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1. HALL DE ENTRADA Passando o grande porto de entrada, chega-se ao hall, o primeiro cmodo de toda a fortaleza subterrnea.

Bandeirolas carcomidas ainda existem nas paredes leste e oeste, assim como restos de esttuas e ornamentos. frente, existe um vo de quase 5m, que impede a chegada direta ao Salo Principal da estrutura; para que isso seja possvel, uma alavanca aps a vala deve ser usada, para que uma ponte mecnica seja ativada. Ponte mecnica: que para que seja possvel a ativao deste mecanismo, um teste de Atletismo CD 15 necessrio (23, no caso de no estar correndo). Como est muito tempo emperrada, um teste de Fora CD 11 necessrio. Essa rea aberta, por isso, de dentro da construo, Arqueiros Esqueletos dispararo com seus arcos contra os invasores at que sejam mortos, que fujam ou que adentrem pela construo. Como eles recebem proteo de seteira, jogadas de ataque contra eles recebem -5 nas jogadas de ataque. 3x Arqueiros Esqueletos (750 XP)

2. SALO PRINCIPAL Um largo salo, onde em seu segundo andar existe um corredor onde fica uma galeria de quadros e esttuas (2d). No primeiro andar, existem 3 passagens: logo frente um grande porto gradeado, ao lado deste uma pequena porta e na parede leste, uma porta dupla. Existem 5 Arqueiros Esqueletos no segundo andar; trs que estavam disparando j na sala 1, outros trs que j estavam ali. Na rea 2, trs soldados esqueletos avanaro contra os invasores. 3 soldados esqueletos (900 XP) 5 arqueiros esqueletos (1250 XP)

Skeleton Warrior Medium natural animate (undead)

Level 7 Soldier XP 300

Skeletal Archer Medium natural animate (undead)

Level 6 Artillery XP 250

HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +9 AC 18; Fortitude 18; Perception +6 Reflex 19; Will 18 Darkvision Speed 6 Immune disease, poison; Resist 5 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant Traits Prime Shot A skeletal archer gains a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against the closest enemy. Standard Actions m Short Sword (weapon) At-Will Attack: +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. r Longbow (weapon) At-Will Attack: Ranged 20/40; +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 9 damage. R Double Shot (weapon) Encounter Attack: Ranged 20/40; +11 vs. AC; one or two enemies in the range Hit: 2d10 + 10 damage each. Str 13 (+4) Dex 22 (+9) Wis 16 (+6) Con 16 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 10 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Equipment leather armor, longbow, short sword, arrows (30)

HP 52; Bloodied 40 Initiative +9 AC 26; Fortitude 19; Perception +6 Reflex 20; Will 19 Darkvision Speed 5 Immune disease, poison; Resist 5 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant Traits Speed of the Dead When making an opportunity attack, the skeleton warrior gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll and deals an extra 1d6 damage. Standard Actions m Longsword (weapon) At-Will Attack: +14 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the skeleton warrior's next turn. Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 16 (+6) Con 16 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 5 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages Equipment chainmail, longsword, light shield

1a. Existe um corredor Escondido na parede leste. Ele passa debaixo da corredeira, levando at a sala 2. Para encontr-lo, os personagens devem estar especificamente investigando aquele lugar; o lugar todo coberto de teias de aranha e musgo, que simplesmente camuflou perfeitamente essa entrada. A CD para encontrar essa passagem 23.

2a. No h uma passagem visvel para o segundo andar, exceto esta camuflada entrada. Um teste de Perception CD 15 para perceber a entrada. Passando por aqui, o personagem chegar s galerias. 2b. Essa uma pequena sala onde esto jogadas diversas ferramentas como ps, picaretas, etc. 2c. Esta rea fica fora da construo, depois de uma enorme porta gradeada de ferro. Existe aqui um lugar onde se tem um soquete, que ativa a ponte que levar ao outro lado. Um personagem treinado em Thievery percebe que a ponte ser ativada quando a chave for encaixada ali, e um personagem treinado em Arcana perceber que essa chave algo mgico, no como uma chave comum. 2d. O corredor que circunda a rea superior da rea 2 cheio de esttuas e quadros. No X perto da entrada, procurar na esttua revela uma adaga encrustada de jias e ouro que vale 1000 PO.

4. ARMOARIA Neste grande salo, existem empilhados restos de armas, armaduras, escudos e equipamentos de combate muito enferrujados e imprestveis. Cho: o cho est coberto de armas velhas, pilhas de espadas, machados, martelos e lanas inteis. Isso faz com que boa parte do terreno seja considerada terreno difcil. Combate: quando chegam a esta sala, os personagens sero atacados por espectros. Poltergeist: x5 (1250 XP)

Poltergeist Medium shadow humanoid (undead)

HP 24; Bloodied 12 AC 18; Fortitude 17; Reflex 18; Will 18 Speed 0, fly 6 (hover) Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial Standard Actions m Spirit Touch (necrotic) At-Will Attack: +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 necrotic damage.

Level 6 Artillery XP 250

Initiative +8 Perception +6 Darkvision

R Hurl Away (necrotic) At-Will Attack: Ranged 10; +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares. R Kinetic Claw (necrotic) Recharge 5 6 Attack: Ranged 10; +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target slides 5 squares and is restrained (save ends). Triggered Actions Flinging Rebuke (necrotic) Encounter Trigger: When an enemy moves adjacent to the poltergeist. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The poltergeist shifts up to 1 square and uses hurl away on the triggering enemy. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone. Skills Stealth +15 Str 15 (+5) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 16 (+6) Con 17 (+6) Int 13 (+4) Cha 20 (+8) Alignment unaligned Languages Common

A e B. CORREDORES DE ACESSO H soldados esqueletos esperando os personagens aqui. frente deles, existem buracos camuflados. Atrs destes buracos, existem esqueletos com pesados escudos e depois arqueiros esqueletos. 2x kings shield (1000 xp) 2x archer

Kings Shield Medium natural humanoid

HP 48; Bloodied 24 AC 23; Fortitude 22; Reflex 18; Will 21 Speed 5 Standard Actions

Level 6 Soldier XP 250

Initiative +5 Perception +11

m Longlance (weapon) At-Will Attack: +13 vs. AC (reach 2) Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the Shields next turn. M For Breland! (weapon) Encounter Attack: +13 vs. AC (reach 2) Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage, and the Shield gains 5 temporary hit points. Triggered Actions M Shield the King At-Will Trigger: When a adjacent enemy moves or shift. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Targets the triggering enemy; +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage, the Shield pushes the target 1 square, and the target ends its move action. Other Powers Lock Shields Action: Requires a shield. Effect: A Kings Shield gains a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex defense while adjacent to another Kings Shield. Skills Insight +11, Intimidate +9 Str 19 (+7) Dex 10 (+3) Wis 16 (+6)

Porta Sul: quando os personagens descem do corredor do Nvel 1 para o Nvel 2, a entrada da Armoraria est protegida por uma armadilha.

Con 16 (+6) Int 16 (+6) Cha 13 (+4) Alignment lawful good Languages Common Equipment surcoat, plate armor, heavy shield, longsword

o o POO Percepo: CD 28 Trigger: quando a criatura entra no quadrado; +10 vs Reflex Efeito: a criatura cai no poo Dano: 3d10 + 5 de dano contnuo de poison Miss: o alvo pra no ultimo quadrado antes da armadilha, e termina sua ao de movimento. 5. QUARTOS Quartos antigos, abandonados, com tralhas e restos de cmodas e camas. Nada de especial. 6. ESCRITRIO Aqui ficava o responsvel pelo forte. Nesta parte da sala est tudo destrudo, nada pode ser aproveitado. 7. ESCRITRIO (cont.) Aqui ficava o responsvel pelo forte. A sala est toda revirada, mas possvel encontrar algumas coisas interessantes: Carta amada: Uma carta pode ser encontrada neste lugar. Embora bem afetada pelo tempo, ainda possvel l-la (vide anexo). Livros: todos praticamente destrudos. No h praticamente nada a ser aproveitado aqui. Cofre: existe um cofre nesta sala. Este cobre exige um teste de thievery CD 30 para ser superado. Dentro dele existe:

Criao da Chave da Ponte: existe a frmula de criao para a chave da ponte no Nvel 1 (+2 nos testes da Skill Challenge para criar o item); Brute Potion: duas (Lv 11). Um elmo. 8. 8.

QUARTO (oficial) Quarto onde o responsvel repousava. Tesouro: 100 PO + duas poes de cura Passagem secreta: CD 24 para encontrar: leva at o corredor no Nivel 3. 9, 10 e 11. DORMITRIOS Nada em especial. 12. SALA DE BANHO Lugar onde tomavam banho. Tesouro: Luvas

Reflex 19; Will 20 Speed 0, fly 0 (hover) Immune disease, poison; Resist -5 insubstantial Traits


O Weeping Aura (psychic) Aura 2 Living creatures within the aura take a -1 penalty to all defenses. Standard Actions m Sorrowful Touch (necrotic, psychic) At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target is grief stricken (save ends). While grief stricken, the target gains vulnerable psychic 5 and is dazed. R Woeful Blast (psychic) At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 6 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Other Powers C Woeful Shriek (psychic) Encounter Attack: Close Burst 5 (enemies in burst); +10 vs. Will Hit: 3d6+8 psychic damage, and the target is grief stricken (save ends). While grief stricken, the target gains vulnerable psychic 5 and is dazed. Skills Stealth +9 Str 11 (+3) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 11 (+3) Con 10 (+3) Int 11 (+3) Cha 17 (+6) Alignment unaligned Languages Common

Tesouros no sacrrio: 4 herbal 2 obras de arte de 250 PO + 100 PO Rituais:

13 e 14. REFEITRIO E COZINHA Nada de especial. 15. QUARTO DO CLRIGO Quarto onde o responsvel repousava. 16. QUARTO DO CLRIGO Quarto onde o responsvel repousava. 15, 16 e 17. CAPELA Quarto onde o responsvel repousava. 1x Dynera 4x Soldados Esqueletos


Dynera Madar, Weeping Wraith Medium shadow humanoid

HP 42; Bloodied 21 AC 18; Fortitude 18;

Level 7 Controller (Leader) XP 300

Initiative +4 Perception +3

Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant Equipment 5 flaming pitch bombs, leather armor

Skeleton Soldier Medium natural animate (undead)

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion AC 21; Fortitude 18; Reflex 19; Will 18 Speed 6 Immune disease, poison Standard Actions m Longsword (weapon) At-Will Attack: +11 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage.

Level 6 Minion XP 63
Initiative +6 Perception +5 Darkvision

r Shortbow (weapon) At-Will Attack: Range 15/30; +11 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage. Str 15 (+5) Dex 17 (+6) Wis 14 (+5) Con 13 (+4) Int 3 (1) Cha 3 (1) Alignment unaligned Languages Equipment heavy shield, longsword, shortbow, arrow x10


Laboratorio alqumico Objetivo: criar a energia para mover a ponte Sucesso: 6 sucessos antes de 3 falhas Sucesso: a energia criada Falha: a energia no criada, e uma exploso acontece em uma rea de 3 quadrados. -1 nos prximos testes para tentar criar a energia (cumulativo com outras falhas). A cada falha 4 Skeleton soldier e 2 skeleton bomber entraro na sala.

Jaryn, Human Paladin Medium natural humanoid (human)

HP 164; Bloodied 82 AC 22; Fortitude 24; Reflex 22; Will 24 Speed 6 Saving Throws +3; Action Points 1 Standard Actions

Level 8 Elite Soldier XP 700

Initiative +8 Perception +4

Orc Pyromaniac Medium natural humanoid (orc)

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion AC 18; Fortitude 19; Reflex 18; Will 16 Speed 6 (8 while charging) Standard Actions

Level 6 Minion Artillery XP 63

Initiative +5 Perception +2 Low-Light Vision

m Greatsword (weapon) At-Will Attack: +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + 9 damage (plus and additional 2d12 damage on a critical hit). M Holy Strike (divine, radiant, weapon) At-Will Requirements: Requires greatsword. Attack: +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + 9 radiant damage. If Jaryn marked the target, he deals an additional 3 damage. M Thunder Smite (divine, thunder, weapon) Recharge when first bloodied Requirements: Requires greatsword. Attack: +13 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 9 thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone. Can score a critical hit against a marked enemy on a roll of 19-20. M Valiant Strike (divine, weapon) At-Will Requirements: Requires greatsword. Attack: +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + 9 radiant damage; Jaryn gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to +1 per enemy adjacent to him. Second Wind (healing) Encounter Effect: Jaryn spends a healing surge and regains 41 hit points. He gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of his next turn. Minor Actions

m War Pick (weapon) At-Will Attack: +11 vs. AC Hit: 7 damage. R Flaming Pitch (fire, weapon) At-Will Requirements: Requires flaming pitch bomb. Attack: Ranged 5; +11 vs. Reflex Hit: 7 fire damage. Triggered Actions Explosive Charge Trigger: When reduced to 0 hit points Effect: The skeleton explodes, dealing 5 fire damage in all around him. Str 17 (+6) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 8 (+2) Con 14 (+5) Int 7 (+1) Cha 10 (+3)

All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been C Divine Challenge (divine, radiant) At-Will generated using the D&D Adventure Tools. Attack: Close burst 5 (targets one creature); +15 vs. AC Effect: The target is marked until Jaryn uses this power against another target. If the target makes an attack that doesnt include Jaryn as a target, the target Dread Guardian Level 7 Soldier takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and 6 radiant damage. Medium natural animate XP 300 Divine Strength (divine) Encounter (undead) Effect: Jaryn applies his Strength bonus (+5) as extra HP 79; Bloodied 40 Initiative +6 damage on his next attack this turn. AC 23; Fortitude 19; Reflex Perception +5 Triggered Actions 17; Will 18 Low-Light Vision Bane's Rebuke Speed 5 Effect (Immediate Reaction): When Jaryn is hit by a Traits melee attack, he makes a basic attack. O Shield of Undeath Aura 1 Str 20 (+9) Dex 11 (+4) Wis 16 (+7) While the dread guardians master is within the guardians Con 10 (+4) Int 13 (+5) Cha 12 (+5) aura, the master takes half damage from all attacks. Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal Eyes of Undeath Equipment +2 vicious greatsword The dread guardians master can see or hear anything the Monster found in Dungeon Magazine 155 and guardian can see or hear. The master can also speak through Compendium the guardian. 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. Standard Actions All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been m Longsword (weapon) At-Will generated using the D&D Adventure Tools. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage. Dread Archer Level 6 Artillery Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guardians next turn.

Medium natural animate (undead)

r Longbow (weapon) At-Will HP 57; Bloodied 29 Initiative +6 Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +12 vs. AC AC 18; Fortitude 18; Reflex Perception +5 Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage. 18; Will 17 Low-Light Vision Effect: The target is marked until the end of the guardians Speed 6 next turn. Traits Triggered Actions Eyes of Undeath M Iron Rebuke (weapon) At-Will The dread archers master can see or hear anything the Trigger: An enemy marked by the guardian attacks the archer can see or hear. The master can also speak through guardians master. the archer. Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +14 Channel of Undeath vs. AC While the dread archers master has line of sight to the Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage. archer, the master can make implement attacks as if it Str 16 (+6) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 14 (+5) occupied the archers square. Con 15 (+5) Int 4 (+0) Cha 9 (+2) Standard Actions Alignment unaligned Languages understands Common m Short Sword (weapon) At-Will Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, longbow, Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC arrow x20 Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage. Monster found in Monster Manual 3 and Compendium 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. r Longbow (weapon) At-Will All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +13 vs. AC generated using the D&D Adventure Tools. Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage. A Arcing Volley (weapon) Encounter Attack: Area 1 within 10 (enemies in burst); +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage. Triggered Actions R Sustained Attack (weapon) At-Will Trigger: An enemy is hit by the archers master. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Ranged 10 (triggering enemy); +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage. Str 16 (+6) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5) Con 15 (+5) Int 4 (+0) Cha 9 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages understands Common Equipment short sword, longbow, arrow x40 Monster found in Monster Manual 3 and Compendium 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

XP 250

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