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captulo 2:


English Book - V.1

Nesta lio voc aprender:
o que so adjetivos para a lngia inglesa e as diferenas entre o
ingls britnico e o norte americano na sua aplicao;
como aplicar os adjetivos e empreg-los em frases.
como identificar adjetivos;
adjuntos adverbiais.
Caros amigos, o surgimento do comrcio virtual apresenta tendncias no sentido de aprovar a manuteno dos
modos de operao convencionais. Ainda assim, existem
dvidas a respeito de como a mobilidade dos capitais internacionais promove a alavancagem das diretrizes de desenvolvimento para o futuro.
Por outro lado, a complexidade dos estudos efetuados cumpre um papel
essencial na formulao das condies inegavelmente apropriadas. Por
conseguinte, o fenmeno da Internet estende o alcance e a importncia
do processo de comunicao como um todo. Fulano de Tal

Ttulo 2





To be


is the wall

s antes do t


To do


bark at

s aps o t


To love


an apple

s antes do t


To like

e agora


s antes do t


To array

qualquer coisa


s antes do t


Chapter 2 - Adjective

Ttulo 2
1) O empenho em analisar a estrutura atual da organizao
afeta positivamente a correta previso de alternativas s solues ortodoxas?
2) Gostaria de enfatizar que o incio da atividade geral de formao de atitudes assume importantes posies no estabelecimento das novas proposies?

sempre a terminao
da palavra: se for
adjetivo, normalmente terminar
com sydiweagrfb. Im so
happy, cause today...

3) A prtica cotidiana prova que o desenvolvimento contnuo de distintas formas de atuao no pode mais se dissociar das direes preferenciais no sentido do progresso.?
4) Evidentemente, alguma adoo de polticas descentralizadoras facilita a criao do sistema de formao de quadros que corresponde s


football (futbl) - futebol

cycling (siklin) - ciclismo

tennis (tnis) - tnis

hiking (rrikin) - caminhada

swimming (sumin) - natao

party (prti) - festa

sailing (seilin) - velejar

invitation (inviteichan) - convite

fishing (fichin) - pesca

reception (resspcham) - recepo

painting (pintin) - pintura

cocktail (kktiu) - coquetel

English Book - V.1

pode utilizar
O bom que a gente
reita e esuqerestes postits pela di
como v ficar
da, dependendo de
pgina. Precimais legal na nossa
ns quadrinhos
samos criar mais algu
d um efeito
assim colados, pois
muito bom no fim das

1) importante questionar o quanto a determinao clara de objetivos exige a preciso e a definio dos nveis de motivao departamental.
a. A nvel organizacional.
b. A hegemonia do ambiente.
c. Poltico maximiza.
d. Possibilidades.

2) Por conta da gesto inovadora da qual fazemos parte.

a. Podemos.
b. J vislumbrar.

Estrutural aqui preconizado obstaculiza a apred. Qual o novo modelo.

ciao da importncia das formas de
ao. Neste sentido, a competitividade nas
transaes comerciais ainda no demonsTodas estas questes,
trou convincentemente que vai participar
devidamente ponderadas,
na mudana dos relacionamenlevantam dvidas sobre
tos hierarquias.
se a revoluo dos costumes
c. O modo pelo.

representa uma abertura para

a melhoria das condies financeiras
e administrativas exigidas. Pensando mais a longo prazo,
a constante divulgao das informaes pode nos levar a
considerar a reestruturao dos conhecimentos estratgicos
para atingir a excelncia. O que temos que ter sempre em
mente que o consenso sobre a necessidade de qualificao

Chapter 2 - Adjective

oferece uma interessante oportunidade para verificao

dos mtodos utilizados na avaliao de resultados.

O contedo do de
Desta maneira, o desafiador cenrio globalizado
staque postit
ve ser menorzinho porq
deve passar por modificaes independentemenue o desenho no deve ser modi
te dos procedimentos normalmente adotados. No
ficado quanto
s suas dimenses. S
mundo atual, a contnua expanso de nossa ativie formos utiliz-lo como link ou gl
dade aponta para a melhoria das regras de conduossrio precita normativas. claro que o acompanhamento das
samos cuidar isto, po
is nos outros
preferncias de consumo possibilita uma melhor
contedos so os dest
aques maiores.
viso global das posturas dos rgos dirigentes com
relao s suas atribuies. Todavia, o comprometimento entre as equipes garante a contribuio de
um grupo importante na determinao do levantamento das variveis envolvidas. No entanto, no podemos esquecer que
o entendimento das metas propostas causa impacto indireto na reavaliao das diversas correntes de pensamento.

English Book - V.1

The TEAMS Middle English Texts are published for TEAMS (The
Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) in association with
the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The General Editor
of the series is Russell Peck of the University of Rochester. The
texts are made available here by permission of the Executive Com-

The goal of the TEAMS Middle English text series is to make available
to teachers and students texts which occupy an important place in the
literary and cultural canon but which have not been readily available in
student editions.

glish T the Teaching
rsiMS M Consortium f with the Unive ,
MS (T in associatio ute Publicatio .
dle Ag y Medieval I mazoo, Michi
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Chapter 2 - Adjective

The TEAMS Middle English Texts are

published for TEAMS (The Consortium
for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) in
association with the University of Rochester
by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The General Editor of the series is
Russell Peck of the University of Rochester. The texts are made available here
The goal of the TEAMS Middle English text series is to make available
to teachers and students texts which occupy an important place in the
literary and cultural canon but which have not been readily available in
student editions.
The focus is upon literature adjacent to that normally in print, which
teachers need in compiling the syllabi they wish to teach. The editions
maintain the linguistic integrity of the original works but within the parameters of modern reading conventions.
We are grateful to the National Endowment for the Humanities for its
generous support in creating and maintaining this site.

Endowment: Depending on the settings of your screen and your

browser, you may find that some of the TEAMS texts do not fit
on your screen. You can correct this problem by adjusting the font
size in your browser. In Netscape, e.g., select VIEW, then DECREASE FONT.

English Book - V.1

The focus is upon literature adjacent to that normally in print, which

teachers need in compiling the syllabi they wish to teach. The editions
maintain the linguistic integrity of the original works but within the parameters of modern reading conventions.

The TEAMS Middle English Texts are published for TEAMS (The
Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) in association with
the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The General Editor
of the series is Russell Peck of the University of Rochester. The
texts are made available here by permission of the Executive Committee of TEAMS and The Medieval Institute at Western Michigan

Seint Gregory seith: Recommaunde to God the begynnynge and the ende
of alle thi werkes, studye and do peyne to knowe alle thinges, and holde and
cheese [fol. 62r] the beste. And seith: Povertee is evel, but evell rycchesses
ben wers. And seith: Loke ye be constaunte and refreyne thyne yre, and
take connynge for to lighte thee instede of a candel, and thenke nat thiself
to be that thu arte nat, for thu arte mortal. Take thiself as for a straungier
and loke thu worship straungiers. And seithe: Whanne thi shippe is in grete
tranquyllitee, thanne loke thu be aferde to be drownned. And seith: A man
shulde resceive with good cheere alle that God sendeth him. And seith: The
wrath of goode folkes is bettir to be chosen thanne the worshipp of evell
folkes. And seith: Use the house of wyse men and nat of the ryche. And
seithe: Dyspreyse nat a litil thinge, for it maye growe meche and amende,
and endure paciently withoute vengeaunce.

Chapter 2 - Adjective

The TEAMS Middle English Texts

are published for TEAMS (The Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle
Ages) in association with the University
of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University,
Kalamazoo, Michigan. The General Editor
of the series is Russell Peck of the University
of Rochester. The texts are made available here by
permission of the Executive Committee of TEAMS and The Medieval
Institute at Western Michigan University.

Nono nonono nono

Seint Gregory seith: Recommaunde to God the begynnynge and the ende
of alle thi werkes, studye and do peyne to knowe alle thinges, and holde and
cheese [fol. 62r] the beste. And seith: Povertee is evel, but evell rycchesses
ben wers. And seith: Loke ye be constaunte and refreyne thyne yre, and
take connynge for to lighte thee instede of a candel, and thenke nat thiself
to be that thu arte nat, for thu arte mortal. Take thiself as for a straungier
and loke thu worship straungiers. And seithe: Whanne thi shippe is in grete
tranquyllitee, thanne loke thu be aferde to be drownned. And seith: A man
shulde resceive with good cheere alle that God sendeth him. And seith: The
wrath of goode folkes is bettir to be chosen thanne the worshipp of evell
folkes. And seith: Use the house of wyse men and nat of the ryche. And
seithe: Dyspreyse nat a litil thinge, for it maye growe meche and amende,
and endure paciently withoute vengeaunce.

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