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tera-feira, 3 de maio de 2011 Problema de alinhamento de cartuchos na hp CP1215

Siga este procedimento para calibrar os cartuchos e resolver problemas de alinhemano das cores:

1. Open HP Toolbox (Execute no PC o programa hp toolbox) 2. In the Toolbox window, click the product model name to expand the menu choices. (Na janela do programa Toolbox selecione o modelo da mquina para expandir as opes do menu) 3. Click to expand the Device Settings menu. (Clique em Configuraes do dispos itivo para abrir (expandir) o menu) 4. Select Print Quality from the Device Settings menu, and then click Calibrate on the Print Quality panel. (Selecione no menu de Configuraes do dispositivo a opo Qualidade de impresso e clique em Calibrar no painel de Qualidade de Impresso) 5. Click OK when the Your request has been sent to the device message appears on the computer. (Clique OK quando seu PC mostrar a mensagem de que sua solicitao foi enviada mquina) The calibration begins and lasts for approximately 2 to 3 minutes. (A calibrao iniciar e perdurar por 2 a 3 minutos) If the printout still not acceptable, repeat steps 1 through 5. You can recalibrate the printer as many as three times. If, after three calibration attempts, the printout is still the same, service the product. (Caso a impresso ainda no esteja aceitvel repita os passos 1 a 5. Voc poder recalibrar a impressora at 3 vezes. Se aps trs tentativas de calibrao o resultado continuar o mesmo, ser necessrio fazer manuteno na mquina). Caso o problema no seja resolvido, execute o procedimento a seguir: First make sure you have the latest firmware for the printer. If you print a configuration page under Printer Information you will find the Firmware version or datecode (see the link below for printing the configuration page). The most current version is 20100201 (February 1, 2010). You can find the firmware here http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?product=3422476&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&lang =en&cc=us... Tenha certeza de que a mquina est com o ltimo nvel de firmware, que 20100201. O nvel do firmware pode ser verificado imprimindo a pgina de Configurao/Auto -teste. Pressione o boto verde no painel do operador da impressora por 1 a 2 segundos para imprimir essa pgina. Baixe o ltimo nvel de firmware. Nesse link encontrar o ltimo nvel de firmware http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?product=3422476&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&lang =en&cc=us If you have the most current version of firmware and you are still getting misalignment, also known as color plane registration,and cannot correct it with a calibration you may first need to perform an NVRAM initialization and then perform a calibration. It may take up to 3 calibrations to bring it back in alignment. Caso esteja com o ltimo nvel do firmware e ainda esteja com problemas de alinhamento que no consegue corrigir com a calibrao, reinicialize a NVRAM e depois faa a calibrao. Pode ser necessrio fazer a calibrao 3 vezes para resolver o alinhamento. Nesse link encontrar o procedimento para reinicializar a NVRAM Here is a document that explains the steps for an NVRAM Initialization: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01530306&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&jumpid= reg_R1002_US... Desligue a mquina. Depois aperte e segure o boto RESUME e ligue a mquina. Aps 10

a 20 segundos a luz amarela de ateno piscar, ento solte o boto. A luzes Pronta, Ateno e Resume piscaro em sequncia durante a reinicializao. Here is a document on how to print a configuration page and perform a calibration: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01530414&tmp_track_link=ot_recdoc/c015 30306/en_... Faa novamente a calibrao.

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