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GLOSSRIO REA: ENOLOGIA Bacharelado em Letras Habilitao: Traduo (Ingls-Portugus) Departamento de Letras - PUC-Rio Disciplina: Traduo Tcnico-Cientfica Avanada

2 semestre de 2004 Responsveis pelo glossrio: Mariluce Filizola Carneiro Pessoa e Dafne Malheiros Baddini Colaboradores: Bruna Hartstein e Dbora Landsberg. Este glossrio foi realizado a partir de um corpus de textos sobre enologia publicados em revistas especializadas e traduzidos durante o curso. A disponibilizao do glossrio tem por objetivo oferecer aos tradutores uma ferramenta de auxlio, no se propondo a esgotar os campos conceituais contemplados - o que seria a proposta de um trabalho terminolgico no sentido cientfico do termo. A explicao das abreviaes das fontes e dos sites pode ser encontrada no final do glossrio.


Termo L1
1. ageing process (a. + n.)

Bringing to maturity or a state fit for use. (RH)

Once the wine is bottled, it undergoes a much slower version of this visible ageing process. (Lv1)

Termo L2
processo de envelhecimento (s. + s.)

Os cientistas esto apenas comeando a explicar certas etapas do processo de envelhecimento e de maturao do vinho. (Lv2, p.75) Muitos vinhos so pouco cidos por natureza. Vrios enlogos do novo mundo acrescentam ao vinho cido ascrbico (ou vitamina C) como antioxidante e tambm para melhorar o gosto. (Lv2, p.76)


2. acid (n.)

A compound present in all grapes and an essential component of wine that preserves it, enlivens and shapes its flavors and helps prolong its aftertaste. There are four major kinds of acids--tartaric, malic, lactic and citric--found in wine. Acid is identifiable by the crisp, sharp character it imparts to a wine. (S9) Preventing the entrance or escape of air or gas (RH)

To raise the TA and lower the pH, most winemakers add acid in the form of purchased tartaric acid. (S4)

cido (s.m.)

3. airtight (a.)

If it is given a stint in a storage vessel that is not absolutely airtight such as oak cask, then, it becomes perceptibly paler, browner and less blue. (Lv1) The initial deep purple colour

vedado (a. m.)

A garrafa , ento, vedada e inclinada num cavalete com o gargalo para baixo. (S23)

4. anthocyanin

Any of a class of water-

antocianina (s.f.)

A estabilidade de cor


soluble pigments that give flowers the colors ranging from red to blue (RH)

in young red wine comes from anthocyanins (Lv1)

durante o envelhecimento, em funo do complexo tanino- antocianina formado durante as reaes, o qual mais estvel do que a antocianina isolada, responsvel pela cor em vinhos novos. (S3) prpura escuro (a. + a) A cor dos vinhos tintos pode variar de um tom prpura escuro a toda uma variedade de vermelhos... (Lv2, p. 37)

5. blackish purple (a. + a.)

Purple any color having components of both red and blue, such as lavender, especially one deep in tone. (RH) Blackish purple deep purple. The characteristic aroma of wines, liqueurs, etc. (RH)

A red wine runs out of the fermentation vat as a deep blackish purple liquid with brilliant shocking-pink foam. (Lv1)

6. bouquet (n.)

The intensity of the wine's bouquet depends on the method of production, the grape variety and, perhaps even more, on the age of the wine. (S25)

buqu (s.m.)

Distinguem-se vrios buqus: um buqu primrio correspondente aos aromas do fruto, um buqu secundrio advindo da fermentao e um buqu tercirio decorrente das oxidaes, xido redues e redues que ocorrem durante o envelhecimento. (Lv2, p.363) Esses dois vinhos foram guardados em barril. Com o passar dos anos, o tawny perdeu sua cor prpura de origem. Adquiriu um soberbo vermelho-tijolo. (Lv2, p.37)

7. brick red (a. + a.)

Yellowish or brownish red. (RH)

Once the wine is bottled, it undergoes a much slower version of this visible ageing process that lightens and browns the wine from purple through crimson, ruby, mid-red, fox red, and brick red to tawny. (Lv1)

vermelho-tijolo (a. + s)

8. brown (a.)

A dark tertiary color with a yellowish or reddish hue. (RH)

More colour in a white wine usually indicates more flavour and age, although a brown wine may have gone bad. (S28) This book is addressed not just to those who have started their own cellar by investing in wine by the case. (Lv1)

castanho (a.)

...vinho branco oxidado que adquire cor que vai de dourada a castanho, aroma adocicado (cetnico) e gosto amargo. (S29) Quando escolher uma adega, tire as temperaturas mximas e mnimas em diversos lugares e anote-as para determinar os lugares mais frescos. (Lv2, p. 39) Adega de apartamento. Trata-se de um armrio com controle de temperatura, mantido a temperatura constante. (Lv2, p.38)

9. cellar (n.)

A space built underground or hewn out of live rock used to age wine in casks and/or in the bottle. (S5)

adega (s.f.)

10. cork (n.)

The outer tissues of the stem of the cork oak that in young stems consists of epidermis, cortical tissue, and periderm and in older stems of secondary phloem and periderm, that attains great thickness and that is used commercially for cork stoppers and insulation. (WbT) Any of several deep or vivid reds or purplish reds of rather indefinite range. (WbT)

More recent scientific work has shown that any decent cork offers complete protection against oxidation to a wine cellared on its side (Lv1)

cortia (s.f.)

A cortia possui propriedades fsicas particulares e continua a ser ideal para fechar uma garrafa de vidro. (Lv2, p.78)

11. crimson (a.)

Once the wine is bottled, it undergoes a much slower version of this visible ageing process that lightens and browns the wine from purple through crimson, ruby, mid-

vermelho vivo/intenso (a. + a.)

Com o envelhecimento, os vinhos tintos vo tomando tonalidade alaranjada e chegam at a cor de tijolo. Embora o olho possa ainda estar vermelho intenso, a

red, fox red and brick red. (Lv1)

mudana comea a ser percebida no anel. J nos brancos o envelhecimento provoca mudana de cor amarelo palha para dourado. (S1) declnio (s.m.) O declnio. Um vinho acaba por morrer, pois todas as evolues favorveis sua maturao com o tempo tm um fim. (Lv2, p.36)

12. decline (n.)

A failing or gradual loss as in strength, character, power, or value; deterioration. (RH)

One further frustrating aspect is that, in a sense, one never knows for sure when a wine has reached its peak until that peak is past and the wine begins to show signs of decline. (Lv1) In fact during a wines life the acid level remains more or less constant, if anything diminishing slightly, as alcohols combine with acids to form esters (Lv1) LBV's [Late Bottled Vintage Port] time in wood promotes a more rapid flavor development and maturation. This is one reason they are less complex than Vintage Ports that evolve in bottle over many years. (S22)

13. ester (n.)

A compound produced by the reaction between an acid and an alcohol with the elimination of a molecule of water, as ethyl acetate (RH)

ster (s.f.)

Os steres do vinho, ausentes na uva, se formam durante a fermentao e o envelhecimento. (S13)

14. evolve, to (v.)

To come forth gradually into being; develop (RH)

evoluir (v.)

O chateau, a vincola e o negociante que amadurecem vinhos jovens usam uma srie de procedimentos para clarific-los, estabiliz-los, arredondar suas asperezas e assim permitir que eles evoluam. (Lv2, p.75)

15. fermentation (n.)

The process that occurs when yeast changes the sugar in grapes into alcohol and carbon dioxide. (S6)

If you are making a dry wine, on the other hand, your biggest concern is that the fermentation shouldnt stop before all the sugar is consumed. (S4)

fermentao (s.f.)

... o mosto espesso resultante colocado em barricas de madeira onde sofrer fermentao lenta e intermitente e

envelhecimento por dois a trs anos, resultando um maravilhoso vinho doce de cor mbar. (S1) 16. fermentation vat (a. + n.) A large vessel, such as a tub, cistern, or barrel, used to hold or store liquids (ah) A red wine runs out of the fermentation vat as a deep blackish purple liquid with brilliant shocking-pink foam. (Lv1) cuba de fermentao (s.+ s.) Cuba de fermentao. O suco e as uvas esmagadas so vertidos ou aspirados numa cuba alta de ao inoxidvel ou de madeira. (Lv2, p.72) S os vinhos tintos fermentam com as cascas, que lhes transmitem no s sua cor [...], mas tambm os taninos e os componentes aromticos das cascas e das sementes. (Lv2, p.66) Os taninos do carvalho so diferentes daqueles que so transmitidos ao vinho pelas cascas e pelos engaos das uvas. (Lv2, p. 77) As uvas que chegam s cantinas so esmagadas antes de ser desengaadas, mas essa tradio tende a desaparecer, e hoje em dia a vindima j chega sem o engao. (Lv2, p. 113) desengaar (v.) soltar (bagos de uva) do engao.

17. grape pip (a. + n.)

A small seed, especially of a fleshy fruit (RH)

Like anthocyanins, tannins are phenols, phenolics or polyphenols, and are also found in grape-skins as well as in grape pips and stalks. (Lv1)

semente de uva (s. + s.)

18. grape skin (a. + n.)

Any integumentary covering, casing, outer coating, or surface layer, as an investing membrane, the rind or peel of fruit, or a film on liquid. (RH) The stem or main axis of a plant. (RH)

Like anthocyanins, tannins are phenols, phenolics or polyphenols, and are also found in grape skins as well as in grape pips and stalks. (Lv1)

casca de uva (s. + s.)

19. grape stalk (a. + n.)

Like anthocyanins, tannins are phenols, phenolics or polyphenols, and are also found in grape-skins as well as in grape pips and stalks. (Lv1)

engao (s.m.)

desengaador (s. m.) grade de arame ou fasquia de madeira, sobre

a qual se desengaam os cachos de uva; desengaadeira, ripadeira.

20. harvest (n.)

A mature crop of grain or fruit. (WbT)

There are pros and cons to choosing your grapes after the harvest. The major advantage to post harvest grape choice is obvious. You know exactly at least pretty close what raw material you will receive. (S19)

vindima (s.f.)

Assim, no Chile, para produzir vinho branco, prefervel fazer a vindima entre 5h30 e 11 horas da manh, quando a uva ainda est fresca, a fim de respeitar plenamente os aromas. (Lv2, p.19) A fermentao em barril, associada a um vinhedo bem situado e a um envelhecimento longo e tranqilo, resulta num grande Borgonha branco, uma combinao nica de poder, graa e longevidade. (Lv2, p.113) Os cientistas esto apenas comeando a explicar certa etapas do processo de envelhecimento e de maturao do vinho. (Lv2, p.75) Em conseqncia da sua origem, o vinho um produto vivo que passa pelos perodos de

21. lifespan (n.)

The average length of life of a kind of organism or a material object especially in a particular environment or under specified circumstances. (WbT)

... particularly since so many wines bought by the current wave of relative newcomers to wine have long but varying lifespans. (Lv1)

longevidade (s.f.)

22. maturation (n.)

The amount of time the wine waits at the winery until it is bottled (S7)

During maturation these phenolics, both anthocyanins and tannins, have to aggregate, to form much larger chemical entities or polymerise. (Lv1)

maturao (s.f.)

23. maturity (n.)

The stage in the aging of wines when they have developed all of their characteristic qualities to

Lightening and browning are the two great indicators of red wine maturity. (Lv1)

maturidade (s.f.)

full perfection (S6)

juventude, maturidade e envelhecimento e que, como natural, est sujeito a alteraes. Por esse motivo, o vinho no tem uma composio sempre igual. (S26) much of the research work in warmer wine-producing regions where pHs can easily be higher than four has been concentrated on achieving grape musts with lower pHs can easily be higher than four has been concentrated on achieving grape musts with lower pHs. (Lv1) f it [the wine] is given a stint in a storage vessel that is not absolutely airtight, such as an oak cask, then it becomes perceptibly paler, browner and less blue. (Lv1) mosto (s.m.) Na Argentina o mosto, ou suco de uva nofermentado, deve atingir de 10o a 14o Baum, o que fornece uma indicao aproximada da graduao alcolica potencial do vinho. (Lv2, p.353) Um grau Baum aproximadamente equivalente a 1% de lcool quando o vinho est totalmente fermentado.

24. must (n.)

The unfermented juice as pressed from the grape or other fruit (RH)

25. oak cask (a. + n.)

A container made [of oak] and shaped like a barrel, esp. one larger and stronger, for holding liquids (RH)

barril de carvalho (s. + s.)

Sabe-se h sculos que os barris de carvalho influenciam o gosto de vinho e que a qualidade da madeira tem sua importncia, mas apenas comeamos a compreender por que os vinhos reagem de modo diferente segundo o tempo que passam envelhecendo. (Lv2, p.75) Se os progressos da enologia permitem hoje fazer bom vinho quase no mundo inteiro, de se recear que se fabriquem em toda a parte vinhos que se parecem uns com os

Variao: barrica de carvalho

26. oenology (n.)

A science that treats of wine making or wine (WbT)

For scientific knowledge of wine we look to the great faculties of viticulture and oenology, two disciplines that are increasingly seen as symbiotic halves of one. (Lv1)

enologia (s.f.)

Em ingls, oenology ou enology

outros. (Lv2, p.16) 27. oxidation (n.) A chemical reaction that occurs when a substance is combined with oxygen; oxidation may lead to degradation or deterioration of the substance. (S21) Since a wine in cask is exposed to small but significant amounts of oxygen, it is subject to some oxidation the browning effect that exposure to oxygen can be seen to have on, for example, a cut apple. (Lv1) One further frustrating aspect is that, in a sense, one never knows for sure when a wine has reached its peak until that peak is past and the wine begins to show signs of decline. (Lv1) oxidao (s.f) Quando o oxignio do ar est em contato direto com o vinho, este pode sofrer alteraes na cor e no gosto por oxidao. (Lv2, p. 367)

28. peak (n.)

The time when a wine tastes its best (S1)

apogeu (s.m.)

Esses vinhos so sempre comercializados dois ou trs anos aps sua colheita, enquanto seus melhores crus, em suas melhores safras, merecem esperar alguns anos ou algumas dcadas para atingir seu apogeu. (Lv2, p.36) As solues cidas tm pH menor que 7; as bsicas, maior que 7; e as neutras, em torno de 7. (DA) pH = sigla de potencial hidrogeninico

29. pH (n.)

A chemical measurement of acidity or alkalinity; the higher the ph the weaker the acid. Used by some wineries as a measurement of ripeness in relation to acidity. (S9)

The colour and ageability of a red wine are also determined by the strength of the wines acidity, its pH. (Lv1)

pH (s.m.)

30. phenol (n.)

A white, crystalline, watersoluble, poisonous mass, C6H5OH, obtained from coal tar, or a hydroxyl derivative of benzene: used chiefly as a disinfectant, as an antiseptic, and in organic synthesis. Also called carbolic acid, hydroxybenzene, oxybenzene, phenylic acid. (RH) Any of the class of thermosetting resins formed by the condensation of phenol, or of a phenol derivative, with an aldehyde, especially formaldehyde: used chiefly in the manufacture of paints and plastics and as adhesives for sandpaper and plywood. Also called phenolic, phenoplast (RH)

Like anthocyanins, tannins are phenols, phenolics or polyphenols, and are also found in grape-skins as well as in grape pips and stalks. ( Lv1)

fenol (s.m.)

Os polifenis contidos nas clulas de carvalho []; at hoje, foram identificados mais de sessenta, entre os quais dezoito fenis diferentes, sendo a baunilha o mais importante. (Lv2, p.77)

31. phenolic (n.)

Like anthocyanins, tannins are phenols, phenolics or polyphenols, and are also found in grape-skins as well as in grape pips and stalks.( Lv1)

fenlico (a.)

A conservao do vinho em barrica de carvalho durante o seu amadurecimento uma prtica antiga, que permite afinar o vinho e prepar-lo para o envelhecimento na garrafa. Afinar significa: evoluo da cor e mudana no sabor do vinho. tambm a modificao da estrutura de compostos fenlicos, atravs do fenmeno de xidoreduo. (S1) Os polifenis contidos nas clulas do carvalho constituem o acrscimo aromtico que buscado para certos vinhos. (Lv2, p.77)

Em ingls, usa-se a palavra phenolic como substantivo ou adjetivo, mas em portugus, essa palavra usada apenas como adjetivo, precisando, portanto, ser precedida de um substantivo, como no exemplo ao lado.

32. polyphenol (n.)

A polymeric phenol (RH)

Like anthocyanins, tannins are phenols, phenolics or polyphenols, and are also found in grape-skins as well as in grape pips and stalks. ( Lv1)

polifenol (s.m.)

Polifenol - Fenol com vrias hidroxilas. (DH)

33. produce (v.)

To make or manufacture (RH)

But the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians were probably the first to produce wine by fermenting grapes. (S18)

elaborar (v.)

Atualmente se elabora o vinho em quase todos os estados do pas os mais importantes so Washington, Oregon e Nova York... (Lv2, p.264) Podero ser identificadas duas regies: a regio central ou olho, onde a cor mais concentrada e a borda perifrica ou anel, que tem cor menos concentrada, pois o volume de vinho menor nessa regio e a cor fica esmaecida. (S1) ...durante sua evoluo, [os vinhos tintos] adquirem tons rubi e vermelhomarrom, depois as nuances acaju dos velhos vinhos. (Lv2, p.48)

34. rim (n.)

35. ruby (a.)

Refers to the edge of a wine surface as seen through a ballon (goblet) style wineglass held at an angle of about 30-40 deg. from the vertical and viewed against a white piece of paper or cloth using natural light. Used in evaluation of wine age. (S30) The color of the ruby: a dark red that is bluer, lighter, and stronger than average garnet or average wine and less strong and very slightly yellower than cranberry of textiles (WbT) The act of storing; state or fact of being stored; store to deposit in a storehouse, warehouse, or other place for keeping. (RH)

it is helpful to the wine drinker to note that the colour of a glassful of wine is the most revealing indicator of the wines maturity. (Lv1)

anel (s. + m.)

Once the wine is bottled, it undergoes a much slower version of this visible ageing process that lightens and browns the wine from purple through crimson, ruby, mid-red, fox red and brick red. (Lv1) If it is given a stint in a storage vessel that is not absolutely airtight, such as an oak cask, then it becomes perceptibly paler, browner and less blue. (Lv1) Such a wine is often described as drying out, an expression that, confusingly, has nothing to do with the sweetness level in the wine (Lv1)

rubi (a.m.)

36. storage (n.)

guarda (s. + f.)

A guarda em barris permite uma excelente conservao, desde que o barril esteja cheio e que o vinho no fique em contato com o ar... (Lv2, p.35) O Mlaga fortificado [...]. Ele deve seu carter complexo e sua doura adio de vinhos doces, de xaropes e de mostos

37. sweetness (n.)

The sugary taste of a wine. (S7)

doura (s.f.)

concentrados. (Lv2, p.227) 38. tannic (a.) (Of wine) having an astringent taste imparted by the presence of tannin (RH) The larger the aggregation the softer and less painfully, spicily tannic is the impression on the palate. (Lv1) tnico (a.m.) Certos vinhos, tnicos, cidos e concentrados, devem ser deixados para envelhecer anos a fio, para terem tempo de se arredondar. (Lv2, p.36) Os taninos do carvalho so diferentes daqueles que so transmitidos ao vinho pelas cascas e pelos engaos das uvas. (Lv2, 77)

39. tannin (n.)

40. tartaric acid (a. + n.)

The mouth-puckering substance found mostly in red wines that is derived primarily from grape skins, seeds and stems, but also from oak barrels. Tannin acts as a natural preservative that helps wine age and develop. (S1) The principal acid in wine. (S9)

Tannins are also closely linked to anthocyanins, as a determinant of longevity. (Lv1)

tanino (s.m.)

wine has always risen deterioration that threatens most other victuals, not just because of its alcohol content but also because the fruit of the vine family has such a high level of tartaric acid, a notifiable inhibitor of the microbe. (Lv1) all the research work achieved by wine academics and the more academically minded wine producers concerns vine and wine at some point during the production process, (Lv1)

cido tartrico (s. + a.)

Sensao de frescor agradvel, provocada pelos cidos do vinho (ctrico, tartrico, mlico, ltico, succnico) e que resulta em salivao. (S1)

41. vine (n.)

A grape plant (RH)

vinha (s.f.)

A seleo recorrente das vinhas e a seleo de clones tendem produo de uvas sadias que amadurecem perfeitamente. (Lv2,69) Um p de videira pode viver um sculo ou mais, mas a maioria dos

sin. videira (s.f.)

produtores arranca as vinhas com mais de quarenta anos, quando elas produzem menos cachos. (Lv2, p.67) 42. vineyard (n.) A plantation of grapevines, especially one producing grapes for winemaking (RH) n general the smaller the yield of grapes from a vineyard, the more concentrated the anthocyanins, (Lv1) vinhedo (s.m.) o mldio e a podrido podem invadir o vinhedo se as uvas no forem protegidas por tratamentos. (Lv2, p.67) Consegue-se tambm maior complexidade com algumas tcnicas de vinificao, como a fermentao sur lie (quando o vinho deixado em contato com seus sedimentos naturais por algum tempo) e a fermentao maloltica (processo pelo qual o cido mlico transformado em cido ltico, mais suave). (S3) Em busca de mais espao nesse mercado promissor, os produtores brasileiros descobriram que a melhor maneira de conseguir qualidade com produtividade est na base da vinicultura: os vinhedos. (S1) Uma onda de devastao sin. vinha (s.f.)

43. vinification (n.)

The conversion of a fruit juice or other saccharine solution into alcohol by fermentation (WbT)

A common cause of H2S in wines, detected as a rotten-egg smell, is vinification from grapes that have been overtreated with sulfur-based vineyard mildew and fungus inhibitors. (S4)

vinificao (s.f.)

O verbo vinificar Fazer vinho uma das tcnicas que o homem domina h muito tempo. Durante milnios, vinificar se tornou uma arte... (Lv2, p.65)

44. viniculture (n.)

The science or study of making wines (RH)

Another winery site with a good deal of general information on viniculture is the Williamsburg Winery in Virginia. (S9)

vinicultura (s.f.)

45. vintage (n.)

The wine made in a

fundamentally, a vintage is

safra (s.f.)

particular year, or a particular year in which wine has been made (CUP)

just a year, the year in which the grapes were grown that eventually became the wine in your glass (unless it's been blended, which is another story). (S2)

varreu importantes vinhedos da Itlia e da Frana, decretando a morte da safra 2002 para algumas das mais apreciadas bebidas do planeta. (S3) viticultura (s.f.) A partir do sculo XX a elaborao dos vinhos tomou novos rumos com o desenvolvimento tecnolgico da viticultura e da enologia, propiciando conquistas tais como o cruzamento gentico de diferentes cepas de uvas... (S1) A verdade que os vinicultores europeus raramente se interessam por enzimas. Muitos vo at o enologista [...] ou distribuidor de produtos enolgicos de sua regio e explicam que tipo de vinho eles querem fabricar. (S17) [Curso de] Degustao didtica de vinhos com o jornalista e enfilo Marcelo Copello ABS Rio (Associao Brasileira de Sommeliers do Rio) e colunista do jornal

46. viticulture (n.)

1. The culture or cultivation of grapevines; grape growing 2. The study or science of grapes and their culture (RH)

For scientific knowledge of wine we look to the great faculties of viticulture and oenology, two disciplines that are increasingly seen as symbiotic halves of one. (Lv1)

47. wine distributor ( a. + n.)

a wholesaler who has exclusive rights to market, within a given territory, the goods of a manufacturer or company. (RH)

Die-hard cynics, of which I am not one, might suggest that is because it is in the interest of distributors and retailers not to encourage the new wine drinker to garner his collection of expensive wines waiting for them to mature (Lv1)

distribuidor (s.m.)

48. wine drinker (a. +n.)

a person who drinks (RH) [wine]; Oenophile (Also Enophile): A wine lover or connoisseur of wine. (S6)

Vintage Timecharts attempts to answer the question most often and most justifiably put by wine drinkers: when is this wine ready to drink? (Lv1)

enfilo (s.m.)

Gazeta Mercantil. (S1) 49. wine producer (a. + n.) A person who produces (wine) (RH) Robert Parker yesterday criticised French wine producers for the way they package and promote their product. (S12) produtor de vinho (s. + s.) O amante de vinho, desejoso de captar as sutilezas dos aromas e dos perfumes de um Borgonha, precisa, ento, escolher, selecionar, para encontrar seu prazer entre os inmeros vinhos dos produtores ou dos negociantes, e desembaraar o emaranhado das denominaes. (Lv2, p.111) Eduardo Viotti diretor da revista mensal Vinho Magazine, a primeira e nica publicao brasileira independente sobre vinhos. membro efetivo da Fijev, Federao Internacional dos Escritores sobre Vinho e Espirituosos, organizao internacional com sede em Bruxelas, Blgica. (S11) Se a temperatura ambiente insuficiente, as leveduras podem parar de trabalhar antes de ter transformado todo o acar; (Lv2, p. 70) Brix

50. wine writer (a. + n.)

A person engaged in writing books or articles (RH) [about wine]

Who would have thought, in the early 1970's, that the young lad tearing out to Henderson on a motorbike most Saturdays to buy Fino Vineyards medium red wine would have ended up as New Zealand's top wine writer? (S10)

escritor sobre vinho (s. + s.)

51. yeast (n.)

Any of various small, single-celled fungi of the phylum Ascomycota that reproduce by fission or budding, the daughter cells often remaining attached, and that are capable of fermenting carbohydrates

Depending on the yeast that was used for fermentation, residual sugars are found on wines resulting from grapes harvested above 25Brix. (S24)

levedura (s. f.)

escala hidromtrica que indica a percentagem em peso de acar em soluo. (DH)

into alcohol and carbon dioxide. (RH)

Informaes gramaticais: n. = noun a. = adjective v. = verb s. = substantivo m. = masculino f. = feminino a. = adjetivo v. = verbo sin = sinonmia Fontes: Sites visitados em setembro de 2004.

S1 Academia do Vinho: http://www.academiadovinho.com.br/convivio/servico.htm S2 www.winespectator.com/wine/vintage charts/0,1183,,00.html S3 Associao Brasileira de Sommeliers: http://www.sbav-sp.com.br/ S4 http://winemakermag.com/feature/75.html S5 Rioja & Navarra Wines Wine glossary http://www.trinor.com/WineEN/WineTermsEN.html S6 http://www.virtualitalia.com/recipes/terms.shtm+%22The+stage+in+the+aging+of+wines%22&hl=pt-BR

S7 http://www.620ktar.com/wine/glossary.aspx S8 http://www.winecaveinc.com/resources/glossary.htm S9 http://www.winepros.org/wine101/viniculture.htm+viniculture&hl=pt-BR S10 www.wineoftheweek.com/persarch/pers001231.html+%22wine+writer%22&hl=pt-BR S11 http://www.herbario.com.br/dataherb12/2012vinhoguia.htm+vinho+magazine+escritores&hl=pt-BR S12 http://www.decanter.com/news/56077.html+wine+producers&hl=pt-BR S13 http://www.vinhosnet.com.br/artigo.asp%3Fartigo%3D4+%C3%A9steres+vinho&hl=pt-BR&lr=lang_pt S15 www.stavin.com/glossary.htm S16 http://www.frenchedonist.com/uk/discover/wine.htm+produce+wine&hl=pt-BR S17 http://www.novozymes.com/library/Publications/Biotimes_Sprog/PT_wine.pdf. S18 http://www.frenchedonist.com/uk/discover/wine.htm+produce+wine&hl=pt-BR S19 http://www.brehmvineyards.com/spring01grapeexplorer.pdf&w=harvest+grape&d=5F7867451F&icp=1&.intl=us S20 http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn?stage=1&word=ageing S21 oils.gpa.unep.org/facts/glossary.htm S22 http://www.wineloverspage.com/port/hersh021502.phtml+evolve+vinho&hl=pt-BR S23 Vini de Portugal: http://www.viniportugal.pt/html/actividades/mpa/portugal/files/viniportugal3.pdf. S24 http://www.newworldwinemaker.com/article.asp?id=84&mode=current S25 http://www.zwackborhaz.hu/en/borkostolas-illat.jsp#k3 S26 www.lusawines.com/conhecerVinho.asp+maturidade+vinho&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF-8 S27 http://www.killerby.com.au/rituals_wine_list.htm (Adapted from Killerby Vineyards) S28 www.tasting-wine.com/html/tasting.html S29 www.e-vinho.com.br/magazine/glossario.php CUP = cambridge university press: http://uk.cambridge.org/

Livros e dicionrios

Lv1 = Vintage Timecharts Lv2 = Larousse do Vinho WbT = Websters Third Dictionary RH = Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary DA = Dicionrio Aurlio Sculo XXI DH= Dicionrio Houaiss da lngua portuguesa (UOL)

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