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O Corporate-Run Media - anteriormente "Mainstream Media".

Nem todas as notícias devem ser publicadas. Em vez disso, aqueles que
controlam as políticas de notícias devem se esforçar para fazer com que cada
item de notícias sirva a um determinado propósito. Joseph Paul Goebbels
Nazi Propaganda Minister

Somos gratos ao Washington Post, ao New York Times, à Time Magazine e a

outras grandes publicações (a Mainstream/Mass-Media ) cujos diretores
participaram de nossas reuniões e respeitaram suas promessas de discrição por
quase quarenta anos. Teria sido impossível para nós desenvolver nosso plano
para o mundo se estivéssemos sujeitos às luzes brilhantes da publicidade
durante esses anos.
Mas, o mundo está agora mais sofisticado e preparado para marchar em direção
a um governo mundial.
A soberania supranacional de uma elite intelectual e banqueiros mundiais é
certamente preferível
à autodeterminação nacional praticada nos séculos passados. David Rockefeller
C.FR. e Fundador da Comissão Trilateral

"Não basta que os jornalistas se vejam como meros mensageiros sem entender
as agendas ocultas da mensagem e os mitos que a cercam." John Pilger

"Nós [os sionistas] temos tudo sob tal controle que ninguém - ninguém ou
ninguém pode [alcançar] as pessoas a menos que seja feito através do 'nosso'
controle da mídia.
Nós costuramos!!"
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
da entrevista Harold Wallace Rosenthal 1976

'Em março de 1915, os interesses do JP Morgan, o interesse do aço, construção

naval e pólvora, e suas organizações subsidiárias, reuniram 12 homens de alto
nível no mundo jornalístico e os empregaram para selecionar os jornais mais
influentes dos Estados Unidos e suficiente número deles para controlar
geralmente a política da imprensa diária...
Eles descobriram que só era necessário comprar o controle de 25 dos maiores
O congressista norte-americano Oscar Callaway , 1917

'O mundo pode, portanto, aproveitar a oportunidade [crise do Golfo Pérsico]

para cumprir a promessa de longa data de uma Nova Ordem Mundial , onde
diversas nações são reunidas em uma causa comum para alcançar as aspirações
universais da humanidade.' George Herbert Walker Bush


- 2016 - Como a verdade foi destruída para que você comprasse a propaganda do governo
- Teoria do Agendamento - Mídia de Notícias de Massa
espanhol - Armas de Distração em Massa - Mídia, Publicidade e Programação Social
- Enquanto a 'propaganda da mídia de massa' existir, a democracia é uma farsa
- BBC lança martelo de propaganda na Tailândia
- Cuidado com o Complexo Industrial de Mídia
- Big Pharma e Mídia Corporativa se unem para Pro-Vaccine Propaganda
- A mídia corporativa pode transformar mentiras em verdade ?
- Protestos chilenos - Uma revolta contra o neoliberalismo que a mídia se recusa a reconhecer
- A CIA controla meios de comunicação de massa como The NY Times, Time Magazine e muito mais
espanhol - Como Bill Gates COMPRA a mídia, jornalistas e 'verificadores de fatos'
espanhol - Como a imprensa americana faz lavagem cerebral na opinião pública - A hiper-realidade de uma imprensa...
espanhol - Como a mídia polariza as massas
espanhol - Desilusão completa com o establishment britânico - Craig Murray
- Controle 101 - Criando uma realidade de consenso
- Controle da Imprensa - Protocolo 12 - Protocolos dos Sábios de Sião
- Mídia mainstream controlada corporativa (MSM) existe para desmoralizar o público
- Mídia corporativa fazendo seu "trabalho" - Apagando os coletes amarelos na TV a cabo
Italiano - Covid-19 acaba por ser uma grande farsa perpetrada pela mídia
- Covid-19 acabando por ser uma grande farsa perpetrada pela mídia
- Desmascarando a cobertura da mídia ocidental no Peru sobre a guerra na Síria
espanhol - Declaração Conjunta sobre Wikileaks - ONU e CIDH
- Documentos da CIA desclassificados mostram o controle da agência sobre a mídia tradicional e a academia
espanhol - ACORDA !!!
- O DHS acaba de admitir que a mídia tradicional tem 'fatos deturpados' sobre a Rússia
espanhol - Dez técnicas de manipulação comumente usadas pela grande mídia
- Nação Dividida - O presidente Trump "declara guerra" à elite dominante enquanto a mídia e os manifestantes declaram guerra ...
espanhol - EUA anunciam ação sem precedentes para acabar com a guerra às drogas - Silêncio da mídia...
espanhol - Controle de Mídia
espanhol - O fim da Internet... O que sabemos ? -Arquivo Principal
- Elite em pânico? - A mídia independente tem mais poder do que a mídia convencional
espanhol - O Mito da Imprensa Livre
espanhol - O Multiplicador de Propaganda - Agências de Notícias Globais e Mídia Ocidental
espanhol - A Nova Ordem Mundial da Mídia
espanhol - Elon Musk em discurso épico expõe o controle oligárquico da mídia
- Elon Musk acabou de expor o controle da oligarquia do petróleo sobre a mídia convencional em discurso épico
espanhol - O Prognóstico Sombrio de Carl Sagan - Uma Sociedade Cada vez Mais Estúpida Controlada pela Techno Media ...
espanhol - O Pai da Moderna Propaganda da Elite Governante - Edward Bernays
espanhol - O poder das palavras
espanhol - O problema inerente à 'educação' da mídia e como ela mantém o mundo ...
espanhol - O uso subversivo do simbolismo sagrado na mídia - Alfabetização dos...
- Império e as mentiras da mídia corporativa - Estamos vivendo no paraíso dos tolos?
espanhol - Estas 3 coisas simples vão bloquear os efeitos nocivos da mídia em sua vida ...
- Tudo é uma mentira - A intenção deliberada de enganar as pessoas está em alta
espanhol - Especialistas revelam técnicas usadas pela mídia para fazer lavagem cerebral em nós e ...
- Especialistas revelam técnicas usadas pela mídia para fazer lavagem cerebral e nos controlar
- FaceBook e Internet - Arquivo Principal
- FaceBook se torna Godzilla News Outlet for Desinformação
- Censura do FaceBook, Google e YouTube em alta - O que aconteceu com a liberdade de expressão ?
- O experimento de controle mental do FaceBook não foi nada comparado às manipulações deliberadas do ...
- Pai do famoso "Aleppo Boy" acabou de expor como os EUA e os Capacetes Brancos Mentiram para o Mundo
- Cinco razões pelas quais a cobertura de mídia corporativa é pró-guerra
- Ex-primeiro-ministro italiano Berlusconi recebe pena reduzida de 1 ano por fraude
- ' FOX News' demite repórteres por expor fatos perturbadores sobre a Monsanto
- Liberte sua mente da lavagem cerebral da mídia convencional
- Guardiões do Jornalismo de Gates - O que acontece quando os bilionários 'compram' as notícias ?
- Google e Internet - Arquivo principal
- Google colocando CNN, Washington Post, NYT no comando das notícias de verificação de fatos
- O governo e a mídia estão fazendo exatamente a mesma coisa que fizeram para iniciar a Guerra do Iraque - E os americanos estão comprando
- Government Has ORDERED The Media Not to Cover 9/11 - Pentagon Papers Whistleblower D.Ellsberg
Español - Guardianes del Periodismo de Gates...
Español - "Guardianes Periodistas" de Bill Gates Finalmente lo Exponen...
Español - Guerra No Convencional entre el Este y el Oeste - El Control de los Medios de Comunicación
Español - ¿Ha Muerto la Libertad? - Control Mental, Manipulación de las Masas y Esclavitud Moderna
- Here is the Web of Technocrat Propagandists who Silence Truth
- Hillary Clinton Declares International Information War
- Hollywood, the Mainstream Media and Silicon Valley - All Strings Pulled by Same Master
- How a NeoCon-Backed "Fact Checker" plans to Wage War on Independent Media
- How Bill Gates BUYS Mainstream Outlets, Journalists and 'Fact-Checkers'
- How Government Masks the Plight of Spain's Lost Generation
- How Plutocratic Media keeps Staff Aligned with Establishment Agendas
- How the Mainstream Media Openly Promotes Chemical Violence against Children
- How the Mainstream Media Polarizes the Masses
- How the Media Manipulates the World Into War
- How the U.S. Government Strikes Fear in its Own Citizens and People Around the World
- How the Washington Post Censors The News - A Letter to The Washington Post
- Illuminati Moving Fast for Control - Moves For Final Media Takeover - Why So Fast?
Italiano - Il Moltiplicadore di Propaganda - In che Modo le Agenzie di Stampa e i Media Occidentali parlano di Geopolitica
Italiano - Il Padre della Propaganda Moderna dell'Elite che Governa - Edward Bernays
- In 1917, J.P. Morgan Bought U.S. Corporate Media to Be 1%'s Lying Sacks of Spin?
- Information Overload is a Weapon of Control
- Inside the Military Media Industrial Complex - Impacts on Movements for Peace and Social Justice
- Iran and Honduras in the Propaganda System - Media Disinformation - Washington's "Regime Change Hit...
- Is the Truth Movement False Opposition?
- Joint Statement on Wikileaks - UN and IACHR
- Journalism's Gates Keepers...
- "Journalists" - Gatekeepers for The Matrix - from 'Children of The Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race...
- Just One Example of Who 'They' Are in Media
- Killing the Culture of Death
Italiano - La Caduta dei Tradizionali Media e le più Grandi Bugie che hanno detto nel 2021
Español - La Caída de los Medios de Comunicación Dominantes - Cuando Falla la Propaganda, la Humanidad...
Español - La Conspiración de la Teoría de Conspiración
Italiano - La Crociata dei Mass Media Contro Internet
Español - La Cruzada de los Mass Media Contra Internet
Español - ¿La Élite en Pánico? - Los Medios de Comunicación Independientes tienen Más Poder que los Medios...
Español - La Manipulación de los Medios de Comunicación en Los Atentados de Paris
Español - "Lamentablemente una Parte de la Sociedad dejó de Interesarse por la Verdad" - Olga Rodríguez periodista y...
Español - La Mente Crédula Explicada
- Lap Dogs of The Press
Español - La Prensa "Libre" - de "...Y La Verdad Os Hará Libres"
Español - Las Diez Estrategias de 'Manipulación Masiva' reveladas por Noam Chomsky
Español - Las Mentiras de Reporteros Sin Fronteras
Español - Las Puertas de La Percepción - ¿Por Qué Los Norteamericanos Creen Casi Cualquier Cosa?
- Latest Word on The Trail? I Take It Back - Mainstream Media Stories Are Scripted by The White House
Español - La Verdadera Razón por la que los Propagandistas han estado Promoviendo la Histeria Anti-Rusa
- Leaked North Korean Documentary ‘Exposes Western Propaganda' - And It's Scary How True It Is
- Leery of Lies - America (and The World) Distrust in Media, Hits Record High
Español - Libera tu Mente del Lavado de Cerebro de los Medios de Comunicación
- Lies of Silence - The Controlled Global Media
Español - Lo que los Medios de Comunicación se Niegan a decir sobre las Vacunas contra el COVID
Español - Lo que Piensas está Controlado por lo que Miras - Y lo que Miras está Controlado por la Élite
Español - Los Medios Corporativos haciendo su 'Trabajo' - Completo 'Blackout' de Noticias de los 'Chalecos Amarillos'
Español - Los Medios de Comunicación Occidentales están Muriendo y Esta es la Razón
Español - Los Medios de Información Masivos son el Enemigo de la Gente como la Jaula es la Enemiga del Canario
- Mainstream Media Silent on Dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
- Major Media Crash - They Need a Scapegoat
Español - Manipulación por Caos Informativo
- Manipulations and Mind Games - The Secret Battle to Control How We Think
- Many Facts that The Mainstream Media Doesn't Really Want to Talk About Right Now
- Mass Media is the Enemy of the People like the Cage is the Enemy of the Bird
- Media Conceal Chile's State Criminality and Delegitimize Bolivian Democracy
- Media Control - Excerpts from the Book
- Media Control - Who Owns the Media?
- Media Democracy in Action - The Importance of Including Truth Emergency Inside the Progressive Media...
- Media Manipulation - Extracted from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to...
- Media Silent as a Record 1 Million Protesters March in Spain to End Government Corruption
- Media Silent as the U.S. Announces Unprecedented Move to End Drug War
- Media Play
- Media - The Spreading of False Ideologies Into Our Culture
- Media's Use of Propaganda to Persuade People's Attitude, Beliefs and Behaviors
- Methods of Media Manipulation
- Mind Control Theories and Techniques Used by Mass Media
- Mobile Phones Soon Required to Receive, Display White House Propaganda Messages
- More Police Raids as War on Journalism Escalates Worldwide
Español - Muchos Hechos Que Los Principales Medios de Comunicación No Quieren Hablar en Este Momento
Español - Neolengua
- New Poll Shows only 6% of People Trust the Mainstream Media
- New Worldwide Ministry of Truth? - International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)
- Non-Lethal Weapons - "Psychotronics" and "Silent Sound" - Main File
Español - 'Nos Convirtieron' al Transhumanismo sin haberlo Aceptado
Español - Numerosas Noticias Alarmantes que Silencian los Grandes Medios de Comunicación
- Off The Record - What Media Corporations Don't Tell You About Their Legislative Agendas
Español - Operaciones Mediáticas - Cómo se Fabrican Las "Teorías Conspirativas"
- Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Manipulation
- Panic Propaganda - It's what Government and Mainstream Media Do Best
Italiano - Più a Lungo "La Propaganda dei Mass Media" esiste la Democrazia è una Mistificazione
- Poll finds 2016 is the Year Americans Stopped Trusting the Establishment especially the Media
Español - Prensa y Periodismo en Los EE.UU. - Un Triste Legado
Español - Protestas Chilenas - Una Revuelta contra el Neoliberalismo que los Medios de Comunicación se Niegan a...
- Protocol 12 - Control of The Press - from 'Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion'
Español - Protocolo XII - El Control de La Prensa - de 'Los Protocolos de Los Sabios de Sion'
Español - Proyecto Censurado 2009
Español - Proyecto Censurado Da Luz a Las Noticias Ocultas
- Psychological Warfare and The "False Flag" Meme
Español - Putin, el Presidente Ruso, Dice algo Acerca de ISIS que los Medios de Comunicación Occidentales No...
- Putin, the Russian President, says Something about ISIS that Western Media Won't Air
Español - Reducen a 1 Año la Pena de Cárcel a Berlusconi por Fraude
Español - Reportero Renuncia a la NBC por el Apoyo de la Cadena a la Guerra sin Fin
Español - Representante Griego Revela que Fondo Monetario Internacional ha Manipulado la Prensa sobre la Crisis...
Italiano - Ridotta a 1 Anno la Pena di Carcere a Berlusconi per Frode
Español - Robots Periodistas - El Futuro de los Medios Corporativos ya ha Llegado
- Russia, Cuba and the Truth about Putin the U.S. Media Doesn't Want You to Know
- Scary - People Who Watch and Trust Fox News Will Surprise You
- Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media
- Seven Things About the Mainstream Media that They Do Not Want You to Know
- Several Hard Questions about The U.S. Economy that The Mainstream Media Should Be Asking
- Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and The 'Pathetic' American Media
- Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation is the 'Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media Alive'
- Six Major Media Conspiracies Happening Right in Front of Your Eyes
- Subverting The Media
- Tactics Used by the Mainstream Media to Manufacture Consent for the Oligarchy
Español - Tan Solo es Una Ilusión - Los Medios de Comunicación y el Manejo de la Percepción
- Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by The Mainstream Media
Español - Teoría de La Agenda-Setting - Mass-News Media
- The 10 Primary Directives of Mainstream Media
- The Awesome Destructive Power of the Corporate Power Media
- The Battle For Press Control - from "The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem"
- The BBC is Rotten to the Core - Climate Change
- The CIA and The Media
- The CIA and The Media - 50 Facts the World Needs to Know
- The CIA's Project MOCKINGBIRD - Ongoing Covert Control of the Media
- The Collapse of Major Media
- The Conditioning of Humans - Predictive Programming in Movies
- The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy
- The End of The Internet... As We Know It? - Main File
- The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in The Service of US Foreign Policy - The Role of Reporters...
- The Fall of Mainstream Media - When Propaganda Fails, Humanity Awakens
- The Fall of the Mainstream Media and the Biggest Lies they told in 2021
- The Fatal Attraction of Techno-Fascism
- The Financial Press - A Disinformation Machine
- The 'Free' Press - from '...And The Truth Shall Set You Free'
- The Globalization of Media - A Failing Strike Force
- The Gullible Mind Explained
- The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition
- The Inherent Problem with Mainstream 'Education' and How it Keeps the World Stuck
- The Internet - Dangers and Questions of the 'Zuckerberg Era'
- The Invisible Hand of the Media
- The Lies of Reporters Without Borders
- The Mass Media and The 9-11 Cover-Up
- 'The Media Coverage on Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our Time' - Interview with Flemish Priest in Syria
- The Media has 'Conveniently Forgotten' George W. Bush's Many Atrocities
- The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19 - Doctors Worldwide Protest the Disaster
- The New Gatekeepers - How proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News We See
- The Oligarch Takeover of U.S. Media
- The Press Lies About Everything
- The Press - The Enemy Within
- The Propaganda Multiplier - How Global News Agencies and Western Media Report on Geopolitics
- The Propaganda System that has Helped Create a Permanent Overclass is Over a Century in The Making
- The Rockefeller Mediacracy - from "The Rockefeller File"
- These 3 Simple Things will Block the Damaging Effects of Mainstream Media News in Your Life
- These 6 Corporations Control 90% of The Media in America
- These 15 Billionaires Own America's News Media Companies
- The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in The Media - Symbol Literacy
- The Western Media Is Dying and Here's Why
- Thirty-Two Tips for Navigating a Society that is Full of Propaganda and Manipulation
- This is Not Journalism - Univision warps Reality to Push 'U.S. War Agenda' on Venezuela
Español - Todo Es Una Mentira - El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está en Su Punto Más Alto
- To 'Protect the Press' Spain Tries to Muffle the Internet
Español - Treinta y dos Consejos para Navegar en una Sociedad llena de Propaganda y Manipulación
- Truth, Propaganda and Media Manipulation
Español - Una Noticia Irrelevante que Desvela una Poderosa Técnica de Manipulación
Español - Un Reportero de Sky News Cubriendo los Atentados de Paris, Sufre un Lapsus Muy Significativo
- U.S. Corporate Media are 'All-In' on Venezuela 'Regime Change'
- U.S. Mainstream Media Sell Lies on A Daily Basis
Español - Venezuela y Twitter - La Orgía Desinformativa
- Vitamins - Media Hoax Exposed
- "War is Peace, it Makes Us Rich and Safe"… or So Says the Mainstream Media
- Washington Post just Admitted 'Russian Propaganda' was Actually U.S. Mainstream Media and Was 'Factual'
- Watching Major Media Commit Suicide
- Wealthy Technocrats are Subverting National Media
- Weapons of Mass Distraction - The Media, Advertising and Social Programming
- We are All Being Oppressed, Poisoned and Bankrupted - Distractions by the Mainstream Media
- What the Media Refuses to Tell You About COVID Vaccines
- What You Think is Controlled by What You Watch - And What You Watch is Controlled by The Elite...
- White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering Protest - Obama, Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks
- Who Owns The Media? - from 'The Police State Road Map? by Michael Nield
- Who Owns The Media? - The 6 Monolithic Corporations that Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear...
- Who will "Tell the Truth" about the So-Called 'Free Press'?
- Why Mainstream Media represents the View of Billionaires... instead of Average Americans
- WikiLeaks Exposes how Council on Foreign Relations Controls almost all Mainstream Media
- WikiLeaks - International New Media Non-Profit Organization - Main File
- WikiLeaks List Exposes at Least 65 Corporate 'Presstitutes' who Colluded to Hide Clinton's Crimes
- You Are Surrounded by Propaganda - "The Invisible Government"

Additional Information
- 9-11 - Unanswered Questions
- ABC News Defrauding - Inside the ABC News UFO Documentary Hoax
Español - Acusan a La OMS y a Obama de Bioterrorismo Por La Gripe Porcina
Español - Advertencia a Los Barones de Los Medios de Comunicación Sobre el H1N1 y Otras Armas Biológicas
- Americans didn't Vote Against Trump - They Voted Against more 'Media Psychological Abuse'
- An Empire of Lies - The CIA and The Western Media
Español - Así Manipulan a la Población de EE.UU. para que Odie a Rusia
- "Avatar" - Delivers a Powerful Message of Connectedness With Mother Nature
- A Warning to The Media Barons About H1N1 and Other Bio-Weapons
Español - Campaña Masiva de Guerrilla Marketing Para Conseguir la Máxima Difusión del 11-Septiembre
- Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation - Main File
Italiano - Chi è "Q"? - I Media Mainstream si Scontrano con il Partito per la Versione della Storia
- Climate Change - The Global Media Presents an Apocalyptic Scenario
- CNN Runs False iReport that Incoming Asteroid May End Life on Planet
- Composing for the Media - Eisler and the Rockefeller Foundation Music Projects
- Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots...
- 'Contagion' or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses
- Converging Technologies For Improving Human Performance - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology...
Español - Copa del Mundo - ¿Diversión o Maniobra Diversiva de Masas?
- Cosby/Obama Censored by CIA - Journalists to Launch "Inside-Out" News Agency with Mainstream Access
- Death by Innovation - How Newspapers Ruined their Own Industry
Español - Desinformación e Ignorancia - Rumbo a La Distopía
Español - Diez Colosales Falsas Afirmaciones sobre la Salud de las Grandes Farmacéuticas y de los Medios de...
- Digging Deeper Into Who Controls The World
Español - El Club Bilderberg - Los Amos del Mundo - Cristina Martin, Otra Periodista Que Despierta
Español - El Diabólico Negocio de las Firmas Mundiales de Relaciones Públicas
Español - El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo
Español - El Lenguaje de La Bestia
Español - El Significado Simbólico Oculto de la Película '2012'
Español - El Trágico Destino Del Primer Biógrafo de George Bush - La Prensa Estadounidense Trabaja En Gran...
- Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions - If You Don't Think Corporate Media is Controlled Watch This...
Español - Engañando al Mundo Con Fotografías - Los Muertos en Georgia y Osetia
- English Papers United Against Murdoch
- E.U. Parliament Moves to Counter Russian Media 'Propaganda' - Claims RT News 'Distorts Truth'
- Fewer Papers, More Web
- Fukushima and The Mass Media Meltdown - The Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Corporate Press
- Globalists Pull Plug on KONY 2012 with Spectacular Crash and Burn
Español - Guerra de Cuarta Generación
Español - Guerra Fría Psicológica - Las Ciencias de La Dominación Mundial
- Happiness, Entertainment Media and the Sub-Conscious Mind
- How Access to Information can Make or Break the Elite Stranglehold
- How Real Mind Control Works
- How the Media Prevents Meaningful Discussion About the Condition of Our Environment
- How the Western Media Promotes a Mistaken View of the World
- Internet is the Primary News Source for those More Educated as well as People Under 30
- Interview with Putin... Banned - Read it Here!
- In the 'Age of Misinformation,' who holds the Power to Categorize the 'Truth'?
- Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder
Deutsch - Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des...
- Julian Assange and the Fate of Journalism
- KONY 2012 Part 2 - License for Imperial Conquest
- KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing
Español - La CIA y El Vaticano Manipulan La Wikipedia
Español - La 'Ciencia del Miedo' - Cómo la Usan los Elitistas para Controlarnos y Cómo Liberarse
Español - La Felicidad, los Medios Multimedia de Entretenimiento y la Mente Subconsciente
Español - La Globalizacion de Microsoft - Entrevista de Corporate Watch con Noam Chomsky
Español - La Guerra Global contra los Niños
- Lame "Leak" Site Nothing More Than Thin Cover For "The Tel Aviv Tango" - WikiLeaks
Español - La Red ECHELON - Main File
Español - Las 5 Industrias como Herramientas de la Propaganda
Español - 'Las Teorías de Conspiración son Patológicas' - Es el Modo de decir del Gobierno Psicopático para Suprimir...
- Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations - Opinion
Español - "Los Dioses Esperan Deleitar Dentro De Tí"
Español - Los Grandes Medios de Comunicación Empezarán a Intimidar a Bloggers por El "Uso Equitativo"
Español - Los Medios de Comunicación Son La Matrix
Español - Los Niños y el Covid-19 - Nada que Temer - Ignoren el Pánico generado por los Gran Medios de Comunicación
- Mainstream Media to Bully Bloggers Out of 'Fair Use'
Español - Manifiesto de Internet - Como Funciona el Periodismo Hoy - Diecisiete Declaraciones
- Manipulated Consensus - from 'Tales From Time Loop' by David Icke
- March Against Mainstream Media
- Media Pushes 'Success' of Experimental GSK Malaria Vaccine While Ignoring Deadly Side Effects
- Misinformation and Its Correction - Continued Influence and Successful Debiasing
- Murdoch and Vaccines - Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story
- Murdoch Tabloids Strike Dr. Wakefield to Market Deadly Vaccinations
- 'News' Spreads Faster and more Widely when It's False...
- New York Times Says "Lack of Major Wars may be Hurting Economic Growth"
- The Lack of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth
- New Report Explains Obama's Crusade to Censor the Press
- Noam Chomsky - Top 10 Media Manipulation Strategies
Español - Noam Chomsky y Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática
Español - "No quiero que Clarín o Globo sean Dueños de la Prensa en Uruguay" - dice José Mujica
- Obama and The Media are Stirring the Pot in Ferguson - But Real Leaders are Trying to Bring us Together
- Olbermann on O'Reilly's "Fox Security" Threat - "Bill Thinks he has his Own Police" - Video
- Parts of the Independent Media Losing their Compass
Italiano - Perché Non Scoppia Una Rivoluzione
- Pharmaganda - A Study of Conflicting Interest
- Politically-Correct Censorship Rampant In US Schools
- Politics and The English Language - by George Orwell
- Popular Culture Promotes The Police State
Español - Porqué No Estalla Una Revolución
Español - ¿Quién es "Q"? - Los Medios de Información chocan con el Partido para que tome el Control de la Narrativa
- Revealed About U.S. Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media
- Sixteen Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider
- Slavery Ahead - The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data
- Social Radar for Smart Power
- Subversive, Seditious Journalist Piers Morgan Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted for Crimes Against America
Español - Técnicas de Control Para Implantar El Consumismo Masivo
- Ten Colossal False Health Claims made by Big Pharma and Mainstream Media
- Thanks to 'War on Whistleblowers' U.S. Ranks 41st on Press Freedom Index
- The Art of Mental Warfare Opening Statement - Let The Media War Begin
- The Basis of Mass Mind Control
- The Development of "Privacy Killing Technologies" - A Link to The Murdoch Scandal?
- The ECHELON Network - Main File
- The Future of Free Information
- The Global War on Children
- The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of The Movie "2012″
- The Law Says Deport Piers Morgan
- The Man Behind The World's Most Dangerous Website - Secrets and Lies
- The Massively Manipulative Marketing Meme
- The Mass Media as Human Pesticide
- The Media is The Matrix
- The Multiple Source Effect and Synthesized Speech
- The Reporter Whose Scoops Give the Bush Administration Sleepless Nights
- The Rules of Disinformation - Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth
- The 'Science of Fear' - How the Elitists use it to Control Us and How to Break Free
- The Secret State's Surveillance Machine - Undermining the American People's Right to Privacy
- The U.S. Air Force Wants to Monitor, Track and Analyze Everything Done on The Internet Around The Globe
- 'The Washington Post' told America of Globalist Plan to be Implemented by 2025
- The WikiLeaks Founder Talks to John Pilger - Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and The Threat...
- Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007
- Truths, Half-Truths, Lies and Cowards
- U.S. Designates Wikileaks "Enemy of The State"
Español - Verdades, Medias-Verdades, Mentiras y Cobardes
- What The Media Aren't Telling You About American Protests
- What Will Happen When the Arrests Begin? - A Futuristic Picture of Mass Arrests, Critical Mass and...
- Who is 'Q'? - Mainstream Media Crashes the Party to Take Control of the Narrative
- WikiLeaks Has 'Insurance Files' on Rupert Murdoch's News Corp - Julian Assange
- 'Word Camouflage' to Evade Content Moderation

A New Kind of Media?

- Alternative Media is Defeating The New World Order
- A Perspective about Donald Trump and the FBI Director and North Korea that you'll Never See from Main...
- CNN Loses Half Its Viewers - Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes
- "Democracy Now" and The "Progressive" Alternative Media - Valued Cheerleaders for Imperialism and War
- 'First Look Media' - A Fresh Face of The New Media Information
- "Freedom of The Press" and "The Shield Law" - "Protecting the Public" from Independent Alternatives to...
Español - La Dicotomía de los Principales Medios de Comunicación versus los Medios de Comunicación Alternativos
Español - La Visión desde las Trincheras de los Medios Alternativos
Español - Los Medios de Comunicación versus la Era de la Información
- Mainstream Media vs. the Age of Information
- The Dichotomy of Mainstream Media vs. the Alternative Media
- The View from the Trenches of the Alternative Media

Información de Medios Alternativos - Alternative News - External Links:

Español - Noticias Mas Cerca de La Verdad...

CNN and "Journalism"

- CNN Accused of Forcing Journalist to Censor Bahrain Brutality
- CNN and Psy-Ops
- CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria with Actors
- CNN Director admitting that his Network is "Propaganda"
- CNN Loses Half Its Viewers - Corporate Media Downhill Plunge Continues As Alternative Media Explodes
- CNN Pushes Effort to "Ban the Term 'Fake News'" - Blowback
- CNN Ratings Hit All Time Record Low
- CNN Says Calling them 'Fake News' is the Same as Using the 'N-Word'
- CNN to Permanently Close its Doors as Ratings Plunge 30 Percent
- "Fake News" Hysteria - The Laughable Assumption that Corporate-run Media has a Divine Monopoly on...
- Here is the Assad Interview "CNN" will Never Show You - "EU is Supporting Terrorists in Syria from the Very...
- Leaked Sec. Kerry Audio that CNN and NY Times Tried to Hide - Confirms U.S. Role in Rise of ISIS
- Mainstream Media Takes Money from Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda - CNN Exposed!
- Maps show how CNN lost America to Fox News - Is this Proof of a Dramatic Shift?
- Media Head Games Exposed! - CNN Caught Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Influence Syrian...
- New Pristine Reef Discovery - A Marvel for Most, a Chance to Promote Unwarranted Climate Alarmism for CNN
Español - "No Somos Investigadores" - El jefe de CNN Defiende la Forma en que la Cadena cubrió el 'Russiagate' y acaba...
- The Lie Factory - CNN - is Collapsing, thank God...
- Trump Administration Freezes-Out CNN from Interviews and Staff Appearances
- Who Owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC?

- Bill Gates on GM Foods, Vaccines and Monsanto NWO Puppet - CNN
- CNN Accidentally Explain How They're Fake News
- CNN Airs Fake Sandy Hook Helicopter Footage - Anderson Cooper CNN False Flag
- How Media Lies - CNN, CBS, FOX NEWS channel Distorted Contents

Fake News - Noticias Falsas

- Controlled Opposition - Is 'Patriot Truth Leader' Mr. Alex Jones a Fake?
- CNN Pushes Effort to "Ban the Term 'Fake News'" - Blowback
- CNN Says Calling them 'Fake News' is the Same as Using the 'N-Word'
- Despite 'Media Fearmongering' Great Barrier Reef is Growing Quickly - Study
Español - ¿Estás Preparado para la "Infodemia"?
- "Fake News" Hysteria - The Laughable Assumption that Corporate-run Media has a Divine Monopoly on...
- Fake News - The Unraveling of U.S. Empire from Within
Español - Farsas Sistémicas - ¿La "Voz" de Quién? - O Por Qué Me Di de Baja en Avaaz
- Five Times Corporate Media Got Caught Publishing Fake News Causing the Death and Suffering of Millions
- Good News about the Great Barrier Reef is 'No News' for the Mainstream Media
Español - ¿Hacia dónde va la Línea de Tiempo de la Tierra?
- Julian Assange just Destroyed the FBI, CIA and Fake News in an Epic Tweetstorm
Español - La Verdad sobre las "Fake News"
- Less than you Think - Prevalence and Predictors of Fake News dissemination on Facebook
- Operation Mockingbird on Steroids - CGI allows Mainstream Media to Make 'Fake News' in Real Time
Español - ¿Quién Está Detrás de las "Noticias Falsas" - 'Fake News'?
- The 'Fake News' and 'Russian Propaganda' Psyops - Censorship and Information Control in the NWO
- Where is Earth's Timeline Going?
- Who is Behind "Fake News"? - Fake Videos and Images
- Who Spreads Fake News? - Overwhelmingly, Old White Men
- World Class Journalist Spills the Beans and Admits Mainstream Media is Completely Fake

- Fake News - Noticias Falsas en la Red
- Fake News - Notizie False nella Rete
- The 'Fake News' Hoax - The System is Desperate - David Icke

Español - Cómo Hollywood y el Complejo Militar Industrial Colaboran
- Do the Jews Own Hollywood and the Media?
- Hollywood, the Mainstream Media and Silicon Valley - All Strings Pulled by Same Master
- How Hollywood and the Military Industrial Complex Collaborate
- Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and The CIA
- False Flagging the World towards War - The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood
Español - La CIA Utiliza a Hollywood para un Ataque de Falsa Bandera

- Disney Corporation - Making Evil Look Good?
- Disney, Militarization and The National Security State After 9/11 - Book Excerpt
Español - Disney - Uno de Los Mayores Engaños de Todos los Tiempos
- How Disney Magic and The Corporate Media Shape Youth Identity in The Digital Age
- How The CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida
Español - La Agenda de Disney
Español - La Corporación Disney - Haciendo que El Mal se Mire Como Bien
- One of The Greatest Deceptions of All Time - Disney - The Disney Bloodline
- Teaching Children About GMO Agriculture is "A Fun Activity" for The Whole Family - At Disney World's...
- The Disney Agenda
- "The Mouse That Roared" - How Disney Instills Greed and Consumerism - Starting at Three Months Old

- 9-11 Hidden in Hollywood
- Empire - Hollywood and The War Machine
- Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary! - Alien Encounters: From New Tomorrowland

- Are Your Thoughts Your Own? - Mass Mind Control Through Network Television
- Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon's Hidden Hand - Retired Officers Have Been Used to Shape Terrorism...
Español - De Cómo las Noticias por Televisión Crean la Ilusión de Saber
- Digital TV - Silent Sound
Español - El Síndrome de la Televisión Tóxica No Es un Mito - Sobre la Llegada de La Televisión a Bután
- How Television News Creates The Illusion of Knowledge
- How The Newtown Massacre in U.S. Became a Mind-Control Television Event
Español - La Caja Idiota - Cómo te Hipnotiza la Televisión
Español - La Televisión y los Oscuros Poderes Fácticos
Español - Microchip Cerebral - "Miro La Televisión y Luego Existo" - El Alienado Programado
Español - Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere como Ingenuo... - Obedece a la 'Autoridad
Español - Propaganda Televisiva y la Cultura del Control Mental
- Television and the Hive Mind
- The Idiot Box - How TV is Turning Us All into Zombies
- The TV Business May Be Starting To Collapse - Don't Mean To Be Alarmist, But...
- TV and the 'Dark Powers That Be
- TV Propaganda and The Mind Control Culture
- Unplug the Signal - The Truth Will Not Be Televised
- Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and The Triumph of Televised Propaganda - The Invasion of Libya
Español - Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera y El Triunfo de La Propaganda Televisiva - La Invasión de Libia
- Who Owns The TV Networks

- Empire of Illusion - The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle - by Chris Hedges
- Propaganda - by Edward L. Bernays

- 9-11 Conspiracy by Media - South Tower Anomalies III - Addressing the Debunkers
- Advertising and The Lies of The Dairy Industry
- Alex Jones Reviews "Avatar"
Español - Analizando a Los Medios - FOX NEWS
- A Political Road Movie - 'South of The Border'
- Architects of Control - Michael Tsarion
Español - Armas de Desinformación Masiva
- Be Warned of Digital Deception...
- Bush NSA Targeted Journalists
- Censored Images of War
Español - Como la Opinión Publica es Distorsionada por Los Medios
Español - Cómo los Medios y Hollywood Manipulan y Controlan a las Masas - Documental "Out of Shadows"...
- Consuming Kids
- Control Room
- David Icke Interviewed by BBC5 - 2009
Español - Desinformación sobre el Dióxido de Cloro - Dra. Rita Denegri
Español - El Fin de La Democracia
Español - El Futuro de La Humanidad - Arquitectos del Control
Español - El Mundo Según Google
Español - El Poder de Las Palabras - Presentaciones
- Employees Expose FOX NEWS' Distortions
Español - Engañando la Guerra de Rupert Murdoch en Contra del Periodismo
Español - Entrevista a Cristina Martin - Club Bilderberg
Español - Fabricando el Consenso - Noam Chomsky y Los Medios de Comunicacion
- FOX News Whistle Blowers - UNBELIEVABLE!!!
- "Fox Security" Threat
- Freedom of Speech - Stories From The Edge of Free Speech
- Full Spectrum Treason - Future Combat System [FCS]
Español - Guerra Psicológica
- How Media Lies - CNN, CBS, FOX NEWS channel Distorted Contents
- If You Don't Think Corporate Media is Controlled, Watch This...
Italiano - Inadeguata Informazione sul Diossido di Cloro - Dott.ssa Rita Denegri
Español - Jaque Mate - El Periódico Que Sólo Saldrá Una Vez
- KONY 2012 - A Ponerological Example in Africa
Español - Las Diez Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática - "Nos Conocen mejor que Nosotros"...
- London Calling - BBC Bias during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum
- Mainstream Media - The Movie
- Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and The Media
- Mind Programming, Brainwashing and Mass Hypnosis - David Icke
- Monsanto and Cancer Milk - FOX NEWS KILLS STORY & FIRES Reporters
- Murdoch Admits He Tried to Shape Public Opinion on Iraq
Español - Nada Es Como Nos Lo Cuentan
- Network - English Version / Version en Español
- Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West
- Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Español - OUTFOXED - La Guerra de Rupert Murdoch Contra El Periodismo
- OUTFOXED - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
- Out of Shadows - The Documentary
- Predictive Programming - Theory and Practice with Alan Watt
Español - Programación Predictiva - Alan Watt - English-Español
- PsyWar
- Rickard Falkvinge and The Internet - Swedish "Pirate Party" Founder - Interview by Federico Mello
- Rule from The Shadows - The Psychology of Power
Español - Sala de Control
Español - Si se Dijera La Verdad en Los Medios ...
- South Tower Anomalies III - Addressing the Debunkers - 9-11 - Of News and Planes
- Spin - How The Media Lies to Manipulate Us - Documentary
- Television Mass Conditioning - from 'The Biggest Secret Part 6'
- The 9-11 Solution - The Myth Begins
- The Big Brother Matrix of Reality
- The Cynical Use of Emotion to Sell an Horrific Agenda - David Icke
- The Mass Psychology of Totalitarianism - Psychology and the Covid Attack on Humanity
- The Myth of the Liberal Media - The Propaganda Model of News
- The Psychosis of Mind Control of the Many by the Very Few
- The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in The Media - Symbol Literacy
- The Television Agenda - from Warning To The World
- The Truth Seeker - D.M. Bennett
- The Zionist Agenda, Dr. David Kelly, The Propaganda of The BBC
Español - Una Mosca en Una Botella de Coca-Cola
Español - Un Film de Realidades Politicas - 'Al Sur de La Frontera'
- What The NWO Doesn't Want You to Know About - Kevin Trudeau on Alex Jones TV

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- Noam Chomsky - Contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial - Main File
- Skype
- The Human Brain - Main File
- The New World Order - Main File
Return to The Illuminati
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Return to True Nature of Reality
Return to Globalization - The Octopus of The New
World Order

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