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That came about when we went to Glastonbury last year.

Isso aconteceu quando estavamos no Galston ano passado.

This unfair situation has come about due to a shortage of money.
Esta situação injusta surgiu devido a uma falta de fundos.
Europe must help this come about.
A Europa deve contribuir para que isso aconteça.
It has come about that I must face him in combat.
Acontece que eu devo enfrentá-lo em combate.
Now we can come about for a big bounty.
Agora podemos pedir por uma recompensa maior.
Sorry, they usually come about now.
Desculpe, mas é a hora a que eles passam.
I object to the way it has come about.
Oponho-me à forma como foi realizado.

come about = acontecer, surgir

When you say how or when something came about, you say how or when it happened.
I came across a group of children playing.
Me deparei com um grupo de crianças brincando.
Rare to come across such a literal case of someone shooting the messenger.
É raro encontrar um caso literal de matar o mensageiro.
I've come across a very distinctive vintage.
Encontrei uma safra, muito distinta.
I've come across some information that you ought to see.
Recebi algumas informações que deves ver.
That must have been when you finally come across.
Deve ter sido quando vocês finalmente atravessaram.
You don't come across as someone that gets disturbed very easily.
Não pareces alguém que fica perturbada muito facilmente.
Nothing that we've come across has been reasonable.
Nada que passámos tem sido racional.
I might have come across a little insensitive.
Eu talvez tenha parecido um pouco insensível.

come across = esbarrar, se deparar, parecer(entendido como)...

If you come across something or someone, you find them or meet them by chance.
If someone or what they are saying comes across in a particular way, they make that impression on peop
them or are listening to them.
I thought I better come along in case you two needed protection.
É melhor vir caso vocês precisem de protecção.
Because another woman would just come along.
Porque outra mulher acabaria por aparecer.
Maybe come along once every six months.
Talvez venha um a cada seis meses.
I advise you to let him come along.
Eu aconselho a deixar que venha.
Right buyer has to come along.
Tem de aparecer o comprador certo.
You always knew that someday someone younger and smarter would come along.
Sempre soubeste que um dia havia de aparecer alguém mais novo e mais inteligente.
Sadly, there's always someone willing to come along and remind us.
Infelizmente, há sempre alguém disposto a vir lembrar-nos
I asked Duke to come along.
Pedi ao Duke para me acompanhar.
And her mother might come along.
E pode ser que a mãe venha com ela.
Let me just come along and listen to you talk.
Deixas-me ir contigo e ouvir-te a falar.

come along = chegar à , aparecer em, Anda!, Reaja!, ir(com alguem), progredir em algo

You tell someone to come along to encourage them in a friendly way to do something,especially to at
You say 'come along' to someone to encourage them to hurry up, usually when you are rather annoyed with
When something or someone comes along, they occur or arrive by chance
If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress.
They asked me not to come around again for a while.
Eles pediram-me para não aparecer durante um tempo.
Nicole'll come around, Detective.
A Nicole vai mudar de ideias, detetive.
It took a little time for him to come around.
Demorou um pouco até que ele concordasse.

comee around = vir, aparecer, mudar de ideia, recuperar a consciencia, se render, cair na real

f someone comes around or comes round to your house, they call there to see you.
If you come around or come round to an idea, you eventually change your mind andaccept it or agree with
When something comes around or comes round, it happens as a regular or predictable event.
When someone who is unconscious comes around or comes round, they recoverconsciousness.
We should probably split up and come at it from different directions.
Devíamos de nos dividir e atacar de direcções diferentes.
That's how he'll come at us.
É assim que ele há-de vir até nós.
I'm afraid they come at a cost.
Mas receio bem que impliquem um preço.
Either of you, come at me.
Qualquer um de vocês, ataquem-me.

come at = obter, vir, atacar, abordar.

If a person or animal comes at you, they move towards you in a threatening way and try to attack you.
You must come away with me and never return to Atlantis.
Deves vir comigo e nunca mais regressar a Atlantis.
Erland, my love, come away with me.
Erland, meu amor, vem comigo.
Call it off and come away with me.
Termina com ele e vem ter comigo.

come away = vir (no sentido de deixar o local), se separar, se desprender,

With enough therapy, you will come back into the fold.
Com terapia suficiente vais voltar ao tabuleiro.

If something that you had forgotten comes back to you, you remember it.
When something comes back, it becomes fashionable again.
come between = separar, interromper alguém,

If someone or something comes between two people, or comes between a person and a thing, they make
the relationship or connection between them less close or happy.
A good boss is not so easy to come by.
Uma boa professora não é fácil de conseguri
Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by
Lightning-strike victims are hard to come by.
Vítimas de raios são difíceis de encontrar.
My assistant will come by today.
Meu assistente irá visitar hj

come by = conseguir, ganhar, obter, visitar,

To come by something means to obtain it or find it.

The rain came down heavily all day.
Their plane came down in bad weather.

If a person comes down from a drug, they stop feeling its effects.
If you come down (from a college or university, especially Oxford or Cambridge University), you leave your studies either permane
to go to a place that is south of where you live

come down = cair, ajudar

If the cost, level, or amount of something comes down, it becomes less than it was before.
If something comes down, it falls to the ground.

come down on
1. to punish or criticize a person or activity very strongly
They're coming down heavily on people for not paying their licence fees.
If you come down on one side of an argument, you declare that you support that side. 
If you come down on someone, you criticize them severely or treat them strictly.

come down to
If a problem, decision, or question comes down to a particular thing, that thing is the most important factor
It all comes down to money in the end.
If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most
If a situation or problem comes down to something, it can be described or explained most simply in that way

come down with

If you come down with an illness, you get it.
to start to suffer from an illness, especially one that is not serious
No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police appeal./testemunhas
Nobody has yet come forward with any information relating to the girl's death.

If someone comes forward, they offer to do something or to give some information inresponse to a reque
If information, a report, or a telephone call comes in, it is received.
If you have some money coming in, you receive it regularly as your income.
If someone comes in on a discussion, arrangement, or task, they join it.
When a new idea, fashion, or product comes in, it becomes popular or available.
If you ask where something or someone comes in, you are asking what their role is in a particular matter.
When the tide comes in, the water in the sea gradually moves so that it covers more of the land.

come in above/at/below
to be at, above, below, etc. a particular amount:
After the earthquake, early loss estimates came in at $2 billion.

come in for something

to receive blame or criticism:
The mayor came in for a lot of criticism of his remarks./comentários
If someone comes into some money, some property, or a title, they inherit it.
If someone or something comes into a situation, they have a role in it.
If something comes off, it is successful or effective.
If someone comes off worst in a contest or conflict, they are in the worst position after it. If they come off be
If you come of a drug or medicine, you stop taking it. 
You say 'come off it' to someone to show them that you think what they are saying isuntrue or wrong. INFOR
If you have an illness or a headache coming on, you can feel it starting. 
If something or someone is coming on well, they are developing well or making good progress.
When something such as a machine or system comes on, it starts working or functioning.
If a new season or type of weather is coming on, it is starting to arrive.

When you come on to a particular topic, you start discussing it.

If someone comes on to you, they show that they are interested in starting a sexualrelationship with
When a new product such as a book or CD comes out, it becomes available to the public.
If a fact comes out, it becomes known to people.
When a gay person comes out, they let people know that they are gay.
To come out in a particular way means to be in the position or state described at the end of a process or event.
If you come out for something, you declare that you support it. If you come out againstsomething,
hen a group of workers comes out on strike, they go on strike.
If a photograph does not come out, it does not appear or is unclear when it is developedand print
When the sun, moon, or stars come out, they appear in the sky. 

come out at/to sth

to be a particular amount or number after a mathematical calculation:
A 10-month program costs $2,000, which comes out to $50 a week.

come out in sth

If you come out in spots, you become covered with them.
This heat has made me come out in an itchy red rash.

come out of sth

If something comes out of a process or event, it is one of theresults:
I hope something good can come out of this mess.

come out with something

to say something unexpectedly or suddenly:
You come out with some strange comments sometimes!

come out for

to announce one's approval of; endorse
ort it. [V
If a feeling or desire, especially a strange or surprising one, comes over you, it affects you strongly. 
If someone comes over all dizzy or shy, for example, they suddenly start feeling or acting in that way.
If someone or what they are saying comes over in a particular way, they make that impression on people
To come through a dangerous or difficult situation means to survive it and recover from it.
If a feeling or message comes through, it is clearly shown in what is said or done.
If something comes through, it arrives, especially after some procedure has been carried out. 
If you come through with what is expected or needed from you, you succeed in doing or providing it. 
If you come under attack or pressure, for example, people attack you or put pressure on you.
If something comes under a particular authority, it is managed or controlled by that authority.
If something comes under a particular heading, it is in the category mentioned.
If someone comes up or comes up to you, they approach you until they are standing close to you.
If something comes up in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned or discussed.
If something is coming up, it is about to happen or take place.
If something comes up, it happens unexpectedly. 
If a job comes up or if something comes up for sale, it becomes available. 
When the sun or moon comes up, it rises.
n law, when a case comes up, it is heard in a court of law.

come up against sth
to have to deal with a problem:
If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out.

come up to sth
to reach the usual or necessary standard:
The essay didn't come up to his usual standard.
The food didn't come up to my expectations.
To be coming up to a time or state means to be getting near to it.

come up for sth
to reach the time at which something should happen:
come up for renewal/review/sale The contract comes up for renewal in August.
come up for discussion/debate He wanted more time to study the bill before it came up for discussion on th
When someone or something comes up for consideration or action of some kind, the timearrives when

come up with something
to produce, find, suggest or think of an idea or plan:
He came up with a great idea for the ad campaign.
If you come up with a plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it. 
If you come up with a sum of money, you manage to produce it when it is needed. 
If you come upon someone or something, you meet them or find them by chance.
If an attitude or feeling comes upon you, it begins to affect you. 

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