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Maria Cheia de Graa

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Mara, llena eres de gracia

Estados Unidos
2009 cor 101 minutos min

Joshua Marston


Paul S. Mezey


Joshua Marston

Elenco original

Catalina Sandino Moreno

John lex Toro

Idioma original



Leonardo Heiblum
Jacobo Lieberman


Jim Denault


Anne McCabe
Lee Percy


Fine Line Features


18 de janeiro de 2004

Pgina no IMDb (em ingls)

Projeto Cinema Portal Cinema

Mara, llena eres de gracia (em portugus: Maria Cheia de Graa) um filme colombianoamericano de 2004, escrito e dirigido por Joshua Marston, que ganhou o Independent Spirit
Award para Melhor Primeiro Roteiro. Embora o filme retrate a vida rural na Colmbia, na verdade foi
filmado no Equador. O ttulo um trocadilho de duplo sentido, uma referncia simultnea a Ave
Maria e ao que Maria carrega em seu corpo para os Estados Unidos.
A atriz protagonista Catalina Sandino Moreno foi indicada para Melhor Atriz no Festival de Berlim e
foi nomeada para Melhor Atriz no Oscar 2005. Ela uma das trs atrizes hispnicas a ser nomeada
para um Oscar de Melhor Atriz, juntamente com a atriz mexicana Salma Hayek para Frida(2002) e a
atriz espanhola Penlope Cruz por Volver (2006).

1 Enredo

2 Elenco

3 Recepo

4 Referncias

5 Ligaes externas

Aviso: Este artigo ou se(c)o contm revelaes sobre o enredo.

Uma menina colombiana de 17 anos, Mara lvarez (Catalina Sandino Moreno), trabalha em uma
plantao de flores. Sua renda ajuda a sustentar sua famlia, incluindo uma irm desempregada que
me solteira.
Maria ficou grvida de um homem que no ama. Aps o tratamento injusto de seu patro, ela pede
demisso do trabalho, apesar da desaprovao veemente de sua famlia. No seu caminho
para Bogot para encontrar um novo emprego, ela oferecida uma posio como uma "mula"
de drogas. Desesperada, ela aceita a oferta de risco e engole 62 pelotas embaladas de herona e
voa para Nova York com sua amiga Blanca.
Mara quase capturada pelos servios aduaneiros dos Estados Unidos que suspeitam de seus
movimentos. Ela evita ser radiografada, devido sua gravidez e acabam por acreditar em sua
histria que o pai de seu filho pagou seu bilhete. Os traficantes coletam Mara e vrias outras mulas.
As mulas so mantidas em um quarto de motel at expelirem todos os pacotes de drogas. Uma
amiga de Mara, Lucy, adoece quando um sedimento droga aparentemente se rompe dentro dela.
Os traficantes cortam seus estmago para recuperar as pelotas de drogas. Mara e Blanca fogem
quando os traficantes saem para despejar o corpo de Lucy. Elas fogem com as drogas que eles
Maria no tem onde dormir e vai at a casa da irm de Lucy, mas no revela irm que Lucy est
morta. Blanca logo se junta a ela. Eventualmente, a irm descobre e as expulsa. Blanca e Mara
devolvem a droga para os traficantes e recebem seu dinheiro. Maria usa parte do seu dinheiro da
droga para mandar o corpo de Lucy corpo para a Colmbia. Elas esto prestes a embarcar no avio
de volta Colmbia, quando Maria decide ficar nos Estados Unidos. Blanca retorna para casa.
Aviso: Terminam aqui as revelaes sobre o enredo.


Catalina Sandino Moreno - Mara lvarez

Virginia Ariza - Juana

Yenny Paola Vega - Blanca

Patricia Rae - Carla

Rodrigo Snchez Borhorquez - o supervisor

Charles Albert Patio - Felipe

Wilson Guerrero - Juan

Johanna Andrea Mora - Diana lvarez

Fabricio Suarez, Mateo Suarez - Pacho

Evangelina Morales - Rosita

Juana Guarderas - o farmacutico

John lex Toro - Franklin

Jaime Osorio Gmez - Javier

Guilied Lopez - Lucy Daz

Victor Macias - Pellet Maker

O filme foi aclamado pela crtica, alcanando uma taxa de aprovao de 97% no site agregador
"Rotten Tomatoes". Sua arrecadao mundial bruta foi de US$ 12 594 630 (US$ 6 529 624 dlares
nas bilheterias estadunidenses e US$ 6 065 006 em outros territrios). 1 2

1. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/maria_full_of_grace/
2. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=mariafullofgrace.htm

Catalina Sandino Moreno (Bogot, 19 de abril de 1981) uma atriz colombiana. Tornou-se
mundialmente conhecida graas sua atuao emMara, llena eres de gracia, filme pelo qual
foi indicada ao Oscar de melhor atriz em 2005.
OSCAR 2005:

Melhor Atriz[editar]


Hilary Swank por Menina de Ouro


Annette Bening por Adorvel Julia

Catalina Sandino Moreno por Maria Cheia de Graa

Imelda Staunton por O Segredo de Vera Drake

Kate Winslet por Brilho Eterno de uma Mente Sem Lembranas

Catalina participou do filme Eclipse, atuando como Maria.

Joshua Marston makes his feature film directorial debut with the hard-hitting drama, "Maria
Full of Grace." The film follows Maria (Catalina Sandino), a bright young Colombian woman
who takes the drastic step of becoming a drug mule in order to improve her lot in life.
Assured the job is an easy one and that the rewards will be well-worth her efforts, Maria
finds herself immersed in the dangerous and deadly world of narcotics and smuggling, where
the life of a mule isn't worth much and the cost of getting caught could mean imprisonment
or death.


Have you screened this movie in Colombia?
Yeah, we premiered the movie in Colombia at the Cartagena Film Festival. And then about a
month afterwards, we opened it theatrically on 30 screens. It still continues to play
theatrically and it has been there going on three months now.
How does it play in front of that audience?
It plays very well. The interesting thing is that obviously Columbians know a little bit more
going in about drug smuggling. You assume that they do. You come in with assumptions and
yet, time and time again Ive been waylaid by Colombians afterwards saying, Oh my God,
that was interesting, because its something that was very eye-opening for them. All they
ever get are headlines about this person or that person who was caught traveling at the
border with drugs. But they never get the actual details of what its like to travel as a drug
mule. We are very gratified on our part that we are able to bring something new to this, even
to Colombians.
Its been very warmly embraced by the First Lady of Colombia who has had two screenings
at the Presidential Palace. The United Nations office there has requested to purchase a print
for educational purposes. We even heard the story of someone who was 17 years-old who

was supposed to go as a drug mule and saw the film two days before he was supposed to
leave, and pulled out. He told us this whole story about how he considered the film to have
changed his life.
When you hear a story like the kid who decided against smuggling drugs, thats got
to make you feel incredibly proud of your film.
For all of us who worked on the film, it makes us feel really proud and just sort of grateful
that the film was able to do that. Its very gratifying to know that film has this kind of power
and is able to reach people on an emotional level and sort of open their eyes.
Did you encounter any resentment in Colombia since you are an America telling a
very Colombian story?
No. Its really funny. When I was preparing the film I lived in fear of that moment, of being
accused of being a gringo coming in. And yet, by the time I was done with the film and
brought it down to Colombia, it had sort of receded to the back of my mind. I was in
Colombia doing all this press for the release of the film there and it wasnt until we had been
there for a couple of days that someone pointed out that the only question I was getting was
how did an American come to be interested in Colombia. The subtext was that they were
flattered that I would take an interest. No one has ever said anything about me being a
foreigner, an outsider, commenting on Colombian society. Its a sign that the collaboration
worked in order to make the representation of Colombia feel authentic, even to Colombians.
Your film has won awards at film festivals and audiences really react positively to
this story. As a first-time film director, doesnt that set the bar high for your next
feature? How do you live up to that?
This film was four-going-on-five years in the making. And what it says to me is that in order
to do a really good film and have it really feel right and authentic and true, there is a certain
amount of time you need to take in order to allow it to gestate and to grow. My hope is to
not get caught up in rushing to the next project.
Was there a time during the four or five year process when you werent sure it was
going to get made?
Oh yeah, all the time. I mean, when we were looking for financing, people would regularly
read the script and respond positively and say they thought it was a really gripping and
page-turning script. And then they would follow up with, Gee, its a shame its in Spanish.
Dont you think you could do it in English? To the point where someone actually said, Well,
what if Maria had a governess who had taught the family English? They all wanted the
project to be in English. But it was absurd. There were definitely a lot of moments where we
just thought we werent going to be able to do it the way we wanted. And fortunately HBO
stepped up to the plate.
During your research for this movie, what fact or statistic surprised you the most?
I heard so many stories that proved that truth is stranger than fiction. And theres so many
stories that didnt make it into the film because, ultimately, I had to stay true to what Marias
experience was. I talked to one guy who was in prison in Pennsylvania who told me in detail
his whole story and part of it was that when he got to the United States, beyond getting paid
his sort of salary, he was handed a bale of cash, 5s, 10s, 50s, and 100s that he was
expected to take back. He had to stuff the cash into little rubber pellets and swallow the cash
and carry it back in his stomach in order to smuggle the cash back to Colombia. Its
phenomenal the number of bizarre details that didnt get into the film.

Did you ever become so immersed in the research you needed to take time off and
walk away for a while?
No, because those were the moments that were actually the most inspiring to me. There was
so much story there and it was so compelling. I think the thing that might have caused me
to have doubt was whether or not I would actually ever get fully into the head of a 17 yearold Colombian girl. It was all a process of going to small towns and meeting them. I dont
think I was ever confident I was going to get Maria right until I actually met Catalina Sandino
and that was when I felt like, Okay, shes going to be able to bring everything else to it that
I wouldnt be able to fully understand myself, personally.
After doing all the research, you wound up allowing your actors to have a lot of say
regarding their characters. Why did you give them so much freedom?
Because Im not a Colombian and because Im not a native Spanish-speaker. And because
they, all the actors, have a whole set of knowledge and experience that is relevant to their
characters that I could never have. It would be presumptuous of me to dictate and close off
what the script was.
I think the script benefited from all the nuances and details they were able to bring to it as
actors. So it was really important to me to open it back up and have a series of
improvisations, see what they discovered as far as moments in each scenes, and also change
the dialogue in subtle ways so that it really was not just Colombian Spanish, but a Spanish
specific to the region within Colombia where the characters were supposedly from. We were
rewriting together and it became a much more collaborative process. They all walked away
with a real sense of ownership of their own characters, which not only benefited the script,
but benefited the performances.
Your leading actress had not done a film before, and you hadnt directed a feature
before. Were there any special challenges?
The biggest challenge was just finding her. It was this long, long search. There was this
whole long period of looking at actors. Youre looking for this sort of subtle find that allows
you to convince yourself that this is the right person. But in the end, you are just hoping an
actress is going to walk through the door and inhabit the character. Its hard to say to the
producer and the financier, No, we have to keep looking. No, we cant shoot yet. And when
you are pushing the shoot and a lot of people are already on the payroll, youre spending
money by the day just to be on hold in a holding pattern. Its really hard. But fortunately I
had people who understood the importance of getting Maria right. After seeing 800 girls,
Catalina Sandino walked in the door and she was it.
Are you basically a writer who directs or a director who writes?
Hmm, Ive never really broken it up that way. I just consider myself to be a filmmaker who
writes and directs and creates film.
You modeled one of your characters after a real person, and that man, Orlando
Tobon, actually ended up playing the role in the film. Can you talk about that aspect
of "Maria Full of Grace?"
I had already been working on the script for about two years. I was trying to get financing
and I was sitting across the table from someone who said, Well, have you talked to the
Mayor of Little Colombia? And I hadnt even heard of this person. The Little Colombia they
are referring to is a section of Jackson Heights, Queens, where the Colombian community is
the strongest. They said, Well, you know, hes also known as the undertaker for the mules.

So I tracked this guy down. I called him up and told him I wanted to meet him about this
The interesting thing from his point of view is that hes repatriated hundreds of bodies of
people who have died coming to the USA as drug mules. What he does in the movie, hes
done hundreds of times in real life. When I told him about the project, he was very
supportive. He allowed me to sit in his office, he has a tiny travel agency in Queens that is
constantly full of people out the door. When I say tiny, Im talking like 10 by 14. Its really
small. Hes like the fixer in the community, whether its papers for work or to help people get
an apartment. I just sort of watched him working in the community and realized that if I
wanted to represent the community, he was an important component of it. So I went back
and rewrote the script and developed a character inspired by him. And then when it came
time to do the casting, it was such a specific character because it was an actual human being
that I met, he was the best person for the role. He just played himself.
Has the film made it more difficult or less difficult for him to do what he does?
He just a couple of days ago got a call from someone who said her sister died in a hotel
room. Hes, as we speak, trying to raise some money to have the body buried. So hes still
doing it and people are still turning to him. I think its helped him because its raised his
profile maybe a little bit outside of the community. Not that he needed it, but its further
established him as doing good work within the community.
Is he ever hassled by law enforcement?
He was hassled by law enforcement years ago. I think the DEA and the FBI were very
suspicious of him as to why he was having these interactions. Now, after many years, its
come to a point where they call him after the find a body.
He had a story he told me once where there was this guy who heard about what he was
doing and came to his office and gave him money to have a body sent back to Colombia. And
then on a regular basis, would stop out of nowhere and give him money. It just seemed he
was this kind-hearted man who wanted to help Orlando with these situations. Then all of a
sudden, an FBI agent showed up at his office and said, Can we talk to you? They led him
out to a car where they showed him a photograph and said, Do you know this man? And it
was the guy. It turned out he was a drug trafficker and was sort of cleaning his conscious by
sort of closing the circle by giving Orlando the money to take care of the mules who werent


MARIA - Catalina Sandino Moreno
JUANA - Virgina Ariza
BLANCA - Yenny Paolo Vega
FELIPE - Charles Albert Patino
DON FERNANDO - Orlando Tobon
JUAN - Wilson Guerrero
DIANA - Johanna Andrea Mora
PACHO - Fabricio and Mateo Suarez
ROSITA - Evangelina Morales
FRANKLIN - John Alex Toro

JAVIER - Jaime Osorio Gomez

LUCY - Guilied Lopez
CAROLINA - Ada Vergara de Solano

Director: Joshua Marston
Screenplay: Joshua Marston
Producer: Paul Mezey
Director of Photography: Jim Denault
Production Designers: Monica Marulanda and Debbie De Villa
Editors: Anne McCabe and Lee Percy
Costume Designers: Lauren Press and Sarah Beers
RUNNING TIME: 101 minutes
MPAA RATING: R for drug content and language
RELEASE DATE: July 16, 2004 (Limited)

HBO Films/Fine Lines "Maria Full of Grace," which was released on July 16 and has just
crossed the $5 million mark in domestic box office, stole the show at the Deauville Film
Festival as it became the first film in the festivals 30-year history to win the Grand Prize,
Critics Awards and Audience Award.

The Los Angeles Film Critics Association Honor

Films from 2004
NEW GENERATION: Joshua Marston, writer/director, "Maria Full of Grace" and Catalina
Sandino Moreno, actress, "Maria Full of Grace"

2005 IFP Independent Spirit Awards Nominees and

Honoring Independent Films Released in 2004
The IFP Independent Spirit Awards is a celebration honoring films made by filmmakers who
embody independence and who dare to challenge the status quo. Hosted in 2005 by Samuel
L. Jackson, the awards ceremony is known for allowing the winners to speak freely and
without annoying music cutting off their thank-yous


WINNER: "Sideways"
"Maria Full of Grace"
WINNER: Alexander Payne - "Sideways"
Shane Carruth - "Primer"
Joshua Marston - "Maria Full of Grace"
Walter Salles - "The Motorcycle Diaries"
Mario Van Peebles - "Baadasssss!"
WINNER: "Maria Full of Grace" - Writer: Joshua Marston
"Brother to Brother" - Writer: Rodney Evans
"Garden State" - Writer: Zach Braff
"Primer" - Writer: Shane Carruth
"Robbing Peter" - Writer: Mario F. de la Vega


WINNER: Virginia Madsen - "Sideways"
Cate Blanchett - "Coffee and Cigarettes"
Loretta Devine - "Woman Thou Art Loosed"
Robin Simmons - "Robbing Peter"
Yenny Paola Vega - "Maria Full of Grace"
WINNER: Catalina Sandino Moreno - "Maria Full of Grace"
Kimberly Elise - "Woman Thou Art Loosed"
Vera Farmiga - "Down to the Bone"
Judy Marte - "On the Outs"
Kyra Sedgwick - "Cavedweller"

GENERO: Drama Policial Suspense Drogas


2004: Nominada al Oscar: Mejor actriz (Catalina Sandino Moreno)

2004: Crculo de crticos de Nueva York: Mejor direccin novel
2004: Festival de Berln: Oso de Plata - Mejor actriz (Sandino), Premio Alfred
2004: Festival de Sundance: Premio del Pblico
2004: Asociacin de Crticos de Los Angeles: Premio Nueva Generacin
2004: American Film Institute (AFI): Top 10 - Mejores pelculas del ao

2004: Festival de Deauville: Gran Premio, Premio del Pblico & Crtica
2004: 2 nominaciones Critics' Choice Awards: Mejor actriz y pelcula de habla no

Esta realista, intensa y esplndidamente narrada historia no trata sobre la droga:
en realidad va sobre la pobreza, va sobre el contraste entre las vidas ahogadas
por los lmites del subdesarrollo (todo se reduce a flores; rosas o amapolas),
frente al incierto pero innegablemente poderoso sueo americano. Pero hay algo
que recriminar. Dicho en clave: a no ser que (la maravillosa actriz) Sandino
Moreno se quede en USA para ir a la gala de los Oscar, flaco favor hace Marston
a todos los colombianos que crean en las posibilidades de su pueblo. Aunque sea
la ms dura de las verdades. Por lo dems, un relato excelente.

"Una historia dursima, hecha a pie de precipicio (...) Se ve y se oye

magnficamente, tiene verosimilitud y al tiempo calidad tcnica, tiene fragor
narrativo y va directamente al grano supurante de la historia (...) la gran sorpresa:
su protagonista femenina"
E. Rodrguez Marchante: Diario ABC

"Muy buena. (...) contada con toda la sencillez imaginable, pero tambin con toda
la eficacia y minuciosidad posibles (...) perfecto equilibrio entre los resortes
melodramticos y la autoexigencia realista que impregna el relato de principio a
Alberto Bermejo: Diario El Mundo

"Cine vivo que late con las emociones de su protagonista, una memorable
Catalina Sandino Moreno. (...) Una maravilla."
Miguel ngel Palomo: Diario El Pas

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