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Mundo medieval mgico padro onde os drages das lendas ressurgiram. Essa histria se passa dcadas ou sculos antes da plot de
Dragon War II.
Originalmente criaturas de lendas, os drages ressurgem no mundo durante uma chuva de meteoros. Um grande meteoro cai em uma
montanha nos ermos prximos fortaleza de um nobre que est prestes a entrar em guerra com um rival vizinho. O meteoro uma
espcie de casulo onde os drages dormem em torpor. Ao cair e esfriar, os monstros acordam e comeam a destruir os arredores,
queimando campos e atacando rebanhos.

Os monstros maiores vivem apenas no casulo/meteoro e sua cratera. medida que a distncia aumenta os drages maiores so menos

As fmeas maduras so como os drages das lendas. Os machos so bem menores e no tm asas desenvolvidas. Existem ainda
dragonetes bem menores e menos perigosos que so relativamente dceis e domesticveis.

A histria comea quando o castelo recebe refugiados e sobreviventes de uma vila que foi atacada e dominada pelos monstros. A vila
agora usada como ninho para as criaturas, sendo dominada por um drake macho particularmente forte que a partir de l leva alimentos
e defende o refgio de sua consorte.

- Um guerreiro nobre de uma terra distante, hoje um cavaleiro andarilho sem rumo que foi expulso de seu lar por haver se apaixonado
pela mulher errada; um dos primeiros a descobrir a existncia das criaturas. Por crimes reais ou imaginados, acaba sendo preso quando
tenta alertar o nobre sobre o perigo.

- Um mago cuja habilidade pouco valorizada, que descobre em tomos antigos sobre as foras e fraquezas das criaturas, mas que por
causa de seu passado no levado a srio. Estudou em um templo e entrou em conflito com os preconceitos e corrupo que descobriu
dentro da instituio.
- Uma jovem batedora, arqueira e caadora, cujo pai foi enforcado pelo rei por um crime que no cometeu (ou que cometeu, mas ela

Desenvolvimento do cenrio:

- Qual a natureza do desentendimento que levou nobres vizinhos guerra?

- Qual o papel da igreja?

Desenvolvimento da aventura

1. Aps o desentendimento inicial, o nobre local obriga os personagens a investigar o assunto do aparecimento dos monstros mais a
fundo. Ele envia o grupo a uma vila prxima que foi dominada pelas criaturas; no caminho eles encontram mais refugiados tentando
escapar de dragonetes menores. Na vila eles descobrem mais sobre a natureza dos monstros e enfrentam o drake.

2. Ficando claro que as criaturas vo comear a procriar em grandes nmeros, a nica forma de salvar o reino destru-los. Para isso
eles devem invadir o covil dos monstros e envenenar a dragoa me com o preparado alqumico que o mago pode criar a partir dos
descobrimentos na aventura anterior. Apa

Desenvolvimento do cenrio

Religio: existe uma igreja centralizada, poderosa, inquisitria e monotesta; fundamenta-se na noo de submisso a um Criador. O
poder poltico derivado dessa igreja enorme. Eles se denominam Luz Sagrada e no passado realizaram muitas cruzadas para livrar o
mundo de hereges; nessa poca muitos reinos e governantes foram convertidos.

Historicamente falando, a liderana da igreja assumida apenas por mulheres apenas elas podem ser sagradas sacerdotisas e
devem ser virgens, assim como a profetisa e mrtir que fundou a igreja o era. Uma sacerdotisa que escolha ter filhos perde seu cargo,
mas ganha uma penso vitalcia para se sustentar e sua famlia, mas deve ceder todos os descendentes para a Igreja. Essas crianas
crescem em orfanatos apropriados controlados pela igreja e podem visitar os pais naturais a cada sete anos. Os filhos so treinados para
servir na guarda do templo (v. abaixo) e as meninas educadas para tornarem-se elas mesmas sacerdotisas.

A igreja apoiada pela Guarda do Templo (templrios), uma tropa de cavaleiros de elite e um dos mais poderosos e bem-equipados
exrcitos do mundo. A igreja possui diversas torres controladas pela Guarda do Templo onde feito o estudo da magia. Nos locais
afastados existe ainda uma religio animista.

Magia: magos podem ser feiticeiros estudiosos que treinaram na igreja em um de seus diversos Crculos de Magos ou renegados que
aprenderam seus feitios sozinhos ou com mestres e professores particulares. No existe uma caa institucionalizada a praticantes de
magia (no mais do que a qualquer outro tipo de herege), mas existe grande rivalidade entre os poucos renegados e os muitos praticantes
de magia da Igreja.

Justia: dispensada pelos Paladinos do Salo da Justia, um grupo de cavaleiros andarilhos que atuam como juzes itinerantes.
Possuem o poder de revelar qualquer mentira e podem curar com as mos.

The film takes place in the forest of Sidhe, following Princess Alora on her journey to Bagnor Brim to seek the aid of Lord Blackthorne
against the dark elves waging war on humanity throughout the realm. Attacked by dark elves, the Princess is saved by the warriors Lord
Artemir and Cador Bain. The two warriors insist that they accompany Princess Alora on her quest to act as her guardians and warn her
of the dragon which dwells within the forest.

Princess Alora and the two warriors are ambushed by a trio of bandits (Gareth Morholt, Naga, and Sogomo) who identify themselves as
the Kensington Vassals, famous for having slain a dragon. Princess Alora promises the three land and title in exchange for their
knowledge and assistance, to which the Vassals agree despite tension between Gareth, Lord Artemir, and Cador.

As the group's passage through the forest continues, they encounter an elf named Damara and her mistress Freyja, a mysterious
necromancer. Freyja cryptically forewarns that not all of Alora's companions shall survive their trek, but one is destined to slay the
dragon. Declaring that she shall render them aid, Freyja and Damara join the Princess as well. The necromancer easily takes measure of
the group's character, noting the budding romance between Cador and Alora.

The group is taken by surprise when the dragon attacks them, and their attempts to fight the beast do little to injure it. Sogomo is
trapped under a tree felled by the dragon during the fray and, horrified, the party can do nothing but watch as the dragon devours him.

Once the Princess and her band flee and regroup, Freyja takes Alora aside to divulge a new strategy for defeating the beast. The
necromancer reveals that she was responsible for creating the dragon many years ago to fight the dark elves at the behest of Alora's
father, the king. Unable to control the beast, however, Freyja did what little she could to confine it to the forest of Sidhe. Confiding
that the dragon's death shall mean the necromancer too shall die, Freyja also gives Alora a wand made of a small tree branch to use
against the dragon. The Princess bestows a knighthood upon Cador for his valor, grimly noting that there may not be another chance to
do so.

The group decides to seek the dragon in its lair, and prepare to attack the sleeping beast only to be ambushed themselves by a band of
dark elves. Naga continues to fight despite being shot with several arrows until she succumbs to the fatal wounds. The Princess and her
accompaniment of warriors fend off the elves in time to turn their attention to the awoken dragon. Lord Artemir attempts a valiant
charge only to be consumed in a gout of flame, perishing.

The wand given to Alora transforms into a spear, and the Princess pierces the dragon's heart. As the dragon dies, Freyja collapses and
confides in her dying breath that Alora was her daughter. Reinforcements of dark elves arrive but concede victory and allegiance to the
Princess as she brandishes the spear aloft in triumph.
Though the dragon is defeated and the war with the dark elves is brought to an end, the group of adventurers gathers for the
bittersweet funeral of their fallen comrades. The king dies during Princess Alora's return journey, but she ascends to rule the kingdom
with Sir Cador at her side.


The history takes place in a world based loosely on Medieval Europe, where Sorcery is commonplace and people live in a feudal
society. It is actually several decades (or centuries) after the events described in Dragon War.
An evil wizard, wishing to conquer the world for his own, unleashes a seemingly unstoppable dragon onto the world to terrorize the
peasant folk into submission. The creature can withstand any attack from humans, and appears indestructible.

However, a small resistance movement has formed to defeat the wizard utilizing the strength of a fabled dragon believed to be the
only creature in the land that can match the fire dragon in strength, and so the vigilantes set out in their quest for the dragon to save
the kingdom.



In the year 1606, Sawney Bean, a ruthless psychopath, earned notoriety as the world's most brutal serial killer, predating Jack the
Ripper and Bloody Bill by several hundred years. In life, Sawney was a cannibal, who captured his victims and literally butchered them,
feasting on their corpses afterwards.

His practices are continued in the modern day by his in-bred descendants, who dwell in vast caves on the coast and feed on the flesh
of passers-by, as a group of teenagers soon discover whilst exploring the steep cliff-face where Sawney's descendants dwell in search
of flesh.

The Teens: Linda, Bill, Callum, Rhiana, Amber, Tonya, and Mark are killed one by one. Amber and Callum go Bird-Watching but Callum
runs off too check the caves in stead. Callum tries to get rock samples but is tapped on the shoulders by a Cannibal. When he turns
around , they show an exterior shot of the cave and his scream is heard. Amber follow his screams, nearly getting killed by traps set up
by the cannmibals, until she is knocked unconscious and dragged away.

Mark, Rhiana, Linda and Tonya begin to search for Amber and Callum, while Bill gets some sleep. Rhiana searches the caves where
Callum was and finds him still alive but badly injured. The others bring him back to their camp, but he dies while telling them of how the
cannibals attacked and killed Amber right in front of his eyes. the others split up to find the cannibals but end up running into each
other and then into a teenager named Ted. Ted turns out to one of the cannibals, and kills Rhiana by bashing her head open three times
with a rock. He begins to eat her arm but Bill and Tonya shoot him.

Later Bill, Linda, Mark and Tonya try to kill the cannibals and are nearly successful until two cannibals (Towart and Balloch) escape.
Mark climbs up a tree but Balloch follows him. Balloch and Mark fight each other but mark falls from the tree, killing him. Tonya shoots
Balloch in the head when he comes after her. Towart comes toward Tonya , but she pleads with him with the offers of sex, but Towart
kills her anyway, by throwing her in in a lake and drowning her.

Linda and Bill try to get away but Towart disguises himself as a man named Mr. Pratt, pretending to help them. Towart then bites
Bill's throat out, killing him. Linda then grabs a gun and distracts Towart long enough for her to shoot him in the head. Linda then waits
at her camp until morning, where the Police come and take her safely home as the movie ends.



The film follows a group of teenagers travelling across America, who are taken hostage by drugs-baron Earl (Gregory Bastien). By
Earl's instructions, the group eventually arrives in the deserted town of Sunset Valley. The town is the site of the execution of Bloody
Bill, a guerrilla Confederate soldier who killed dozens of people, including the soldiers of the American Union, tribes of peaceful Red
Indians, and countless others.

Earl forces the teenagers to rest in the town for the night, to continue their journey in the morning, but their presence unleashes
the evil kept within the town. Bloody Bill (Jeremy Bouvet) emerges from his grave in zombie form. Along with several other zombies
buried in the town, Bloody Bill begins to pick off the teenagers one by one, isolating them within Sunset Valley as he begins his reign of
bloody terror once more.



A mini-campaign for level 8-10 characters

In a medieval land a terrible beast is ravaging the countryside. Calthar, the lands king, sends his armys leader (his brother,
Calthrus) to find a group of famous heroes.

Combat Encounter: Attack in the woods. The heroes are on the wild when theyre attacked by bandits. These attackers seem
determined to kill them but are no match for such powerful heroes. On some point during the conflict, when the heroes are about to
defeat the bandits, they receive help from a group of soldiers that kill all the attackers with crossbows (no survivors must be left). The
soldiers leader introduces himself as Calthrus and ask the heroes to go back with him to see his king.

Role-playing encounter: The kings history. When the heroes arrive they find the king devastated and mourning his wife, killed by
the beast just before he sent his brother to find the heroes. He explains the situation: a year ago, the kingdom was on the brink of an
invasion by forces of a nearby empire. Knowing his forces were unable to stop the invasion he bargained a deal with a powerful evil
sorceress that lives in a dark forest on the kingdoms border. He asked for the power to stop the invaders forever.
The sorceress granted the king his wish and then the monster appeared. The creature really turned the invaders away, but after
they were gone the creature continued to ravage the country, preying on the kings subjects. The queen was his latest victim. When the
heroes ask about the monsters whereabouts the king explains they already met the creature: it is himself.

The king explains all this:

- Only the king himself, his brother, the sorceress and, now, the heroes, know about the kings curse.

- He transforms at night, every night, from sundown to sunrise.

- While transformed, he is completely irrational and doesnt recognize anyone. He really preys first on the kingdoms enemies, but
will kill anyone standing in his way.

- The tried to let himself be imprisoned no use, for the monster can break the strongest chains and shackles.

- In the brink of despair, the king tried to kill himself in many ways, but werent able to. The only way to kill him is with a legendary
weapon the king called the group because theyre famous heroes and able to retrieve this weapon and because secrecy is needed.

- He also tried a magical artifact for which he spent half of the kingdoms treasury: a necklace that prevents anyone using it from
using magic. Supposedly when the necklace is worn the king wouldnt transform, but somehow it didnt work (the king believes hes been
tricked or that is part of the witchs curse).

After explaining the situation to the heroes, the king bargains with them for their help. Hes willing to give almost anything to save
the kingdom but with the conditions that no one discover his secret and that no innocents are harmed. The heroes are faced with two
main courses of action: retrieve the weapon and destroy the king or convince the sorceress to lift the curse.

Role-playing encounter: The Princess. The characters can rest for some time in the palace; at some point, theyll meet the kings
daughter, princess Nayenne. She is now 17 years old and doesnt know about the curse. She believes the monster is a natural creature
and pledges the heroes to destroy it and avenge her mother.
Exploration encounter: Quest for a legendary weapon. The only weapon able to destroy the cursed king is a legendary weapon that
once belonged to the original rulers of the land. Centuries ago, the kings lineage came to power after a civil war. The defeated lineage is
now a minor noble house, but their memorable past is still reminded by some. The weapon is sealed in a tomb where the last king of that
lineage is buried. If the characters decide to retrieve the weapon theyll be enemies of that noble house forever.

There arent many traps in the vault; the main danger is that the houses soldiers will see the characters as defilers who deserve
nothing better than a fast kill. If they ever mention the king or that they work for him itll make things even worst, as the king ASKED
for secrecy and they now screwed it up. The minor house will now raise arms against the king for sacking their dead and will join the
empire forces for the final battles.

Exploration encounter: The Dark Forest. Exploration of the forest will lead to the sorceress. Shell explain that she cant lift the
curse and that shes seen the future if the king is not the monster anymore. Without the monster, the kingdom is destroyed when the
empire strikes again. They see the leader of the empires armies sitting on the throne with a bloodied sword and sees the heroes, dead
in battle, hanged or in jail.



The game takes place in an alternate Earth in which the existence of magic is concealed. This Earth is called Far-The-Earth
() by beings from other worlds, unlike humans from Far-The-Earth who simply call it "Earth". This world is very similar to
the Earth we live on, except for a few differences.
Unlike most Japanese urban action RPGs, the game focuses on dungeon play. This is because the RPG which the game is based on,
Seven Fortress, was also heavily focused on dungeons, but the game is designed so that dungeons can be readied even in a modern day
setting, which is considered the strongpoint of the game to this date.

Magic, Wizards and Brooms: In the world of Night Wizard!, magic certainly exists. However, the transcendental beings of ancient
times felt that magic was dangerous and concealed it, causing the rise of science instead. The magic users live in the shadows of society.
But, in times of world crisis that can only be opposed by magic, they oppose it using the power of magic.

In this world, all superhuman abilities that are impossible to common sense are treated as magic. In other words, even martial
artists who use Ki and cyborgs remodeled with over-technology are also referred as magic users = Wizards.
Contemporary wizards often use various types of mechanical brooms, the symbol of unity of technology and magic: for example,
Gunner's Broom is not only a flying broom but also a gun. Likewise the Witch Blade is the combined weapon with a flying broom and a
sword. These brooms are signature items of Night Wizard!.

Emulators: A spirit-parasite life-form of indefinite shape, the Emulators ( shinma?, Demon Invaders) clings to people and things
in order to absorb the existential energy that exist inside their hearts, the prana. Since prana is strongly related to dreams and
desires, many Emulators whispers to the heart of those they parasite on in order to make the desires in the bottom of their hearts go
Normal scientific weapons have no effect on the Emulators. Only the superhuman powers that are impossible to the worlds common
sense the magic can defeat the Emulators.

World Barrier: To defend against the Emulator invasion, an invisible barrier called World Barrier ( sekai kekkai?) was
stretched over the whole Earth in ancient times. This barrier not only denies easy entering and leaving, but is also provided with power
to repair the world. If the proper appearance of the Earth which is programmed in the World Barrier (this is referred as common
sense ( joushiki?)), the World Barrier will return Earths reality to the proper appearance.

For example, even if someone who got involved in the fight between Wizards and Emulators dies, the World Barrier will manipulate
peoples memories and records, rewrite traces on the scene, so that this victims death is treated as a death due ordinary causes.
Accordingly to the circumstances, this victim might even be made as if not existing from the beginning so that the outcome called death
is canceled.

The World Barrier is an existence that is both an ally and an enemy for the Wizards. The World Barrier rejects the existences of
the Emulators and magic. The World Barrier prevents the entrance of the Emulators in the world (because the world does not
acknowledge the existence of the Emulators). Also, there is also the relief that, in order to automatically conceal magical incidents,
scenes where magic is being used that are noticed by normal people are also easily concealed to some extent. But on the other hand, the
World Barrier also prohibits the Wizard from using magic.

Lunar Casket and Lunar Robes: Powerful Emulators and Wizards came up with a method to use magical abilities on Earth:
stretching a different barrier over their own surroundings. By doing this, the Emulators and Wizards can act without receiving the
influence of the World Barrier. The barrier that the Emulators stretch is called Lunar Casket ( gekkou?, ), while the one
stretched by the Wizards is called Lunar Robe ( kaguya?, ). These Emulators and Wizards that use magical abilities in the
present world are chosen elites that can stretch those barriers. Also, it is possible to store and carry objects inside the Lunar Robe and
because of directly storing them in the surrounding space no weight will be felt.
Although the Lunar Casket and Lunar Robe resemble themselves, there is a single difference. That is the Lunar Casket is an ability
that not only stretches around ones immediate surroundings, but also expands as if to cover a large area and that the prana of people
and things inside the Lunar Casket can be sucked out. The Lunar Casket grows in size and stability the more it sucks prana, until it
ultimately attains enough power to interfere with the World Barrier.

Before that happens, the Wizards must infiltrate in the Lunar Casket and defeat the enemy Emulators.

Arbitrator: Those who have the ability to program the proper appearance of the world (common sense) in the World Barrier. Few
Arbitrators are aware of this power, and just by them strongly believing the world has such appearance throughout their lives and the
world changes its appearance to along with it.

In the world of Night Wizard!, many of the scientists who made big discoveries were in fact Arbitrators and they did not
discovered truths of the world, but rather the world reformed itself to conform to the views that they advocated.
When one who has the character of Arbitrator is discovered, it usually turns out in a fight over them between the Emulators and
the Wizards. This is for the sake of reforming the World Barrier to their convenience.

The Third Angels Trumpet Incident: 1986. The magic-guided power plant in the Black Sea coastal area that used one of the seven
Jewels of Virtue the Jewel of Justice goes wild, allowing the manifestation of the "Golden Demon Lord" Lu Cypher (one of its
avatars to be precise). In the issuing battle to death with the Wizards, although the manifestation was suppressed by several second,
Lu Cypher was able to escape while robbing the practically infinite energy of the magic-guided furnace. This incident left an unhealable
wound in the World Barrier, which makes Emulator interventions started by Demon Lord simple things. Also, with the weakening of the
World Barrier, there was also a large increase in the birth of Wizards as result.

Demon Lords and the Rikai Empire: The Demon Lords are those located in the highest ranks of the Emulators. They are closely
tied with the Seven Fortress world, and are often used as a connecting device when introducing the two worlds in a single campaign.

The demon lords have their own kingdom in a strange world called Rikai ( reverse world?). The settings of Rikai draws from
Dante's The Divine Comedy as motif, while the major Demon Lords having the 72 demons from The Lesser Key of Solomon as motif
(although there are those based on other sources).

Despite the gothic horror theme of the original, most of the demon lords take forms of cute, young girls with moe attributes to
corrupt humans. In order to win even more believers, strong Demon Lords prepare for themselves major (generally easily received)
moe traits, while weak Demon Lords are left with mania (generally hardly received) moe traits. In fact, in supplements such as
Longinus and School Maze the personality datas of 21 Demon Lords transformed in moe bishjos were published.

Now as a matter of fact, as they possess a strong vital force to the point of being considered immortals, and because the Demon
Lords that happens to appear in the present world are better described as shadows of their main bodies, no matter how many times
they are defeated they can be revived in due time.

Underworld Demons: The new enemy introduced in the 2nd Edition, the Underworld Demons ( meima?) are monsters of chaos
sealed away in a prison world called Ankai ( dark world?), but in recent years the seal was shaken and the Underworld Demons sealed
in there came to Earth after crossing the World Barrier.

The Underworld Demons appears as if the black darkness on the land itself possessed substance in the shape of strange-looking
living beings. Most Underworld Demons are entities of pure destructive instincts that cannot communicate with others. Differently
from the Emulators from the Rikai, their only goal is the complete destruction of this world. There are also many Underworld Demons
that possess greater combat power than the Emulators and in a way they can be referred as great monsters out of control (in fact,
there is a precedent of a Demon Lord of the Rikai being eaten by an Underworld Demon). For the Rikai Empire, whose goal is the
invasion and not destruction of the Earth, the Underworld Demons are yet another troublesome enemy.

The Underworld Demons are the common enemies of not only this Earth, but also of all multiverse.

Magical Warfare: Some of the official replays and stories talked about in the first edition of Night Wizard! were in fact
connected to one single setting. This collaborative work is called Magical Warfare.

In April of 200X, by having the Demon Lord Bell Zephyr forcibly brake open the World Barrier, the other Demon Lords were
capable of sending their avatars to this world. From then on the Demon Lords started to move in order to fulfill their dearest wish.
The stories that belong to Magical Warfare are those about the incidents caused by the Demon Lords to fulfill this dearest wish.

The dearest wish of the Demons Lords is the usurpation of all the seven jewels said to grant any wish when gathered. The conflict
over the jewels was concluded in the TV anime (although the setup of the novels 'Hiragi Renji and the Girl of the Magic Jewels was
made canon instead), and the Night Wizard! Second Edition that was released prior to the anime is staged in a transfigured world after
the Jewels Wars (a world where the Underworld Demons have appeared).

Back during the early times of Night Wizard! when the Demon Lords were coming out, the story was just the Demon Lords trying to
destroy the world for the sake of their own desires and the Wizards stopping them somehow, while from here on it goes like the
Demon Lords attempting to destroy the World Barrier in order to attain the Jewels.
Second Old Gods War: While the Magical Warfare progresses, in the First World Lars Felia (that belongs to the same Shuhakkai
as the Eight World Far-The-Earth), due an artifice of Elena, the close aide of the leader of the La-Almeia province "Illusionary Path
King" Firna Mei, the ancient Guardian of Lars Felia that had fallen in the Underworld - Elors - is revived (albeit incompletely) and as a
result the whole Lars Felia falls into the Underworld. In regards to that, The Gazer - one of the two avatars of the god that manages
Far-The-Earth, Genmushin ( Phantasm God?) - attempts to awaken the Genmushin to cope with it. However, the other avatar, TIS,
opposed him and he was destroyed by the Wizards that desired for the continuance of Far-The-Earth (as seen in the TV Anime and
Hiragi Renji and the Girl of the Magic Jewels). As a result, the Genmushin that became a wall between the Human World and the
Underworld despite having its power weakened had its functioning completely interrupted and the Old Gods that were sealed in the
Underworld released their followers, the Underworld Demons, and started to invade worlds other than Lars Felia. That is the "Second
Old Gods War".

After the outbreak of the Second Old Gods War, while the Guardian Anzelotte departs into an expedition to protect her world of
origin - the Third World El Neysia - from the invasion of the Old Gods and Hiragi Renji went to the rescue of Lars Felia, the "Dark Hour
King" Meiortis emerged in Far-The-Earth by manipulating the Demon Lord of the Rikai Asmodate, forcibly dragging the world into the
Second Old Gods War. In other words, the official replays and scenarios of Night Wizard! involving the Underworld Demons fall under
the group of stories of the Second Old Gods War in Far-The-Earth.

Wizard Organizations

Dangard Magic Institute an educational institution that teaches Western magic. The school building is in England Glastonbury.
Its vicinities are surrounded by a dense fog, so normal people cannot enter.

Extermination Company A Wizard mercenary organization, it maintains a front as a private military company. Possesses many Killer
Machines. It is an organization of global scale, but many of its details are unclear (although the same can be said about other Wizard
organizations). In the official replay "End of Childhood", it has a base in the mountains at the suburbs of Tokyo.

Evening Party (Suuarei) An autonomous organization of Werewolves established in a given city/region. A ceremony is held with the
local big shot acting as a chairman. When a Werewolf of a given region visits different regions, he has the duty of attending to the local
Evening Party.

Global Wizard Association a mutual aid organization of global scale supervised by the Guardian of Far-The-Earth, Anzellote. Its
base is in the Anzellote Palace found in a different dimension.

Longinus an elite force under Anzellote's direct command. Only receive missions when an immediate world crisis is occurring.

Kimei Academy a Japanese academic corporation. Headquarters is located at Tokyo Ikebukuro, but there are branches all over
Japan. For public eyes it is just a normal school, but other than ordinary students it is frequented by many Wizard students who receive
training. Also, the existence of Wizards must not be revealed to the ordinary students.
Kimei Academy Akihabara Branch One of the branches of Kimei Academy, located in Akihabara that is an unlucky site of the Edo
Castle. Several characters that appear in the official replays are students, teachers or alumnus from here.

Kimei Academy University - Kimei Academy's higher education institution. Located in the main branch of Ikebukuro. Introduced in
the official replay "Border of the Monochrome", it has an affiliated hospital that serves both as a tuning facility for Killing Machines
and a medical treatment facility specialized in Wizards.
Orfalcourt - An association of Vampires introduced in the official replay "Border of the Monochrome". It calls upon the Vampire
supremacy principle and makes Europe the center of its activities.

Renegades Congress - The world's largest association of Vampires with headquarters located in Transylvania. Thinking of Vampires
as "those who obtained <power> by abandoning God", it conducts education and regulation of them. It takes a conservative attitude
towards mankind.

Roman Saint King Agency the headquarters of a certain worldwide religion. Originally, it considered the Wizards as heretics and
was hostile toward them, but with the Emulator invasion it came to accept the Wizards as war assets.

Tamers Society Tamers a network of information exchange. Publicly, it is disguised as a membership-based net-game about
fighting with familiars, but a secret page for the exclusive use of Tamers was prepared. The administration headquarters is located in
New York.

Japans Cosmo Guard Alliance - the international astronomic observation association Cosmo Guard Alliance with base in Japan. It
monitors all heavenly bodies in the world and reports if accidents are observed. As a non-public organization, it also possesses a Wizard
unit. The headquarters are in Ibaraki Prefecture Tsukuba.



Alshard's world is named Midgard, and the setting includes many deities from Norse mythology (for example 'Odin' and 'Thor'), but
most of the deities died in Ragnark, the ancient war of the gods. Midgard is a fantasy world, but guns, motorcycles, robots, androids,
airships, tanks, and other mechanical items are present in the setting. Player characters are called "Questers" and possess a crystal
(called a "Shard") of ancient gods, and can use supreme divine powers by using it. Questers seek an ideal world, Asgard, and stand
against the world's enemy, the abyss, and the evil empire Wahres Reich (German for the True Empire). The game title, Alshard is a
coined term that means "a Shard with complete power." Every Shard has ego and tries to guide the owner to Asgard.


Midgard is about as large as Eurasian Continent in the actual world. More than 70 percent of it is occupied by Wahres Reich.
Wahres Reich is a theocratic empire which worships the god of machinery, Deus Ex Machina. Imperial science technology called
Kabbalah are well-developed. However, in contrast to other technology systems such as ancient race Alf's "Relics" and desert tribe
Jarhead's "Gears", Kabbalah wastes mana of world and increases the abyss which is the enemy of world. Wise men and Questers in
Midgard hate the abyss and blame Wahres Reich for using dangerous Kabbalah technology. Also the empire looks on Questers as
imperial enemies and is hunting Questers for their Shards possess enormous power according to imperial proclamation.
By Kabbalah technology, Reich's army possesses many modern weapons including tanks and airships, and is the strongest military
force in Midgard. The same person holds posts as the Kaiser and the Pope in this theocratic state. The present Kaiser, Gustav Joseph
II, is a very taciturn and incredibly old man at 412 years old. It would be a large incident if he said just one word. The line of Kaisers
born in the monogenesis from the women who were called Blessed Virgin. To prevent the accident, several clones of Blessed Virgin are
made, but subjects of Reich are not told the truth. Some propagandas tell that these clones are twins. These tragic Blessed Virgins
appear in early scenarios as beautiful and innocent heroines whom questers should help.

The empire has more than 10 big arcology cities as representative by imperial capital Gladsheim in the empery. Arcology cities are
structured of complex skyscraper and they are in the frontier of Reich's science power. Future scientific equipment, including air cars
can exist only in the cities where the power of Shard was applied. The urbiculture of the cities are developed and is very different
from the outside fantasy world, PCs can play cyberpunk adventures in there.

The imperial overstretch of Wahres Reich cause frictions and strained relations with other nations as follows.

Westri - A kingdom that was ruined by the invasion of Wahres Reich and the riot of hundreds of mad robots. The crown princess is

Silvestri - A republic that was built after a revolution, like the French First Republic.

Kirsche - A former principality under the Westri. It is an armed neutral country.

Yashima - An eastern empire of samurai and ninja. Yashima is one of the names used to describe ancient Japan. (See also Names of

Zoanesheim - The kingdom of the catlike Lynx people in the Golden Forest.

Vanaheim - The maritime kingdom of the merrow, a legal entity of Wahres Reich. The king is treated as a president of the company
under Reich's law.

Among - The lizard-folk's subterranean empire.


Excalibur - The knights of the round table whose foe is the abyss. The airship named Avalon is their movable military base.
Primrose - The resistance against Wahres Reich. The leaders are Hans Wilmar and his sister Sophie. They are named after Hans
Scholl and Sophie Scholl, the leaders of the actual White Rose resistance.

Norn - A guild of monster hunters. There are three sections named Urd, Verdandi and Skuld.
Academy - A magic academy built by ancient race known as the Alf on floating islands. The alumni are called Wizards and respected
as elite magicians.

General Material (G=M) - The transport company which helps the resistance movement and prevents Reich's invasion. Jormungand
is G=M's rival company.
Aegis - The defenders of the world. The members wear metal armor, and are called Runeknights. Aegis and Excalibur are rivals.

Silber Kreuz (SK) - One of the special forces of Wahres Reich. SK is the Imperial Guard. Schwarz Kreuz (Agents of the Cardinal),
Virtues (Militia of the religious order), Kaiser Schwert (Kaiser's military police) and others are also imperial special forces.
Wincaster Fortune Service (WFS) - The information company that sells "the future". WFS helps adventurers and stands against
the abyss. WFS is in fact a sect of Excalibur.

Alf - An ancient race that had great technology and created deities and Valkyries. The crystals named receptor are buried on their
foreheads. They can control ancient scientific devices called relics including orbital weaponry, laser sword and deflector shield by using

Fomor - A race of dark Alf polluted by the abyss.

Valkyrie - Armored gynoids made by Alfs are also considered one of the intelligent races. Every Valkyrie has weapon system called
the Weapons Administration Retractability System (W.A.R.S. for short) including railgun, gatling gun and particle projection cannon.

Lynx - A race of bipedal catpeople have cat-like ears, eyes and a tail. Despite their capriciousness, they are good hunters. They have
skills of arcane archery, tribal magic or martial arts.

Dvergr - Dwarves live as air raiders and good blacksmiths. They love alcohol and Rock'n Roll music very much.

Sirius - A race of shapeshifter change into wolves. They live as nomad. Their culture is similar to Tibetan's one. All of them are both
strong martial artists and judicious philosophers.

Jarhead - In a precise sense, it's not a non-human race but a unique tribe living in a desert. Jarhead's people regardless of gender
always wear masks and protective suits from head to foot according to their religious law. They have firearms technologies called Gears.
Jarhead's setting bears some resemblance to Desert Punk's.



Acolyte - Acolytes are supporting characters. They may not be very powerful, but their heal skill and other support skills are useful
in party situations. While slow at first, their "Increase Agility" skill can speed up the walking and attack speed of any character. Their
only magic attack is "Holy Light", which can be launched with a special move, but they also gain special moves with stats.

Archer - Archers use bows and arrows as their main weapon, but they have a maximum arrow capacity with a skill to create more
arrows. Their skills do not consume arrows but SP, which Archers tend to lack. By adding points to DEX to raise the attack power of
their arrows, they leave themselves weaker in melee battle. They also receive the special move "Backstep" to get themselves out of
melee range. Their "Charge Arrow" skill is useful against large groups of enemies, and their "Arrow Shower" skill has four forms,
depending on the gender of the archer as well as whether the character activates it on the ground or in the air. If an Archer is teamed
up with a Merchant that has any level of Increase Weight Limit, the maximum arrow capacity is raised from 50 to 80 arrows.

Magician - Magicians rely on magic attacks to damage enemies. Their normal attacks are slow and weak, but their magic is strong
enough to overcompensate. Some spells are very hard to aim, but are unmatched in damage per second. Their low HP is offset by the
two defensive skills "Energy Coat" and "Safety Wall", with a third skill "Fire Wall" keeping enemies from passing while doing damage.
Merchant - Merchants have unique skills; their normal abilities allow them to mug monsters or create money out of enemy attacks.
The coins can then be used for their other skills. They are slow with high firepower, relying on the strong attacks to get them by. Their
most powerful skill, "Mammonite", is limited in use as a result of its slow speed and high coin cost.

Swordman - Swordmen are close and mid-ranged fighters with skills such as "Endure" and "Moving HP Recovery" that help them
survive. Swordsman are balanced in terms of power and speed. They are not that quick but are also capable of doing quick combos
although its not that fast compared to thieves. They have strong attack skills such as "Bash" and "Magnum Break". Swordsman's
"Magnum Break" is the best mob destroying melee skill in the game.
Thief - Thieves rely on speed and evasion to fight. They are not as strong as other characters in attack strength, but they are
capable of fast combos and fast special move chains. Their skills and special moves concentrate on status effects ("Envenom", "Throw
Sand") and evading attacks ("Hiding", "Improve Dodge"). The "Envenom" skill for female characters and the "Steal" skill for the male
characters can be combined with "Hiding" to increase damage greatly.
Novice - Novice is a hidden class obtained by beating the game with each of the other six classes. They are the slowest of all
characters and extremely weak. Upon reaching certain stat requirements, they gain powerful attacks, which consume HP as well as SP to

Each class has a male and female version which has slightly different attacks. Male characters tend to be stronger and have more
HP, while the female characters tend to have more useful supporting moves and more SP. For example, only the female Thieves have the
"Ninja Rope" air dash technique compared to the males' regular air dash, and only the female version of the Acolytes can earn the
powerful "Luna Buster Lariat".


Character stats play an important role in the game. Each stat is a little different than the MMORPG version.

Strength (STR) - The Strength stat increases the maximum physical damage that characters can deal with basic physical attacks
and combos. At 30 STR, a character will do twice as much damage than at 1 STR. Strength plays a predominant role in the Swordsman
and Merchant classes. It also helps Acolytes who use special moves and normal attacks as their main offense, as well as allows thieves to
do more damage per hits. Arrow damage, however, is not affected by STR.
Agility (AGI) - The Agility stat increases the character's evasion and speed, including cast speed for Magicians and Acolytes (as
opposed to Ragnarok Online, in which DEX determined casting speed). Many of the classes require 10 to 20 AGI to gain an A-button
combo move. AGI is an important stat for Magicians due to their low HP, but is not useless even for Novices and Merchants, who are the
slowest classes in the game.

Vitality (VIT) - Vitality increases the character's hit points (HP), defense against physical damage, resistance against status
ailments such as Poison, and hit stun. The Swordsman has skills which are augmented by VIT, such as HP Recovery, Endure, and Moving
HP Recovery. Any character who receives damage can make use of this stat.

Intelligence (INT) - Intelligence raises the maximum SP, the damage dealt with spells by Magicians and Acolytes, and spell defense.
Also, every 16 points of INT raises the potency of the Acolyte's "Heal" spell. Intelligence also affects the rate at which SP recovers,
which is useful for any class who's going to rely on spamming skills as often as possible.
Dexterity (DEX) - Dexterity increases the minimum damage dealt by the character. For Archers, DEX determines the maximum
damage dealt by their arrow attacks as well. For every 10 points of DEX, the character can also chain another heavy attack into a

Luck (LUK) - Luck increases the critical hit rate by 2% for every 3 LUK. The game manual also says that LUK raises "lucky", which is
short for the term "lucky dodge", much like the one on Ragnarok Online. With the exception of the female Merchant who needs 10 LUK
to gain an A-button combo move, the LUK stat is not required for any special moves.

Another role of character stats is that each class has moves with stat requirements. These stat requirements must be fulfilled
before the characters gain certain moves.

"...necromancer-for-hire employed by bereaved families to resurrect departed loved ones for a short time so that the dead
may impart their final truths to the living.


Volume One

Reiko is introduced as a schoolgirl and a "zombie shop"; a professional necromancer who, for a substantial fee, reanimates the dead, for
the purpose of obtaining information from them. This offers her an opportunity to work as a detective and solve murder cases by
temporarily reviving the victim and asking them who killed them. In the introductory acts of the book, for instance, she resurrects a
girl who committed suicide, who, unbeknownst to her mother, was being molested by her father. The zombified girl kills the father, and,
in a black-humour twist common to the series, the mother pays Reiko double her prior fee to reanimate the father so she can torture

This volume mostly follows an unconnected episodic format, with each successive act or chapter being a recounting of a separate case.
These include a jealous killing among her circle of friends, an obsessive biology teacher attempting to bring back a beloved student, a
tussle with bank robbers, and a stint as an unusual bodyguard for a dying goth-rock star. However, acts not featuring Reiko begin to
appear, which cut away to the exploits of teenage serial killer Saki Yurikawa. Driven by a fanatical desire to have a younger sister to
care for, Yurikawa kidnaps young girls and tries to force them into a sisterly role, but they inevitably end up fearing and hating her,
causing her to become enraged and murder them. In the final chapters, Reiko and Yurikawa's paths converge when Reiko is called in to a
hospital by the police to revive one of Yurikawa's victims. The young zombie goes berserk and tracks down Yurikawa, who happens to be
in the hospital at the time with another girl. Reiko and Yurikawa fight; Reiko is killed, but, having anticipated this, manages to zombify
herself with a tape-recorded incantation. She defeats Yurikawa, but not before being reduced herself to only a severed head,
apparently lifeless. Yurikawa eventually becomes her "contract" zombie as the series furthers.

Volume Two

After a chance confrontation between two opposing factions of necromancers, Reiko manages to attach her head to a freshly killed
body, returning her to non-zombie status. She joins forces with a group of young zombie summoners, Yuki and Rudoh, who oppose the
more malevolent majority consisting of a cult of necromancers led by Reiko's elder sister Riruka, who seek "global zombification".

In this volume, a Pokmon-like element is introduced, whereby summoners each have a "faithful zombie" they can call forth to fight on
their side. Reiko's faithful is a zombified (and significantly more scantily-clad) Yurikawa, now mindlessly and speechlessly bound to
Reiko's will.

Along with the adversary Riruka, a new major ally is introduced in this volume - a mercenary named Jasmine, a somewhat vapid and
heartless but talented fighter, who interrupts a climactic fight scene to offer her skills to the highest bidder. Reiko rejects her steep
asking price, but saves her life, thereby indebting her to her cause.

The volume ends with Reiko and Jasmine fighting their way through Riruka's mansion, one of Riruka's assistants having tricked Reiko's
summoner friends into killing one another.

Reiko Himezono: Reiko is the main character of the manga. She is a "Zombie Shop," a necromancer-for-hire who brings the
dead back to life, for a price. Reiko manages to keep her business ethics and her personal feelings separate, following out her
contracts with her clients word by word. If by any chance her client has violated his end of the bargain, such as skimping on
the bill or keeping any details about her job secret, she voids the contract and leaves them to the mess they've made. Reiko is
very down-to-earth and miserly, being almost always driven by money. She even goes as far as to charge her friend for a job.
In the first volume, when she becomes hired by a famous rock star named Shilaw to re-animate him on stage if anything should
happen, he offers to pay her over 3,000,000 yen, and she hopes throughout the story that he does die so she can collect the
money. She is reduced to a severed head by the end of the first volume due to Saki Yurikawa, but her head is then attached
to the body of a recently killed teenage girl.
Riruka Himezono: Riruka is Reiko's psychotic and megalomaniacal twin sister, introduced in the second volume. While Riruka
appears to have an unlimited number of zombies at her disposal, Holy Mithras is the only one that is given a name. Riruka
dreams of ruling the world with a zombie army at her command, but the one thorn in her side has been her sister. Her
backstory was given in the third volume. Since she was a child, Riruka had taken great pleasure in causing fear in her sister,
and used her summoning powers on small animals which she butchered and sewed together. Her parents, who had given both
girls equal love and attention, considered sending Riruka away and chose Reiko to be the Zombie Shop's successor, so Riruka
orchestrated their death in an airplane crash using a zombified rat hidden in their luggage. Reiko and Riruka were then sent to
separate orphanages and didn't see one another for years. During Riruka's time in an orphanage, her abilities caught the eye
of a group of summoners, whom quickly fell under her control as she began dreaming of world conquest. It is also revealed that
she was shot in the head by a shell of fate and was made into a zombie slave at some point. However, because she was looking
in the mirror prior to being shot, Riruka retained her free will and brutally mutilated her servant Shiroko as punishment for
her betrayal before becoming obsessed with the superhuman powers the Shell of Fate had given her and going on a murderous
rampage to hunt down the Star Collector. At this point, she becomes more of an antihero rather than a villain.
The Shell of Fate granted Riruka immense superhuman strength, impressive regeneration abilities, and the ability to resist
pain, even when her body was destroyed by gunfire. While possessing the shell of fate, Riruka was also capable of producing a
series of lethal tentacles that she could use to impale her enemies on. A notable trait about Riruka is that despite her
knowledge of summoning and her incredible power, she is shown to be illiterate and completely uneducated without her
summoning powers, much to the annoyance of her assistant Shiroko.
Shiroko: A slightly masculine woman who acts as the assistant of Riruka. After obtaining the shells of fate, she attempted to
use them to make Riruka a zombie slave. However, since Riruka was looking in a hand mirror prior to being shot, Riruka retained
her free will and using her newly acquired superhuman strength, brutally tore Shiroko's leg off. Just as Shiroko was about to
be finished off by her master, Shiroko was gunned down by a member of a militant group while Riruka survived the shooting.
Jasmine Mendosa: A friend of Reiko, and the self-proclaimed "Beautiful Mercenary." Her faithful zombie is Victory Katana.
She is introduced in the second volume when she helps Reiko, Yuki, Rudoh, and Mayo against Suipin and her four compatriots
during the bus ride to Riruka's mansion. Jasmine is the only survivor of the events that occurred in Riruka's mansion besides
Reiko, and has since joined her on other adventures later on in the series. Jasmine is the first black character introduced in
the series.
Yuki Tohdoh: A friend of Reiko's, and the elder brother of Mayo Tohdoh. His faithful zombie is Jack Guns. Yuki was originally
a friend of Ryoka Amano (along with Rudoh Mishima) before Reiko grafted her head onto Ryoka's body. When he was younger,
he took his sister Mayo's doll and ran across a busy street with it. When Mayo attempted to give chase, her legs were torn
apart by an oncoming car, and she was permanently crippled. This experience has haunted Yuki for his entire life, and was
revealed during the second volume when Sinner's Nightmare (the faithful zombie of Riruka's servant Tracy), spat its non-
lethal venom onto the protagonists. Ultimately, Yuki was tempted with the promise of having Mayo's legs fixed by Dr. Zero
under the condition that he kill Rudoh. After killing Rudoh (much to Mayo's dismay), Yuki discovers Dr. Zero's deception and
attacks him. However, Yuki eviscerated with a claymore by Dr. Zero, one of Riruka's most trusted servants. However, in his
dying moments, Yuki orders Jack Guns to impale Dr. Zero with a large cross Jack had been tied to.
Tracey: A frail young woman who serves as a guard of Riruka's mansion. She is shot dead by Jack Guns after she used her
zombie Sinner's Nightmare to cause Yuki to remember his sister being hit by a car.
Risa Nekogami: A young necromancer who worked alongside Ideto Tanii to kill Reiko and her friends. Despite possessing the
cruelty of a child, she is extremely cowardly. After Chameleon Model Six was destroyed by Jack and Robin, Nekogami
becomes desperate and attempts to make peace with Reiko by offering her information after Riruka disowned her for not
being able to summon any other zombies. However, Saki beheads Nekogami while Reiko zombifies her severed head to get
information on Riruka's current location.
Mayo Todoh: A friend of Reiko's, and the younger sister of Yuki Todoh. Her faithful zombie (revealed to exist at the end of
the Riruka's mansion arc) is Eddie, King of Aces. Mayo is paraplegic, as a result of her legs being torn apart by an oncoming car
after attempting to cross the street to get her doll back from her brother Yuki, who had taken it as a prank. Ultimately, Mayo
was disemboweled by Riruka.
Rudoh Mishima: A friend of Reiko's. His faithful zombie is General Robin Davis. He was originally the friend of both Ryoka
Amano and Yuki Todoh. Yuki dislikes his "friends die, so keep going" attitude. Ultimately, he is shot dead by Jack Guns after
Yuki betrayed Rudoh.
Dr. Zero: A scientist responsible for the creation of several zombies. He is known for his violent temper, often assaulting his
servants for trivial reasons. Later, he tempts Yuki with the promise of restoring Mayo's legs to working condition if he killed
Rudoh. However, Dr. Zero had been deceiving Yuki and later attempted to kill Yuki with a claymore Robin left behind after
being torn to pieces by Dr. Zero's zombie, Medical Death. Dr. Zero is finally killed by Jack Guns in retaliation for Yuki being
betrayed by him.
Ryoka Amano: A summoner and friend of Yuki and Rudoh. Her faithful zombie is Rickhart Heidrich. Her origins are never
explained, as she is abruptly introduced at the beginning of volume two and soon thereafter is beheaded. However, later on,
Ryoka's head is zombified by Reiko, and she appears to help battle in Riruka's mansion with Rickhart.
Star Collector: A flamboyant, foul-mouthed summoner with the ability to steal the summoning powers of other summoners. He
does this for no other reason other than for pleasure, yet admits he is afraid of people taking revenge on him. Despite his
muscular, intimidating appearance and having a mass amount of zombies under his command, The Star Collector is in reality a
weak coward who goes into a state of fear and panic in a second, preferring to run away from confrontations rather than try
to kill his opponents. He manages to steal the powers of Reiko and Riruka, but was forced to return the summoning powers of
Reiko in order to forge an alliance with her. However, this alliance is soon short lived after he was shot in the head by an
assailant from a militant group who had been pursuing Reiko and Riruka, much to Reiko's horror. It is unclear whether or not
the summoning powers he had stolen returned back to their respective owners after he was killed.
Ideto Tanii: A sadomasochistic necromancer with a goth like appearance reminiscent of Cradle of Filth vocalist Daniel Filth.
He is commonly seen wearing various finger armour on his hands, which he uses to harm himself or others. Tanii also has a
habit of placing his hands over his face when he becomes annoyed with his colleagues. He is capable of controlling people via he
zombie servant Mudo Kalambra, often sending out those he curses to commit murder and leaving the victim to blame for the
crime. Tanii attempts to possess Azusa as a hostage and has her commit various murders. He later reveals that any pain
inflicted on him or Mudo will be inflicted on the possessed. However, he is killed by Saki Yurikawa, taking Azusa with him as a
result of the possession.

Saki Yurikawa: Introduced in the first volume's side-stories, titled Dead Sister, Saki is a teenaged serial killer, a homicidal
maniac who forces young girls to be her "little sister", and then brutally murders them when they refuse. When she was
younger her original little sister, Midori ended up comatose after a younger Saki knocked her down a flight of stairs while
trying to imitate the character of a magical girl anime series Saki use to watch. Since then, she's murdered over thirty young
girls, and others who have gotten in her way. Saki meets her demise when she crosses paths with Reiko who, even reduced to a
severed head, manages to kill Saki by summoning the souls of the people she's killed, leaving Saki to be forever tormented in
Hell. From that point in the series, Saki serves the role as Reiko's faithful zombie, silently following Reiko's orders. It is
unknown whether or not Saki's mute personality was a side-effect of the zombification or a result of post-traumatic stress
disorder while she was imprisoned in Hell. Despite her murderous intentions, Saki has a fondness of sweets to the point where
she once skipped school to get a sundae.
Victory Katana: The faithful zombie of Jasmine. It is unknown what the zombie did during its life, but it is possible it may
have been an illegal arms dealer. In death it serves Jasmine by providing her with a large array of melee weapons that Jasmine
can use to defend herself. Victory Katana appears as a short masculine figure wearing what appears to be a poncho and a gas
mask, with a huge backpack full of weapons on its back.
'Mudo Kalambra: The zombie servant of Ideto Tanii. In life, Mudo was a former witch doctor of a South American tribe who
would curse his victims and have them commit various crimes, then leave the cursed victim to blame for the crimes. Also, any
pain that is inflicted on Mudo or his summoner will be inflicted onto the cursed. Mudo is shown dressed in tribal wear with his
eyes sewn together, reflecting Tanii's masochistic behavior.
Jack Guns: The faithful zombie of Yuki. In life, Jack was an outlaw in the old west who was ambushed and killed by the local
sheriff during a train robbery. He carries a large wooden crucifix on his back and fights with two pistols. Jack Guns is one of
the only zombies capable of actually speaking.
Artificial Being No. 8: A zombie servant of Dr. Zero. Unlike other zombies, she is shown to have been artificially created
(much like the bio weapons in Resident Evil or House of the Dead). She is shown to be capable of tearing her body apart to
reveal numerous sharp teeth and tentacles. One notable running gag is that she is frequently assaulted by other necromancers,
much to No. 8's chagrin.
Chameleon Model Six: The zombie servant of Nekogami. It is unknown what he did in a past life, but it is implied he may be a
creation of Dr. Zero as Artificial being No. 8 was shown to possess similar characteristics to his body. Chameleon appears as
an androgynous young man who was at first mistaken for a summoner. However, he is revealed to be a shapeshifting zombie
with a large right arm composed of the flesh of various animal corpses. He is killed by Jack and Robin when he attempted to
assault Reiko. So far Chameleon is one of the only zombies capable of speaking normally.
Eddie, King of Aces: The faithful zombie of Mayo. In life, Eddie was a World War II pilot who fought in the Battle of Great
Britain, his heart coincidentally stopping as his plain was overpowered by several German pilots. In death, Eddie appears only
once, piloting his plane the Supermarine Spitfire. He wears only military fatigues.
General Robin Davis: The faithful zombie of Rudoh. In life, Robin was a knight who fought and died during the Wars of the
Roses in 1455. In death, he defends Rudoh with a large claymore. He wears a suit of shining armor.
Rickhart Heidrich: The faithful zombie of Ryoka. In life, Rickhart was a soldier in the armored division of Nazi Germany who
was killed in 1941 by friendly fire during the Invasion of the Soviet Union. In death, he protects Ryoka with a random hail of
gunfire from a machine gun. Rickhart has a large gash in his face, which impairs his speech and wears military fatigues.



Two seriously wounded samurai find refuge from a storm at an isolated temple, the home of a swordsman and a mysterious young woman.

One samurai awakes to find that not only has his comrade died, but that his wounds have miraculously healed. He discovers that he has
been given the power of immortality by the swordsman, a man once known as the legendary Miyamoto Musashi, who now lives an endless
existence as Aragami, a "god of battle".



The Laws of Magic are a set of rules governing wizards in the fictional world of wizard Harry Dresden. Developed and enforced by
the White Council, a group of ruling wizards of the world, the Laws of Magic are primarily intended to guard against the misuse of magic
by wizards against humans.

Wizards deemed to have violated any of the Seven Laws are termed warlocks. There is little differentiation between the usage of
wizard or warlock other than warlocks have violated one (or more) of the Laws of Magic and wizards have not. All of the Laws carry a
death penalty, to be carried out by a Warden of the White Council. Wardens are the police force formed by the White Council to patrol
and protect the wizard world. In some instances a form of probation, the Doom of Damocles is rendered instead. Under the Doom, a
wizard is openly under the suspicion and scrutiny of the White Council and any further infractions will automatically warrant execution.
Furthermore, the White Council has one of its members, not to be known openly, appointed to the position of Blackstaff. The Blackstaff
has the distinction of being able to break the Laws on a discretionary basis in order to prevent the Laws from becoming a liability
against the White Council.

The Laws are:

Thou shalt not kill by use of magic. A plea of self-defense is allowed in mitigation, though it seems to work only rarely.
Wardens often wield swords when detaining and executing warlocks to avoid a technical infraction of this Law. At several
points in the series, however, Wardens have used lethal magic against human wizards; it is possible that Wardens are allowed
some latitude in the heat of combat, as obviously in battle they are employed with the consent of the Council, or rather this is
an extension of the latitude of self-defense. The use of magic to kill non-human beings, on the other hand, is lawful; a wizard
may, for example, use magic to kill a vampire, a ghoul or any being of the Nevernever without breaking this Law.
Thou shalt not transform others. See also shapechangers.
Thou shalt not invade the mind of another. During an attempt on his mind, Harry makes the comment that because of its
outlaw status, research into mind magic is remarkably limited and as a result, training to resist such invasions is very basic.
Molly Carpenter broke this Law.
Thou shalt not enthrall another. Enthrallment is the term for magically dominating another through binding their will to
one's own. It is not the same as compelling non-human beings through arrangements or exchanges; if the wizard does not
actually control the being's mind through magic, the Law is not broken. It is implied that this is one of the Laws which extends
to wizards acting upon denizens of the Nevernever. Justin DuMorne broke this Law, having enthralled Elaine with intent to
enthrall Harry.
Thou shalt not reach beyond the Borders of Life. This Law prohibits both research into and the practice of necromancy,
described as the summoning, binding and exploitation of the unwilling dead. The Law applies specifically to human necromancy,
though it is implied that the distinction for use upon animals is all the same frowned upon. It is unknown if this rule would apply
to dead non-human sentients, as most inhabitants of the Nevernever are ectoplasmic and not of flesh. Harry Dresden notes
that Black Court vampires are vulnerable to necromancy in an unspecified fashion, and it is unknown if such use would
constitute a breaking of the Law. Communicating with spirits of the dead who are willing to do so is not a violation of this law.
Thou shalt not swim against the Currents of Time. This prohibits any attempt to change the past through temporal
manipulation for fear of paradoxes. Even magical prediction is frowned upon except in the vaguest, most general forms. It is
stated, however, that some beings in the Dresdenverse exist in the past, present, and future at once, and that such beings can
be dangerous for this reason.
Thou shalt not seek beyond the Outer Gates. What the "Outer Gates" are is unknown, but the implication is that they mark
the furthest boundaries of Dresden's multiverse. Beings from beyond the Gates are known as Outsiders, and are among the
deadliest known threats to humanity their existence itself is antithetical to the universe. May or may not be related to the
Gatekeeper, a mysterious member of the Senior Council. The Dresden Files RPG has expanded upon this law in its publications,
establishing that is illegal to attempt to even learn anything about what lies beyond the Outer Gates, though it acknowledges
that there is obviously some grey area here or the Wardens wouldn't know what to look for. As a corollary to this last law,
Harry's brother Thomas is involved with an organization whose entire purpose is to bury the knowledge forever of a great
many powerful entities from ancient times. The purpose of the Ventari and this law are remarkably similar.

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