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Departamento de Ciencias Agrárias - IFMG –



Profa Dra Ana Cardoso Clemente F. F. de Paula

Fisiologia vegetal/ Morfologia vegetal


Conceito - Hormônios / reguladores de crescimento
Efeitos fisiológicos - aplicações comerciais

Structure of some synthetic auxins. Most of these synthetic auxins are used as herbicides in
horticulture and agriculture. The most widely used are probably dicamba and 2,4-D, which are not
subject to breakdown by the plant and are very stable.
Efeitos fisiológicos

Dominância apical
Alongamento celular
Conclusão:“Quando plantas expostas a uma luz lateral, alguma influência é
transmitida do ápice para as regiões inferiores da coleoptile, causando a curvatura”
Conclusão:“A influência deveria certamente ser de origem química,
embora seu modo de atuação ainda permanecesse obscuro ”
Conclusão:“A reação da coleoptileao estímulo luminoso unilateral era causada
pela redistribuição de uma substância química no ápice, já que as maiores
quantidades iriam para o lado sombreado, promovendo um maior crescimento
desse lado ”
•auxina vegetal: Ácido 3-indolacético(AIA) (naturalmente ocorrente)
•Síntese: nos primórdios foliares (meristemas apicais caulinares), folhas
jovens e sementes em desenvolvimento, a partir de triptofano.
•Translocação: via células do parênquima do floema e câmbio
vasc.→transporte polar (unidirecional), basípeto nos caules e folhas e
acrópeto nas raízes
•Principal efeito: Promove o crescimento pelo alongamento celular
•Auxinas sintéticas: ANA (desenvol. raiz caule cortados) e 2,4-D (herbicida)
A substância foi chamada Auxina auxein gr.= aumentar).
Valerie Sponsel, Biology Department, University of Texas, San Antonio,
The effects of auxin and auxin transport inhibitors (ATIs) on GA
metabolism is discussed in Chapter 20. This work was done primarily in
pea, and follow-up studies in tobacco and barley extend the observations to
another dicot species and a monocot. Hence, the effect of auxin on
enhancing the level of bioactive GA may be widespread. Here we describe
the first indications that auxin may be required for GA signaling in roots.
Studies of ga1-3 (GA-deficient) Arabidopsis seedlings that had either been
decapitated or treated with an auxin transport inhibitor are described by Fu
and Harberd (2003). Both treatments reduced the response of roots to
applied GA3, and delayed or prevented the degradation of the RGA-
repressor, as measured by RGA-GFP abundance. Additionally, silencing the
expression of PIN1, which is required to ensure polar transport of
endogenous IAA from the stem apex to the roots, or the presence of an axr1-
12 mutation, which confers resistance to IAA, also prevented GA-induced
RGA degradation (Fu and Harberd 2003). Thus auxin appears to be
necessary for the GA-induced degradation of a DELLA repressor, and hence,
auxin can be regarded as a positive regulator of GA signaling in this system.
Fu, X., and Harberd, N. P. (2003) Auxin promotes Arabidopsis root growth by
modulating gibberellin response. Nature 421: 740–743.

Kurosava (1926)
Doença do arroz a “doença das plantinhas a loucas” Diminuição rendimento
Causa Fungo (GibberellaGibberellafujikuroifujikuroi) ) produzia Giberelina Yabuta

78 giberelinas descobertas e todas tem a mesma estrutura descobertas básica


The structure of ent-gibberellane.

The structures of GA12 and GA9.

The structures of GA4, GA1,
GA7, and GA3
The structures of chlormequat chloride (also known as cycocel), mepiquat chloride
and AMO-1618

The structures of paclobutrazol and uniconazole-P.

The structures of prohexadione calcium (BX-112) and daminozide
Regulação da rota de biossíntese

Mutante deficiente em GA
Germinação de sementes

Composite model for the induction of α-amylase synthesis in barley aleurone layers by
GA. A calcium-independent pathway induces α-amylase gene transcription; a calcium-
dependent pathway is involved in α-amylase secretion. Structure of a germinating
barley grain and the biochemical processes that occur during the "modification" part of
the malting process
Components of the GA signal transduction chain in aleurone cells have been
identified in the plasma membrane, cytosol and nucleus (Figure 1). Several lines of
evidence indicate that bioactive GA, perceived at the plasma membrane and bound
to a hypothetical receptor protein, interacts with a membrane-localized
heterotrimeric G protein (Jones et al. 1998). Treatment of oat aleurone protoplasts
with a peptide called Mas7, which stimulates GTP/GDP exchange by G-proteins,
was found to induce α-amylase gene expression and to stimulate α-amylase
secretion, suggesting that such a GTP/GDP exchange on the cell membrane is
necessary for the induction of α-amylase biosynthesis by GA. In addition, GA-
induced α-amylase gene expression and enzyme secretion were inhibited by a
guanine nucleotide analog that binds to the α subunit of heterotrimeric G-proteins
and inhibits GTP/GDP exchange, further supporting the preceding conclusion.
Gibberellic acid (GA3) is the GA most often used commercially, since it can be readily
obtained in large quantities from fermentations of the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. The
global (excluding China) use of GA3 per annum is approximately 50 tons. Other GAs,
for example GA4 and/or GA7, are used for specific crops or specific purposes for which
they are more effective than GA3, though GA4/7 are produced in lower yields by
commercial fermentations and are therefore more expensive than GA3.
The major commercial uses of GAs are to promote the growth of a variety of fruit crops,
to increase sugar yield in sugarcane, and to stimulate the barley-malting process in the
beer-brewing industry. Details of additional uses of GAs in horticulture, albeit on a
smaller scale than those mentioned below, can be found in Gianfagna (1995).
Tuberization is another process regulated by photoperiod (Figure 2). Tubers form on wild
potatoes only in short days (although the requirement for short days has been bred-out of many
cultivated varieties), and this tuberization can be blocked by applications of GA. The transcription
of GA 20-oxidase was found to fluctuate during the light–dark cycle, leading to lower levels of GA1
in short days. Potato plants overexpressing the GA20ox gene showed delayed tuberization,
whereas transformation with the antisense gene for GA20ox promoted tuberization. This result
demonstrates the importance of the transcription of this gene in regulating the level of GA1, which
must be below a particular threshold level for tuberization to occur (Carrera et al. 2000)
Figure 2 Tuberization of potatoes is promoted by short days. Potato (Solanum tuberosum spp.
Andigena) plants were grown under either long days or short days. The formation of tubers in
short days is associated with a decline in GA1 levels. (Courtesy of S. Jackson.)

Multiple developmental pathways for flowering in

photoperiodism, the autonomous (leaf number) and
vernalization (low temperature) pathways, the energy
(sucrose) pathway, and the gibberellin pathway. The
photoperiodic pathway is located in the leaves and
involves the production of a transmissible floral stimulus,
FT protein. In LDPs such as Arabidopsis, FT protein is
produced in the phloem in response to CO protein
accumulation under long days. It is then translocated via
sieve tubes to the apical meristem. In SDPs such as rice,
the transmissible floral stimulus Hd3a protein
accumulates when the repressor protein, Hd1, is not
produced under short days, and the Hd3a protein is
translocated via the phloem to the apical meristem. In
Arabidopsis, FT binds to FD, and the FT/FD protein
complex activates the AP1 and SOC1 genes, which
trigger LFY gene expression. LFY and AP1 then trigger
the expression of the floral homeotic genes. The
autonomous (leaf number) and vernalization (low
temperature) pathways act in the apical meristem to
negatively regulate FLC, a negative regulator of SOC1.
The sucrose and gibberellin pathways, also localized to
the meristem, promote SOC1 expression. (After Blázquez
Produção - principalmente nos ápices das raízes. Ainda
pode ser encontrada (não necessariamente sintetizada) em
o regiões de divisão ativa em sementes, frutos, folhas.

promovem divisão e diferenciação celular

Cinetinas e auxinas interagem no controle da e
Dominância apical (antagônica)
Atraso na senescência das células vegetais

A Structures of some naturally

occurring cytokinins. Most plants have
trans-zeatin as the principal free
cytokinin, but dihydrozeatin and
isopentenyl adenine (i6Ade) are also
native plant cytokinins. Free
cytokinins also include the ribosides
and ribotides of zeatin, dihydrozeatin,
and isopentenyladenosine, although
these may be active as cytokinins by
conversion to the respective bases.
Free cytokinins from bacteria include
2-methylthio-cis-ribosylzeatin, as well
as cis- or trans-zeatin, and their
ribosides and ribotides.

(1940-1950) - Induzir a divisão de celular

Skoog(1954) - Substância ativa na água de coco, capaz de

água promover o crescimento


(1963) Primeira citocinina natural (isolada de milho)


São estruturalmente similares a adenina

Produção ápices de raízes

Effect of brassinolide (BR) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), alone and in combination, on
apical hook angle, measured as hook opening, of bean segments in continuous light or
darkness for 36 hours. Least significant difference between means (LSD, P = 0.01).
(Redrawn from Yopp et al. 1981, with permission for reproduction from Blackwell,
Responses in apical hook tissue of Arabidopsis. A) Fluorescence of the auxin reporter gene
DR5::GFP in control (low nutrient medium, LNM) and after treatment with the ethylene precursor,
ACC. B) Differential staining after ACC treatment of the construct carrying the BR biosynthesis
reporter, CPD::GUS, and its quantification. C) Effects of ACC and BR, alone and in combination, on
hook tissue of wild type (Col-0), the mutant pin3-3, and the construct 35S::PIN1 in the dark, and
quantification of the hook angle. (Reproduced from De Grauwe et al. 2005, with permission from
Professor Van Der Straeten and Oxford University Press.)

Somente em (1834) - Produzido pela planta

Seus efeitos nos vegetais foram percebidos no século 19

Hormônio gasoso
Produto natural do metabolismo


Frutos maduros
Tecidos senescentes (velhos)
Em muitos tecidos em resposta ao estresse
A simplified scheme for the interactions between ethylene, auxin, and BR in the
hook of etiolated seedlings in the dark. Biosynthetic pathways for the regulators
are indicated by dashed lines.
Time course of ethylene emission from growing crown galls on stems of castor bean
(Ricinus communis) plants, reaching a peak on the fifth week after infection.
Comparison of A. tumefaciens-induced crown galls on wild-type tomato (A and C) and the Never
ripe (ethylene insensitive) mutant (B and D) stems. (A and B) Front view of 3-week-old tumor
developed on: (A) a wild-type plant showing the typical unorganized callus shape of a young
crown gall and the epinastic response of the leaves (a typical ethylene effect) above and below
the tumor, and (B) the Nr mutant characterized by the smooth surface and leaves in a normal
orientation. Note that the lower half of the gall is protected by epidermis. (C and D) Side view of
a 2-month-old crown gall on: (C) a wild-type stem with numerous adventitious roots (white
spots), known to be promoted by ethylene, appearing both above and below the tumor, and (D)
the Nr mutant showing a degenerated fibrous hard gall and stem almost free of adventitious
• Putrescina, espermidina e espermina
• Efeitos antagônicos ao etileno
• origina a partir do SAM
• Estão envolvidas na prevenção da degradação da
membrana (controle de injúrias pelo frio)

• Inibidor da síntese de etileno (ACC 􀁺 etileno)
• Biossíntese a partir do ácido cinâmico
(Metabolismo secundário)
• Ácido acetilsalicílico (preservação de flores)

• ácido jasmônico e metil jasmonato
• A aplicação estimula a produção de etileno
• Acelera degradação da clorofila e síntese de carotenóides
• Mecanismo de defesa contra estresses
Interações entre os hormônios vegetais durante várias etapas do crescimento
Deficiência de Ca e Mg

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