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Atividade 2 – 2 º anos
Um texto é escrito para atingir algum objetivo, ter uma determinada função, expor um ponto de
vista. Assim, todos os elementos numa composição contribuem direta ou indiretamente para preencher a
função a que se propõem. Há três objetivos naturais para serem preenchidos no discurso: tentar
convencer alguém, expor o que aconteceu e descrever alguma coisa através de suas características.
Esses três objetivos determinam as três formas do discurso: argumentação, narração e descrição. No
texto pode haver mais de uma forma de discurso, cabendo ao leitor observar qual deles se destaca entre
as outras.

 Apelando para o seu conhecimento anterior, marque (D) para as alternativas que caracterizam a
descrição, (N) para aquelas da narração e (A) nas características da argumentação.
A- Expressa a percepção do autor em relação a um objeto ou pessoa, apresentando suas
características, utilizando adjetivos e comparações ou contrastes. ( )
B- Relata acontecimentos relacionando-os com a época da ocorrência. ( )
C- Apresenta um ponto de vista a ser defendido. ( )
D- Normalmente ocorre no tempo presente. ( )
E- Lista os principais fatos ou acontecimentos da vida de uma pessoa. ( )
F- Fundamentado em fatos, exemplos e testemunhos, procura convencer o leitor. ( )
G- Normalmente ocorre no tempo passado. ( )
H- Os episódios são organizados numa disposição para que haja uma relação de anterioridade e
posterioridade. ( )


1. Leia o texto que se segue e responda as questões.

Fernando de Noronha is a maritime national

park. Its crystalline waters invite you for diving
and are also an appeal for constant
preservation. The archipelago is composed of 21
islands and islets with approximately 200
species of fishes and 15 corals, besides 5
different types of sharks.
The attractions of the park are not only at the
water but also on land, which include historical
buildings, fortress, churches and caves. A boat
tour to Dolphin’s Bay is a must. You will take
unforgettable pictures of the dolphins showing
off their pirouettes.
The Fernando de Noronha archipelago has a
rich ecosystem and an amazing beauty. It has
always called people’s attention who are
interested in visiting this real paradise that
seems to be lost in the middle of an immense
blue sea.
(Adapted from: TAM. June

A- Que forma de discurso é encontrada no texto?


B- Quais trechos do texto te levaram a esta conclusão?

C- Quais atrações o arquipélago Fernando de Noronha oferece?

1. Leia o texto abaixo com atenção.


During the 15th century, the European nations of Spain and Portugal began a series of explorations
to find trade routes to the Far East. An accidental outcome of this search was the discovery by Christopher
Columbus in 1492 of land in the Western Hemisphere. Although he and his immediate successors failed to
recognize it, he had found another world.
The New World contained all the natural wealth for which 15th-century people longed – and far more.
Here were great deposits of the gold which they sought so eagerly. Here also were vast reserves of other
minerals. Mile upon mile of plains, valleys, and mountains held fertile farmlands and pastures.
The New World was scantily settled by its people, the American Indians. Large areas where the
Indians lived by hunting, fishing, or gathering had no permanent settlements. The tribes that lived by
farming had, however, domesticated many valuable plants. Corn (maize), potatoes, pumpkins and squash,
peanuts, and other new crops from America were to play a big role in nourishing mankind.
America or the Americas is the name given the two continents of the Western Hemisphere, with
their adjacent islands. They lie between the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific on the west. North
and South America together contain some 16,230,000 square miles (42,040,000 square kilometers). This
area is about four times as large as Europe. The two continents are about three fourths as large as Europe
and Asia together.
The New World is scarcely comparable with the Old in population. The estimated total population of
the Americas is about 615,000,000, compared with the 750,000,000 of Europe alone.
North and South America together have the greatest north-south extent of any landmass on Earth.
With Greenland, usually considered as part of North America, the two Americas extend from 83o 39’ North
latitude to 55o 59’ South – nearly 140 degrees. This is more than 9,600 miles (15,500 kilometers). North
America’s greatest width is some 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometers); South America’s, about 3,200 miles (5,
150 kilometers).
(From: Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 1995)

A- Agora, identifique os parágrafos onde encontramos elementos narrativos e descritivos.

Parágrafos narrativos:

Parágrafos descritivos:

B- Retire do texto:


Narração Descrição
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2- Responda conforme as informações apresentadas no texto.
A- Em que resultou as diversas expedições em busca do caminho para as Índias?

B- Quais riquezas naturais foram encontradas no Novo Mundo?


C- Quais atividades os índios americanos realizavam para sobreviver?


D- Retire do texto informação sobre os aspectos geográficos das Américas.



1- Leia o texto abaixo sobre globalização e responda as questões.

Globalization can benefit Latin America only if the free market system does a better job of meeting the
needs of society. “The people will be enemies of the free market if the free market is an enemy of the
people,” said Carlos Fuentes, a Mexican novelist at the World Bank’s headquarters, Washington, D.C., at a
cycle of seminars on the eve of the new century.
“Private enterprise is interested in investing, producing, employing and making profits, but in today’s
world we also have to understand something: the market is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the
shared welfare of a growing number of consumers,” said Fuentes.
Globalization has both “vices and virtues” said Fuentes. “It can create prosperity, but also exclusion and
the creation of a permanent underclass.” He warned that globalization can exacerbate inequalities and
double the number of poor people in the world in 30 years. He asked: “Is this what we want? The
globalization of poverty?”
“Globalization can bring enormous potential benefits (the speed and universality of communication, plus
more technological advances),” said Fuentes, “but when progress is so rapid, some countries, unable to
keep up, will find themselves at a tremendous disadvantage.”

A- Como você classificaria o texto?

( ) Descritivo ( ) Narrativo ( ) Argumentativo
 Justifique sua resposta e exemplifique com trechos do texto.

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2- Complete o diagrama abaixo com as informações contidas no texto.

3- Traduza os seguintes grupos nominais:

A- The World Bank’s headquarters

B- The shared welfare


C- Enormous potential benefits


Boa sorte!

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