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A neuropsicologia e a terapia cognitvo compoeratmental so raes congruentes e a

interseco entre as duas abordagens tem se mostrado eficiente, melhoarando a qualidade e

velocidade dos tratamentos devido ao maior entendimento e recursos que as duas reas
juntas possibilitam. O presente artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar a possveis interceoes
entre as reas e os benefcios que esta interceoes trazem paara o tratamento dos indivious,
suas famlias e para a sociedade.


O presente artigo tem como tema a investigao da interao da neuropsicologia e a terapia

cognitivo comportamental, visto que so reas congruentes e que a integrao das duas
abordagens no tratamento de pacientes com dficits cognitivos tem se mostrado eficiente,
melhorando a qualidade e velocidade dos tratamentos devido ao maior entendimento e
recursos que as duas reas juntas possibilitam. Para isso iremos realizar uma breve descrio
histrica de cada rea, sublinhado as intersees e os possveis benefcios advindos dessas
intersees para o tratamento dos indivduos, suas famlias e a sociedade.

Palavras chaves: Neuropsicologia. Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental. Avaliao

Neuropsicolgica. Reabilitao Neuropsicolgica. Reabilitao Neuropsicologica Holstica.
The present article has as its theme the investigation of the
interaction of neuropsychology and cognitive behavioral therapy, since
they are congruent areas and that the integration of the two
approaches in the treatment of patients with cognitive deficits has
been efficient, improving the quality and speed of the treatments due
to To the greater understanding and resources that the two areas
together enable. To do so, we will make a brief historical description
of each area, highlighting the intersections and the possible benefits
arising from these intersections for the treatment of individuals,
their families and society.


This article investigates the interaction of neuropsychology and cognitive behavioral therapy,
since they are congruent areas and that the integration of these two approaches in the
treatment of patients with cognitive deficits has been efficient, improving treatment responses
due to greater Understanding and instrumentation that these areas together enable. To do so,
we will make a brief historical description of each area, highlighting the intersections and the
possible benefits arising from these intersections for the treatment of individuals, their
families and society.

Keywords: Neuropsychology. Cognitive behavioral therapy. Neuropsychological evaluation.

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.

This article investigates the interaction of neuropsychology and cognitive behavioral therapy,
since they are congruent areas and that the integration of these two approaches in the
treatment of patients with cognitive deficits has been efficient, improving treatment responses
due to greater Understanding and instrumentation that these areas together enable. To do so,
we will make a brief historical description of each area, highlighting the intersections and the
possible benefits arising from these intersections for the treatment of individuals, their
families and society.

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