t05.html) Raul Corazzon http://www.formalontology.it/abelard.htm Ontology. A Resource Guide for Philosophers. (Site terico, com texto e extensa biobliografia.) Didascalia http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/phil/DIDASCALIA/ Boa revista, com artigos de Y. Iwakuma, da qual s h dois nmeros, 1995-1996. Doctor Virtualis http://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/DoctorVirtualis Rivista online di storia della filosofia medievale. A cura delle cattedre di Storia della filosofia medievale della Universit degli studi di Milano. Direzione: A. Ferrara, F.

94 Forte, M. T. Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, M. Parodi, M. Rossini, M. Di Roberto. Materiale che, in linea di principio, ha un inizio ma non una fine. Gli studi scientifici in senso stretto.

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