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1 - A compelling argument changed my opinion.

- Um argumento convincente mudou minha opinião.

2 - I could not refuse the compelling job proposal.

- Não pude recusar a atraente proposta de trabalho.

3 - The salesman used a compelling argument: low price.

- O vendedor usou um argumento irresistível: preço baixo.

4 - The old man told a compelling tale.

- O ancião contou uma história envolvente.

5 - My colleague convinced me with a compelling argument.

- Meu colega me convenceu com um argumento irrefutável.

6 - Anything played at a professional level can be compelling.

- Tudo que é jogado em um nível profissional pode ser atrativo.

7 - BioShock has received praise for its artistic style and compelling
- BioShock recebeu muitos elogios pelo seu estilo artístico e pela sua
narrativa convincente.

8 - Your resume needs to be sharply focused, compelling, and entirely

- Seu currículo precisa ser focalizados, convincente, e inteiramente
9 - The court did not find the evidence compelling.
- O júri não achou as evidências convincentes.

10 - The prosecutor has compelling methods of interrogation.

- O promotor tem métodos persuasivos de interrogação.

11 - Although the film was compelling, it did not make much money in
ticket sales.
- Embora o filme fosse cativante, não ganhou muito dinheiro nas

12 - The threat of being fired compelled Tricia to tell the truth about what
she saw.
- obrigar, forçar

13 - The president's powerful speech compelled the attention of his

- obrigar, forçar

14 - The second compelling benefit of compassion is that it creates an

inspiring workforce.
- compel: force, oblige, pressure, exact
- A nossa tarefa é obrigar os fabricantes a utilizar materiais menos
15 - However, we cannot compel agreement in the absence of the shared
political will to achieve it.
- compel: force, force in, lever, prise, push in, railroad, strain, wrest,
press-gang, muscle)
- No entanto, não podemos forçar o acordo, na ausência de vontade
política para o conseguir.

16 - The aviation industry was compelled to recognise this, but was unable
to keep pace.
- compelled: bound, forced, obligated, obliged, required)
- A indústria aeronáutica foi obrigada a reconhecer isto, mas não foi
capaz de acompanhar o ritmo.

17 - On the basis of several of these views, I have felt compelled to vote

against the report.
- compelled: bound, forced, obligated, obliged, required)
- À luz de muitos desses pontos de vista, senti-me obrigado a votar contra
o relatório.

18 - Anyway So there's this thing with mystery boxes that I started feeling
- compelled: driven, obliged
- Bem, há esta coisa com as caixas misteriosas que me fez sentir

19 - compelling book
- compelling: empolgante; irresistível
- livro empolgante
20 - the most compelling argument
- compelling: persuasivo, consistente, convincente, de peso
- o argumento mais convincente

21 - compelling evidence
- If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or
accept it because it is so strong.

22 - It’s a fairly compelling argument for going.

- If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or
accept it because it is so strong.

23 - I found the whole film very compelling.

- very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen

24 - a compelling story
- very exciting and interesting and making you want to watch or listen

25 - a compelling argument
- forceful and persuasive

26 - His account of his life is one of the most compelling autobiographies

I’ve read.
- A performance, painting, or other work of art is compelling when it has
unusual power to hold your attention

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