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Tecnologia em Processos Gerenciais

ingls iii

talking about sports

and leisure
ingls iii
talking about sports
and leisure

Objetivos da Unidade de aprendizagem

Expanso das estruturas bsicas da lngua inglesa e da
prtica das habilidades gerais de recepo oral e escrita
e de produo oral e escrita atravs do uso de vocabul-
rio e estrutura para discutir sobre Esportes e Lazer.

Conhecer e usar a lngua inglesa como instrumento de
acesso a informaes, a outras culturas e grupos sociais.

Escolher o registro adequado situao a qual se processa
a comunicao e o vocbulo que melhor reflita a ideia que
pretende comunicar, usando linguagem apropriada de
polidez e formalidade por meio das Oraes Relativas.
Nesta Unidade estamos propondo como contedo de en-
sino atividades que sejam significativas e relevantes, dan-
do a voc a oportunidade de se comunicar e desenvolver
as suas estratgias de aprendizagem. Para isso, voc es-
tudar como utilizar corretamente as Relative Clauses.

Para Comear
Na Unidade anterior, vimos os Relative Pronouns, en-
quanto falvamos sobre a TV.
Agora, continuando o tema Relative Pronouns, vamos
falar de esportes? Quando voc olha a figura abaixo, o
que vem a sua cabea? um esporte ou um hobby?

Figura 1.Surf
e futebol.

Para algumas pessoas, a figura acima pode representar

dois tipos de esporte. Para outros, elas so uma ativida-
de de lazer. Mas ser que possvel uma atividade de
lazer ser tambm um esporte? E para voc?
Qual seu esporte favorito?

Relative pronouns
In our last unit, we learned about the Relative Pronouns.
Now we are going to keep on studying this subject.
When we talk about Relative Pronouns and also study
the Relative Clause.
We use relative clauses to give extra information to the
reader. If this information defines something, then we have
a defining clause. If this information provides an unneces-
sary, but interesting, added information, it is a non-defining
clause. Lets see them?

Defining relative clause

In a defining relative clause, the information provided is very important in
understanding the meaning of the sentence. The defining relative clause
shows who or what we are talking about. It would be difficult to know who
or what is meant without this information. We dont use comma in this
kind of sentence.

The man who plays in Real Madrid has been hurt.
The field that I saw was totally damaged.

When we want to talk about definition, it is common to use the Defining

relative clauses.

Bafana Bafana is someone who plays for the South Africa team.

When the relative pronoun replace an object of the main sentence, in De-
fining Relative Clauses it can be dropped, it is not necessary to use it.

The player (who / whom) we met in the World Cup is very nice.

Non-defining Relative Clauses

In a non-defining relative clause, the information provided is interesting
and additional, but it is not essential to comprehend the sentence. You
can remove this information from the sentence without destroying the
central meaning:

Ronaldo Fenmeno, who plays for Corinthians, is my favorite player.

Ingls III / UA 15 Talking about Sports and Leisure 4

In this sort of sentence, we must use commas.

That gym, which is new in the town, is only for teenagers.

We dont replace who / which by that in non-defining rel-
ative clauses.
Object pronouns in non-defining relative clauses cannot
be dropped.

Ingls III / UA 15 Talking about Sports and Leisure 5

Unfortunately, in Brazil, it is very common soccer players
dont go to the university. Some of them even finish high
school. Why do you think they act this way? Is it a good
choice of life? Wouldnt be better for them if they have
another profession, since they retire very early? Listen to
the audio from BBC (see link for it at Navegando por a
section) about this subject:

Young rugby players need educa-

tion Everitt
Former London Irish and Northamp-
ton fly-half Barry Everitt tells BBC
Berkshire clubs need to do more to
encourage players to keep up their

E agora, Jos?
Nesta Unidade falamos sobre Esportes e Lazer. Voc
pode nos contar sobre o que voc gosta ou no de fazer
quando no est trabalhando ou estudando. Essas ativi-
dades so muito diferentes das pessoas que moram nos
Estados Unidos ou no Canad, por exemplo?
Na prxima Unidade, abordaremos o tema Sade e
Segurana. Voc j parou para pensar o que voc pode
fazer para proteger voc e sua famlia? Lets see?
Lets go!

Agora siga direto para as atividades e coloque em prtica
tudo o que aprendeu nesta Unidade de Aprendizagem.
 ssential Business MICHAELIS. Moderno Dicionrio Ingls-Por-
Grammar & Practice - English level: Ele- tugus, Portugus-Ingls. So Paulo: Mel-
mentary to Pre-Intermediate. New Edition. horamentos, 2007.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007. MURPHY, Raymond. E
 ssential Grammar in
GODOY, Sonia M. Baccari; GONTOW, Cris; MAR- Use CD-Rom with answers. Third Edition.
CELINO, Marcello. English Pronunciation Cambridge, 2007.
for Brazilians. So Paulo: Disal, 2006. OXFORD. O
 xford Business English Dictionary
LONGMAN. Longman Gramtica Escolar da with CD-Rom. Seventh Edition. Oxford, UK:
Lngua Inglesa com CD-Rom. So Paulo: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Pearson Education do Brasil, 2007.
LONGMAN. Dicionrio Longman Escolar para
Estudantes Brasileiros. Portugus-Ingls/
Ingls-Portugus com CD-Rom. 2 Edio:
Atualizado com as novas regras de Ortografia.
So Paulo: Pearson Education do Brasil, 2008.

Ingls III / UA 15 Talking about Sports and Leisure 7

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