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Proverbs and Riddles 1

1. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Não se coloca todos os ovos em uma única cesta.

2. We must hope against hope. (ou) Faith is everything.

A esperança é a última que morre.

3. A word to the wise is enough.

A bom entendedor meia palavra basta.

4. Opportunity makes the thief.

A ocasião faz o ladrão.

5. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Não se julga o livro por sua capa ou O hábito não faz o monge.

6. Love is blind.
O amor é cego

7. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

A cavalo dado não se olha os dentes

8. A cat can look at a king.

Olhar não tira pedaço.

9. What will be will be.

O que será, será.

10. Better alone than in bad company.

Antes só do que mal acompanhado.

11. Better late than never.

Antes tarde do que nunca.

12. Eat to live and not live to eat.

Coma para viver e não viva para comer.

13. Experience is the best teacher.

A experiência é o melhor professor.

14. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Não adianta chorar pelo leite derramado.

15. To err is human.

Errar é humano.

16. Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

Um raio nunca cai duas vezes no mesmo lugar.

17. A man is known by the company he keeps.

Diga-me com quem andas que te direi quem és.

18. Man does not live by bread alone.

Não só de pão vive o homem.

19. Time is money.

Tempo é dinheiro.
Proverbs and Riddles 2

20. Where there is smoke there is fire.

Onde há fumaça há fogo.

21. Time flies.

O tempo voa.

22. All cats are gray in the dark.

À noite todos os gatos são pardos.

23. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Uma imagem vale mais do que mil palavras.

24. Speech is silver; silence is golden.

A palavra é de prata, o silêncio é de ouro.

25. Those who can, do. Those who can’t, criticize.

Quem sabe faz, quem não sabe critica.

26. Do as I say, not as I do.

Faça o que digo, não faça o que faço.

27. You win some, you lose some. (ou) Win a few, lose a few.
Não se pode ganhar todas.

28. You can't get blood from a stone.

Não se pode tirar leite de pedra.

29. Time heals all wounds.

O tempo cura todas as feridas.

30. The shoemaker’s children go barefoot.

Casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau.
Proverbs and Riddles 3

1. You heard me before,
Yet you hear me again,
Then I die
Till you call me again.

2. You can see nothing

When you look in my face,
I will look in the eye
And I will never die.
Your reflection.

3. Lovely and round,

I shine with pale light,
Grown in the darkness,
A lady’s delight.
A pearl.

4. What horse never goes out in the day time?

A night mare.

5. What has a neck, but no head?

A bottle.

6. I am always hungry
I must be fed,
The finger I lick
Will soon turn red.

7. All about, but cannot be seen,

Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.

8. What is a mosquito's favorite sport?

Skin diving.

9. Who designed Noah's ark?

An ark-itect.
Proverbs and Riddles 4

10. What do hens study in college?


11. What kind of soda must you not drink?

Baking soda.

12. Why did the little boy throw the butter out of the window?
To see the butterfly.

13. Why did the boy throw a bucket of water out of the window?
He wanted to see the waterfall.

14. What has two hands and a face, but no arms or legs?
A clock.

15. What can be measured, but has no length, width or thickness?

Your temperature.

16. What doesn’t ask questions, but needs to be answered?

The telephone.

17. What comes down, but never goes up?


18. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?

A blackboard.

19. What goes up and down but doesn’t move?

A staircase.

20. What can you serve, but never eat?

A tennis ball.

21. What has no beginning and no end?

A circle.

22. Two teachers teach at the same school. One is the father of the other’s son. What relation
are they to each other?
Husband and wife.

23. What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand?
Your right elbow.

24. If you have five potatoes and you have to divide them equally among three people, what
should you do?
Mash them first.
Proverbs and Riddles 5

25. A girl was nine on her last birthday, and she will be eleven on her next. How is it possible?
Today is her tenth birthday.

26. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and not once in a hundred years?
The letter M.

27. What can be right, but never wrong?

An angle.

28. How do you spell “mousetrap” with only three letters?


29. How many books can you put into an empty schoolbag?
None. If you put a book in it, the bag is no longer empty.

30. At this moment, everyone in the world is doing the same thing. What is it?
Getting older.

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