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Disciplina: Ingls IV

REQUISITO:nenhum ANO: II SEMESTRE: II JUSTIFICAO Neste mdulo, o estudante ir melhorar e aperfeioar a competncia comunicativa em Ingls lngua especfica, orientada para as reas da pesquisa. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS Ao terminar a formao, o estudante dever ser capaz de: Competncias Genricas: Investigar Comunicar Comportamentos de Distino Desenhar questionarios Desenvolver Projectos Analizar dados Relaes Humanas TIC Competncias Especficas: Formular hipteses da realidade e da irrealidade. Compreender textos de literatura, linguagem relacionada ao investigao. Vocabulrio da investigao. Comunicao oral, escrita e leitura em lngua Ingl s. Entrevistar turistas Falar de hipteses, Apresentar resultados. TEMAS 1. Areas of research, developing hypothesis 2. Questionnaire design question types (open/closed) 3. Sample groups and data bases 4. Collecting and analysing data 5. Appropriate behaviours for a researcher 6. Field research 7. Preparation of data and presentation of results TOTAL Tericas 03 03 03 03 02 03 04 20 HORAS Prticas Trabalho Independente 03 10 03 10 06 06 02 04 03 28 10 20 10 20 20 100 Total 16 16 19 29 14 27 27 148


LITERATURA INDICATIVA 1 Gouldner and Mackintosh (1986)Tourism, Principles, Practices and Philosophies, New York 2 Davidson, Rob (1993)Tourism, London: Pitman Publishing. 3 Harding, Keith (1998), Going International. English for Tourism, Oxford University press 4 Jacob, Miriam; Strutt, Peter (1997), English for international Tourism. Longman. (course book and student book) 5 Brent W. Richie, Peter M. Burns, Catherine A. Palmer (2005) Tourism Research Methods: Integrating theory with Practice, CABI Publishing 6 Anthony J. Veal (2006) Research Methods for leisure and tourism. A practical Guide, Prentice Hall/Financial Times

Objectives of the course: To study and understand different types of questionnaires. Qualitative and quantitative. To study and understand different question forms and use them appropriately. To create hypothesis, which can be tested through field research. To study and understand appropriate sets of behaviour for a researcher. To design and implement research using questionnaires To analyse and present the findings of the research. Evaluation: This course will evaluate the student in the following areas: The student will produce a questionnaire designed to test a previously agreed hypothesis. To conduct field research using the questionnaire. To analyse and present the results of the research. Course structure Week one: presentation of the course, a study of question forms, and discussion about quantitative and qualitative research. Week two: case studies of professional research and students questionnaires. Critical analysis. Week three: Developing hypothesis and question structures. Week four: Submission of questionnaires. Appropriate behaviour for researchers, pilot field studies Week five: field work Week six: extrapolating data from field results Week seven: presenting data and trends. Week eight: final presentations. Week nine: final presentations. Beside the issues presented above, there will be some adopted lessons to fill the needs of the students due to communication.

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