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11/04/2021 Webgraphviz

WebGraphviz is Graphviz in the Browser

Enter your graphviz data into the Text Area:
(Your Graphviz data is private and never harvested)

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5

p _ [ ]
"receita_com_chocolate"->"tempo_confecao" [label="need"]
"receita_sem_chocolate"->"tempo_confecao" [label="need"]
"entradas"->"tempo_confecao" [label="need"]
"lataleitecondensado"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"ovos"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"amendoa"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"chocolate"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"manteiga"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"maizena"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"porto"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"acucar"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"arroz"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"leite"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"limao"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"canela"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"sal"->"ingrediente" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"sobremesacolher1"->"sobremesacolher" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"nome='baba de camelo'" [shape=rectangle,color=goldenrod];
"sobremesacolher1"->"nome='baba de camelo'" [label="properties" style=dotted color=red]
"sobremesacolher1"->"receita_sem_chocolate" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"sobremesacolher1"->"lataleitecondensado" [label="need"]
"sobremesacolher1"->"ovos" [label="need"]
"sobremesacolher1"->"amendoa" [label="need"]
"sobremesacolher2"->"sobremesacolher" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"nome='mousse de chocolate'" [shape=rectangle,color=goldenrod];
"sobremesacolher2"->"nome='mousse de chocolate'" [label="properties" style=dotted color=red]
"sobremesacolher2"->"receita_com_chocolate" [label="iof" style=dashed]
"sobremesacolher2"->"chocolate" [label="need"]
"sobremesacolher2"->"acucar" [label="need"]

Generate Graph!

sobremesacolher3 sobremesacolher4 sobremesacolher1 sobremesacolher6 sobremesacolher5 sobremesacolher2 bolachas bolos

properties need need need need need need need iof iof need need properties properties need iof need iof need need iof need iof properties iof need need iof iof need need need iof iof need need need properties iof need need properties need isa

nome='leite de creme' canela limao leite maizena nome='arroz doce' nome='baba de camelo' receita_sem_chocolate nome='farofias de chocolate' chocolate sobremesacolher ovos receita_com_chocolate acucar nome='pudim' need nome='mousse de chocolate' need sobremesafatia entrada1 entrada2 entrada3 salgado2 salgado1 salgado3 acompanhamento1 acompanhamento2 acompanhamento3 sopa1 sopa3 sopa2 sopa4

arroz lataleitecondensado amendoa need isa isa isa isa need isa properties iof iof iof properties properties properties iof iof iof properties properties properties iof iof iof properties properties properties iof properties iof iof iof properties properties need

need need sobremesas need need need need Properties nome='bolinhos de bacalhau' entradas nome='croquetes' nome='chamucas' nome='lasanha' salgados nome='empadao de carne' nome='francesinha' nome='arroz de tomate' acompanhamentos nome='cuscus' nome='massa' nome='caldo verde' nome='sopa peixe' sopa nome='sopa pedra' nome='canja' need

iof iof iof iof iof iof iof iof iof need need need iof need manteiga need porto need need isa need need need isa isa need need isa isa need Properties Properties need need Properties Properties

iof iof need cozedura receita need sal need nome : string need need need need need

need iof need contem need

ingrediente utensilios especialidade tempo_confecao

www.jdolivet.byethost13.com/Logiciels/WebGraphviz/ 1/1

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