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Airton Ribeiro da Silva Jnior


A compreenso dos conceitos articulados no mbito de um discurso permitem desvelar prticas

ideolgicas e de dominao. No discurso jurdico internacionalista, os conceitos de civilizao e
barbrie cumpriram o papel de manipular a forma como os povos no europeus eram retratados e a
partir dessa representao, estabeleciam estratgias de subjugao. Desde o lanamento de suas bases,
no sculo XVI, at o seu definitivo estabelecimento como disciplina autnoma no sculo XIX, o direito
internacional utilizou desses conceitos para articular um direito hierarquizado, mas ocultado pela
retrica universalista. Na presente pesquisa, utiliza-se do instrumental metodolgico da histria dos
conceitos, de Reinhart Koselleck, como chave de compreenso dos conceitos de civilizado e
brbaro no mbito do discurso jurdico internacionalista, do sculo XVI ao XIX. Importou, ento,
historicizar os conceitos, reconstruindo suas gneses, para alcanar todas as possibilidades semnticas
que o conceito pde assumir dentro do discurso. Assim, foi formulada a gnese do conceito de
brbaro e investigado sua articulao com o nascente direito das gentes no sculo XVI. Em seguida,
o conceito de civilizado foi abordado, bem como a manipulao do mesmo nos textos jurdicos da
transio do sculo XVI ao XVII. Enfim, analisou-se a ressignificao dos conceitos acarretada pelo
aparecimento da palavra civilizao no sculo XVIII, e a nova configurao do discurso jurdico
internacionalista. A manipulao dos conceitos pela doutrina do direito internacional concebia um
direito hierarquizado, em que os povos no europeus eram colocados em uma relao assimtrica, que
possibilitava sua subjugao atravs de retrica jurdica.

Palavras-chave: Histria dos conceitos. Civilizao. Barbrie. Histria do direito internacional.



The comprehension of concepts articulated inside a discourse permits reveal ideological and
domination practices. In the international legal discourse, the concepts of civilization and barbarism
played a role of manipulating the way non-European peoples were depicted, e from that representation,
it could be established strategies of subjugation. Since its foundational texts, in sixteenth century, to it
definitive establishment as an autonomous discipline in the nineteenth century, international law had
utilized these concepts to articulate an hierarchical law, covered, however, by an universalistic
rhetoric. In the present research, it is utilized the conceptual history, by Reinhart Koselleck, as a key
to comprehend the concepts civilized and barbarian in the international legal discourse, from
sixteenth to nineteenth century. It was important, to historicize the concepts, reconstructing their
genesis, to attain all the semantic possibilities that the concept can assume inside a discourse. Thus, it
was formulated the genesis of the concept of barbarian and investigated the articulation with the
rising droit de gens of sixteenth century. Then, the concept of civilized was approached, as well as
the manipulation of it in the legal texts in the transition from the sixteenth to seventeenth century.
Finally, it was analyzed the resignification of concepts entailed by the emergence of the word
civilization in the eighteenth century, e the new configuration of international legal discourse. The
manipulation of concept by the international legal discourse conceived a hierarchical law, under which
non-European peoples were placed in an asymmetrical relationship, enabling their subjugation by a
legal rhetoric.

Key words: Conceptual history. Civilization. Barbarism. History of international law. Colonialism.

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