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Lngua Inglesa II
Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro

Tema: Reviso de Contedo

A preposio between usada para dizer entre duas
coisas, pessoas etc. e a preposio among usada para
dizer entre mais de duas coisas, pessoas etc. Essa a
definio bsica para esses

Usa-se between para:

Dizer que alguma coisa ou algum est entre
duas pessoas, coisas ou grupos de coisas.
Sarah is sitting between Paul and Mary.
The road is between high mountains.


Among: quando algum ou alguma coisa est

entre um grupo nico, seja de pessoas ou
coisas, as quais no sejam distintas entre si.
Our farm is among the trees.
Your key is somewhere among all these objects.

In: lugar/dentro, cidades, estados, pases, anos,
meses e estaes do ano.
On: contato/superfcie, dias da semana, datas,
transporte pblico e margem de um rio.
At: ponto vago, momentos especficos, horas e

By: autoria, meio de transporte e tempo

To: direo, instrumento com finalidade
especfica, infinitivo, indicar tempo e to sell to.


Drika is between Paula and Rafaela.

The book is between the pencil and the
This is between you and me.
Drika is among the members of the group.
The book is among the
school subjects.

Going to (Present): usado para expressar

aes que vo ocorrer no futuro prximo; planos ou
intenes; probabilidade.
Presente do verbo to be + going + infinitivo do
verbo principal.
She is going to study hard next year.
They arent going to buy a new car this year.
Are you going to travel
around the world?

My brother is going to buy his bicycle next

Those gentlemen are going to eat their
dessert outside.
Is Janet going to bring her baby tonight?
They arent going to
paint their house this


(Be) going to X Present Continuous

Tanto a expresso (be) going to como o
present continuous indicam aes futuras
anteriormente. Devem ser acompanhadas de
um advrbio de tempo indicativo de futuro,
como: tomorrow, next

month, on Saturday.
Im going to the doctor
tomorrow morning.

Simple Future Tense

Como se forma: will + verbo principal
I will study.
Well arrive at 10 oclock.
They will not learn mathematics.
She wont be there after dinner.
Will he invite us to the
Will she work hard?

1. When will you travel? Ill travel in June.
2. Where will they work? They ll work at
3. What will she do? Shell work.
4. How will Tom travel? He
ll travel by plane.
1. What time will the
stores open? Theyll open
at 9 oclock.



WISH em ingls pode ser usada como

substantivo ou verbo. Nessa funo, wish
significa basicamente desejo, vontade ou
ainda pedido.
We have to respect the wish of our clients.

He was buried, according to his wishes, in a

private ceremony.
We are tired of politicians who ignore the
publics wishes.
Make a wish and then blow out the candles.


De modo bem simples wish, como verbo,

significa desejar, querer que algo acontea.
Visto assim, trata-se de uma maneira bem mais
formal de dizer want:
I wish to see the manager, please.
If you wish to reserve a table, please call us
after 5 oclock.
I wish I were rich.

Gostaramos que algo fosse verdade, real

(mas, no !).
Estrutura wish + Past Simple.
I wish you were here.
We wish you went with us.
I wish I spoke German.

They wish you talked to them about that.

I wish I knew more about science.
Dont you wish we could fly?
I wish tomorrow was Friday.


A ideia falar sobre algo que aconteceu, mas

que as pessoas gostariam que no tivessem
acontecido. Logo, passa-se a a ideia de
arrependimento. *Wish + Past Perfect
I wish I had never met you.
He wishes he had listened more carefully.
She wishes she hadnt
said anything.
They wish they had gone
to university.

Wish + would. Tem ideia de insatisfao

por algo no acontecer.
Everybody wishes you would go home.
I wish you would stop doing that noise.
Dont you wish that this moment would last
I wish you wouldnt
drive so fast.
I wish you wouldnt
work on Saturdays.

Sounds of English
Consonants: first, the stops:
b as in bat, sob, cubby
When we need to emphasize
that we are using a phonetic
d as in date, hid, ado
transcription, we put square
g as in gas, lag, ragged
brackets [b] around the symbols.
p as in pet, tap, repeat
t as in tap, pet, attack
k as in king, pick, picking


More consonants: fricatives

(American) or (IPA) as in shame, mash
(American) or (IPA)as in triage, garage,


h as in help, vehicular
f as in fail, life
v as in veil, live
as in thin, wrath
as in this, bathe
s as in soft, miss
z as in zoo, as

IPA International Phonetic Alphabet:

um sistema alfabtico de fonemas que normatiza
os sons de uma lngua.
IPA - Vogais
cup, luck
: arm, father
cat, Black
e met, bed
away, cinema
: turn, learn

IPA - Vogais
e say, eight
o go, home
boy, join
e where, air
near, here
pure, tourist


IPA - Consoantes
k cat, back
l leg, little
m man, lemon
n no, ten
sing, finger
p pet, map
r red, try
s sun, miss

IPA - Consoantes
she, crash
t tea, getting
t check, church
think, both
this, mother
v voice, five
w wet, window
z zoo, lazy
pleasure, vision
d just, large



1. Complete as frases, a seguir, usando a first conditional

dos verbos entre parnteses.
a) My father ___ (lend) me some money if I ___ (tell) him
I need a new car.
b) If this car costs too much, my boss ____ (buy) another
c) If the flight for London is full, I ____ (go) somewhere

d) What will we do if the taxi ______ (not come)?

e) Will you phone me if there __ (be) any
f) Sara ___ (be) worried if you ______ (not arrive)
on time.

2. Complete as frases com if ou unless.

a) Sandy wont go to work ___________ she feels better
b) Will you take part of the game ___________ you are
c) Beth wont be able to visit her friends next week _____
Peter doesnt lend her his car.



d) The dinner wont be ready on time _____ we hurry up
with it.
e) I wont arrive on time to the wedding ___________ the
address is written incorrectly.

3. Leia as frases a seguir e escolha entre between, among

ou ambos para complet-las corretamente.
a) The fridge is ___________ the stove and the table.
( ) between ( ) among ( ) ambos
b) The architect added two meters ___________ the walls
of the kitchen. ( ) between ( ) among ( ) ambos
c) The heritage was divided ___________ the widow and
sons. ( ) between ( ) among
( ) ambos

04) Escolha a opo que preenche os espaos em

branco corretamente:
a) __________ is your sister? Twenty years old.
a. How is
b. How much
c. How old
b) ________ the books?
They're only 25 dollars.
a. How much are
b. How old are
c. How much is



05) Escolha a pergunta correta para a resposta: She

studies every day.
a) How frequent do she study?
b) How often do she studies?
c) How often does she study?
d) How often does she studies?
e) How often she studies?

06) Complete o texto usando corretamente o verbo Do ou

Make. Today, people argue they dont have time to ____do
physical exercises. They always have to (a)________ their
best at work or school and, for this reason, they have very
little time to (b)________ arrangements outside home.
What people doesnt know is that (c)________the
housework, for instance, can be an excellent exercise! If
you (d)__________ the ironing, (e)_______ the beds,
(f)_________ the dishes and
(g)_____________ lunch for
your family in two hours, youll
be spending 250 calories.




How often usa-se para perguntar a

frequncia com que algum faz alguma
How often do they go at the gym?
How often does she clean the house?
How often do you and your friends go to the

How long usa-se para perguntar sobre o perodo

de tempo em que se faz alguma coisa.
How long does it take to get Rio de Janeiro by plane?
How long does it take to digest food?
How long does it take you to prepare a delicious

How far usa-se para perguntar sobre a

distncia de um ponto a outro:
How far is your house from school?
How far is So Paulo from Pindamonhangaba
How far is your room from the kitchen?



How + Adjectives o pronome how combinado

com vrios adjetivos para
perguntar alguma
particularidade sobre alguma coisa:
How deep is this swimming pool?
How wide is the platform?
How important are these books for you?
How uncomfortable is this
How tall is your son?
How high is this tower?

How much usa-se no singular para perguntar

sobre a quantidade de algum produto incontvel e
para preos:
How much sugar is in the cup?
How much milk is there in the fridge?
How much wine did you drink?
How much does it cost?
How much did you pay for
that computer?

How many usa-se no plural para perguntar sobre

a quantidade de determinado produto contvel:
How many students are there in your class?
How many people went to the party?
How many chairs do you need?
How many gallons of paint
do you need to paint your
How many brothers and
sisters do you have?



Do x Make
Esses dois verbos significam fazer, mas,
apesar da similaridade no significado, h
diferenas entre eles.
Do atividades diria sou sobre algum
Do the homework
Do the housework
Do the ironing
Do the dishes

Expresses importantes com Do:

Do one's best
Do good
Do harm
Do a favor
Do business
Please, do me a favor.
Do it yourself and don't
Disturb me. I must finish
this work.

Make indica construo e criao:

Make food
Make a cup of tea/coffee
Make a mess
Make a contract
Make a dellivery



Expresses importantes com Make:

Make plans
Make an exception
Make arrangements
Make a telephone call
Make a decision
Make a mistake
Make noise
Make sense
Make a speech

Can we leave for dinner?
Could they work together?
Must she must study hard?
They couldnt work later.
She cant go out.
You mustnt smoke here.



to express ability

I can speak a little Russian.

to request permission

Can I open the window?

to express possibility

I may be home late.

to request permission

May I sit down, please?



to express obligation

I must go now.

to express strong belief She must be over 90 years old.

to give advice

You should stop smoking.

to request or offer

Would you like a cup of tea?

in if-sentences

If I were you, I would say



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