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Hi, Guys

Um curso preparatrio para o Instituto Rio Branco para ingresso na carreira
de diplomata me permite dar a sugesto de sempre a meus alunos desejosos
de build up their English vocabulary. preciso que o candidato ou
candidata read, read, and read - as much as possible.
Evidentemente, no h tempo a perder. Todos os candidatos interessados
em prestar este conceituadssimo concurso, que, uma vez mais, estar a cargo
da CESPE/ UnB, tm de estar dispostos a ler muito. Ler material de diversas
fontes: jornais de grande circulao, artigos de revistas, etc a respeito dos
mais variados assuntos. S assim podero ler fluentemente e compreender um
texto autntico em ingls com a rapidez e preciso necessrias para responder
as questes da prova.
Para consecuo desse objetivo procuraremos apresentar textos e questes
variadas, principalmente de traduo ou verso, com a finalidade principal de
transpor a barreira lxica, no significando que abandonaremos totalmente o
estudo de grammar & use of English, o que ser feito sempre com
vinculao a textos. I will take it for granted that you have a good
command of basic English topics and structures, though. Neste nosso
breve curso preparatrio disponibilizaremos 6 (seis) aulas, uma a cada
semana, alm desta aula demonstrativa. No deixem de se manifestar no
FORUM de perguntas e sugestes. s vezes, sua participao faz com que eu
reformule alguma atividade ou exerccio. No hesitarei em fazer qualquer
alterao necessria otimizao de nosso estudo.
Destaco alguns pontos fundamentais do edital recm-publicado, por sinal
bastante parecido com o de anos anteriores. O ingls ser exigido na prova
objetiva da primeira fase e na prova escrita da terceira fase. Reproduzo um
trecho do mencionado edital: 6.1 A prova objetiva da primeira fase ser
constituda de 73 questes com 4 itens para julgamento do tipo CERTO ou
ERRADO, de carter eliminatrio e classificatrio, ..... Desta vez haver 13
(treze) questes de lngua inglesa no estilo tradicional da CESPE.
Reproduzo, tambm, mais um trecho do edital: 7.2 A nota em cada item de
cada questo do tipo CERTO ou ERRADO, feita com base nas marcaes da
folha de respostas, ser igual a 0,25 ponto, caso a resposta do candidato
esteja em concordncia com o gabarito oficial definitivo da prova; 0,25 ponto
negativo, caso a resposta do candidato esteja em discordncia com o gabarito
oficial definitivo da prova; 0,00, caso no haja marcao ou caso haja
marcao dupla.
A prova objetiva est prevista para o dia 06.04.2014. J nesta aula
demonstrativa comeamos a analisar a prova objetiva de 2013 elaborada pela
CESPE na seo A Look at Past Exams.

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 1


A prova escrita de ingls, na terceira fase est prevista para 10.05. 2014,
uma prova com quatro horas de durao onde sero exigidos: 10.3.2 A prova
de Lngua Inglesa, com o valor mximo de 100,00 pontos, consistir de
traduo de um texto do ingls para o portugus (valor 20,00 pontos);
traduo de um texto do portugus para o ingls (valor 15,00 pontos);
redao de um resumo, em ingls, a partir de um texto escrito em lngua
inglesa (valor 15,00 pontos); e redao, em ingls, a respeito de tema geral,
com extenso de 400 a 450 palavras (valor 50,00 pontos).
Permito-me chamar sua ateno tambm para o seguinte aspecto:
Na prova de Lngua Inglesa ser apenada a redao que desobedecer
extenso mnima ou mxima de palavras, deduzindo-se 0,10 ponto para cada
palavra que faltar para atingir o mnimo ou que exceder o mximo exigido.
Ser atribuda nota 0 (zero) redao a respeito de tema geral que no se
atenha ao tema proposto ou que obtenha pontuao 0 (zero) na avaliao da
correo gramatical e da propriedade da linguagem.
Quanto ao programa do concurso: LNGUA INGLESA (Primeira e Terceira
Fases) - Primeira Fase: 1. Compreenso de textos escritos em lngua
inglesa. 2. Itens gramaticais relevantes para compreenso dos contedos
semnticos. Terceira Fase: 1. Redao em lngua inglesa: expresso em nvel
avanado; domnio da gramtica; qualidade e propriedade no emprego da
linguagem; organizao e desenvolvimento de ideias. 2. Verso do Portugus
para o Ingls: fidelidade ao texto-fonte; respeito qualidade e ao registro do
texto-fonte; correo morfossinttica e lexical. 3. Traduo do Ingls para o
Portugus: fidelidade ao texto-fonte; respeito qualidade e ao registro do
texto-fonte; correo morfossinttica e lexical. 4. Resumo: capacidade de
sntese e de reelaborao em Ingls correto.
Esta aula tem como objetivo primordial lhes mostrar como The Top Ten
Subjects (Os 10 tpicos essenciais que voc deve saber) apresentados no
meu livro Ingls Essencial para Concursos, (Editora Campus Elsevier) so
facilmente encontrados com frequncia em praticamente todos os textos
ingleses: I. Function Words & Content Words (Palavras Funcionais e
Palavras de Contedo); II. Regular & Irregular Verbs (Verbos Regulares e
Irregulares); III. True & False Cognates (Verdadeiros e Falsos Cognatos);
IV. DISCOURSE MARKERS (Palavras Marcadoras do Discurso); V. Verb
Tenses (Tempos Verbais); VI. Modal Verbs (Verbos Modais); VII. PHRASAL
VERBS (Verbos + partculas adverbiais); VIII. Vocabulary Build-Up
Techniques (Tcnicas para construo do vocabulrio); IX. Affixes (Afixos
(Prefixos & sufixos); X. Collocation / Idioms (Collocation & Expresses

Best wishes
Prof. Carlos Augusto

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 2


Breve listagem dos objetivos do curso para preparao em ingls dos
candidatos ao concurso do Instituto Rio Branco para ingresso na carreira de


Develop reading strategies aiming at improving reading
Desenvolver as estratgias de leitura visando melhoria da compreenso de

Reading and Comprehension of Authentic English Texts
Leitura e Compreenso de textos ingleses autnticos

The study of connectives (conjunctions & the main discourse markers)
O estudo dos conectivos (conjunes e os principais marcadores do discurso)

Vocabulary Build-Up through the study of cognates, affixes (prefixes
and suffixes), function / content words, modal verbs, collocations
(noun + noun, verb+ noun, adjective + noun, etc);
Construo do vocabulrio atravs do estudo dos cognatos, afixos (prefixos e
sufixos), palavras funcionais e de contedo, verbos auxiliares modais, estudo
das collocations - combinaes de subst. + subst., verbo + subst., adj. +
subst., etc.

Grammar / Usage Essentials (such as: verb tenses, pronouns
(personal, possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, relative ), modal
verbs, passive voice, if-clauses (conditions), comparatives /
superlatives, confusable words
Gramtica e uso do ingls essenciais (tais como: tempos verbais, pronomes
(pessoais, possessivos, interrogativos, demonstrativos, relativos ...), verbos
modais, voz passiva, oraes condicionais, grau comparativo / superlativo,
palavras que causam confuso

Analysis of Past Exam Questions
Anlise de Questes de Exames Anteriores

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 3



Carlos Augusto Pereira nasceu em Belm do Par (20/05/1947). Reside no
Rio de Janeiro desde os dois anos de idade. , portanto, parioca na definio
bem humorada de alguns de seus alunos. Estudou ingls no IBEU - Instituto
Brasil Estados Unidos, e no Colgio Marista So Jos, onde realizou a maior
parte de seus estudos de nvel secundrio. Iniciou sua carreira de professor de
lngua inglesa no prprio IBEU, em 1969.

A partir do ano de 1978 especializou-se na preparao de grupos de
candidatos ao exame de proficincia em ingls da Universidade de Michigan e
de TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), tanto em turmas de Pre-
Test no IBEU quanto particularmente.

Ao longo de sua carreira, orgulha-se o Prof. Carlos Augusto de ter ensinado
no Colgio Marista So Jos - Externato, em Colgios da Secretaria Municipal
de Educao (Escola Teodoro da Silva, Escola Baro Homem de Melo ), no
Curso Pr - Vestibular Integral (anterior a formao do grupo GPI), no Colgio
Wakigawa e no Colgio Bahiense. O Prof. Carlos Augusto tem, tambm, larga
experincia no ensino de ingls para executivos em vrias empresas

Aps sua aprovao no concurso para ingresso na carreira de Auditor da
Receita Federal, classificado em 15 lugar em mbito nacional, no ano de
1976, tem participado da preparao de candidatos para concursos pblicos,
inclusive os da prpria Receita Federal.

Integra o Prof. Carlos Augusto Pereira, o corpo docente de diversos cursos
preparatrios para concursos pblicos no Rio de Janeiro.

O Prof. Carlos Augusto tem os seguintes livros publicados: Ingls Essencial
para Concursos A Handbook for the Candidate os dez tpicos que voc
precisa saber; Ingls para Concursos das reas Fiscal e Bancria, Curso
Completo de Ingls para Concursos e Ingls 1000 Questes com
Gabarito Comentado, todos pela Editora Campus / Elsevier.

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 4



Text 1: Brazil: a BRIC to build with

Brazil, which hosts the Earth summit this month and a World Cup and an
Olympics in the next four years, has been enjoying something for which you
would look for in vain across much of the world: sustained leadership. First
came Cardoso, the sociologist-statesman who brought the economy under
control. Next was Lula, the best reincarnation yet of Franklin Roosevelt. 5
Emerging from his shadow as a pragmatic reformer with edge is the current
president, Dilma Rousseff.
Brazil rose with China, feeding it soybeans and iron ore, and now has a
larger total GDP than the UK. Lula likened himself to a street peddler, hawking
commodities everywhere; Ms Rousseff's challenge is to unlock productivity and 10
establish a more advanced economy. Since Brazilians are already much richer
than the Chinese or Indians, it would be hard to approach their growth rates,
but there is a possibility of massive investment in infrastructure and, most
important, education. Ms Rousseff will need to transfer her popularity and
managerial skill into a command of congress to set the pace. 15
Though leading the world in inequality, Brazil also leads in effectively
addressing it. Its justly famous social programmes, an advert for activist
government, have helped lift 20 million people out of poverty and create an
internal market. Long receiving economic lectures of mixed quality, Brasilia has
no wish to start giving them, but watches with apprehension European 20
attempts to reduce debt in the absence of growth. All this has given Brazil the
credibility to assume its long-coveted role as a global power.
Particularly under Ms Rousseff and her foreign minister, Antonio Patriota, it
has assumed a distinctive mixture of restraint and independence in the
exercise of that power. Brasilia has not only doubled its diplomats in the last 25
decade, it has redoubled its emphasis on diplomacy as the only way to "benign
multipolarity". Partly this is the luxury of a peaceful neighbourhood (which it
must still persuade of the advantages and magnanimity of its leadership). But
it also reflects long diplomatic tradition and experience of the nature of
sovereignty and democratisation. As it accrues power and responsibility, it will 30
no longer be able to be everyone's friend and will feel the tension between
sovereignty and human rights more keenly, but it aspires to be a bridge
between powers and will sometimes be a corrective to western selectivity and
Not only should Brazil have a permanent seat on the Security Council, it is 35
the best argument for Security Council reform and other attempts to make the
international system more representative. It's time for the west, and the rest,
to embrace Brazil's rise more actively and begin a more profound engagement.
(The Guardian, 10/6/2012)
Visit: http://www.itamaraty.gov.br/sala-de-imprensa/artigos

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 5



Esta anlise serve para demonstrar a importncia dos dez tpicos
mencionados na apresentao. In addition, observe que o text 1 foi extrado
do site do Itamaraty, onde voc poder encontrar material para precioso para
auxlio nos seus estudos.

A) Regular & Irregular Verbs

From the text:

First came Cardoso, the sociologist-statesman who brought the economy
under control.
a) Translate the fragment above:

b) Write the infinitive, past tense and past participle forms of the irregular
verbs in bold:

From the text:

Brazil rose with China

a) Translate the fragment above:

b) Write the infinitive, past tense and past participle forms of the irregular
verb rose in bold:

B) Discourse Markers

From the text:

Though leading the world in inequality, Brazil also leads in effectively
addressing it.

a) Translate the fragment above:

b) Say what the word though indicates, as a discourse marker:

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 6


C) Verb Tenses

From the text:

All this has given Brazil the credibility to assume its long-coveted role as a
global power

a) Translate the fragment above into Portuguese:

b) Which verb tense is used by the author in the fragment above?

D) Modal Verbs

From the text:

Partly this is the luxury of a peaceful neighbourhood (which it must still
persuade of the advantages and magnanimity of its leadership

a) Translate the fragment above into Portuguese:

b) Say what the modal verb must indicates, in the above fragment:

Not only should Brazil have a permanent seat on the Security Council
a) Translate the fragment above into Portuguese:

b) Say what the modal verb should indicates in the above fragment:

E) Phrasal Verbs

From the text:

(Brazil) has been enjoying something for which you would look for in vain
across much of the world: sustained leadership

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 7


a) Translate the fragment above into Portuguese:

b) Say what the phrasal verb look for means in the above fragment:

F) Prefixes and Suffixes

From the text:
Partly this is the luxury of a peaceful neighbourhood

a) Translate the fragment above into Portuguese:

b) explain how the words peaceful and neighbourhood were formed:

G) Collocation & Idiomatic Expressions

I. Try to translate the following expressions from the text:

a) hosts the Earth summit (L-4)

b) to unlock productivity (L-14)

c) to set the pace (L-18)

d) lift 20 million people out of poverty (L-21)

e) to assume its long-coveted role (L-25)

f) As it accrues power and responsibility (L-33)

g) begin a more profound engagement (L-41/42)

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 8



Iniciamos, aqui, a anlise da prova para diplomata mais recente, realizada
em 2013. No decorrer de nossas aulas continuaremos a examinar os outros
textos cobrados pela CESPE nesta prova e analisaremos outros, pois creio que
o estudo das provas de anos anteriores nos permite no s nos familiarizarmos
com o grau de dificuldade do exame em si, bem como nos familiarizarmos com
o jeito do examinador formular as questes.

This text refers to questions from 29 through 32.

It is one of the most pressing questions of our time: what is the relationship
between financial and environmental meltdown? Are the two crises the same
thing, needing to be dealt with together? Or do we, as even some business
leaders suggest, have to fix the environment before we can fix the economy? A
slew of books, e-books, pamphlets and journals are tackling this thorny 5
You might expect a strong yes from the greens to fixing the environment
ahead of the economy. And in The Environmental Debt: The hidden costs of a
changing global economy, long-time Greenpeace activist Amy Larkin does
make a cogent argument for this. The high costs of coping with extreme 10
weather, pollution and declining resources are, she says, catching up with
capitalism. Our carefree attitude to the externalities of wealth generation has
run up an environmental debt that is loading unsustainable financial debt on us
But environmentalists are not the only ones making the link. In Wall Street 15
and the City, there is similar talk that the worst fears of environmentalists are
coming to pass. As shortages of natural resources push up prices, a looming
resource crunch is manifested in market meltdown.
Paul Donovan and Julie Hudson, economists for the Swiss bank UBS, agree.
They argue that there is a second credit crunch, an environmental one. By 20
ransacking global resources and enfeebling ecosystems, the authors say, we
are drawing down environmental credit as surely as reckless spending on a
credit card draws down financial credit. The two crunches have a symbiotic
relationship, they argue: The party has to stop.
The synergies between financial and environmental crunches may be 25
complex, but at root, many economists argue that reckless consumption,
driven by easy credit, helped fuel financial crisis. Environmentalists agree that
the same consumer binge drove up environmental debt.
(F. Pearce. What do we fix first environment or economy? Newscientist, July 8th, 2013
(adapted). [CESPE / UnB / DIPLOMATA -2013]

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 9


29. According to the text,
A) both environmentalists and economists agree that consumption is at the
heart of the current financial and environmental crises.
B) the need to understand the current capitalist crisis is urging
environmentalists and economists to launch publications on the issue.
C) financial and environmental debts have been primarily affecting wealthy
countries due to their reckless consumption attitude.
D) business and finance experts had warned Greenpeace activists about the
financial consequences of natural resource shortages.
E) the synergetic link between economy and environment points to the need to
tackle financial issues ahead of environmental ones.

30. Based on the text, choose the correct answer.
A) The expression consumer binge (L-26) is used as an antonym for the
expression reckless consumption (L-20)
B) The word cogent (L-9) suggests that the argument put forward by Amy
Larkin is ill-founded.
C) If the verb catching up with (L-11) is replaced by stemming from,
the meaning of the sentence remains unaltered.
D) The word looming (L-15) is used as a synonym for unlikely.
E) The words crunch (L-21) and crunches (L-16) are used as
synonyms for crisis and crises, respectively.

31. The sentence By ransacking global () credit card draws down financial
credit (L-18/21) means that,
A) by ignoring the need to protect the environment, our society is increasingly
focused on profit rather than quality of life.
B) due to our reckless behavior towards the environment, less financial
support has been assigned to nature-saving projects.
C) due to the scarcity of environmental fund-raising actions, mankind is
making the exploitation of natural resources financially unviable.
D) by tampering with the world biomass, we are affecting investments in the
area as much as economic problems affect us.
E) by destroying nature, we are reducing our environmental funds just like too
many debts reduce our financial credibility.

32. Based on the text, judge if the items below are right (C) or wrong (E).
1. () Wall Street and the City experts foresee a complete market breakdown.
2. () As far as the main issue of the text is concerned, the two economists of
the Swiss bank are of the same opinion as the ecologist-author.
3. () Several bank owners claim the economic crisis should be solved first.
4. () Amy Larkin believes the worldwide scarcity of resources is affecting the
worlds economy.

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 10


Vocabulrio de apoio

A seguir voc encontra vrios fragments do texto da prova anterior,
exceo feita a alguns que interferem com as respostas das questes. Se
julgar mais fcil ou mais prtico consultar este glossrio antes de responder as
quatro questes propostas, feel free: study it first!

1. It is one of the most pressing questions of our time
uma das questes mais prementes do nosso tempo

2. the relationship between financial and environmental meltdown
A relao entre uma catstrofe financeira e ambiental

3. A slew of books, e-books, pamphlets and journals are tackling this
thorny question
Um monte de livros, livros digitais, folhetos e revistas esto enfrentando esta
questo espinhosa

4. Amy Larkin does make a cogent argument for this.
Amy Larkin realmente apresenta um argumento convincente sobre isto

5. The high costs of coping with extreme weather
Os altos custos para enfrentar condies climticas extremas

6. Our carefree attitude to the externalities of wealth generation
Nossa atitude despreocupada com o que a gerao rica exterioriza

7. has run up an environmental debt
Contraiu uma dvida ambiental

8. As shortages of natural resources push up prices
medida que a escassez de recursos empurra os preos para cima

9. a looming resource crunch is manifested in market meltdown
Uma crise iminente de recursos est evidenciada no desastre de mercado

10. The two crunches have a symbiotic relationship
As duas crises guardam uma relao simbitica

11. but at root, many economists argue that
Porm, no fundo, muitos economistas argumentam que

12. driven by easy credit, helped fuel financial crisis
Impelido pelo crdito fcil, ajudou a alimentar a crise financeira

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 11


(Teste Simulado)

The Fight against Money Laundering

Money laundering allows crime to pay by permitting criminals to hide and
legitimize proceeds derived from illegal activities.
According to one recent estimate, worldwide money laundering activity 3
amounts to roughly $1 trillion a year. These illicit funds allow criminals to
finance a range of additional criminal activities. Moreover, money laundering
abets corruption, distorts economic decision-making, aggravates social ills, and 6
threatens the integrity of financial institutions.
Money launderers now have access to the speed and ease of modern
electronic finance. Given the staggering volume of this crime, broad 9
international cooperation between law enforcement and regulatory agencies is
essential in order to identify the source of illegal proceeds, trace the funds to
specific criminal activities, and confiscate criminals financial assets. 12
(Excerpt from An Electronic journal of the US Department of State, vol.6, n 2, May 2001)


1. Translate the title of the text: The Fight against Money Laundering?

2. The verb to hide (esconder) is irregular. Which are its past tense & past
participle forms?

3. Translate the following fragments:

a) legitimize proceeds derived from illegal activities (L-2)

b) money laundering abets corruption (L-5/6)

c) aggravates social ills (L-6)

d) Given the staggering volume of this crime (L-9)

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 12


e) broad international cooperation (L-9/10)

f) between law enforcement and regulatory agencies (L-10)


1. In the fragment: According to one recent estimate (L-3) the word in
bold is a regular verb meaning estimar in Portuguese. ( )

2. The word moreover (L-5) as a discourse marker, indicates addition and
could be replaced by besides. ( )

3. The phrase roughly $ 1 trillion (L-4) corresponds in portuguese to $
1 trilho redondo. ( )

4. The verb to threaten (L-7) is formed by adding the suffix - EN to the noun
threat (ameaa). ( )

5. O fragmento distorts economic decision-making (L-6) pode ser
substitudo, sem prejuzo do sentido, por influences the process of
economic decisions in the making. ( )

6. The verb form given in bold in the following fragment: Given the
staggering volume of this crime, (L-9) could be replaced with the expression
taking into account. ( )

7. O fragmento confiscate criminals financial assets (L-12/13) pode
ser assim reescrito: confiscate the financial assets belonging to
criminals. ( )

8. A expresso trace the funds (L-12) equivale a delinear os recursos. ( )

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 13


Dicas teis

Observei ao longo de tantos anos da minha carreira de professor que muitos
alunos sabem ingls bem, mas no sabem estudar o Ingls para Concursos. In
this particular case, fundamental desenvolver uma espcie de olho clnico
nas suas leituras de certos assuntos, certos itens de vocabulrio que os
examinadores tendem a cobrar mais.
No caso do text 1, for instance, temos a expresso money laundering
(lavagem de dinheiro) apesar de o texto ser antigo, continua bastante atual
uma vez que esta atividade continua sendo bastante lucrativa e largamente
praticada. Quem no sabia que interest rates so taxas de juros, que
growth rates so as taxas de crescimento, sugiro que inclua estes itens de
vocabulrio nas suas anotaes imediatamente, junto com outras palavras e
expresses que surgiro ao longo de nosso curso e para as quais chamarei sua
ateno. Recorra a essas anotaes tantas vezes quanto achar necessrio. No
se adquire um powerful vocabulary de ingls overnight, ou seja, da noite
para o dia.

Para desenvolver o tal olho clnico que mencionei antes...

TASK - Read the mini text above, from the magazine foreign affairs, and,
before translating it, say what you think the word poachers means, without
consulting any dictionary.

Decades after more than 100 countries agreed to ban the rhinoceros horn
trade in 1979, poachers are killing record numbers of the endangered species.
In just 2013 alone, they slaughtered some 1,000 rhinos in South Africa, up
from 668 in 2012. If the hunting continues at current rates, one of the
conservation movements most famous mascots could be extinct within the
next two decades. And rhinos are not alone. Many other animals -- including
elephants and tigers -- are also facing the prospect of extinction, all in spite of
long-standing trade bans. (Source: www.foreignaffairs.org )


Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 14



1. Translate the following ABSTRACT.

Foreign Minister of Brazil since 2003, Ambassador Celso Amorim outlines the
main guidelines and accomplishments of Brazil's foreign policy under President
Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. The article provides a full-fledged, although not
exhaustive, narrative of a number of diplomatic initiatives championed by
Brazil over the last eight years: from the gathering of the group of developing
countries in a World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Cancun to the
negotiations that led to the Declaration of Tehran, as well as the challenges the
country has been facing as its international weight grows. (By Celso Amorim - Ex
Minister of External Relations of Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Poltica Internacional Vol.
53, nmero especial, Braslia, Dezembro 2010)


2. Translate the 2nd paragraph of text 1: Brazil: a BRIC to build with

Brazil rose with China, feeding it soybeans and iron ore, and now has a
larger total GDP than the UK. Lula likened himself to a street peddler, hawking
commodities everywhere; Ms Rousseff's challenge is to unlock productivity and
establish a more advanced economy. Since Brazilians are already much richer
than the Chinese or Indians, it would be hard to approach their growth rates,
but there is a possibility of massive investment in infrastructure and, most
important, education. Ms Rousseff will need to transfer her popularity and
managerial skill into a command of congress to set the pace.


Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 15


3. Translate the mini text below

A False Alarm: Overcoming Globalizations Discontents

The book In Defense of Globalization addresses a slate of charges against
globalization: that it increases poverty, encourages child labor, harms women,
threatens democracy, imperils culture, lower wages, erodes labor standards,
worsens the environment, and gives full reign to predatory corporations. The
author, Jagdish N. Bhagwati, also discusses capital market liberalization and
international migration, before turning to fixes for globalizations downsides:
improving governance, accelerating global agendas, and managing the speed
of transitions. He concedes a few points to globalizations critics but, wielding
logic and fact, demolishes most of the allegations made against it. His
conclusion: that the world, particularly its poorest regions, needs more
globalization, not less. (Oficial de Chancelaria / ESAF - 2004)
Source: www.foreignaffairs.org Jan/Feb 2004 (Adapted)


4. Translate the 5
paragraph of text 1: Brazil: a BRIC to build with

Not only should Brazil have a permanent seat on the Security Council, it is
the best argument for Security Council reform and other attempts to make the
international system more representative. It's time for the west, and the rest,
to embrace Brazil's rise more actively and begin a more profound engagement.


Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 16




A) Regular & Irregular Verbs

First came Cardoso, the sociologist-statesman who brought the economy
under control. (Primeiramente veio Cardoso, o socilogo-estadista, que colocou
a economia sob controle)
b) infinitive, past tense and past participle forms of the irregular verbs in bold:
to come (came, come) & to bring (brought, brought)

Brazil rose with China (O Brasil cresceu junto com a China)
b) Infinitive, past tense and past participle forms of the irregular verb rose in
bold: to rise (rose, risen)

B) Discourse Markers

Though leading the world in inequality, Brazil also leads in effectively
addressing it.
Embora o Brasil seja lder mundial em desigualdade, tambm lidera no
enfrentar a desigualdade efetivamente.
b) As a discourse marker though indica neste caso contraste.

C) Verb Tenses

All this has given Brazil the credibility to assume its long-coveted role as a
global power
Tudo isto deu ao Brasil a credibilidade para assumir seu papel h muito
b) The verb tense used by the author in the fragment above is the present
perfect simple.

D) Modal Verbs

Partly this is the luxury of a peaceful neighbourhood (which it must still
persuade of the advantages and magnanimity of its leadership)
Em parte este um luxo de uma vizinhana pacfica (vizinhana essa a quem tem de
convencer das vantagens e de sua liderana magnnima)
b) The modal verb must indica no fragmento supra alguma coisa que
indispensvel que se faa.

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 17


Not only should Brazil have a permanent seat on the Security Council
O Brasil no somente deve ter um assento permanente no Conselho de Segurana
b) The modal verb should indica algo que melhor que se tenha.

E) Phrasal Verbs

(Brazil) has been enjoying something for which you would look for in vain
across much of the world: sustained leadership
(O Brasil) vem desfrutando de algo por que grande parte do mundo procura
em vo: liderana sustentvel.

b) O phrasal verb look for significa procurar, no fragmento acima.

F) Prefixes and Suffixes

Partly this is the luxury of a peaceful neighbourhood
Em parte este um luxo de uma vizinhana pacfica
b) the adjective peaceful (pacfico/a) and the noun neighbourhood
(vizinhana) foram formadas atravs do acrscimo do suffix FUL ao
substantivo peace (paz) e pelo acrscimo do suffix HOOD ao substantivo
neighbor (vizinho/a). Observe que temos um caso de spelling difference
aqui. Enquanto os norte-americanos grafam a palavra vizinho assim:
neighbor, os britnicos preferem a forma neighbour. Mesmo caso de:
favor (US) & favour UK), colour (UK) & color (US).

G) Collocation & Idiomatic Expressions

I. Try to translate the following expressions from the text:

a) hosts the Earth summit
sedia a conferncia de cpula da Terra
b) to unlock productivity
destravar a produtividade
c) to set the pace
ditar o ritmo
d) lift 20 million people out of poverty
tirar da pobreza 20 milhes de pessoas
e) to assume its long-coveted role
assumir seu papel h muito ambicionado
f) As it accrues power and responsibility
medida que acumula poder e responsabilidade
g) begin a more profound engagement
estabelecer um comprometimento mais profundo

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 18



Honestly, acredito que todos esses tpicos sejam de fundamental
importncia. Quem poder ler um texto original em ingls com fluncia se no
conhecer os principais verb tenses, modal verbs, discourse markers? Sem
o conhecimento dos principais false friends, dos principais phrasal verbs, da
maioria dos suffixes & prefixes - tudo isto imprescindvel, certo?

Todavia, a meu ver, ao fascinante estudo de Collocation que voc dever
dar maior ateno. S para citar alguns dos exemplos vistos: host the
summit meeting (sediar a reunio de cpula) onde o verbo regular to host
se apresenta como um dos verbos that collocate with noun meeting; set
the pace (estabelecer, ditar o ritmo), onde o verbo irregular to set(set, set)
um dos verbos that collocate with noun pace.

O estudo de Collocation tem a ver com natural English, o ingls falado e
aceito pelos native speakers, to importante quando se tem de escrever uma
redao num concurso to demandante. Permita-me reproduzir um trecho do
meu livro Practicing Collocation.

Essentially, collocations are combinations of words that are likely to occur
together. Broadly speaking, prepositions following nouns, adjectives and
verbs, e.g. the need for, worthy of, insist on, can be viewed as
collocations. Two/three word verbs, e.g. put off, call down, get away with
could be considered collocations. Proverbs, fixed or semi-fixed phrases can
also be considered collocations. One thing that fascinated me about the study
of collocation is that I could keep hammering on prepositions, two / three
word verbs and other more or less fixed expressions as I have always
done. The study of collocation can be a precious addition. I intend to
draw your attention to those multi-word items which have not been highlighted
in traditional language studies, exactly those types of collocations found in the
Dictionary of Selected Collocations (DOSC)

Adjective + noun a tricky question, his/her heavy accent
Verb + noun make mistakes, do harm , have an insight
Noun + verb disaster struck, darkness fell, sales slumped
Verb + adjective + noun play a dissonant note, grab an opportunity
Verb + adverb speak fluently, talk freely
Adverb + verb hardly recognize, completely forgot
Adverb +adjective enthusiastically applauded, wisely advised

Therefore, desde j, sugiro que voc adquira o Dictionary of Selected
Collocations- LTP (Language Teaching Publications). Its invaluable!

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 19




29. A De acordo com o texto, both environmentalists and economists
agree that consumption is at the heart of the current financial and
environmental crises (tanto ambientalistas quanto economistas concordam
que o consumo est no corao da atual crise financeira e ambiental).
Traduzindo as demais opes: em B, the need to understand the current
capitalist crisis is urging environmentalists and economists to launch
publications on the issue (a necessidade de entender a atual crise
capitalista est exigindo que ambientalistas e economistas lancem publicaes
sobre o assunto); em C, financial and environmental debts have been
primarily affecting wealthy countries due to their reckless
consumption attitude (dvidas de cunho financeiro e ambiental esto
afetando primordialmente os pases ricos, devido a sua atitude consumista
descuidada); em D, business and finance experts had warned
Greenpeace activists about the financial consequences of natural
resource shortages (peritos em negcios e finanas haviam alertado
ativistas do Greenpeace sobre as consequncias financeiras da escassez de
recursos naturais); em E) the synergetic link between economy and
environment points to the need to tackle financial issues ahead of
environmental ones (o elo sinergtico entre pontos de carter econmico e
ambiental com a necessidade de enfrentar os assuntos financeiros antes
daqueles de natureza ambiental).

30. E Com base no texto, as palavras crunch (situao crtica) and
crunches so usadas como sinnimas de crisis & crises, respectivamente.
Interessante notar como a banca examinadora cobrou o conhecimento da
formao do plural, neste caso especfico, o plural de palavras de origem
grega, such as analysis (anlise) & analyses (anlises), synthesis (sntese)
& syntheses (snteses). Quanto s demais opes: em A, The expression
consumer binge (consumo desenfreado) no usada como antnima da
expresso reckless consumption (consumo descontrolado); em B, The
word cogent (convincente) no sugere que o argumento apresentado por
Amy Larkin seja ill-founded (infundado); em C, incorreto dizer que se o
phrasal verb catching up with (atingindo) for substitudo por stemming
from (derivado de), o sentido da frase permanece inalterado; em D, a palavra
looming (iminente) no usada como sinnimo de unlikely (improvvel).

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 20


31. E - O trecho por inteiro se traduz: By ransacking global resources and
enfeebling ecosystems, the authors say, we are drawing down
environmental credit as surely as reckless spending on a credit card
draws down financial credit (ao destruir os recursos mundiais e ao
enfraquecer os ecossistemas, dizem os autores, ns estamos reduzindo o
crdito ambiental to certamente quanto o consumo desenfreado com carto
de crdito reduz nosso crdito financeiro); o que corresponde a: by
destroying nature, we are reducing our environmental funds just like
too many debts reduce our financial credibility.
Traduzindo as demais opes: em A, by ignoring the need to protect the
environment, our society is increasingly focused on profit rather than
quality of life (ao desconsiderar a necessidade de proteger o meio ambiente,
nossa sociedade est voltada mais e mais para o lucro do que para qualidade
de vida); em B, due to our reckless behavior towards the environment,
less financial support has been assigned to nature-saving projects
(devido ao nosso comportamento descuidado com ambiente, menos apoio
financeiro tem sido atribudo a projetos em defesa da natureza); em C, due to
the scarcity of environmental fund-raising actions, mankind is making
the exploitation of natural resources financially unviable (devido
escassez de iniciativas para angariar recursos para o meio ambiente, a
humanidade est tornando invivel a explorao dos recursos naturais); em D)
by tampering with the world biomass, we are affecting investments in
the area as much as economic problems affect us (ao interferir com a
biomassa no mundo estamos afetando investimentos no setor tanto quanto os
problemas econmicos nos afetam). Com a publicao dos gabaritos definitivos a
CESPE anulou esta questo

32. Julgamento dos itens abaixo:
1. (E) Wall Street and the City experts foresee a complete market breakdown
(Os peritos de Wall St e da municipalidade prevem um colapso total do
2. (C) (*) As far as the main issue of the text is concerned, the two
economists of the Swiss bank are of the same opinion as the ecologist-author
(No que tange ao assunto principal do texto, os dois economistas do Swiss
Bank tm a mesma opinio que o ecologista autor do texto)
(*) Com a publicao dos gabaritos definitivos a CESPE anulou este item
3. (E) Several bank owners claim the economic crisis should be solved first
(Vrios donos de bancos alegam que a crise econmica deva ser resolvida
4. (C) Amy Larkin believes the worldwide scarcity of resources is affecting the
worlds economy (Amy Larkin acredita que a escassez mundial dos recursos
est afetando a economia mundial)

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 21



ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT The Fight against Money Laundering

1. Translation of the title of text 1: The Fight against Money Laundering
(A Luta contra a Lavagem de Dinheiro)

2. The verb to hide (esconder) is irregular. Its past tense & past participle
forms are: hid, hidden.

10. Translate the following fragments:

a) legitimize proceeds derived from illegal activities
legitimar a receita, o produto derivado das atividades ilegais

b) money laundering abets corruption
a lavagem de dinheiro incentiva a corrupo

c) aggravates social ills
agrava os males sociais

d) Given the staggering volume of this crime
dado o volume surpreendente deste crime

e) broad international cooperation
cooperao internacional ampla

f) between law enforcement and regulatory agencies
entre o cumprimento da lei e as agncias reguladoras


1. False - In the fragment: According to one recent estimate (L-3) the
word in bold is a noun meaning estimativa in Portuguese.

2. True - The word moreover (alm disso), as a discourse marker, indicates
addition and could be replaced by besides.

3. False - The phrase roughly $ 1 trillion (L-4) corresponds in Portuguese
to aproximadamente $ 1 trilho.

4. True - The verb to threaten (L-7) is formed by adding the suffix -EN to
the noun threat (ameaa).

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 22


5. False - O fragmento distorts economic decision-making (distorce o
processo de tomada de decises) NO pode ser substitudo, sem prejuzo do
sentido, por influences the process of economic decisions in the
making (influencia o processo das decises econmicas que esto sendo

6. True - The verb form given in: Given the staggering volume of this
crime, (Dado o volume surpreendente deste crime) could be replaced with the
expression taking into account (levando-se em conta)

7. True - O segmento confiscate criminals financial assets pode ser
assim reescrito: confiscate the financial assets belonging to criminals.
(confiscar os ativos financeiros pertencentes aos criminosos)

8. False - A expresso trace the funds NO equivale a delinear os
recursos e, sim, a rastrear as recursos.


O substantivo poacher usado para denominar aqueles que praticam a
caa ilegal. Observe que, mesmo no conhecendo significado desta palavra, no
mini text h vrios outras que sinalizam, que do pistas para voc chegar ao
significado correto, e, no dia de sua prova, muitas vezes, voc ter de agir da
mesma forma.

Decades after more than 100 countries agreed to ban the rhinoceros horn
trade in 1979, poachers are killing record numbers of the endangered species.
In just 2013 alone, they slaughtered some 1,000 rhinos in South Africa, up
from 668 in 2012. If the hunting continues at current rates, one of the
conservation movements most famous mascots could be extinct within the
next two decades. And rhinos are not alone. Many other animals -- including
elephants and tigers -- are also facing the prospect of extinction, all in spite of
long-standing trade bans. (Source: www.foreignaffairs.org )

Dcadas aps mais de 1000 pases concordarem em proibir o comrcio dos
chifres dos rinocerontes em 1979, caadores criminosos esto matando um
nmero recorde das espcies ameaadas de extino. Em 2013 apenas,
massacraram aproximadamente 1000 rinocerontes na frica do Sul, acima dos
668 mortos de 2012. Se a caa continuar nos nveis atuais, um dos mais
famosos mascotes do movimento conservacionista poder estar extinto nas
prximas duas dcadas. E os rinocerontes no so os nicos. Muitos outros
animais incluindo elefantes e tigres enfrentam perspectivas de extino
tambm; tudo isso, mesmo apesar das proibies de comercializao.

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 23



1. Traduo do RESUMO

Ministro das Relaes Exteriores do Brasil desde 2003, o Embaixador Celso
Amorim descreve neste artigo as principais orientaes e realizaes de
poltica externa no governo do presidente Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. O artigo
apresenta uma narrativa completa, embora no exaustiva, de uma srie de
iniciativas diplomticas defendidas pelo Brasil nos ltimos oito anos: desde o
agrupamento de pases em desenvolvimento na conferncia da Organizao
Mundial do Comrcio (OMC) em Cancn at as negociaes que levaram
Declarao de Teer, bem como os desafios que o pas vem enfrentando na
medida em que a sua visibilidade internacional aumenta. (By Celso Amorim - Ex
Minister of External Relations of Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Poltica Internacional Vol
53, nmero especial, Braslia, Dezembro 2010

2. Traduo do 2 pargrafo do texto A BRIC to build with

O Brasil cresceu com a China, alimentando-a com gros de soja e minrio de
ferro e, agora, tem um PIB maior do que o do Reino Unido. Lula se comparou a
um vendedor de rua, apregoando seus produtos em todo lugar, o desafio da
presidente Roussef destravar a produtividade e estabelecer uma economia
mais avanada. Como os brasileiros j so bem mais ricos que os chineses ou
indianos, seria difcil aproximar-se de suas taxas de crescimento, porm h
uma possibilidade de investimento macio em infra-estrutura e, mais
importante, na educao. Dilma Roussef precisar transferir sua popularidade
e habilidade gerencial para um controle do congresso para ditar o ritmo.

3. Traduo do texto Um alarme falso: vencendo os descontentes com
a globalizao

O livro Em Defesa da Globalizao aborda uma gama de crticas contra a
globalizao: segundo as quais ela aumenta a pobreza, incentiva a explorao
do trabalho infantil, prejudica as mulheres, ameaa a democracia, coloca a
cultura em perigo, diminui os salrios, corri os padres trabalhistas, deteriora
o meio ambiente, e d poderes absolutos s empresas predadoras. O autor,
Jagdish N. Bhagwati, tambm discute a liberalizao do mercado de capitais, e
a migrao internacional, antes de se voltar para as solues das
desvantagens da globalizao: melhora da governabilidade, acelerao das
pautas de discusso mundiais, e manejo da velocidade das transies. Ele faz
concesso aos crticos da globalizao; porm, brandindo a lgica e os fatos,
destri a maioria das alegaes feitas contra ela. Conclui dizendo que o mundo
especialmente as regies mais pobres, necessitam de mais globalizao; e,
no, de menos.

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 24


4. Traduo do 5 pargrafo do texto A BRIC to build with

O Brasil no somente deve ter um assento permanente no Conselho de
Segurana como a melhor razo para a reforma do Conselho de Segurana,
bem como outras tentativas para tornar o sistema internacional mais
representativo. tempo de o ocidente e o resto do mundo abraarem a
ascenso do Brasil mais ativamente e iniciar um comprometimento mais

Prof. Carlos Augusto www.pontodosconcursos.com.br 25

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