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Worksheet 12- Weather

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________

Weather: Estado do tempo


Autumn- Outono Heat wave- Onda de calor Snow- Neve

Blizzard- Nevasca Hot- Calor / Quente Snowflake- Floco de neve

Clear sky- Céu limpo Humidity- Humidade Snowman- Boneco de neve

Climate- Clima Hurricane- Furacão Spring- Primavera

Cloud- Nuvem Ice- Gelo Storm- Tempestade

Cloudy- Nublado Lightning- Relâmpago Summer- Verão

Cold- Frio Moist- Húmido Sun- Sol

Drizzle- Chuvisco Partly Cloudy- Sunny- Ensolarado

Parcialmente nublado

Flood- Inundação Pluviometer- Pluviômetro Sunshine- Raio de sol

Fog- Nevoeiro Pouring rain- Chuva Temperature- Temperatura


Frost- Geada Precipitacion- Precipitação Thermometer- Termômetro

Gale- Vendaval Rain- Chuva Thunder- Trovão

Hail- Granizo Rainbow- Arco-Íris Tornado- Tornado

Hailstone- Pedra de Raindrop- Gota de chuva Wind- Vento


Hailstorm- Tempestade de Rainy- Chuvoso Winter- Inverno


1- Translate the following words into English.

a) Clima- ____________________
b) Gota de chuva- ____________________
c) Tempestade- ____________________
d) Onda de calor- ____________________
e) Termômetro- ____________________
f) Temperatura- ____________________
g) Pluviômetro- ____________________
h) Tempestade de granizo- ____________________
i) Vendaval- ____________________
j) Chuvisco- ____________________
k) Nuvem- ____________________
l) Nevasca- ____________________
2- Caption the images.



3- Write the names of the seasons.

a) It's sunny this season. _________________________________________________
b) It's snowing this season. _______________________________________________
c) It's raining this season. _________________________________________________
d) It's very hot this season. ________________________________________________

4- Observe the image and write a short text about the weather in this country

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