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Pressione [ \ ] barra durante o jogo para abrir o console de comandos.

Em seguida, insira um dos seguintes cdigos para ativar a respectiva funo. Obs. As conquistas (Achievements) sero desativadas quando habilitar os macetes (cheats): Cdigos Especiais tgm tcl coc psb player.advlevel caqs tmm,1 tfc qqq tai tcai tg tm tfow kill resurrect unlock lock killall X Bloqueia Mata Altera (nome Altera da XXX Define X X X X X X X Altera o a Coloque X escala o e do nvel as 0 burden Dragonsouls Fatigue Health X Magicka a o habilidade) Define campo X a infmia Define Aumenta Adiciona (zero) Define jogadores, da onde Aumenta Aumenta a Mata Ressuscita Desbloqueia os bas, todos todos ativa deteco o dono o portas os os os de do de o Aumenta fama do a a Dragons Define Define se Define a o 1 o Ativa/desativa Ativa/desativa ativa/desativa o o objecto e pessoas inimigos itens AI Duplica viso nvel nvel da em habilidade do controles objecto o a combate Ativa/desativa Ativa/desativa o modo o Teleporte Deus modo para Ganha O jogador sobre Completa Ativa/desativa Inicia Abandona Inteligncia da ativa/desativa ativa/desativa o que que que (X que NPC (evitar durante que os (XXX do habilidade XXX o os Fumo estiver estiver estiver o que nvel estiverem estiver os est Artificial Inteligncia Artificial um todos as todas (Invencibilidade, No-clip a (voar, todos nvel (sem os marcaes as misses o (congela (congela a menus, de na na na do os os localizao capacidade indicada de (ex. os pontos Quest no do para carga as coc infinita) paredes) qasmoke) feitios regalias) Stages mapa zero jogo inimigos) inimigos) relva HUD Guerra mira mira mira bloqueio) prximos na mira roubar) mira itens valor) jogador indicada mira na de em em mira carga X X fadiga sade ser livre Magicka nvel normal em 1 (quantidade) cinemticos na atravessar


Cmara livre saq

removeallitems tdetect


enableplayercontrols setownership duplicateallitems fov XXX advancepclevel advancepcskill advskill setpcfame setpcinfamy player.modav player.modav player.modav player.setav player.setav player.setcrimegold player.setav player.setlevel player.setscale player.IncPCS trazer help o [habilidade]


ser encontrado a

do personagem na personagem capacidade carga Souls a a quiser


player.setav speedmult X Aumenta a velocidade de movimentos, onde X a percentagem

player.placeatme X Cria um NPC na sua localizao, onde X a identificao do NPC [habilidade] para Aumenta nvel 1 habilidade para de introduzida os valores

showracemenu ativa o menu de seleco de raa e personalizao de personagem. NOTA: Isto vai personagem todas a habilidades lista iniciais. Mostra comandos

player.additem XXXXXXXX ###- Adiciona itens (ver cdigos no final), onde XXXXXXXX o cdigo do item player.additem Vrios: 0000000f 0000000a 0005ACDB 0005ACDD 0005ACDE 0005ACDF 0005ACE0 0005ACE1 0005AC 0005AC 0005AC 0005ACE5 0005AD93 0005AD99 0005AD9D 0005AD9E 0005AD9F 0005ADA0 0005ADA1 IngotMalachite Munies: 00038341 00034182 000236DD 00020F02 00020DDF 000139C0 000139BF 000139BE 000139BD 000139BC 000139BB 0001397F 0001397D 0010EC8C 0010E2DE 0010B0A7 00109AB6 00109AB5 00109AB4 00109AB3 00105EE7 OOOEAFDF 000E738A 000CEE9E MQ101 Nord Foil bound TrapDweBal TrapDweBal TrapDweBal TrapDweBal Steel Hero owerlron Dwarven Orcish FalmerArrow DraugrArrow TrapDart CWArrowShort CWArrow DaedricArrow EbonyArrow GlassArrow ElvenArrow Arrow Arrow SteelArrow IronArrow DwaivenSphereBolt02 Arrow Arrow istaBoltAmmo06 istaBoltAmmo04 istaBoltAmmo03 istaBoltAmmo02 Arrow Arrow ForswornArrow E2 E3 E4 Gold Lockpicks OreCorundum OreOrichakum OreGold OreSilver OreMoonstone OreMalachite OreQuicksilver ingotSilver Ingotlron IngotSteel IngotCorundum IngotOrichalcum IngotEbony IngotGold IngotlMoonstone IngotQuicksilver e ### 0000000f 999 a quantidade. Ganha 999 Exemplos: ouro

player.additem 0000000a 100 Ganha 100 Lockpicks


OOOCAB52 000961D6 0007B935 0007B932 00073FE6 0006DA4F 0006A0BF 00052E99 00052E97 0003BDF7 FXDustDropAmmoMed Consumveis: 0001895F 0002C35A 0003133B 0003133C 00034C5D 00034C5E 000398AB 000398AC 000398AD 000398EC 000398ED 000398EE 000398Fl 000398F3 000398F4 000398F5 000398F6 000398FD 00039945 00039946 00039948 00039949 0003994B 0003994E 0003994F 00039955 00039956 00039957 00039958 00039959 0003995A 00039969 0003996F 00039970 00039973 00039974 00039980 00039AA6

dunArcherPracticeArrow dunJaphetsFollyCWCatapultAmmo DwarvenSphereBoltOl DwarvenSphereArrow CWCatapultAmmo TrapDweBallistaBoltAmmoOl DummyArrow FXDustDropAmmoTiny FXDustDropAmmoSm

FirebrandWine FoodBlackBriarMead FoodWineAlto FoodWineBottle02 FoodMead FortifySkillBlock02 FortifySkillBlock03 FortifySkillBlock04 FortifySkillConjuration02 FortifySkillConjuration03 FortifySkillConjuration04 FortifySkiIIDestruction02 FortifySkiIIDestruction03 FortifySkiIIDestruction04 FortifySkillHeavyArmor02 FortifySkillHeavyArmor03 FortifySkillHeavyArmor04 FortifySkiIILockpickingOl FortifySkiIILockpicking02 FortifySkiIILockpicking03 FortifySkillLockpicking04 FortifySkillMarksman02 FortifySkillMarksman03 FortifySkillMarksman04 FortifySkillOneHanded02 FortifySkillOneHanded03 FortifySkillOneHanded04 FortifySkillPickpocket02 FortifySkillPickpocket04 FortifySkillPickpocket03 FortifySkillSneak02 FortifySkillSneak03 FortifySkillSneak04 FortifySkillBarter03 FortifySkillBarter04 FortifySkillTwoHanded02 FortifySkillTwoHanded03 FortifySkillTwoHanded04

00039BOC 00039B4A 00039B4B 00039B8A 00039BDF 00039BE1 00039BE3 00039BE4 00039BE5 00039BE6 00039BE7 00039CF3 00039CFB 00039E53 00039E54 00039E55 0003A5A4 0003AC2E 0003AC2F 0003AC30 0003AC31 0003EADD 0003EADE 0003EADF 0003EAE0 0003EAE1 0003EAE2 0003EAE3 0003EAE4 0003EAE5 0003EAE6 0003EAE7 0003EAE8 0003EAE9 0003EAED 0003EAEE 0003EAEF 0003EAF0 0003EAF1 0003EAF2 0003EAF4 0003EAF5 0003EAF6 0003EAF7 0003EAFA 0003EAFB 0003EAFC 0003EAFD 0003EAFE

FortifyStaminaRate03 ResistFire25 ResistFire75 ResistFrost25 ResistFrost75 ResistShock25 ResistShock75 RestoreHealth05 RestoreHealth06 RestoreMagicka05 RestoreStamina02 RestoreStamina06 ResistMagic25 ResistMagic50 ResistMagic75 ResistMagiclOO DamageHealthOl WaterbreathingOl Waterbreathing02 Waterbreathing03 Waterbreathing04 RestoreHealthOl RestoreHealth02 RestoreHealth03 RestoreMagickaOl RestoreMagicka02 RestoreMagicka03 RestoreHealth04 RestoreMagicka04 RestoreStaminaOl RestoreStamina05 RestoreStamina03 RestoreStamina04 ResistFire50 ResistFrost50 ResistShock50 ResistFirelOO ResistFrostlOO ResistShocklOO FortifyHealthOl FortifyHealth02 FortifyHealth04 FortifyHealth03 FortifyMagickaOl FortifyMagicka02 FortifyMagicka03 FortifyMagicka04 FortifyStaminaOl FortifyStamina03

0003EAFF 0003EB00 0003EB02 0003EB03 0003EB04 0003EB05 0003EB09 0003EB0A 0003EB0B 0003EB0C 0003EB0D 0003EB0E 0003EB0F 0003EB10 0003EB11 0003EB12 0003EB14 0003EB2A 0003EB2B 0003EB2C 0003EB2E 0003EB2F 0003EB30 0003EB31 0003EB32 0003EB33 0003EB35 0003EB36 0003EB39 0003EB3F 0003EB40 0003EB41 0003F4BD 000508CA 000555E8 0005566A 0005629E 0005661F 00057A7A 00057A7B 00058CFB 0005F6DF 00064B2E 00064B2F 00064B30 00064B31 00064B32 00064B33 00064B34

FortifyStamina04 FortifyStamina02 FortifyCarryOl FortifyCarry03 FortifyCarry04 FortifyCarry02 FortifyHealRateOl FortifyHealRate02 FortifyHealRate03 FortifyHealRate04 FortifyMagickaRateOl FortifyMagickaRate02 FortifyMagickaRate03 FortifyMagickaRate04 FortifyStaminaRateOl FortifyStaminaRate02 FortifyStaminaRate04 FortifySkillOneHandedOl FortifySkillTwoHandedOl FortifySkillMarksmanOl FortifySkiHSmithingOl FortifySkillHeavyArmorOl FortifySkiIILightArmotOl FortifySkillPickpocketOl FortifySkillBlockOl FortifySkillSneakOl FortifySkillBarterOl FortifySkiII InvisibilityOl Invisibility03 Invisibility02 Invisibility04 WindhelmDoubleDistilledSkooma FoodHonningbrewMead FreeformDragonBridgeMead MarkarthBothelaPotion DefaultPoison DefaultPotion Skooma FreeformAngasMillKordirsSkooma DB03Poison DA16TorporPotion FoodApple FoodApple02 FoodBoiledCremeTreat FoodCheeseWedgeOl FoodCheeseWedge02 FoodCheeseWheelOlA FoodCheeseWheel02A

00064B35 00064B36 00064B38 00064B3A 00064B3B 00064B3C 00064B3D 00064B3E 00064B3F 00064B40 00064B41 00064B42 00064B43 00065A64 00065A65 00065A66 00065A68 00065A69 00065A6A 00065A6B 00065A6C 00065A6D 00065A6E 00065A6F 00065A70 00065A71 00065C37 00065C38 00065C39 00065C97 00065C98 00065C99 00065C9A 00065C9B 00065C9C 00065C9D 00065C9E 00065C9F 000663E1 000669A2 000669A3 000669A4 000669A5 0006A07E 000721E8 0007224C 0007224E 000722BO 000722BB

FoodCheeseWheelOlB FoodCheeseWheel02B FoodLongTaffyTreat FoodPotatoesBaked FoodSalmonCooked FoodSlaughterfishCooked FoodSweetroll FoodLeeksGrilled FoodCabbage FoodCarrot FoodPotato FoodTomato FoodPie CurePoison DamageMagickaOl DamageStaminaOl FeatOl FrenzyOl ParalyzeOl WeaknessFireOl WeaknessFrostOl WeaknessShock02 WeaknessMagicOl DamageHealthLingetOl DamageMagickaLingetOl DamageStaminaLingetOl RiftenSpecialOl RiftenSpecial02 RiftenSpecial03 FoodBreadOlA FoodBreadOlB FoodBeef FoodGoatMeat FoodHorkerMeat FoodHorseMeat FoodPheasant FoodRabbit FoodSalmon IVDGhostPotion FoodVenison FoodMammothCheeseBowl FoodMammothMeat FoodLeek DummyPotion FoodBeefCooked FoodGoatMeatCooked FoodHorkerMeatCooked FoodHorseMeatCooked FoodMammothMeatCooked

000722BD 000722C2 000722C7 00073F31 00073F32 00073F33 00073F34 00073F35 00073F36 00073F37 00073F38 00073F39 00073F3A 00073F3B 00073F3C 00073F3D 00073F3E 00073F3F 00073F40 00073F41 00073F42 00073F43 00073F44 00073F45 00073F46 00073F47 00073F48 00073F49 00073F4A 00073F4B 00073F4C 00073F4D 00073F4E 00073F4F 00073F50 00073F52 00073F53 00073F54 00073F55 00073F56 00073F57 00073F58 00073F59 00073F5A 00073F5B 00073F5C 00073F5D 00073F5E 00073F5F

FoodVenisonCooked FoodRabbitCooked FoodPheasantCooked DamageHealth02 DamageHealth03 DamageHealth04 DamageHealth05 DamageHealthLinget02 DamageHealthLinget03 DamageHealthLinger04 DamageHealthLinget05 DamageMagicka02 DamageMagicka03 DamageMagicka04 DamageMagicka05 DamageMagickaLinget02 DamageMagickaLinger03 DamageMagickaLinger04 DamageMagickaLinget05 DamageStamina02 DamageStamina03 DamageStamina04 DamageStamina05 DamageStaminaLinget02 DamageStaminaLinger03 DamageStaminaLinger04 DamageStaminaLinget05 WeaknessFire02 WeaknessFire03 WeaknessFire04 WeaknessFire05 WeaknessFrost02 WeaknessFrost03 WeaknessFrost04 WeaknessFrost05 WeaknessShockOl WeaknessShock03 WeaknessShock04 WeaknessShock05 WeaknessMagic02 WeaknessMagic03 WeaknessMagic04 WeaknessMagic05 Frenzy02 Frenzy03 Frenzy04 Frenzy05 Fear02 Fear03

00073F60 00073F61 00073F8B 00073F8C 00073F8D 00073F8E 00073F90 00073F91 00073F92 00073F93 00073F94 00074A38 00074A39 00074A3A 00074A3B 00076F17 00085368 0009380D 000AE723 000AED90 000B91D7 000C5348 000C5349 OOOCADFB 000CD614 000CD883 000D055E 000D6948 000D6949 000D697F 000D6980 000DC172 000E2D3D 000E41B8 000E6DF5 000E8448 000E8947 000EBA01 000EBA02 000EBA03 000EDB2E 000F1464 000F257E 000F4314 000F4315 000F431B 000F431C 000F431D 000F431E

Fear04 Fear05 DamageStaminaRateOl DamageStaminaRate02 DamageStaminaRate03 DamageStaminaRate04 DamageMagickaRecoveryOl DamageMagickaRecovery02 DamageMagickaRecovery03 DamageMagickaRecovery04 DamageMagickaRecovery05 Paralyze02 Paralyze03 Paralyze04 Paralyze05 TGOOFalmerBlood FoodSolitudeSpicedWine DA14Water CureDisease dunSleepingTreeCampSap WEDL03CyrodilicBrandy FoodWineBottle02A FoodWineAltoA FavorFoodMarkarthSpicedBeef FoodMarriageMeal FavorNightshadeExtract FavorSorexRum FortifySkillPersuasionOl FortifySkillPersuasion02 FortifySkillPersuasion03 FortifySkillPersuasion04 TGTQ02BalmoraBlue CWOlBWraithPoison FrostbiteVenom BladesPotion FoodCharredSkeeverMeat FoodChickenCooked FoodAppleCabbageStew FoodCabbageSoup FoodClamMeat FoodDogMeat FoodChicken MS14WineAltoA FoodBeefStew FoodHorkerStew FoodCabbagePotatoSoup FoodTomatoSoup FoodVenisonStew FoodVegetableSoup

000F4320 000F693F 000F84AF 000F84B0 000F84B1 000F84B2 000F84B3 000F84B5 000F84B6 000F84B7 000F84B8 000F84B9 000F84BA 000F84BB 000F84BC 000F84BD 000F84BE 000F84BF 000F84C0 000F84C1 000F84C2 000F84C3 000F84C4 000F84C5 000F84C6 000F9642 000FF9FC 000FF9FD 000FF9FE 000FF9FF OOOFFAOO 000FFA01 000FFA02 00102019 0010201A 0010201B 0010201C 0010201D 0010201E 0010211A 0010394D 00107A8A 0010D666 FoodGourd

FoodElsweyrFondue TGPotionofEscapeOl TGPotionofEscape02 TGPotionofEscape03 TGPotionofEscape04 TGPotionofEscape05 TGPotionofEscape06 TGPotionofConflictOl TGPotionofConflict02 TGPotionofConflict03 TGPotionofConflict04 TGPotionofConflict05 TGPotionofConflict06 TGPotionofKeenShotOl TGPotionofKeenShot02 TGPotionofKeenShot03 TGPotionofKeenShot04 TGPotionofKeenShot05 TGPotionofKeenShot06 TGPotionofPlundetOl TGPotionofPlundet02 TGPotionofPlundet03 TGPotionofPlunder04 TGPotionofPlundet05 TGPotionofPlunder06 crlceWraithResistFrost25 FortifyHealth05 FortifyMagicka05 FortifyCarry05 FortifyHealRate05 FortifyMagickaRate05 FortifyStamina05 FortifyStaminaRate05 MS12WPResistMagic50 MS12WPFortifyStamina01 MS12WPFortifySkillSneak03 MS12WPFortifyMagicka01 MS12WPFortifySkillOneHanded04 MS12WPRestoreHealth04 DA03FoodMammothMeat FoodHoney MQlOUuniperMead

Console Commands

tgm Good ol God Mode means youre completely invulnerable to everything, and pretty damn god-like. And no one needs to write a book about you or anything. tcl No clipping lets you go literally anywhere in the game world, from the top of the sky to the bottom of the, er, sky. Fascinating if you want to witness the game world. unlock Cant find that vital key? Lockpicking skill too low? Simply highlight the door or chest you want to unlock, and type unlock into the console. If only this worked in real life. psb Every single spell in Skyrim is now yours! player.advlevel Automatically level up perfect if you hate playing games. caqs Automatically complete all the stages of your primary quest perfect if you hate playing games. showracemenu Unhappy with your blind, inbred-looking Bosmer chap? You can adjust the way your character looks just like you did at the start of Skyrim but this will reset your level and skills. player.modav skill X Where skill is the skill you want to modify, and X is the amount you want to modify it by. Skills are inputted via their in-game names without spaces, apart from Archery which is Marksman, and Speech, which is known as Speechcraft. player.additem ITEM ### Every single item in Skyrim has a code, a bit like an Argos catalogue of fantasy objects. Youll find them all on this GameFront page replace ITEM with the items code, and ### with the number of items you want. Now your dreams of owning 47 cabbage potato soups can come true. player.additem 0000000f ### A simple way to get some free gold any number between 001 and 999 will do. player.additem 0000000a ### Running low on lockpicks? Enter the number you require here and theyll magically appear. addshout Combine with the codes on this Wikia page to add your selected shout. tm Toggles all in-game menus perfect if you want to take some screenshots to convince elderly relatives that Skyrim is where you went on your holidays. tmm Followed by 0 or 1 turns map markers on or off. tfc Not Team Fortress Classic, unfortunately. However, you will be able to access the flycam and pretend to be a dragon. tai Toggles AI, which means people wont interact with you, or do anything at all. tcai Turns combat AI on or off, turning dragons into placid beasts who act like you arent there. A bit like cats. tdetect This one lets you behave like a little rapscallion, as it turns naughty business detection

(stealing, murdering, doing a poo in the woods etc) on or off. Youll still get caught if you try pickpocketing, though. player.setcrimegold ### Adjust your wanted level with this handy command setting it to zero resets your current amount of wantedness. player.setlevel ## Up or down your player level as you see fit. Perfect if you hate playing games. player.setav speedmult ### Want to run like Uwe Boll after a night on the vindaloo? Set this number to anything more than 100 to speed up movement. movetoqt Go straight to your quest target. kill Target the thing you want to kill, type this command and theyll fall over in a very dead manner. We wish the command was Laputan Machine, though. killall Kills everything in the vicinity. Literally everything. help Lists every single console command. Weve put this further down the list because we want you to actually read this article. resurrect Target the thing you want to bring back to life, and theyll get up in a very alive manner. player.modav carryweight # Tired of getting tired? Up your carryweight and youll be able to transport more goodies. setpcfame # When will I, will I be famous? When you up your fame number. setpcinfamy # Hes not just famous, hes in-famous! Up it here. player.setav fatigue # Up this to stop feeling so tired all the time. player.setav health # Up your health here. coc qasmoke Bethesdas handily included a room with every single in-game item in it type this command to go straight there. It might take a while to load there are thousands of items here. Type coc Riverwood to return to the game. qqq Quit the game without having to go through any of those pesky menus. removeallitems Target a character and type this and youll get all their items including their clothes. Note: does not work in real life. sexchange Change your characters gender. Note: does not work in real life. set timescale to # This defaults at 16 1 is realtime. Up it to experience crazy timelapse-style Skyrim.

Dragon Armor 00013965 Dragonplate Boots

00013966 Dragonplate Armor 00013967 Dragonplate Gauntlets 00013969 Dragonplate Helmet 00013968 Dragonplate Shield 0001393D Dragonscale Boots 0001393E Dragonscale Armor 0001393F Dragonscale Gauntlets 00013940 Dragonscale Helmet 00013941 Dragonscale Shield Daedric 0001396B Daedric Armor 000139B4 Daedric BattleAxe 0001396A Daedric Boots 000139B5 Daedric Bow 000139B6 Daedric Dagger 0001396C Daedric Gauntlets 000139B7 Daedric Greatsword 0001396D Daedric Helmet 000139B8 Daedric Mace 0001396E Daedric Shield 000139B9 Daedric Sword 000139B3 Daedric War Axe 000139BA Daedric Warhammer

Player.addperk XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is the perk code. Here is a list of the item codes you can use with this cheat:




Skill Req.

Perk Req.

Description 000f2ca6 000153cd 000c44b7 1 00053129 0005312a 000c44b8 000c44b9


Novice Alteration Alteration Dual Casting Apprentice Alteration Magic Resistance 2 3 Adept Alteration Expert Alteration


Master Alteration Stability Mage Armor

2 3

000c44ba 000581fc 1 000d799a 000d799b 000f2ca7 000c44bb 000c44bc 000c44bd 000c44be 000153ce 000640b3 000d799e 000d799c 000581dd 000581de 1 00105f31 000cb419 000cb41a 000d5f1c 000f2ca8

Novice Conjuration Apprentice Conjuration Adept Conjuration Expert Conjuration Master Conjuration Conjuration Dual Casting Mystic Binding Soul Stealer Oblivion Binding Necromancy Dark Souls Summoner

Atromancy Elemental Potency Twin Souls Novice Destruction

Apprentice Destruction Adept Destruction Expert Destruction Master Destruction Rune Master Augmented Flames

000c44bf 000c44c0 000c44c1 000c44c2 00105f32 1 0010fcf8 000f392e 1 0010fcf9 000f3933 1 0010fcfa 000f3f0e 000153cf 000153d2 1 000c367c 000c367d 000c367e 000c367f 00058f80 00058f81 00058f82 00058f7e 00058f7d 00058f7f

Intense Flames Augmented Frost


Deep Freeze Augmented Shock


Disintegrate Destruction Dual Casting Impact Enchanter

2 3 4 5

Fire Enchanter Frost Enchanter Storm Enchanter Insightful Enchanter Corpus Enchanter Extra Effect

Soul Squeezer Soul Siphon Novice Illusion Animage Kindred Mage Quiet Casting Apprentice Illusion Adept Illusion Expert Illusion Master Illusion Hypnotic Gaze Aspect of Terror Rage Master of the Mind Illusion Dual Casting Novice Restoration Apprentice Restoration Adept Restoration Expert Restoration Master Restoration Recovery

00058f7c 00108a44 000f2ca9 000581e1 000581e2 000581fd 000c44c3 000c44c4 000c44c5 000c44c6 00059b77 00059b78 000c44b5 00059b76 000153d0 000f2caa 000c44c7 000c44c8 000c44c9 000c44ca 1 000581f5 000a3f64 000581f8 000581e4 000581f9 000153d1 00068bcc


60 Restor

Avoid Death Regeneration Necromage Respite Restoration Dual Casting Ward Absorb

90 Restor

20 Restor

70 Restor

40 Restor

20 Restor

60 Restor

2 3 4 5

1 0007934a 0007934b 0007934d 00079354 1 00105f1e 00105f1f 00051b12 00058f63 00058f61 00058f62 00105f19 1 00103adb 00058f64 1

000babed 20 Archery 40 Archery 60 Archery 80 Archery 00105f1c 60 Archery 90 Archery 50 Archery 60 Archery 30 Archery 50 Archery 70 Archery 00103ada 60 Archery 100 Archery

Critical Shot
2 3

Hunter's Discipline Ranger Eagle Eye Power Shot Quick Shot Steady Hand

Bullseye hield Wall

000bccae 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block

00079355 Blocking is 25% more effective. 00079356 Blocking is 30% more effective. 00079357 Blocking is 35% more effective. 00079358 Blocking is 40% more effective. 00058f68 Shield Wall Arrows that hit the shield do no





Deflect Arrows
Block damage.


Elemental Protection

00058f69 Deflect Arrows


Blocking with a shield reduces incoming fire, frost, and shock damage by 50%.

Block Runner
Block raised.

00106253 70 Elemental Protection Able to move faster with a shield

Power Bash

00058f67 Shield Wall Able to do a power bash.


Deadly Bash

0005f594 50 Power Bash Bashing does five times more damage. 00058f66 70 Deadly Bash Chance to disarm when power bashing. 00058f6a 100 Disarming Bash or Block Runner Sprinting with a shield raised knocks

Disarming Bash

Shield Charge
Block down most targets.

Quick Reflexes
Block during an enemy's power attack.

000d8c33 30 Shield Wall Time slows down if you are blocking

2 Armor 3 Armor 4 Armor 5 Armor 100%.

000bcd2a 0007935e 20 Heavy Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 40%. 00079361 40 Heavy Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 60%. 00079362 60 Heavy Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 80%. 00079374 80 Heavy Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by

Fists of Steel

00058f6e Armor Juggernaut attacks with Heavy Armor gauntlets do their armor rating in extra damage.

30 Heavy Unarmed


000bcd2b Armor Fists of Steel from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.

50 Heavy Half damage


00058f6d Armor Cushioned weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when worn.

70 Heavy Heavy Armor

Well Fitted

00058f6f Armor Juggernaut bonus if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.

30 Heavy 25% Armor

Tower of Strength
Armor stagger when wearing only Heavy Armor.

00058f6c Well Fitted

50 Heavy 50% less

Matching Set

00107832 Armor Tower of Strength 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Heavy Armor.

70 Heavy Additional

Reflect Blows

00105f33 100 Heavy Armor Matching Set 10% chance to reflect melee damage back to the enemy while wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.

2 3 4 5

000babe4 00079343 00079342 00079344 00079345 20 One-handed 40 One-handed 60 One-handed 80 One-handed 30 One-handed 60 One-handed 90 One-handed 30 One-handed 60 One-handed 90 One-handed 30 One-handed 50 One-handed 70 One-handed 20 One-handed 50 One-handed 50 One-handed 100 One-handed

2 3

0005f56f 000c1e90 000c1e91


Bone Breaker
2 3

0005f592 000c1e92 000c1e93


Dual Flurry

00106256 00106257 00106258 00052d50 000cb406 0003af81 0003afa6


Dual Savagery Fighting Stance Critical Charge Savage Strike Paralyzing Strike

Dual Flur

Armsman Fighting Fighting

Critical C

Hack and Slash

2 3

0003fffa 000c3678 000c3679 000cb40d 0005218e Steel Smithing

30 One-handed 60 One-handed 90 One-handed


Steel Smithing Arcane Blacksmith

weapons and armor.

60 Smithing You can improve magical

Dwarven Smithing

000cb40e Steel Smithing weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

30 Smithing Can create Dwarven armor and

Orcish Smithing

000cb410 Dwarven Smithing weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

50 Smithing Can create Orcish armor and

Ebony Smithing

000cb412 Orcish Smithing weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

80 Smithing Can create Ebony armor and

Daedric Smithing

000cb413 Ebony Smithing weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

90 Smithing Can create Daedric armor and

Elven Smithing

000cb40f Steel Smithing weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

30 Smithing Can create Elven armor and

Advanced Armors

000cb414 Elven Smithing armor at forges, and improve them twice as much.

50 Smithing Can create Scaled and Plate

Glass Smithing

000cb411 Advanced Armors weapons at forges, and improve them twice as much.

70 Smithing Can create Glass armor and

Dragon Armor

00052190 100 Smithing Daedric Smithing or Glass Smithing Can create Dragon armor at forges, and improve them twice as


2 3 4

000babe8 00079346 00079347 00079348 20 Two-handed 40 Two-handed 60 Two-handed

00079349 00052d51 00052d52 000cb407 0003af9e 0003afa7 1 0003af83 000c1e94 000c1e95 1 000c5c05 000c5c06 000c5c07 1 0003af84 000c1e96 000c1e97 1 2 3 4 5 000be127 000c07ca 000c07cb 000c07cc 000c07cd 00058215 00058216 1 2 3 00058218 00105f2a 00105f2b 00058217 00105f2f 00105f2e

80 Two-handed 20 Two-handed 50 Two-handed 50 Two-handed 70 Two-handed 100 Two-handed 30 Two-handed 60 Two-handed 90 Two-handed 30 Two-handed 60 Two-handed 90 Two-handed 30 Two-handed 60 Two-handed 90 Two-handed

Champion's Stance Devastating Blow Great Critical Charge Sweep Warmaster Deep Wounds
2 3







2 3


2 3



20 Alchemy 40 Alchemy 60 Alchemy 80 Alchemy 20 Alchemy 30 Alchemy 50 Alchemy 70 Alchemy 90 Alchemy 30 Alchemy 60 Alchemy 70 Alchemy

Physician Benefactor Experimenter




Poisoner Concentrated Poison Green Thumb




Snakeblood Purity Agile Defender

2 3 4 5 1 00079376 00079389 00079391 00079392 00051b1b 00051b17 00051b1c 00105f22 00107831 000f392a 000be125 00106259 00107830 000c3680 000c3681 0005820a 00105f26 00058208 00058209 000c3682 1 2 3 4 5 000be124 00018e6a 00018e6b 00018e6c 00018e6d

00105f2c 0005821d

80 Alchemy 100 Alchemy 000be123 20 Light Armor 40 Light Armor 60 Light Armor 80 Light Armor 30 Light Armor 70 Light Armor 50 Light Armor 60 Light Armor 100 Light Armor



Custom Fit Matching Set Unhindered Wind Walker Deft Movement Novice Locks Apprentice Locks Quick Hands Wax Key Adept Locks Expert Locks Golden Touch Treasure Hunter Locksmith Unbreakable Master Locks Light Fingers

Agile Defender Custom Fit Custom Fit Unhindered

Wind Walker or M

25 Lockpicking 40 Lockpicking 50 Lockpicking 50 Lockpicking 75 Lockpicking 60 Lockpicking 70 Lockpicking 80 Lockpicking 100 Lockpicking 100 Lockpicking

Novice Locks Apprentice Locks Quick Hands Apprentice Locks Adept Locks Adept Locks Golden Touch Expert Locks Locksmith Expert Locks

20 Pickpocket 40 Pickpocket 60 Pickpocket 80 Pickpocket

Night Thief Cutpurse Keymaster Misdirection Perfect Touch Extra Pockets Poisoned Stealth
2 3 4 5 1

00058202 00058204 000d79a0 00058201 00058205 00096590 00105f28 000be126 000c07c6 000c07c7 000c07c8 000c07c9 00058210 001036f0 Backstab

30 Pickpocket 40 Pickpocket 60 Pickpocket 70 Pickpocket 100 Pickpocket 50 Pickpocket 40 Pickpocket

Light Finger Night Thief Cutpurse Cutpurse

Misdirection Night Thief Night Thief

20 Sneak 40 Sneak 60 Sneak 80 Sneak 30 Sneak Stealth

Backstab Deadly Aim

do three times damage.

40 Sneak Sneak attacks with bows now

Assassin's Blade
Aim normal damage.

00058211 50 Sneak Deadly Sneak attacks with daggers now do a total of fifteen times

Muffled Movement Light Foot


00058213 0005820c Muffled Movement

30 Sneak


40 Sneak You won't trigger pressure

Silent Roll

00105f23 50 Sneak Light Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll. 00105f24 70 Sneak Walking and running does not affect detection. 00058214 000be128 000c07ce 000c07cf 000c07d0 20 Speech 40 Speech 60 Speech 100 Sneak Silent


Shadow Warrior aggling 1

2 3 4


000c07d1 00058f75 00058f7a 00058f7b 00058f79 001090a5 001090a4 001090a2 00105f29

80 Speech 30 Speech 50 Speech 70 Speech 90 Speech 100 Speech 50 Speech 50 Speech 70 Speech Haggling Allure Merchant Investor Fence Haggling Bribery Persuasion

Allure Merchant Investor Fence Master Trader Bribery Persuasion Intimidation

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