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Universidade de Braslia Instituto de Cincia Poltica

TAP Teoria e Anlise Poltica (Democracia e Sociedade)

1 semestre de 2017
Profa. Debora Rezende de Almeida e Pablo Holmes
Turma: Quintas-feiras 8 s 11:50h.


O curso visa a apresentar alguns dos debates centrais da cincia poltica contempornea, sempre
que possvel associando-os teoria poltica moderna. Os temas centrais abordados sero os
problemas da representao poltica e a crise da democracia, a teoria democrtica, a teoria do
Estado e a teoria da justia. Dentro desses eixos temticos sero abordadas diferentes perspectivas
tericas, sendo dada especial ateno a perspectivas liberais, pluralistas, marxistas e neomarxistas,
feministas e ps-coloniais. O curso se prope, assim, a oferecer ao pblico uma viso abrangente
e crtica das temticas mais disputadas e discutidas na cincia poltica atual, levando em conta seus
pontos contenciosos e as implicaes desses debates para a construo das instituies polticas
e sociais do nosso tempo.

Cronograma e leituras obrigatrias/complementares

O cronograma poder sofrer alteraes ao longo do semestre.

09/03 Aula 1: Apresentao da Disciplina

16/03 Aula 2: Revolues modernas, Constitucionalismo e soberania

LINDAHL, Hans, Constituent power and reflexive identity: towards an ontology of

collective selfhood. In: LOUGHLIN, Martin; WALKER, Neil. The Paradox of
Constitutionalism: Constituent power and Constitutional Form. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2008.
VIEIRA, M. B.; RUNCIMAN, D. Representation vs. Democracy. In: Representation.
Cambridge: Polity, 2008, p. 29-61.

BRUNKHORST, Hauke. Solidarity, Chapter 3. Boston, MIT Press, 2005.
CARNOY, Martin. O Estado e o pensamento poltico norte-americano. In: ______.
Estado e teoria poltica. Campinas: Papirus, 2013, p. 19-50.
GARSTEN, Bryan. Representative government and popular sovereignty. In:
SHAPIRO, I.; STOKES, S. (Ed.). Political representation. Cambridge: Cambridge
University, 2009, p. 90-110.
HAMILTON, Alexander. Federalist Paper. N. 78.
KALYVAS, Andreas, Popular Sovereignty, Democracy, and the Constituent Power.
Constellations, 12(2), p. 223-244, 2005.
KLOSKO, George. John Locke and liberal political theory. In: History of political
theory. Volume II, Oxford: Oxford University, 2013, p. 113-164.
MAIA, Paulo Svio Peixoto. A contraposio ao conceito de soberania de Hans
Kelsen como elemento constitutivo do decisionismo jurdico de Carl Schmitt. Direito,
Estado e Sociedade, n. 37, p. 113-131, 2010.
MLLER, Friedrich Mller. Quem o povo? A questo fundamental da democracia.
So Paulo, Max Limonad, 2000.
NEVES, Marcelo. Entre Tmis e Leviat: uma relao difcil. Captulo III e IV. So
Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006.
ROSANVALLON, Pierre. Democratic universalism as a historical problem.
Constellations, v. 16, n. 4, p. 539-549, 2009b.
SKINNER, Quentin. Hobbes on representation. European Journal of Philosophy, v.
13, n. 2, p. 155-184, 2005.
SOMEK, Alexander. The constituent power in transnational context. Disponvel em:

23/03 Aula 3: Crise da democracia

CROUCH, Colin. Post-democracy. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012, p. 1-30. Chapter 1.

ROSANVALLON, Pierre. Counter-democracy: policy in an age of distrust. New York:
Cambridge University, 2008. Introduo e concluso.
PHARR, Susan J.; PUTNAM, Robert D.; DALTON, Russell J. A quarter-century of
declining confidence. Journal of Democracy, v. 11, n. 2, p. 5-25, April 2000.

SCHYNS, P.; KOOP, C. Political distrust and social capital in Europe and the USA.
Social Indicators Research, v. 96, n. 1, p. 145-167, mar. 2010.
SINTOMER, Yves. Condenados a la posdemocracia? Nueva Sociedad, n. 267, p.
22-34. Ver todo este nmero da Nueva Sociedad.
STEFAN, Roberto; MOUNK, Yascha. The signs of deconsolidation. Journal of
Democracy, v. 28, n. 1, p. 1-15, 2017.
URBINATI, N. Unpolitical democracy. Political Theory, v. 38, n. 1, p. 65-92, 2010.
WARREN, Mark. Democracy and Trust. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1999.
Chapter 11.

30/03 Aula 4: Pluralismo e democracia: a relao Estado e sociedade no pensamento


SCHLOSBERG, David. The pluralist imagination. In: DRYZEK, J.; HONIG, B.;
PHILLIPS, A. (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. New York: Oxford
University, 2008, p. 142-160.
MOUFFE, Chantal. Agonistics: thinking the world politically. London: Verso, 2013.
WENMAN, Mark. Agonistic democracy: constituent power in the era of globalization.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013.

ALMEIDA, Debora R. A participao poltica possvel: a dualidade Estado/sociedade

na teoria poltica contempornea. Representao alm das eleies: repensando as
fronteiras entre Estado e sociedade. Jundia: Paco Editorial, 2015. (Captulo 2)
DAHL, Robert. Dilemmas of pluralist democracy: autonomy vs. control. Yale: Yale
University, 1982.
ERMAN, Eva. What is wrong with agonistic pluralism? Philosophy and Social
Criticism, v. 35, n. 9, p. 1039-1062, 2009.
GUNNELL, John G. The Genealogy of American Pluralism: From Madison to
Behavioralism. International Political Science Review, v. 17, n. 3, p. 25365, 1996.
HAYWARD, Clarissa. R. Making interest: on representation and democratic
legitimacy. In: SHAPIRO, I.; et al (Ed.). Political representation. Cambridge, CAM:
Cambridge University, 2009, p. 111-135.
HOWARTH, David R. Ethos, agonism and populism. Political Studies Association, v.
10, p. 171-193, 2008.
LACLAU, Ernesto; MOUFFE, Chantal. Hegemony and socialist strategy: towards
aradical democratic politics. London: Verso, 1985.
LASKI, Harold. The pluralistic state. Philosophical Review, v. 28, n. 6, p. 562-575,
MIGUEL, Luis Felipe. Consenso e conflito na teoria democrtica: para alm do
agonismo. Lua Nova, n. 92, p. 13-43, 2014.

06/04 Aula 5: O retorno da participao popular: relao Estado e sociedade

AVRITZER, Leonardo. Democracy and the public space in Latin America. New
Jersey: Princeton University, 2002. Captulos 4, 5 e 6.
LEE, Caroline W.; et al. (Edt.). Democratizing inequalities: dilemmas of the new public
participation. New York: New York University, 2015.Chapter 1.
YOUNG, Iris M. Civil society and its limits. In: Inclusion and democracy. Oxford:
Oxford University, 2000.

AVRITZER, Leonardo. Participatory institutions in democratic Brazil. Washington,
D.C.; Baltimore: Woodrow Wilson Center; Johns Hopkins University, 2009.Parte II.
FONT, Joan; DELLA PORTA, Donatella; SINTOMER, Yves. Participatory democracy
in Southern Europe: causes, characteristics, and consequences. London, New York:
Rowman & Littlefield International, 2014.
FONT, Joan; SMITH, Graham; GALAIS, Carol; ALARCN, Pau. Cherry-picking
participation: explaining the fate of proposals from participatory processes. Paper
presented at the Political Studies Association Conference, Brighton, 2016.
FUNG, Archon; WRIGHT, Erik Olin. Thinking about empowered participatory
governance. In: ______. (Ed.). Deepening democracy: institutional innovations in
empowered participatory governance, 2003.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian, et al. A construo poltica das sociedades civis. In:
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian (Org.). O horizonte da poltica: questes emergentes e
agendas de pesquisa. So Paulo: UNESP, 2012, p. 185-236.
MANSBRIDGE, Jane. Beyond adversary democracy. Chicago: Chicago University,
1983 [1980]. (Principalmente parte I e concluso).
PATEMAN, Carole. Participao e teoria democrtica. Rio de Janeiro: Paz eTerra,
______. Participatory democracy revisited. Perspectives on Politics, v. 10, n. 1, p. 7-
19, March 2012.
TATAGIBA, Luciana. Desafios da relao entre movimentos sociais e instituies
polticas. O caso do movimento de moradia da cidade de So Paulo Primeiras
reflexes. Colombia Internacional, v. 71, 2010, p.63-83.

13/04 Aula 6: Democracia deliberativa e os distintos giros

BOHMAN, James. Public deliberation: pluralism, complexity, and democracy. Boston:

MIT Press, 1996. Chapter 1.
LAFONT, Cristina. Deliberation, Participation, and Democratic Legitimacy: Should
Deliberative Mini-publics Shape Public Policy? The Journal of Political Philosophy, v.
23, n.1, p. 4063, 2015.
OWEN, David; SMITH, Graham. Survey article: Deliberation, democracy, and the
systemic turn. The Journal of Political Philosophy, v. 23, n. 2, p. 213-234, 2015.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Sobre um modelo deliberativo de legitimidade democrtica. In:
WERLE, Denilson Luis; MELO, Rrion Soares. (Org.). Democracia deliberativa. So
Paulo: Singular, 2007, p. 47-79.
BUTTON, Mark; RYFE, David. M. What can we learn from the practice of deliberative
democracy? In: GASTIL, J.; LEVINE, P. (Ed.). The deliberative democracy handbook:
strategies for effective civic engagement in the 21stcentury. San Francisco, CA,
Jossey-Bass, 2005, p. 20-33.
ERCAN, Selen A.; DRYZEK, John. The reach of deliberative democracy. Policy
Studies, v. 36, n. 3, p. 241-248, 2015.
HABERMAS, Jrgen. Popular sovereignty as procedure. In: BOHMAN, J.; REGH, W.
(Ed.). Deliberative democracy: essays on reason and politics. Cambridge: MIT Press,
1997, p. 35-65.
MANSBRIDGE, Jane. The Place of Self-Interest and the Role of Power in Deliberative
Democracy. The Journal of Political Philosophy, v. 8, n. 1, p. 64-100, 2010.
______; et al. A systemic approach to deliberative democracy. In: PARKINSON, J.;
MANSBRIDGE, J. (Ed.). Deliberative systems: deliberative democracy at the large
scale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, p. 1-26.
MENDONA, Ricardo F.; ERCAN, Selen. Deliberation and protest: strange
bedfellows? Revealing the deliberative potential of 2013 protests in Turkey and
Brazil. Policy Studies, v. 36, n. 3, p. 267-282, 2015.
STOKES, Susan C. Pathologies of deliberation. In: ELSTER, John. Deliberative
democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1998, p. 123-139.

20/04 Aula 7: Representao poltica diferentes sentidos

DISCH, Lisa. Democratic representation and the constituency paradox. Perspectives

on Politics 10(3): 599-616, 2012.
POLLAK, Johannes. Contested Meanings of Representation. Comparative European
Politics, v. 5, n. 1, p. 87-103, Apr. 2007.
URBINATI, Nadia. Representative democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2006.
Introduo e captulo 1.
ALMEIDA, Debora R. de. Representao alm das eleies: repensando as fronteiras
entre Estado e sociedade. Jundia: Paco Editorial, 2015.
BOURDIEU, Pierre. A representao poltica. Elementos para uma teoria do campo
poltico. In: O poder simblico. Lisboa: Difel, s.d. [1981] (pp. 163-207).
MANIN, Bernard. The principles of representative government. Cambridge University,
1997 (impresso 2002). Captulos 3 ao 6.
GURZA LAVALLE, A. Representatividade e representao democrtica: falso
problema ou dualidade constitutiva. ______; VITA, A.; ARAUJO, C. (Org.). O papel da
teoria poltica contempornea: justia, constituio, democracia e representao. So
Paulo: Alameda, 2015, p. 291-319.
MULIERI, Alessandro. Beyond electoral democracy? A critical assessment of
constructivist representation in the global arena. Representation, v. 49, n. 4, 515-527,
PITKIN, Hanna F. The concept of representation. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1967.
ROSANVALLON, Pierre. Democratic legitimacy: impartiality, reflexivity, proximity.
Princeton: Princeton University, 2011. (Principalmente introduo, parte I e
SAWARD, Michael. Shape-shifting representation. American Political Science Review
108 (4): 723-736, 2014.
URBINATI, Nadia. Democracy disfigured. Cambridge: Harvard University, 2014, p. 1-
YOUNG, I. M. Representation and social perspective. Inclusion and democracy.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 121-53.

27/04 Aula 8: Representao e accountability: distintos modos, atores e direes

ARANTES, Rogrio. Rendicin de cuentas y pluralismo estatal en Brasil: Ministerio

Pblico y Polica Federal. Desacatos (CIESAS), v. 49, p. 1, 2015.
BOVENS, Mark; GOODIN, Robert. The Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. Chapters 1, 3, 4.
GURZA LAVALLE, Adrian; ISUNZA VERA, Ernesto. Representacin y participacin
en la crtica democrtica. Desacatos (CIESAS), v. 49, p. 10-27, 2015.

ADSER, A; BOIX, C.; PAGE, M. Are you being served? Political accountability and
quality of government. Inter-American Development Bank, Working Paper n.438,
November 2000.
LESTON-BANDEIRA, Cristina. The pursuit of legitimacy as a key driver for public
engagement: the European Parliament Case. Parliamentary Affairs, 67, p. 415-436,
LORD, Christopher; POLLAK, Johannes. Representation and accountability:
communicating tubes? West European Politics, v. 33, n. 5, p. 968-988, 2010.
MANIN, Bernard, Adam PRZEWORSKI, STOKES Susan C. Introduction. In:
PRZEWORSKI, Adam; STOKES, Susan C.; MANIN, Bernard (Eds.). Democracy,
accountability, and representation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 (pp.
McCHESNEY, Robert. W. Digital disconnect. New York: The New Press, 2013.
MIGUEL, Luis Felipe. Comunicao e representao. Democracia e representao:
territrios em disputa. So Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2014, p. 138-170.
MONTANARO, Laura. Democratic legitimacy of self-appointed representatives. The
Journal of Politics, v. 1094-1107, October 2012.

04/05 Aula 9: Problemas do Estado contemporneo

OFFE, Claus. Dominao de classe e sistema poltico: sobre a seletividade das

instituies polticas. Problemas estruturais do Estado capitalista. Rio de Janeiro:
Tempo Brasileiro, 1984 [1972] (pp. 140-77).
EVANS, Peter. Embedded Autonomy. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1995.Captulos 1 e 3.
STREECK, Wolfgang. As crises do capitalismo democrtico. Novos Estudos, Dossi
Crise Global, n. 92, p. 35-56, maro 2012.

ABERS, Rebecca; KECK, Margaret. Practical Authority. Oxford, 2013. Chapter 2.
EVANS, Peter B; RUESCHEMEYER, Dietrich; SKOCPOL, Theda (Orgs). Bringing the
State Back In. Cambridge, Cambridge University, 1985.
MANN, Michael. Infrastructural Power Revisited. Studies in Comparative International
Development, v. 43, p. 355-365.
WARREN, Mark. Democracy and the State. In: In: DRYZEK, J.; HONIG,B.; PHILLIPS,
A. (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. NewYork: Oxford University, 2008,
p. 382-399.
WOLIN, Sheldon S. Democracy Incorporated: managed democracy and the specter of
inverted totalitarianism. Princeton: Princeton University, 2008.
WOOD, Ellen Meiksins. The separation of the economic and the political in
capitalism. Democracy against capitalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1995 (p. 19-48). Livro em portugus.

11/05 Aula 10: Conversa sobre trabalhos

18/05 Aula 11: O estado moderno em uma sociedade mundial assimtrica: a crtica

CHATTERJEE, Partha. The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics

in Most of the World. Chapter 1, 2 and 3.New York: Columbia University, 2004.
COSTA, Srgio. Desprovincializando a Sociologia: a contribuio ps-colonial.
Revista Brasileira de Cincias Sociais, v. 21, n. 60, p. 117-134, 2006.

CESAIRE, Aim. Discurso sobre o colonialism. Lisboa: Livraria S da Costa, 1978.
BOATCA, Manuela. Uneasy Postcolonialisms. Easing the Way into a Non-
Topic.Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise, Vol 3 (3), 2013. Acessvelem:
MBEMBE, Achille. What is postcolonial thinking? An interview with Achille Mbembe.
CHATTERJEE, Partha. The Nation and its fragments. Colonial and postcolonial
histories. Princeton: Princenton University Press, 1993.
THAROOR, Shashi. The Messy Afterlife of Colonialism. Global Governance, v. 8, n.
1, p. 1-5, January-March 2002.

25/05 Aula 12: Justia como equidade e reconhecimento

RAWLS,John. Uma teoria da justia, captulo I e II. So Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2011.
SANDEL, Michael. Liberalism and the limits of justice, captulo 4. Cambridge:
Cambridge University, 1982, p. 133-174.
TAYLOR, Charles. Propsitos entrelaados: O debate liberal-comunitrio. In:
Argumentos filosficos. So Paulo: Loyola, 2000.

OKIN, Susan Moller. Justice, Gender, and the Family. New York: Basic Books, 1989,
p. 1-40
KYMLICKA,Will. Multicultural Citzenship, Chapter 6. New York: Oxford University,
NOZICK,Robert. Distributive Justice. In: Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New York:
Basic Books, 1974, p. 149-164
HONNETH,Axel. Recognition and justice: the outline of a pluralist concept of justice.
Acta Sociologica, v. 47, n. 4, dezembro. Londres-Nova Delhi-Thousand Oaks-CA:
Sage, p. 358-63, 2004.
LARMORE, Charles. Liberal and Republican Conceptions of Freedom. Disponvel em:
http://economics.uchicago.edu/download/freedom-essay.pdf. Acesso: 22/03/2006, pp.
HABERMAS, Jrgen. Notas programticas para a fundamentao da tica do
Discurso. In: Conscincia moral e agir comunicativo. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo
Brasileiro, 2003, p. 61-141.

01/06 Aula 13: Justia e diferena: perspectivas crticas ao paradigma distributivo

YOUNG, Iris. Justice and the Politics of Difference. Chapter 1. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1990.
FRASER, Nancy. Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics. In: FRASER, Nancy;
HONNETH, Axel (Orgs). Redistribution or recognition? A political-philosophical
exchange. Nova York: Verso, 2003, p. 7-109.
TEUBNER, Gunther. Self-subversive Justice: Contingency or Transcendence formula
of law?. The Modern Law review, v. 72, n. 1, pp. 1-23, 2009.

BUTLER, Judith. Merely Cultural. New left Review, n. 227, 1998.
MENKE, Christopher. Virtue and Reflection: The Antinomies of Moral Philosophy.
Constellations, v. 12, n. 1. Oxford-Malden: Blackwell, p. 36-49, 2005
YOUNG. Iris. Unruly categories: A critique of Nancy Frasers Dual Systems Theory.
New Left Review, n. 222, p. 147-160, 1997.
FRASER, Nancy Fraser. A rejoinder to Iris Young. New Left Review, n. 223, p. 126-9,
08/06 Aula 14: Os paradoxos da poltica global e transnacional

BRUNKHORST, Hauke, Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions. Evolutionary

perspectives. New York, Bloomsbury, 2014, p. 415-466.
CUTLER, Claire. Private international regime and interfirm cooperation. In: HALL,
Rodney Bruce; BIERSTEKER, Thomas J. The emergence of private authority in global
governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 24-42.
TEUBNER, Gunther, Constitutional fragments: Societal Constitutionalism and
Globalization, chapters 1 e 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

HOLMES, Pablo. O Constitucionalismo entre a Fragmentao e a Privatizao:
Problemas Evolutivos do Direito e da Poltica na Era da Governana Global. Dados,
v.57, n.4, p. 1137-1168, 2014.
KENNEDY, David. The Mystery of Global Governance. In: DUNOFF, Jefre;
TRACHTMAN, Joel (Orgs), Ruling the World: Constitutionalism, International Law and
Global Governance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 37-67.
KOSKENNIEMI, Martti. The Politics of International Law 20 years later. European
Journal of International Law, v. 20, n. 1, p. 7-19, 2009.
NEVES, Marcelo. Transconstitucionalismo. So Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2009.
RUGGIE, John G.: Globalization and the Embedded Liberalism Compromise: The End
of an Era? In: MPIfG Working Paper 91/1, Max-PlanckGesellschaft, verfgbarim
Internet: http://www.mpf-fg-koeln.de/pu/workpap/wp97-1.html (letzterBesuch

29/06 Aula 15: Entrega Trabalho final

A avaliao do curso ser composta por:
1. Participao em sala de aula apresentao individual dos textos, participao nos debates e
assiduidade (at 20%).
2) Fichamentos de cinco textos obrigatrios (20%).
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fichamento por e-mail para os professores, encaminhado at 8:00 no dia da aula.

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a) Os textos devem conter entre 700 (mnimo) e 800 palavras (mximo).
b) Ser dividido em 3 sees: apresentao geral do texto; argumentos e conceitos mobilizados e
anlise crtica.
c) Demonstrar leitura integral do texto, ou seja, discutir argumentos em vrias partes do texto.
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e) Indicar aps cada pargrafo, em quais pginas do texto aquele argumento apresentado.
3. Trabalho (Total de 60%)

Proposta preliminar (10%): Deve conter introduo ao tema, problema a ser trabalhado e
metodologia, sntese dos principais aspectos abordados e indicao das principais referncias
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Senha: analisepolitica

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