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Relendo a matéria, entendo o porque do Radioamadorismo e do escotismo andarem tão juntos!

Ambos são exemplos de disciplina, cortesia e ética.

Ética Operacional
Os princípios éticos são a base de um radioamadorismo sadio, fraterno e construtivo e visam
proporcionar a harmonia e o entusiasmo humano
Lembre-se que o radioamadorismo é um contínuo processo de aprendizagem. Nós aprendemos
através de instruções. E os comentários abaixo forneceram princípios básicos para uso consciente da
nossa QRG.

1. O Coordenador da Rede ou Rodada é o responsável pelo fato de ser a mesma conduzida de

maneira ordenada e cortês e que não perturbe outros comunicados;
2. Nenhuma rede ou operador individual tem o direito exclusivo a uma frequência específica, a
menos que esteja conduzindo tráfego de emergência. O uso pertence a aquele que a está
ocupando no momento;
3. Não interrompa no meio de uma conversação, se você pretende fazer uma chamada a outra
estação, ou pretende juntar-se ao grupo ou rodada. Espere, ao menos, até que o câmbio da
estação que está com a palavra termine e só então anuncie o seu indicativo de chamada,
depois que a estação que estiver falando desligar o PTT ou o Vox. O uso do BREAK, só é
permitido em casos de comprovada emergência;
4. Identificar uma estação com “BOM DIAS ‘ BOA NOITE”, “ESTOU CHEGANDO AI?”,
não são forma aceitáveis de identificação, pois provocam retorno inútil de câmbio, que
deveria ser evitado, como “BOM DIA DE QUEM?” “QUEM CHAMA”, e por ai afora;
5. Se você acreditar que uma nova estação que chegou à frequência, não sabe quem você é, por
bom procedimento operacional e cortesia, dê-lhe seu indicativo de chamada e nome.
6. Mesmo que a estação que se identificou seja do seu melhor amigo, se não é a tua vez de
falar, não entre na QRG, não o cumprimente, não lhe dirija a palavra. Espere a sua vez de
falar, dentro da sequência natural;
7. É sinal de prática operacional deficiente deixa a frequência a “quem de direito”, pois
normalmente, gera certa confusão logo após
8. é extremamente desagradável estabelecer uma conversação bilateral com os demais a parte,
em uma rodada;
9. Nunca faça comentário es observações durante a conversação de outros. É Deselegante;
10. Use frases elegantes em sua conversação. Evite palavreado chulo, palavras e/ou jargões de
sentido duvidoso e improprio das bandas de rádio amador, de forma que não venha ferir a
suscetibilidade dos que estão escutando
Q-codes as adapted for use in amateur radio [edit]

Code Question Answer or statement

What is the name (or call sign) of your
QRA The name (or call sign) of my station is ____
Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that Your exact frequency (or that of ____ ) is
of ____)? ____ kHz (or MHz).
QRH Does my frequency vary? Your frequency varies.
The tone of your transmission is (1. Good; 2.
QRI How is the tone of my transmission?
Variable; 3. Bad)
How many voice contacts do you want to
QRJ I want to make ____ voice contacts.
What is the readability of my signals (or The readability of your signals (or those of
those of ____)? ____) is ____ (1 to 5).
I am busy (in contact with ____ ). Please do
QRL Are you busy?
not interfere.
QRM Do you have (human-made) interference? I have (human-made) interference.
QRN Are you troubled by (natural) static? I am troubled by (natural) static.
QRO Shall I increase power? Increase power.
QRP Shall I decrease power? Decrease power.
QRQ Shall I send faster? Send faster (____ wpm).
QRS Shall I send more slowly? Send more slowly (____ wpm).
Shall I cease or suspend operation? / shutoff I am suspending operation / shutting off the
the radio? radio.
QRU Have you anything for me? I have ____ messages for you.
QRV Are you ready? I am ready.
Shall I inform ____ that you are calling (him) Please inform ____ that I am calling (him) on
on ____ kHz (or MHz)? ____ kHz (or MHz).
Shall I standby? / When will you call me Please standby / I will call you again at ____
again? (hours) on ____ kHz (or MHz)
You are being called by ____ on ____ kHz (or
QRZ Who is calling me?
What is the strength of my signals (or those The strength of your signals (or those of
of ____ )? ____) is ____ (1 to 5).
QSB Are my signals fading? Your signals are fading.
QSD Is my keying defective? Your keying is defective.
Shall I send ____ telegrams (messages) at a
QSG Send ____ telegrams (messages) at a time.
QSK Can you hear me between your signals? I can hear you between my signals.
QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? I will acknowledge receipt.
Shall I repeat the last telegram (message) Repeat the last telegram (message) which you
QSM which I sent you, or some previous telegram sent me (or telegram(s) / message(s)
(message)? numbers(s) ____ ).
Did you hear me (or ____ (call sign)) on I did hear you (or ____ (call sign)) on ____
____ kHz (or MHz)? kHz (or MHz).
Can you communicate with ____ direct or by I can communicate with ____ direct (or by
relay? relay through ____ ).
QSP Will you relay a message to ____ ? I will relay a message to ____ .
QSR Do you want me to repeat my call? Please repeat your call; I did not hear you.
I will use the working frequency ____ kHz
QSS What working frequency will you use?
(or MHz).
Should I repeat the prior message to all Here follows a broadcast message to all
amateurs I contact? amateurs.
Shall I send or reply on this frequency (or on Send or reply on this frequency (or on ____
____ kHz (or MHz))? kHz (or MHz)).
Will you send on this frequency (or on ____ I am going to send on this frequency (or on
kHz (or MHz))? ____ kHz (or MHz)).
Will you listen to ____ (call sign(s) on ____ I am listening to ____ (call sign(s) on ____
kHz (or MHz))? kHz (or MHz))
Shall I change to transmission on another Change to transmission on another frequency
frequency? (or on ____ kHz (or MHz)).
Shall I send each word or group more than Send each word or group twice (or ____
once? times).
Shall I cancel telegram (message) number Cancel telegram (message) number ____ as if
____ as if it had not been sent? it had not been sent.
How many telegrams (messages) have you to I have ____ telegrams (messages) for you (or
send? for ____ ).
What is your position in latitude and
QTH longitude? (or according to any other My position is ____ latitude ____ longitude.
QTR What is the correct time? The correct time is ____ hours UTC.
QTU At what times are you operating? I am operating from ____ to ____ hours.
QTX Will you keep your station open for further I will keep my station open for further
communication with me until further notice communication with you until further notice
(or until ____ hours)? (or until ____ hours).
QUA Have you news of ____ (call sign)? Here is news of ____ (call sign).
QUC What is the number (or other indication) of The number (or other indication) of the last
the last message you received from me (or message I received from you (or from ____
from ____ (call sign))? (call sign)) is ____.
QUD I have received the urgency signal sent by
Have you received the urgency signal sent by
____ (call sign of mobile station) at ____
____ (call sign of mobile station)?
QUE Can you speak in ____ (language) – with
I can speak in ____ (language) on ____ kHz
interpreter if necessary – if so, on what
(or MHz).
QUF I have received the distress signal sent by
Have you received the distress signal sent by
____ (call sign of mobile station) at ____
____ (call sign of mobile station)?

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