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25/03/2024, 12:02 Beauty and the Beast (Série de TV 1987–1990) - IMDb

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Guia de episódios 55

Beauty and the Beast

Série de TV 1987–1990 TV-PG 1h

Reproduzir trailer com som 1:36


Policial Drama Fantasia

As aventuras e o romance de um leão sensível e culto e de uma procuradora distrital assistente em Manhattan, Nova York.

7,0/10 7,8 mil Avaliar 1.501 125

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Adicionado por 11,8 mil usuários

72 Avaliações de usuários 9 Avaliações da crítica

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Ganhou 6 Primetime Emmys ​1 2 vitórias e 34 indicações no total

Episódios 55

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sex., 8 de abr. de 1988

T1.E22 A Happy Life T2.

Catherine and Vincent are forced to question if they could ever be truly happy together. Fol

9,1/10 Avaliar 9

EXPLORAR EPISÓDIOS Mais avaliados 3 temporadas 4 anos

Vídeos 2

Trailer 1:36

Assistir a Beauty & The Beast: Above Below & Beyond Assis

Fotos 59

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Elenco principal

Ron Perlman Roy Dotrice

Vincent Jacob 'Father' Wells
55 episódios • 1987–1990 55 episódios • 1987–1990

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Jay Acovone Linda Hamilton

Deputy D.A. Joe Maxwell … Asst. Dist. Atty. Catherine Chandler

55 episódios • 1987–1990 46 episódios • 1987–1989

Renn Woods David Greenlee

Edie Mouse
44 episódios • 1987–1989 23 episódios • 1988–1990

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Ellen Geer Armin Shimerman

Mary Pascal
20 episódios • 1988–1990 16 episódios • 1987–1990

Ritch Brinkley Stephen McHattie

William Gabriel
15 episódios • 1988–1990 11 episódios • 1989–1990

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Edward Albert Irina Irvine

Elliot Burch Jamie
11 episódios • 1987–1990 11 episódios • 1988–1990

Jo Anderson Cory Danziger

Diana Bennett Kipper
10 episódios • 1989–1990 10 episódios • 1987–1988

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Zachary Rosencrantz Bill Marcus

Zach D.A. John Moreno
10 episódios • 1988–1989 7 episódios • 1987–1989

Marcie Leeds Tony Jay

Samantha Paracelsus …
7 episódios • 1988–1989 6 episódios • 1988–1989

Criação ​R on Koslow

Elenco e equipe completos

Produção, bilheteria e muito mais no IMDbPro

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7,0 6,9 7,

A Bela e a Fera A Supermáquina Anjo

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Você sabia?

Ron Perlman's make-up took four hours to apply each episode.

Erros de gravação

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25/03/2024, 12:02 Beauty and the Beast (Série de TV 1987–1990) - IMDb
In the World Below there are often active steam grates, pipes with valves, and sometimes control panels for sewer and water. Even
in the most neglected city, eventually maintenance workers would have to check these areas and thus learn the existence of the
subterranean world.

Father: [referring to Vincent's relationship with Catherine] I sometimes feel that I'm standing on the bank of a raging river watching
you try to swim across. How can I not worry? I'd be a fool. And yet, Vincent, sometimes I have to marvel at your courage.
Vincent: Catherine swims across that river as well. She faces the same dangers, shows the same courage. And in many ways the toll
on her is even greater.
Father: You really think that's so?
Vincent: On the other side of the river there is no one standing on the bank watching. On her side of the river there is no one praying
for a safe passage. On her side of the river, Father, there is no one but Catherine.
Father: Then I shall stand watch, and pray, for both of you.

Featured in The 40th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1988)

Avaliações de usuários 72


AVA L I A Ç Ã O E M D E S TA Q U E 9/10

Should not have been captivated

I was most certainly not the in the demographic this show was aimed at and I am less so now. Yet, I watched it in first run and I am
now watching it on DVD. I was captivated the first time and I am again.

I am now a 58 year old married male. Maybe it was understandable to have loved the series at the end of the eighties, but now? In the
eighties I was newly married and so it was excusable for me to be entranced by a fantasy romance. However, after 24 years of
marriage the romance of a new marriage is long over and the work of a marriage ongoing. So, it would seem unlikely that I could be
drawn in by television romance once again. No other show has done that over the years.

For me that is the magic of this series. I really don't need to analyze plot lines, sets, lighting or direction. It is simply a beautiful story.
Both then and now and it still can touch my heart.

útil • 38 2

tl12 1 de dez. de 2010

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Data de lançamento ​1 987 (Brasil)

País de origem ​E stados Unidos da América

Idioma ​I nglês

Também conhecido como ​D ie Schöne und das Biest

Locações de filme ​Walt Disney's Golden Oak Ranch - 19802 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall, Califórnia, EUA

Empresas de produção ​W itt/Thomas Productions ​R epublic Pictures (II)

Consulte mais créditos da empresa na IMDbPro

Especificações técnicas

Tempo de duração 1 hora

Cor ​C olor

Mixagem de som ​M ono

Proporção ​4 :3

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By what name was Beauty and the Beast (1987) officially released in India in English?


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