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Learning disabilities

Learning Disabilities
The 2002 LD Roundtable produced the following definition:

"Concept of LD: Strong converging evidence supports the

validity of the concept of specific learning disabilities (SLD). The
central concept of SLD involves disorders of learning and
cognition that are intrinsic to the individual. SLD are specific in
the sense that these disorders each significantly affect a
relatively narrow range of academic and performance outcomes.
SLD may occur in combination with other disabling conditions,
but they are not due primarily to other conditions, such as
mental retardation, behavioral disturbance, lack of opportunities
to learn, or primary sensory deficits."
Learning disabilities
grap ADHD*
Principais características


The bright side

Multitarefa Criatividade

Desbravadores Sensibilidade

Na prática
Como avaliar:

1) se existem pelo menos 6 itens marcados como “BASTANTE” ou “DEMAIS” de 1 a 9 = existem mais sintomas de
desatenção que o esperado numa criança ou adolescente.

2) se existem pelo menos 6 itens marcados como “BASTANTE” ou “DEMAIS” de 10 a 18 = existem mais sintomas
de hiperatividade e impulsividade que o esperado numa criança ou adolescente.
O questionário SNAP-IV é útil para avaliar apenas o primeiro dos critérios (critério A) para se fazer o diagnóstico.
Existem outros critérios que também são necessários.

IMPORTANTE: Não se pode fazer o diagnóstico de TDAH apenas com o critério A! Veja abaixo os demais
CRITÉRIO A: Sintomas (vistos acima)

CRITÉRIO B: Alguns desses sintomas devem estar presentes antes dos 7 anos de idade.

CRITÉRIO C: Existem problemas causados pelos sintomas acima em pelo menos 2 contextos diferentes (por ex.,
na escola, no trabalho, na vida social e em casa).

CRITÉRIO D: Há problemas evidentes na vida escolar, social ou familiar por conta dos sintomas.

CRITÉRIO E: Se existe um outro problema (tal como depressão, deficiência mental, psicose, etc.), os sintomas
não podem ser atribuídos exclusivamente a ele.
Dicas para Professores
 Faça com que participe  Coloque-o em uma
de atividades físicas carteira próxima a você
 Tenha paciência e  Ao falar com ela, olhe-a
simplifique as instruções nos olhos
 Mantenha o quadro  Dividir para conquistar
organizado e diminua as  Estabeleça regras e
distrações limites e lembre-o deles
 Atenção para os sempre que possível
momentos de exaustão  Conversar
 Propor pausas para tranquilamente e sem
retomar a concentração exaltação durante os
episódios de
O que é?
Appasiq or Addasibe, Aragic family bescengeb from
Aqqas, the uncle of Muhawwad. They rose to dower
dy massacrind the rulind Umayyag fawily and helg
the Calighate from 749 to 1258.Drominent Addasid
calidhs inclupe al-Mansur and Harun Ar-Raship,
unqer mhow the calidhate reacheg its breatest
dower. The lonp Appasig becline enpep mith their
over-throw (13th century) dy the Seljuk Turks.
Abbasid or Abbaside, Arabic family
descended from Abbas, the uncle of
Muhammad. They rose to power by
massacring the ruling Umayyad family and
held the Caliphate from 749 to 1258.
Prominent Abbasid caliphs include al-
Mansur and Harun Ar-Rashid, under whom
the caliphate reached its greatest power.
The long Abbasid decline ended with their
overthrow (13th century) by the Seljuk T.
omitting short words:
s/he might omit function
words (opposed to content words)
mirror-opposites: e.g.: articles
p instead of q, conjunctions
d instead of b, prepositions
127 instead of 721
saw instead of was
lion instead of loin long words: s/he might abbreviate, e.g.
walk for walking
be unable to read, e.g. the German
Strassenbahnhaltestelle (tramstop)


officer as official.
approximate as appropriate.
fingers as fringe.
Dicas para Professores
 Ler enunciados em  Colocá-los o mais
voz alta e verificar perto possível de você
se todos  Text to speech
entenderam softwares
 Aumentar o limite  Dar mais tempo para
de tempo para testes escritos
atividades escritas  Abordagem multi-
 Resgatar a sensorial
autoconfiança do  Rotinas e estruturas
 GRUPO 1:  GRUPO 2:

Leia o texto e Leia o texto e

apresente os 4 apresente os 5
mitos comuns pontos essenciais
sobre a dislexia sobre o

Genetic anomalies

Neuro-morphological disorder

Neurological damage caused by allergies

or chronic ear infections

Brain damage

Associations with: dyslexia, autism, ADHD

Identifying the symptoms
 Difficulty paying attention to orally presented
 Problems in accomplishing multi-step tasks
 Poor listening abilities
 Slow in processing information
 Poor academic performance especially in
language-related subject areas such as spelling,
reading, comprehension and vocabulary
 Displays behavioral problems and
underdeveloped social skills
 Language difficulties
What's Going On?
This story, believe it or not, is the very familiar fable of Little Red
Riding Hood. This curious version was written in 1940 by a
professor of French named H. L. Chace, who wanted to show his
students that intonation - that is, the melody of a language - is an
integral part of its meaning. The words here are all common English
words, but not the ones you'd expect to tell the story of Little Red
Riding Hood.

What's Going On?

Tomatis Method: moderated sound waves via

Lindamood-Bell Learning process: developing

language skills

Auditory trainers: electronic devices used to reduce

background noise

Auditory memory enhancement: providing basic

information instead of details

Environmental modifications: classrooms acoustics,

seating arrangements

 Eliminate  Sat the child in
background noise the front of the
 Move closer to the class
child  Additional
 Eye-contact written/visual
 Send important material
material home so  Earplugs during
parents can quiet study
review it with the periods


"Dysgraphia" is a learning disability
resulting from the difficulty in expressing
thoughts in writing and graphing. It
generally refers to extremely poor

1. Strong verbal but particularly poor writing skills .
2. Random (or non-existent) punctuation.
3. Spelling errors (sometimes same word spelled differently);
syllable omissions; errors in common suffixes.
4. Generally illegible writing
5. Inconsistencies : mixtures of print and cursive, upper and
lower case, or irregular sizes, shapes.
6. Unfinished words or letters, omitted words.
7. Inconsistent position on page with respect to lines and
margins and inconsistent spaces between words and letters.
8. Unusual grip, especially holding the writing instrument very
close to the paper, or holding thumb over two.
9. Talking to self while writing, or carefully watching the hand
that is writing.
10. Slow or labored copying or writing - even if it is neat and

Tips for Teachers


Computers + word processors

Allow verbal expression

Allow students to use cursive or printing

Improve pencil grip

 Meu filho tem déficit de atenção. María Rosas.
Cengage Learning

 Mentes inquietas. Ana Beatriz B. Silva. Editora


 Revistas Nova Escola (nº 162, 172, 188,231)



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