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Aluno(a) : ________________________________________________________

Série : 3ª Turma: ___________ Turno: __________ Ano _________

Professora: Ilze Pedreira


 Estratégias para leitura em língua inglesa

 Texts

 Modal Verbs

 Tag Questions

 Be Used to X Used to

Estratégias de Leitura em Língua Inglesa

Nos últimos anos, temos observado que o Enem vem trazendo uma cara nova as
provas de língua inglesa. Seu foco na interpretação de textos, verifica se o candidato
tem, entre outras competências exigidas, a de “conhecer e usar a língua estrangeira
moderna como instrumento de acesso a informações e outras culturas e grupos sociais”.
Para tanto, o candidato é avaliado quanto à sua capacidade de interpretação do texto
escrito, assim como a de relacionar o conteúdo específico da área com o de outras
disciplinas, além de conhecer assuntos relevantes para a sua formação como cidadão
brasileiro e do mundo. Com esse novo modelo de buscar o conhecimento do candidato,
o Enem mistura todos os tipos de gêneros textuais: artigos, poemas, músicas, cartoons,
charges, tirinhas, anúncios publicitários e etc.

Diante de tudo isso, como se preparar para fazer um bom exame e ler com mais
segurança um texto em língua inglesa?

A princípio, vamos aprender uma técnica que possui dois passos:

1º Skimming = trata-se de uma leitura rápida, uma olhada geral sobre o que esse texto
apresenta, observando seu título, sua fonte e se o mesmo possui alguma figura que te
sirva de suporte a entender o que esse texto aborda e qual a sua ideia geral.

Se aproprie de tudo que não são palavras e que possa te ajudar para só, depois disso, se
perguntar “O que eu acabei de ler?” Trata-se de uma crítica, um artigo, uma
propaganda, uma música?

Tudo isso você consegue identificar com o skimming.

Depois dessa leitura geral, direcione seu olhar as perguntas do texto. Veja o que elas
estão pedindo para que você possa prosseguir com segundo passo...

2º Scanning = é uma técnica como o próprio nome já diz, é como se fosse um scanner
que passa devagar pegando cada detalhe do texto. Por tanto, nesse momento, sua
segunda leitura deverá ser mais detalhista, buscando achar todos os pontos necessários
para resolver as perguntas que lhe estão sendo feitas, lembrando-se de ter muito
cuidado já que muitas vezes, a resposta não está explicita no texto, como é o caso das
músicas, por exemplo, que você tem que interpretar o que elas querem dizer.

O Texto se divide em 3 partes:

Reading Strategies

Global Idea Unknow Phrases

Main Ideas

1.Global Idea

* ideia global do texto / o tema do texto. Esse primeiro passo serve para entender a
ideia global do texto (como identificar).

* faça uma leitura rápida do texto / não pare para analisa-lo agora, lembre-se do
método skimming.

* ao pegar a ideia global (esporte? / cultura? / política? / religião?...) veja como o autor
delimitou essa ideia global. Exs.: Esporte: A seleção brasileira na copa do mundo. /
Política: A corrupção na política brasileira / Ensino de Idiomas: Como ler de forma
mais competente, dinâmica e efetiva?

Quando uma pessoa escreve um bom texto, ela apresenta a ideia geral logo no início.
Essa técnica de escrita tem que estar logo no 1º parágrafo, dando dicas do que o escritor
irá falar a respeito do texto. Então, nos próximos parágrafos, o escritor apenas
desenvolve para concluir no final.

2.Main Ideas

* são as ideias que desenvolvem a ideia global. São essas ideias principais que vão
nortear o texto. A partir do segundo parágrafo, o autor desenvolve ideias da fase
introdutória desse texto.

* como identificar as ideias principais de um texto? / Elas estão em cada parágrafo e

cada um desses parágrafos existem porque o assunto foi mudado.

E onde encontrar o tópico frasal de cada parágrafo? / Ele tem que estar nas duas ou três
primeiras linhas de cada parágrafo. Pegando essas linhas, você consegue entender o

3.Unknow Phrases

* termos desconhecidos.

* o que fazer com os termos desconhecidos? Como trabalhar com eles? / A princípio e
sem pânico, deixe-os quietos!

Identifique a ideia global e principais (como já foi dito) porque assim você terá respaldo
para, no final, conseguir o que chamamos de Guessing (dedução contextualizada), um
dos pontos principais quando trabalhamos com leitura. Não se apague a tradução literal,
as palavras variam de acordo com o contexto. Portanto, quando tiver uma palavra que
você não entendeu, releia o texto, associe essa palavra a ideia global e as principais e
deduza o seu significado. Não perca tempo com palavras que, muitas vezes se quer
estão sendo cobradas, mesmo porque, a maioria das vezes, quando traduzimos um texto
ao pé da letra, ele não fará sentido mesmo em sua língua materna:

Sendo assim, quando você se deparar com expressões idiomáticas que não domina,
recorra ao contexto e siga por eliminação.


Outro ponto crucial que você deve se preocupar é com o Tempo! Leitura Eficiente
é leitura rápida! Para isso, você precisa ler bastante, tanto na sua língua materna,
como, no nosso caso, na língua inglesa! Treine bastante! Leia muitos assuntos atuais.
Procure artigos na internet e vá traduzindo aquelas palavras que você acha que são
importantes para entendimento do texto, mas primeiro tente entender o contexto, não se
prendendo a palavra por palavra para só depois pesquisar em um dicionário (online
mesmo que é mais rápido!).

A melhor forma de se preparar para uma prova de leitura é lendo!

Em seguida, estude provas dos anos anteriores e só no final veja as respostas.

Além da leitura, é sempre bom estudar possíveis armadilhas como falsos cognatos,
conectores, além de prefixos e sufixos e os verbos mais utilizados da língua inglesa
afinal, engana-se aquele que pensa que a gramática não se faz necessária, ela é um
diferencial a mais para te ajudar a interpretar seu texto. (não tenha dúvidas disso!)

Lembre-se que os estudiosos afirmam que mais de 50% de um texto em língua inglesa é
formado por palavras parecidas com a nossa língua (cognatas), porque tanto o
português, quanto o inglês, têm na sua raiz o latim. Por isso, muitas palavras que são
derivadas do latim pertencem as duas línguas, dando para fazer essa conexão.

E, novamente, não esqueça que, se você quer ganhar tempo, logo após a primeira leitura
(skimming), leia as questões do texto!

Sucesso em seus estudos!!!

Just to Remember
A dica agora é bastante útil para quem deseja aumentar o vocabulário em inglês através
do conhecimento dos principais afixos da língua. Afixos são prefixos e sufixos que
são adicionados no início ou no fim da palavra, os quais têm o “poder” de modificar o
significado e até a classe gramatical das palavras. Veja um exemplo:


Raiz: believe (acreditar)
Prefixo: un- (inverte o significado da palavra)
Sufixo: -able (algo que “pode ser feito”)


a-, an-: sem. Ex: apolitical, atheist

anti-: contra, oposição. Ex: anti-war; antisocial; antibody

bi-: duplicação, duas vezes. Ex: bycicle, bilingual, bilateral

de-: oposto de. Ex: decentralization, devalue

dis-: não, oposto de. Ex: dislike; disconnect

fore-: antes de. Ex: forecast, foresee

in-, im-, ir-, il-: não. Ex: injustice, impossible, irrelevant, illiterate

inter-: entre. Ex: international, interdisciplinary

mid-: meio. Ex: midway, midday

mis-: incorretamente. Ex: misunderstand, mislead

non-: não, sem. Ex: nonsense, nonabrasive

pre-: antes. Ex: precede

re-: novamente. Ex: return, reread, redo

sub-: abaixo de, inferior. Ex: submarine, subway.

super-: acima de, superior. Ex: superstar, superior, supernatural

trans-: através de. Ex: transport, transatlantic

un-: não. Ex: unhappy, unkind.


-able, -ible: que pode ser feito (-ável, -ível). Ex: comfortable, printable, washable

-al, -ial: possuir as características de. Ex: personal, critical, magical

-ed: verbos regulares no passado. Ex: worked, missed, played, studied

-en: feito de. Ex: wooden,

-er, -or: 1) Aquele que faz (profissões). Ex: singer, actor, painter, teacher
2) Adjetivo comparativo: longer (mais longo), faster (mais rápido)

-est: superlativo. Ex: the biggest (o maior de todos)

-Ify: se acrescenta a substantivos e adjetivos para formar verbos. Ex.: beautify, purify,

-ion, -tion, -ation, -ition: ato ou processo de. Ex: occasion, attraction.

-ity, -ty: estado de. Ex: infinity.

-ive, -ative, -itive: forma adjetiva de um substantivo. Ex: plaintive.

-less: Falta de. Ex: fearless.

-ly: característica de (-mente). Ex: quickly, lovely, passionately, generally

-ment: ação ou processo. Ex: statement

-ness: estado de, condição de. Ex: kindness, loneliness

-ous-, -eous, -ious: possuindo as qualidades de. Ex: joyous, famous, dangerous


False Friends

Os verbos modais (modal verbs) são um tipo especial de verbos auxiliares que alteram
ou completam o sentido do verbo principal. De um modo geral, estes verbos expressam
idéias como capacidade, possibilidade, obrigação, permissão, proibição, dedução,
suposição, pedido, vontade, desejo ou, ainda, indicam o tom da conversa (formal /

can - could - may - might - must – have to - should - ought to

Vamos a eles:

1.Can (Poder) : no sentido de Capacidade: I can swim.

Permissão (informal): Can I come in?

Probabilidade: It can be!

2.Could (Podia ou Poderia) Podia: I could swim when I was a child.

Poderia: I could go to the cinema later.

 Can e could podem ser substituídos por Be Able To (ser capaz de) quando
expressar sentido de capacidade ou habilidade ou possibilidade e se conjuga em
qualquer tempo.

I will able to talk to you tomorrow.

He was able to play soccer.

3.May (Poder) no sentido de Permissão (Formal): May I come in?

Probabilidade: It may be!

Desejo: May you always be happy!

4.Might (Poderia ou Talvez) Poderia: I might have fallen.

Talvez: I might go out today.

 May e Might no sentido de permissão podem ser substituídos por Be Allowed


You are allowed to ask questions = You may questions.

When I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to watch TV after 9:00 pm = I mightn’t

watch TV after 9:00 pm.

5.Should / Ought to (Deveria) – ambos possuem basicamente o mesmo sentido, sendo

ought to mais formal. Expressam conselho, sugestão ou advertência.

You should / ought to carry some cash, but not much.

You should / ought to go to the doctor.

Angela should / ought to be more carefull.

6.Must (Dever) é usado para expressar obrigação/ necessidade, dedução e proibição.

You must stop in this area.

You must wear your coat, it is too cold outside.

He must be very rich.

You mustn’t smoke here!

 Must pode ser substituído pelo verbo have to (ter que) – mais usado no inglês
coloquial. Have to – usado para I, you, we e they / Has to – usado para he , she
e it.

I must go now = I have to go now.

She must eat more vegetables = She has to eat more vegetables.

 Como must não tem forma de passado , usa-se had to para expressar a ideia de

Yesterday I had to stay up working until one o’clock in the morning .


A. Complete the sentences with can or could when possible. If it is not, use a form of
be able to.

1. When Adam was young, he _________________________ run 30 km.

2. ____________________ you see the sea from this window?

3. We won’t __________________________ to finish our homework on time.

4. I want to _______________________ find happiness.

5. Of course you __________________________ help me!

6. The teacher wants us to _____________________speak good English.

B. Complete with must if possible. If not, use a form of have to.

1. He will ________________________ wake up early tomorrow.

2. You __________________________ remember to pay the dentist.

3. It’s late. We ____________________ go now.

4. As she was sick, she __________________________ stay in bed.

5. It’s already 9 o’clock. I _______________________ finish this work before 10.

C. Indicate the meaning of must in these sentences. (prohibition, deduction,


1. You mustn’t park your car here. _________________________

2. Dan travels to Europe three times a year. He must be rich._____________________

3. Your temperature is high. You mustn’t get out today.________________________

4. We must hurry up. It is going to rain.___________________________

5. They visit Disneyworld every year. It must be fun.__________________________

6. Sue must be intelligent; all her answers were correct._________________________

D. Supply should or ought to.

1.Our class _____________________ to study more about Newton’s life.

2. They _______________________ ask the teacher to leave the room.

3. You ______________________ give her a present. It’s her birthday.

4. We ____________________ arrive at school early tomorrow. There’s a special class.

5. I ________________________ to write to my friends in Italy.

E. Use can or may:

1. Ingrid is a good swimmer. She _________________ swim for hours!

2. Keith is musically gifted. He ___________________ play five instruments quite


3. I’m not sure, but Kate ____________________ opt for journalism instead of

4. What’s that flower? I’m not certain, but it _____________________ be a daisy.

5._______________ I use your pen please?

F. Use can’t or mustn’t:

1. _____________ you see that I love you?

2. I have to be strong! I __________________ give up!

3. You ____________________ eat your cake and have it.

4. When you leave your house, you __________________ forget the door open.

5. I _________________ believe it! It _________________ be true.

G. Now, use must or should

1. In your opinion, __________________ I stay or ____________________ I go?

2. How nice is this house! It __________________ belong to a very rich person! The
owner__________________ be an architect, don’t you think so?

3. If someone doesn’t speak your language very well, you _______________________

not speak fast; you ___________ speak slowly.

H. Fill in the backs using may or mustn’t:

1. She is very young. She ______________________ go out in the evening.

2. It ______________________ rain today.

3. They ______________________ arrive late. Their car is broken.

4. The children __________________ watch that film. It’s very violent.

5.The party starts at 9. We ___________________ arrive there after 9.

I. Complete with can, may, must or mustn’t.

1. In the future people ________________________ travel to Mars. (possibility)

2. We ________________________ reduce air pollution to safe level. (obligation)

3. Scientists ______________________ give precise weather forecasts. (capacity)

4. You ________________________ damage the garden. (prohibition)

5. They ______________________ see their schedule now. (permission)

6. I __________________________ take the next train to Glasgow. (obligation)

7. We ______________________ order cheap canvas from that store. (possibility)

8. He lives in the country. He _________________________ be a farmer. (deduction)

9. She ___________________ waste her time with that experiment. (prohibition)

10. My sister _____________________ dance rock-and-roll very well. (capacity)

J. Mark the correct alternative:

1. “I’m sure she isn’t here. She

__________ be at home”

a) must b) can c) will d) may

2. Nobody in the USA ________________ return to Japan because the nuclear


a) should b) can c) must d) might

3. A frase “You mustn’t take medicine” expressa:

a) uma ordem. b) uma obrigação. c) uma advertência.

d) uma proibição.

4. “We ________ go to the club. It depends on the weather”.

a) might b) must c) will d) can

Tag Questions são pequenas perguntas no final de uma frase. Essa pergunta não pede
uma informação, na verdade, ela quer só a confirmação do que acabou de ser dito ou
que o ouvinte concorde com a opinião emitida.

 Quando a declaração inicial estiver na positiva, sua Tag será na negativa e,

quando a declaração inicial estiver na negativa, a Tag será na positiva. Vejamos
alguns exemplos:

Exs: You like chocolate ice cream, don’t you?

Carolinne is very nice, isn’t she?

They didn’t go to the farm yesterday , did he?

Albert and Cristine are always telling lies, aren’t they?

 Observemos que a Tag Question é sempre feita de um verbo auxiliar (ou modal),
no mesmo tempo verbal empregado na declaração inicial + um pronome. Caso a
Tag Question esteja na negativa, a contração é obrigatória.

Exs: It’s awfully hot, isn’t it?

The house was very old, wasn’t it?

Your brother isn’t at home, is he?

Those bananas aren’t ripe, are they?

 Segue mais exemplos para maior entendimento:

You can ride a bicycle, can’t you?

Charles doesn’t speak Greek, does she?

Richard flew to London last week, didn’t he?

Helen and Walter will get married next month, won’t they?

Observe a diferença das duas frases abaixo. A primeira o verbo HAS está como verbo
auxiliar, por isso, a Tag question se faz com ele na negativa. Já a segunda frase, o
verbo HAS está como verbo principal logo, sua Tag, é feita com o auxiliar de presente
simples para 3ª p. do singular na negativa DOESN’T.

Pedro’s English has improved a lot, hasn’t it?

Shirley has beautiful hair, doesn’t she ?

You have been studying all morning, haven't you?

 Agora vejamos os casos especiais:

1. Quando a frase começa com um imperativo, sua Tag será sempre Will
you?/ Would you? (este último é menos frequente).

Ex: Bring me a glass of water, will you?

Close the window , would you?

Don’t pay with me, will you?

Let me tell you something, will you?

2. Quando usamos o let's (= vamos), o auxiliar da tag question sempre será o

shall we?.

Ex: Let's dance, shall we?

Let’s have an ice cream, shall we?

Obs: Nunca confunda Let com Let’s, certo?

3. Quando a frase tiver uma palavra com sentido negativa (never, seldom,
rarely...), sua tag question será sempre positiva:

Ex: She never talks the truth, does she?


A. Underline the correct tag questions.

1. They are going to work, (are they / aren’t they)?

2. Bob arrived late, (did he / didn’t he)?

3. The boys had gone to school, (had they / hadn’t they)?

4. They weren’t hungry, (were they / weren’t they)?

5. The girls can talk to you, (can they/ can’t they)?

6. You have been to Fortaleza, (haven’t you / didn’t you)?

7. Michael went to college last week, (hasn’t he / didn’t he)?

B. Complete the questions with the correct tag questions:

1. Come here, ____________________________?

2. Let’s talk for a minute, __________________________?

3. I am going to visit you, _____________________________?

4. Don’t close your eyes now, ____________________________?

5. The scientist prepared his materials, ____________________________?

6. John and Jack have been asking questions, _________________________?

7. We aren’t going to stay here all day, ________________________?

8. The actors were not attracting people’s attention, ___________________________?

9. John says beautiful poems, __________________________?

10. She never replies to my comments, ________________________?

11. The girls have brought sandwiches, _______________________?

12. Your boyfriend couldn’t come today, _______________________?

13. Mother bought fresh eggs, ____________________________?

14. It might rain, ________________________?

15. You could have arrived earlier, _____________________?

16. He hates spinach, _____________________?

17. Stop talking, _______________________?

18. It would be difficult to refuse the invitation, _______________________?

19. You have brought some chairs to sit on, ____________________________?

20. You will be happy to get that job, _______________________________?

21. They should have helped me, _________________________?

22. There were a lot of people at the party, ___________________?

23. They seldom arrive late, _________________________?

24. The wind is very strong, __________________?

25. Let’s have a party, ______________________?

26. You’re coming to the party, _____________________?

27. He never goes to the beach, ____________________?

28. He must play tennis very well, _______________________?

29. There aren’t any students here, _______________________?

30. They will lose the game, ________________________?

31. He is nice guy, _______________________?

32. Close the window, ______________________?

33. The weather was great, ____________________?

34. It is nearly 10 o’clock, _______________________.

Be used to X Used to

Essas formas verbais do inglês são sempre confusas para os falantes de português. O be
used to não deve ser confundido com used to. Observe as diferenças entre eles:

Used to + infinitivo indica algo que se costumava fazer antigamente, mas que agora
não é mais feito habitualmente.

I used to play marbles when I was ten.

He used to smoke when he was younger. (but he doesn’t anymore).

Forma negative: I drink a lot of green tea. I didn’t use to like tea.

Forma interrogativa: Did you use to drink too much beer?

Be used to + (verb)ing significa estar acostumado a/com algo.

I’m used to working late.

She is used to running. (She is still a habit of hers – she is accustomed to running).

Forma negativa: I’m not used to working at the weekend.

Forma interrogativa: Are you used to visiting your grandparents?

He is used to driving on the right because he has been living in

London for a long time. (Ele está acostumado a dirigir do lado
direito porque mora em Londres há muito tempo).


A. Supply used to or be used to:

1. My father ______________________________ smoke five years ago.

2. I _________________________________ watching TV every evening.

3. Helen _____________________________ getting up early.

4. Helen _______________________________ get up early on Sundays.

5. __________________ you _____________________ studying in the morning?

6. ________________ you _____________________ swim 3 miles a day last year?

7. My brother_____________________ be a good football player when he was young.

8. I _____________________________ have lunch out every day. (negative)

9. He _____________________________ waking up before 6:00 am.

10. I _____________________________ living alone (negative).

REVIEW – Ciclo 1

A. Underline the correct answer.

1. We must eat to live. (prohibition – deduction – necessity – advice – obligation)

2. You must stop at the red light. (prohibition- deduction – necessity – advice –

3. I must get to the bank before it closes. (prohibition – deduction – necessity – advice –

4. You must not drink before driving. (prohibition – deduction – necessity – advice –

5. You must remember this. (prohibition – deduction – necessity – advice – obligation)

B. Can or Can’t?

1. My God! I ____________________ computers! I _________________ the Net!

(understand – use)

2. Ronaldinho Gaúcho ______________ amazing tricks with the ball. (do)

3. Madonna ________________ and __________________ at the same time very well.

(sing - dance)

4. ________________ I __________ you a kiss? No, you ________________! (give)

C. Underline the correct answer.

1. It’s late. You should call your family. (advice – ability – permission)

2. We don’t have to wake up early tomorrow. It’s Sunday. (necessity – prohibition –

no necessity).

3. You can lose weight rapidly. (capacity – ability – advice)

4. You ought to reduce the time of the expirement . (capacity – advice – ability)

5. May I drive your new car around the block? (capacity – permission – possibility)

6. He could conceive brilliant scientific theories (…) (capacity – possibility – advice)

D. Tag Question.

1. He hates Tv, _____________________?

2. Stop doing this, _______________________?

3. She would study a little bit more, _______________________?

4. We have brought some chairs to sit on, ____________________________?

5. You will get that job, _______________________________?

6. Mathew should have seen me, _________________________?

7. There were a lot of kids in that show, ___________________?

8. I never arrive late, _________________________?

9. The weather is bad, __________________?

10. Let’s have a coke, ______________________?

11. They’re going to his house, _____________________?

12. I am studying a lot, _____________________________?

13.Don’t give up, ____________________________?

14.The dogs didn’t eat anything, ____________________________?

E. Used to or To Be Used to?

1. I _______________________ watch TV, but now I love soaps operas! (negative)

2.I _______________________ living alone, and I like it.

3. _________ Jenny ______________________ be such a good girl?

4.Chris ____________________ working with me. (negative)

5. Russia ___________________ belong to the Soviet Union.

6.I __________________ believe in Santa Claus when I was a boy. Now I am Santa

7. _______ you _____________ wearing cowboy boots?


 Simple and Perfect Condictional

 If Clauses

 Feira das Nações de Língua Inglesa

 Texts

Simple Conditional

O Simple Conditional serve para formar frases no futuro do pretérito, para isso
usamos o auxiliar Would, precedido pelo sujeito e seguido pelo verbo na forma normal:

- I would like to study (eu gostaria de estudar).

- She would say (ela diria)

Apenas trocar o Would e o sujeito de lugar para tornar as frases interrogativas:

- What would I like to study? (o que eu gostaria de estudar?).

- Would she say? (ela diria?)

Apenas adicionar o NOT após o Would:

- I would not (wouldn't) like to study (eu não gostaria de estudar).

- She would not say (ela não diria).

A. Put the verbs into the correct form (conditional simple).

1. They (walk) ________________________ to the station.

2. He (tell) _________________________ you the truth.

3. I (go) __________________________ home.

4. They (watch) ____________________ a scary movie.

5. You (not / say) _____________________ that.

6. She (not / do) _______________________this.

7. (give / you)___________________________him this letter?

8. I (not / wait) ______________________ any longer.

9. (wake / she) ________________________me up at six o'clock?

10. (help / they)________________________him in the garden?

Perfect Conditional


PRINCIPAL (no "past participle") Ex.: to come - came - come = vir

I would have come (Eu teria vindo)

You would have come
He/She/It would have come
We would have come
You would have come
They would have come

Kennedy would have been more famous if he hadn't died.

(Kennedy seria mais famoso se não tivesse morrido.)

The secretary would have written all the letters if she had had time.
(A secretária teria escrito todas as cartas se tivesse tido tempo.)

If you had asked her, she would have prepared a good meal.
(Se você tivesse lhe perguntado, ela teria preparado uma boa refeição.)

A. Put the verbs into the correct form (conditional perfect tense).

1. They (walk) _________________________________ to the station.

2. We (sleep) __________________________________ in the tent.

3. I (win) ______________________________________ the race.

4. He (tell) _____________________________________ her.

5. I (not / open) _________________________________ the door.

6. We (not / say) _________________________________ that.

7. She (not / drive) ________________________________ so fast.

8. (do / he) _______________________________________ that?

9. (travel / you) ___________________________________ by train?

10. (begin / they) ___________________________________ earlier?


Condicional IF Clause expressa uma condição e sempre vem acompanhado de

uma oração principal (main clause).

Exemplos de condicionais:

I will come if I have enough time.

She would tell me if she knew.

Unless she agrees to pay us we will not take the job.

They will come when I call them.

* Há quatro maneiras de expressar que algo é dependente de outra coisa.

The Zero Conditional

"If the sun sets, it becomes night."

Usamos o Condicional Zero quando queremos expressar verdades universais ou leis


If + Simple Present, + Simple Present Ou Simple Present + If + Simple



 If you boil an egg, it becomes solid.

 If you heat something, it becomes hotter.

Nós podemos usar “when” ao invés de “if”.


 When I see Karen I always feel better.

 When she feels sick she lies in bed.

 He starts yelling only when he gets really desperate.

Para dar uma ordem ou instrução, a main clause vem na imperativa e a if clause vem
no presente simples.

Ex: Visit the Eiffel Tower if you are in France for the first time.

The First Conditional

"If he catches a fish, he will be very happy."

Nós usamos o Primeiro Condicional quando falamos sobre possíveis eventos futuros
(situações prováveis).

If + Simple Present, + Will Ou Will + If + Simple Present


 Lisa will be very happy if she wins the prize.

 If it rains, then we will stay at home.

 You will always be able to take another test if you fail.

 If I see Sam, I will ask him to give you a call.


Você pode usar esses verbos modais ao invés de will:
shall, can, may.


 If you fail, you can always try again.

 If you finish everything on time, you may go home earlier.

 We shall meet on Sunday, if it's alright with you.

The Second Conditional

"If I met a genie, I would ask for infinite wealth..."

Nós usamos o Segundo Condicional quando falamos sobre eventos futuros que não são
prováveis de acontecer (situação improvável).

If + Simple Past, + Would + Base Form Ou Would + Base Form + If + Simple



 If I won a million dollars, I would travel around the world.

 If I met him again, I would tell him the truth.

 She would quit school if her parents agreed.

 I would be surprised if I saw pigs in the sky.

Nós também usamos o Segundo Condicional quando falamos sobre coisas que são
contrárias aos presentes fatos.

"If I had any money, I would give you some."


 If she worked less, she wouldn't be so tired.

 You would see John if you were here now.

 If things were different, we would be happy.

 We would be good friends if she were nicer.

Você pode usar esses verbos modais ao invés de would:
should, could, might.


 If she didn't have her job, she could come with us to the North Pole.

 If they wanted to move, they could sell the house to us.

A forma curta ou contracta de would é ‘d.
For example: If Kathleen were at home, she'd pick up the phone.

The verb BE

O verbo BE tem uma regra especial nesse caso.

Normalmente dizemos: I was, he was, she was, it was, we were, you were, they were.

Contudo, esse caso, nós usamos:

I were, he were, she were, it were, we were, you were, they were.

Em outras palavras: "were" é a única forma de uso no passado do verbo BE para a if



If I were you I would apologize.

I would fight back, if I were you.

The Third Conditional

"If I had paid more attention, I wouldn't have hit myself..."

Nós usamos o Terceiro Condicional quando falamos sobre coisas que são contrarias aos
fatos passados. Em outras palavras: os eventos que não aconteceram no passado.
(situações impossíveis – que não se concretizou no passado e suas possíveis

If + Past Perfect, + Would have + V3 Ou Would have + V3 + If + Past



 If I had woken up on time, I would have taken the bus.

 Tom would have helped us if he had known we were there.

 If I had told Sarah the truth, I would have felt much better.

 If it hadn't rained yesterday, we would have enjoyed a nice picnic.

Note #1:

A forma curta ou contracta de had é 'd.

For example: If he'd passed his exams, he would get a diploma.

Note #2:
Você pode usar esses verbos modais ao invest de would have:
should have, could have, might have.


 Jessica might have gotten the job if she hadn't been so nervous.

 You could have arrived on time if you had used a map.

 If she had known what to do, she should have told us.

PS: Unless = if not

You won’t pass the exams if you do not study a lot.

You won’t pass the exams unless you do study a lot.


A. Choose the correct answer.

1. If my neighbors _____________ disturbing me, I will go to the police to


a) have kept b) keep c) kept

2. If I __________ you, I’d rent a car in Bodrum, Turkey.

a) am b) had been c) were

3. If Alex had concentrated, he ___________ the penalty

a) might not miss b) wouldn’t have missed c) wouldn’t miss

4. If the electricity cuts off, ___________ the candles in the drawer.

a) use b) will use c) must use

5. He will begin to work with the team ____________ his leg injury is recovered.

a) unless b) may c) if

6. If you add engine protector to the engine, the car’s performance ____________.

a) increases b) would increase c) would have increased

7. They ____________ to look for another car if the red one is sold.

a) would start b) will start c) would have started

8. What would you do if you _____________a thief in your bedroom?

a) see b) had seen c) saw

B. Complete the sentences:

1.If I ____________________________ to the cinema, I will watch an interesting

film. (to go)

2. If I ___________________________________, I would pass the exams. (to study)

3. We wouldn't have swum if the weather ____________________________ bad. (to


4. If he __________________________________a temperature, he would see the
doctor. (to have)

5. I will be very happy if my friends ________________________________. (to come)

6. If I ____________________________ a lot of money, I would have flown to New

York. (to earn)

7. If we ________________________________home in time, we would have missed

the film. (to come)

8. The teacher will not be happy if I ___________________________ my homework

again. (to do- neg.)

9. If our class ________________________ to England, I would visit the Tower of

London. (to go)

10. If our class ______________________ to England, I would have visited the Tower
of London. (to go)

C. Complete the sentences:

01. If you arrive early, you ___________________________________ to wait.(to have)

02. If you arrived early, you __________________________________ to wait.(to have)

03. If you had arrived early, you ______________________________ to wait. (to have)

04. They ________________________________________ you if they can. (to help)

05. They ________________________________________ you if they could. (to help)

06. They _____________________________________ you if they could have.(to help)

07. If you drink too much you ___________________________________ sick. (to be)

08. Unless you work hard, you _________________________ your test. (to pass)

09. If you stop smoking you ______________________________ longer. (to live)

10. Practice hard and your English _________________________________. (to

11. We would have gone out if _________________________________ raining. (to


12. If I ________________________________ away, I would have written to you. (to


13. If he ______________________________ harder, he would have succeeded. (to


14. He _________________________________________ unless he was lonely. (to


15. She would have come if you ________________________________________ her.

(to invite)

16. Unless the greenhouse effect is mitigated, the seas__________________________.

(to rise)

17. If you were older, you _______________________________ wiser. (to be)

18. If I had known you weren't coming, I ____________________________________ a

cake. (to bake – neg.)

19. If you run, you __________________________________________the train. (to


20. If I were you, I ____________________________ on holiday. (to go)

21. If it rains, I__________________________ a book. (to read)

22. People ______________________ if they don’t breath. (to die)

23. If the temperature is below zero, water __________________. (to freeze)

24. Wood ____________ if you put it in water. (to float)

D.1. Where would you go if you....... a rich person?

a) was
b) is
c) are
d) were
e) be

2. If Chris were here, she..... know what to say.

a) will
b) would
c) ‘d
d) would have
e) "b" e "c"

3. What would you have done if he .... got hurt?

a) has
b) will
c) had
d) have
e) "a" e "c"

4. If I were a millionaire, I ....... go everywhere.

a) could
b) would
c) will
d) have
e) a e b

5. If I get hurt, I..... sue you.

a) have
b) has
c) going to
d) will
e) would

6. If she gave him what he wanted, he......... be happy now.

a) were d) would
b) was e) all of the above
c) will

7. You`d have caught your flight if you........... on time.

a) left
b) will leave
c) lives
d) had left

8. If he....... hungry, he`d have eaten something.

a) had been
b) were
c) was
d) will be

9. If he ........... late, he`d have found out the truth.

a) hadn`t arrived
b) would have arrived
c) would arrive
d) will arrive

10. Nobody.........you if you don`t speak up.

a) would hear
b) hears
c) heard
d) will hear

11. If she........... watch out, she may get hurt.

a) won’t
b) would
c) had
d) doesn`t

12. We`ll miss the bus if you.......... hurry

a) will
b) would
c) don`t
d) `d

13.Qual é a forma correta

a) If I went to Paris, I could visit to the Louvre.

b) If I had gone to Paris, I could have visited the Louvre
c) If I go to Paris, I will visit the Louvre.
d) Todas
14. The bank............... the check unless it had been endorsed.

a) would have cashed

b) wouldn`t have cashed
c) hadn`t cashed
d) would cash

15. If he......... to work last night, he would have helped to do the project.

a) didn`t have
b) hadn`t have
c) had had
d) hadn`t had

16. I wouldn`t mind going to the movies if I............. it already.

a) Had seen
b) will have see
c) hadn`t seen
d) didn`t see


 Prepositions

 Relative Clauses

 Texts


Tempo Lugar

 século ( in the 20th century) * continentes ( in Africa )

 década ( in the 60’s ) * país ( in England )

 ano ( in 1982 ) IN * estado ( in California)

 estações do ano ( in Summer ) * cidades ( in London)

 período do dia , com exceção de night * bairro ( in Ipanema)

( in the morning / afternoon / evening) * rua ( in the street )

 dia do mês ( on December 22 ) * nomes de ruas, avenidas ou praças

 dia da semana ( on Saturday) ON ( on Kennedy Avenue )

 data específica ( on Christmas day )

 férias ( on vacation)

 hora ( at 7 o’clock ) * rua com número ( at 54 Washinton

 datas específicas sem a palavra AT Street).

day ( at Christmas) * local específico, ponto de referência

 at night / at noon / at midnight (at school, at Boulevard )

 com as palavras beninning /start * com nomes de cidades pequenas

end / moment. ( at Xique- Xique )


1.In ( em, dentro de) indica espaço dentro de...

On ( sobre, em , de a partir de ) indica contato.

At (em , no (a, os, as), para, em direção a, junto a( de).

2. Above / Over (sobre , acima de – não indica contato) localização, plano superior.

Above indica também posição hierárquica e Over indica sentido vertical entre dois

Below ( abaixo de; sob); pode indicar posição hieráquica ou nível inferior.

3.Under ( abaixo; debaixo de) – localização, posição inferior.

4. Into ( para dentro – indica movimento para dentro)

Out of ( fora, para fora de - indica movimento para fora de alguma coisa)

5. Onto ( para cima, em – indica movimento para cima / para superfície de algo)

Off ( para baixo, em – saindo de uma suprfície)

6. Up (acima, para cima, no alto, subindo até – indica direção ou movimento, limite).

Down ( abaixo, para baixo). She's sliding down the railing on her

7. In front of ( em frente de –indica posição dianteira).

Opposite (of)

Behind (atrás de indica posição traseira). He´s behind bars.

8. Beside ( ao lado de – indica posição lateral). She is standing beside him.

Near ( perto de – indica aproximidade).

Next to (próximo a, vizinho de, encostado – indica maior aproximida do que near)

9. Around – Round (ao redor de, em volta de – indica movimente circular e localização).

10. Across ( através de, do outro lado de) indica travessia de um lado para o outro.

Through (através de) indica movimento por dentro de alguma coisa.

1. Past ( passar por algo ou alguém)

12. To ( para, em direção a – indica destino). Throw the ball to me.

Toward(s) ( para, em direção a – indica direção). The

hunter aimed the gun toward/towards the deer.

Obs: Usamos toward quando queremos dizer “em direção a” e to quando queremos
dizer “até” algum lugar específico.

13. Along ( ao longo de, no percurso de).

14. Between ( entre duas pessoas ou coisas).

Among ( entre várias pessoas ou coisas ou mais de duas )

15. Away (indica distãncia).

16. By ( por, pelo(a, os, as), de, para, durante, à hora de mais ou menos, próximo a – indica
modo, lugar autoria,tempo aproximado, meio de transporte, agente da passiva,

She stands by the tree. He goes to school by bike. Romeo

and Juliet by Shakespeare.

17. Before (antes de)-indica ação ou posição anterior. Ex: Andrew, eat your lunch before
your dessert, ok?

After (depois de) – indica ação ou posição posterior. Ex: Andrew is going to eat the
dessert after lunch.

18.From … to ( de / desde de ... até – usado para expressar o começo e o término de uma
ação. Ex: I work from Monday to Friday.

19. Against (contra) indicando posição, resistência. The cat leans

against the garbage can.

20. With / Without (com / sem… alguma coisa ou alguém)

The letter was sealed with a kiss.

My son baked a cake without my help.

Prepositions – Activities

A. Fill in the blanks with in, on or at:

1.He met her _______ the bus ________ Fifth Avenue, _______ New York.

2. Did you hear about it _______ the radio, ________ TV or did you read it ________
the papers?

3. _______ Christmas we are usually _______ Desmond Hotel, _______ the beach.

4. If you go to work ________ foot, _______ what time do you have to leave home?

5. She was ______ the phone, ______ home, ________ midday.

6.________ Christmas Day we usually go to my grandmother’s _______ Anápolis

_______ Goiás.

7. Before they got ______ the bus __________ the shopping mall, their father arrived
_____ a taxi to take them home.

8. Walk straight down the street and the library is _______ the corner.

9. He arrived _______ the airport ______ night. It was ________ a rainy day and I
guess it was _________ a Wednesday.

10. What are you doing _________ the moment?

11. Diana and Charles were married ________ July 29, 1981, ________ St Paul’s

12. _______ Brazil, spring begins _________ September and ends _________

13. I have a thouch screen TV _________ my bedroom.

14. The hospital is __________ the right.

15. The Sahara is the biggest desert _______ the world.

B. Which preposition would you correctly fulfill the sentences below?

above - below - over - under - up - down

1. Your nose is ________________ your mouth and your mouth is _____________ your

2. In Finland the temperature in winter is usually _______________________ zero.

3. A helicopter was flying 500 meters _________________ the sea level.

4. We were in Salvador and decided to drive ___________ to Recife and then_________ to


5. The sun was going ______________ and it would soon be dark.

6. The cat was hidden _______________ the sofa.

7. Look at the sky _______________ us.

8. It’s hard to see things _________________ water.

C. Which preposition would you correctly fulfill the sentences below?

between – among – across – through

1. A new bridge was built ____________ the river. Then it was necessary to build a
tunnel _____________ the mountain.

2.______________ the glass we could see him walking ____________ the street.

3. I usually arrive home ____________ 8 and 9 in the morning, so I’m afraid I won’t
be able

to watch the soccer match _____________ Cruzeiro and Atlético.

4._____________ other things she decided to live ___________ the Indians.

D. Which preposition would you correctly fulfill the sentences below?

into – onto – off – out of

1. Take care not to fall _________________ the chair.

2. She threw her books violently ________________ the floor.

3. The teacher ordered her to get ________________ the classroom.

4.Is it true that all the rivers run ________________ the ocean?

E. Complete the sentences below with these prepositions; at , in , into , on , onto.

1. The little girl jumped __________________ her mother’s bed.

2. Louise is swimming ____________________ the lake.

3. Why is she standing _________________ the door?

4. When we arrived at the beach, I dived ____________ the water.

5. Kids! Please don’t play ________________________ the sofa; it’s not a toy!

6. Move the books _______________________ the second shelf.

7. The kids are playing ______________________ the street.

8. I’ll be ______________________ the concert tonight.

9. Walk __________________ the office and meet me ___________________ in front

of door.

F. Complete the gaps with above, below, under, in front of, beside , through, or
behind, so that the sentences make sense.

1.I didn’t see half the movie! There was a lady in a big hat sitting
___________________ me.

2.John hide the book ________________________ the sofa. I wonder why.

3..Stand ___________________________ me so they can see us both.

4.The cat jumped __________________ the window and almost broke the glass.

5.Summer is between December and March ___________________ the equator.

6.That’s a nice rug _______________________ the coffee table.

7.The role in the ozone is right _______________________ Antarctica.

G. Underline the best preposition:

1. It takes me 40 minutes to go (from / to ) home ( from / to ) work on weekdays.

2. He was fixing the roof and fell (off / away from ) it.

3. He walked (round / down ) the table for sometimes and left the living room.

4. The boys climbed (up / down) to the top of the mountain.

5. The robber ran (away / towards) from the police and escaped.

I. Use the prepositions in the box:

off - out of - down - across - away - above

1. Why is he ______________________ from us?

2. Walk ______________________ stairs. I need to talk to you!

3. The book is falling __________________ the table.

4. The sky is ______________________ me.

5. I walked _______________________ the street to get the ball.

6. He got ___________________ the room very angry.



1. The jewelery store is _______________ the Italian restaurant

2. The bar is ________________ Second Avenue

3. The police station is ____________ the left from Fire Department

4. The toy store is ______________ the Chinese restaurant

5. The movie theater is _______________ the Book store

6. The sporting goods store is _________________ the Furniture store

7. The bar is __________________ the Chinese restaurant

Task 2. Look at the map. Choose the correct name of the building!

1. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on and
cross the road. It's on the left.


2. Take the first street on the left. Go down the street. Turn on the right. Take the next
street on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. Go straight on. It's in front of you
on the other side of the road.

3. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Take the next street
on the right. Pass the Fire Department. It's on your left.


Task 3. Fill in the missing preposition.

1. The Women's wear is ___________________________ the Jewelry Store.

2. The Movie Theater is __________________________ the Book Store.

3. The Women's wear is __________________________ the Jewelry Store and the

Sporting Goods.

4. The Toy store is ____________________________ of Main Street and Forest


5. The Jewelry Store is ____________________________ the Italian Restaurant.

Task 4.- Choose the correct option from the box.

1.The restaurant is between the bank and the hotel. ____________

2. The school is in front of the police station. ____________

3. The supermarket is across from the train station. __________

* YOU ARE AT THE X POINT. - Follow the directions and write the name of the

place inside the box, use the names of the places above.

1. Walk straight one block, turn left on Apple Street, it's on the corner of Apple Street
and First Avenue. __________________________

2. Walk straight ahead on Second Avenue, turn left on Main Street, walk one block,
get to the train station and cross the street. __________________________

3. Walk straight, turn left on Apple Street walk for one block, then turn right and walk
one block on First Ave., then turn right on Main street. It's next to the bank.


1. I'll meet you _____________the morning.

2. The meeting starts ___________ three.

3. I'll go to the restaurant with you ___________the evening.

4. I usually stay home _____________night.

5. I get out of class ______________noon.

6. I'll call you ________________six o'clock.

7. She came _________________Monday.

8. She came __________________March.

9. I was born ___________________1970.

10. I was born _______________March 15th.

11. They managed to complete the work _______________two weeks.

12. He played a trick on me ________________April Fool's Day.

13. I'll help you _____________________a minute.

14. I'll be ready _______________a few minutes.

15. ________________the moment, I'm doing an exercise.

16. He's due to arrive ________________14 February.

17. I like to go swimming _________________summer.

18. I'm working ________________________ my birthday.

19. Do you think it is a good idea to ban smoking __________ public places?

20. Look at the picture ______________ the wall.

21. My house is ___________________ the end of the street.

22. I stopped ____________________ Nancy's house.

23. Do you like walking ___________________ the garden?

24. I found my keys _____________________ the desk.

25. I met him ____________________ Paris.

26.He was crying __________________ the back of the classroom.

27. I saw the film _____________________ TV.

28. These people live _________________ my hometown.

Os pronome relativos unem duas orações, substituindo um substantivo ou
pronome. Eles introduzem orações subordinadas adjetivas (adjective clauses) e
essas podem ser restritivas (definem, limitam) ou explicativas (acrescentam algo ao
significado do antecedente mas não é essencial na frase).

Antecedente Pessoa

pronome relativo = função de sujeito: WHO /THAT ( que, quem)

Ex. The girl who played the violin was a dancer too.


pronome relativo = função de objeto: WHO / THAT / WHOM / O


Ex. The girl that I saw in the circus was a singer.


Antecedente Coisa ou Animal

pronome relativo = função de sujeito: WHICH / THAT (que)

Ex. The tambourine which was on the table belongs to the gypsy.


pronome relativo = função de objeto: WHICH / THAT / O


Ex. The horse that she saw in the stable belongs to the gypsy as well.

 Casos Especiais

That / O = não são usados em orações subordinadas explicativas (entre ou

após vírgula) ou precedido de preposições.

That = usamos quando há antecedentes diferentes . (só usamos ele)

Ex. The man and the lion that you heard about are at the zoo now.

That = usado após superlativos e palavras como some , any , no (e suas

variações) , everything , much , little , only , all , first , last.

Exs. This is the worst movie that I’ve ever seen.

Nothing that you say will convince her.

 When ( quando ) = refe-se a dia(s), mês etc.

Ex: I’ ll always remember the day when we got married

 Where ( onde ) = refere-se a lugares.

Ex. The house where I was born is small.

 Whose ( cujo(a); cujos(as)) = indica posse. Nunca pode ser omitido e

geralmente vem entre dois substantivos.

Exs. I’ve just seen the woman whose son studied the stars.

The horse whose owner is my father is sleeping .

The girl whose bag was stolen is my niece.

I’m reading a book whose title I can’t remember at moment.

 What (o que , o qual) + pode ter função de sujeito e objeto da frase.

Ex. I want what you are eating.

I don't know what happened yesterday.

I didn’t tell anybody what they said.

 Diante de preposições ( a preposição deve antecedê-los ) usamos sempre
whom (para pessoas) e which para os demais.

Exs: The students to whom have talked me aren't here.

With whom will you go?

The film about which we were talking won several Oscars.

Relative Pronouns - Activities

A. Supply all the possible relative pronouns.

1.Marylou was looking at the boy_____________________________________ she


2.Gypsies are a people _______________________________ adapt easily to new


3.The fortuneteller _____________________________ I called on is a very old woman.

4.She is the woman ______________________________ I Love.

5.She saw a boy _____________________________ is very sick.

6.The rabbit ___________________________________ the fox ate was Mary’s.

7.Two of the eggs ______________________________ were on the table came from

my farm.

8. He broke the vase in _______________________ you put the flowers.

9.This is the man _____________________________ the police is looking for.

10. The man from __________________________ we bought our house is very rich.

11. Kleber,________________________________ was a scientist, formulated

important laws of planetary motion.

12. The research __________________________ he proposed was very important.

13. Lucas, _____________________________ book is with me , is my nephew.

14. Milk,_______________________________ is white, is good for almost everybody.

15. Bob was the only student _______________________ passed the exam.

16. We gave the seat to the last person ______________________________ arrived.

17. Whisky, __________________________ is very expensive, is the national drink of


18. My wife, _____________________ you saw last night, wants you to come to

19. Mom, _______________________ car is broken, is very angry!

20. The table on ________________________ you put your books cost 50 dollars.

B. Underline the correct alternative:

1.My husband, ( that , who ) is very young, has got a pneumonia.

2. He was speaking about the books and the writers ( who , that ) he knew.

3.The man ( who , which ) you want has just left.

4. Hemingway, (whose, who) was a clever writer, wrote “The old man and the sea”.

5. The man to (whom , O ) you gave the money has run away.

6. My father knows everything (O , that ) is written in this book.

C. Chosse the correct alternative.

a) who- whom- that- O d)which - that

b)who – that e) no one

c)which – that – O

1. That is the boy __________ I saw at the club.

2. The scientist ___________ discovered penicilin was Fleming.

3. I can’t find the book __________ I bought yesterday.

4. Where is the car ___________ you liked?

5. Ozone is a gas ____________ doesn’t damage the atmosphere.

6. There is the housewife___________ we asked a question to.

7. We don’t like pants _________ don’t have pockets.

8. She is the dentist ___________ talked about tooth decay.

9.Tina was the person _________ the murderer killed.

10. We have just seen the airplanes_____________ were used in the World War II.


D. Choose the correct relative pronoun.

1. This is the bank _____________________was robbed yesterday.

2. A boy____________________________ sister is in my class was in the bank

at that time.

3. The man _____________________________ robbed the bank had two

4. He wore a mask ________________________ made him look like Mickey


5. He came with a friend _______________________________ waited outside

in the car.

6. The woman ________________________________ gave him the money was


7. The bag ____________________________ contained the money was yellow.

8. The people ___________________________were in the bank were very


9. A man ___________________________ mobile was ringing did not know

what to do.

10. A woman ____________________________ daughter was crying tried to

calm her.

11. The car _________________________ the bank robbers escaped in was


12. The robber __________________________ mask was obviously too big

didn't drive.

13. The man ________________________________ drove the car was nervous.

14. He didn't wait at the traffic lights ______________________________ were


15. A police officer _______________________ car was parked at the next

corner stopped and arrested them.

Preposition of Place - Review

Observe the map and choose the correct preposition.

1. The music store is __________________________Santos Dumont Street and

Rosa e Silva Avenue.

2. The hospital is ________________________the pet shop.

3. The toy store is ______________________ the music store and the restaurant.

4. The supermarket is _____________________ the restaurant.

5. The fast food restaurant is _______________________ Amélia Street.

6. The bookstore is ______________________the supermarket.

7. The bank is on Santos Dumont Street_________________________ the flower


8. The school is ______________________Amélia Street and Rosa e Silva Avenue.

9. The pet shop is ___________________________Amélia Street.

10. The flower shop is _________________________Santos Dumont Street.

The End!!!


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