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Pressione [ \ ] "barra" durante o jogo para abrir a consola.

Introduza um dos se
guintes cdigos para activar a respectiva funo, tendo em conta que as realizaes (Achie
vements) sero desactivadas quando introduzir cheats:
0004E4EE Dawnbreaker
tgm - Activa/desactiva o modo Deus (Invencibilidade, capacidade de carga infinit
tcl - Activa/desactiva o modo No-clip (voar, atravessar as paredes)
coc "Localizao" - Teleporte para a localizao indicada (ex. coc qasmoke)
psb - Ganha todos os feitios
player.advlevel - O jogador sobre um nvel (sem pontos para regalias)
caqs - Completa todos os Quest Stages
tmm,1 - Activa/desactiva as marcaes no mapa
tfc - Cmara livre saq - Inicia todas as misses do zero
qqq - Abandona o jogo
tai - Activa/desactiva a Inteligncia Artificial (congela os inimigos)
tcai - Activa/desactiva o combate da Inteligncia Artificial (congela os inimigos)
tg - Activa/desactiva a relva
tm - Activa/desactiva os menus, HUD
tfow - Activa/desactiva o Fumo de Guerra
kill - Mata o que estiver na mira
resurrect - Ressuscita o que estiver na mira
unlock - Desbloqueia o objecto que estiver na mira
lock X - Bloqueia os bas, portas e pessoas (X o nvel do bloqueio)
killall - Mata todos os inimigos que estiverem prximos
removeallitems - Remove todos os itens do NPC que estiver na mira
enableplayercontrols - Activa os controles durante os cinemticos
tdetect - Activa/desactiva deteco de AI (evitar ser encontrado a roubar)
setownership - Altera o dono do objecto que est na mira
duplicateallitems - Duplica os itens
fov XXX - Altera o campo de viso (XXX o valor)
advancepclevel - Aumenta o nvel do jogador
advancepcskill (nome da habilidade) X - Aumenta o nvel da habilidade indicada
advskill [habilidade] XXX - Aumenta a habilidade em XXX (quantidade)
setpcfame - Define a fama do personagem na mira
setpcinfamy - Define a infmia do personagem na mira
player.modav carryweight X - Define a capacidade de carga
player.modav burden X - Aumenta a carga em X
player.modav Dragonsouls X - Adiciona Dragon's Souls em X
player.setav speedmult X - Aumenta a velocidade de movimentos, onde X a percenta
player.setav Fatigue X - Define a fadiga
player.setav Health X - Define a sade
player.setcrimegold X - Coloque 0 (zero) se quiser ser livre
player.setav Magicka X - Define a Magicka
player.setlevel X - Define o nvel
player.placeatme X - Cria um NPC na sua localizao, onde X a identificao do NPC
player.setscale X - Altera a escala do jogadores, onde 1 normal
player.IncPCS [habilidade] - Aumenta o nvel da habilidade introduzida em 1
showracemenu - Activa o menu de seleco de raa e personalizao de personagem. NOTA: Ist
o vai trazer o personagem para o nvel 1 e todas as habilidades para os valores in
help - Mostra a lista de comandos
player.additem XXXXXXXX "###"- Adiciona itens (ver cdigos no final), onde XXXXXXX
X o cdigo do item e ### a quantidade. Exemplos:
player.additem 0000000f "999" - Ganha 999 ouro
player.additem 0000000a "100" - Ganha 100 Lockpicks
0000000f Gold
0000000a Lockpicks
0005ACDB OreCorundum
0005ACDD OreOrichakum
0005ACDE OreGold
0005ACDF OreSilver
0005ACE0 OreMoonstone
0005ACE1 OreMalachite
0005AC E2 OreQuicksilver
0005AC E3 ingotSilver
0005AC E4 Ingotlron
0005ACE5 IngotSteel
0005AD93 IngotCorundum
0005AD99 IngotOrichalcum
0005AD9D IngotEbony
0005AD9E IngotGold
0005AD9F IngotlMoonstone
0005ADA0 IngotQuicksilver
0005ADA1 IngotMalachite
00038341 FalmerArrow
00034182 DraugrArrow
000236DD TrapDart
00020F02 CWArrowShort
00020DDF CWArrow
000139C0 DaedricArrow
000139BF EbonyArrow
000139BE GlassArrow
000139BD ElvenArrow
000139BC Dwarven Arrow
000139BB Orcish Arrow
0001397F SteelArrow
0001397D IronArrow
0010EC8C DwaivenSphereBolt02
0010E2DE Foil owerlron Arrow
0010B0A7 bound Arrow
00109AB6 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo06
00109AB5 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo04
00109AB4 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo03
00109AB3 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo02
00105EE7 MQ101 Steel Arrow
OOOEAFDF Nord Hero Arrow
000E738A dunGeirmundSigdisArrowsIllusion
000CEE9E ForswornArrow
OOOCAB52 dunArcherPracticeArrow
000961D6 dunJaphetsFollyCWCatapultAmmo
0007B935 DwarvenSphereBoltOl
0007B932 DwarvenSphereArrow
00073FE6 CWCatapultAmmo
0006DA4F TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmoOl
0006A0BF DummyArrow
00052E99 FXDustDropAmmoTiny
00052E97 FXDustDropAmmoSm
0003BDF7 FXDustDropAmmoMed
0001895F FirebrandWine
0002C35A FoodBlackBriarMead
0003133B FoodWineAlto
0003133C FoodWineBottle02
00034C5D FoodMead
00034C5E FortifySkillBlock02
000398AB FortifySkillBlock03
000398AC FortifySkillBlock04
000398AD FortifySkillConjuration02
000398EC FortifySkillConjuration03
000398ED FortifySkillConjuration04
000398EE FortifySkiIIDestruction02
000398Fl FortifySkiIIDestruction03
000398F3 FortifySkiIIDestruction04
000398F4 FortifySkillHeavyArmor02
000398F5 FortifySkillHeavyArmor03
000398F6 FortifySkillHeavyArmor04
000398FD FortifySkiIILockpickingOl
00039945 FortifySkiIILockpicking02
00039946 FortifySkiIILockpicking03
00039948 FortifySkillLockpicking04
00039949 FortifySkillMarksman02
0003994B FortifySkillMarksman03
0003994E FortifySkillMarksman04
0003994F FortifySkillOneHanded02
00039955 FortifySkillOneHanded03
00039956 FortifySkillOneHanded04
00039957 FortifySkillPickpocket02
00039958 FortifySkillPickpocket04
00039959 FortifySkillPickpocket03
0003995A FortifySkillSneak02
00039969 FortifySkillSneak03
0003996F FortifySkillSneak04
00039970 FortifySkillBarter03
00039973 FortifySkillBarter04
00039974 FortifySkillTwoHanded02
00039980 FortifySkillTwoHanded03
00039AA6 FortifySkillTwoHanded04
00039BOC FortifyStaminaRate03
00039B4A ResistFire25
00039B4B ResistFire75
00039B8A ResistFrost25
00039BDF ResistFrost75
00039BE1 ResistShock25
00039BE3 ResistShock75
00039BE4 RestoreHealth05
00039BE5 RestoreHealth06
00039BE6 RestoreMagicka05
00039BE7 RestoreStamina02
00039CF3 RestoreStamina06
00039CFB ResistMagic25
00039E53 ResistMagic50
00039E54 ResistMagic75
00039E55 ResistMagiclOO
0003A5A4 DamageHealthOl
0003AC2E WaterbreathingOl
0003AC2F Waterbreathing02
0003AC30 Waterbreathing03
0003AC31 Waterbreathing04
0003EADD RestoreHealthOl
0003EADE RestoreHealth02
0003EADF RestoreHealth03
0003EAE0 RestoreMagickaOl
0003EAE1 RestoreMagicka02
0003EAE2 RestoreMagicka03
0003EAE3 RestoreHealth04
0003EAE4 RestoreMagicka04
0003EAE5 RestoreStaminaOl
0003EAE6 RestoreStamina05
0003EAE7 RestoreStamina03
0003EAE8 RestoreStamina04
0003EAE9 ResistFire50
0003EAED ResistFrost50
0003EAEE ResistShock50
0003EAEF ResistFirelOO
0003EAF0 ResistFrostlOO
0003EAF1 ResistShocklOO
0003EAF2 FortifyHealthOl
0003EAF4 FortifyHealth02
0003EAF5 FortifyHealth04
0003EAF6 FortifyHealth03
0003EAF7 FortifyMagickaOl
0003EAFA FortifyMagicka02
0003EAFB FortifyMagicka03
0003EAFC FortifyMagicka04
0003EAFD FortifyStaminaOl
0003EAFE FortifyStamina03
0003EAFF FortifyStamina04
0003EB00 FortifyStamina02
0003EB02 FortifyCarryOl
0003EB03 FortifyCarry03
0003EB04 FortifyCarry04
0003EB05 FortifyCarry02
0003EB09 FortifyHealRateOl
0003EB0A FortifyHealRate02
0003EB0B FortifyHealRate03
0003EB0C FortifyHealRate04
0003EB0D FortifyMagickaRateOl
0003EB0E FortifyMagickaRate02
0003EB0F FortifyMagickaRate03
0003EB10 FortifyMagickaRate04
0003EB11 FortifyStaminaRateOl
0003EB12 FortifyStaminaRate02
0003EB14 FortifyStaminaRate04
0003EB2A FortifySkillOneHandedOl
0003EB2B FortifySkillTwoHandedOl
0003EB2C FortifySkillMarksmanOl
0003EB2E FortifySkiHSmithingOl
0003EB2F FortifySkillHeavyArmorOl
0003EB30 FortifySkiIILightArmotOl
0003EB31 FortifySkillPickpocketOl
0003EB32 FortifySkillBlockOl
0003EB33 FortifySkillSneakOl
0003EB35 FortifySkillBarterOl
0003EB36 FortifySkiII
0003EB39 InvisibilityOl
0003EB3F Invisibility03
0003EB40 Invisibility02
0003EB41 Invisibility04
0003F4BD WindhelmDoubleDistilledSkooma
000508CA FoodHonningbrewMead
000555E8 FreeformDragonBridgeMead
0005566A MarkarthBothelaPotion
0005629E DefaultPoison
0005661F DefaultPotion
00057A7A Skooma
00057A7B FreeformAngasMillKordirsSkooma
00058CFB DB03Poison
0005F6DF DA16TorporPotion
00064B2E FoodApple
00064B2F FoodApple02
00064B30 FoodBoiledCremeTreat
00064B31 FoodCheeseWedgeOl
00064B32 FoodCheeseWedge02
00064B33 FoodCheeseWheelOlA
00064B34 FoodCheeseWheel02A
00064B35 FoodCheeseWheelOlB
00064B36 FoodCheeseWheel02B
00064B38 FoodLongTaffyTreat
00064B3A FoodPotatoesBaked
00064B3B FoodSalmonCooked
00064B3C FoodSlaughterfishCooked
00064B3D FoodSweetroll
00064B3E FoodLeeksGrilled
00064B3F FoodCabbage
00064B40 FoodCarrot
00064B41 FoodPotato
00064B42 FoodTomato
00064B43 FoodPie
00065A64 CurePoison
00065A65 DamageMagickaOl
00065A66 DamageStaminaOl
00065A68 FeatOl
00065A69 FrenzyOl
00065A6A ParalyzeOl
00065A6B WeaknessFireOl
00065A6C WeaknessFrostOl
00065A6D WeaknessShock02
00065A6E WeaknessMagicOl
00065A6F DamageHealthLingetOl
00065A70 DamageMagickaLingetOl
00065A71 DamageStaminaLingetOl
00065C37 RiftenSpecialOl
00065C38 RiftenSpecial02
00065C39 RiftenSpecial03
00065C97 FoodBreadOlA
00065C98 FoodBreadOlB
00065C99 FoodBeef
00065C9A FoodGoatMeat
00065C9B FoodHorkerMeat
00065C9C FoodHorseMeat
00065C9D FoodPheasant
00065C9E FoodRabbit
00065C9F FoodSalmon
000663E1 IVDGhostPotion
000669A2 FoodVenison
000669A3 FoodMammothCheeseBowl
000669A4 FoodMammothMeat
000669A5 FoodLeek
0006A07E DummyPotion
000721E8 FoodBeefCooked
0007224C FoodGoatMeatCooked
0007224E FoodHorkerMeatCooked
000722BO FoodHorseMeatCooked
000722BB FoodMammothMeatCooked
000722BD FoodVenisonCooked
000722C2 FoodRabbitCooked
000722C7 FoodPheasantCooked
00073F31 DamageHealth02
00073F32 DamageHealth03
00073F33 DamageHealth04
00073F34 DamageHealth05
00073F35 DamageHealthLinget02
00073F36 DamageHealthLinget03
00073F37 DamageHealthLinger04
00073F38 DamageHealthLinget05
00073F39 DamageMagicka02
00073F3A DamageMagicka03
00073F3B DamageMagicka04
00073F3C DamageMagicka05
00073F3D DamageMagickaLinget02
00073F3E DamageMagickaLinger03
00073F3F DamageMagickaLinger04
00073F40 DamageMagickaLinget05
00073F41 DamageStamina02
00073F42 DamageStamina03
00073F43 DamageStamina04
00073F44 DamageStamina05
00073F45 DamageStaminaLinget02
00073F46 DamageStaminaLinger03
00073F47 DamageStaminaLinger04
00073F48 DamageStaminaLinget05
00073F49 WeaknessFire02
00073F4A WeaknessFire03
00073F4B WeaknessFire04
00073F4C WeaknessFire05
00073F4D WeaknessFrost02
00073F4E WeaknessFrost03
00073F4F WeaknessFrost04
00073F50 WeaknessFrost05
00073F52 WeaknessShockOl
00073F53 WeaknessShock03
00073F54 WeaknessShock04
00073F55 WeaknessShock05
00073F56 WeaknessMagic02
00073F57 WeaknessMagic03
00073F58 WeaknessMagic04
00073F59 WeaknessMagic05
00073F5A Frenzy02
00073F5B Frenzy03
00073F5C Frenzy04
00073F5D Frenzy05
00073F5E Fear02
00073F5F Fear03
00073F60 Fear04
00073F61 Fear05
00073F8B DamageStaminaRateOl
00073F8C DamageStaminaRate02
00073F8D DamageStaminaRate03
00073F8E DamageStaminaRate04
00073F90 DamageMagickaRecoveryOl
00073F91 DamageMagickaRecovery02
00073F92 DamageMagickaRecovery03
00073F93 DamageMagickaRecovery04
00073F94 DamageMagickaRecovery05
00074A38 Paralyze02
00074A39 Paralyze03
00074A3A Paralyze04
00074A3B Paralyze05
00076F17 TGOOFalmerBlood
00085368 FoodSolitudeSpicedWine
0009380D DA14Water
000AE723 CureDisease
000AED90 dunSleepingTreeCampSap
000B91D7 WEDL03CyrodilicBrandy
000C5348 FoodWineBottle02A
000C5349 FoodWineAltoA
OOOCADFB FavorFoodMarkarthSpicedBeef
000CD614 FoodMarriageMeal
000CD883 FavorNightshadeExtract
000D055E FavorSorexRum
000D6948 FortifySkillPersuasionOl
000D6949 FortifySkillPersuasion02
000D697F FortifySkillPersuasion03
000D6980 FortifySkillPersuasion04
000DC172 TGTQ02BalmoraBlue
000E2D3D CWOlBWraithPoison
000E41B8 FrostbiteVenom
000E6DF5 BladesPotion
000E8448 FoodCharredSkeeverMeat
000E8947 FoodChickenCooked
000EBA01 FoodAppleCabbageStew
000EBA02 FoodCabbageSoup
000EBA03 FoodClamMeat
000EDB2E FoodDogMeat
000F1464 FoodChicken
000F257E MS14WineAltoA
000F4314 FoodBeefStew
000F4315 FoodHorkerStew
000F431B FoodCabbagePotatoSoup
000F431C FoodTomatoSoup
000F431D FoodVenisonStew
000F431E FoodVegetableSoup
000F4320 FoodElsweyrFondue
000F693F TGPotionofEscapeOl
000F84AF TGPotionofEscape02
000F84B0 TGPotionofEscape03
000F84B1 TGPotionofEscape04
000F84B2 TGPotionofEscape05
000F84B3 TGPotionofEscape06
000F84B5 TGPotionofConflictOl
000F84B6 TGPotionofConflict02
000F84B7 TGPotionofConflict03
000F84B8 TGPotionofConflict04
000F84B9 TGPotionofConflict05
000F84BA TGPotionofConflict06
000F84BB TGPotionofKeenShotOl
000F84BC TGPotionofKeenShot02
000F84BD TGPotionofKeenShot03
000F84BE TGPotionofKeenShot04
000F84BF TGPotionofKeenShot05
000F84C0 TGPotionofKeenShot06
000F84C1 TGPotionofPlundetOl
000F84C2 TGPotionofPlundet02
000F84C3 TGPotionofPlundet03
000F84C4 TGPotionofPlunder04
000F84C5 TGPotionofPlundet05
000F84C6 TGPotionofPlunder06
000F9642 crlceWraithResistFrost25
000FF9FC FortifyHealth05
000FF9FD FortifyMagicka05
000FF9FE FortifyCarry05
000FF9FF FortifyHealRate05
OOOFFAOO FortifyMagickaRate05
000FFA01 FortifyStamina05
000FFA02 FortifyStaminaRate05
00102019 MS12WPResistMagic50
0010201A MS12WPFortifyStamina01
0010201B MS12WPFortifySkillSneak03
0010201C MS12WPFortifyMagicka01
0010201D MS12WPFortifySkillOneHanded04
0010201E MS12WPRestoreHealth04
0010211A DA03FoodMammothMeat
0010394D FoodHoney
00107A8A MQlOUuniperMead
0010D666 FoodGourd
por Mcloving
editar remover
"Miscellaneous quests"
Para quem no sabe (miscellaneous quests) parte do sistem(Storytelling Radiant) qu
e proporciona quest's infinitas no necessariamente contratar p matar ou coisas pa
recidas. Esse tipo de quest te possibilita dialogar com um numero ja definido de
NPC's que faro com que vc va at outro q leve ate outro e outro.... Aff
So mais atividades de leva e traz, mas as mais relevantes so os (crimes de encomen
das) e as mais chatas eh a de procurar coisas.
No aparecem no mapa!
Procure tipo (agulha no palheiro)!
por Rackier
editar remover
PC Version
Using the PC Version of the game you can use the Tilde ?^? to bring up the conso
le. Then you can use the known Oblivion/Fallout codes to increase your stats, ga
in gold. As I find more or interesting ID?s I will post it here.
Found these ID?s by adapting Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout console commands and a
lot of trial and error.
Basically when you look for something use help ?name? 4 and use the result with
the following commands. For example if you are interested in Dragonscale Armor y
ou type help ?dragonscale? 4 and get many item/spell id?s which you can use to a
dd these items, spells. The 4 stands for a search filter, if you use ?0? you wil
l get all results.
If you find this page useful I?d appreciate
a comment (no registration required), Tweet, Like or +1
Thanks in advance!
The growing size of the lists demanded for some quick access. Use the links belo
w to jump to the sections.
General Gameplay Commands
Character related Commands Skills, Perks, Shouts
Item related Commands Basic Items, Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Ingots, Crafting Mat
erials, Soul Gems, Spell Tomes, Enchanted Items
Fun Items
help [term] [filter] : use the help function to search for the term using a filt
er (0=show all results)
bat [file] : run a batch file with commands (similar to the files here)
qqq : quits the game instantly
tgm: toggle godmode
tim: toggle immortal mode
tcl: toggle clipping
coc : fast travel to location, e.g. coc Riverwood
coc qasmoke : fast travel to the testing hall
movetoqt : teleport to the quest target
kill: open console, click on target, type kill to kill it
resurrect: open console, click on target, type resurrect to bring it back to lif
unlock: in console, target a door/chest so you can see its ID and then type unlo
setownership: in console target an item, type "setownership" and you can safely
take it without stealing
set timescale to 1: sets the timescale to real time, 16 is default
tfc : toggle freeze time, free camera
set DecapitationChance to 50 : sets chance to decapitate to 50%
set KillMoveRandom to 50 : sets chance for finishing moves to 50%
player.setav rightitemcharge 100 : sets the number of the righthand item to 100,
will get capped if it is above threshold
player.setav leftitemcharge 100 : sets the number of the lefthand item to 100, w
ill get capped if it is above threshold
addfac [faction-id] 1 : (~addtofaction) adds the selected NPC to a faction
addfac 19809 1 enables the marriage options for the current selected NPC
addfac 5C84D 1 eanbles the follower options for the current selected NPC (their
standing towards you still matters)
equipitem [item-id] 1 : have your selected follower equip and use the item
setessential 0 : turns the selected NPC mortal, set to 1 to turn the NPC immorta
showracemenu: you can modify the characters race, gender and appearance
player.modav carryweight 100: increase the maximum weight you can carry by 100
player.setav speedmult 120: increase the player's speed by 20%, 100 is default
player.setgs fJumpHeightMin 120: increase the player's jump heigth by 20%, 100 i
s default
player.setav WeaponSpeedMult 1.2: increases the player's swing speed by 20%, 1 i
s default
player.setav LeftWeaponSpeedMult 1.2: increases the player's swing speed by 20%,
1 is default
player.forceav shoutrecoverymult 0: Use Dragonshouts without cooldown, 1 is defa
player.setscale #: changes the size of the player from small 0.1, normal 1 to hu
ge 10
player.advlevel: increases current level by 1, caution you can't choose magicka,
health or stamina
player.setlevel #: changes player level to #, caution you can't choose magicka,
health or stamina
player.modav health #: Modify Health
player.modav stamina #: Modify Stamina
player.modav magicka #: Modify Magicka
player.forceav dragonsouls #: set amount of Dragonsouls
player.modav dragonsouls #: adds # Dragonsouls
psb: gives the player all shouts (souls still required), spells, animalistic abi
lities, caution some aren't intended for players
Skills & Perks
You can find a convenient way to set skills here.
player.setav onehanded 100 : Set One Handed Skill to 100
player.setav twohanded 100 : SetTwo Handed Skill to 100
player.setav alteration 100 : Set Alteration Skill to 100
player.setav conjuration 100 : Set Conjuration Skill to 100
player.setav destruction 100 : Set Destruction Skill to 100
player.setav enchanting 100 : Set Enchanting Skill to 100
player.setav illusion 100 : Set Illusion Skill to 100
player.setav restoration 100 : Set Restoration Skill to 100
player.setav marksman 100 : Set Archery Skill to 100
player.setav block 100 : Set Block Skill to 100
player.setav heavyarmor 100 : Set Heavy Armor Skill to 100
player.setav smithing 100 : Set Smithing Skill to 100
player.setav alchemy 100 : Set Alchemy Skill to 100
player.setav lightarmor 100 : Set Light Armor Skill to 100
player.setav lockpicking 100 : Set Lock Picking Skill to 100
player.setav pickpocket 100 : Set Pickpocket Skill to 100
player.setav sneak 100 : Set Sneak Skill to 100
player.setav speechcraft 100 : Set Speech Skill to 100
All Player Perks
A convenient way to set multiple or all perks is here.
Alchemy Perks
player.addperk be127 : adds the Alchemist perk
player.addperk c07ca : adds the Alchemist perk
player.addperk c07cb : adds the Alchemist perk
player.addperk c07cc : adds the Alchemist perk
player.addperk c07cd : adds the Alchemist perk
player.addperk 58215 : adds the Physician perk
player.addperk 58216 : adds the Benefactor perk
player.addperk 58218 : adds the Experimenter perk
player.addperk 105f2a : adds the Experimenter perk
player.addperk 105f2b : adds the Experimenter perk
player.addperk 58217 : adds the Poisoner perk
player.addperk 105f2f : adds the Concentrated Poison perk
player.addperk 105f2e : adds the Green Thumb perk
player.addperk 105f2c : adds the Snakeblood perk
player.addperk 5821d : adds the Purity perk
Alteration Perks
player.addperk f2ca6 : adds the Novice Alteration perk
player.addperk 153cd : adds the Alteration Dual Casting perk
player.addperk c44b7 : adds the Apprentice Alteration perk
player.addperk 53128 : adds the Magic Resistance perk
player.addperk 53129 : adds the Magic Resistance perk
player.addperk 5312a : adds the Magic Resistance perk
player.addperk c44b8 : adds the Adept Alteration perk
player.addperk c44b9 : adds the Expert Alteration perk
player.addperk 581f7 : adds the Atronach perk
player.addperk c44ba : adds the Master Alteration perk
player.addperk 581fc : adds the Stability perk
player.addperk d7999 : adds the Mage Armor perk
player.addperk d799a : adds the Mage Armor perk
player.addperk d799b : adds the Mage Armor perk
Archery Perks
player.addperk babed : adds the Overdraw perk
player.addperk 7934a : adds the Overdraw perk
player.addperk 7934b : adds the Overdraw perk
player.addperk 7934d : adds the Overdraw perk
player.addperk 79354 : adds the Overdraw perk
player.addperk 105f1c : adds the Critical Shot perk
player.addperk 105f1e : adds the Critical Shot perk
player.addperk 105f1f : adds the Critical Shot perk
player.addperk 51b12 : adds the Hunter?s Discipline perk
player.addperk 58f63 : adds the Ranger perk
player.addperk 58f61 : adds the Eagle Eye perk
player.addperk 58f62 : adds the Power Shot perk
player.addperk 105f19 : adds the Quick Shot perk
player.addperk 103ada : adds the Steady Hand perk
player.addperk 103adb : adds the Steady Hand perk
player.addperk 58f64 : adds the Bullseye perk
player.addperk bccae : adds the Shield Wall perk
player.addperk 79355 : adds the Shield Wall perk
player.addperk 79356 : adds the Shield Wall perk
player.addperk 79357 : adds the Shield Wall perk
player.addperk 79358 : adds the Shield Wall perk
player.addperk 58f68 : adds the Deflect Arrows perk
player.addperk 58f69 : adds the Elemental Protection perk
player.addperk 106253 : adds the Block Runner perk
player.addperk 58f67 : adds the Power Bash perk
player.addperk 5f594 : adds the Deadly Bash perk
player.addperk 58f66 : adds the Disarming Bash perk
player.addperk 58f6a : adds the Shield Charge perk
player.addperk d8c33 : adds the Quick Reflexes perk
Conjuring Perks
player.addperk f2ca7 : adds the Novice Conjuration perk
player.addperk c44bb : adds the Apprentice Conjuration perk
player.addperk c44bc : adds the Adept Conjuration perk
player.addperk c44bd : adds the Expert Conjuration perk
player.addperk c44be : adds the Master Conjuration perk
player.addperk 153ce : adds the Conjuration Dual Casting perk
player.addperk 640b3 : adds the Mystic Binding perk
player.addperk d799e : adds the Soul Stealer perk
player.addperk d799c : adds the Oblivion Binding perk
player.addperk 581dd : adds the Necromancy perk
player.addperk 581de : adds the Dark Souls perk
player.addperk 105f30 : adds the Summoner perk
player.addperk 105f31 : adds the Summoner perk
player.addperk cb419 : adds the Atromancy perk
player.addperk cb41a : adds the Elemental Potency perk
player.addperk d5f1c : adds the Twin Souls perk
Destruction Perks
player.addperk f2ca8 : adds the Novice Destruction perk
player.addperk c44bf : adds the Apprentice Destruction perk
player.addperk c44c0 : adds the Adept Destruction perk
player.addperk c44c1 : adds the Expert Destruction perk
player.addperk c44c2 : adds the Master Destruction perk
player.addperk 105f32 : adds the Rune Master perk
player.addperk 581e7 : adds the Augmented Flames perk
player.addperk 10fcf8 : adds the Augmented Flames perk
player.addperk f392e : adds the Intense Flames perk
player.addperk 581ea : adds the Augmented Frost perk
player.addperk 10fcf9 : adds the Augmented Frost perk
player.addperk f3933 : adds the Deep Freeze perk
player.addperk 58200 : adds the Augmented Shock perk
player.addperk 10fcfa : adds the Augmented Shock perk
player.addperk f3f0e : adds the Disintegrate perk
player.addperk 153cf : adds the Destruction Dual Casting perk
player.addperk 153d2 : adds the Impact perk
Enchanting Perks
player.addperk bee97 : adds the Enchanter perk
player.addperk c367c : adds the Enchanter perk
player.addperk c367d : adds the Enchanter perk
player.addperk c367e : adds the Enchanter perk
player.addperk c367f : adds the Enchanter perk
player.addperk 58f80 : adds the Fire Enchanter perk
player.addperk 58f81 : adds the Frost Enchanter perk
player.addperk 58f82 : adds the Storm Enchanter perk
player.addperk 58f7e : adds the Insightful Enchanter perk
player.addperk 58f7d : adds the Corpus Enchanter perk
player.addperk 58f7f : adds the Extra Effect perk
player.addperk 58f7c : adds the Soul Squeezer perk
player.addperk 108a44 : adds the Soul Siphon perk
Heavy Armor Perks
player.addperk bcd2a : adds the Juggernaut perk
player.addperk 7935e : adds the Juggernaut perk
player.addperk 79361 : adds the Juggernaut perk
player.addperk 79362 : adds the Juggernaut perk
player.addperk 79374 : adds the Juggernaut perk
player.addperk 58f6e : adds the Fists of Steel perk
player.addperk bcd2b : adds the Cushioned perk
player.addperk 58f6d : adds the Conditioning perk
player.addperk 58f6f : adds the Well Fitted perk
player.addperk 58f6c : adds the Tower of Strength perk
player.addperk 107832 : adds the Matching Set perk
player.addperk 105f33 : adds the Reflect Blows perk
Illusion Perks
player.addperk f2ca9 : adds the Novice Illusion perk
player.addperk 581e1 : adds the Animage perk
player.addperk 581e2 : adds the Kindred Mage perk
player.addperk 581fd : adds the Quiet Casting perk
player.addperk c44c3 : adds the Apprentice Illusion perk
player.addperk c44c4 : adds the Adept Illusion perk
player.addperk c44c5 : adds the Expert Illusion perk
player.addperk c44c6 : adds the Master Illusion perk
player.addperk 59b77 : adds the Hypnotic Gaze perk
player.addperk 59b78 : adds the Aspect of Terror perk
player.addperk c44b5 : adds the Rage perk
player.addperk 59b76 : adds the Master of the Mind perk
player.addperk 153d0 : adds the Illusion Dual Casting perk
Light Armor Perks
player.addperk be123 : adds the Agile Defender perk
player.addperk 79376 : adds the Agile Defender perk
player.addperk 79389 : adds the Agile Defender perk
player.addperk 79391 : adds the Agile Defender perk
player.addperk 79392 : adds the Agile Defender perk
player.addperk 51b1b : adds the Custom Fit perk
player.addperk 51b17 : adds the Matching Set perk
player.addperk 51b1c : adds the Unhindered perk
player.addperk 105f22 : adds the Wind Walker perk
player.addperk 107831 : adds the Deft Movement perk
Lockpicking Perks
player.addperk f392a : adds the Novice Locks perk
player.addperk be125 : adds the Apprentice Locks perk
player.addperk 106259 : adds the Quick Hands perk
player.addperk 107830 : adds the Wax Key perk
player.addperk c3680 : adds the Adept Locks perk
player.addperk c3681 : adds the Expert Locks perk
player.addperk 5820a : adds the Golden Touch perk
player.addperk 105f26 : adds the Treasure Hunter perk
player.addperk 58208 : adds the Locksmith perk
player.addperk 58209 : adds the Unbreakable perk
player.addperk c3682 : adds the Master Locks perk
One-Handed Perks
player.addperk babe4 : adds the Armsman perk
player.addperk 79343 : adds the Armsman perk
player.addperk 79342 : adds the Armsman perk
player.addperk 79344 : adds the Armsman perk
player.addperk 79345 : adds the Armsman perk
player.addperk 5f56f : adds the Bladesman perk
player.addperk c1e90 : adds the Bladesman perk
player.addperk c1e91 : adds the Bladesman perk
player.addperk 5f592 : adds the Bone Breaker perk
player.addperk c1e92 : adds the Bone Breaker perk
player.addperk c1e93 : adds the Bone Breaker perk
player.addperk 106256 : adds the Dual Flurry perk
player.addperk 106257 : adds the Dual Flurry perk
player.addperk 106258 : adds the Dual Savagery perk
player.addperk 52d50 : adds the Fighting Stance perk
player.addperk cb406 : adds the Critical Charge perk
player.addperk 3af81 : adds the Savage Strike perk
player.addperk 3afa6 : adds the Paralyzing Strike perk
player.addperk 3fffa : adds the Hack and Slash perk
player.addperk c3678 : adds the Hack and Slash perk
player.addperk c3679 : adds the Hack and Slash perk
Pick Pocket Perks
player.addperk be124 : adds the Light Fingers perk
player.addperk 18e6a : adds the Light Fingers perk
player.addperk 18e6b : adds the Light Fingers perk
player.addperk 18e6c : adds the Light Fingers perk
player.addperk 18e6d : adds the Light Fingers perk
player.addperk 58202 : adds the Night Thief perk
player.addperk 58204 : adds the Cutpurse perk
player.addperk d79a0 : adds the Keymaster perk
player.addperk 58201 : adds the Misdirection perk
player.addperk 58205 : adds the Perfect Touch perk
player.addperk 96590 : adds the Extra Pockets perk
player.addperk 105f28 : adds the Poisoned perk
Restoration Perks
player.addperk f2caa : adds the Novice Restoration perk
player.addperk c44c7 : adds the Apprentice Restoration perk
player.addperk c44c8 : adds the Adept Restoration perk
player.addperk c44c9 : adds the Expert Restoration perk
player.addperk c44ca : adds the Master Restoration perk
player.addperk 581f4 : adds the Recovery perk
player.addperk 581f5 : adds the Recovery perk
player.addperk a3f64 : adds the Avoid Death perk
player.addperk 581f8 : adds the Regeneration perk
player.addperk 581e4 : adds the Necromage perk
player.addperk 581f9 : adds the Respite perk
player.addperk 153d1 : adds the Restoration Dual Casting perk
player.addperk 68bcc : adds the Ward Absorb perk
Smithing Perks
player.addperk cb40d : adds the Steel Smithing perk
player.addperk 5218e : adds the Arcane Blacksmith perk
player.addperk cb40e : adds the Dwarven Smithing perk
player.addperk cb410 : adds the Orcish Smithing perk
player.addperk cb412 : adds the Ebony Smithing perk
player.addperk cb413 : adds the Daedric Smithing perk
player.addperk cb40f : adds the Elven Smithing perk
player.addperk cb414 : adds the Advanced Armors perk
player.addperk cb411 : adds the Glass Smithing perk
player.addperk 52190 : adds the Dragon Armor perk
Sneaking Perks
player.addperk be126 : adds the Stealth perk
player.addperk c07c6 : adds the Stealth perk
player.addperk c07c7 : adds the Stealth perk
player.addperk c07c8 : adds the Stealth perk
player.addperk c07c9 : adds the Stealth perk
player.addperk 58210 : adds the Backstab perk
player.addperk 1036f0 : adds the Deadly Aim perk
player.addperk 58211 : adds the Assassin?s Blade perk
player.addperk 58213 : adds the Muffled Movement perk
player.addperk 5820c : adds the Light Foot perk
player.addperk 105f23 : adds the Silent Roll perk
player.addperk 105f24 : adds the Silence perk
player.addperk 58214 : adds the Shadow Warrior perk
Speech Perks perk
player.addperk be128 : adds the Haggling perk
player.addperk c07ce : adds the Haggling perk
player.addperk c07cf : adds the Haggling perk
player.addperk c07d0 : adds the Haggling perk
player.addperk c07d1 : adds the Haggling perk
player.addperk 58f75 : adds the Allure perk
player.addperk 58f7a : adds the Merchant perk
player.addperk 58f7b : adds the Investor perk
player.addperk 58f79 : adds the Fence perk
player.addperk 1090a5 : adds the Master Trader perk
player.addperk 1090a4 : adds the Bribery perk
player.addperk 1090a2 : adds the Persuasion perk
player.addperk 105f29 : adds the Intimidation perk
Two-Handed Perks
player.addperk babe8 : adds the Barbarian perk
player.addperk 79346 : adds the Barbarian perk
player.addperk 79347 : adds the Barbarian perk
player.addperk 79348 : adds the Barbarian perk
player.addperk 79349 : adds the Barbarian perk
player.addperk 52d51 : adds the Champion?s Stance perk
player.addperk 52d52 : adds the Devastating Blow perk
player.addperk cb407 : adds the Great Critical Charge perk
player.addperk 3af9e : adds the Sweep perk
player.addperk 3afa7 : adds the Warmaster perk
player.addperk 3af83 : adds the Deep Wounds perk
player.addperk c1e94 : adds the Deep Wounds perk
player.addperk c1e95 : adds the Deep Wounds perk
player.addperk c5c05 : adds the Limbsplitter perk
player.addperk c5c06 : adds the Limbsplitter perk
player.addperk c5c07 : adds the Limbsplitter perk
player.addperk 3af84 : adds the Skullcrusher perk
player.addperk c1e96 : adds the Skullcrusher perk
player.addperk c1e97 : adds the Skullcrusher perk
Dragon Shouts
You can find a convenient way to set skills here.
Use ?player.teachword #? to learn the dragonshouts below. You still need dragons
ouls to activate the shouts. Use ?player.modav dragonsouls 1? to add 1 dragonsou
Animal Allegiance
player.teachword 60291 : RAAN
player.teachword 60292 : MIR
player.teachword 60293 : TAH
Aura Whisper
player.teachword 60294 : LAAS
player.teachword 60295 : YA
player.teachword 60296 : NIR
Become Ethereal
player.teachword 32917 : FIN
player.teachword 32918 : ZI
player.teachword 32919 : GRON
Call Dragon
player.teachword 46B89 : OD
player.teachword 46B8A : AH
player.teachword 46B8B : VIING
Call of Valor
player.teachword 51960 : HUN
player.teachword 51961 : KAAR
player.teachword 51962 : ZOOL
Clear Skies
player.teachword 3CD31 : LOK
player.teachword 3CD32 : VAH
player.teachword 3CD33 : KOOR
player.teachword 5FB95 : ZUN
player.teachword 5FB96 : HAAL
player.teachword 5FB97 : VIIK
Dismaying Shout
player.teachword 3291A : FAAS
player.teachword 3291B : RU
player.teachword 3291C : MAAR
player.teachword 44251 : JOOR
player.teachword 44252 : ZAH
player.teachword 44253 : FRUL
Elemental Fury
player.teachword 3291D : SU
player.teachword 3291E : GRAH
player.teachword 3291F : DUN
Fire Breath
player.teachword 20E17 : YOL
player.teachword 20E18 : TOOR
player.teachword 20E19 : KREIN
Frost Breath
player.teachword 5D16C : FO
player.teachword 5D16D : KR4
player.teachword 5D16E : D3N
Ice Form
player.teachword 602A3 : IIZ
player.teachword 602A4 : SLEN
player.teachword 602A5 : NUS
Kyne?s Peace
player.teachword 6029D : KAAN
player.teachword 6029E : DREM
player.teachword 6029F : OV
Marked for Death
player.teachword 60297 : KRII
player.teachword 60298 : LUN
player.teachword 60299 : AUS
Slow Time
player.teachword 48ACA : TIID
player.teachword 48ACB : KLO
player.teachword 48ACC : UL
Storm Call
player.teachword 6029A : STRUN
player.teachword 6029B : BAH
player.teachword 6029C : QO
Throw Voice
player.teachword 602A0 : ZUL
player.teachword 602A1 : MEY
player.teachword 602A2 : GUT
Unrelenting Force
player.teachword 13E22 : FUS
player.teachword 13E23 : RO
player.teachword 13E24 : DAH
Whirlwind Sprint
player.teachword 2F7BB : WULD
player.teachword 2F7BC : NAH
player.teachword 2F7BD : KEST
Since the list of items here is limited I wrote an online application that will
let you select nearly all items in the game, convenient via dropdown menu. Check
it out!
As mentioned above you can find armor id?s by using help ?name? 4, for example h
elp ?Dragonscale Helmet? 4 will list all Dragonscale Helmets. You can use this t
o find any Item-ID you could possibly need. It would blow this page to list all
items, I?ll give some examples you can then refine as you like them.
player.placeatme # : places a item/mob/npc at your location
player.placeatme 107eee : places a Dragon at your location
Spawn a large container at your location with a category of items.
player.placeatme c2cd4 : All Ammo
player.placeatme c2cd6 : Standard Armor
player.placeatme c2cd7 : Enchanted Armor
player.placeatme c2cd8 : Clothes and Jewelry
player.placeatme c2cd9 : Spelltomes
player.placeatme c2cda : All Ingredients
player.placeatme c2cdb : All Keys
player.placeatme c2cde : Staffs
player.placeatme c2cdf : Enchanted Weapons
player.placeatme c2ceo : Standard Weapons
player.placeatme c2ce1 : Scrolls
player.placeatme c2ce2 : Potions
player.placeatme c2d3b : Books
player.placeatme 10d9ff : Skill Books
If you want to add crafting functionality spawn these items
player.placeatme 1a2ad : place an Anvil
player.placeatme bad0c : place an Alchemy Lab (Floor)
player.placeatme d54ff : place an Alchemy Lab (Wall)
player.placeatme bad0d : place an Arcane Enchanter (Floor)
player.placeatme d5501 : place an Arcane Enchanter (Wall)
player.placeatme bf9e1 : place a Forge
player.placeatme bbcf1 : place a Forge (Outside)
player.placeatme 6e9c2 : place a Grindstone
player.placeatme 9c6ce : place a Smelter
player.placeatme d932f : place a Workbench
player.showinventory : lists current player inventory contents and ids
Don?t forget that you can improve your items with smithing and enchanting. 100 S
mithing will upgrade to (Legendary) versions of items/weapons.
Player.AddItem <#>: receive # amount of Item
for example ?player.additem f 1000? to receive 1000 gold
f : Gold
a : Lockpick
39be5 : Ultimate Healing Potion
Weapon IDs
f8318 : Chillrend
f71d0 : Dragonbane
f5d1d : Gauldur Blackblade
f5d22 : Gauldur Blackbow
f6527 : Nightingale Blade
f652c : Nightingale Bow
f5d2d : The Pale Blade
9ccdc : Blade of Woe
4a38f : Ebony Blade
233e3 : Mace of Molag Bal
240d2 : Mehrunes? Razor
1c4e6 : The Rueful Axe
1cb36 : Sanguine Rose
35066 : Skull of Corruption
35369 : Staff of Magnus
2acd2 : Volendrung
2ac6f : Wabbajack
139b8 : Daedric Mace (plain for enchanting)
28dea : Daedric Mace of the Inferno
28df7 : Daedric Mace of Storms
139b9 : Daedric Sword (plain for enchanting)
28e96 : Daedric Sword of the Inferno
28fec : Daedric Sword of Storms
Ranged Weapon IDs
139b5 : Daedric Bow (plain for enchanting)
1dfe6 : Daedric Bow of the Inferno
1dff2 : Daedric Bow of Storms
139c0 : Daedric Arrow
Armor IDs
13940: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Helmet (plain for enchanting)
d7a08: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Helmet of Peerless Magicka
d7a0b: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Helmet of Peerless Archery
1393e: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Armor (plain for enchanting)
fe2e5: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Armor of Renewal
d79bc: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Armor of Peerless Health
1393f: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Gauntlets (plain for enchanting)
d79f3: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Sure Grip
d79ea: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Wielding
d79e7: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Gauntlets of Peerless Archery
1393d: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Boots (plain for enchanting)
d79b3: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Boots of Grounding
d79a9: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Boots of the Mammoth
fda06: Light Armor ? Dragonscale Boots of Peerless Sneaking
1396d: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Helm (plain for enchanting)
d7ae6: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Helm of Peerless Magicka (there are 2 Extreme Magic
ka ones, this one is labeled ?Extreme?, but has ?Peerless? stats)
d7ae9: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Helm of Peerless Archery
61cd6: Heavy Armor ? Konahrik, chance to heal on low hp & damage nearby enemies
(by Chris)
1396b: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Armor (plain for enchanting)
fe2fd1: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Armor of Renewal
10cf38: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Armor of Peerless Destruction
1396c: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Gauntlets (plain for enchanting)
d7ac5: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Gauntlets of Peerless Archery
d7ac8: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Gauntlets of Peerless Wielding
d7ad1: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Gauntlets of Peerless Sure Grip
1396a: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Boots (plain for enchanting)
d7a94: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Boots of Grounding
d7a8b: Heavy Armor ? Daedric Boots of Muffling
fc067: Necklace of Waterbreathing
ff7d7: Ring of Peerless Magicka
cc846: Amulet of Talos (-20% cd on shouts)
877cb: Gold Sapphire Ring (plain for enchanting)
877c9: Gold Diamond Ring (plain for enchanting)
877f1: Gold Diamond Necklace (plain for enchanting)
5ace3: Silver Ingot
5ace4: Iron Ingot
5ace5: Steel Ingot
5ad93: Corundum Ingot
5ad99: Orichalcum Ingot
5ad9d: Ebony Ingot
5ad9e: Gold Ingot
5ada0: Quicksilver Ingot
db8a2: Dwarven Metal Ingot
Crafting Parts
3ada3: Dragon Scales
3ada4: Dragon Bone
3ad5b: Daedra Heart
db5d2: Leather
800e4: Leather Strips
Soul Gems
2e4e3: Petty Soul Gem
2e4e5: Lesser Soul Gem
2e4f3: Common Soul Gem
2e4fb: Greater Soul Gem
2e4ff: Grand Soul Gem
2e504: Black Soul Gem
63b27: Azura?s Star
63b29: The Black Star
Spell Tomes
9CD51 : Spell Tome Flames
9CD52 : Spell Tome Frostbite
9CD53 : Spell Tome Sparks
9CD54 : Spell Tome SoulTrap
9E2A7 : Spell Tome Candlelight
9E2A8 : Spell Tome Oakflesh
9E2A9 : Spell Tome Bound Sword
9E2AA : Spell Tome Raise Zombie
9E2AB : Spell Tome Conjure Familiar
9E2AC : Spell Tome Fury
9E2AD : Spell Tome Courage
9E2AE : Spell Tome Lesser Ward
9E2AF : Spell Tome Healing
A26E2 : Spell Tome Magelight
A26E3 : Spell Tome Stoneflesh
A26E4 : Spell Tome lronflesh
A26E5 : Spell Tome Telekinesis
A26E6 : Spell Tome Waterbreathing
A26E7 : Spell Tome Detect Life
A26E8 : Spell Tome Paralyze
A26E9 : Spell Tome Ebonyflesh
A26EA : Spell Tome Detect Undead
A26EB : Spell Tome Reanimate Corpse
A26EC : Spell Tome Conjure Flame Atronach
A26ED : Spell Tome Bound Battleaxe
A26EE : Spell Tome Banish Daedra
A26EF : Spell Tome Conjure Frost Atronach
A26F0 : Spell Tome Conjure Storm Atronach
A26F1 : Spell Tome Bound Bow
A26F2 : Spell Tome Revenant
A26F6 : Spell Tome Command Daedra
A26F7 : Spell Tome Dread Zombie
A26F8 : Spell Tome Expel Daedra
A26F9 : Spell Tome Dead Thrall
A26FA : Spell Tome Flame Thrall
A26FB : Spell Tome Frost Thrall
A26FC : Spell Tome Storm Thrall
A26FD : Spell Tome Firebolt
A26FE : Spell Tome lceSpike
A26FF : Spell Tome Lightning Bolt
A2700 : Spell Tome Fire Rune
A2701 : Spell Tome Frost Rune
A2702 : Spell Tome Shock Rune
A2703 : Spell Tome Flame Cloak
A2704 : Spell Tome Frost Cloak
A2705 : Spell Tome Lightning Cloak
A2706 : Spell Tome Fireball
A2707 : Spell Tome lceStorm
A2708 : Spell Tome Chain Lightning
A2709 : Spell Tome Wall Of Flames
A270A : Spell Tome Wall Of Frost
A270B : Spell Tome Wall Of Storms
A270C : Spell Tome FireStorm
A270D : Spell Tome Blizzard
A270E : Spell Tome Lightning Storm
A270F : Spell Tome Muffle
A2711 : Spell Tome Calm
A2712 : Spell Tome Fear
A2713 : Spell Tome Rally
A2714 : Spell Tome Frenzy
A2715 : Spell Tome lnvisibility
A2717 : Spell Tome Pacify
A2718 : Spell Tome Rout
A2719 : Spell Tome Mayhem
A271A : Spell Tome Harmony
A271B : Spell Tome Call To Arms
A271C : Spell Tome Hysteria
A271D : Spell Tome Fast Healing
A271E : Spell Tome Healing Hands
A271F : Spell Tome Turn Lesser Undead
A2720 : Spell Tome Steadfast Ward
A2721 : Spell Tome Turn Undead
A2722 : Spell Tome Greater Ward
A2725 : Spell Tome Repel Lesser Undead
A2726 : Spell Tome Repel Undead
A2727 : Spell Tome Heal Other
A2728 : Spell Tome Circle Of : Protection
A2729 : Spell Tome Turn Greater Undead
B3165 : dun Trevas Spell Tome Spectral Arrow
B45F7 : dun High Gate Spell Tome Flaming Familiar
D2B4E : Spell Tome Dragonhide
DD643 : Spell Tome Grand Healing
DD646 : Spell Tome Mass Paralysis
DD647 : Spell Tome Bane Of The Undead
F4997 : Dun Labyrinthian Spell Tome Equilibrium
FDE7B : Spell Tome Guardian Circle
FF7D1 : Spell Tome Clairvoyance
109112 : Spell Tome Transmute Ore Mineral
10F64D : Spell Tome Close Wounds
10F7F3 : Spell Tome lcy Spear
10F7F4 : Spell Tome lncinerate
10F7F5 : Spell Tome Thunderbolt
10FD60 : Spell Tome Conjure Dremora Lord
Enchanted Items
Enchanting works similar to the player.additem stuff as above. It will use the P
layerEnchantObject command and works like this:
PlayerEnchantObject []
You can use the Item IDs from above and use the help function as above to find s
pells you can bind to an item. The variables you can use are of the MGEF type. S
ee the examples below.
playerenchantobject 877f1 10dded : Necklace that will give you a permanent Dremo
ra Lord Pet
playerenchantobject 877c9 6a154 : Ring that will give you a permanent Shade of A
nriel Gane
playerenchantobject 877c9 7a103 10e8af : Ring that will improve your Sneaking an
d will make you harder to detect
playerenchantobject 877c9 6b10c : Ring that will grant night vision
Fun Objects
player.placeatme 10bf90 : places a ridable Spectral Horse
Fonte: http://skyrim.mmo-game.eu/cheats-and-console/
por rafaelbg
editar remover
Este tutorial ensina a voc a conseguir itens rapida e facilmente
para voc conseguir atingir o nvel 100 de smithing no Skyrim. Caso
faltando alguma coisa, peam!
MSN: g3x@i3portal.net
0005ACE5 Steel Ingot
0005ACE4 Iron Ingot
0005ACE3 Silver Ingot
0005AD93 Corundum Ingot
0005AD99 Orichalcum Ingot
0005AD9D Ebony Ingot
0005AD9E Gold Ingot
0005ADA0 Quicksilver Ingot
000DB8A2 Dwarven Metal Ingot
0005ADA1 Refined Malachite
0005AD9F Refined Moonstone
0003AD57 Chaurus Chitin
0005ACDB Corundum Ore
0005ACDC Ebony Ore
0005ACDE Gold Ore
0005ACE1 Malachite Ore
0005ACE0 Moonstone Ore
0005ACDD Orichalcum Ore
0005ACE2 Quicksilver Ore
0005ACDF Silver Ore
00071CF3 Iron Ore
0003AD53 Cave Bear Pelt
0003AD8F Cow Hide
0003AD90 Deer Hide
0003AD8E Goat Hide
0003AD93 Horse Hide
0003AD75 Ice Wolf Pelt
000DB5D2 Leather
000800E4 Leather Strips
0003AD74 Wolf Pelt
Como usar os IDs
Aperte aspas (', ") e digite:
player.additem [id] [quantidade].
Por exemplo:
player.additem 0003AD57 100.
Neste caso, 100 itens de nome "Chaurus Chitin" seriam adicionados
ao seu inventrio.
Tutorial by: rafaelbg
por raiuga999
editar remover
* tgm ? Ativa/desativa o modo Deus (Invencibilidade, capacidade de carga infinit
* tcl ? Ativa/desativa o modo No-clip (atravessar as paredes)
* psb ? Ganha todos as magias
* tm ? ativa/desativa os menus, HUD
* tfow ? ativa/desativa o Fumo de Guerra
* kill ? Mata o que estiver na frente
* player.advlevel ? O jogador sobre um nvel
* caqs ? Completa todos os Quest Stages (sem graa n?)
* tai ? Ativa/desativa a Inteligncia Artificial dos inimigos
* tg ? ativa/desativa a relva
* resurrect ? Ressuscita o que estiver na frente
* unlock ? Desbloqueia o objecto que estiver na mira
* enableplayercontrols ? ativa os controles durante os cinemticos
* unlock ? Desbloqueia o objecto que estiver na mira
* killall ? Mata todos os inimigos que estiverem prximos
* enableplayercontrols ? ativa os controles durante os cinemticos
* tdetect ? ativa/desativa deteco de AI (evitar ser encontrado a roubar)
* duplicateallitems ? Duplica os itens do seu inventrio
* advancepclevel ? Aumenta o nvel do jogador
* advancepcskill ( + nome da habilidade) X ? Para aumentar o nvel da habilidade
* duplicateallitems ? Duplica os itens do seu inventrio
* advancepclevel ? Aumenta o nvel do jogador
* advskill [habilidade] XXX ? Aumenta a habilidade em XXX (quantidade)
* player.modav Dragonsouls X ? Adiciona Dragon?s Souls em X
* player.setav speedmult X ? Aumenta a velocidade de seus movimentos
* player.setav Fatigue X ? Define a fadiga
* player.setav Health X ? Define a sade
* player.setav Magicka X ? Define a Magicka
editar remover
Pressione a tecla que contem [ " ' ]
durante o jogo para abrir o console de comandos. Em seguida, insira um dos segui
ntes cdigos para ativar a respectiva funo.
Cdigos Especiais
tgm ? Ativa/desativa o modo Deus (Invencibilidade, capacidade de carga infinita)
tcl ? Ativa/desativa o modo No-clip (voar, atravessar as paredes)
coc ?Localizao? ? Teleporte para a localizao indicada (ex. coc qasmoke)
psb ? Ganha todos os feitios
player.advlevel ? O jogador sobre um nvel (sem pontos para regalias)
caqs ? Completa todos os Quest Stages
tmm,1 ? Ativa/desativa as marcaes no mapa
tfc ? Cmara livre
saq ? Inicia todas as misses do zero
qqq ? Abandona o jogo
tai ? Ativa/desativa a Inteligncia Artificial (congela os inimigos)
tcai ? Ativa/desativa o combate da Inteligncia Artificial (congela os inimigos)
tg ? ativa/desativa a relva
tm ? ativa/desativa os menus, HUD
tfow ? ativa/desativa o Fumo de Guerra
kill ? Mata o que estiver na mira
resurrect ? Ressuscita o que estiver na mira
unlock ? Desbloqueia o objecto que estiver na mira
lock X ? Bloqueia os bas, portas e pessoas (X o nvel do bloqueio)
killall ? Mata todos os inimigos que estiverem prximos
removeallitems ? Remove todos os itens do NPC que estiver na mira
enableplayercontrols ? ativa os controles durante os cinemticos
tdetect ? ativa/desativa deteco de AI (evitar ser encontrado a roubar)
setownership ? Altera o dono do objecto que est na mira
duplicateallitems ? Duplica os itens
fov XXX ? Altera o campo de viso (XXX o valor)
advancepclevel ? Aumenta o nvel do jogador
advancepcskill (nome da habilidade) X ? Aumenta o nvel da habilidade indicada
advskill [habilidade] XXX ? Aumenta a habilidade em XXX (quantidade)
setpcfame ? Define a fama do personagem na mira
setpcinfamy ? Define a infmia do personagem na mira
player.modav carryweight X ? Define a capacidade de carga
player.modav burden X ? Aumenta a carga em X
player.modav Dragonsouls X ? Adiciona Dragon?s Souls em X
player.setav speedmult X ? Aumenta a velocidade de movimentos, onde X a percenta
player.setav Stamina X ? Define a Stamina
player.setav Health X ? Define a sade
player.setcrimegold X ? Coloque 0 (zero) se quiser ser livre
player.setav Magicka X ? Define a Magicka
player.setlevel X ? Define o nvel
player.placeatme X ? Cria um NPC na sua localizao, onde X a identificao do NPC
player.setscale X ? Altera a escala do jogadores, onde 1 normal
player.IncPCS [habilidade] ? Aumenta o nvel da habilidade introduzida em 1
showracemenu ? ativa o menu de seleco de raa e personalizao de personagem. NOTA: Isto
vai trazer o personagem para o nvel 1 e todas as habilidades para os valores ini
help ? Mostra a lista de comandos
player.additem XXXXXXXX ?###?- Adiciona itens (ver cdigos no final), onde XXXXXXX
X o cdigo do item e ### a quantidade. Exemplos:
player.additem 0000000f ?999? ? Ganha 999 ouro
player.additem 0000000a ?100? ? Ganha 100 Lockpicks
Cdigos dos itens:
0000000f Gold
0000000a Lockpicks
0005ACDB OreCorundum
0005ACDD OreOrichakum
0005ACDE OreGold
0005ACDF OreSilver
0005ACE0 OreMoonstone
0005ACE1 OreMalachite
0005AC E2 OreQuicksilver
0005AC E3 ingotSilver
0005AC E4 Ingotlron
0005ACE5 IngotSteel
0005AD93 IngotCorundum
0005AD99 IngotOrichalcum
0005AD9D IngotEbony
0005AD9E IngotGold
0005AD9F IngotlMoonstone
0005ADA0 IngotQuicksilver
0005ADA1 IngotMalachite
00038341 FalmerArrow
00034182 DraugrArrow
000236DD TrapDart
00020F02 CWArrowShort
00020DDF CWArrow
000139C0 DaedricArrow
000139BF EbonyArrow
000139BE GlassArrow
000139BD ElvenArrow
000139BC Dwarven Arrow
000139BB Orcish Arrow
0001397F SteelArrow
0001397D IronArrow
0010EC8C DwaivenSphereBolt02
0010E2DE Foil owerlron Arrow
0010B0A7 bound Arrow
00109AB6 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo06
00109AB5 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo04
00109AB4 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo03
00109AB3 TrapDweBal istaBoltAmmo02
00105EE7 MQ101 Steel Arrow
OOOEAFDF Nord Hero Arrow
000E738A dunGeirmundSigdisArrowsIllusion
000CEE9E ForswornArrow
OOOCAB52 dunArcherPracticeArrow
000961D6 dunJaphetsFollyCWCatapultAmmo
0007B935 DwarvenSphereBoltOl
0007B932 DwarvenSphereArrow
00073FE6 CWCatapultAmmo
0006DA4F TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmoOl
0006A0BF DummyArrow
00052E99 FXDustDropAmmoTiny
00052E97 FXDustDropAmmoSm
0003BDF7 FXDustDropAmmoMed
0001895F FirebrandWine
0002C35A FoodBlackBriarMead
0003133B FoodWineAlto
0003133C FoodWineBottle02
00034C5D FoodMead
00034C5E FortifySkillBlock02
000398AB FortifySkillBlock03
000398AC FortifySkillBlock04
000398AD FortifySkillConjuration02
000398EC FortifySkillConjuration03
000398ED FortifySkillConjuration04
000398EE FortifySkiIIDestruction02
000398Fl FortifySkiIIDestruction03
000398F3 FortifySkiIIDestruction04
000398F4 FortifySkillHeavyArmor02
000398F5 FortifySkillHeavyArmor03
000398F6 FortifySkillHeavyArmor04
000398FD FortifySkiIILockpickingOl
00039945 FortifySkiIILockpicking02
00039946 FortifySkiIILockpicking03
00039948 FortifySkillLockpicking04
00039949 FortifySkillMarksman02
0003994B FortifySkillMarksman03
0003994E FortifySkillMarksman04
0003994F FortifySkillOneHanded02
00039955 FortifySkillOneHanded03
00039956 FortifySkillOneHanded04
00039957 FortifySkillPickpocket02
00039958 FortifySkillPickpocket04
00039959 FortifySkillPickpocket03
0003995A FortifySkillSneak02
00039969 FortifySkillSneak03
0003996F FortifySkillSneak04
00039970 FortifySkillBarter03
00039973 FortifySkillBarter04
00039974 FortifySkillTwoHanded02
00039980 FortifySkillTwoHanded03
00039AA6 FortifySkillTwoHanded04
00039BOC FortifyStaminaRate03
00039B4A ResistFire25
00039B4B ResistFire75
00039B8A ResistFrost25
00039BDF ResistFrost75
00039BE1 ResistShock25
00039BE3 ResistShock75
00039BE4 RestoreHealth05
00039BE5 RestoreHealth06
00039BE6 RestoreMagicka05
00039BE7 RestoreStamina02
00039CF3 RestoreStamina06
00039CFB ResistMagic25
00039E53 ResistMagic50
00039E54 ResistMagic75
00039E55 ResistMagiclOO
0003A5A4 DamageHealthOl
0003AC2E WaterbreathingOl
0003AC2F Waterbreathing02
0003AC30 Waterbreathing03
0003AC31 Waterbreathing04
0003EADD RestoreHealthOl
0003EADE RestoreHealth02
0003EADF RestoreHealth03
0003EAE0 RestoreMagickaOl
0003EAE1 RestoreMagicka02
0003EAE2 RestoreMagicka03
0003EAE3 RestoreHealth04
0003EAE4 RestoreMagicka04
0003EAE5 RestoreStaminaOl
0003EAE6 RestoreStamina05
0003EAE7 RestoreStamina03
0003EAE8 RestoreStamina04
0003EAE9 ResistFire50
0003EAED ResistFrost50
0003EAEE ResistShock50
0003EAEF ResistFirelOO
0003EAF0 ResistFrostlOO
0003EAF1 ResistShocklOO
0003EAF2 FortifyHealthOl
0003EAF4 FortifyHealth02
0003EAF5 FortifyHealth04
0003EAF6 FortifyHealth03
0003EAF7 FortifyMagickaOl
0003EAFA FortifyMagicka02
0003EAFB FortifyMagicka03
0003EAFC FortifyMagicka04
0003EAFD FortifyStaminaOl
0003EAFE FortifyStamina03
0003EAFF FortifyStamina04
0003EB00 FortifyStamina02
0003EB02 FortifyCarryOl
0003EB03 FortifyCarry03
0003EB04 FortifyCarry04
0003EB05 FortifyCarry02
0003EB09 FortifyHealRateOl
0003EB0A FortifyHealRate02
0003EB0B FortifyHealRate03
0003EB0C FortifyHealRate04
0003EB0D FortifyMagickaRateOl
0003EB0E FortifyMagickaRate02
0003EB0F FortifyMagickaRate03
0003EB10 FortifyMagickaRate04
0003EB11 FortifyStaminaRateOl
0003EB12 FortifyStaminaRate02
0003EB14 FortifyStaminaRate04
0003EB2A FortifySkillOneHandedOl
0003EB2B FortifySkillTwoHandedOl
0003EB2C FortifySkillMarksmanOl
0003EB2E FortifySkiHSmithingOl
0003EB2F FortifySkillHeavyArmorOl
0003EB30 FortifySkiIILightArmotOl
0003EB31 FortifySkillPickpocketOl
0003EB32 FortifySkillBlockOl
0003EB33 FortifySkillSneakOl
0003EB35 FortifySkillBarterOl
0003EB36 FortifySkiII
0003EB39 InvisibilityOl
0003EB3F Invisibility03
0003EB40 Invisibility02
0003EB41 Invisibility04
0003F4BD WindhelmDoubleDistilledSkooma
000508CA FoodHonningbrewMead
000555E8 FreeformDragonBridgeMead
0005566A MarkarthBothelaPotion
0005629E DefaultPoison
0005661F DefaultPotion
00057A7A Skooma
00057A7B FreeformAngasMillKordirsSkooma
00058CFB DB03Poison
0005F6DF DA16TorporPotion
00064B2E FoodApple
00064B2F FoodApple02
00064B30 FoodBoiledCremeTreat
00064B31 FoodCheeseWedgeOl
00064B32 FoodCheeseWedge02
00064B33 FoodCheeseWheelOlA
00064B34 FoodCheeseWheel02A
00064B35 FoodCheeseWheelOlB
00064B36 FoodCheeseWheel02B
00064B38 FoodLongTaffyTreat
00064B3A FoodPotatoesBaked
00064B3B FoodSalmonCooked
00064B3C FoodSlaughterfishCooked
00064B3D FoodSweetroll
00064B3E FoodLeeksGrilled
00064B3F FoodCabbage
00064B40 FoodCarrot
00064B41 FoodPotato
00064B42 FoodTomato
00064B43 FoodPie
00065A64 CurePoison
00065A65 DamageMagickaOl
00065A66 DamageStaminaOl
00065A68 FeatOl
00065A69 FrenzyOl
00065A6A ParalyzeOl
00065A6B WeaknessFireOl
00065A6C WeaknessFrostOl
00065A6D WeaknessShock02
00065A6E WeaknessMagicOl
00065A6F DamageHealthLingetOl
00065A70 DamageMagickaLingetOl
00065A71 DamageStaminaLingetOl
00065C37 RiftenSpecialOl
00065C38 RiftenSpecial02
00065C39 RiftenSpecial03
00065C97 FoodBreadOlA
00065C98 FoodBreadOlB
00065C99 FoodBeef
00065C9A FoodGoatMeat
00065C9B FoodHorkerMeat
00065C9C FoodHorseMeat
00065C9D FoodPheasant
00065C9E FoodRabbit
00065C9F FoodSalmon
000663E1 IVDGhostPotion
000669A2 FoodVenison
000669A3 FoodMammothCheeseBowl
000669A4 FoodMammothMeat
000669A5 FoodLeek
0006A07E DummyPotion
000721E8 FoodBeefCooked
0007224C FoodGoatMeatCooked
0007224E FoodHorkerMeatCooked
000722BO FoodHorseMeatCooked
000722BB FoodMammothMeatCooked
000722BD FoodVenisonCooked
000722C2 FoodRabbitCooked
000722C7 FoodPheasantCooked
00073F31 DamageHealth02
00073F32 DamageHealth03
00073F33 DamageHealth04
00073F34 DamageHealth05
00073F35 DamageHealthLinget02
00073F36 DamageHealthLinget03
00073F37 DamageHealthLinger04
00073F38 DamageHealthLinget05
00073F39 DamageMagicka02
00073F3A DamageMagicka03
00073F3B DamageMagicka04
00073F3C DamageMagicka05
00073F3D DamageMagickaLinget02
00073F3E DamageMagickaLinger03
00073F3F DamageMagickaLinger04
00073F40 DamageMagickaLinget05
00073F41 DamageStamina02
00073F42 DamageStamina03
00073F43 DamageStamina04
00073F44 DamageStamina05
00073F45 DamageStaminaLinget02
00073F46 DamageStaminaLinger03
00073F47 DamageStaminaLinger04
00073F48 DamageStaminaLinget05
00073F49 WeaknessFire02
00073F4A WeaknessFire03
00073F4B WeaknessFire04
00073F4C WeaknessFire05
00073F4D WeaknessFrost02
00073F4E WeaknessFrost03
00073F4F WeaknessFrost04
00073F50 WeaknessFrost05
00073F52 WeaknessShockOl
00073F53 WeaknessShock03
00073F54 WeaknessShock04
00073F55 WeaknessShock05
00073F56 WeaknessMagic02
00073F57 WeaknessMagic03
00073F58 WeaknessMagic04
00073F59 WeaknessMagic05
00073F5A Frenzy02
00073F5B Frenzy03
00073F5C Frenzy04
00073F5D Frenzy05
00073F5E Fear02
00073F5F Fear03
00073F60 Fear04
00073F61 Fear05
00073F8B DamageStaminaRateOl
00073F8C DamageStaminaRate02
00073F8D DamageStaminaRate03
00073F8E DamageStaminaRate04
00073F90 DamageMagickaRecoveryOl
00073F91 DamageMagickaRecovery02
00073F92 DamageMagickaRecovery03
00073F93 DamageMagickaRecovery04
00073F94 DamageMagickaRecovery05
00074A38 Paralyze02
00074A39 Paralyze03
00074A3A Paralyze04
00074A3B Paralyze05
00076F17 TGOOFalmerBlood
00085368 FoodSolitudeSpicedWine
0009380D DA14Water
000AE723 CureDisease
000AED90 dunSleepingTreeCampSap
000B91D7 WEDL03CyrodilicBrandy
000C5348 FoodWineBottle02A
000C5349 FoodWineAltoA
OOOCADFB FavorFoodMarkarthSpicedBeef
000CD614 FoodMarriageMeal
000CD883 FavorNightshadeExtract
000D055E FavorSorexRum
000D6948 FortifySkillPersuasionOl
000D6949 FortifySkillPersuasion02
000D697F FortifySkillPersuasion03
000D6980 FortifySkillPersuasion04
000DC172 TGTQ02BalmoraBlue
000E2D3D CWOlBWraithPoison
000E41B8 FrostbiteVenom
000E6DF5 BladesPotion
000E8448 FoodCharredSkeeverMeat
000E8947 FoodChickenCooked
000EBA01 FoodAppleCabbageStew
000EBA02 FoodCabbageSoup
000EBA03 FoodClamMeat
000EDB2E FoodDogMeat
000F1464 FoodChicken
000F257E MS14WineAltoA
000F4314 FoodBeefStew
000F4315 FoodHorkerStew
000F431B FoodCabbagePotatoSoup
000F431C FoodTomatoSoup
000F431D FoodVenisonStew
000F431E FoodVegetableSoup
000F4320 FoodElsweyrFondue
000F693F TGPotionofEscapeOl
000F84AF TGPotionofEscape02
000F84B0 TGPotionofEscape03
000F84B1 TGPotionofEscape04
000F84B2 TGPotionofEscape05
000F84B3 TGPotionofEscape06
000F84B5 TGPotionofConflictOl
000F84B6 TGPotionofConflict02
000F84B7 TGPotionofConflict03
000F84B8 TGPotionofConflict04
000F84B9 TGPotionofConflict05
000F84BA TGPotionofConflict06
000F84BB TGPotionofKeenShotOl
000F84BC TGPotionofKeenShot02
000F84BD TGPotionofKeenShot03
000F84BE TGPotionofKeenShot04
000F84BF TGPotionofKeenShot05
000F84C0 TGPotionofKeenShot06
000F84C1 TGPotionofPlundetOl
000F84C2 TGPotionofPlundet02
000F84C3 TGPotionofPlundet03
000F84C4 TGPotionofPlunder04
000F84C5 TGPotionofPlundet05
000F84C6 TGPotionofPlunder06
000F9642 crlceWraithResistFrost25
000FF9FC FortifyHealth05
000FF9FD FortifyMagicka05
000FF9FE FortifyCarry05
000FF9FF FortifyHealRate05
OOOFFAOO FortifyMagickaRate05
000FFA01 FortifyStamina05
000FFA02 FortifyStaminaRate05
00102019 MS12WPResistMagic50
0010201A MS12WPFortifyStamina01
0010201B MS12WPFortifySkillSneak03
0010201C MS12WPFortifyMagicka01
0010201D MS12WPFortifySkillOneHanded04
0010201E MS12WPRestoreHealth04
0010211A DA03FoodMammothMeat
0010394D FoodHoney
00107A8A MQlOUuniperMead
0010D666 FoodGourd
por AlaanBrynner
editar remover
Assistam meu video no youtube que os ensina a upar ganhando pontos para usar nas
suas skills :)
por LucasFS_Kabal_
editar remover
Esse FAQ para preguiosos! Apesar de grande, ele responde todas ou quase todas as
perguntas que voc possa fazer com relao ao jogo, portanto, leia com ateno e NUNCA MAI
0)Eu sou novato ainda, qual dica vocs podem me dar??
R - ABRE A P*RRA DO JOGO E JOGA... Cara, se fosse para ficar pedindo conselho em
forum, todo jogo viria com um manual explicando detalhadamente como terminar ca
da quest, como andar em cada cidade, como fazer tudo, cada exploit, cada manha,
cada detalhe. Se voc vai jogar alguma coisa, um RPG principalmente, e quer que te
ensinem tudo sobre antes mesmo de jogar, na boa, no joga, no vale a pena. A graa d
o jogo est em explorar, descobrir, entender, testar, tentar, falhar, e no em pegar
tudo mastigadinho em um topico de forum e simplesmente copiar. Meu FAQ possui d
icas para quem j est jogando e para quem vai comear, eu no dei informao suficiente par
a facilitar o jogo de ningum.
1)Qual raa eu devo escolher?
R - QUALQUER UMA!!! Eu vou explicar detalhadamente a diferena entre cada raa: A AP
ARNCIA. Entendam de uma vez por todas que a raa s influencia a dificuldade do jogo
durante os 15 primeiros nveis, depois disso irrelevante se voc jogar de High Elf g
uerreiro ou Orc mage.
2)Mas eu quero fazer um arqueiro/assassino!?!
R - Pelamordosmeusfilhinhos... E quem no quer?? Parece que a primeira coisa que a
s pessoas pensam quando pegam skyrim "eu vou fazer um assassino". Para os mais p
reguiosos ou os que no leram a pergunta anterior fica a dica: khajiit e wood elf.
3)Eu achei um bug do capiroto, o que eu fao??
R - Google, conhece?? Se voc pesquisar um determinado bug de Skyrim, capaz de apa
recer uns 20 resultados da GV, de topicos diferentes, criados repetidas vezes, p
or razes desconhecidas, e o mais estranho: geralmente as solues so to parecidas...
4)Virei vampiro e todo mundo est querendo me matar, o que eu fao??
R - Comea a rezar, mas reza com fora, com vontade, quem sabe no resolve... Existem,
pelo menos, um numero indefinido de topicos sobre esse assunto, eu mesmo j fiz t
rs, mas no foi duvida minha no, foram tutoriais de como jogar com vampiro e como no
ser um. Ou ento voc pode comprar e instalar Dawnguard, com essa exp as pessoas no l
igam mais para o fato de voc ser um vampiro nvel 4. Outra dica: algum em Morthal sa
be como curar vampirismo, fale com o dono da taverna para descobrir quem.
5)Matei a cidade inteira e agora estou szinho de mais, o que eu fao??
R - Se mata e vai fazer companhia pra eles em Sovngarde... Por favor, pela miles
ima vez, npc morto no volta, j era, foi, bau bau. Voc pode usar magias de conjurao pa
ra volta-los, mas eles sero seus escravos; ou voc, caso jogue no pc, pode usar o c
onsole e fazer uma magia negra de adm para ele voltar do limbo...
6)Eu roubei at as cuecas de todo mundo na cidade, e agora eles querem minha cabea,
o que eu fao?!
R - Aff... Reinstala o jogo!! Primeiro: no roube de ningum que consiga te ver roub
ando. Segundo: roubar sem habilidade dificil n?? Invista nisso se realmente quer
viver de roubos.
7)Eu baixei TODOS os mods do Steam Workshop e do Nexus e agora meu jogo no abre,
e quando abre vira uma coisa de doido, o que eu fao??
R - Adivinha!! Reinstala todo o jogo de novo, e v se dessa vez deixa de ser pregu
ioso e leia como instalar o mod e como evitar problemas "mais-que-tecnicos".
8)Meu jogo est muito super-hiper-mega difcil/fcil, o que eu fao??
R - Primeiramente mantenha a calma. Depois voc corta tua cabea fora e joga do alto
de um viaduto. Isso j foi dito tantas vezes, j foi mostrado tantas vezes, j foi re
petido e recontado e remostrado tantas e tantas vezes, que inutil responder, mas
eu vou responder: abra as opes, em "Gameplay" ou algo assim haver uma opo para reduz
ir ou aumentar a dificuldade do jogo. O jogo possui os nveis "Novice", que seria
o facilimo, onde voc praticamente imune a dano e causa tanto, que capaz de cortar
uma montanha com uma faca de ferro; "Apprentice" que o fcil, voc toma um pouco ma
is de dano, mas ainda absurdamente resistente; "Adept" que seria o normal, atrib
utos normais, tudo normal; "Expert" que seria o difcil, s pra quem manja das p*tar
ias; e "Master" que seria o dificilimo, esse s para masoquistas E quem manja MUIT
O das p*tarias.
9)Eu jogava Oblivion e tinha as guildas, cade as guildas de Skyrim??
R - NO LIMBO!! For Arkay sake!! Preguioso f*da, prefere criar topico do que procu
rar no jogo. Existem 4 "guildas", assim dito porque no so guildas de verdade, como
em Oblivion. Em Skyrim existem 4 faces separadas, nenhuma delas est relacionada co
m as guildas do jogo anterior, elas so os Companions, em Whiterun, guerreiros val
orosos, a melhor definio de um companion "o jeito nordico de viver"; o Mages Colle
ge, em Winterhold, literalmente uma escola para magos; a Thieves Guild, em Rifte
n, que a velha guilda dos ladres; e por ultimo e no menos importante, a Dark Broth
erhood, cuja base oculta e voc NUNCA saber onde fica, MUAHUAHUA, para assassinos,
que para adentrar necessario provar seu valor matando algum em Riften, algum que v
10)JESUS APAGA A LUZ, a Lydia sumiu, meu Deus me helpa!!!
R - Calma. No priemos canico. Se a Lydia sumir fcil, apenas comece o jogo de novo.
Para aqueles que AINDA no entenderam, a Lydia SEMPRE voltar para sua casa em Whit
erun, OU para o "palacio" em Whiterun, ela no tem outro lugar para ir, e se ela no
estiver em um desses lugares, s esperar algumas horas que ela brota magicamente.
Caso ela no brote, ela morreu. Sim, ela morreu. Caso voc queira ver o corpo dela
e chorar at virar emo, e caso jogue no pc, abra o console com o boto acima do Tab,
e digite SEM ASPAS "player.moveto a2c94", isso considerado cheat, ento voc vai se
r conhecido como cheater por fazer isso. Se voc for um cheater, existe uma forma
de deixar a Lydia invencivel, novamente com o console, abra-o e digite SEM ASPAS
"setessential a2c8e 1" e a Lydia dever ficar f*dona, nem Chuck Norris poder mata-
la. E caso voc seja um animal completamente incapaz e tenha pedido para ela esper
ar e esquecido disso, espere por mais ou menos 10 dias em algum lugar, ela se ca
nsar e voltar para sua casa.
11)Quais os itens mais fortes do jogo??
R - NENHUM, SO TODOS RUINS PA P*RRA!! Hipoteticamente falando, supondo que voc pos
sua APENAS Smithing (metalurgia), e use Heavy Armor (armadura pesada), a melhor
armadura a Dragonplate, SIM, isso mesmo, Dragonplate. No, NO Daedric. Por que no Da
edric? SIMPLES, Dragonplate aceita 2 nveis a mais de aprimoramento em relao a Daedr
ic, fazendo com que fique com mais ou menos 4 a 6 pontos melhor. Agora para Ligh
t Armor (armadura leve), Dragonscale, mas dessa vez a Glass no chega nem perto da
Dragonscale, ficando mais ou menos 16 nveis abaixo. Mas isso para quem possui Sm
ithing, se voc usa Light Armor e no tem Smithing, ento a melhor continua sendo Drag
onscale, o problema que voc vai ter que encontrar ela pelo jogo, o que s acontece
depois do nvel 55. Se voc usar Heavy Armor e no tem smithing, deleta o save e comea
de novo. Agora, supondo que voc possua Alchemy e Enchanting, ou somente Alchemy o
u somente Enchanting, as armaduras leve e pesada so, na pratica, iguais, os perks
fazem com que elas possuam as mesmas propriedades e os mesmos valores de defesa
. Falando de armas, se voc possui Smithing, ento so as Daedric. Se voc no possui, as
melhores so a espada Dragonrend, o arco Nightingale Bow, as facas Blade of Woe e
a Meruhne's Razor, o machado Wuuthrad e o escudo Spellbreaker.
12)Qual a ordem dos patches?? Eu tenho que instalar todos??
R - Dessa vez sem zuao, eu sei que existem jogos nos quais voc precisa instalar pat
ch por patch, ou seja, patches no cumulativos entre si, mas com Skyrim diferente.
Com Skyrim todos os ltimos patches contem todos os anteriores, ou seja, so cumula
tivos entre si, e por isso no necessario instala-los, o nico patch que realmente n
ecessrio o ltimo. Em caso de algum idealista hipocrita vier me xingar falando que
instalar patches s para piratas e que original tem auto-patch e mimimi, eu digo F
*DA-SE. Existem algumas pessoas que gostam de instalar patches manualmente mesmo
em um jogo original com auto-patch, porque comum que um patch traga um bug que
o anterior no tinha, e tambm comum que mods no funcionem com determinadas verses. En
tenderam idealistas hipocritas de m*rda??
13)Algum me diz uma build boa pra guerreiro/assassino/ladro/mago??
R - PELO AMOR DE DEUS... Em Skyrim no existe um sistema definido de classes e/ou
profisses, voc simplesmente faz o que voc quiser, como quiser, quando quiser. Voc po
de ser quem voc quiser, matar ou morrer, tanto faz. O difcil desapegar dessa noo de
classes que est presente em inumeros RPGs, pois aqui voc tem que se virar para ser
o que voc quiser, e vai ter que trabalhar para isso. Em Skyrim as "builds" so def
inidas pelos perks que voc pega ao longo dos 81 nveis (para deixar bem claro isso,
o nvel mximo 81 e meio e isso no muda com Dawnguard), e a melhor forma de fazer is
so colocar naquilo que voc USA, GOSTA e PRECISA. Simples assim. Por exemplo: se v
oc gosta de guerreiros, ento coloque os perks em armas, seja de uma mo ou duas, arm
aduras, seja leve ou pesada, e bloqueio. Pronto, build feita. Sobre Dawnguard, t
em muita gente perguntando "mas o nvel no aumentou?", no, no aumentou, o nvel ainda 8
1 e meio. "Mas por que?? Eu li que tinha aumentado"; simples, o nvel dado pelo pr
ogresso das suas habilidades, quando todas atingem o nvel 100, voc alcana o nvel 81
e meio, e como Dawnguard no adiciona nenhuma habilidade nova, como poderia aument
ar o nvel mximo?? "Ah!! Mais tem us poderzin de lambizome e vampiro"; velho, o pro
gresso de Werewolf e Vampire Lord feito de uma forma TOTALMENTE, COMPLETAMENTE,
ABSOLUTAMENTE diferente; o seu progresso baseado nas suas aes, sim, igual o outro,
mas voc no ganha nveis nessas habilidades, voc ganha apenas os perks.
14)Dawnguard est tudo bugado e eu no consigo jogar, o jogo fica fechando e blablab
R - Bitch, please... Dawnguard est lavada em bugs?? Sim, est, e at minha v sabe diss
o, no h necessidade de criar OUTRO topico para falar isso. Instale a expanso, dlc,
addon, como queira chamar, MAS NO INSTALE O PATCH 1.7 AKA UPDATE 10, pois ele que
est todo ferrado e no Dawnguard, e caso voc instale o patch "sem querer" s baixar o
update 9 em algum lugar e instalar e puff, problemas resolvidos. Fique avisado
de que Dawnguard no foi feito para rodar no patch 1.6, logo, bem provavel que aco
nte o seguinte: lags, congelamento em scripts, ctd em momentos bem especificos, at
asos nas cenas e falas, audio fora de sincronia, dentre outros probleminhas tecn
icos; alguns deles podem causar quebra de imerso, mas raro, outro podem atrapalha
r o gameplay, mas ainda mais raro, portanto compensa mais usar o patch 1.6. Tambm
recomendo desinstalar o pacote de texturas em HD que a Bethesda lanou no comeo do
ano, ele incompativel com Dawnguard, sabe-se l porque.
15)Eu tenho a quest mimimi que pede o item blablabla e eu no sei o que fazer, me
R - FOR ARKEY SAKE, SE MATA!! Sinceramente, com o tempo que eu tenho de jogo, eu
posso dizer com toda tranquilidade que at um macaco conseguiria desvendar os mis
terios das quests de Skyrim... Mas deixa estar, eu vou ensinar uma coisa QUE NO D
EVERIA, mas vou, portanto leiam e aprendam. Em Skyrim h um sistema muito interess
ante e complexo de informaes. Sim, meus caros, informaes. Voc pode conseguir qualquer
tipo de informao simplesmente falando com os NPCs, desde lore sobre os dwemers at
informao importante que te ajuda a completar quests, simplesmente falando com NPCs
. Vou dar dois exemplos CRASSICOS: na quest para entrar na Dark Brotherhood voc t
em que falar com Aventus Arentino, mas no sabe onde a casa dele?? Fale com QUALQU
ER PESSOA em Windhelm e descubra em questo de segundos onde ele mora. Outro exemp
lo a quest relativa a Saadia em Whiterun, para voc descobrir onde est Kematu voc te
m que falar com ela mesma no instante em que ela te da a quest. Para quests rela
tivas a itens a mesmissima coisa, algum sabe onde est o item, voc s precisa LER O RA
IO DO DIALOGO!! Mas claro, no podemos esquecer que para isso voc tem que saber ler
, lgico. Para aprender a ler fcil: v para a escola. "mais eu sei ler, eu naum sei i
ngleis", nem precisa saber, o jogo tem traduo, tanto o jogo base quanto Dawnguard.
16)Quais as diferenas entre as raas??
R - J FOI RESPONDIDO, P*RRA!! Ok. Dessa vez eu vou explicar, mas, SOMENTE DESSA V
EZ!! Primeiro, as raas so divididas em Mer, Man e Beast, que seria MAIS OU MENOS e
lfo, humano e besta. As raas so: Altmer (mer), Argonian (beast), Breton (man), Bos
mer (mer), Dunmer (mer), Imperial (man), Khajiit (beast), Nord (man), Redguard (
man), Orsimer (mer/man, no entra em nenhum dos dois); Altmers tem afinidade com m
agia, portanto eles comeam com bonus em todas as escolas; Argonians so repteis e m
uito bons em taticas furtivas, timos rogues, thiefs, etc; Bretons so a raa mais arc
ana dentre os homens, e, portanto, recebem bonus na maioria das escolas de magia
, mas no so tantos quanto dos Altmer; Bosmer a raa mais arqueira do jogo, comea com
o maior bonus nisso e em todas habilidades furtivas; Dunmers so mais variados par
a elfos e possuem bonus inicial em algumas escolas e habilidades furtivas; Imper
ial a raa mais versatil do jogo, com bonus inicial bem variado em magia e fora, el
es tambm encontram mais dinheiro; Khajiit a raa mais furtiva de todas, os bonus in
iciais so enormes em furtividade, e eles podem usar as garras, outra vantagem; No
rd o povo original de Skyrim, so resistentes e fortes, em contrapartida no recebem
bonus em furtividade e magia; Redguard podem ser chamados de "nighblades", so ba
stante versateis tambm, mas o foco deles est em ataque, possuindo bonus em armas e
magias de destruio; Orsimers, que no so elfos e nem homens, so chamados apenas de Or
cs, so os mais puros guerreiros do jogo, recebendo bonus em todas as habilidades
Caso meu FAQ no seja suficiente, existe uma seo aqui chamada Detonados, l o DarkAllN
ight com um monte de X postou um tuto bacana e completissimo, mais do que meu FA
Se voc estiver com algum problema que nem o Google, o tuto do DarkAllNight e meu
FAQ conseguiram resolver, crie um tpico, ficaremos felizes em te ajudar (ou no).
Obs: tudo uma grande RAGE brincadeira, apesar do sarcasmo, as respostas so serias
em alguns pontos e podem te ajudar bastante, ento leia.

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