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Bacharelado em Tecnologia da Informação
Disciplina: Práticas de Leitura em Inglês
Profa. Ms. Lorena Azevedo de Sousa
Aula 02
• bbc.co.uk
• nytimes.com
• theguardian.com
• cnn.com
• ted.com
• teclasap.com.br
• vocabulary.com
• duolingo.com
• lyricstraining.com
• https://catracalivre.com.br/geral/web-educacao/indicacao/sete-canais-do-
• http://ultimosegundo.ig.com.br/educacao/2014-07-07/5-sites-gratuitos-
• http://isf.mec.gov.br/ingles/pt-br/como-posso-aprender-ingles
• http://www.myenglishonline.com.br/
• CRUZ, Décio Torres; SILVA, Alba Valéria; ROSAS, Marta.
Inglês.com.textos para Informática. – Salvador: O autor,

• CRUZ, Décio Torres. English online: Inglês para Informática.

– 1. Ed. – Barueri, SP: DISAL, 2013. GALLO, L. R. Inglês
Instrumental para Informática: módulo I. 2ed. São Paulo:
Ícone, 2011.

• GLENDINNING, E. H.; HOLMSTRÖM, B. Study Reading – a

course in reading skills for academic purposes. 2nd edition.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

• Tapestry reading 1, 2, 3 and 4.

VERB TO BE (video)
LY  finally

ITY  generosity

ABLE/IBLE  possible

ION  action
• ER, OR • IVE
to dance – dancer destructive
to drive – driver relative
to act – actor restrictive

science – scientist virtuous
geology – geologist gracious
biology – biologist ambitious
• Multi • Mid
- multicultural - midday
• Semi • Pre
- semicircle - pre-election
• Anti • Post
- antivirus - post-graduation
Problema na Clamba
Naquela manhã, depois de plomar, fui ver drão o Zé queria ou não ir
comigo lá na clamba. Pensei melhor grulhar. Mas na hora de ponir o
celular, vi-o passando com a golipesta. Logo, me dei conta de que ele já
tinha outro programa.
Então resolvi ir plaziado. Até chegar à clamba, tudo bem. Estacionei o
zulpo bem em frente, pus a chave no bolso e desci correndo para
aproveitar ao chinta aquele sol maravilhoso.
Não parecia haver um glapo na clamba. Tirei as grispes, pus o
bangoula. Estava pli quieto ali, que até me saltipou. Mas logo esqueci
das saltipações no prazer de nadar no lito, inclusive tirei o bangoula
para ficar mais à vontade. Não sei quanto tempo fiquei nadando,
siltando, corristando no lito.
Mas foi depois, na hora de voltar à clamba, que vi que nem as grispes,
nem o bangoula estavam mais aonde eu tinha deixado. O que fazer?
Fazendo / tecendo
inferências contextuais
• Ao encontrar uma palavra desconhecida,
podemos tentar adivinhar seu significado
pelo contexto: observando a sentença em
que a palavra aparece, bem como as
sentenças anteriores e posteriores.

Livro: Leitura em Língua Inglesa

Fazendo / tecendo
inferências contextuais
• A habilidade de inferir é utilizada também
para resgatar mensagens que não são
indicadas explicitamente no texto (“ler nas
• Para ler nas entrelinhas é necessário ter em
mente as ideias expressas pelo texto, ao invés
de palavras isoladas.

Livro: Leitura em Língua Inglesa

Recursos para inferir palavras ou ideias:
1. Conhecimento prévio (background knowledge):
conhecimento que o leitor já possui sobre o assunto.
2. Contexto semântico: o significado do texto como
um todo.
3. Contexto linguístico: pistas que indicam se a palavra
é substantivo, um adjetivo, um verbo, etc.
4. Contexto não-linguístico (informação não-verbal):
pistas contidas em gravuras, gráficos, tabelas, etc.
5. Conhecimento sobre a organização textual: pistas
contidas no título, subtítulo, divisão em parágrafo, etc.
“Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological
disorder involving the death of brain cells.”

1. Background knowledge;
2. Images;
3. Semantic and linguistic context.
(1) Palavra desconhecida
Many people are worried about their weight. To
reduce weight, they eat less, eliminate
carbohydrates from their diet, do a lot of
exercises to burn calories, etc.

Livro: Leitura em Língua Inglesa

(2) Palavra inexistente
She poured coffee into a tock. Then, holding the
tock, she drank. Unfortunately, as she was
placing it on the table, the tock fell from her
hand and broke.

Livro: Leitura em Língua Inglesa

(3) Palavras ausentes
a) I removed the __________ from the shelf and
began to read.

b) Rachel is very hard working. On the other hand,

her sister is very __________.

c) Everyone knows that if you step on an egg, it will


d) I’ve just bought a ________ so I drive to work.

Livro: Leitura em Língua Inglesa
A society, or a human society, is a group of
people involved with each other through
persistent relations, or a large social grouping
sharing the same geographical or social
territory, typically subject to the same political
authority and dominant cultural expectations.

A tool is any physical item that can be used to
achieve a goal, especially if the item is not
consumed in the process.
Tools that are used in particular fields or
activities may have different designations such
as "instrument", "utensil", "implement",
"machine", or "apparatus". The set of tools
needed to achieve a goal is "equipment". The
knowledge of constructing, obtaining and using
tools is technology. https://www.wikipedia.org/
A technique is a procedure to complete a task:
• Technology, the study of or a collection of
• Skill, the ability to perform a task
• Scientific technique, any systematic method to
obtain information of a scientific nature
• Art techniques and materials

A resource is a source or supply from which
benefit is produced. Typically resources are
materials, services, staff, or other assets that
are transformed to produce benefit and in the
process may be consumed or made unavailable.
From a human perspective a natural resource is
anything obtained from the environment to
satisfy human needs and wants. From a
broader biological or ecological perspective a
resource satisfies the needs of a living
organism. https://www.wikipedia.org/
Technology is the making, modification, usage,
and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques,
crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in
order to solve a problem, improve a pre-
existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal,
handle an applied input/output relation or
perform a specific function. It can also refer to
the collection of such tools, including
machinery, modifications, arrangements and
procedures. https://www.wikipedia.org/
“Technology and the family”
Has technology been good for family life?

“Come Saturday night, everyone really does gravitate
into the living room to watch "event television", if
only to tweet or text their friends about it. Like it or
not, The X Factor really is the superglue holding family
life together.”
Jim Shelley, TV critic and columnist

“Technology is getting in the way of a shared

experience, not facilitating it. How about all doing the
same thing at the same time – embracing the
collective. That's what family life is about for me. And
sorry to be sound as old as the hills, but how about
muting that cacophony of imported sounds and
everyone just talking to one another?”
Peter Stanford, writer, journalist and broadcaster

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