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Assim, anote a que usamos o Superlativo em Ingls quando queremos dizer que

algum ou algo mais que os outros. A ideia a de destacar algum ou algo

como sendo muito mais que todos os outros em um grupo. Na teoria isso parece
estranho! Ento, vamos ver alguns exemplos para ficar mais claro:

He is the tallest boy in the classroom. [Ele o menino mais alto da

Shes the most beautiful girl in the group. [Ele a garota mais
bonita do grupo.]
This is the easiest way to learn English. [Este o jeito mais fcil de se
aprender ingls.]
They are the best friends Ive ever had. [Eles so os melhores
amigos que j tive.]
This is the coldest place Ive ever been to. [Este o local mais frio no
qual j estive.]

Alguns adjetivos possuem uma forma diferente. Ou seja, no seguem as regras

acima. So conhecidos como irregulares. Esse caso dos adjetivos abaixo:

good = best
bad = worst
little = least
much = most
many = most
far = farthest

1. He is student in his class. (younger than / the youngest)

2. I'm my siter. (taller than / tallest)

3. The cat is the dog. ( older than / the oldest)

4. The blue T-shirt is the black blouse. ( more expensive than / the most

5. My aunt is in her family. (shorter than / the shortest)

6. I like pizza, but Chinesse food is . (better / the best)

7. Her drink is of all the drinks. ( colder than / the coldest )

8. My brother is student in his class. (smarter / the smartest )

9. This book is that book over there. (more expensive than / the most

10. His sister is tennis player on her school. (better than / the best)

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