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Documentação de correção de edição de



0xC2A037 - UNKNOWN
0xCE4CFC 2.0.8
0xCE6CA4 2.0.12
if(dwSz == 7095808) dwOffset = 0xC4ADFF; // 2.1 (and build 6729)
if(dwSz == 7096320) dwOffset = 0xC4AE3F; // 2.1.1
if(dwSz == 7105024) dwOffset = 0xC4CEEF; // 2.1.2
if(dwSz == 7107584) dwOffset = 0xC4DF97; // 2.1.3
if(dwSz == 7841280) dwOffset = 0xCC0A44; // 2.2.0
if(dwSz == 7844352) dwOffset = 0x622647; // 2.2.2
if(dwSz == 7837184) dwOffset = 0x621CD7; // 2.2.3

A correção de edição de modelo funciona desabilitando a verificação de assinatura feita em
arquivos MPQ, isso permite que um usuário substitua seus próprios MPQs no lugar dos originais
da Blizzard sem que o jogo rejeite o arquivo.

Há dois pedaços de código usados ​para verificar se os dados MPQ são consistentes. (Eles podem
ser encontrados simplesmente executando uma pesquisa de string no IDA para obter as
informações relevantes, neste caso, erros sobre o arquivo de assinatura.)

Sub-rotina 1:

.text:00402060 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E


.text:00402060 ; Attributes: bp-based frame


.text:00402060 sub_402060 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_404880+52C�p


.text:00402060 var_8C = dword ptr -8Ch

.text:00402060 var_7C = dword ptr -7Ch

.text:00402060 var_78 = dword ptr -78h

.text:00402060 var_74 = dword ptr -74h

.text:00402060 var_70 = dword ptr -70h

.text:00402060 var_6C = dword ptr -6Ch

.text:00402060 var_68 = dword ptr -68h

.text:00402060 var_4 = dword ptr -4

.text:00402060 arg_0 = dword ptr 8


.text:00402060 push ebp

.text:00402061 mov ebp, esp

.text:00402063 sub esp, 8Ch

.text:00402069 mov eax, dword_8AE4E8

.text:0040206E xor eax, ebp

.text:00402070 mov [ebp+var_4], eax

.text:00402073 call sub_621170

.text:00402078 push 0 ; int

.text:0040207A push 0 ; size_t

.text:0040207C lea eax, [ebp+var_70]

.text:0040207F push eax ; int

.text:00402080 lea ecx, [ebp+var_6C]

.text:00402083 push ecx ; int

.text:00402084 push offset aSignaturefile ; "signaturefile"

.text:00402089 call sub_61F8A0

.text:0040208E test eax, eax

.text:00402090 jnz short loc_4020AB

.text:00402092 push 1 ; uExitCode

.text:00402094 push eax ; int

.text:00402095 push offset aSignaturefile ; "signaturefile"

.text:0040209A push 934h ; int

.text:0040209F push offset a_Client_cpp ; ".\\Client.cpp"

.text:004020A4 push 2 ; int

.text:004020A6 call sub_625DD0


.text:004020AB loc_4020AB: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+30�j

.text:004020AB mov edx, [ebp+var_70]

.text:004020AE mov eax, [ebp+var_6C]

.text:004020B1 push 4

.text:004020B3 push offset unk_8338E8

.text:004020B8 push 100h

.text:004020BD push offset unk_8AE008

.text:004020C2 push edx

.text:004020C3 push eax

.text:004020C4 call sub_626D20

.text:004020C9 add esp, 18h

.text:004020CC test eax, eax

.text:004020CE jnz short loc_40210B

.text:004020D0 push offset aSignaturefile ; "signaturefile"

.text:004020D5 push offset aCouldNotAuthen ; "Could not authenticate

the %s file."

.text:004020DA lea ecx, [ebp+var_68]

.text:004020DD push 64h

.text:004020DF push ecx

.text:004020E0 call sub_61B710

.text:004020E5 add esp, 10h

.text:004020E8 push 0

.text:004020EA call sub_625B00

.text:004020EF push 1 ; uExitCode

.text:004020F1 push 0 ; int

.text:004020F3 lea edx, [ebp+var_68]

.text:004020F6 push edx ; int

.text:004020F7 push 946h ; int

.text:004020FC push offset a_Client_cpp ; ".\\Client.cpp"

.text:00402101 push 4DCh ; int

.text:00402106 call sub_625DD0


.text:0040210B loc_40210B: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+6E�j

.text:0040210B mov eax, [ebp+var_6C]

.text:0040210E push ebx

.text:0040210F push esi

.text:00402110 push edi

.text:00402111 push offset asc_83D040 ; "\r\n"

.text:00402116 push eax

.text:00402117 mov edi, eax

.text:00402119 call sub_61BAB0

.text:0040211E add esp, 8

.text:00402121 mov esi, eax

.text:00402123 push edi

.text:00402124 mov byte ptr [esi], 0

.text:00402127 call sub_61B770

.text:0040212C add esi, 2

.text:0040212F push offset asc_83D040 ; "\r\n"

.text:00402134 push esi

.text:00402135 mov ebx, eax

.text:00402137 call sub_61BAB0

.text:0040213C mov edi, eax

.text:0040213E push esi ; char *

.text:0040213F mov byte ptr [edi], 0

.text:00402142 call j__atol

.text:00402147 add esp, 0Ch

.text:0040214A cmp eax, 1

.text:0040214D jz short loc_402169

.text:0040214F push 1 ; uExitCode

.text:00402151 push 0 ; int

.text:00402153 push 0 ; int

.text:00402155 push 966h ; int

.text:0040215A push offset a_Client_cpp ; ".\\Client.cpp"

.text:0040215F push 85100083h ; int

.text:00402164 call sub_625DD0


.text:00402169 loc_402169: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+ED�j

.text:00402169 add edi, 2

.text:0040216C push offset asc_83D040 ; "\r\n"

.text:00402171 push edi

.text:00402172 call sub_61BAB0

.text:00402177 add esp, 8

.text:0040217A push 7 ; size_t

.text:0040217C push offset aRelease ; "RELEASE"

.text:00402181 mov esi, eax

.text:00402183 push edi ; int

.text:00402184 mov byte ptr [esi], 0

.text:00402187 call sub_61B4C0

.text:0040218C test eax, eax

.text:0040218E jz short loc_4021AA

.text:00402190 push 1 ; uExitCode

.text:00402192 push 0 ; int

.text:00402194 push 0 ; int

.text:00402196 push 983h ; int

.text:0040219B push offset a_Client_cpp ; ".\\Client.cpp"

.text:004021A0 push 85100083h ; int

.text:004021A5 call sub_625DD0


.text:004021AA loc_4021AA: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+12E�j

.text:004021AA add esi, 2

.text:004021AD cmp ebx, 2

.text:004021B0 jnz loc_40226D

.text:004021B6 call sub_401DD0

.text:004021BB mov edx, [ebp+var_70]

.text:004021BE cmp al, 1

.text:004021C0 sbb eax, eax

.text:004021C2 add eax, 1

.text:004021C5 mov [ebp+var_74], eax

.text:004021C8 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]

.text:004021CB mov ecx, [eax]

.text:004021CD mov eax, [ebp+var_6C]

.text:004021D0 add eax, edx

.text:004021D2 cmp esi, eax

.text:004021D4 mov [ebp+var_78], ecx

.text:004021D7 jnb loc_402287

.text:004021DD lea ecx, [ecx+0]


.text:004021E0 loc_4021E0: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+205�j

.text:004021E0 push 4 ; size_t

.text:004021E2 push offset aNgis ; "NGIS"

.text:004021E7 push esi ; int

.text:004021E8 call sub_61B4C0

.text:004021ED test eax, eax

.text:004021EF jz loc_402287

.text:004021F5 lea edi, [esi+7]

.text:004021F8 lea eax, [edi+21h]

.text:004021FB mov byte ptr [esi+4], 0

.text:004021FF push offset asc_83D040 ; "\r\n"

.text:00402204 mov byte ptr [esi+6], 0

.text:00402208 push eax

.text:00402209 mov byte ptr [edi+20h], 0

.text:0040220D mov [ebp+var_7C], eax

.text:00402210 call sub_61BAB0

.text:00402215 mov ebx, eax

.text:00402217 mov byte ptr [ebx], 0

.text:0040221A mov eax, [esi]

.text:0040221C add esp, 8

.text:0040221F cmp eax, 65736162h
.text:00402224 jz short loc_40222B
.text:00402226 cmp eax, [ebp+var_78]
.text:00402229 jnz short loc_402258
.text:0040222B loc_40222B: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+1C4�j
.text:0040222B mov al, [esi+5]
.text:0040222E cmp al, 63h
.text:00402230 jz short loc_40223C
.text:00402232 cmp al, 65h
.text:00402234 jnz short loc_402258
.text:00402236 cmp [ebp+var_74], 0
.text:0040223A jz short loc_402258
.text:0040223C loc_40223C: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+1D0�j
.text:0040223C push edi
.text:0040223D lea ecx, [ebp+var_8C]
.text:00402243 call sub_624FF0
.text:00402248 mov edx, [ebp+var_7C]
.text:0040224B lea ecx, [ebp+var_8C]
.text:00402251 push ecx
.text:00402252 push edx
.text:00402253 call sub_6223A0
.text:00402258 loc_402258: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+1C9�j
.text:00402258 ; sub_402060+1D4�j ...
.text:00402258 mov eax, [ebp+var_70]
.text:0040225B mov ecx, [ebp+var_6C]
.text:0040225E lea esi, [ebx+2]
.text:00402261 add ecx, eax
.text:00402263 cmp esi, ecx
.text:00402265 jb loc_4021E0
.text:0040226B jmp short loc_402287
.text:0040226D ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040226D loc_40226D: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+150�j
.text:0040226D push 1 ; uExitCode
.text:0040226F push 0 ; int
.text:00402271 push 0 ; int
.text:00402273 push 9BAh ; int
.text:00402278 push offset a_Client_cpp ; ".\\Client.cpp"
.text:0040227D push 85100083h ; int
.text:00402282 call sub_625DD0
.text:00402287 loc_402287: ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+177�j
.text:00402287 ; sub_402060+18F�j ...
.text:00402287 mov edx, [ebp+var_6C]
.text:0040228A push edx
.text:0040228B call sub_61CD60
.text:00402290 mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00402293 pop edi
.text:00402294 pop esi
.text:00402295 xor ecx, ebp
.text:00402297 pop ebx
.text:00402298 call sub_4096EA
.text:0040229D mov esp, ebp
.text:0040229F pop ebp
.text:004022A0 retn
.text:004022A0 sub_402060 endp
.text:004022A0 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Sub-rotina 2: .text:00621CC0 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ SUBROUTINE ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦



.text:00621CC0 sub_621CC0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_623680+277�p

.text:00621CC0 ; sub_623B40+30E�p ...

.text:00621CC0 lea eax, [edi+150h]

.text:00621CC6 push eax

.text:00621CC7 lea ecx, [edi+1FCh]

.text:00621CCD call sub_624FA0

.text:00621CD2 test al, al

.text:00621CD4 jz short loc_621CF3

.text:00621CD6 push 0

.text:00621CD8 call sub_625B00

.text:00621CDD push 1 ; uExitCode

.text:00621CDF push 0 ; int

.text:00621CE1 push 0 ; int

.text:00621CE3 push 0FFFFFFFCh ; int

.text:00621CE5 lea ecx, [edi+24h]

.text:00621CE8 push ecx ; int

.text:00621CE9 push 85100083h ; int

.text:00621CEE call sub_625DD0


.text:00621CF3 loc_621CF3: ; CODE XREF: sub_621CC0+14�j

.text:00621CF3 cmp dword_CBF61C, 2

.text:00621CFA jz short loc_621D42

.text:00621CFC mov eax, [edi+130h]

.text:00621D02 push esi

.text:00621D03 push eax

.text:00621D04 call sub_621330

.text:00621D09 mov esi, eax

.text:00621D0B add esp, 4

.text:00621D0E test esi, esi

.text:00621D10 jz short loc_621D1C

.text:00621D12 lea edx, [esi+8]

.text:00621D15 push edx ; lpCriticalSection

.text:00621D16 call ds:EnterCriticalSection


.text:00621D1C loc_621D1C: ; CODE XREF: sub_621CC0+50�j

.text:00621D1C mov ecx, [edi+160h]

.text:00621D22 add ecx, 1Ch

.text:00621D25 call sub_625020

.text:00621D2A test esi, esi

.text:00621D2C jz short loc_621D38

.text:00621D2E lea eax, [esi+8]

.text:00621D31 push eax ; lpCriticalSection

.text:00621D32 call ds:LeaveCriticalSection


.text:00621D38 loc_621D38: ; CODE XREF: sub_621CC0+6C�j

.text:00621D38 push esi

.text:00621D39 call sub_621450

.text:00621D3E add esp, 4

.text:00621D41 pop esi


.text:00621D42 loc_621D42: ; CODE XREF: sub_621CC0+3A�j

.text:00621D42 mov dword ptr [edi+1A0h], 4

.text:00621D4C retn

.text:00621D4C sub_621CC0 endp


.text:00621D4C ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Uma coisa importante que podemos notar dessas duas sub-rotinas é que ambas estão chamando
essas duas sub-rotinas relevantes.

Sub-rotina 1:

.text:00625DD0 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E


.text:00625DD0 ; Attributes: bp-based frame


.text:00625DD0 ; int __stdcall sub_625DD0(int,int,int,int,int,UINT uExitCode)

.text:00625DD0 sub_625DD0 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+46�p

.text:00625DD0 ; sub_402060+A6�p ...


.text:00625DD0 SystemTime = _SYSTEMTIME ptr -0D74h

.text:00625DD0 var_D64 = dword ptr -0D64h

.text:00625DD0 ExitCode = dword ptr -0D60h

.text:00625DD0 var_D5C = dword ptr -0D5Ch

.text:00625DD0 var_D58 = dword ptr -0D58h

.text:00625DD0 var_D54 = dword ptr -0D54h

.text:00625DD0 var_D50 = dword ptr -0D50h

.text:00625DD0 FindFileData = _WIN32_FIND_DATAA ptr -0D4Ch

.text:00625DD0 var_C0C = dword ptr -0C0Ch

.text:00625DD0 Text = byte ptr -0B0Ch

.text:00625DD0 FileName = byte ptr -30Ch

.text:00625DD0 Caption = byte ptr -208h

.text:00625DD0 var_104 = dword ptr -104h

.text:00625DD0 var_4 = dword ptr -4

.text:00625DD0 arg_0 = dword ptr 8

.text:00625DD0 arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch

.text:00625DD0 arg_8 = dword ptr 10h

.text:00625DD0 arg_C = dword ptr 14h

.text:00625DD0 arg_10 = dword ptr 18h

.text:00625DD0 uExitCode = dword ptr 1Ch


.text:00625DD0 push ebp

.text:00625DD1 mov ebp, esp

.text:00625DD3 sub esp, 0D74h

.text:00625DD9 mov eax, dword_8AE4E8

.text:00625DDE xor eax, ebp

.text:00625DE0 mov [ebp+var_4], eax

.text:00625DE3 cmp dword_CBF70C, 0

.text:00625DEA mov eax, [ebp+arg_C]

.text:00625DED push edi

.text:00625DEE mov edi, [ebp+arg_4]

.text:00625DF1 mov [ebp+var_D58], eax

.text:00625DF7 jz short loc_625E0C


.text:00625DF9 loc_625DF9: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+84�j

.text:00625DF9 xor eax, eax

.text:00625DFB pop edi

.text:00625DFC mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]

.text:00625DFF xor ecx, ebp

.text:00625E01 call sub_4096EA

.text:00625E06 mov esp, ebp

.text:00625E08 pop ebp

.text:00625E09 retn 18h

.text:00625E0C ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00625E0C loc_625E0C: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+27�j

.text:00625E0C cmp dword_CBF9F4, 0

.text:00625E13 jz short loc_625E4D

.text:00625E15 cmp edi, dword_CBF9AC

.text:00625E1B jnz short loc_625E3E

.text:00625E1D mov ecx, [ebp+arg_8]

.text:00625E20 cmp ecx, dword_CBF9A8

.text:00625E26 jnz short loc_625E3E

.text:00625E28 mov eax, 1

.text:00625E2D pop edi

.text:00625E2E mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]

.text:00625E31 xor ecx, ebp

.text:00625E33 call sub_4096EA

.text:00625E38 mov esp, ebp

.text:00625E3A pop ebp

.text:00625E3B retn 18h

.text:00625E3E ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00625E3E loc_625E3E: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+4B�j

.text:00625E3E ; sub_625DD0+56�j

.text:00625E3E mov edx, [ebp+arg_8]

.text:00625E41 mov dword_CBF9AC, edi

.text:00625E47 mov dword_CBF9A8, edx


.text:00625E4D loc_625E4D: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+43�j

.text:00625E4D cmp dword_CBF6DC, 0

.text:00625E54 jnz short loc_625DF9

.text:00625E56 push 104h ; nSize

.text:00625E5B lea eax, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00625E61 push eax ; lpFilename

.text:00625E62 push 0 ; hModule

.text:00625E64 mov dword_CBF6DC, 1

.text:00625E6E mov [ebp+FileName], 0

.text:00625E75 mov [ebp+Caption], 0

.text:00625E7C call ds:GetModuleFileNameA

.text:00625E82 push 140h ; size_t

.text:00625E87 lea ecx, [ebp+FindFileData]

.text:00625E8D push 0 ; int

.text:00625E8F push ecx ; void *

.text:00625E90 call _memset

.text:00625E95 add esp, 0Ch

.text:00625E98 lea edx, [ebp+FindFileData]

.text:00625E9E push edx ; lpFindFileData

.text:00625E9F lea eax, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00625EA5 push eax ; lpFileName

.text:00625EA6 call ds:FindFirstFileA

.text:00625EAC test eax, eax

.text:00625EAE jz short loc_625EB7

.text:00625EB0 push eax ; hFindFile

.text:00625EB1 call ds:FindClose


.text:00625EB7 loc_625EB7: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+DE�j

.text:00625EB7 push 104h

.text:00625EBC lea ecx, [ebp+FindFileData.cFileName]

.text:00625EC2 push ecx

.text:00625EC3 lea edx, [ebp+Caption]

.text:00625EC9 push edx

.text:00625ECA call sub_61B540

.text:00625ECF lea eax, [ebp+Caption]

.text:00625ED5 push 2Eh

.text:00625ED7 push eax

.text:00625ED8 call sub_61B480

.text:00625EDD add esp, 8

.text:00625EE0 test eax, eax

.text:00625EE2 jz short loc_625EF8

.text:00625EE4 lea ecx, [ebp+Caption]

.text:00625EEA push 2Eh

.text:00625EEC push ecx

.text:00625EED call sub_61B480

.text:00625EF2 add esp, 8

.text:00625EF5 mov byte ptr [eax], 0


.text:00625EF8 loc_625EF8: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+112�j

.text:00625EF8 push esi

.text:00625EF9 mov esi, [ebp+arg_0]

.text:00625EFC push 100h ; nSize

.text:00625F01 lea edx, [ebp+var_104]

.text:00625F07 push edx ; int

.text:00625F08 push esi ; int

.text:00625F09 mov byte ptr [ebp+var_104], 0

.text:00625F10 call sub_625BC0

.text:00625F15 cmp byte ptr [ebp+var_104], 0

.text:00625F1C jnz short loc_625F47

.text:00625F1E mov ecx, esi

.text:00625F20 call sub_6255D0

.text:00625F25 push eax

.text:00625F26 movzx eax, si

.text:00625F29 push esi

.text:00625F2A push eax

.text:00625F2B xor esi, esi

.text:00625F2D call sub_625030

.text:00625F32 push eax

.text:00625F33 lea ecx, [ebp+var_104]

.text:00625F39 push 100h

.text:00625F3E push ecx

.text:00625F3F call sub_61B710

.text:00625F44 add esp, 18h


.text:00625F47 loc_625F47: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+14C�j

.text:00625F47 test edi, edi

.text:00625F49 push ebx

.text:00625F4A mov [ebp+var_D64], edi

.text:00625F50 jz short loc_625F86

.text:00625F52 cmp byte ptr [edi], 0

.text:00625F55 jz short loc_625F86

.text:00625F57 mov eax, [ebp+arg_8]

.text:00625F5A cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh

.text:00625F5D jz short loc_625F64

.text:00625F5F cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFDh

.text:00625F62 jnz short loc_625F86


.text:00625F64 loc_625F64: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+18D�j

.text:00625F64 push edi

.text:00625F65 mov ebx, 100h

.text:00625F6A lea esi, [ebp+var_C0C]

.text:00625F70 call sub_625B20

.text:00625F75 add esp, 4

.text:00625F78 test eax, eax

.text:00625F7A jz short loc_625F86

.text:00625F7C mov edx, esi

.text:00625F7E mov [ebp+var_D64], edx

.text:00625F84 mov edi, edx


.text:00625F86 loc_625F86: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+180�j

.text:00625F86 ; sub_625DD0+185�j ...

.text:00625F86 test edi, edi

.text:00625F88 lea esi, [ebp+Text]

.text:00625F8E jz short loc_625FA5

.text:00625F90 push 800h

.text:00625F95 push edi

.text:00625F96 mov eax, esi

.text:00625F98 push eax

.text:00625F99 call sub_61B540

.text:00625F9E lea esi, [ebp+eax+Text]


.text:00625FA5 loc_625FA5: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+1BE�j

.text:00625FA5 mov eax, [ebp+arg_8]

.text:00625FA8 test eax, eax

.text:00625FAA jle short loc_625FCC

.text:00625FAC push eax

.text:00625FAD lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00625FB3 push offset aU_0 ; "(%u)"

.text:00625FB8 sub ecx, esi

.text:00625FBA push ecx

.text:00625FBB push esi

.text:00625FBC call sub_61B710

.text:00625FC1 add esp, 10h

.text:00625FC4 push esi

.text:00625FC5 call sub_61B5C0

.text:00625FCA add esi, eax


.text:00625FCC loc_625FCC: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+1DA�j

.text:00625FCC movzx edx, word ptr [ebp+arg_0]

.text:00625FD0 push edx

.text:00625FD1 lea eax, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00625FD7 push offset aErrorU ; " : error %u: "

.text:00625FDC sub eax, esi

.text:00625FDE push eax

.text:00625FDF push esi

.text:00625FE0 call sub_61B710

.text:00625FE5 add esp, 10h

.text:00625FE8 push esi

.text:00625FE9 call sub_61B5C0

.text:00625FEE add esi, eax

.text:00625FF0 lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00625FF6 sub ecx, esi

.text:00625FF8 push ecx

.text:00625FF9 lea edx, [ebp+var_104]

.text:00625FFF push edx

.text:00626000 push esi

.text:00626001 call sub_61B540

.text:00626006 lea eax, [ebp+Text]

.text:0062600C push eax ; char

.text:0062600D push offset aS_0 ; "%s\n"

.text:00626012 call sub_62E610

.text:00626017 lea ecx, [ebp+var_104]

.text:0062601D add esp, 8

.text:00626020 push ecx

.text:00626021 mov esi, 1

.text:00626026 call sub_625030

.text:0062602B push eax

.text:0062602C lea edx, [ebp+Text]

.text:00626032 push 800h

.text:00626037 push edx

.text:00626038 call sub_61B710

.text:0062603D add esp, 10h

.text:00626040 lea eax, [ebp+Text]

.text:00626046 push eax

.text:00626047 call sub_61B5C0

.text:0062604C lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00626052 push ecx

.text:00626053 mov esi, 2

.text:00626058 lea ebx, [ebp+eax+Text]

.text:0062605F call sub_625030


.text:00626064 loc_626064: ; DATA XREF: .rdata:00890378�o

.text:00626064 push eax

.text:00626065 lea edx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:0062606B sub edx, ebx

.text:0062606D push edx

.text:0062606E push ebx

.text:0062606F call sub_61B710

.text:00626074 add esp, 10h

.text:00626077 push ebx

.text:00626078 call sub_61B5C0

.text:0062607D add ebx, eax

.text:0062607F test edi, edi

.text:00626081 jz loc_62615A

.text:00626087 cmp byte ptr [edi], 0

.text:0062608A jz loc_62615A

.text:00626090 mov eax, [ebp+arg_8]

.text:00626093 add eax, 5 ; switch 5 cases

.text:00626096 cmp eax, 4

.text:00626099 ja loc_626130 ; default

.text:0062609F jmp ds:off_626550[eax*4] ; switch jump


.text:006260A6 loc_6260A6: ; DATA XREF: .text:off_626550�o

.text:006260A6 mov esi, 4 ; case -0x1


.text:006260AB loc_6260AB: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+33E�j

.text:006260AB push edi

.text:006260AC call sub_625030

.text:006260B1 push eax

.text:006260B2 lea eax, [ebp+FileName]

.text:006260B8 sub eax, ebx

.text:006260BA push eax

.text:006260BB push ebx

.text:006260BC call sub_61B710

.text:006260C1 add esp, 10h

.text:006260C4 jmp loc_626152

.text:006260C9 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:006260C9 loc_6260C9: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2CF�j

.text:006260C9 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_626550�o

.text:006260C9 push edi ; case -0x2

.text:006260CA mov esi, 5

.text:006260CF call sub_625030

.text:006260D4 push eax

.text:006260D5 lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:006260DB sub ecx, ebx

.text:006260DD push ecx

.text:006260DE push ebx

.text:006260DF call sub_61B710

.text:006260E4 add esp, 10h

.text:006260E7 jmp short loc_626152

.text:006260E9 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

.text:006260E9 loc_6260E9: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2CF�j

.text:006260E9 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_626550�o

.text:006260E9 push edi ; case -0x3

.text:006260EA mov esi, 6

.text:006260EF call sub_625030

.text:006260F4 push eax

.text:006260F5 lea edx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:006260FB sub edx, ebx

.text:006260FD push edx

.text:006260FE push ebx

.text:006260FF call sub_61B710

.text:00626104 add esp, 10h

.text:00626107 jmp short loc_626152

.text:00626109 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00626109 loc_626109: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2CF�j

.text:00626109 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_626550�o

.text:00626109 mov esi, 0Bh ; case -0x4

.text:0062610E jmp short loc_6260AB

.text:00626110 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00626110 loc_626110: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2CF�j

.text:00626110 ; DATA XREF: .text:off_626550�o

.text:00626110 push edi ; case -0x5

.text:00626111 mov esi, 0Eh

.text:00626116 call sub_625030

.text:0062611B push eax

.text:0062611C lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00626122 sub ecx, ebx

.text:00626124 push ecx

.text:00626125 push ebx

.text:00626126 call sub_61B710

.text:0062612B add esp, 10h

.text:0062612E jmp short loc_626152

.text:00626130 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00626130 loc_626130: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2C9�j

.text:00626130 mov edx, [ebp+arg_8] ; default

.text:00626133 push edx

.text:00626134 push edi

.text:00626135 mov esi, 3

.text:0062613A call sub_625030

.text:0062613F push eax

.text:00626140 lea eax, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00626146 sub eax, ebx

.text:00626148 push eax

.text:00626149 push ebx

.text:0062614A call sub_61B710

.text:0062614F add esp, 14h

.text:00626152 loc_626152: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2F4�j

.text:00626152 ; sub_625DD0+317�j ...

.text:00626152 push ebx

.text:00626153 call sub_61B5C0

.text:00626158 add ebx, eax


.text:0062615A loc_62615A: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+2B1�j

.text:0062615A ; sub_625DD0+2BA�j

.text:0062615A cmp [ebp+arg_0], 85100000h

.text:00626161 mov eax, [ebp+var_D58]

.text:00626167 jnz short loc_626189

.text:00626169 test eax, eax

.text:0062616B jnz short loc_626172

.text:0062616D mov eax, offset byte_834463


.text:00626172 loc_626172: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+39B�j

.text:00626172 push eax

.text:00626173 mov esi, 7

.text:00626178 call sub_625030

.text:0062617D lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00626183 push eax

.text:00626184 sub ecx, ebx

.text:00626186 push ecx

.text:00626187 jmp short loc_6261A7

.text:00626189 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

.text:00626189 loc_626189: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+397�j

.text:00626189 test eax, eax

.text:0062618B jnz short loc_626192

.text:0062618D mov eax, offset byte_834463


.text:00626192 loc_626192: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+3BB�j

.text:00626192 push eax

.text:00626193 mov esi, 8

.text:00626198 call sub_625030

.text:0062619D lea edx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:006261A3 push eax

.text:006261A4 sub edx, ebx

.text:006261A6 push edx


.text:006261A7 loc_6261A7: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+3B7�j

.text:006261A7 push ebx

.text:006261A8 call sub_61B710

.text:006261AD add esp, 10h

.text:006261B0 push ebx

.text:006261B1 call sub_61B5C0

.text:006261B6 add ebx, eax

.text:006261B8 cmp dword_CBF9E0, 0

.text:006261BF jnz loc_6262D1

.text:006261C5 call sub_632850

.text:006261CA push offset stru_CBF6C4 ; lpCriticalSection

.text:006261CF call sub_625140

.text:006261D4 mov esi, dword_CBF6C0

.text:006261DA add esp, 4

.text:006261DD mov eax, offset stru_CBF6C4

.text:006261E2 mov [ebp+var_D50], esi

.text:006261E8 mov dword_CBF6C0, 0

.text:006261F2 call sub_625190

.text:006261F7 test esi, esi

.text:006261F9 jz short loc_626200

.text:006261FB mov esi, [esi+4]

.text:006261FE jmp short loc_626202

.text:00626200 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00626200 loc_626200: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+429�j

.text:00626200 xor esi, esi


.text:00626202 loc_626202: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+42E�j

.text:00626202 lea eax, [ebp+SystemTime]

.text:00626208 push eax ; lpSystemTime

.text:00626209 call ds:GetLocalTime

.text:0062620F test esi, esi

.text:00626211 mov [ebp+var_D54], offset aCrash ; "Crash"

.text:0062621B jnz short loc_626227

.text:0062621D mov [ebp+var_D54], offset aError_1 ; "Error"


.text:00626227 loc_626227: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+44B�j

.text:00626227 lea ecx, [ebp+SystemTime]

.text:0062622D push ecx

.text:0062622E mov ecx, [ebp+var_D54]

.text:00626234 lea edx, [ebp+Text]

.text:0062623A call sub_6254B0

.text:0062623F mov edi, eax

.text:00626241 add esp, 4

.text:00626244 cmp edi, 0FFFFFFFFh

.text:00626247 jz short loc_626265

.text:00626249 mov ecx, esi

.text:0062624B neg ecx

.text:0062624D sbb ecx, ecx

.text:0062624F and ecx, 0FFFFFFFEh

.text:00626252 add ecx, 2

.text:00626255 mov eax, esi

.text:00626257 mov edx, edi

.text:00626259 call sub_6255A0

.text:0062625E mov eax, edi

.text:00626260 call sub_6255C0


.text:00626265 loc_626265: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+477�j

.text:00626265 call sub_632CA0

.text:0062626A test eax, eax

.text:0062626C jz short loc_6262CC

.text:0062626E cmp dword_CBF89C, 0

.text:00626275 jnz short loc_6262CC

.text:00626277 mov ecx, [ebp+var_D54]

.text:0062627D push 104h

.text:00626282 push offset off_86FB2C

.text:00626287 lea edi, [ebp+SystemTime]

.text:0062628D lea edx, [ebp+FindFileData.cFileName+10h]

.text:00626293 call sub_6253A0

.text:00626298 mov edi, eax

.text:0062629A add esp, 8

.text:0062629D cmp edi, 0FFFFFFFFh

.text:006262A0 jz short loc_6262CC

.text:006262A2 mov eax, [ebp+var_D50]

.text:006262A8 lea edx, [ebp+var_D5C]

.text:006262AE push edx

.text:006262AF push 1

.text:006262B1 push eax

.text:006262B2 push edi

.text:006262B3 mov [ebp+var_D5C], offset unk_CBF718

.text:006262BD call sub_632C00

.text:006262C2 add esp, 10h

.text:006262C5 mov eax, edi

.text:006262C7 call sub_6255C0


.text:006262CC loc_6262CC: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+49C�j

.text:006262CC ; sub_625DD0+4A5�j ...

.text:006262CC call sub_632860


.text:006262D1 loc_6262D1: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+3EF�j

.text:006262D1 cmp dword_CBF9F4, 0

.text:006262D8 jz short loc_6262FC

.text:006262DA pop ebx

.text:006262DB pop esi

.text:006262DC mov dword_CBF6DC, 0

.text:006262E6 mov eax, 1

.text:006262EB pop edi

.text:006262EC mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]

.text:006262EF xor ecx, ebp

.text:006262F1 call sub_4096EA

.text:006262F6 mov esp, ebp

.text:006262F8 pop ebp

.text:006262F9 retn 18h

.text:006262FC ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:006262FC loc_6262FC: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+508�j

.text:006262FC call sub_6251D0

.text:00626301 test eax, eax

.text:00626303 jz short loc_626383

.text:00626305 cmp [ebp+arg_10], 0

.text:00626309 jz short loc_626349

.text:0062630B lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:00626311 sub ecx, ebx

.text:00626313 push ecx

.text:00626314 mov esi, 0Dh

.text:00626319 call sub_625030

.text:0062631E push eax

.text:0062631F push ebx

.text:00626320 call sub_61B540

.text:00626325 lea ebx, [esi+23h]

.text:00626328 mov esi, 103h

.text:0062632D lea edi, [ebx-29h]

.text:00626330 mov [ebp+var_D50], 2

.text:0062633A mov [ebp+var_D54], 6

.text:00626344 jmp loc_6263F6

.text:00626349 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:00626349 loc_626349: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+539�j

.text:00626349 lea edx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:0062634F sub edx, ebx

.text:00626351 push edx

.text:00626352 mov esi, 0Ch

.text:00626357 call sub_625030

.text:0062635C push eax

.text:0062635D push ebx

.text:0062635E call sub_61B540

.text:00626363 mov esi, 104h

.text:00626368 mov edi, 7

.text:0062636D mov [ebp+var_D50], 0

.text:00626377 mov [ebp+var_D54], 6

.text:00626381 jmp short loc_6263F1

.text:00626383 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

.text:00626383 loc_626383: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+533�j

.text:00626383 cmp [ebp+arg_10], 0

.text:00626387 jz short loc_6263C4

.text:00626389 lea eax, [ebp+FileName]

.text:0062638F sub eax, ebx

.text:00626391 push eax

.text:00626392 mov esi, 0Ah

.text:00626397 call sub_625030

.text:0062639C push eax

.text:0062639D push ebx

.text:0062639E call sub_61B540

.text:006263A3 lea ebx, [esi+26h]

.text:006263A6 mov esi, 101h

.text:006263AB lea edi, [ebx-2Eh]

.text:006263AE mov [ebp+var_D50], 1

.text:006263B8 mov [ebp+var_D54], 0

.text:006263C2 jmp short loc_6263F6

.text:006263C4 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:006263C4 loc_6263C4: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+5B7�j

.text:006263C4 lea ecx, [ebp+FileName]

.text:006263CA sub ecx, ebx

.text:006263CC push ecx

.text:006263CD mov esi, 9

.text:006263D2 call sub_625030

.text:006263D7 push eax

.text:006263D8 push ebx

.text:006263D9 call sub_61B540

.text:006263DE xor esi, esi

.text:006263E0 xor eax, eax

.text:006263E2 lea edi, [esi+1]

.text:006263E5 mov [ebp+var_D50], eax

.text:006263EB mov [ebp+var_D54], eax


.text:006263F1 loc_6263F1: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+5B1�j

.text:006263F1 mov ebx, 10h


.text:006263F6 loc_6263F6: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+574�j

.text:006263F6 ; sub_625DD0+5F2�j

.text:006263F6 push offset stru_CBF6E0 ; lpCriticalSection

.text:006263FB call sub_625140

.text:00626400 or esi, ebx

.text:00626402 or esi, 52000h

.text:00626408 add esp, 4

.text:0062640B cmp [ebp+var_D50], 0

.text:00626412 mov [ebp+ExitCode], esi

.text:00626418 jz short loc_626428

.text:0062641A mov edx, [ebp+var_D50]

.text:00626420 mov [ebp+var_D5C], edx

.text:00626426 jmp short loc_62642E

.text:00626428 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

.text:00626428 loc_626428: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+648�j

.text:00626428 mov [ebp+var_D5C], edi


.text:0062642E loc_62642E: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+656�j

.text:0062642E mov ebx, dword_B42E20

.text:00626434 test bl, 1

.text:00626437 jnz short loc_62643D

.text:00626439 test ebx, ebx

.text:0062643B jnz short loc_62643F


.text:0062643D loc_62643D: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+667�j

.text:0062643D xor ebx, ebx


.text:0062643F loc_62643F: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+66B�j

.text:0062643F mov edi, [ebp+var_D64]

.text:00626445 mov esi, [ebp+arg_0]


.text:00626448 loc_626448: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+6AA�j

.text:00626448 test bl, 1

.text:0062644B mov eax, [ebp+var_D58]

.text:00626451 jnz short loc_62647C

.text:00626453 test ebx, ebx

.text:00626455 jz short loc_62647C

.text:00626457 test eax, eax

.text:00626459 jnz short loc_626460

.text:0062645B mov eax, offset byte_834463

.text:00626460 loc_626460: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+689�j

.text:00626460 mov edx, [ebx+8]

.text:00626463 push eax

.text:00626464 mov eax, [ebp+arg_8]

.text:00626467 push eax

.text:00626468 push edi

.text:00626469 lea ecx, [ebp+var_104]

.text:0062646F push ecx

.text:00626470 push esi

.text:00626471 call edx

.text:00626473 test eax, eax

.text:00626475 jz short loc_6264C1

.text:00626477 mov ebx, [ebx+4]

.text:0062647A jmp short loc_626448

.text:0062647C ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:0062647C loc_62647C: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+681�j

.text:0062647C ; sub_625DD0+685�j

.text:0062647C call sub_632CD0

.text:00626481 mov edi, eax

.text:00626483 xor ebx, ebx

.text:00626485 cmp edi, ebx

.text:00626487 jz short loc_6264A1

.text:00626489 push edi ; hWnd

.text:0062648A call ds:IsWindow

.text:00626490 test eax, eax

.text:00626492 jz short loc_62649F

.text:00626494 push edi ; hWnd

.text:00626495 call ds:IsWindowVisible

.text:0062649B test eax, eax

.text:0062649D jnz short loc_6264A1


.text:0062649F loc_62649F: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+6C2�j

.text:0062649F xor edi, edi


.text:006264A1 loc_6264A1: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+6B7�j

.text:006264A1 ; sub_625DD0+6CD�j

.text:006264A1 mov eax, [ebp+ExitCode]

.text:006264A7 push eax ; uType

.text:006264A8 lea ecx, [ebp+Caption]

.text:006264AE push ecx ; lpCaption

.text:006264AF lea edx, [ebp+Text]

.text:006264B5 push edx ; lpText

.text:006264B6 push edi ; hWnd

.text:006264B7 call ds:MessageBoxA

.text:006264BD mov esi, eax

.text:006264BF jmp short loc_6264C9

.text:006264C1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:006264C1 loc_6264C1: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+6A5�j

.text:006264C1 mov esi, [ebp+var_D5C]

.text:006264C7 xor ebx, ebx


.text:006264C9 loc_6264C9: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+6EF�j

.text:006264C9 mov eax, offset stru_CBF6E0

.text:006264CE call sub_625190

.text:006264D3 cmp esi, [ebp+var_D54]

.text:006264D9 jnz short loc_6264E7

.text:006264DB call sub_6250E0


.text:006264E0 loc_6264E0: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+71D�j

.text:006264E0 mov eax, 1

.text:006264E5 jmp short loc_626535

.text:006264E7 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:006264E7 loc_6264E7: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+709�j

.text:006264E7 cmp esi, [ebp+var_D50]

.text:006264ED jz short loc_6264E0

.text:006264EF push 1

.text:006264F1 call sub_625B00

.text:006264F6 call ds:GetVersion ; Get current version number of


.text:006264F6 ; and information about the

operating system platform

.text:006264FC test eax, eax

.text:006264FE mov edi, ds:GetCurrentProcess

.text:00626504 jns short loc_626526

.text:00626506 lea eax, [ebp+ExitCode]

.text:0062650C push eax ; lpExitCode

.text:0062650D call edi ; GetCurrentProcess

.text:0062650F push eax ; hProcess

.text:00626510 call ds:GetExitCodeProcess

.text:00626516 test eax, eax

.text:00626518 jz short loc_626526

.text:0062651A cmp [ebp+ExitCode], 103h

.text:00626524 jnz short loc_626533


.text:00626526 loc_626526: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+734�j

.text:00626526 ; sub_625DD0+748�j

.text:00626526 mov ecx, [ebp+uExitCode]

.text:00626529 push ecx ; uExitCode

.text:0062652A call edi ; GetCurrentProcess

.text:0062652C push eax ; hProcess

.text:0062652D call ds:TerminateProcess


.text:00626533 loc_626533: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+754�j

.text:00626533 xor eax, eax


.text:00626535 loc_626535: ; CODE XREF: sub_625DD0+715�j

.text:00626535 mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]

.text:00626538 mov dword_CBF6DC, ebx

.text:0062653E pop ebx

.text:0062653F pop esi

.text:00626540 xor ecx, ebp

.text:00626542 pop edi


.text:00626543 loc_626543: ; DATA XREF:


.text:00626543 ; .data:00B43418�o

.text:00626543 call sub_4096EA

.text:00626548 mov esp, ebp

.text:0062654A pop ebp

.text:0062654B retn 18h

.text:0062654B sub_625DD0 endp


.text:0062654B ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Sub-rotina 2: .text:00625B00 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ SUBROUTINE ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦


.text:00625B00 ; Attributes: bp-based frame


.text:00625B00 sub_625B00 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_402060+8A�p

.text:00625B00 ; sub_621CC0+18�p ...


.text:00625B00 arg_0 = dword ptr 8


.text:00625B00 push ebp

.text:00625B01 mov ebp, esp

.text:00625B03 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]

.text:00625B06 mov dword_CBF70C, eax

.text:00625B0B pop ebp

.text:00625B0C retn 4
.text:00625B0C sub_625B00 endp


.text:00625B0C ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Antes do patch v2.2 não existia a segunda sub-rotina, apenas a primeira. Podemos (espero) ver na
primeira sub-rotina que ela é usada para comparar uma determinada variável com 0, então agir
com base nisso.

.text:00625DE3 cmp dword_CBF70C, 0

Antes do 'nerf', poderíamos simplesmente definir essa variável para o que quiséssemos, exceto 0, e
a verificação de assinatura seria desabilitada. Desde o patch v2.2, outra sub-rotina foi adicionada
ao WoW.exe (a segunda). Podemos ver pelo código que ele retira um valor da pilha e define a
variável mencionada com o valor que ela tirou da pilha. Quando rastreamos de onde ela foi
chamada (nas duas sub-rotinas originais), podemos ver que 0 é colocado na pilha antes da sub-
rotina ser chamada, isso significa que a variável está sendo redefinida para 0 toda vez que essa
sub-rotina é chamado.

Por causa disso, não podemos mais simplesmente alterar o valor da variável, porque ela
simplesmente será redefinida se tentarmos, então temos que tentar uma abordagem diferente. O
método que eu criei foi mudar o valor colocado na pilha para que a sub-rotina sobrescrevesse a
variável com nosso próprio número arbitrário em vez do 0 como pretendido. Isso significa que
alteramos isso:

.text:00621CD6 push 0


.text:00621CD6 push 1

Isso efetivamente permite a edição do modelo novamente, mas com um pequeno obstáculo, ele
não passa na verificação de consistência. Como modificamos o segmento de texto do WoW.exe em
vez do segmento de dados, como fizemos anteriormente na v2.2, o WoW percebeu como
modificar e não nos permite fazer login. Para contornar isso, devemos habilitar e desabilitar o
corrigir no momento apropriado para contornar esse incômodo (que se torna um incômodo em si).

Existem algumas maneiras de contornar isso teoricamente (graças a Greyman por algumas ótimas
ideias sobre isso): Método 1: Hook eventos e habilitar/desabilitar o patch nos momentos
certos. Isso exigiria que uma DLL fosse injetada no WoW que monitora eventos para ver o que o
WoW está fazendo para que ele possa agir com base nisso, um grande problema com isso é que o
Warden procura um comportamento como esse e seria difícil codificar uma maneira não detectada
, e uma vez lançado ao público, provavelmente seria corrigido por medo de que o mesmo método
fosse usado para fins mais nefastos, como bots/hacking/etc.
Método 2: Desative a verificação de consistência. Isso seria muito fácil de codificar, mas,
novamente, o problema seria o diretor. Warden provavelmente estaria atento a mudanças na rotina
de consistência.

Método 3: Altere os valores de consistência. Dessa forma, poderíamos alterar os hashes do arquivo
para que fosse um mod apenas de dados, dessa forma Warden provavelmente não estaria
atento. O problema com isso é que o usuário teria que inserir os próprios hashes para serem
gravados na memória, o que seria uma dor ainda maior do que simplesmente ativar/desativar a
correção manualmente.

Bem, se houver algo que você não entenda, sinta-se à vontade para perguntar. Além disso, estou
aberto a sugestões sobre como melhorar meu método. Postado abaixo está o código-fonte da
minha correção de edição de modelo.

#include <Windows.h>

#include <cstdio>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {

DWORD dwOffset = 0x00621CD7;

BYTE bEnable = 0x01;

BYTE bDisable = 0x00;

bool Enabled = true;



ZeroMemory(&sInfo, sizeof(sInfo));

sInfo.cb = sizeof(sInfo);

ZeroMemory(&pInfo, sizeof(pInfo));

if (CreateProcess(NULL, "WoW.exe", NULL, NULL, FALSE,


if (WriteProcessMemory(pInfo.hProcess, (LPVOID)dwOffset, &bEnable,

sizeof(bEnable), NULL)){

puts("Press END on your keyboard to disable the fix when

prompted and HOME to enable it.\r");

puts("Once WoW has finished loading fully please press END then
log in.\r");

puts("Once logged in (before or after entering the actual

realm) press HOME to renable the fix and all model edits.\r");

puts("Hopfeully this inconvenience is only temporary, a

'better' fix is being worked on right now.\r");

while (true) {

if (Enabled) {

while (true) {

if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)&1) {

(LPVOID)dwOffset, &bDisable, sizeof(bDisable), NULL);

puts("Patch disabled");

Enabled = false;



} else {

while (true) {

if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_HOME)&1) {

(LPVOID)dwOffset, &bEnable, sizeof(bEnable), NULL);

puts("Patch enabled");

Enabled = true;






Simples 2.3 Correção

00640D40 /$ 8D87 50010000 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+150]

00640D46 |. 50 PUSH EAX ; /Arg1
00640D47 |. 8D8F FC010000 LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1FC] ; |
00640D4D |. E8 7E320000 CALL WoW.00643FD0 ; \Call before error
check, returns 1 if ok, 0 if fail.
00640D52 |. 84C0 TEST AL,AL
00640D54 |. 74 16 JE SHORT WoW.00640D6C ; Jump over the
error if ok, otherwise continue.
00640D56 |. 6A 01 PUSH 1 ; /Arg6 = 00000001
00640D58 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; |Arg5 = 00000000
00640D5A |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; |Arg4 = 00000000
00640D5C |. 6A FC PUSH -4 ; |Arg3 = FFFFFFFC
00640D5E |. 8D4F 24 LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+24] ; |
00640D61 |. 51 PUSH ECX ; |Arg2
00640D62 |. 68 83001085 PUSH 85100083 ; |Arg1 = 85100083
00640D67 |. E8 04440000 CALL WoW.00645170 ; \Call the error
00640D6C |> 833D D44CD200 >CMP DWORD PTR DS:[D24CD4],2
00640D73 |. 74 46 JE SHORT WoW.00640DBB
00640D75 |. 8B87 30010000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+130]
00640D7B |. 56 PUSH ESI
00640D7C |. 50 PUSH EAX ; /Arg1
00640D7D |. E8 2EF6FFFF CALL WoW.006403B0 ; \WoW.006403B0

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