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Possessive Adjectives & Possessive Pronouns

Os pronomes possessivos em portugus correspondem a duas classes de palavras

diferentes em ingls - adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) e pronomes
possessivos (possessive pronouns).

Os adjetivos possessivos so usados sempre antes e com substantivos, enquanto os

pronomes possessivos so usados sem substantivos, motivo pelo qual recebem um s.

Significado Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

meu, minha, meus, minhas my mine

seu, sua, seus, suas

your yours
(de voc)

his his
(do homem)

her hers
(da mulher)

dele, dela
its its
(animais, objetos, etc)

nosso, nossa, nossos,

our ours

seu, sua, seus, suas

your yours
(de vocs)

deles, delas
their theirs
(de pessoas, de animais,
de objetos, etc)

Eu no gosto do meu carro, mas ela gosta
I don't like my car, but she likes hers.
do dela.

Ele machucou a perna (dele). He hurt his leg.

O gato tomou todo o seu leite (o leite dele). The cat lapped up all its milk.

Ela gosta dos nomes deles,mas no gosta She likes their names but she doesn't like
do seu. yours.

Temos os nossos pais, e vocs tm os

We have our parents, and you have yours.
seus (de vocs).

Using Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

A possessive pronoun is used instead of a noun:

Julie's car is red. Mine is blue.

A possessive adjective is usually used to describe a noun, and it comes before it,
like other adjectives:

My car is bigger than her car.


There are no apostrophes in possessive pronouns and adjectives.

The dog wagged its tail.

It's is not a possessive pronoun or adjective it means it is:

It's not my dog.

When you are sure that you understand the lesson, you can continue with the

1-Choose the best alternative to each sentence.

a)________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________?

a) Mine, yours b) Your, mine c) My, yours d) Yours, mine

b) You can't have any chocolate! It's ________!

a)your b) its c) her d) mine

c) We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________.

a)ours, their b) our, their c) ours, theirs d) our, theirs

d) Jody has lost ________ book.

a) mine b) her c) hers d) theirs

e) These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________
has only 275.

a)Yours, mine b) Your, my c) Your/my d) Your, mine

f) Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later.

a) hers b) her c) my d) mine

g) Was ________ grammar book expensive?

a) your b) yours c) your's d) you

h) ________ computer is a Mac, but ________ is a PC.

a)Your, mine b) Yours, mine c) Your, my d) Yours, my

i) This bird has broken ________ wing.

a) it's b) its' c) hers d) its

j) My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working.

a) your b) our c) his d) their

2-Complete com os pronomes possessivos adequados.

a) I have two sons.______ages are 18 and 19.

b) That woman is looking for______husband.______name is Tom.

c) He knows________lesson well.

d)I love_______country and Alice loves_______country.

e) _____mother is fixing_____sandwiches.

f) Jack and I met_________friends yesterday.

g) The parrot ate all _________ seeds.

3-Choose the correct alternative:

a) Come with .. (he; him)

b) You have to talk to .. (she; her)

c) John and . are looking for a job. (I, me)

d) Wait for , please. (I; me)

e) Mary showed .the new dictionary. (they; them)

f) You and can eat here. (he; him)

g) Bring a cup of coffee, please. (we; us)

h) Go after , please (they; them)

i) They live near . (we; us)

j) You and. have to stay here. (I; me)

4-Supply the correct possessives:

a)John writes .. composition and we dont write

b) The boys are waiting for girlfriends.

c) Ted, are those some of .. friends?

d) That girl is asking about . pen.

e) He knows. lesson well and I also know .. .

f) I love country, do you love ?

g) The women are preparing ..sandwiches.

h) Jack and I are going to meet friends.

i) The French painter drinks . tea at 4 oclock.

j) Give me . address and Ill give you .

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