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100 Exerccios em Ingls

100 Exerccios
em Ingls


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100 Exerccios em Ingls

100 Exerccios em Ingls

Seja bem-vindo! (Ou bem-vinda!)

Obrigado por baixar esta verso do 100 Exerccios em Ingls .

Com a correta utilizao deste material, voc ser capaz de

expressar-se em ingls num nvel bsico. Isto significa que voc
poder conversar sobre tpicos que lhe sejam familiares
famlia, trabalho, hobbies assim como pedir orientaes sobre
localizao e fazer compras.

Logicamente, seu progresso ser proporcional ao seu empenho.

J pensou nas vantagens de se estudar em casa? Entre outras, voc...

Escolhe o material didtico

Estabelece o ritmo das aulas
No desperdia tempo no trnsito
Sente-se vontade para expressar suas dvidas
Assume o compromisso de estudar regularmente
Escolhe o horrio de acordo com seus compromissos
Conta com um direcionamento na escolha de suas metas de aprendizado

Tudo isso no conforto do seu lar!

Ei! O que estamos esperando? Vamos logo primeira lio!

Amais a vida? Ento no desperdiceis tempo, pois dele que a vida feita.
- Benjamim Franklin

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100 Exerccios em Ingls


Introduo 02

ndice (Voc est aqui! ) 03

As pginas em itlico encontram-se apenas na verso integral.

As respostas iniciam-se na pgina 36, e o ebook tem 51 pginas.

Teste 01 04

Teste 02 08

Teste 03 10

Teste 04 12

Teste 05 16

Teste 06 20

Teste 07 24

Teste 08 26

Teste 09 30

Teste 10 32

Respostas 12

Realize Seus Sonhos Voc Tambm! 15

A different language is a different vision of life.

Frederico Fellini

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100 Exerccios em Ingls

100 Exerccios em Ingls Teste 1

1. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it 7. is who best friend your ?

and correct it.
8. favorite whats your color ?
Martha is teacher. / Martha is a teacher. 9. do you to drive know how ?

1. Do you want dance? 10. whats your number phone ?

2. You brother is very nice.

3. My wife no have a good job.

3. Check ( ) the correct sentence.
4. We have the lunch at 12:00.
Where do you from?
Where are you from?
5. On Sundays we go in church.
Where do you are from?
6. His father works is an engineer.
1a. Why do you study English?
1b. Why are you study English?
7. My sister watch TV in the morning.
1c. Why are you doing study English?
8. Taxis in Rio de Janeiro are yellows.
2a. What does you do?
2b. What do you do?
9. So Caetano is a city very beautiful.
2c. What do you are doing?
10. My childrens get up at 6 :00 everyday.
3a. How old are you?
3b. How many years are you?
3c. How many years do you have?
2. Put the words in the correct order.
4a. What today is day?
Example: friend Valdoir my is best. /
4b. What day is today?
Valdoir is my best friend.
4c. Whats day today is?
1. is what time it ?
5a. Whats your name last?
5b. Whats your last name?
2. married are you ?
5c. Your last name what is it?
3. you where do live ?
6a. Whats your address?
6b. Your address what are?
4. do work you everyday ?
6c. What are your address?
5. your birthday when is ?
7a. Where was you born?
7b. Where were you born?
6. what last is your name ?
7c. Were where you born?
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8a. Do you has children? 4. _______________________________?

8b. Do you have children? (what / are / studying) Im studying Biology.
8c. Do you have childrens?
5. _______________________________?
9a. Do you has a nickname? (work / morning) No, I work in the evening.
9b. Do you have a nickname?
9c. Does you have a nickname? 6.________________________________?
(usually / have lunch) I have lunch at noon.
10a. What time do you get up?
10b. What time are you get up? 7. _______________________________?
10c. What time are you doing get up? (how much / bus ticket / Rio) Its $15,00.

8. _______________________________?
4. Match a line in A with a line in B to (when / church) I go to church on Sunday.
make questions.
9. _______________________________?
A B (brothers / have) Two brothers and one
Do you your last name? sister.

Whats do you study English? 10. ______________________________?

(like doing / free time) I like playing cards
How often do you usually get up? or video game with my friends.

What time spell your last name? 6. Complete the text with the following
prepositions: about, after, at, by, for,
How do you have a girlfriend? in, on, through, to, with

Where do you go at night? Example

They live in a large house.

5. Write questions to these answers, Marcelo lives _____ Curitiba. He lives

using the words in parentheses. _____ his wife and two children. He is a
safety technician. He studied _____ Senai
Example and graduated _____ 2004. His wife is a
What do you do? (you/do) Im a teacher. She studied _____ Manoel
hairdresser. Marinho Institute. They moved _____ Volta
Redonda some years ago. He works
1. _______________________________? _____ Monday _____ Friday. She works
(you / sleep) I usually sleep at eleven PM. every afternoon, _____ 1 _____ 5. He
goes to work on foot, and she goes _____
2. _______________________________? car.
(you / spell / last name) Its P-E-R-E-I-R-A.
He studies English _____ Tuesday and
3. _______________________________? Thursday, _____ 7 pm. She studies Italian
(go / last night) I went to church. _____ home. She practices her Italian
_____ the Internet. _____ their free time,
_____________________________________________________________ 5
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100 Exerccios em Ingls

they are volunteers _____ an Elementary 1. It ________ 15 to noon.

School. They read stories _____ young
children. 2. Where ________ you from?

_____ the weekends, they visit their friends 3. Porto Alegre ________ in Brazil.
or their parents. Sometimes they stay
home and listen _____ music. They always 4. Our teacher ________ very funny!
go to church _____ Sunday morning.
5. What time ________ the bank open?

7. Write the words under the correct 6. I ________on vacation. Im not at work.
7. Where ____ you usually go on vacation?

egg wine Italian bank need 8. Learning English ________ difficult... Its
milk school like French butter very easy!
meat water home eat English
cheese Spanish club beer speak 9. My brother ________ eat cheese
Japanese rice juice want drugstore because he ________ like it.
bread church Portuguese tea drink
10. I ________ hungry. How much
________ a sandwich with fries?

9. Translate into Portuguese

1. Where are you working?

Languages 2. Is there a bank near here?

3. Why are you studying English?

Things to drink
4. What time do you start working?

Things to eat 5. What time do you leave work?

6. How many brothers do you have?

7. What time do you usually have lunch?

8. Complete the sentences with these
verbs: 8. Where do you go on Saturday evenings?

am/m not is/isnt are/arent 9. How much is a hamburger?

does/doesnt dont
10. How many times a week do you study
Example: Im not working. English?
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10. Find the words in bold: H A I R D O C T O R

Carpenter - a person whose job is making I R D R C A R P E N
and repairing wooden objects and R E R R T E A C H E
structures. D R E E O G E N C A
Gepeto was a carpenter. R U N V U N L E A E
Doctor - a person with a medical degree S E I R U N C I P C
whose job is to treat people who are sick or S P N D R E T C E H
hurt. E R E C S E R I N E
Please, call the doctor urgently! R A R P E L I A T R
Driver - someone who drives a vehicle. E A T E A C I E R A
All drivers must drive safely. W R I A R H A N P C
Electrician - a person who puts in and L A W Y E R E W A L
maintains electrical wires.
Do you know a good electrician?
Check the ones you succeed:
Engineer - a person whose job is to design
or build machines, engines or electrical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
equipment, roads, bridges...
He wants to be an engineer. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10
Hairdresser - a person who cuts people's 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
hair and puts it into a style.
Lia is a skilled hairdresser.
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Lawyer - someone whose job is to give
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
advice to people about the law and speak
for them in court.
I need to talk to my lawyer first. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Nurse - a person whose job is to care for 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

people who are sickl or injured, especially
in a hospital. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
She is a very dedicated nurse.
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Teacher - someone whose job is to teach
in a school or college. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
I love being a teacher!
Final Score: (1 to 100)
Waiter - a man whose job is to bring the
food to customers at their tables in a
Waiter! Please bring us the bill!
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100 Exerccios em Ingls Teste 2

1. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it 3. Write the statements as questions

and correct it. and negatives

Example Example
Where you work? / Where do you work? He can play the piano.
Can he play the piano?
1. Did you liked the class? He cant play the piano.
1. She was born in 1949.
2. Is a drugstore near here? __________________________________
3. Did you read these book?
2. He is from Pernambuco.
4. My father buyed a new car. __________________________________
5. I cant to go with you today.
3. They have three children.
6. I arrive home very late last night. __________________________________
7. In the house is a swimming pool. 4. You want to learn English.
8. We were to the movies last Friday. __________________________________
9. Did you watch the movie last evening? 5. He is twenty-five years old.
10. My best friend can to speak three __________________________________
6. My brother speaks very well.
2. Write the Pas Simple form of these __________________________________
irregular verbs __________________________________
7. You speak Spanish at school.
1. Go _____________ __________________________________
2. Eat _____________ __________________________________
3. Buy _____________ 8. They play video game everyday.
4. Like _____________ __________________________________
5. Have _____________ __________________________________
6. Drink _____________ 9. His parents are studying French.
7. Want _____________ __________________________________
8. Know _____________
9. Learn _____________ 10. You like to drink coffee in the evening.
10. Speak _____________ __________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ 8
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100 Exerccios em Ingls

4. Match each word with its opposite. 6. Fill in the blanks with the verbs
in the box.
no left lives are (4x) do face
my yes goes (2x) is know live
big sad moved performs play plays
hot cold visits watches works (2x)
easy after
near your Ozair __________ in Volta Redonda. He
right small _____ married with three children. His two
happy never sons _____ single and his daughter has
before far from just married. They _____ both from Minas
always difficult Gerais. They __________ to Volta
Redonda a long time ago.
5. Put the words in the correct order.
He has been a bricklayer for almost 30
Example: years. He usually __________ an excellent
do you where live ? / Where do you live? work. He worked in Paraba do Sul, Angra
dos Reis, Copacapana and many other
1. is how much it ? places. He __________ from Monday to
__________________________________ Friday, from 7:00am to 5:00pm. He
__________ to work by bicycle. On the
2. have trip a nice. weekend, however, he __________ his
__________________________________ friends and __________ to church by car.
She __________ everyday, including the
3. turn please right .
weekends, at home.

4. in cash I want to pay. In the evening, he __________ the guitar,

__________________________________ reads and __________ TV. They usually
__________ cards with their daughter and
5. wanna do you dance? son-in-law until midnight. They _____ all
__________________________________ volunteers in their community. They
__________ their best to __________ the
6. do you English speak? challenges of life together. They _____ that
__________________________________ kind of people who __________ how to
__________ a simple and happy life.
7. is when your birthday?
__________________________________ 7. Write the words under the correct
8. have do you a girlfriend?
have beach Monday thirty yellow
9. may talk I to the manager? go Tuesday apartment green seventeen
__________________________________ blue movies Wednesday sixty know
Thursday zoo eleven red understand
10. can slower please speak you? learn twelve hospital white Friday
__________________________________ ten pink study downtown Saturday
_____________________________________________________________ 9
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100 Exerccios em Ingls

E ___ I am from Minas Gerais.

F ___ She is twenty-two years old.
G ___ Yes, I am. I got married last
Colors year.
H ___ Because its an international
language. language
I ___ I went to the movies with some
Places J ___ I like reading, sleeping or going
out with my family.

Days of the Week 9. Translate into Portuguese

1. How old are you?

8. Number the answers, according to 2. Do you have some time today?

the questions

Example 3. Whats your telephone number?

11. Where do you work?

K _11_ I work in Angra dos Reis. 4. I never drink milk in the evening.

1. Are you married?

2. Where are you from? 5. I always speak English at school.
3. How old is your sister?
4. How much is soft drink? 6. How many countries do you know?
5. Whats their telephone number?
6. Where did you go last night? 7. Do you go to work by car or by bus?
7. What time do you have lunch?
8. How do you spell your last name?
8. My grandmother had twelve children.
9. Why do you want to learn English?
10. What do you like doing in your free
time? 9. Sometimes I drink soft drink in the
A ___ At noon.
B ___ Its only $ 1,50.
10. How do you say vacation in
C ___ Its 0800 7021 156. Portuguese?
D ___ W-O-O-D-R-U-F-F.
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10. Find the words in bold:

Adjectives - Words that describe a noun C N O U N S E I T V
or pronoun: beautiful, ugly, fast, slow, etc. E J U N J E P V E E
Adverbs Words that describe or give J U N U U R O P R R
more information about a verb, adjective or D N O M N E S E J B
adverb: quickly, wonderfully, daily, etc. A D J E C T I V E S
Articles Any of the English words 'a', 'an' T E V A I O I E T C
and 'the' or words in other languages that I J E L O N O V I T
do the same job as these. C O I S N U N E O I
Conjunctions - Words that connect other E E I E M E R B S N
words, phrases and clauses in a sentence: S R T V U R A U N O
and, but, while or although. E P R O N O U N S U
Interjections - Words that are used to
show a short sudden expression of
emotion: Hey! Wow! Ouch! Check the ones you succeed:

Nouns Words that refer to people, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

places, things, events, substances or
qualities: father, city, computer, Internet, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Numerals Symbols that represent
numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Prepositions Words that are used
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
before a noun, a noun phrase or a
pronoun, connecting it to another word: in,
on, at, before, after, under, over, beside, 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Pronouns Words that are used instead
of a noun or a noun phrase: I, you, he, she, 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
it, we, they, me, us, him, her, who...
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Verbs Words or phrases that describe
actions, conditions or experiences: love, 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
care, learn, know...
Final Score: (1 to 100)

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Respostas - Teste 1 5.
1. What time to you sleep?
1. 2. How do you spell your last name?
1. Do you want to dance? 3. Where did you go last night?
2. Your brother is very nice. 4. What are you studying?
3. My wife doesnt have a good job. 5. Are you working in the morning?
4. We have the lunch at 12:00. 6. What time do you usually have lunch?
5. On Sundays we go in church. 7. How much is a bus ticket to Rio?
6. His father works is an engineer. 8. When do you go to church?
7. My sister watch TV in the morning. 9. How many brothers do you have?
8. Taxis in Rio de Janeiro are yellows. 10. What do you like doing in your free
9. So Caetano is a city very beautiful. time?
10. My childrens get up at 6 :00 everyday.
2. Marcelo lives in Curitiba. He lives with his
1. What time is it? wife and two children. He is a safety
2. Are you married? technician. He studied at Senai and
3. Where do you live? graduated in 2004. His wife is a teacher.
4. Do you work everyday? She studied at Manoel Marinho Institute.
5. When is your birthday? They moved from Volta Redonda some
6. What is your last name? years ago. He works from Monday to
7. Who is your best friend? Friday. She works every afternoon, from 1
8. Whats your favorite color? to 5. He goes to work on foot, and she
9. Do you know how to drive? goes by car.
10. Whats your number phone ?
He studies English on Tuesday and
3. Thursday, at 7 pm. She studies Italian at
1a. Why do you study English? home. She practices her Italian through
2b. What do you do? the Internet. In their free time, they are
3a. How old are you? volunteers at an Elementary School. They
4b. What day is today? read stories to young children.
5b. Whats your last name?
6a. Whats your address? On the weekends, they visit their friends or
7b. Where were you born? their parents. Sometimes they stay home
8b. Do you have children? and listen to music. They always go to
9b. Do you have a nickname? church on Sunday morning.
10a. What time do you get up?
4. Verbs: need, like, eat, speak, want, drink
A B Places: bank, school, home, club, church
Do you your last name? drugstore
Whats do you study English? Languages: Italian, French, English,
How often do you usually get up? Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese
What time spell your last name? Things to drink: wine, milk, water, beer,
How do you have a girlfriend? juice, tea
Where do you go at night? Things to eat: egg, butter, meat, cheese,
rice, bread
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8. Respostas - Teste 2
1. It is 15 to noon.
2. Where are you from? 1.
3. Porto Alegre is in Brazil. 1. Did you like the class?
4. Our teacher is very funny! 2. Is there a drugstore near here?
5. What time does the bank open? 3. Did you read this book?
6. I am on vacation. Im not at work. 4. My father bought a new car.
7. Where do you usually go on vacation? 5. I cant go with you today.
8. Learning English isnt difficult... Its very 6. I arrived home very late last night.
easy! 7. In the house there is a swimming pool.
9. My brother doesnt eat cheese because 8. We went to the movies last Friday.
he doesnt like it. 9. Did you watch the movie last night?
10. I am hungry. How much is a sandwich 10. My best friend can speak three
with fries? languages.

9. 2.
1. Onde voc est trabalhando? 1. go, went 2. eat, ate
2. Tem algum banco aqui perto? 3. buy, bought 4. like, liked
3. Por que voc est estudando Ingls? 5. have, had 6. drink, drank
4. que horas voc comea a trabalhar? 7. want, wanted 8. know, knew
5. que horas voc sai do trabalho? 9. learn, learnt 10. speak, spoke
6. Quantos irmos voc tem?
7. que horas voc costuma almoar? 3.
8. Aonde voc vai nos sbados noite? 1. Was whe born in 1949?
9. Quanto um hamburguer? Whe wasnt born in 1949.
10. Quantas vezes por semana voc 2. Is he from Pernambuco?
estuda Ingls? He isnt from Pernambuco.
3. Do they have three children?
10. They dont have three children.
4. Do you want to learn English.
H A I R D O C T O R You dont want to learn English.
A W Y E O E T R I C 5. Is he twenty-five years old?
I R D R C A R P E N He isnt twenty-five years old.
R E R R T E A C H E 6. Does my brother speak very well?
D R E E O G E N C A My brother doesnt speak very well.
R U N V U N L E A E 7. Do you speak Spanish at school?
E N G I N E E R R A You dont speak Spanish at school.
S E I R U N C I P C 8. Do they play video game everyday?
S P N D R E T C E H They dont play video game
E R E C S E R I N E everyday.
R A R P E L I A T R 9. Are his parents studying French?
E C E T E A C H E R His parents arent studying French.
E A T E A C I E R A 10. Do you like to drink coffee in the
W R I A R H A N P C evening?
A P A C E E N G I N You dont like to drink coffee in the
L A W Y E R E W A L evening.
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100 Exerccios em Ingls

4. challenges of life together. They are that

A B kind of people who know how to live a
no left simple and happy life.
my yes
big sad 7.
hot cold Numbers - thirty, seventeen, sixty, eleven,
easy after twelve, ten
near your Colors - yellow, green, blue, red, white,
right small pink
happy never Verbs - have, go, know, understand, learn
before far from Places - beach, apartment, movies, zoo,
always difficult hospital, downtown
Days of the Week - Monday, Tuesday,
5. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
1. How much is it?
8. A7 B4 C5 D8 E2 F3 G1 H9 I6 J10
2. Have a nice trip.
3. Turn right, please. 9.
4. I want to pay in cash. 1. Quantos anos voc tem?
5. Do you wanna dance? 2. Voc tem algum tempo hoje?
6. Do you speak English? 3. Qual o nmero do seu telefone?
7. When is your birthday? 4. Eu nunca bebo leite noite.
8. Do you have a girlfriend? 5. Eu sempre falo ingls na escola.
9. May I talk to the manager? 6. Quantos pases voc conhece?
10. Can you speak slower, please? 7. Voc vai trabalhar de carro ou p?
6. 8. Minha v teve doze filhos.
Ozair lives in Volta Redonda. He is 9. s vezes eu bebo refrigerante de
married with three children. His two sons manh.
are single and his daughter has just 10. Como se diz vacation em portugus?
married. They are both from Minas Gerais. 10.
They moved to Volta Redonda a long time I C L E C O P R I P
ago. T O N M O N R O N U
He has been a bricklayer for almost 30 C N O U N S E I T V
years. He usually performs an excellent E J U N J E P V E E
work. He worked in Paraba do Sul, Angra J U N U U R O P R R
dos Reis, Copacapana and many other D N O M N E S E J B
places. He works from Monday to Friday, A D J E C T I V E S
from 7:00am to 5:00pm. He goes to work R V A R T I T L C E
by bicycle. On the weekend, however, he T E V A I O I E T C
visits his friends and goes to church by I J E L O N O V I T
car. She works everyday, including the C O I S N U N E O I
weekends, at home. L P C B S V S R N O
In the evening, he plays the guitar, reads E E I E M E R B S N
and watches TV. They usually play cards S R T V U R A U N O
with their daughter and son-in-law until E P R O N O U N S U
midnight. They are all volunteers in their V R A R T I C O U S
community. They do their best to face the
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Realize Seus Sonhos Voc Tambm!

Por diversos anos, vinha acalentando dois sonhos:

1. Tornar o aprendizado da lngua inglesa acessvel ao maior

nmero possvel de pessoas

2. Conseguir tempo para participar do desenvolvimento e

educao de meus filhos

Finalmente, estou concretizando ambos ao mesmo tempo: trabalhando como Personal

Teacher em Volta Redonda e Regio (aulas em domiclio ou empresa), e disponibilizando
recursos didticos no www.CharllesNunes.com

Voc tambm pode fazer o mesmo. Para caminhar na direo de seus sonhos, d logo estes
primeiros passos:

1. Faa o download gratuito dos seguintes ebooks (verso parcial):

O Pulo do Gato Aquela Fora no Seu Ingls

As 365 Palavras Mais Comuns da Lngua Inglesa
Aprenda Ingls em Casa Manual de Conversao
Frases Bsicas em Ingls No Saia de Casa Sem Ele

2. Adquira um exemplar integral dos ebooks de sua preferncia: faa um depsito ou

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