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Speed Reading

Strategies to Read Faster for Accelerated

Learning in 12 Hours or Less!

Ralph Castle
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Reading in Ancient and Modern Times
Chapter 2: Various Types of Reading
Chapter 3: The Fundamental Principles of Speed Reading
Chapter 4: How Speed Reading Can be Beneficial
Chapter 5: How to Prepare for Speed Reading
Chapter 6: Essential Tools Needed for Speed Reading
Chapter 7: Addressing Bad Reading Habits
Chapter 8: Effective Speed Reading Strategies
Chapter 9: Some Speed Reading Exercises
Lesson 1: Eliminating Sub Vocalization
Lesson 2: Increasing General Reading Speed
Lesson 3: Word Grouping
Lesson 4: Learning How to Skim
Chapter 10: How to Measure and Track Your Speed Reading Progress
Chapter 11: Speed Reading Practice Passages
Story 1
Story 2
Chapter 12: Additional Help and Resources

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2. Plan your reading goals
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T he modern era that we live in is defined by

an ever increasing pace of life. Whether we
are at work or at home, we are required to
do more and more in less time, meaning that we have to perform tasks as
quickly as possible.
Speed reading is a system of reading techniques that allows a person to
break the bad habits that keep them reading at a snail’s pace.
While most people have mastered such things as eating on the go,
multi-tasking and any number of other tricks to shave off valuable time
while getting things done, many still struggle with a slow reading pace.
This is largely due to how most people were taught to read in the first place,
as the techniques used in teaching a person to read can significantly reduce
their reading speed overall.
This is no ordinary book.
This book will present the dynamics of speed reading, providing
information, strategies and even lessons that will enable you to increase
your reading speed and comprehension in as little as 12 hours.
By the time your eyes read the final sentence on the last page of
this book, you will be reading like a pro!
Chapter 1: Reading in Ancient and Modern

When you think of reading, you no doubt think of reading the

alphabet that you are accustomed to.

I n the case of the English alphabet, reading is

the process of interpreting groups of letters
used to form words. These words are usually
quite unique one from another, although there are several cases where the
same spelling of a word may in fact have more than one definition. Despite
these occasional causes of confusion, the alphabetic system of writing is
still regarded as one of the most efficient forms of written communication.
Writing has not always been so efficient, and there are several
societies today which still use other forms of writing that require a
mastery of several thousand different characters. These systems have
their roots in the most ancient forms of writing which used pictures rather
than alphabetic words to express thoughts and ideas.
One such writing system that is fairly well known is that of
Hieroglyphics. This was the writing system used by the Ancient Egyptians
some 4,000 years ago. Known as pictographic writing, this system
employed images to represent a particular idea. Thus, while today we would
write the sentence ‘the boy pet the dog’, the Ancient Egyptians would have
virtually drawn a boy petting a dog. This writing system has one huge
benefit over alphabetic systems in that anyone can usually make sense of
what they are reading. Even if you can’t understand the spoken language, if
the pictographs are fairly well represented then you can probably make
sense of the written language. This was also handy for representing ideas to
a largely illiterate society. While you could argue that the Ancient
Egyptians were literate in the sense that they could read their pictographs,
this isn’t really the same as literacy in the modern era.
A major downside to pictographic writing, however, is the sheer
number of symbols that are needed in order to convey the nearly infinite
number of ideas and thoughts a person can have. Instead of having an
alphabet consisting of 22-26 letters that can be arranged in a virtually
limitless number of variations, a pictographic script will need a picture for
each concept, resulting in an almost endless number of pictographs. Thus,
while this form of writing might be easier to read, especially by illiterate
persons or anyone not fluent in that particular spoken tongue, it is infinitely
more difficult to write as you have to memorize an immeasurable number of
symbols to be able to communicate well.
Another form of writing used is the ideographic form of writing.
This is essentially the evolutionary child of pictographic writing. Languages
such as Chinese are considered ideographic. The premise of this writing
style is that it takes a pictograph and creates a sort of shorthand version of
the picture, meaning that a symbol using lines and other easy to write
characters can be used in lieu of an actual picture. The images in an
ideographic writing system are not so easily understood by those who are
illiterate or unfamiliar with the spoken language, thus it is harder to read
than its pictographic forebear. Even so, this style of writing uses symbols to
represent ideas rather than words, meaning that a single symbol can convey
an entire word or thought. While the symbols of an ideographic system are
easier to write, they can still number in the thousands, meaning that a
lifetime of study is required in order to master the written language.
Lastly there is the alphabetic style of writing, the one which most of
us use today. This system replaces symbols with words, each written with a
unique collection of letters. The main advantage to alphabetic writing
systems is that they only require you to learn a handful of symbols,
commonly referred to as letters.
Once a person can draw the letters, all they need to do is learn
what letter corresponds to the sound of the word.
Thus, if a person can speak English they can write the language
simply by knowing how the letters are pronounced. They may not spell
everything correctly, but if a person was to read their writing out loud they
would probably understand the written words. This writing system uses
letters to represent sounds rather than ideas, meaning that you have to learn
the language of the writing system in order to understand the writing itself.
In a sense this is the final stage of evolution which has brought writing from
pictures representing ideas to symbols representing sounds.
The significance of the different writing systems is important in
understanding the challenges of reading in this modern age. While ancients
could read an entire sentence with only a few symbols, today numerous
words are required to convey the same thought. This can best be summed up
by the old saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’
While you can get an entire idea by simply looking at a single
picture, you will need to read many words to recreate that picture.
Essentially this is what alphabetic writing systems do—they recreate
pictures with written words. Thus, in this age we have to read the proverbial
thousand words in order to invoke the single picture. And that is the
greatest struggle with reading today, it can take far more time than a person
has because so many words are used to convey a single thought.
Chapter 2: Various Types of Reading

D ue to the challenges of reading the modern

alphabetic writing systems, several
different reading styles have been
developed. These different reading styles, when perfected, can help anyone
to read a passage more effectively depending on the purpose of the reading.
Thus, one style will be better suited for someone trying to find specific
information from a written source, whereas another will be better suited for
someone who is trying to understand the emotions and thought processes of
the author. Learning the different styles of reading will help anyone to
increase their reading speed as they will be able to change styles based on
their specific needs at any particular moment. This will also help you to lay
the foundation for advanced speed reading techniques.
The most common style of reading is the active reading style. This
takes place when you read a book and are interested in understanding the
whole story. Rather than simply looking for particular pieces of information
you want to enjoy the experience that every written word has to offer.
Anyone who studies literature or simply reads books for entertainment will
use the active reading style. While this style can provide the richest reading
experience, it is also one of the slowest styles, meaning that it is completely
counter intuitive for anyone who wants to increase their reading speed.
Unfortunately, this is the style most people are taught when they are being
taught how to read and write. As a result, most people have a slower
reading pace since this is the only style they know. Thus, in order to
become a proficient speed reader you must first learn to read in styles that
require less time and attention.
Another slow reading style is what is referred to as detailed
reading. This is usually reserved for scholastic undertakings as this style
focuses on large amounts of detailed information being gleaned from a
particular piece of writing. Whether you are reading a text book in high
school or in university, detailed reading is the style you will want to use as
it allows you to retain more information than any other style. This is also
the style you will want to use in the case of reading an instruction manual
where each and every word can make a world of difference. Again, due to
the nature of this style this is one of the slowest reading styles in use. While
active reading will enable you to understand and remember story plots,
character names and the like, detailed reading will enable you to understand
and retain even more detailed information, such as measurements,
instructions, warnings and the like. Reading a recipe is one of the most
common events where a person uses detailed reading in day to day life.
Skimming is one of the faster paced reading styles. Unlike active
reading and detailed reading, skimming is used to gain a general
understanding of the information presented. Rather than trying to memorize
details or understand emotional subtexts, a person who skims a document
will simply be trying to get an idea of what the document contains. This is
particularly useful if you are performing research and you need to find the
right material to read. Instead of reading every available document in depth,
you will first skim each document to narrow down those of any value.
Once you have decided which documents contain useful
information you can go on to read those documents in greater
depth, usually using the detailed reading system. Skimming is
also an effective method of reading for anyone who is trying to
find a book that they will enjoy reading. Simply by reading over
several pages without paying too much attention you can get a
feel for how a book will read overall. Additionally, this is a
good method for reading a newspaper where you might just
want a general idea of what is going on rather than any in
depth information.
Lastly there is the reading technique known as scanning. This
technique is quite different from the other three in that scanning requires a
pre conceived idea of what the reader is looking for. A prime example of
scanning is when you use a reference book, such as a phone book or a
dictionary. Needless to say, you don’t need to read and understand every
single line of the phone book in order to find the number you are looking
for. Rather you simply scan until you find the right letter, then you scan
until you find the exact name you are looking for.
In short, scanning is when you are looking for a particular piece
of information and you simply scan the words until you spot the
information you are looking for.
The chances are you won’t even read the other words, rather you
will simply look over them as they don’t match the words you are looking
for. It’s a bit like looking for a red apple in a basket of green apples. You
won’t even notice the details of the green apples, you will simply look over
them all until you find the red apple. This is the nature of scanning.
Chapter 3: The Fundamental Principles of Speed

B efore you begin to learn the methods and

strategies that will enable you to become a
proficient speed reader it is important that
you first understand what speed reading is all about. Unlike detailed reading
or active reading, speed reading is a method of reading that strives to
acquire the most important information without getting bogged down in the
word by word details of a particular document or piece of written material.
Thus, like the skimming reading style, speed reading will enable you to
discern important information without having to take the time and effort to
read every single word in front of you.
Additionally, you will be able to read the words you
need to in a way that is faster and easier than the reading
methods you currently use. Therefore, even in the event that
you need to do more in depth reading you will be able to do
so in as little as one third the time it would take you at your
current reading speed.
The first thing to understand about speed reading is that it attempts
to restore the ease and speed of reading that pictographic languages
afforded its people thousands of years ago. As stated earlier, the advantage
of pictographic languages is that they provided whole concepts in single
symbols, something that modern languages are largely unable to do.
“Speed reading is the method of reading that helps you to
ignore the countless numbers of words that have little to no
inherent meaning.”
If you stop to consider how many words per sentence you read
actually contain the important information you will realize that half or more
of the words used are largely unnecessary. This means that almost half of
the time you spend reading is spent on empty or extraneous words, words
that simply don’t deserve the time it takes to read them. While it might take
some practice before you get really good at being able to pick out the words
that matter, the fact is that you will begin to improve your speed
immediately once you learn how to read past the unimportant words and
simply focus on the words that matter.
Another concept of speed reading that is critical to understand is
that it removes the editorial element of reading. All too often we can read a
written document with a critical eye, one that picks up spelling or
grammatical errors. Needless to say, the time and effort it takes to read
something with so critical an eye is far more than is necessary. The
chances are you aren’t actually grading the piece you are reading, therefore
there is no need to critically analyze how it is written. This is another reason
why reading each and every word with equal attention is counter intuitive to
the whole point of reading, which is to gain a general impression or idea
through written words. By reading with the sole purpose of seeing the
picture contained in the words you will be able to reduce the time it takes
you to read any document by a full two thirds of your current rate.
Finally, it is important to realize the main goal of speed reading.
Most people were taught to read by reading out loud. This was a very
necessary step as it allowed a teacher to discern if a student was having
trouble with any particular aspect of reading. In essence, reading out
loud was more for the teacher’s benefit than that of the student themselves.
Eventually, once the teacher was satisfied that the student could read well,
students were told to stop reading out loud. Unfortunately what remained
was a voice in the head of the reader pronouncing each and every word as it
was read. Since pronouncing words takes time the overall reading speed of
an average person is significantly reduced due to this unnecessary process.
Thus, what kills the average person’s reading speed is the fact that they
make the effort to speak the words in their mind as they read them, a step
that is a tragic waste of time and energy.
Speed reading helps a person to remove that element, thus opening their mind to retain
more information as well as enabling the person to read any document at least twice as fast by not
pronouncing each word in their head.
In the end, speed reading isn’t just about helping you to read the
same words in less time. Rather, speed reading is about helping you to
reinvent the way you read altogether. Instead of seeing the written word as
the spoken word spelled out you will begin to see the written word as a
source of information that requires only visual recognition. Thus, you will
begin to read sentences more like the ancients read pictures, seeing the
information rather than the writing process itself. This will prove invaluable
for those times when you have large portions of text to read in order to
collect valuable information. Speed reading will help you to reduce the text
down to the critical elements alone, while at the same time allowing you to
read through the information with speed and purpose, reducing the time
and effort it takes to read any item exponentially.
Chapter 4: How Speed Reading Can be Beneficial

T he very term ‘speed reading’ suggests the

primary function of the methods and
strategies presented—to increase the speed
with which a person reads. This alone would be valuable for just about
anyone, however the truth of the matter is that proficient speed readers get a
lot more than just the ability to read faster.
The mind can act as a sponge of sorts, absorbing everything it sees and
Since the average reader takes the time and effort to read each and
every word written, all the while speaking those words in their mind, this
means that the average person’s mind tries to soak up every single word that
they read. This creates a horrible case of information overload, where the
mind is so busy trying to process each and every word that sometimes the
overall meaning of the writing can get lost.
Therefore, when a person applies the methods of speed reading to
read past the words and get right to the heart of the information presented,
they are able to retain far more information since their mind isn’t bogged
down with the task of processing every single word. Thus, not only will
speed reading increase a person’s reading time, it will also increase
their overall reading comprehension, making them a more effective
reader on every level.
While learning to speed read can take as little as 12 hours or less,
the more that you continue to practice speed reading, the more it will
benefit you. As you develop the techniques for speed reading you will
increase your memory. This is because you will begin to read for the sake of
obtaining information rather than simply for the sake of reading. Thus, as
you speed read more and more, your mind will develop in a way that will
enable you to discern information more quickly and retain it for longer
periods. Whether you are reading for work, school or just for pleasure
this is something which will pay rich dividends in the long run. Now,
not only will you be able to read faster, you will be able to read smarter as
Another way that speed reading can benefit a person is that it can
significantly help you to increase your focus. The problem with
conventional reading is that the mind can get overwhelmed with the number
of words it has to process. This is the problem with reading words rather
than information. Once you begin to learn how to read information, your
mind will be liberated from the burden of so much useless content
contained in any written piece.
By focusing on the important information alone, you will be able to
retain interest in your reading for a longer period of time. This is because
your mind won’t become exhausted with the task of processing each and
every word it reads. The longer your mind is able to stay focused is the
more you are able to read, and the more effective your reading will become.
This is particularly beneficial for anyone who is engaged in research
projects, where the task of finding relevant information can be taxing under
the best of circumstances.
Just as speed reading can increase the speed with which a person
reads, as well as their reading comprehension, so too can it actually increase
their ability to think logically.

The mind is like a computer in the sense that it can be programmed

to think and act a certain way. Since speed reading can cause the mind to
search for valuable information in a more efficient manner while reading it
can also help the mind to develop the ability to see things more logically
overall. Thus, just as you will be able to discern important information in a
written document both quickly and easily, so too will you be able to
problem solve in any environment by being able to discern the important
information from the mundane and insignificant information surrounding it.
This improved logic will increase your intellectual abilities in all areas,
making you more valuable in any environment.
Finally there is the element of confidence and overall peace of mind.
As you develop your skills at speed reading, you will discover that you are
able to read and understand more information than ever before in less time
than you ever imagined. At first this may come as a bit of a shock,
especially if you were the type who struggled to make passing grades in
school. Even so, eventually this increase in academic ability will increase
your overall sense of self confidence and self worth. This in turn will give
you greater peace of mind in your current environment, whether at work or
school. Additionally, this increase in self confidence will enable you to take
on larger challenges, which can open up all sorts of opportunities that might
not have otherwise existed. Thus, not only will you reduce the stress and
anxiety of your current condition, but you will improve yourself to the point
where you are ready and eager to take on greater things.
Chapter 5: How to Prepare for Speed Reading

S o far, we have looked at the evolution of

writing, different types of reading, and the
nature and benefits of speed reading. An
understanding of these subjects is absolutely essential for anyone who
wants to become a proficient speed reader. While anyone can simply jump
into a prescribed set of exercises and improve their reading speed, a person
with a deep understanding of the process will experience greater results in
less time and with less effort. Now that you have a deeper understanding of
the subject, you will be able to achieve your desired results in as little as
only 12 hours. The next step of the process, which is equally critical for
your success, is the proper preparation for your journey into the world of
speed reading.
As with any venture, the better prepared you are, the more likely
you will be to succeed. Therefore it is critical to take the time and effort to
make sure that you have absolutely everything you need in order to get the
most from the efforts you put into learning how to speed read. The first
thing you will need in order to obtain your desired results in 12 hours or
less is the right environment.
Concentration is one of the most critical elements in speed reading.
Only when you are able to focus completely on the task at hand will
you be able to improve your reading speed along with your reading
As you develop your skills you will doubtlessly be able to speed
read effectively even in the most distracting of environments. However, it is
essential that you have as little distraction as possible while beginning the
learning process. That said, you should find a space where you can practice
your speed reading with little to no interruptions. Additionally there should
be as few things within reach that could distract your attention, such as
things to fidget with, read or simply be aware of. Your reading space should
be as stark and bare as possible, thus allowing you to focus your complete
attention on the material you are reading.
Just as the location where you read is critical to your
success, so too, the time of day when you practice speed
reading is equally significant. Different people respond to
things in different ways, therefore it is important that you
experiment with different times of day in order to discover
which time works best for you. Having said that, one of the
most commonly effective times of day to practice speed
reading techniques is first thing in the morning.
For most people the early morning hours are the most peaceful
times, allowing for solitude and freedom from interruption. You might want
to set your alarm a little earlier in order to create the necessary time to
practice before you have to get ready for your regular day. In the end, even
if you have to get up a little earlier, it will be worth it as the time you gain
will belong completely to you.
Another reason why the early morning is so effective for speed
reading exercises is that your mind is fresh, so it is capable of focusing on
the task at hand more so than at any other time of day. As the day
progresses, you experience more and more things that begin to fill your
mind with questions, responses and even anxieties. Thus, if you wait until
the end of the day to practice speed reading you might find your mind is so
full of the day’s events that it takes longer to get into the lessons, meaning
you get less from your efforts. Again, this is based on common experiences
which means that this may not be as true for you as it is for others. That is
why you should take some time to practice regular reading at different
times of the day to see which time is the best for you to focus completely
on what you are reading.
Finally there is the matter of mindset. The most common reason
why people struggle with learning a new skill or subject is that they lose
interest or that their heart isn’t really in it to begin with. Making sure that
you stay focused and confident on your goal of increasing your reading
speed and comprehension is absolutely essential if you are to succeed in
this program.
Take the time to remind yourself during each and
every day of the hopes and ambitions you have with regards
to speed reading. Constantly encourage yourself to succeed
at your next speed reading exercise.
By just taking the odd moment here and there during the day to give
yourself such encouragement you will prepare yourself mentally and
psychologically for your next lesson. When you create the right mindset
you set yourself up for a level of success that cannot be achieved any other
Chapter 6: Essential Tools Needed for Speed

O nce you have established the right

environment, the right time and the right
mindset for your journey into the world of
speed reading, you need to make sure that you have all the essential tools
that the journey requires. These tools are mostly basic items, many of which
you will already have. In fact, even if you don’t have an exact tool that is
recommended it is likely that you will be able to substitute it with
something that you already possess. This means that you should be able to
achieve your goal of increasing your reading speed and reading
comprehension in 12 hours or less without any additional expense or
The first thing you will need is a reliable timepiece. Many speed
reading programs will recommend that you use a stop watch, as this is the
ideal way in which you can keep track of how long it takes you to read a
particular passage. Having a stop watch or a timer with an alarm is very
beneficial for most exercises, as this allows you to focus solely on the
reading without having to keep an eye on the time. Again, if you don’t have
a stop watch or a timer with an alarm, don’t panic.
There is every chance that you do and simply don’t realize it! Take a
look in your kitchen to see if you have an egg timer or something
Many kitchens have small timer gadgets floating around in the junk
drawer, and this is all that you need in order to keep track of your reading
time. In the event that you don’t have a timer of any kind you can always
use your microwave or oven timer. Simply set the timer for the duration you
need and make sure that you are in a place where you can hear the alarm
when it goes off. If you want an actual timer, and you have the cash for one,
then you can find a reliable timer at just about any store including grocery
stores, office supply stores or general retail stores.
Another tool you will need is a pointer. Fortunately, this can come in
any form shape or size. Using a pen, a pencil or even your finger will
actually suffice for exercises requiring a pointer. The important thing is
that you find an item that is comfortable to hold and that doesn’t attract
your attention visually.
As you develop your skills at speed reading, you will want to keep
track of your progress. Having a small notebook designated for your
speed reading exercises is highly recommended. This will give you a
place to record your reading times, as well as a place to write down the
answers to any questions your exercises ask.
There will be times when you need to test your reading
comprehension, so you will want to write your answers down in those
instances. Additionally, having a notebook will give you a place to write
down any specific questions, goals or ideas that you have along the way.
Again, this is a journey of sorts, and each person takes this journey in their
own unique way. Therefore it is very important to personalize this journey
in every way possible.
List your ambitions, your obstacles and any other information that will
help you to achieve your overall goal.
Finally, there is the matter of reading material. While this book
contains some practice passages to use at first, these will only be effective
for so long. After a few uses the information in the passages will begin to
sink in, creating a familiarity with the information that is counter intuitive
to the exercises. Thus, you will need to make sure that you have multiple
sources of reading material that can keep you stocked with fresh passages
for your speed reading practice.
The materials you use can come in any form. However, it is
recommended that you have some materials in physical form, as these
will be easier to use for certain exercises. Eventually you will be able to
integrate digital materials, using your laptop or desktop or even your smart
phone for your daily speed reading exercises, but newspapers, magazines
or print books will be required at the beginning.
Chapter 7: Addressing Bad Reading Habits

W hile speed reading may seem like a new

skill that you can learn and develop, the
truth of the matter is that it is more a
matter of replacing bad habits with good, healthy habits. In a sense, speed
reading is like going on a diet. Just as the first rule of any diet is to get rid
of the junk food and bad eating habits that cause a person to put on weight,
so too, the first step of speed reading is to recognize the bad reading habits
that you currently engage in so as to enable you to form better habits that
increase your reading speed and comprehension.
It can be hard for most people to admit to their bad habits, but it is
absolutely critical that you not only recognize any bad reading habits you
have, but that you also commit to getting rid of them. After all, these habits
have only served to keep you from reaching your true potential this whole
time. Therefore, the sooner you recognize and remove them the sooner
you will be able to achieve the things you have always dreamed of
One bad habit that most readers have is to read things one word at a
time. This is a perfectly normal habit to have, as this is how everyone was
taught to read in the first place. If you think about it, the problem most
people have is that they read the same way that they were taught, which
means that they essentially read like a 5 year-old. Any other thing that we
learn tends to take on an evolutionary process, changing and adapting to our
needs as we grow and mature. Reading is one of the things that seem to
avoid this evolutionary process. Fortunately, speed reading is the answer to
this dilemma. And one of the bad habits that speed reading will break is that
of reading one word at a time. This is completely unnecessary for most
reading, as it slows down the reading process to an absolute crawl. Most
written information can be gleaned without reading every single word,
let alone each word, in order, one at a time.
Another bad habit that most readers have is that they vocalize the
words that they read. Again, this habit goes back to the early days when we
were taught how to read by our teachers. For the most part teachers would
have students read out loud so that they could follow each student’s
progress at reading. However, while this served to help the teachers
significantly it only serves to hinder the speed with which a person can
read. The fact of the matter is that a person can read far faster than they can
speak. Therefore, to vocalize the words you read, even if only in your mind,
is to reduce your reading speed to your talking speed. Breaking free of the
habit of vocalizing the words you read is part of the speed reading process.
In fact, it is often the first step toward unleashing a person’s true reading
Rereading material is yet another habit that can seriously hinder a
person’s reading speed. While there are times that you will need to reread a
particular piece or sentence in order to understand what it is saying, those
times should be very few and far between. Unfortunately, many people have
the habit of rereading portions for no real reason. Not only does this slow
the reading process down significantly, but it prevents the mind from being
able to absorb information in a natural flow. By stopping and repeating
passages, you interrupt your minds ability to absorb information as it is
presented. Additionally, this interrupts the mind’s ability to predict the
information yet to come, which can actually serve to increase a person’s
reading speed as well as their reading comprehension.
When you get into the mind of a piece of writing, then
you can get the information without needing to read
everything thoroughly, and this is one of the basic principles
of speed reading.
Finally there is the habit of reading everything at the same speed
and with the same level of attention. Some forms of writing, such as novels
or other forms of literature deserve to be read more slowly and carefully.
This is because you aren’t simply looking for information, rather you are
trying to connect to the emotions and thought processes of the author.
However, this level of in depth reading is not necessary in the case of
reading to gain information. You shouldn’t spend the same amount of time
and effort reading the news as you would The Great Gatsby. Unfortunately,
most people have only one speed of reading and that is the slowest and
most detail oriented speed available. Developing several reading styles will
enable you to break free of this devastating habit, and not only increase the
speed with which you read, but also increase the speed and ability with
which you gather information from the materials you read.
Chapter 8: Effective Speed Reading Strategies

S peed reading can effectively be broken down

into four basic principles—non
vocalization, increased reading speed,
word grouping and skimming. These four concepts will help to address
your reading ability from all angles. Therefore, not only will you learn new
skills, but you will also rid yourself of the bad habits that restrict your
reading speed, as well as your reading comprehension more often than not.
By taking this approach you will increase the rate of words you read per
minute, the amount of reading you can do in one sitting, and ultimately the
speed with which you gain knowledge from any written text. These skills
will enable you to become a more proficient and efficient reader, providing
you with the maximum results from the time and effort you put into
The first speed reading strategy to master is non vocalization. Only
when you are able to see a word without actually pronouncing it in your
head will you be able to release yourself from the slow reading speed you
are accustomed to. This is usually the greatest challenge, and thus it is the
first one to be addressed.
The other strategies for speed reading rely on your ability to
read without vocalizing, so it is critical that non vocalization be
achieved as quickly as possible. Needless to say, since this is the hardest
challenge to overcome for most, it may take a fair amount of practice
before you are totally free from this bad habit.
Make sure that you take as much time as necessary to perfect this
skill. Only when you can read without speaking the words in your mind will
you be able to increase your reading speed to any meaningful level.
The second speed reading strategy to master is to increase the
number of words you read per minute. In a way, this is a lot like trying to
lower the time it takes to run a mile. Whenever you hear runners talking,
they often compare running times. While some boast of being able to run an
eight minute mile, others will boast of being able to do the same in six
minutes or less. This measure of minutes per mile is the baseline of how
proficient a person is at running. Reading is much the same.
Instead of minutes per mile, however, reading is measured in words
per minute (WPM). The more words you can read per minute, the more
proficient you are at reading. Again, only when you are able to read without
speaking the words in your mind will you be able to increase this rate in any
meaningful way. Still, some of the techniques and exercises presented in
this book will enable you to increase your WPM count, and this is a critical
aspect for anyone who wishes to become proficient at speed reading. Using
a pointer, even your finger, is one method that will help you to keep up to
speed while reading, thus preventing you from lingering on certain words or
thoughts. Even though this might seem a bit childish at first, since using
your finger was probably how you started to read, it will in fact prove
highly beneficial in terms of increasing your overall reading rate.
Word grouping is another method that is highly beneficial in
increasing your overall word per minute count. This method focuses on
reading groups of words rather than individual words, one at a time. In a
way this method helps focus the mind on the thoughts written rather than
the words themselves. This is an optimal tool for anyone who is trying to
increase their reading comprehension as well as their reading speed. By
taking in whole thoughts in a single instant you can significantly reduce the
amount of work your mind has to do while reading. Instead of having to
piece together words to form a though, by introducing several words at
once, your mind can grasp the thought at once. This method will take some
getting used to, and it may not be for everyone, but if and when you are
able to master it, your reading speed will increase exponentially.
The final speed reading strategy to consider is that of skimming.
Learning how to skim will enable you to deduce the content of a particular
piece of writing without having to take the time to read the whole thing. In
a way, this is a bit like window shopping for information. When you
window shop you skim over the merchandise presented, looking for things
that are relevant to you. This is the essence of skimming written materials.
You simply skim over a document, searching for the information that is
relevant. Once you learn how to skim, you will be able to find important
information in any text in very little time. This is highly beneficial for
anyone who needs to do research in any capacity. Some methods of
skimming include reading the table of contents, descriptions of books,
headlines and picture captions, and other similar highlighted pieces of texts.
Chapter 9: Some Speed Reading Exercises

T he following exercises reflect the four main

aspects of speed reading. Each exercise is
divided into three parts, allowing you to
begin with shorter lesson times and progress to longer lesson times. Each
lesson will take a total of one hour, meaning that the total time for all
lessons is 12 hours. You can choose to do the lessons in 12 consecutive
days, or you can take time off between them if you need to. How long you
choose to take is up to you, however the exercises are designed to get you
to becoming proficient at speed reading in as little as 12 hours.
The important thing is that you use the information
already presented in this book regarding speed reading tools and
strategies to help with the exercises. Additionally, two passages
are included in chapter 11, allowing you to do these exercises
without any additional materials. Questions are provided after
the passages to allow you to test your reading comprehension. It
is recommended, however, that you acquire additional materials
quickly since these two passages are only intended to get you
Lesson 1: Eliminating Sub Vocalization
Sub vocalization is the absolute enemy of anyone who wants to
speed read. Since speaking the words you read in your mind slows down
your reading speed to a snail’s pace the sooner you break the habit of sub
vocalizing the words you read, the sooner you will become a proficient
speed reader. This lesson is less about reading quickly than the other lessons
you will perform. The main focus on this lesson is to simply end the habit
of pronouncing the words you read in your head. This lesson should be
practiced for three days, with each day increasing the duration of the
exercise. Take the necessary time to develop your skills naturally. Skipping
ahead may seem tempting, but it may actually undermine your results in the
long run. Instructions for this lesson are as follows:
● Set aside the necessary time to complete this lesson. You
will need to spend one hour a day for three days to complete this exercise.
The first day you will want to divide your hour into three periods of 15
minutes, with a 5 minute break in between. On day two you will divide the
time into two periods of 25 minutes with a 5 minute break in between. On
day three you will spend one period of an hour doing the exercise with no
● Find any written material at all. It can be short or long, as
this is not about speed or comprehension.
● Stare at one word for a few minutes. Don’t read beyond the
word, and don’t contemplate its significance in relation to the story or
article in front of you. Simply stare at the word. Pretend like you are having
a staring contest with this word and the first to blink loses. This may seem
ridiculous at first, but there is a very real point to this. After a while, your
mind will focus on the visual aspect of the word rather than the spoken
aspect of it. This is what you are trying to establish, a non audio grasp of
the words you read.
● Once you feel you have stared at the first word for long
enough (about 3 minutes) move on to another word. Repeat the process for
this word.
● Next, begin to read slowly, staring at each word as a visual
object rather than a spoken one. Begin to pick up pace gradually, until you
get back to your regular reading pace. If you begin to vocalize the words as
you read at your regular pace, begin the process again.
● In the event that you simply cannot break the inner voice as
you read there is another strategy. This one involves you speaking a
sequence of numbers while you read. For example, repeating the numbers
‘2, 4, 6 and 8’ as you read will interrupt the thought process required for
sub vocalizing. At first you will have a hard time paying attention to both
speaking and reading, but after a while the numbers will become natural
and you will begin to comprehend the reading again.
Lesson 2: Increasing General Reading Speed
This lesson is about increasing your general reading speed with the
use of a pointer. You will still be expected to read each word that is written,
however your goal is to increase the speed with which you read each word
as much as possible. This exercise will help to further eliminate sub
vocalization as it is estimated that reading speeds in excess of 600 WPM
eliminate the act of sub vocalization altogether. The instructions for this
exercise are as follows:
● Sit in a comfortable position at a table. Make sure your
chair is at a 45 degree angle to the table. Rest your elbow on the table.
● Hold your reading material with your free (non pointer)
hand in a relaxed but firm manner.
● Place the index finger of your other (pointer) hand under
the first word of a sentence.
● Move your finger along the line of text under each word as
you read the word.
● Keep your finger moving at a constant pace, speeding up as
much as you can, but making sure that you understand the text you are
reading fully.
● Don’t stop if you miss any words. If you begin to go too
fast, simply slow down, but don’t go back and reread anything. This
exercise is simply to get you to increase your reading pace, it is not a test.
● On day one do this exercise for a total of 15 minutes, then
take a 5 minute break. Repeat the lesson again for 15 minutes and take
another 5 minute break. Repeat the lesson a last time for 15 minutes and
then you are done. You shouldn’t spend more than 15 minutes at a time on
this exercise on the first day as you need to develop your mind at a natural
pace. On day two, increase your time to 25 minutes, followed by a 5 minute
break, and then another 25 minutes. On day three you can increase your
time to a full hour without any break. You should find the process far more
natural by day three, thus allowing you to read for a longer period.
Lesson 3: Word Grouping
This lesson focuses on reading groups of words rather than
individual words. This is critical for increasing your rate of reading
significantly. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to read by thought
rather than by word, which will increase both your reading speed and
comprehension. Again, this will be divided into three days, starting with
three 15 minute intervals on day one, followed by two 25 minute intervals
on day two, and culminating in a single hour long interval on day three. The
instructions are as follows:
● Begin by reading two word segments at a time. While this
may not sound like much, it is a necessary first step to building your word
group size.
● Place your index finger under the first word of a sentence.
Move your finger along the sentence, just as in the previous exercise, but
instead of following every single word, jump to every other word.
● Maintain a constant rate of speed, increasing the speed as
much as possible. In the event that you begin to skip words or you stop
understanding what you are reading simply slow down your pace. Never go
back to reread anything you might have missed.
● Once you become comfortable with the two word
groupings you can increase the groupings to three words. Continue
reading in this way until you feel ready to increase to four words. In the
case of three or more words, you should place your index finger under the
middle word of the group, as this will allow your eyes to see the words
without having to scan.
● Be sure to use the first day to get comfortable with the
exercise. Don’t push too hard in the beginning. Use day two to increase
your word group size, and use day three to really practice long periods of
group word reading.
Lesson 4: Learning How to Skim
Skimming is a bit different from the other forms of speed reading.
Rather than focusing on how you read written words, skimming focuses on
how you view a document in general. This reading style allows you to skip
over the words that establish grammatical integrity and to focus solely on
the words that contain vital information. Skimming is particularly useful
when reading reference materials or doing any form of research.
● For this exercise you will want to acquire skim-able
reading materials. Newspapers and magazines are ideal materials for
● Once you find a suitable newspaper or magazine read the
title of the article or story on the page.
● Read all of the highlighted words on the page, such as sub
headings, quotes and picture captions.
● Review any graphs or tables that might offer valuable
● Look for any lists, bullet points or other concentrated
pieces of valuable information.
● Lastly, piece together all of the information you have
skimmed and see if you can answer the important questions related to the
article or story. Things you should know include what the piece is about,
who it pertains to and any pertinent locations involved. Any extra detailed
information that you know is an added bonus, but it isn’t actually necessary
for this exercise.
● Follow the same scheduling structure as with the other
exercises. You should be able to skim a newspaper or magazine article in
less than five minutes, so you should fit at least four or five articles in each
15 minute session on day one, doubling the number for each session on day
two and doubling that number for day three.
● Reading comprehension is the key in this exercise, so how
much information you glean from each article should be the focal point. By
the end of day three you should be able to pick up any newspaper or
magazine and spend no more than two minutes skimming the whole story
and understanding what it is about.
By performing these exercises, you will develop the necessary
skills for effective speed reading. You don’t need to record your reading
speed or comprehension for these exercises, as they are only intended
on developing speed reading techniques. Once you have finished the
exercises, however, you can test yourself by reading an article and
comparing your reading speed and comprehension with what it was
prior to the exercises. As you continue to practice speed reading you
can record your progress both in terms of speed and comprehension as
recommended earlier in this book.
Chapter 10: How to Measure and Track Your
Speed Reading Progress

A s this book has already mentioned, speed

reading is about more than just speed, it is
about comprehension as well. Therefore, in
addition to keeping track of how many words per minute you can read, you
will also want to start keeping track of how much information you are able
to gain and even retain from reading a particular document. The methods of
recording speed and comprehension are actually very basic, requiring very
little in terms of tools or time. What is important, however, is that you take
the time to record your levels on a regular basis. These results will not only
indicate the progress you are making, but they can also indicate any areas
where you are struggling.
By being able to detect areas where progress is slowest you will be able
to restructure your speed reading training, choosing methods that
specifically target any areas where you are having trouble.
The first thing that you will need to do is to choose what you want
to keep this information in. Many people opt for a traditional notebook to
record their reading times and comprehension scores in. Notebooks are both
cheap and easy to use, while also being very portable, thus allowing you to
keep track of your speed reading progress even while on the go. However,
there are those who prefer a more up to date method of recording progress.
These choose to use digital options, such as spread sheets or simple word
programs in lieu of physical notebooks.
Digital formats are a good choice for anyone who carries a
laptop with them at all times as this will eliminate the extra clutter
that a notebook and writing utensils might create. Once you choose
how you wish to record your results it is critical that you keep up
with your daily and weekly progress. Only regular practice and
assessments will produce the best results possible.
Speed is perhaps the most significant aspect of speed reading. Thus,
the main thing that you will be tracking is your rate of reading. As
mentioned earlier, the speed with which a person reads is measured in
words per minute (WPM). This unit of measure provides a simple way to
track how fast you can read in general.
There are two main ways in which you can measure how many
words per minute you can read. The first method is to treat your reading
like a sprint, setting a timer for one minute and reading as much as you can
before the timer goes off. This is a good way for anyone who is beginning
the process of learning how to speed read as they are not yet conditioned to
speed read for longer periods. It will provide a basic idea as to how fast you
are reading, but it can be a bit generous. After all, if you begin speed
reading a larger document your rate may decrease as there is a lot more
material to cover. However, this one minute sprint timing is still a good
way to give you a rough idea as to your reading speed.
Freereadingtest.com is a good place for getting a quick reading test.
The second way to record reading speed is to set a timer for a
longer period, such as 30 minutes or even an hour. When your designated
time is up you need to count how many words you have read in that time
and divide accordingly. Thus, if you read 10,000 words in 30 minutes then
you divide the number of words by 30 for your WPM count—333.3 words.
You can choose to round up or down whenever a fraction occurs, but make
sure that you are consistent in the rounding, always doing one or the other.
If you round up sometimes and round down other times your WPM count
will not always be as accurate as it should be. Needless to say, counting the
number of words over the course of 30 minutes or an hour can be a
challenge. In this case, it is recommended that you use a computer for your
reading so that you can simply copy and paste the words you read into a
word program that will give you a word count at the bottom of the page.
Microsoft word, notebook or any other similar program will suffice.
Finally, there is the issue of reading comprehension. While the
primary goal of speed reading is to be able to read large amounts of text in a
small period of time, if you don’t gain or retain information from the
material you read then your reading is worthless. Only when you are able
to make use of the material you read is your reading speed of any true
value. The best way to measure reading comprehension is to have a list of
questions to answer after reading the text. This will measure how well you
understood the material by seeing how many questions you get correct.
There are reading materials available online for this process,
however you might choose to use school textbooks as these will often have
quizzes at the end of each section, providing a ready resource for measuring
your reading comprehension. Try to determine a percentage based on the
number of answers you get right. For example, if you get 10 out of 15
questions right then your comprehension is two thirds, or 66 percent.
Needless to say, getting this percentage as high as possible is equally
important to getting your WPM as high as possible. Record these figures
in the same place as your WPM numbers, as this will give you a
comprehensive overview to how much your speed reading is
Chapter 11: Speed Reading Practice Passages
Story 1

I n modern times, most people watch sporting events or movies for

entertainment. The sports we enjoy today, however, were not yet invented
in ancient times. As a result, people in the ancient world relied on other
forms of entertainment. In Ancient Rome the most popular form of
entertainment was the gladiatorial games. These games involved hand to
hand fighting, usually between men, but sometimes between man and beast
and other times between different types of animals.
Gladiatorial games are named after the main contestant in the
games— the gladiator. The gladiator was a lightly armored fighter who
fought with a sword, called a gladius, from which he got his name. There
were several different types of fighters, using different weapons and fighting
styles and bearing different names to reflect these characteristics. The
gladiator, however, was always the most popular as they often represented
the Roman soldier.
The gladiatorial games lasted for almost a full thousand years,
beginning in around the 3rd century BCE and ending sometime in the 6th
century of the Common Era. They started as small events, usually taking
place at a funeral of an important person. At this point, they usually
involved fighting to the death and this may have reflected a certain religious
tradition wherein servants of the deceased would join their departed master
when they died in the contest. As time progressed, however, the games took
on a more professional aspect with death becoming far less common among
the human contestants. In fact, at the height of the games (1st and 2nd
centuries CE) gladiators had the fame and status of a professional athlete.
They received intensive training, were well paid, and even had fan bases.
Why the games came to an end remains an issue of debate. Some
suggest it was as a result of the spread of Christianity, which necessarily
forbade such violent practices. However, it is also argued that the sheer
expense of the sport resulted in its decline. The 5th and 6th centuries saw a
great deal of turmoil in the Roman Empire, so it is little wonder that such
an extravagance would suffer as a result. The legacy of the games can still
be found today in the form of bull fighting. This is seen in countries of
Spanish cultural influence such as Spain, Mexico and some South American
1. Where do the gladiators get their name from?
2. How long did the gladiatorial games last in Ancient Rome?
3. What events did the original contests take place in?
4. True or false, there were other types of fighters in the games
besides gladiators.
5. True or false, animals were used in the games as well as men.
6. What were some reasons why the games declined?
7. When did the games fade out?
8. What current sporting event can be traced back to the
gladiatorial games?
9. What countries can this event be found in?
10. True or false, gladiators always fought to the death.
Story 2
John Anderson was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1966. He became a
construction worker at the age of 16, learning his trade by building houses
in the suburbs of Atlanta. Eventually he would go on to do larger projects,
being involved in many of the sky scrapers that currently occupy the Atlanta
skyline. He was a reliable worker, learning each and every aspect of
construction quickly and thoroughly. Anderson rose up to become a
supervisor, and eventually a construction foreman for the firm he worked
for, Atlanta Construction Company.
Anderson would go on to create his own construction company in
2006, at the age of 40. His new business, Anderson Construction, would
become renowned for producing the highest quality results in the shortest
amount of time. Anderson Construction gained lucrative contracts in sports
complexes, ranging from high school and college stadiums all the way up to
professional franchise stadiums. Among the most lucrative contracts
Anderson Construction took part in were the Georgia Dome, home to the
Falcons, and Turner Field, home to the Atlanta Braves. Since college
stadiums often need to be refurbished or repaired, Anderson was able to
keep his company busy by working on the dozens of collegiate facilities in
In addition to being a business man Anderson was also a family
man. He married his high school sweetheart, Martha, in 1984, and they
moved into a modest home that he helped build in the area called Sandy
Springs. They had two children, a boy, John Junior, and a girl, Alice. John
Junior was born in 1986, while Alice was born five years later in 1991.
John Junior went on to follow in his father’s footsteps, learning the
construction trade by working in his father’s company. His father hopes to
turn the company over to him at a later date. Alice went on to study art at
the SCAD Atlanta campus, becoming a well known name in local painting
and sculpture. Some of her work is currently displayed in Atlanta’s High
Museum of Art.
1. What city was John Anderson born in?
2. What year was he born?
3. When did he get married?
4. What was his wife’s name?
5. How many children did they have?
6. What type of work did John do?
7. What was the name of the company he created?
8. What is his son’s name?
9. What is his daughter’s name?
10. What does his daughter do?
Chapter 12: Additional Help and Resources

O nce you have completed the exercises

presented in this book, you will want to
continue practicing your speed reading on a
regular basis. Just like with any other skill, the more you practice speed
reading is the better you will become at it. Fortunately there are several
apps available that make practicing speed reading techniques even easier
than ever before. By using these apps you will be able to further develop
and perfect the different speed reading techniques. These programs will
take existing documents and make them speed reading friendly by passing
words in front of you at a designated speed, highlighting words at a set
speed, or by reducing the amount of scanning you need to do by putting
words in front of your natural focal zone, thus enabling you to read at a
highly increased rate. All in all, each of the apps and programs listed below
will serve as an invaluable tool in your quest to reach the accelerated
reading speed and comprehension that you desire.
The first app to consider is called Spreeder. This program will take
any document you choose and simply flash the contents onto your computer
screen a few words at a time. One advantage that Spreeder has is that it
increases the font size of the words it presents, which makes it easier to read
overall. Additionally, the words appear in a natural field of view, meaning
that you can simply look straight ahead and read the entire contents of any
piece of writing. Spreeder offers a large number of pieces for practice, but it
also allows you to upload your own personal files, thus enabling you to
practice on any material you possess. Spreeder also provides guided
training exercises, along with reports that track your speed reading
progress. It is compatible with iPhones, Mac and Windows. Several videos
on YouTube are available which give brief overviews on the app and how it
ReadMe! is another app that is ideal for anyone trying to hone their
speed reading skills. This app enables you to sync your e-reader library onto
your iOS device or Android device. While this app alone is not a speed
reader app it is linked with two such apps BeeLine Reader and Spritz.
What makes this a critical addition is that it allows the other two apps to
access your e-reader material for speed reading exercises.
BeeLine Reader uses different font colors to help increase the
speed with which you read regular lines of writing. It acts as a virtual
pointer, guiding your eyes across the words at a preset speed.
Spritz takes a different approach, placing individual words in your
direct line of site at a preset speed, thus allowing you to read a document
without having to move your head or your line of sight. While both of these
techniques will increase your reading speed, the Spritz method is estimated
to reduce your reading time by up to 80 per cent. All of these apps are
compatible with iPhone and Android devices.
Outread is another app for iPhone users. This app is used in
conjunction with news apps, including Instapaper, Pinboard and Pocket.
The real advantage to this app is that it is less like an exercise and more like
a real world tool that allows you to speed read current news and events.
Needless to say, using this app will significantly increase your overall
reading speed, however it will also enable you to get caught up on
current issues in a fraction of the time that it would ordinarily take.
This is a perfect choice for anyone who is constantly on the go, and who
needs to keep up to date with all the latest news and developments.
Readsy is an app that is compatible with desktop, laptop or mobile
devices. It converts the text of web pages into a format that enables you to
read the text one word at a time at a preset speed. While the font of the
words is mostly black, one letter is red, causing your eyes to stay
focused on that given spot. By being able to read an entire text without
having to scan your eyes or head you can shave off at least two thirds the
time it would ordinarily take to read the material. Not only will this help
you to increase your reading speed, but it will also allow you to read any
web page at a fraction of the time it would take otherwise. This is an ideal
app for students or professionals who need to do large amounts of research
or other in depth online reading. Again, this app is compatible with Web or
Mobile Web devices.

N ow that you have read this book, you have

all the tools and knowledge needed to
become a proficient speed reader. The
exercises will help you to break the bad habits that have plagued you and
replace them with habits that will help you to reach your full reading
potential. The best part about this system is that it is both easy and fast,
requiring no more than 12 hours to achieve significant results. Whether you
are reading for work or for pleasure, here’s wishing you all the best in your
speed reading exploits!

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